List of usage examples for java.util SortedSet add
boolean add(E e);
From source
@Test public void testGetTermsForExperiment() { Transaction tx = null;/*ww w . j a v a 2 s.c o m*/ try { tx = this.hibernateHelper.beginTransaction(); final Organism org = new Organism(); org.setScientificName("Foo"); org.setTermSource(DUMMY_TERM_SOURCE); Project p = new Project(); Experiment e = p.getExperiment(); e.setProject(p); e.setTitle("test title"); final SortedSet<AssayType> assayTypes = new TreeSet<AssayType>(); assayTypes.add(DUMMY_ASSAYTYPE_1); e.setAssayTypes(assayTypes); e.setManufacturer(new Organization()); e.setOrganism(org);;;; assertEquals(0, daoObject.getCellTypesForExperiment(e).size()); assertEquals(0, daoObject.getDiseaseStatesForExperiment(e).size()); assertEquals(0, daoObject.getTissueSitesForExperiment(e).size()); assertEquals(0, daoObject.getMaterialTypesForExperiment(e).size()); tx.commit(); } catch (final DAOException e) { this.hibernateHelper.rollbackTransaction(tx); throw e; } }
From source
/** * Returns a verbose String that documents this Arguments instance. It summarizes your options * into required, non-required, and positional fields. For long args it also tells you which * fields should have a value if it is present. *//*from ww w .j av a2s .c o m*/ public String getDocumentation() { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder("\n"); int maxFlagSize = 0; SortedSet<String> reqList = new TreeSet<String>(); SortedSet<String> nonReqList = new TreeSet<String>(); if (programName.length() > 0) { buf.append(programName + ": "); } if (shortProgramDoc.length() > 0) { buf.append(shortProgramDoc + "\n"); } else { buf.append("Complete documentation...\n"); } // add flags to required/non-required sets for (String docMe : docs.keySet()) { maxFlagSize = Math.max(maxFlagSize, docMe.length()); if (requireFlag.contains(docMe)) { reqList.add(docMe); } else { nonReqList.add(docMe); } } // add positional fields to required/non-required sets for (int i = 0; i < positionalDocs.size(); i++) { List<String> posDoc = positionalDocs.get(i); String pseudoFlag = getPseudoFlag(i, posDoc.get(0)); maxFlagSize = Math.max(maxFlagSize, pseudoFlag.length()); } if (reqList.size() > 0) { buf.append("codeTitle>Required flags:\n\n"); buf.append(getDocumentation(reqList, maxFlagSize)); } if (nonReqList.size() > 0) { buf.append("\n Non-required flags:\n\n"); buf.append(getDocumentation(nonReqList, maxFlagSize)); } if (positionalDocs.size() > 0) { buf.append("\n Positional fields:\n\n"); for (int i = 0; i < positionalDocs.size(); i++) { List<String> posDoc = positionalDocs.get(i); String pseudoFlag = getPseudoFlag(i, posDoc.get(0)); buf.append(formatDocumentation(pseudoFlag, space, maxFlagSize, posDoc.get(1), 70)); } } return buf.toString(); }
From source
private void addCandidacy(final Map<Degree, SortedSet<SecondCycleIndividualCandidacyProcess>> result, final SecondCycleIndividualCandidacyProcess process) { SortedSet<SecondCycleIndividualCandidacyProcess> values = result.get(process.getCandidacySelectedDegree()); if (values == null) { result.put(process.getCandidacySelectedDegree(), values = new TreeSet<SecondCycleIndividualCandidacyProcess>( SecondCycleIndividualCandidacyProcess.COMPARATOR_BY_CANDIDACY_PERSON)); }/*from www . j a v a2 s . com*/ values.add(process); }
From source
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private ConfigurationMetadata toConfigMetadata(List<Parameter<?>> parameters) { SortedSet<PropertyMetadata<?>> properties = new TreeSet<>(new Comparator<PropertyMetadata<?>>() { @Override//from w ww .ja v a 2 s. com public int compare(PropertyMetadata<?> o1, PropertyMetadata<?> o2) { String sort1 = StringUtils.defaultString(o1.getLabel(), o1.getName()); String sort2 = StringUtils.defaultString(o2.getLabel(), o2.getName()); return sort1.compareTo(sort2); } }); for (Parameter<?> parameter : parameters) { PropertyMetadata<?> property; if (parameter.getType().equals(Map.class)) { property = toPropertyStringArray((Parameter<Map>) parameter); } else { property = toProperty(parameter); } String label = (String) parameter.getProperties().get(EditorProperties.LABEL); String description = (String) parameter.getProperties().get(EditorProperties.DESCRIPTION); String group = (String) parameter.getProperties().get(EditorProperties.GROUP); if (group != null) { label = group + ": " + StringUtils.defaultString(label, parameter.getName()); } properties.add(property.label(label).description(description)); } return new ConfigurationMetadata(DEFAULT_CONFIG_NAME, properties, false) .label(" Configuration Parameters"); }
From source
private Person getProvider(PV1 pv1) throws HL7Exception { XCN hl7Provider = pv1.getAttendingDoctor(0); Integer providerId = Context.getHL7Service().resolvePersonId(hl7Provider); if (providerId == null) { .ja v a2s .c o m "ID extracted from the HL7 message does not match with SHR records, a basic patient will be created..."); Person providerCandidate = new Person(); providerCandidate.setGender("N/A"); PersonName name = new PersonName(); if (hl7Provider.getGivenName().getValue() != null) { name.setGivenName(hl7Provider.getGivenName().getValue()); } else { name.setGivenName("BLANK"); } if (hl7Provider.getFamilyName().getSurname().getValue() != null) { name.setFamilyName(hl7Provider.getFamilyName().getSurname().getValue()); } else { name.setFamilyName("BLANK"); } SortedSet<PersonName> names = new TreeSet<PersonName>(); names.add(name); providerCandidate.setNames(names); PersonAttributeType ECIDAttributeType = Context.getPersonService().getPersonAttributeType("ECID"); if (ECIDAttributeType == null) {"Creating a PersonAttributeType for ECID since it does not exsist"); ECIDAttributeType = new PersonAttributeType(); ECIDAttributeType.setName("ECID"); ECIDAttributeType.setDescription("Stores the ECID of the Person object"); Context.getPersonService().savePersonAttributeType(ECIDAttributeType); } PersonAttribute ecidAtrribute = new PersonAttribute(); ecidAtrribute.setAttributeType(ECIDAttributeType); ecidAtrribute.setValue(hl7Provider.getIDNumber().getValue()); PersonAttributeType roleAttributeType = Context.getPersonService().getPersonAttributeType("Role"); //We need to mark this patient as a potential provider. //The ideal way to do this would be to create a user object and set its Role to Provider. //However, this would result in the creation and storage of an additional object in the database. //Furthermore, we would be forced to define an username and password for each of the new users. //Therefore, I am merely creating a person attribute of type Role, and setting it to "Provider" (for now). if (roleAttributeType == null) {"Creating a PersonAttributeType for Role since it does not exsist"); roleAttributeType = new PersonAttributeType(); roleAttributeType.setName("Role"); roleAttributeType.setDescription("Stores the Role of the Person object"); Context.getPersonService().savePersonAttributeType(roleAttributeType); } PersonAttribute roledAtrribute = new PersonAttribute(); roledAtrribute.setAttributeType(roleAttributeType); roledAtrribute.setValue("Provider"); SortedSet<PersonAttribute> attributes = new TreeSet<PersonAttribute>(); attributes.add(ecidAtrribute); attributes.add(roledAtrribute); providerCandidate.setAttributes(attributes); Person candidate = Context.getPersonService().savePerson(providerCandidate);"Created person id :" + candidate.getId() + " as a basic person for the missing provider"); providerId = candidate.getId(); } Person provider = new Person(providerId); return provider; }
From source
String toJsonZips(ParentChild data, String zip, PersistenceManager pm) throws JSONException { String zip2 = zip.substring(3); SortedSet<String> keys = new TreeSet<String>(); boolean start = true; StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder("{\"zip1\":\""); ret.append(data.getParents().getFirst()); ret.append("\",\"zip2\":\""); ret.append(zip2);//from ww w . j a v a 2 s . c om ret.append("\",\"zips\":["); for (String json : data.getChildren()) { JSONObject jo = new JSONObject(json); if (!jo.optString("zip2", "").equals(zip2)) { continue; } keys.add(jo.optString("key", "")); } for (String key : keys) { try { ParentChild zips = pm.getObjectById(ParentChild.class, key); City city = City.fromJson(zips.getParents().getLast()); for (String json : zips.getChildren()) { JSONObject jo = new JSONObject(json); if (!jo.optString("code", "").equals(zip)) { continue; } if (start) { start = false; } else { ret.append(","); } jo.put("x0402", city.getCode()); jo.put("city", city.getName()); jo.remove("add1Yomi"); jo.remove("add2Yomi"); jo.remove("corpYomi"); ret.append(jo.toString()); } } catch (JDOObjectNotFoundException e) { } } return ret.append("]}").toString(); }
From source
private AliasMaps buildAliasMaps() throws TzException { try {/*from w ww.j av a2 s.c om*/ open(); final AliasMaps maps = new AliasMaps(); maps.byTzid = new HashMap<>(); maps.byAlias = new HashMap<>(); maps.aliases = new Properties(); final StringBuilder aliasStr = new StringBuilder(); try (DBIterator it = db.iterator()) { for (it.seekToFirst(); it.hasNext(); { final String key = Iq80DBFactory.asString(it.peekNext().getKey()); if (!key.startsWith(aliasPrefix)) { continue; } final TzAlias alias = getJson(it.peekNext().getValue(), TzAlias.class); final String aliasId = alias.getAliasId(); final StringBuilder ids = new StringBuilder(); String delim = ""; for (final String s : alias.getTargetIds()) { ids.append(delim); final String id = escape(s); ids.append(id); delim = ","; SortedSet<String> as = maps.byTzid.get(id); if (as == null) { as = new TreeSet<>(); maps.byTzid.put(id, as); } as.add(aliasId); } aliasStr.append(escape(aliasId)); aliasStr.append('='); aliasStr.append(ids.toString()); aliasStr.append('\n'); maps.aliases.setProperty(aliasId, ids.toString()); maps.byAlias.put(aliasId, alias); } } maps.aliasesStr = aliasStr.toString(); return maps; } catch (final Throwable t) { throw new TzException(t); } finally { close(); } }
From source
public SortedSet<YearMonthDay> getAllLessonInstanceDates() { SortedSet<YearMonthDay> dates = new TreeSet<YearMonthDay>(); for (LessonInstance instance : getLessonInstancesSet()) { dates.add(instance.getDay()); }// w w w . j a v a2 s.c om return dates; }
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public SortedSet<Text> getSplits() { String[] val = conf.getStringArray(Keys.SPLITS); if ((val == null) || (val.length == 0)) { return null; }/*from w ww . ja v a 2s . co m*/ SortedSet<Text> splits = new TreeSet<Text>(); for (String s : val) { splits.add(new Text(s)); } return splits; }
From source
private SortedSet<CaArrayFile> getImportedFileSet() throws IOException { final SortedSet<CaArrayFile> fileSet = new TreeSet<CaArrayFile>(); final CaArrayFile file1 = new CaArrayFile(); file1.setName("file1"); file1.setType(AFFYMETRIX_CDF.getName()); file1.setFileStatus(FileStatus.IMPORTED); fileSet.add(file1); final CaArrayFile file2 = new CaArrayFile(); file2.setName("file2"); file2.setType(AGILENT_CSV.getName()); file2.setFileStatus(FileStatus.VALIDATED); fileSet.add(file2);/* w ww . j a v a 2 s. c om*/ final CaArrayFile file3 = new CaArrayFile(); file3.setName("file3"); file3.setType(null); file3.setFileStatus(FileStatus.VALIDATED); fileSet.add(file3); return fileSet; }