Java tutorial
// $HeadURL$ // $Id$ // // Copyright 2006, 2010, 2011, 2012 by the President and Fellows of Harvard College. // // Screensaver is an open-source project developed by the ICCB-L and NSRB labs // at Harvard Medical School. This software is distributed under the terms of // the GNU General Public License. package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.SortedSet; import javax.persistence.CascadeType; import javax.persistence.Column; import javax.persistence.Entity; import javax.persistence.GeneratedValue; import javax.persistence.GenerationType; import javax.persistence.Id; import javax.persistence.JoinColumn; import javax.persistence.JoinTable; import javax.persistence.ManyToMany; import javax.persistence.OneToMany; import javax.persistence.OneToOne; import javax.persistence.Transient; import javax.persistence.Version; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.math.IntRange; import org.hibernate.annotations.Sort; import org.hibernate.annotations.SortType; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Maintains the raw data (from screening instrument output) and the screener-provided, curated results that are * produced from performing a {@link Screen}. An important curated * result of the screen is the set of "screening positive" reagents that have been identified as having the desired * biological activity in the screening assay. * If a screen is performed in replicate (i.e., multiple, redundant assay plates are created for each library * {@link Plate} being screened), then each replicate produces at least one data column of data. * Each replicate assay plate may have one or more readouts * performed on it, possibly over time intervals and/or with different assay * readout technologies. Every distinct raw data readout is a {@link ResultValue} that is stored in a {@link DataColumn} * . * For example, if 2 replicates are used, with 3 time intervals, and 2 readout types, then the screen result will have * 2*3*2=12 data columns. * <p/> * In addition to the {@link DataColumn}s containing the raw data, a <code>ScreenResult</code> may also contain * additional, screener-provided "derived" {@link DataColumn}s for storing calculated values for normalized, scored, and * "positive" indicator data. Textual data columns may also be added for storing screener-provided comments. * <p/> * A <code>ScreenResult</code> becomes the parent of a table of {@link ResultValue}s, with {@link DataColumn}s defining * the horizontal axis of the table and {@link AssayWell}s defining the vertical axis of the table. * * @author <a mailto="">Andrew Tolopko</a> * @author <a mailto="">John Sullivan</a> */ @Entity @org.hibernate.annotations.Proxy = Screen.class) public class ScreenResult extends AuditedAbstractEntity<Integer> { private static final String SCREEN_RESULT_DATA_LOADING_ACTIVITY_COMMENT_PREFIX = "Loaded screen result data. "; private static final long serialVersionUID = 0; public static final RelationshipPath<ScreenResult> screen = RelationshipPath.from(ScreenResult.class) .to("screen"); public static final RelationshipPath<ScreenResult> dataColumns = RelationshipPath.from(ScreenResult.class) .to("dataColumns"); public static final RelationshipPath<ScreenResult> assayWells = RelationshipPath.from(ScreenResult.class) .to("assayWells"); private static final Function<IntRange, String> formatPlateNumberRange = new Function<IntRange, String>() { public String apply(IntRange range) { return PlateRange.toString(range.getMinimumInteger(), range.getMaximumInteger()); } }; // private instance data private Integer _version; private Screen _screen; private SortedSet<AssayWell> _assayWells = Sets.newTreeSet(); private Integer _replicateCount; private Integer _channelCount; private SortedSet<DataColumn> _dataColumns = Sets.newTreeSet(); private Integer _experimentalWellCount = 0; // can't be null // public constructor /** * Construct an initialized <code>ScreenResult</code>. Intended only for use by {@link Screen}. */ public ScreenResult(Screen screen, Integer replicateCount) { super(null); /* TODO */ setScreen(screen); setReplicateCount(replicateCount); } // public instance methods @Override public Object acceptVisitor(AbstractEntityVisitor visitor) { return visitor.visit(this); } /** * Get the id for the screen result. * @return the id for the screen result */ @Id @org.hibernate.annotations.GenericGenerator(name = "screen_result_id_seq", strategy = "sequence", parameters = { @org.hibernate.annotations.Parameter(name = "sequence", value = "screen_result_id_seq") }) @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.SEQUENCE, generator = "screen_result_id_seq") public Integer getScreenResultId() { return getEntityId(); } @ManyToMany(cascade = { CascadeType.ALL }) @JoinTable(name = "screenResultUpdateActivity", joinColumns = @JoinColumn(name = "screenResultId", nullable = false, updatable = false), inverseJoinColumns = @JoinColumn(name = "updateActivityId", nullable = false, updatable = false)) @Sort(type = SortType.NATURAL) @ToMany(singularPropertyName = "updateActivity", hasNonconventionalMutation = true /* model testing framework doesn't understand this is a containment relationship, and so requires addUpdateActivity() method*/) @Override public SortedSet<AdministrativeActivity> getUpdateActivities() { return _updateActivities; } /** * Get the screen. * @return the screen */ @OneToOne @JoinColumn(name = "screenId", nullable = false, updatable = false, unique = true) @org.hibernate.annotations.ForeignKey(name = "fk_screen_result_to_screen") public Screen getScreen() { return _screen; } public AdministrativeActivity createScreenResultDataLoading(AdministratorUser performedBy, Map<Integer, Integer> plateNumbersLoadedWithMaxReplicates, String comments) { Set<AssayPlate> assayPlatesDataLoaded = findOrCreateAssayPlatesDataLoaded( plateNumbersLoadedWithMaxReplicates); SortedSet<Integer> plateNumbers = Sets .newTreeSet(Iterables.transform(assayPlatesDataLoaded, AssayPlate.ToPlateNumber)); String mandatoryComments = "Loaded data for " + plateNumbers.size() + " plates " + Joiner.on(",").join(Iterables.transform(CollectionUtils.splitIntoSequentialRanges(plateNumbers), formatPlateNumberRange)); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(comments)) { comments = ""; } comments = Joiner.on(". ").join(mandatoryComments, comments); AdministrativeActivity screenResultDataLoading = getScreen() .createUpdateActivity(AdministrativeActivityType.SCREEN_RESULT_DATA_LOADING, performedBy, comments); for (AssayPlate assayPlate : assayPlatesDataLoaded) { assayPlate.setScreenResultDataLoading(screenResultDataLoading); } return screenResultDataLoading; } private Set<AssayPlate> findOrCreateAssayPlatesDataLoaded( Map<Integer, Integer> plateNumbersLoadedWithMaxReplicates) { SortedSet<AssayPlate> assayPlatesDataLoaded = Sets.newTreeSet(); for (Map.Entry<Integer, Integer> entry : plateNumbersLoadedWithMaxReplicates.entrySet()) { assayPlatesDataLoaded.addAll(findOrCreateAssayPlatesDataLoaded(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue())); } return assayPlatesDataLoaded; } private SortedSet<AssayPlate> findOrCreateAssayPlatesDataLoaded(int plateNumber, int replicatesDataLoaded) { SortedSet<AssayPlate> mostRecentAssayPlatesForPlateNumber = Sets.newTreeSet(); SortedSet<AssayPlate> allAssayPlatesForPlateNumber = getScreen().findAssayPlates(plateNumber); if (!allAssayPlatesForPlateNumber.isEmpty()) { final LibraryScreening lastLibraryScreening = ImmutableSortedSet .copyOf(Iterables.transform(allAssayPlatesForPlateNumber, AssayPlate.ToLibraryScreening)) .last(); assert lastLibraryScreening != null; mostRecentAssayPlatesForPlateNumber .addAll(Sets.filter(allAssayPlatesForPlateNumber, new Predicate<AssayPlate>() { public boolean apply(AssayPlate ap) { return lastLibraryScreening.equals(ap.getLibraryScreening()); } })); } SortedSet<AssayPlate> assayPlatesDataLoaded = Sets.newTreeSet(); // if there are fewer assay plates screened replicates than we have data // for, then a library screening must not have been recorded for the assay // plates that were used to generate this data, so we'll create them now if (mostRecentAssayPlatesForPlateNumber.size() < replicatesDataLoaded) { //log.warn("creating missing assay plate(s) for plate number " + plateNumber); for (int r = 0; r < replicatesDataLoaded; r++) { assayPlatesDataLoaded.add(getScreen().createAssayPlate(plateNumber, r)); } } else { for (AssayPlate assayPlate : mostRecentAssayPlatesForPlateNumber) { if (assayPlate.getReplicateOrdinal() < replicatesDataLoaded) { assayPlatesDataLoaded.add(assayPlate); } } } return assayPlatesDataLoaded; } /** * The last {@link AdministrativeActivityType#SCREEN_RESULT_DATA_LOADING} * screen result data loading activity that full or incremental data was * loaded for this ScreenResult. */ @Transient public AdministrativeActivity getLastDataLoadingActivity() { SortedSet<AdministrativeActivity> screenResultDataLoadings = Sets .newTreeSet(Iterables.filter(getScreen().getUpdateActivities(), AdministrativeActivityType.SCREEN_RESULT_DATA_LOADING.isValuePredicate())); if (screenResultDataLoadings.isEmpty()) { return null; } return screenResultDataLoadings.last(); } /** * Get the assay readout types. * @return the assay readout types */ @Transient public Set<AssayReadoutType> getAssayReadoutTypes() { Set<AssayReadoutType> assayReadoutTypes = new HashSet<AssayReadoutType>(); for (DataColumn col : getDataColumns()) { if (col.getAssayReadoutType() != null) { assayReadoutTypes.add(col.getAssayReadoutType()); } } return assayReadoutTypes; } /** * Get the ordered set of all {@link DataColumn}s for this screen result. * @return the ordered set of all {@link DataColumn}s for this screen * result. */ @OneToMany(mappedBy = "screenResult", cascade = { CascadeType.ALL }, orphanRemoval = true) @org.hibernate.annotations.Sort(type = org.hibernate.annotations.SortType.NATURAL) public SortedSet<DataColumn> getDataColumns() { return _dataColumns; } /** * Create and return a new data column for the screen result. * @param name the name of this data column * @return the new data column */ public DataColumn createDataColumn(String name) { verifyNameIsUnique(name); DataColumn dataColumn = new DataColumn(this, name); _dataColumns.add(dataColumn); return dataColumn; } public boolean deleteDataColumn(DataColumn dataColumn) { if (!dataColumn.getDerivedTypes().isEmpty()) { throw new DataModelViolationException( "cannot delete " + dataColumn + " since it is derived from " + dataColumn.getDerivedTypes()); } Set<DataColumn> dissociateFrom = new HashSet<DataColumn>(); for (DataColumn derivedFrom : dataColumn.getTypesDerivedFrom()) { dissociateFrom.add(derivedFrom); } for (DataColumn derivedFrom : dissociateFrom) { derivedFrom.removeDerivedType(dataColumn); } return getDataColumns().remove(dataColumn); } /** * Get the number of replicates (assay plates) associated with this screen result. If the * replicate count was not explicitly specified at instantiation time, calculate the replicate * count by finding the maximum replicate ordinal value from the screen result's * data columns; if none of the data columns have their replicate * ordinal values defined, replicate count is 1. * * @return the number of replicates (assay plates) associated with this * <code>ScreenResult</code> */ @Column(nullable = false) public Integer getReplicateCount() { if (_replicateCount == null) { if (getDataColumns().size() == 0) { _replicateCount = 0; } else { DataColumn maxOrdinalCol = Collections.max(getDataColumns(), new Comparator<DataColumn>() { public int compare(DataColumn col1, DataColumn col2) { if (col1.getReplicateOrdinal() == null && col2.getReplicateOrdinal() == null) { return 0; } if (col1.getReplicateOrdinal() == null && col2.getReplicateOrdinal() != null) { return -1; } if (col1.getReplicateOrdinal() != null && col2.getReplicateOrdinal() == null) { return 1; } return col1.getReplicateOrdinal().compareTo(col2.getReplicateOrdinal()); } }); _replicateCount = maxOrdinalCol.getReplicateOrdinal(); if (_replicateCount == null) { // every DataColumn had null replicateOrdinal value _replicateCount = 1; } } } return _replicateCount; } /** * Set the number of replicates (assay plates) associated with this screen result. * @param replicateCount the new number of replicates (assay plates) associated with this * screen result */ public void setReplicateCount(Integer replicateCount) { _replicateCount = replicateCount; } /** * Get the number of channels (assay plates) associated with this screen result. If the * channel count was not explicitly specified at instantiation time, calculate the channel * count by finding the maximum channel ordinal value from the screen result's * DataColumns; if none of the DataColumns have their channel * ordinal values defined, channel count is 1. * * @return the number of channels (assay plates) associated with this <code>ScreenResult</code> */ @Column(nullable = false) public Integer getChannelCount() { if (_channelCount == null) { if (getDataColumns().size() == 0) { _channelCount = 0; } else { DataColumn maxOrdinalRvt = Collections.max(getDataColumns(), new Comparator<DataColumn>() { public int compare(DataColumn rvt1, DataColumn rvt2) { if (rvt1.getChannel() == null && rvt2.getChannel() == null) { return 0; } if (rvt1.getChannel() == null && rvt2.getChannel() != null) { return -1; } if (rvt1.getChannel() != null && rvt2.getChannel() == null) { return 1; } return rvt1.getChannel().compareTo(rvt2.getChannel()); } }); _channelCount = maxOrdinalRvt.getChannel(); if (_channelCount == null) { // every DataColumn had null Channel value _channelCount = 1; } } } return _channelCount; } /** * Set the number of channels (assay plates) associated with this screen result. * @param channelCount the new number of channels (assay plates) associated with this * screen result */ public void setChannelCount(Integer channelCount) { _channelCount = channelCount; } @OneToMany(mappedBy = "screenResult", cascade = { CascadeType.ALL }) @org.hibernate.annotations.Sort(type = org.hibernate.annotations.SortType.NATURAL) public SortedSet<AssayWell> getAssayWells() { return _assayWells; } private void setAssayWells(SortedSet<AssayWell> assayWells) { _assayWells = assayWells; } public AssayWell createAssayWell(Well libraryWell) { AssayWell assayWell = new AssayWell(this, libraryWell); if (!_assayWells.add(assayWell)) { throw new DuplicateEntityException(this, assayWell); } return assayWell; } /** * Get the number of experimental wells that have data in this screen result. * @return the number of experimental wells that have data in this screen result * @motivation optimization */ // TODO: move this to Screen, to be with other screening/loading statistics @Column(nullable = false) = true) public Integer getExperimentalWellCount() { return _experimentalWellCount; } public void setExperimentalWellCount(Integer experimentalWellCount) { _experimentalWellCount = experimentalWellCount; } @Transient public Set<Integer> getPlateNumbers() { return Sets.newHashSet(Iterables.transform(getAssayWells(), AssayWell.ToPlateNumber)); } /** * Return a list of DataColumns * @return an ordered list of DataColumns * @motivation random access to DataColumns by ordinal */ @Transient public List<DataColumn> getDataColumnsList() { return Lists.newArrayList(_dataColumns); } @Transient public List<DataColumn> getPartitionedPositivesDataColumns() { return Lists.newArrayList(Iterables.filter(_dataColumns, DataColumn.isPositiveIndicator)); } /** * Return the subset of DataColumns that contain numeric ResultValue data. * @return the subset of DataColumns that contain numeric ResultValue data */ @Transient public List<DataColumn> getNumericDataColumns() { List<DataColumn> numericDataColumns = new ArrayList<DataColumn>(); for (DataColumn col : getDataColumns()) { if (col.isNumeric()) { numericDataColumns.add(col); } } return numericDataColumns; } /** * Return the subset of DataColumns that contain raw, numeric ResultValue data. * @return the subset of DataColumns that contain raw, numeric ResultValue data */ @Transient public List<DataColumn> getRawNumericDataColumns() { List<DataColumn> rawNumericDataColumns = new ArrayList<DataColumn>(); for (DataColumn col : getDataColumns()) { if (!col.isDerived() && col.isNumeric()) { rawNumericDataColumns.add(col); } } return rawNumericDataColumns; } /** * Construct an uninitialized <code>ScreenResult</code>. * @motivation for hibernate and proxy/concrete subclass constructors */ protected ScreenResult() { } /** * Set the id for the screen result. * @param screenResultId the id for the screen result */ private void setScreenResultId(Integer screenResultId) { setEntityId(screenResultId); } /** * Get the version number of the screen result. * @return the version number of the screen result * @motivation for hibernate */ @Column(nullable = false) @Version private Integer getVersion() { return _version; } /** * Set the version number of the screen result. * @param version the new version number of the screen result * @motivation for hibernate */ private void setVersion(Integer version) { _version = version; } /** * Set the screen. * @param screen the new screen * @motivation for hibernate */ private void setScreen(Screen screen) { _screen = screen; } /** * Set the ordered set of all {@link DataColumn}s for this screen result. * @param dataColumns the new ordered set of all {@link DataColumn}s * for this screen result. * @motivation for hibernate */ private void setDataColumns(SortedSet<DataColumn> dataColumns) { _dataColumns = dataColumns; } private void verifyNameIsUnique(String name) { for (DataColumn col : getDataColumns()) { if (col.getName().equals(name)) { throw new DuplicateEntityException(this, col); // TODO: this error is unhelpful as the entities are transient and the tostring is ambiguous here. } } } }