List of usage examples for java.util LinkedList isEmpty
boolean isEmpty();
From source
/** * Extract n-grams up to a certain length from an Conll tabulated format corpus. * /*from w w w . j a va 2 s .c o m*/ * @param int length : which 'n' use for 'n-grams' * @param string type (wf|lemma|pos): what type of ngrams we want to extract. * @param boolean save : safe ngrams to file or not. * @return TreeSet<String> return word form ngrams of length length */ private int extractNgramsTAB(int length, String type, List<String> discardPos, boolean save) { //System.err.println("ngram extraction Tab: _"+length+"_"+type); if (length == 0) { return 0; } for (String sent : corpus.getSentences().keySet()) { //System.err.println("ngram extraction, corpus sentences: "+corpus.getSentences().get(sent)); String[] tokens = corpus.getSentences().get(sent).split("\n"); LinkedList<String> ngrams = new LinkedList<String>(); for (String row : tokens) { String ngram = ""; String[] fields = row.split("\t"); String pos = ""; switch (type) { case "wf": ngram = fields[0]; break; case "lemma": if (fields.length > 1) { ngram = fields[1]; } if (fields.length > 2) { pos = fields[2]; } break; case "pos": if (fields.length > 2) { ngram = fields[2]; switch (ngram.length()) { case 0: ngram = "-"; break; case 1: ngram = ngram.substring(0, 1); break; default: ngram = ngram.substring(0, 2); break; } } } //if the is a blank line we assume sentence has ended and we empty and re-initialize the n-gram list if (ngram.equals("")) { //empty n-gram list and add remaining n-grams to the feature list while (!ngrams.isEmpty()) { String ng = featureFromArray(ngrams, type); addNgram(type, ng); ngrams.removeFirst(); } continue; } if (ngrams.size() >= length) { ngrams.removeFirst(); } //if no alphanumeric char is present discard the element as invalid ngram. Or if it has a PoS tag that //should be discarded String lCurrent = ngram; if ((!discardPos.contains(pos)) && (!ngram.matches("^[^\\p{L}\\p{M}\\p{Nd}\\p{InEmoticons}]+$")) && (lCurrent.length() > 1)) { //standarize numeric values to NUMNUM lemma value //ngram.replaceFirst("^[0-9]$", "NUMNUM"); if (!type.equalsIgnoreCase("pos")) { ngrams.add(normalize(ngram, params.getProperty("normalization", "none"))); } else { ngrams.add(ngram); } } //certain punctuation marks are allowed as lemmas else if ((lCurrent.length() < 2) && (lCurrent.matches("[,;.?!]"))) { ngrams.add(lCurrent); } // add ngrams to the feature list for (int i = 0; i < ngrams.size(); i++) { String ng = featureFromArray(ngrams.subList(0, i + 1), type); addNgram(type, ng); } } //empty ngram list and add remaining ngrams to the feature list while (!ngrams.isEmpty()) { String ng = featureFromArray(ngrams, type); addNgram(type, ng); ngrams.removeFirst(); } } return 1; }
From source
/** * Extract n-grams up to a certain length from an Conll tabulated format string. * /*from w w w .ja v a2 s. c om*/ * @param String input : input tagged conll string * @param int length : which 'n' use for 'n-grams' * @param string type (wf|lemma|pos): what type of ngrams we want to extract. * @param boolean save : safe ngrams to file or not. * @return int success: return 1 if the process ended correctly */ private int extractNgramsTABString(InputStream input, int length, String type, List<String> discardPos, boolean save) { //System.err.println("ngram extraction Tab: _"+length+"_"+type); if (length == 0) { return 0; } //System.err.println("ngram extraction, corpus sentences: "+corpus.getSentences().get(sent)); //String[] tokens = input.split("\n"); BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(input)); LinkedList<String> ngrams = new LinkedList<String>(); String line; try { while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { String ngram = ""; String[] fields = line.split("\\s"); String pos = ""; switch (type) { case "wf": ngram = fields[0]; break; case "lemma": if (fields.length > 1) { ngram = fields[1]; } if (fields.length > 2) { pos = fields[2]; } break; case "pos": if (fields.length > 2) { ngram = fields[2]; switch (ngram.length()) { case 0: ngram = "-"; break; case 1: ngram = ngram.substring(0, 1); break; default: ngram = ngram.substring(0, 2); break; } } } //if the is a blank line we assume sentence has ended and we empty and re-initialize the n-gram list if (ngram.equals("")) { //empty n-gram list and add remaining n-grams to the feature list while (!ngrams.isEmpty()) { String ng = featureFromArray(ngrams, type); addNgram(type, ng); ngrams.removeFirst(); } continue; } if (ngrams.size() >= length) { ngrams.removeFirst(); } //if no alphanumeric char is present discard the element as invalid ngram. Or if it has a PoS tag that //should be discarded String lCurrent = ngram; if ((!discardPos.contains(pos)) && (!ngram.matches("^[^\\p{L}\\p{M}\\p{Nd}\\p{InEmoticons}]+$")) && (lCurrent.length() > 1)) { //standarize numeric values to NUMNUM lemma value //ngram.replaceFirst("^[0-9]$", "NUMNUM"); if (!type.equalsIgnoreCase("pos")) { ngrams.add(normalize(ngram, params.getProperty("normalization", "none"))); } else { ngrams.add(ngram); } } //certain punctuation marks are allowed as lemmas else if ((lCurrent.length() < 2) && (lCurrent.matches("[,;.?!]"))) { ngrams.add(lCurrent); } // add ngrams to the feature list for (int i = 0; i < ngrams.size(); i++) { String ng = featureFromArray(ngrams.subList(0, i + 1), type); addNgram(type, ng); } } } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("EliXa::Features::extractNgramsTABString - WARNING: Error reading tagged file, " + "ngram extraction may be only partial\n"); } //empty ngram list and add remaining ngrams to the feature list while (!ngrams.isEmpty()) { String ng = featureFromArray(ngrams, type); addNgram(type, ng); ngrams.removeFirst(); } return 1; }
From source
@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" }) private void scanMethods(LinkedList<MethodInvoker> methods, Map<String, MethodInvoker> toKeyMappers, Map<String, MethodInvoker> toStringMappers, Set<String> knownProperties) { int sizeBefore = methods.size(); for (Iterator<MethodInvoker> iterator = methods.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { MethodInvoker methodInvoker =; ConfigPropertyTemplateImpl template; Class<?> returnType = methodInvoker.getReturnType(); Type genericReturnType = methodInvoker.getGenericReturnType(); String name;//from w w w . ja va 2 m Method method = methodInvoker.getMethod(); if (methodInvoker.isPrivate()) { if (methodInvoker.isAnnotationPresent(ToKeyMapperFunction.class)) { this.scanKeyMapper(methodInvoker, toKeyMappers); iterator.remove(); continue; } if (methodInvoker.isAnnotationPresent(ToStringMapperFunction.class)) { this.scanStringMapper(methodInvoker, toStringMappers); iterator.remove(); continue; } name = this.extractName(methodInvoker); methodInvoker.ensureAccessible(); if (!knownProperties.add(name)) { throw new IllegalStateException("Duplicated property: " + name); } template = new ConfigPropertyTemplateImpl(this, returnType, genericReturnType, name, cfg -> methodInvoker.invoke(cfg), method); } else { Pair<ConfigPropertyAction, ActionMatcherResult> resultPair = ActionsRegistry.findMethod(method, knownProperties::contains); if (resultPair == null) { iterator.remove(); continue; } ConfigPropertyAction propertyAction = resultPair.getLeft(); if (!propertyAction.getActionName().equals("get") && methodInvoker.isDefault()) { throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected default implementation of: " + method); } ActionMatcherResult matcherResult = resultPair.getRight(); if (!matcherResult.isValidatedName()) { continue; // wait for validation. } name = matcherResult.getPropertyName(); ConfigPropertyTemplateImpl<?> oldTemplate = this.mutableProperties.get(name); if (oldTemplate != null) { template = oldTemplate; } else { if (!propertyAction.declaresProperty()) { continue; } if (!knownProperties.add(name)) { throw new IllegalStateException("Duplicated property: " + name); } template = new ConfigPropertyTemplateImpl(this, returnType, genericReturnType, name, cfg -> null, method); } if (propertyAction.getActionName().equals("get") && methodInvoker.isDefault()) { this.defaultValueFromDefaultMethod(methodInvoker, template); } MethodSignature methodSignature = new MethodSignature(method); PropertyActionKey propertyActionKey = new PropertyActionKey(propertyAction, methodSignature); this.mutableActions.put(propertyActionKey, template); this.actionsDispatcher.put(methodSignature, propertyActionKey); } this.order.add(name); this.mutableProperties.put(name, template); iterator.remove(); } if (methods.isEmpty()) { return; } if (sizeBefore == methods.size()) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Can't create config template, can't find how to implement: " + methods); } this.scanMethods(methods, toKeyMappers, toStringMappers, knownProperties); }
From source
private void insertarObjetoArchivo(HttpSession session, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, QUID quid, PrintWriter out, HashMap parameters, LinkedList filesToUpload, String FormFrom) throws Exception { if (parameters.get("idTipoArchivo") == null || parameters.get("idTipoArchivo").equals("")) { this.getServletConfig().getServletContext() .getRequestDispatcher("" + PageParameters.getParameter("msgUtil") + "/msgNRedirect.jsp?title=Error&type=error&msg=Seleccione el tipo de archivo.&url=" + PageParameters.getParameter("mainContext") + PageParameters.getParameter("gui") + "/Insert_ObjetoArchivo.jsp?" + WebUtil.encode(session, "imix") + "=" + WebUtil.encode(session, UTime.getTimeMilis()) + "_param_nombreObjeto=" + parameters.get("nombreObjeto") + "_param_idObjeto=" + parameters.get("idObjeto")) .forward(request, response); } else if (parameters.get("nombreArchivo") == null || parameters.get("nombreArchivo").equals("")) { this.getServletConfig().getServletContext() .getRequestDispatcher("" + PageParameters.getParameter("msgUtil") + "/msgNRedirect.jsp?title=Error&type=error&msg=Escriba el nombre del archivo.&url=" + PageParameters.getParameter("mainContext") + PageParameters.getParameter("gui") + "/Insert_ObjetoArchivo.jsp?" + WebUtil.encode(session, "imix") + "=" + WebUtil.encode(session, UTime.getTimeMilis()) + "_param_nombreObjeto=" + parameters.get("nombreObjeto") + "_param_idObjeto=" + parameters.get("idObjeto")) .forward(request, response); } else if (parameters.get("descripcion") == null || parameters.get("descripcion").toString().trim().equals("")) { this.getServletConfig().getServletContext() .getRequestDispatcher("" + PageParameters.getParameter("msgUtil") + "/msgNRedirect.jsp?title=Error&type=error&msg=Escriba una descripcin.&url=" + PageParameters.getParameter("mainContext") + PageParameters.getParameter("gui") + "/Insert_ObjetoArchivo.jsp?" + WebUtil.encode(session, "imix") + "=" + WebUtil.encode(session, UTime.getTimeMilis()) + "_param_nombreObjeto=" + parameters.get("nombreObjeto") + "_param_idObjeto=" + parameters.get("idObjeto")) .forward(request, response); } else if (parameters.get("tipoAcceso").equals("")) { this.getServletConfig().getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher("" + PageParameters.getParameter("msgUtil") + "/msgNRedirect.jsp?title=Error&type=error&msg=Seleccione el tipo de acceso para el archivo.&url=" + PageParameters.getParameter("mainContext") + PageParameters.getParameter("gui") + "/Insert_ObjetoArchivo.jsp?" + WebUtil.encode(session, "imix") + "=" + WebUtil.encode(session, UTime.getTimeMilis()) + "_param_nombreObjeto=" + parameters.get("nombreObjeto") + "_param_idObjeto=" + parameters.get("idObjeto")) .forward(request, response); } else if (filesToUpload.isEmpty()) { this.getServletConfig().getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher("" + PageParameters.getParameter("msgUtil") + "/msgNRedirect.jsp?title=Error&type=error&msg=No ha seleccionado ningn archivo.&url=" + PageParameters.getParameter("mainContext") + PageParameters.getParameter("gui") + "/Insert_ObjetoArchivo.jsp?" + WebUtil.encode(session, "imix") + "=" + WebUtil.encode(session, UTime.getTimeMilis()) + "_param_nombreObjeto=" + parameters.get("nombreObjeto") + "_param_idObjeto=" + parameters.get("idObjeto")) .forward(request, response); } else if (!filesToUpload.isEmpty()) { String idObjeto = WebUtil.decode(session, parameters.get("idObjeto").toString()); String fechaActualizacion = UTime.calendar2SQLDateFormat(Calendar.getInstance()); String descripcion = WebUtil.decode(session, parameters.get("descripcion").toString()); String ubicacionFisica = PageParameters.getParameter("folderDocs"); String idTipoArchivo = WebUtil.decode(session, parameters.get("idTipoArchivo").toString()); String nombreObjeto = WebUtil.decode(session, parameters.get("nombreObjeto").toString()); String keyWords = parameters.get("keywords").toString(); String nombreArchivo = parameters.get("nombreArchivo").toString(); String FK_ID_Plantel = session.getAttribute("FK_ID_Plantel").toString(); //File verifyFolder = new File(PageParameters.getParameter("folderDocs")); File verifyFolder = new File(ubicacionFisica); if (!verifyFolder.exists()) { verifyFolder.mkdirs();/*from w w w. ja v a 2s . c o m*/ } int sucess = 0; for (int i = 0; i < filesToUpload.size(); i++) { FileItem itemToUpload = null; itemToUpload = (FileItem) filesToUpload.get(i); String extension = FileUtil.getExtension(itemToUpload.getName()); String hashName = JHash.getFileDigest(itemToUpload.get(), "MD5") + extension; long tamanio = itemToUpload.getSize(); if (this.validarDocumentExtension(session, request, response, quid, out, extension)) { File fileToWrite = new File(ubicacionFisica, hashName); Transporter tport = quid.insertArchivo4Objeto(idObjeto, nombreObjeto, idTipoArchivo, nombreArchivo, descripcion, ubicacionFisica, extension, fechaActualizacion, tamanio, WebUtil.decode(session, parameters.get("tipoAcceso").toString()).toLowerCase(), keyWords, hashName, FK_ID_Plantel); if (tport.getCode() == 0) { if (!fileToWrite.exists()) { itemToUpload.write(fileToWrite); } sucess += 1; } } else { sucess = -1; } } if (sucess != -1) { this.getServletConfig().getServletContext() .getRequestDispatcher("" + PageParameters.getParameter("msgUtil") + "/msgNRedirect.jsp?title=Operacin Exitosa&type=info&msg=Se han guardado " + sucess + " de " + filesToUpload.size() + " archivos.&url=" + PageParameters.getParameter("mainContext") + PageParameters.getParameter("gui") + "/Insert_ObjetoArchivo.jsp?" + WebUtil.encode(session, "imix") + "=" + WebUtil.encode(session, UTime.getTimeMilis()) + "_param_nombreObjeto=" + parameters.get("nombreObjeto") + "_param_idObjeto=" + parameters.get("idObjeto")) .forward(request, response); } } }
From source
/** * @param state/*from www.ja va 2 s .c om*/ * @param homeCollectionId * @param currentCollectionId * @return */ public static List getCollectionPath(SessionState state) { logger.debug("ResourcesAction.getCollectionPath()"); org.sakaiproject.content.api.ContentHostingService contentService = (org.sakaiproject.content.api.ContentHostingService) state .getAttribute(STATE_CONTENT_SERVICE); // make sure the channedId is set String currentCollectionId = (String) state.getAttribute(STATE_COLLECTION_ID); String homeCollectionId = (String) state.getAttribute(STATE_HOME_COLLECTION_ID); String navRoot = (String) state.getAttribute(STATE_NAVIGATION_ROOT); LinkedList collectionPath = new LinkedList(); String previousCollectionId = ""; List pathitems = new ArrayList(); while ((currentCollectionId != null) && (!currentCollectionId.equals(navRoot)) && (!currentCollectionId.equals(previousCollectionId)) && !(contentService.ROOT_COLLECTIONS.contains(currentCollectionId)) && (!contentService.isRootCollection(previousCollectionId))) { pathitems.add(currentCollectionId); previousCollectionId = currentCollectionId; currentCollectionId = contentService.getContainingCollectionId(currentCollectionId); } if (navRoot != null && (pathitems.isEmpty() || (!navRoot.equals(previousCollectionId) && !navRoot.equals(currentCollectionId)))) { pathitems.add(navRoot); } if (homeCollectionId != null && (pathitems.isEmpty() || (!homeCollectionId.equals(navRoot) && !homeCollectionId.equals(previousCollectionId) && !homeCollectionId.equals(currentCollectionId)))) { pathitems.add(homeCollectionId); } Iterator items = pathitems.iterator(); while (items.hasNext()) { String id = (String); try { ResourceProperties props = contentService.getProperties(id); String name = props.getPropertyFormatted(ResourceProperties.PROP_DISPLAY_NAME); String containingCollectionId = contentService.getContainingCollectionId(id); if (contentService.COLLECTION_DROPBOX.equals(containingCollectionId)) { Reference ref = EntityManager.newReference(contentService.getReference(id)); Site site = SiteService.getSite(ref.getContext()); String[] args = { site.getTitle() }; name = trb.getFormattedMessage("title.dropbox", args); } else if (contentService.COLLECTION_SITE.equals(containingCollectionId)) { Reference ref = EntityManager.newReference(contentService.getReference(id)); Site site = SiteService.getSite(ref.getContext()); String[] args = { site.getTitle() }; name = trb.getFormattedMessage("title.resources", args); } ChefPathItem item = new ChefPathItem(id, name); boolean canRead = contentService.allowGetCollection(id) || contentService.allowGetResource(id); item.setCanRead(canRead); if (canRead) { String url = contentService.getUrl(id); item.setUrl(url); } item.setLast(collectionPath.isEmpty()); if (id.equals(homeCollectionId)) { item.setRoot(homeCollectionId); } else { item.setRoot(navRoot); } try { boolean isFolder = props.getBooleanProperty(ResourceProperties.PROP_IS_COLLECTION); item.setIsFolder(isFolder); } catch (EntityPropertyNotDefinedException e1) { } catch (EntityPropertyTypeException e1) { } collectionPath.addFirst(item); } catch (PermissionException e) { } catch (IdUnusedException e) { } } return collectionPath; }
From source
public Graph<SVGNode> getSVGRelationGraph() { Graph<SVGNode> out = new Graph<SVGNode>(); LinkedList<InheritanceProject> open = new LinkedList<InheritanceProject>(); HashSet<InheritanceProject> visited = new HashSet<InheritanceProject>(); open.add(this); while (!open.isEmpty()) { InheritanceProject ip = open.pop(); if (visited.contains(ip)) { continue; } else {//from w ww. ja v a2 s .c om visited.add(ip); } out.addNode(ip); for (InheritanceProject parent : ip.getParentProjects()) { open.add(parent); out.addNode(ip, parent); } } return out; }
From source
public List<InheritedVersionInfo> getAllInheritedVersionsList(InheritanceBuild build) { List<InheritedVersionInfo> out = new LinkedList<InheritedVersionInfo>(); //Adding ourselves as the first entry LinkedList<Long> verLst = new LinkedList<Long>(); for (Version v : this.versionStore.getAllVersions()) { verLst.add(;/*from w ww. ja va2 s.c o m*/ } if (!verLst.isEmpty()) { Long verID = this.getUserDesiredVersion(); Version verObj = this.versionStore.getVersion(verID); out.add(new InheritedVersionInfo(this, verID, verLst, (verObj != null) ? verObj.getDescription() : null)); } Map<String, Long> buildVersions = null; if (build != null) { buildVersions = build.getProjectVersions(); } //Fetching all parent references in order and adding them List<AbstractProjectReference> aprLst = this.getAllParentReferences(SELECTOR.MISC); for (AbstractProjectReference apr : aprLst) { InheritanceProject ip = apr.getProject(); if (ip == null) { continue; } verLst = new LinkedList<Long>(); for (Version v : ip.versionStore.getAllVersions()) { verLst.add(; } if (verLst.isEmpty()) { // No versions available for that project; skipping it continue; } //Fetch the version; either from the passed build or URL params Long verID = ip.getUserDesiredVersion(true); if (verID == null) { if (buildVersions != null) { verID = buildVersions.get(ip.getName()); } else { verID = ip.getUserDesiredVersion(); } } if (verID != null) { //Fetch the version object associated with the given ID Version verObj = ip.versionStore.getVersion(verID); if (verObj == null) { continue; } out.add(new InheritedVersionInfo(ip, verID, verLst, verObj.getDescription())); } } return out; }
From source
/** * This method returns the versions selected for this project and its * parents.//from w ww .java 2s. c o m * * @return */ public Map<String, Long> getAllVersionsFromCurrentState() { LinkedList<InheritanceProject> open = new LinkedList<InheritanceProject>(); Set<String> closed = new HashSet<String>(); Map<String, Long> out = new HashMap<String, Long>(); //Adding ourselves as the first node open.add(this); while (!open.isEmpty()) { InheritanceProject ip = open.pop(); //Fetching the user-requested version for the open node Long v = ip.getUserDesiredVersion(); out.put(ip.getName(), v); //Then, adding this node to the closed set closed.add(ip.getName()); //And adding the parent nodes to the open list for (AbstractProjectReference apr : ip.getParentReferences()) { if (closed.contains(apr.getName())) { continue; } InheritanceProject next = apr.getProject(); if (next == null) { continue; } open.addLast(next); } } return out; }
From source
public Map<InheritanceProject, Relationship> getRelationships() { Object obj = onInheritChangeBuffer.get(this, "getRelationships"); if (obj != null && obj instanceof Map) { return (Map) obj; }//from w ww . j a v a 2 s . com //Creating the returned map and pre-filling it with empty lists Map<InheritanceProject, Relationship> map = new HashMap<InheritanceProject, Relationship>(); //Preparing the set of projects that were already explored HashSet<String> seenProjects = new HashSet<String>(); //Fetching the map of all projects and their connections Map<String, ProjectGraphNode> connGraph = getConnectionGraph(); //Fetching the node for the current (this) project ProjectGraphNode node = connGraph.get(this.getName()); if (node == null) { return map; } //Mates can be filled quite easily for (String mate : node.mates) { InheritanceProject p = InheritanceProject.getProjectByName(mate); ProjectGraphNode mateNode = connGraph.get(mate); boolean isLeaf = (mateNode == null) ? true : mateNode.children.isEmpty(); if (p == null) { continue; } //Checking if we've seen this mate already if (!seenProjects.contains(p.getName())) { map.put(p, new Relationship(Relationship.Type.MATE, 0, isLeaf)); seenProjects.add(p.getName()); } } //Exploring parents int distance = 1; seenProjects.clear(); LinkedList<InheritanceProject> cOpen = new LinkedList<InheritanceProject>(); LinkedList<InheritanceProject> nOpen = new LinkedList<InheritanceProject>(); cOpen.add(this); while (!cOpen.isEmpty()) { InheritanceProject ip = cOpen.pop(); if (ip == null || seenProjects.contains(ip.getName())) { continue; } seenProjects.add(ip.getName()); node = connGraph.get(ip.getName()); if (ip == null || node == null) { continue; } //Adding all parents for (String parent : node.parents) { InheritanceProject par = InheritanceProject.getProjectByName(parent); if (par == null || seenProjects.contains(parent)) { continue; } map.put(par, new Relationship(Relationship.Type.PARENT, distance, false)); nOpen.push(par); } if (cOpen.isEmpty() && !nOpen.isEmpty()) { cOpen = nOpen; nOpen = new LinkedList<InheritanceProject>(); distance++; } } //Exploring children distance = 1; seenProjects.clear(); cOpen.clear(); nOpen.clear(); cOpen.add(this); while (!cOpen.isEmpty()) { InheritanceProject ip = cOpen.pop(); if (ip == null || seenProjects.contains(ip.getName())) { continue; } seenProjects.add(ip.getName()); node = connGraph.get(ip.getName()); if (ip == null || node == null) { continue; } //Adding all parents for (String child : node.children) { InheritanceProject cProj = InheritanceProject.getProjectByName(child); if (cProj == null || seenProjects.contains(child)) { continue; } ProjectGraphNode childNode = connGraph.get(child); boolean isLeaf = (childNode == null) ? true : childNode.children.isEmpty(); map.put(cProj, new Relationship(Relationship.Type.CHILD, distance, isLeaf)); nOpen.push(cProj); } if (cOpen.isEmpty() && !nOpen.isEmpty()) { cOpen = nOpen; nOpen = new LinkedList<InheritanceProject>(); distance++; } } onInheritChangeBuffer.set(this, "getRelationships", map); return map; }
From source
public static void processIP(String ip, StringBuilder builder, int timeout) { try {//from w w w . ja v a2 s .co m ip = Subnet.normalizeIP(ip); Distribution dist = SPF.getDistribution(ip, false); float probability = dist == null ? 0.0f : dist.getSpamProbability(ip); boolean ipv4 = SubnetIPv4.isValidIPv4(ip); Object response = null; Status statusIP; String tokenName; Status statusName = Status.NONE; LinkedList<String> nameList = new LinkedList<String>(); try { for (String ptr : Reverse.getPointerSet(ip)) { nameList.add(ptr); if (Generic.containsDynamic(ptr)) { statusName = Status.DYNAMIC; break; } else if (Block.containsDomain(ptr, false)) { statusName = Status.BLOCK; } else if (Block.containsREGEX(ptr)) { statusName = Status.BLOCK; } else if (Block.containsWHOIS(ptr)) { statusName = Status.BLOCK; } else if (Generic.containsGeneric(ptr)) { statusName = Status.GENERIC; } else { try { if (Reverse.getAddressSet(ptr).contains(ip)) { Distribution distPTR; if (White.containsDomain(ptr)) { statusName = Status.WHITE; break; } else if (Provider.containsDomain(ptr)) { statusName = Status.PROVIDER; break; } else if (Ignore.contains(ptr)) { statusName = Status.IGNORE; break; } else if ((distPTR = SPF.getDistribution(ptr, false)) == null) { statusName = Status.GREEN; break; } else { statusName = Status.valueOf(distPTR.getStatus(ptr).name()); break; } } else { statusName = Status.INVALID; } } catch (NamingException ex) { statusName = Status.NXDOMAIN; } } } } catch (CommunicationException ex) { statusName = Status.TIMEOUT; } catch (ServiceUnavailableException ex) { statusName = Status.UNAVAILABLE; } catch (NamingException ex) { statusName = Status.NONE; } if (White.containsIP(ip)) { statusIP = Status.WHITE; } else if (Block.containsCIDR(ip)) { statusIP = Status.BLOCK; } else if (Provider.containsCIDR(ip)) { statusIP = Status.PROVIDER; } else if (Ignore.containsCIDR(ip)) { statusIP = Status.IGNORE; } else if (Block.containsDNSBL(ip)) { statusIP = Status.DNSBL; } else if (statusName == Status.TIMEOUT && hasAccessSMTP(ip) && (response = getResponseSMTP(ip, 25, timeout)) instanceof Status) { statusIP = (Status) response; } else if (statusName == Status.UNAVAILABLE && hasAccessSMTP(ip) && (response = getResponseSMTP(ip, 25, timeout)) instanceof Status) { statusIP = (Status) response; } else if (statusName == Status.NONE && hasAccessSMTP(ip) && (response = getResponseSMTP(ip, 25, timeout)) instanceof Status) { statusIP = (Status) response; } else if (dist == null) { statusIP = Status.GREEN; } else { statusIP = Status.valueOf(dist.getStatus(ip).name()); } if (response instanceof String) { nameList.addLast((String) response); } if (statusName == Status.TIMEOUT) { tokenName = ip; } else if (statusName == Status.UNAVAILABLE) { tokenName = ip; } else if (nameList.isEmpty()) { tokenName = ip; statusName = Status.NONE; } else { tokenName = nameList.getFirst(); statusName = Status.INVALID; } for (String name : nameList) { if (Generic.containsDynamic(name)) { tokenName = name; statusName = Status.DYNAMIC; break; } else if (Block.containsDomain(name, false)) { tokenName = name; statusName = Status.BLOCK; break; } else if (Block.containsREGEX(name)) { tokenName = name; statusName = Status.BLOCK; break; } else if (Block.containsWHOIS(name)) { tokenName = name; statusName = Status.BLOCK; break; } else if (Generic.containsGeneric(name)) { tokenName = name; statusName = Status.GENERIC; break; } else { try { if (Reverse.getAddressSet(name).contains(ip)) { if (White.containsDomain(name)) { tokenName = name; statusName = Status.WHITE; break; } else if (Provider.containsDomain(name)) { tokenName = name; statusName = Status.PROVIDER; break; } else if (Ignore.contains(name)) { tokenName = name; statusName = Status.IGNORE; break; } else { tokenName = name; Distribution distribution2 = SPF.getDistribution(name, false); if (distribution2 == null) { statusName = Status.GREEN; } else { statusName = Status.valueOf(distribution2.getStatus(name).name()); } } } } catch (NameNotFoundException ex) { tokenName = name; statusName = Status.NXDOMAIN; } catch (NamingException ex) { // Fazer nada. } } } if (statusName == Status.INVALID || statusName == Status.NXDOMAIN) { try { String domain = Domain.extractDomain(tokenName, true); if (!Reverse.hasValidNameServers(domain)) { if (Block.addExact(domain)) { statusName = Status.BLOCK; Server.logDebug("new BLOCK '" + domain + "' added by 'NXDOMAIN'."); Peer.sendBlockToAll(domain); } } } catch (NamingException ex) { // Fazer nada. } catch (ProcessException ex) { if (ex.isErrorMessage("RESERVED")) { statusName = Status.RESERVED; } else { Server.logError(ex); } } } if (statusIP != Status.BLOCK && statusName == Status.DYNAMIC) { String token = ip + (SubnetIPv4.isValidIPv4(ip) ? "/24" : "/48"); String cidr = Subnet.normalizeCIDR(token); if (Block.tryOverlap(cidr)) { Server.logDebug("new BLOCK '" + token + "' added by '" + tokenName + ";" + statusName + "'."); } else if (Block.tryAdd(ip)) { Server.logDebug("new BLOCK '" + ip + "' added by '" + tokenName + ";" + statusName + "'."); } String previous = Subnet.getFirstIP(cidr); previous = Subnet.getPreviousIP(previous); previous = Subnet.getPreviousIP(previous); Analise.processToday(previous); String next = Subnet.getLastIP(cidr); next = Subnet.getNextIP(next); next = Subnet.getNextIP(next); Analise.processToday(next); statusIP = Status.BLOCK; } else if (statusIP != Status.BLOCK && statusName == Status.NONE) { String token = ip + (ipv4 ? "/32" : "/64"); String cidr = Subnet.normalizeCIDR(token); if (Block.tryOverlap(cidr)) { Server.logDebug("new BLOCK '" + token + "' added by '" + tokenName + ";" + statusName + "'."); } else if (Block.tryAdd(ip)) { Server.logDebug("new BLOCK '" + ip + "' added by '" + tokenName + ";" + statusName + "'."); } if (ipv4) { cidr = Subnet.normalizeCIDR(ip + "/24"); String next = Subnet.getFirstIP(cidr); for (int index = 0; index < 256; index++) { if (!hasReverse(next) && Block.tryAdd(next)) { Server.logDebug("new BLOCK '" + next + "' added by '" + next + ";" + statusName + "'."); } next = Subnet.getNextIP(next); } } statusIP = Status.BLOCK; } else if (statusIP != Status.BLOCK && (statusName == Status.BLOCK || statusName == Status.RESERVED || statusName == Status.NXDOMAIN)) { if (Block.tryAdd(ip)) { Server.logDebug("new BLOCK '" + ip + "' added by '" + tokenName + ";" + statusName + "'."); } statusIP = Status.BLOCK; } else if (statusIP != Status.BLOCK && statusIP != Status.IGNORE && statusName != Status.PROVIDER && statusName != Status.IGNORE && statusName != Status.GREEN && statusName != Status.WHITE && SubnetIPv6.isSLAAC(ip)) { String token = ip + "/64"; String cidr = SubnetIPv6.normalizeCIDRv6(token); if (Block.tryOverlap(cidr)) { Server.logDebug("new BLOCK '" + token + "' added by 'SLAAC'."); } else if (Block.tryAdd(ip)) { Server.logDebug("new BLOCK '" + ip + "' added by 'SLAAC'."); } statusIP = Status.BLOCK; // } else if (statusIP != Status.BLOCK && statusIP != Status.IGNORE && statusIP != Status.WHITE && statusName != Status.PROVIDER && statusName != Status.IGNORE && statusName != Status.WHITE && isCusterRED(ip, null, tokenName)) { // if (Block.tryAdd(ip)) { // Server.logDebug("new BLOCK '" + ip + "' added by '" + tokenName + ";CLUSTER'."); // } // statusIP = Status.BLOCK; } else if (statusIP == Status.DNSBL && (statusName != Status.GREEN && statusName != Status.PROVIDER && statusName != Status.IGNORE && statusName != Status.WHITE)) { if (Block.tryAdd(ip)) { Server.logDebug("new BLOCK '" + ip + "' added by '" + tokenName + ";" + statusIP + "'."); } statusIP = Status.BLOCK; } else if (statusIP == Status.CLOSED && statusName == Status.RED) { if (Block.tryAdd(ip)) { Server.logDebug("new BLOCK '" + ip + "' added by '" + tokenName + ";" + statusIP + "'."); } statusIP = Status.BLOCK; } else if (statusIP != Status.BLOCK && statusName == Status.INVALID && Generic.containsGenericDomain(tokenName)) { if (Block.tryAdd(ip)) { Server.logDebug("new BLOCK '" + ip + "' added by '" + tokenName + ";" + statusName + "'."); } statusIP = Status.BLOCK; } else if ((statusName == Status.INVALID || statusName == Status.GENERIC) && (statusIP == Status.CLOSED || statusIP == Status.RED || statusIP == Status.YELLOW)) { if (Block.tryAdd(ip)) { Server.logDebug("new BLOCK '" + ip + "' added by '" + tokenName + ";" + statusName + "'."); } statusIP = Status.BLOCK; } else if (statusIP == Status.BLOCK && (statusName == Status.YELLOW || statusName == Status.RED)) { if (Block.tryAdd(tokenName)) { Server.logDebug( "new BLOCK '" + tokenName + "' added by '" + tokenName + ";" + statusName + "'."); } statusName = Status.BLOCK; } else if (statusIP == Status.BLOCK && (statusName == Status.PROVIDER || statusName == Status.IGNORE || statusName == Status.WHITE)) { String cidr; int mask = SubnetIPv4.isValidIPv4(ip) ? 32 : 64; if ((cidr = Block.clearCIDR(ip, mask)) != null) { Server.logInfo("false positive BLOCK '" + cidr + "' detected by '" + tokenName + ";" + statusName + "'."); } if (Provider.containsCIDR(ip)) { statusIP = Status.PROVIDER; } else if (Ignore.containsCIDR(ip)) { statusIP = Status.IGNORE; } else if (Block.containsDNSBL(ip)) { statusIP = Status.DNSBL; } else if (hasAccessSMTP(ip) && (response = getResponseSMTP(ip, 25, timeout)) instanceof Status) { statusIP = (Status) response; } else if (dist == null) { statusIP = Status.GREEN; } else { statusIP = Status.valueOf(dist.getStatus(ip).name()); } } else if (statusIP == Status.DNSBL && (statusName == Status.PROVIDER || statusName == Status.IGNORE || statusName == Status.WHITE)) { if (hasAccessSMTP(ip) && (response = getResponseSMTP(ip, 25, timeout)) instanceof Status) { statusIP = (Status) response; } else if (dist == null) { statusIP = Status.GREEN; } else { statusIP = Status.valueOf(dist.getStatus(ip).name()); } } builder.append(statusIP); builder.append(' '); builder.append(tokenName); builder.append(' '); builder.append(statusName); builder.append(' '); builder.append(Core.DECIMAL_FORMAT.format(probability)); builder.append(' '); builder.append(dist == null ? "UNDEFINED" : dist.getFrequencyLiteral()); builder.append(' '); if (Subnet.isValidIP(tokenName)) { builder.append(Subnet.expandIP(tokenName)); } else { builder.append(Domain.revert(tokenName)); addCluster(convertHostToMask(tokenName), statusName, dist); addCluster(extractTLD(tokenName), statusName, dist); addCluster(getOwnerID(tokenName), statusName, dist); } addCluster(Subnet.normalizeCIDR(ip + (ipv4 ? "/24" : "/56")), statusIP, dist); } catch (Exception ex) { builder.append("ERROR"); Server.logError(ex); } }