List of usage examples for java.util LinkedList isEmpty
boolean isEmpty();
From source
/** * Normalize a uri containing ../ and ./ paths. * * @param uri The uri path to normalize/*from w ww . j a va 2 s .co m*/ * @return The normalized uri */ public static String normalize(String uri) { if ("".equals(uri)) { return uri; } int leadingSlashes; for (leadingSlashes = 0; leadingSlashes < uri.length() && uri.charAt(leadingSlashes) == '/'; ++leadingSlashes) { // FIXME: this block is empty!! } boolean isDir = (uri.charAt(uri.length() - 1) == '/'); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(uri, "/"); LinkedList clean = new LinkedList(); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { String token = st.nextToken(); if ("..".equals(token)) { if (!clean.isEmpty() && !"..".equals(clean.getLast())) { clean.removeLast(); if (!st.hasMoreTokens()) { isDir = true; } } else { clean.add(".."); } } else if (!".".equals(token) && !"".equals(token)) { clean.add(token); } } StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); while (leadingSlashes-- > 0) { sb.append('/'); } for (Iterator it = clean.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { sb.append(; if (it.hasNext()) { sb.append('/'); } } if (isDir && sb.length() > 0 && sb.charAt(sb.length() - 1) != '/') { sb.append('/'); } return sb.toString(); }
From source
/** * Enrich portClassHier with class/interface names that map to a list of parent classes/interfaces. * For any class encountered, find its parents too.<br/> * Also find the port types which have assignable schema classes. * * @param oper Operator to work on * @param portClassHierarchy In-Out param that contains a mapping of class/interface to its parents * @param portTypesWithSchemaClasses Json that will contain all the ports which have any schema classes. *///from w w w.j av a2 s . c o m public void buildAdditionalPortInfo(JSONObject oper, JSONObject portClassHierarchy, JSONObject portTypesWithSchemaClasses) { try { JSONArray ports = oper.getJSONArray(OperatorDiscoverer.PORT_TYPE_INFO_KEY); for (int i = 0; i < ports.length(); i++) { JSONObject port = ports.getJSONObject(i); String portType = port.optString("type"); if (portType == null) { //skipping if port type is null continue; } if (typeGraph.size() == 0) { buildTypeGraph(); } try { //building port class hierarchy LinkedList<String> queue = Lists.newLinkedList(); queue.add(portType); while (!queue.isEmpty()) { String currentType = queue.remove(); if (portClassHierarchy.has(currentType)) { //already present in the json so we skip. continue; } List<String> immediateParents = typeGraph.getParents(currentType); if (immediateParents == null) { portClassHierarchy.put(currentType, Lists.<String>newArrayList()); continue; } portClassHierarchy.put(currentType, immediateParents); queue.addAll(immediateParents); } } catch (JSONException e) { LOG.warn("building port type hierarchy {}", portType, e); } //finding port types with schema classes if (portTypesWithSchemaClasses.has(portType)) { //already present in the json so skipping continue; } if (portType.equals("byte") || portType.equals("short") || portType.equals("char") || portType.equals("int") || portType.equals("long") || portType.equals("float") || portType.equals("double") || portType.equals("java.lang.String") || portType.equals("java.lang.Object")) { //ignoring primitives, strings and object types as this information is needed only for complex types. continue; } if (port.has("typeArgs")) { //ignoring any type with generics continue; } boolean hasSchemaClasses = false; List<String> instantiableDescendants = typeGraph.getInstantiableDescendants(portType); if (instantiableDescendants != null) { for (String descendant : instantiableDescendants) { try { if (typeGraph.isInstantiableBean(descendant)) { hasSchemaClasses = true; break; } } catch (JSONException ex) { LOG.warn("checking descendant is instantiable {}", descendant); } } } portTypesWithSchemaClasses.put(portType, hasSchemaClasses); } } catch (JSONException e) { // should not reach this LOG.error("JSON Exception {}", e); throw new RuntimeException(e); } }
From source
@Override public void preUploadWallpapers(StatusBean usb) { File upload_dir = new File(wallpaper_service.getUploadPath()); OnlyFilesFilter filenameFilter = new OnlyFilesFilter(); usb.setDone(0);/*from w w w .j a va2s . c om*/ usb.setTotal(scanFolder(upload_dir)); if (upload_dir.exists()) { boolean upload_made = true; int upload_count = 0; File pre_upload_directory = new File(wallpaper_service.getUploadPath(), "pre_upload"); if (!pre_upload_directory.exists()) pre_upload_directory.mkdir(); File cur_dir = null; File description_file; boolean pre_uploaded; Long id_pages_cur; String page_name; LinkedList<File> files = new LinkedList<File>(); files.addLast(upload_dir); while (!files.isEmpty()) { if (upload_made) { cur_dir = new File(pre_upload_directory, String.valueOf(upload_count)); while (cur_dir.exists()) { cur_dir = new File(pre_upload_directory, String.valueOf(upload_count)); upload_count++; } cur_dir.mkdir(); Iterator<String> dimmensions = wallpaper_service.getDimmensions().keySet().iterator(); while (dimmensions.hasNext()) { String dimmension =; File pre_uploaded_dimm = new File(cur_dir, dimmension); if (!pre_uploaded_dimm.exists()) pre_uploaded_dimm.mkdir(); } upload_count++; } File f = files.removeLast(); pre_uploaded = false; upload_made = false; //logger.debug("test file: '"+f.getAbsolutePath()+"'"); if (f.isDirectory()) { id_pages_cur = null; page_name = null; //search for DESCRIPTION_FILE description_file = new File(f, DESCRIPTION_FILE); if (description_file.exists()) { id_pages_cur = null; try { BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(description_file), "UTF-8")); String line; while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { if (line.startsWith("id=")) { id_pages_cur = Long.parseLong(line.substring(3), 10); } else if (line.startsWith("name=")) { page_name = line.substring(5); } else if (line.startsWith("pre_uploaded=true")) { //means that this folder contains subfolders with pre uploaded images //i.e. wallpapers are allready resized and are stored in an appropriate folders //but they still must be checked pre_uploaded = true; } } } catch (IOException ex) { logger.error("", ex); } } File[] files_temp = f.listFiles(); for (File tmp : files_temp) { if (tmp.isFile()) { if (!tmp.getName().equals(DESCRIPTION_FILE) && id_pages_cur != null) { usb.setCur_name(tmp.getAbsolutePath()); logger.debug("preparing upload file: '" + tmp.getAbsolutePath() + "'"); if (Utils.saveScaledImageFileToDisk(tmp, wallpaper_service.getDimmensions(), cur_dir)) { tmp.delete(); usb.increaseDone(1); upload_made = true; } } //else error } else if (!pre_uploaded) { files.addLast(tmp); } } //create a description file if (upload_made) { createDescriptionFile(cur_dir, id_pages_cur, page_name, true); cur_dir = null; } } } if (cur_dir != null) { description_file = new File(cur_dir, DESCRIPTION_FILE); if (!description_file.exists()) FileUtils.deleteFiles(cur_dir, true); } } }
From source
protected void createPrependFolder() { if (prependPath != null) { LinkedList toCreateURIs = new LinkedList(); for (String path = prependPath; repository.getFolder(executionContext, path) == null; path = PathUtils.splitPath(path).parentPath) { toCreateURIs.addFirst(path); }/*from ww w .j a va2 s .c o m*/ while (!toCreateURIs.isEmpty()) { String path = (String) toCreateURIs.removeFirst(); Folder folder = createFolder(path); commandOut.debug("About to save folder " + path); try { repository.saveFolder(executionContext, folder); } catch (SpringSecurityException er) { this.updateSecuredResource(executionContext, folder); } } } }
From source
private List<INode> findChildrenRecursively(INode lastINode) throws StorageException, TransactionContextException { LinkedList<INode> children = new LinkedList<>(); LinkedList<INode> unCheckedDirs = new LinkedList<>(); if (lastINode != null) { if (lastINode instanceof INodeDirectory) { unCheckedDirs.add(lastINode); }/* w w w.j a v a2 s . c o m*/ } // Find all the children in the sub-directories. while (!unCheckedDirs.isEmpty()) { INode next = unCheckedDirs.poll(); if (next instanceof INodeDirectory) { setINodeLockType(TransactionLockTypes.INodeLockType.READ_COMMITTED); //locking the parent is sufficient List<INode> clist = ((INodeDirectory) next).getChildrenList(); unCheckedDirs.addAll(clist); children.addAll(clist); } } LOG.debug("Added " + children.size() + " children."); return children; }
From source
/** * List of the parameters for the requests: * url : /data/*from w ww . j a v a 2 s .c o m*/ * Example: Getting all the data in CSV format => http://localhost:22001/data?vsName=memoryusage4&fields=heap&display=CSV * another example: http://localhost:22001/data?vsName=memoryusage4&fields=heap&fields=timed&display=CSV&delimiter=other&otherdelimiter=, * <p/> * param-name: vsName : the name of the virtual sensor we need. * param-name: fields [there can be multiple parameters with this name pointing to different fields in the stream element]. * param-name: commonReq (always true !) * param-name: display , if there is a value it should be CSV. * param-name: delimiter, useful for CSV output (can be "tab","space","other") * param-name: otherdelimiter useful in the case of having delimiter=other * param-name: groupby can point to one of the fields in the stream element. In case groupby=timed then the parameter groupbytimed points to the period for which data should be aggregated [in milliseconds]. * param-name: nb give the maximum number of elements to be outputed (most recent values first). * param-name: */ public void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) throws ServletException, { // HttpSession session = req.getSession(); User user = (User) session.getAttribute("user"); res.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-store"); res.setDateHeader("Expires", 0); res.setHeader("Pragma", "no-cache"); // PrintWriter respond = res.getWriter(); DataEnumerator result = null; try { SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(Main.getInstance().getContainerConfig().getTimeFormat()); SimpleDateFormat sdf_from_ui = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss"); TimeZone timeZone = GregorianCalendar.getInstance().getTimeZone(); boolean responseCVS = false; boolean wantTimeStamp = false; boolean wantPk = false; boolean commonReq = true; boolean groupByTimed = false; String vsName = HttpRequestUtils.getStringParameter("vsName", null, req); if (vsName == null) vsName = HttpRequestUtils.getStringParameter("vsname", null, req); if (vsName == null) { res.sendError(WebConstants.MISSING_VSNAME_ERROR, "The virtual sensor name is missing"); return; } DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss"); Date currentDate = Calendar.getInstance().getTime(); String filename = vsName + "_" + dateFormat.format(currentDate); if (Main.getContainerConfig().isAcEnabled() == true) { if (user != null) // meaning, that a login session is active, otherwise we couldn't get there if (user.hasReadAccessRight(vsName) == false && user.isAdmin() == false) // ACCESS_DENIED { res.sendError(WebConstants.ACCESS_DENIED, "Access denied to the specified virtual sensor ."); return; } } if (req.getParameter("display") != null && req.getParameter("display").equals("CSV")) { responseCVS = true; res.setContentType("text/csv"); //res.setContentType("text/html"); } else { res.setContentType("text/xml"); } if (req.getParameter("commonReq") != null && req.getParameter("commonReq").equals("false")) { commonReq = false; } String separator = ";"; if (req.getParameter("delimiter") != null && !req.getParameter("delimiter").equals("")) { String reqSeparator = req.getParameter("delimiter"); if (reqSeparator.equals("tab")) { separator = "\t"; } else if (reqSeparator.equals("space")) { separator = " "; } else if (reqSeparator.equals("other") && req.getParameter("otherdelimiter") != null && !req.getParameter("otherdelimiter").equals("")) { separator = req.getParameter("otherdelimiter"); } } String generated_request_query = ""; String expression = ""; String line = ""; String groupby = ""; String[] fields = req.getParameterValues("fields"); if (commonReq) { if (req.getParameter("fields") != null) { for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { if (fields[i].equals("timed")) { wantTimeStamp = true; } if ("pk".equalsIgnoreCase(fields[i])) wantPk = true; generated_request_query += ", " + fields[i]; } if (!wantPk) generated_request_query += ", pk"; } } else { if (req.getParameter("fields") == null) { respond.println("Request ERROR"); return; } else { for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { if (fields[i].equals("timed")) { wantTimeStamp = true; } if ("pk".equalsIgnoreCase(fields[i])) wantPk = true; generated_request_query += ", " + fields[i]; } if (!wantPk) generated_request_query += ", pk"; } if (req.getParameter("groupby") != null) { if (req.getParameter("groupby").equals("timed")) { groupByTimed = true; int periodmeasure = 1; if (req.getParameter("groupbytimed") != null) { periodmeasure = new Integer(req.getParameter("groupbytimed")); periodmeasure = java.lang.Math.max(periodmeasure, 1); } generated_request_query += ", Min(timed), FLOOR(timed/" + periodmeasure + ") period "; groupby = "GROUP BY period"; } else { groupby = "GROUP BY " + req.getParameter("groupby"); } } } String where = ""; if (req.getParameter("critfield") != null) { try { String[] critJoin = req.getParameterValues("critJoin"); String[] neg = req.getParameterValues("neg"); String[] critfields = req.getParameterValues("critfield"); String[] critop = req.getParameterValues("critop"); String[] critval = req.getParameterValues("critval"); for (int i = 0; i < critfields.length; i++) { if (critop[i].equals("LIKE")) { if (i > 0) { where += " " + critJoin[i - 1] + " " + neg[i] + " " + critfields[i] + " LIKE '%"; // + critval[i] + "%'"; } else { where += neg[i] + " " + critfields[i] + " LIKE '%"; // + critval[i] + "%'"; } if (critfields[i].equals("timed")) { try { //Date d = sdf.parse(critval[i]); Date d = sdf_from_ui.parse(critval[i]); where += d.getTime(); } catch (Exception e) { where += "0"; } } else { where += critval[i]; } where += "%'"; } else { if (i > 0) { where += " " + critJoin[i - 1] + " " + neg[i] + " " + critfields[i] + " " + critop[i] + " "; //critval[i]; } else { where += neg[i] + " " + critfields[i] + " " + critop[i] + " "; //critval[i]; } if (critfields[i].equals("timed")) { try { //Date d = sdf.parse(critval[i]); Date d = sdf_from_ui.parse(critval[i]); where += d.getTime(); } catch (Exception e) { where += "0"; } } else { where += critval[i]; } } } where = " WHERE " + where; } catch (NullPointerException npe) { where = " "; } } if (!generated_request_query.equals("")) { generated_request_query = generated_request_query.substring(2); if (!commonReq) { expression = generated_request_query; } generated_request_query = "select " + generated_request_query + " from " + vsName + where + " order by timed DESC "; if (commonReq) if (req.getParameter("nb") != null && req.getParameter("nb") != "") { int nb = new Integer(req.getParameter("nb")); if (nb < 0) nb = 0; String limit = ""; if (Main.getStorage(vsName).isH2() || Main.getStorage(vsName).isMysqlDB()) { if (nb >= 0) limit = "LIMIT " + nb + " offset 0"; generated_request_query += limit; } else if (Main.getStorage(vsName).isOracle()) { generated_request_query = "select * from (" + generated_request_query + " ) where rownum <" + (nb + 1); } } generated_request_query += " " + groupby; generated_request_query += ";"; if (req.getParameter("sql") != null) { res.setContentType("text/html"); respond.println("# " + generated_request_query); return; } try { result = Main.getStorage(vsName).streamedExecuteQuery(generated_request_query, true); } catch (SQLException e) { logger.error("ERROR IN EXECUTING, query: " + generated_request_query + " from " + req.getRemoteAddr() + "- " + req.getRemoteHost() + ": " + e.getMessage()); return; } if (!result.hasMoreElements()) { res.setContentType("text/html"); respond.println("No data corresponds to your request"); return; } //get units in hash map Iterator<VSensorConfig> vsIterator = Mappings.getAllVSensorConfigs(); HashMap<String, String> fieldToUnitMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); VSensorConfig sensorConfig = null; while (vsIterator.hasNext()) { VSensorConfig senConfig =; if (vsName.equalsIgnoreCase(senConfig.getName())) { sensorConfig = senConfig; DataField[] dataFieldArray = senConfig.getOutputStructure(); for (DataField df : dataFieldArray) { String unit = df.getUnit(); if (unit == null || unit.trim().length() == 0) unit = ""; fieldToUnitMap.put(df.getName().toLowerCase(), unit); } break; } } line = ""; int nbFields = 0; if (responseCVS) { boolean firstLine = true; res.setHeader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=" + filename + ".csv"); respond.println("# " + generated_request_query); for (KeyValue df : sensorConfig.getAddressing()) { respond.println( "# " + df.getKey().toString().toLowerCase() + ":" + df.getValue().toString()); } respond.println("# description:" + sensorConfig.getDescription()); LinkedList<StreamElement> streamElements = new LinkedList<StreamElement>(); while (result.hasMoreElements()) { streamElements.add(result.nextElement()); } while (!streamElements.isEmpty()) { StreamElement se = streamElements.removeLast(); if (firstLine) { nbFields = se.getFieldNames().length; if (groupByTimed) { nbFields--; } if (wantTimeStamp) { line += separator + "time"; } for (int i = 0; i < nbFields; i++) //line += delimiter + se.getFieldNames()[i].toString(); if ((!groupByTimed) || (i != fields.length)) { line += separator + fields[i]; } else { line += separator + "time"; } firstLine = false; respond.println(line.substring(separator.length())); line = ""; //units (second line) if (wantTimeStamp) { line += separator + ""; } for (int i = 0; i < nbFields; i++) { if ((!groupByTimed) || (i != fields.length)) { line += separator + fieldToUnitMap.get(fields[i].toLowerCase()); } else { line += separator + ""; } } respond.println(line.substring(separator.length())); } line = ""; if (wantTimeStamp) { Date d = new Date(se.getTimeStamp()); line += separator + sdf.format(d); } for (int i = 0; i < nbFields; i++) //line += delimiter+se.getData( )[ i ].toString( ); if (!commonReq && ((i >= fields.length) || (fields[i].contains("timed")))) { line += separator + sdf.format(se.getData()[i]); } else { line += separator + se.getData()[i].toString(); } respond.println(line.substring(separator.length())); } } else { boolean firstLine = true; res.setHeader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=" + filename + ".xml"); for (KeyValue df : sensorConfig.getAddressing()) { respond.println( "\t<!-- " + StringEscapeUtils.escapeXml(df.getKey().toString().toLowerCase()) + ":" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeXml(df.getValue().toString()) + " -->"); } respond.println("\t<!-- description:" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeXml(sensorConfig.getDescription()) + " -->"); respond.println("<data>"); LinkedList<StreamElement> streamElements = new LinkedList<StreamElement>(); while (result.hasMoreElements()) { streamElements.add(result.nextElement()); } while (!streamElements.isEmpty()) { StreamElement se = streamElements.removeLast(); if (firstLine) { respond.println("\t<line>"); nbFields = se.getFieldNames().length; if (groupByTimed) { nbFields--; } if (wantTimeStamp) { respond.println("\t\t<field unit=\"\">time</field>"); } for (int i = 0; i < nbFields; i++) { if ((!groupByTimed) || (i != fields.length)) { respond.print( "\t\t<field unit=\"" + fieldToUnitMap.get(fields[i].toLowerCase())); respond.println("\">" + fields[i] + "</field>"); } else { respond.println("\t\t<field unit=\"\">time</field>"); } } //} else { // out.println("\t\t<field>"+expression+"</field>"); //} respond.println("\t</line>"); firstLine = false; } line = ""; respond.println("\t<line>"); if (wantTimeStamp) { Date d = new Date(se.getTimeStamp()); respond.println("\t\t<field>" + sdf.format(d) + "</field>"); } for (int i = 0; i < nbFields; i++) { //if ( !commonReq && expression.contains("timed")) { if (!commonReq && ((i >= fields.length) || (fields[i].contains("timed")))) { respond.println("\t\t<field>" + sdf.format(se.getData()[i]) + "</field>"); } else { if (se.getData()[i] == null) respond.println("\t\t<field>Null</field>"); else respond.println("\t\t<field>" + se.getData()[i].toString() + "</field>"); } } respond.println("\t</line>"); } respond.println("</data>"); } } //*/ else { res.setContentType("text/html"); respond.println("Please select some fields"); } } finally { if (result != null) result.close(); respond.flush(); } }
From source
/** * /*w w w . ja v a 2 s . c o m*/ * Load the driver by lib management system , which will configure the SQL Explorer driver classpath from xml. * * @param dbType * @param dbVersion * @param driverClassName * @param userName. the userName is used a special case :it MSSQL with empty userName. */ private void loadManagedDriver(DatabaseConnection dbConn) { String dbType = dbConn.getDatabaseType(); String dbVersion = dbConn.getDbVersionString(); String driverClassName = JavaSqlFactory.getDriverClass(dbConn); if (dbType == null || driverClassName == null) { return; } DriverManager driverManager = SQLExplorerPlugin.getDefault().getDriverModel(); AliasAndManaDriverHelper aliasManaHelper = AliasAndManaDriverHelper.getInstance(); String manaDriverId = aliasManaHelper.joinManagedDriverId(dbType, driverClassName, dbVersion); ManagedDriver manDr = driverManager.getDriver(manaDriverId); if (manDr != null && !manDr.isDriverClassLoaded()) { // find driver jars from 'temp\dbWizard', prefrence page or installation path 'lib\java', // "librariesIndex.xml". try { List<String> jarNames = EDatabaseVersion4Drivers.getDrivers(dbType, dbVersion); LinkedList<String> driverJarRealPaths = aliasManaHelper.getDriverJarRealPaths(jarNames); if (!driverJarRealPaths.isEmpty()) { manDr.getJars().clear(); manDr.getJars().addAll(driverJarRealPaths); } manDr.registerSQLDriver(dbConn); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e); } } }
From source
/** * Initiate a data feast of all traces within some window allocation. OM NOM NOM. * @param iter An iterator over an LCMS data file. * @return The windows, time points, and per-window traces. *//* w ww . ja v a 2 s . co m*/ private IndexedTraces runSweepLine(List<Double> targetMZs, Iterator<LCMSSpectrum> iter) throws RocksDBException, IOException { // Create windows for sweep-linin'. List<MZWindow> windows = new ArrayList<MZWindow>() { { int i = 0; for (Double targetMZ : targetMZs) { add(new MZWindow(i, targetMZ)); i++; } } }; /* We *must* ensure the windows are sorted in m/z order for the sweep line to work. However, we don't know anything * about the input targetMZs list, which may be immutable or may be in some order the client wants to preserve. * Rather than mess with that array, we'll sort the windows in our internal array and leave be he client's targets. */ Collections.sort(windows, (a, b) -> a.getTargetMZ().compareTo(b.getTargetMZ())); List<Double> times = new ArrayList<>(); List<List<Double>> allTraces = new ArrayList<List<Double>>(windows.size()) { { for (int i = 0; i < windows.size(); i++) { add(new ArrayList<>()); } } }; // Keep an array of accumulators around to reduce the overhead of accessing the trace matrix for accumulation. double[] sumIntensitiesInEachWindow = new double[windows.size()]; int timepointCounter = 0; while (iter.hasNext()) { LCMSSpectrum spectrum =; Double time = spectrum.getTimeVal(); // Store one list of the time values so we can knit times and intensity sums later to form XZs. times.add(time); for (int i = 0; i < sumIntensitiesInEachWindow.length; i++) { sumIntensitiesInEachWindow[i] = 0.0; } timepointCounter++; if (timepointCounter % 100 == 0) {"Extracted %d timepoints (now at %.3fs)", timepointCounter, time); } /* We use a sweep-line approach to scanning through the m/z windows so that we can aggregate all intensities in * one pass over the current LCMSSpectrum (this saves us one inner loop in our extraction process). The m/z * values in the LCMSSpectrum become our "critical" or "interesting points" over which we sweep our m/z ranges. * The next window in m/z order is guaranteed to be the next one we want to consider since we address the points * in m/z order as well. As soon as we've passed out of the range of one of our windows, we discard it. It is * valid for a window to be added to and discarded from the working queue in one application of the work loop. */ LinkedList<MZWindow> workingQueue = new LinkedList<>(); // TODO: can we reuse these instead of creating fresh? LinkedList<MZWindow> tbdQueue = new LinkedList<>(windows); // Assumption: these arrive in m/z order. for (Pair<Double, Double> mzIntensity : spectrum.getIntensities()) { Double mz = mzIntensity.getLeft(); Double intensity = mzIntensity.getRight(); // First, shift any applicable ranges onto the working queue based on their minimum mz. while (!tbdQueue.isEmpty() && tbdQueue.peekFirst().getMin() <= mz) { workingQueue.add(tbdQueue.pop()); } // Next, remove any ranges we've passed. while (!workingQueue.isEmpty() && workingQueue.peekFirst().getMax() < mz) { workingQueue.pop(); } if (workingQueue.isEmpty()) { if (tbdQueue.isEmpty()) { // If both queues are empty, there are no more windows to consider at all. One to the next timepoint! break; } // If there's nothing that happens to fit in this range, skip it! continue; } // The working queue should now hold only ranges that include this m/z value. Sweep line swept! /* Now add this intensity to accumulator value for each of the items in the working queue. * By the end of the outer loop, trace(t) = Sum(intensity) | win_min <= m/z <= win_max @ time point # t */ for (MZWindow window : workingQueue) { // TODO: count the number of times we add intensities to each window's accumulator for MS1-style warnings. sumIntensitiesInEachWindow[window.getIndex()] += intensity; } } /* Extend allTraces to add a row of accumulated intensity values for this time point. We build this incrementally * because the LCMSSpectrum iterator doesn't tell us how many time points to expect up front. */ for (int i = 0; i < sumIntensitiesInEachWindow.length; i++) { allTraces.get(i).add(sumIntensitiesInEachWindow[i]); } } // Trace data has been devoured. Might want to loosen the belt at this point..."Done extracting %d traces", allTraces.size()); return new IndexedTraces(windows, times, allTraces); }
From source
/** * Add new entries to the PendingUncached list. * * @param neededUncached The number of replicas that need to be uncached. * @param cachedBlock The block which needs to be uncached. * @param cached A list of DataNodes currently caching the block. * @param pendingUncached A list of DataNodes that will soon uncache the * block./*from w w w . j a v a 2 s .com*/ */ private void addNewPendingUncached(int neededUncached, CachedBlock cachedBlock, List<DatanodeDescriptor> cached, List<DatanodeDescriptor> pendingUncached) { // Figure out which replicas can be uncached. LinkedList<DatanodeDescriptor> possibilities = new LinkedList<DatanodeDescriptor>(); for (DatanodeDescriptor datanode : cached) { if (!pendingUncached.contains(datanode)) { possibilities.add(datanode); } } while (neededUncached > 0) { if (possibilities.isEmpty()) { LOG.warn("Logic error: we're trying to uncache more replicas than " + "actually exist for " + cachedBlock); return; } DatanodeDescriptor datanode = possibilities.remove(random.nextInt(possibilities.size())); pendingUncached.add(datanode); boolean added = datanode.getPendingUncached().add(cachedBlock); assert added; neededUncached--; } }
From source
public static void replay(Configuration.Builder config, InputStream input, String title) throws Exception {"---Replaying {}---", title); StopWatch timer = new StopWatch(); timer.start();// w w w. ja v a2 //Wrap listener manager with ours that siphons off events final Queue<Event> eventQueue = Lists.newLinkedList(); WrapperListenerManager newManager = new WrapperListenerManager(config.getListenerManager(), eventQueue); config.setListenerManager(newManager); config.addListener(new ReplayListener()); final LinkedList<String> outputQueue = Lists.newLinkedList(); ReplayPircBotX bot = new ReplayPircBotX(config.buildConfiguration(), outputQueue); BufferedReader fileInput = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(input)); boolean skippedHeader = false; while (true) { String lineRaw = fileInput.readLine(); if (bot.isClosed() && StringUtils.isNotBlank(lineRaw)) { throw new RuntimeException("bot is closed but file still has line " + lineRaw); } else if (!bot.isClosed() && StringUtils.isBlank(lineRaw)) { throw new RuntimeException("bot is not closed but file doesn't have any more lines"); } else if (bot.isClosed() && StringUtils.isBlank(lineRaw)) { log.debug("(done) Bot is closed and file doesn't have any more lines"); break; } log.debug("(line) " + lineRaw); String[] lineParts = StringUtils.split(lineRaw, " ", 2); String command = lineParts[0]; String line = lineParts[1]; //For now skip the info lines PircBotX is supposed to send on connect //They are only sent when connect() is called which requires multithreading if (!skippedHeader) { if (command.equals("pircbotx.output")) continue; else if (command.equals("pircbotx.input")) { log.debug("Finished skipping header"); skippedHeader = true; } else throw new RuntimeException("Unknown line " + lineRaw); } if (command.equals("pircbotx.input")) { bot.getInputParser().handleLine(line); } else if (command.equals("pircbotx.output")) { String lastOutput = outputQueue.isEmpty() ? null : outputQueue.pop(); if (StringUtils.startsWith(line, "JOIN")) { log.debug("Skipping JOIN output, server should send its own JOIN"); } else if (StringUtils.startsWith(line, "QUIT")) { log.debug("Skipping QUIT output, server should send its own QUIT"); } else if (!line.equals(lastOutput)) { log.error("Expected last output: " + line); log.error("Given last output: " + lastOutput); for (String curOutput : outputQueue) { log.error("Queued output: " + curOutput); } throw new RuntimeException("Failed to verify output (see log)"); } } else { throw new RuntimeException("Unknown line " + lineRaw); } for (Event curEvent : Iterables.consumingIterable(eventQueue)) log.debug("(events) " + curEvent); log.debug(""); } timer.stop(); log.debug("---Replay successful in {}---", DurationFormatUtils.formatDuration(timer.getTime(), "mm'min'ss'sec'SSS'ms'")); }