Example usage for java.util LinkedList isEmpty

List of usage examples for java.util LinkedList isEmpty


In this page you can find the example usage for java.util LinkedList isEmpty.


boolean isEmpty();

Source Link


Returns true if this list contains no elements.


From source file:com.facebook.presto.accumulo.examples.TpcHClerkSearch.java

public int run(AccumuloConfig config, CommandLine cmd) throws Exception {
    String[] searchTerms = cmd.getOptionValues(CLERK_ID);

    ZooKeeperInstance inst = new ZooKeeperInstance(config.getInstance(), config.getZooKeepers());
    Connector conn = inst.getConnector(config.getUsername(), new PasswordToken(config.getPassword()));

    // Ensure both tables exists
    validateExists(conn, DATA_TABLE);/*w w w. j  a va2 s  . c o m*/
    validateExists(conn, INDEX_TABLE);

    long start = System.currentTimeMillis();

    // Create a scanner against the index table
    BatchScanner idxScanner = conn.createBatchScanner(INDEX_TABLE, new Authorizations(), 10);
    LinkedList<Range> searchRanges = new LinkedList<Range>();

    // Create a search Range from the command line args
    for (String searchTerm : searchTerms) {
        if (clerkRegex.matcher(searchTerm).matches()) {
            searchRanges.add(new Range(searchTerm));
        } else {
            throw new InvalidParameterException(
                    format("Search term %s does not match regex Clerk#[0-9]{9}", searchTerm));

    // Set the search ranges for our scanner

    // A list to hold all of the order IDs
    LinkedList<Range> orderIds = new LinkedList<Range>();
    String orderId;

    // Process all of the records returned by the batch scanner
    for (Map.Entry<Key, Value> record : idxScanner) {
        // Get the order ID and add it to the list of order IDs
        orderIds.add(new Range(record.getKey().getColumnQualifier()));

    // Close the batch scanner

    // If clerkIDs is empty, log a message and return 0
    if (orderIds.isEmpty()) {
        System.out.println("Found no orders with the given Clerk ID(s)");
        return 0;
    } else {
        System.out.println(format("Searching data table for %d orders", orderIds.size()));

    // Initialize the batch scanner to scan the data table with
    // the previously found order IDs as the ranges
    BatchScanner dataScanner = conn.createBatchScanner(DATA_TABLE, new Authorizations(), 10);
    dataScanner.addScanIterator(new IteratorSetting(1, WholeRowIterator.class));

    Text row = new Text(); // The row ID
    Text colQual = new Text(); // The column qualifier of the current record

    Long orderkey = null;
    Long custkey = null;
    String orderstatus = null;
    Double totalprice = null;
    Date orderdate = null;
    String orderpriority = null;
    String clerk = null;
    Long shippriority = null;
    String comment = null;

    int numTweets = 0;
    // Process all of the records returned by the batch scanner
    for (Map.Entry<Key, Value> entry : dataScanner) {
        orderkey = decode(Long.class, row.getBytes(), row.getLength());
        SortedMap<Key, Value> rowMap = WholeRowIterator.decodeRow(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
        for (Map.Entry<Key, Value> record : rowMap.entrySet()) {
            // Get the column qualifier from the record's key

            switch (colQual.toString()) {
            case CUSTKEY_STR:
                custkey = decode(Long.class, record.getValue().get());
            case ORDERSTATUS_STR:
                orderstatus = decode(String.class, record.getValue().get());
            case TOTALPRICE_STR:
                totalprice = decode(Double.class, record.getValue().get());
            case ORDERDATE_STR:
                orderdate = decode(Date.class, record.getValue().get());
            case ORDERPRIORITY_STR:
                orderpriority = decode(String.class, record.getValue().get());
            case CLERK_STR:
                clerk = decode(String.class, record.getValue().get());
            case SHIPPRIORITY_STR:
                shippriority = decode(Long.class, record.getValue().get());
            case COMMENT_STR:
                comment = decode(String.class, record.getValue().get());
                throw new RuntimeException("Unknown column qualifier " + colQual);

        // Write the screen name and text to stdout
        System.out.println(format("%d|%d|%s|%f|%s|%s|%s|%d|%s", orderkey, custkey, orderstatus, totalprice,
                orderdate, orderpriority, clerk, shippriority, comment));

        custkey = null;
        shippriority = null;
        orderstatus = null;
        orderpriority = null;
        clerk = null;
        comment = null;
        totalprice = null;
        orderdate = null;

    // Close the batch scanner

    long finish = System.currentTimeMillis();

    System.out.format("Found %d orders in %s ms\n", numTweets, (finish - start));
    return 0;

From source file:acromusashi.stream.component.rabbitmq.CachingConnectionFactory.java

private Channel getChannel(boolean transactional) {
    LinkedList<ChannelProxy> channelList = transactional ? this.cachedChannelsTransactional
            : this.cachedChannelsNonTransactional;
    Channel channel = null;/*  w w w . j a v a2 s.c  o  m*/
    synchronized (channelList) {
        if (!channelList.isEmpty()) {
            channel = channelList.removeFirst();
    if (channel != null) {
        if (this.logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
            this.logger.trace("Found cached Rabbit Channel");
    } else {
        channel = getCachedChannelProxy(channelList, transactional);
    return channel;

From source file:com.android.utils.AccessibilityNodeInfoUtils.java

 * Returns the result of applying a filter using breadth-first traversal.
 * @param node The root node to traverse from.
 * @param filter The filter to satisfy./*  w  w  w .  j  a  va 2  s  . com*/
 * @return The first node reached via BFS traversal that satisfies the
 *         filter.
public static AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat searchFromBfs(AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat node, NodeFilter filter) {
    if (node == null) {
        return null;

    final LinkedList<AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat> queue = new LinkedList<>();
    Set<AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat> visitedNodes = new HashSet<>();


    try {
        while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
            final AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat item = queue.removeFirst();

            if (filter.accept(item)) {
                return item;

            final int childCount = item.getChildCount();

            for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {
                final AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat child = item.getChild(i);

                if (child != null && !visitedNodes.contains(child)) {
    } finally {
        while (!queue.isEmpty()) {

    return null;

From source file:it.cnr.icar.eric.client.admin.function.Cp.java

 * Load the contents of baseDir into rp using pathname as base for
 * locators of loaded objects.//  ww  w .j  a  va2 s  .c  o  m
 * @param baseDir  Directory in local file system from which to load
 * @param rp       Existing RegistryPackage to which to add
protected void scanDir(File baseDir, RegistryPackage rootRP) throws Exception {
    ArrayList<RegistryObject> repositoryObjects = new ArrayList<RegistryObject>();

    LinkedList<DirInfo> dirInfoList = new LinkedList<DirInfo>();

    dirInfoList.add(new DirInfo(baseDir, rootRP));

     * Loop through the list of directories (and corresponding
     * RegistryPackages and pathnames).  Child directories of
     * curDir are added to the end of the list, so the list isn't
     * finished until all descendant directories have been
     * processed.
    while (!dirInfoList.isEmpty()) {
        DirInfo curDirInfo = dirInfoList.removeFirst();
        File curDir = curDirInfo.getDir();
        RegistryPackage curRP = curDirInfo.getRegistryPackage();

        if (!curDir.exists()) {
            throw new AdminException(format(rb, "nonexistentLocalDir", new Object[] { curDir }));

        if (!curDir.isDirectory()) {
            throw new AdminException(format(rb, "nondirectoryLocalDir", new Object[] { curDir }));

        if (!curDir.canRead()) {
            throw new AdminException(format(rb, "unreadableLocalDir", new Object[] { curDir }));

        File[] childFiles = curDir.listFiles();

        for (int i = 0; i < childFiles.length; i++) {
            String childName = childFiles[i].getName();

            boolean canInclude = checkIncludesExcludes(childName);

            RegistryObject childObject;

            if (!canInclude) {
                if (verbose || debug) {
                    context.printMessage(format(rb, "notIncluding", new Object[] { childFiles[i] }));


            if (childFiles[i].isFile()) {
                if (verbose || debug) {
                    context.printMessage(format(rb, "including",
                            new Object[] { "ExtrinsicObject", childFiles[i], childName }));

                childObject = context.getService().createExtrinsicObject(childFiles[i]);
            } else if (childFiles[i].isDirectory()) {
                if (verbose || debug) {
                    context.printMessage(format(rb, "including",
                            new Object[] { "RegistryPackage", childFiles[i], childName }));

                childObject = context.getService().createRegistryPackage(childName);

                dirInfoList.addLast(new DirInfo(childFiles[i], (RegistryPackage) childObject));
            } else {
                childObject = null;
                throw new AdminException(format(rb, "notFileOrDir", new Object[] { childFiles[i] }));

            if (curRP != null) {


    if (!repositoryObjects.isEmpty()) {
        if (rootRP != null) {

        BulkResponse response = ((LifeCycleManagerImpl) context.getService().getLCM())
                .saveObjects(repositoryObjects, saveObjectsSlots);


From source file:com.epam.reportportal.apache.http.conn.ssl.AbstractVerifier.java

public final void verify(final String host, final String[] cns, final String[] subjectAlts,
        final boolean strictWithSubDomains) throws SSLException {

    // Build the list of names we're going to check.  Our DEFAULT and
    // STRICT implementations of the HostnameVerifier only use the
    // first CN provided.  All other CNs are ignored.
    // (Firefox, wget, curl, Sun Java 1.4, 5, 6 all work this way).
    final LinkedList<String> names = new LinkedList<String>();
    if (cns != null && cns.length > 0 && cns[0] != null) {
        names.add(cns[0]);//  ww  w. jav a  2s.  c o m
    if (subjectAlts != null) {
        for (final String subjectAlt : subjectAlts) {
            if (subjectAlt != null) {

    if (names.isEmpty()) {
        final String msg = "Certificate for <" + host + "> doesn't contain CN or DNS subjectAlt";
        throw new SSLException(msg);

    // StringBuilder for building the error message.
    final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();

    // We're can be case-insensitive when comparing the host we used to
    // establish the socket to the hostname in the certificate.
    final String hostName = normaliseIPv6Address(host.trim().toLowerCase(Locale.US));
    boolean match = false;
    for (final Iterator<String> it = names.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
        // Don't trim the CN, though!
        String cn = it.next();
        cn = cn.toLowerCase(Locale.US);
        // Store CN in StringBuilder in case we need to report an error.
        buf.append(" <");
        if (it.hasNext()) {
            buf.append(" OR");

        // The CN better have at least two dots if it wants wildcard
        // action.  It also can't be [*.co.uk] or [*.co.jp] or
        // [*.org.uk], etc...
        final String parts[] = cn.split("\\.");
        final boolean doWildcard = parts.length >= 3 && parts[0].endsWith("*") && validCountryWildcard(cn)
                && !isIPAddress(host);

        if (doWildcard) {
            final String firstpart = parts[0];
            if (firstpart.length() > 1) { // e.g. server*
                final String prefix = firstpart.substring(0, firstpart.length() - 1); // e.g. server
                final String suffix = cn.substring(firstpart.length()); // skip wildcard part from cn
                final String hostSuffix = hostName.substring(prefix.length()); // skip wildcard part from host
                match = hostName.startsWith(prefix) && hostSuffix.endsWith(suffix);
            } else {
                match = hostName.endsWith(cn.substring(1));
            if (match && strictWithSubDomains) {
                // If we're in strict mode, then [*.foo.com] is not
                // allowed to match [a.b.foo.com]
                match = countDots(hostName) == countDots(cn);
        } else {
            match = hostName.equals(normaliseIPv6Address(cn));
        if (match) {
    if (!match) {
        throw new SSLException("hostname in certificate didn't match: <" + host + "> !=" + buf);

From source file:nl.tue.bimserver.citygml.CityGmlSerializer.java

private <T extends AbstractCityObject> T buildBoundarySurface(IfcProduct ifcProduct, T cityObject)
        throws SerializerException {
    setName(cityObject.getName(), ifcProduct.getName());
    setGlobalId(cityObject, ifcProduct);

    MultiSurface multiSurface = gml.createMultiSurface();

    {/*from w w  w .  j  a  v  a  2  s.c  o m*/
        CompositeSurface compositeSurface = gml.createCompositeSurface();
        setGeometry(compositeSurface, ifcProduct);
        materialManager.assign(compositeSurface, ifcProduct);

    LinkedList<IfcObjectDefinition> decompose = new LinkedList<IfcObjectDefinition>(
    while (!decompose.isEmpty()) {
        for (IfcRelDecomposes ifcRelDecomposes : decompose.removeFirst().getIsDecomposedBy()) {
            for (IfcObjectDefinition ifcObjectDef : ifcRelDecomposes.getRelatedObjects()) {
                CompositeSurface compositeSurface = gml.createCompositeSurface();
                setGeometry(compositeSurface, ifcObjectDef);
                materialManager.assign(compositeSurface, ifcObjectDef);

    MultiSurfaceProperty multiSurfaceProperty = gml.createMultiSurfaceProperty(multiSurface);
    try {
        if (PropertyUtils.isWriteable(cityObject, "lod4MultiSurface")) {
            PropertyUtils.setProperty(cityObject, "lod4MultiSurface", multiSurfaceProperty);
        } else {
            PropertyUtils.setProperty(cityObject, "lod4Geometry", multiSurfaceProperty);
    } catch (Exception e) {

    return cityObject;

From source file:annis.gui.resultview.ResultViewPanel.java

public boolean onCompononentLoaded(AbstractClientConnector source) {
    if (source != null) {
        if (projectQueue != null && currentQuery != null) {
            LinkedList<SaltProject> subgraphs = new LinkedList<>();
            SaltProject p;/*from  w ww  .j a va  2s . c  om*/
            while ((p = projectQueue.poll()) != null) {
                log.debug("Polling queue for SaltProject graph");
            if (subgraphs.isEmpty()) {
                log.debug("no SaltProject graph in queue");
                return false;

            log.debug("taken {} SaltProject graph(s) from queue", subgraphs.size());
            addQueryResult(currentQuery, subgraphs);
            return true;


    return true;

From source file:org.geometerplus.android.fbreader.BookmarkFragmentActivity.java

protected void onNewIntent(Intent intent) {
    OrientationUtil.setOrientation(this, intent);

    if (!Intent.ACTION_SEARCH.equals(intent.getAction())) {
        return;//from   w  w  w.  j av a  2 s . com
    String pattern = intent.getStringExtra(SearchManager.QUERY);

    final LinkedList<Bookmark> bookmarks = new LinkedList<Bookmark>();
    pattern = pattern.toLowerCase();
    for (Bookmark b : myAllBooksAdapter.bookmarks()) {
        if (MiscUtil.matchesIgnoreCase(b.getText(), pattern)) {
    if (!bookmarks.isEmpty()) {
    } else {
        UIUtil.showErrorMessage(this, "quoteNotFound");

From source file:org.overture.codegen.vdm2java.JavaFormat.java

public String formatInterfaces(AClassDeclCG classDecl) {
    LinkedList<AInterfaceDeclCG> interfaces = classDecl.getInterfaces();

    if (interfaces == null || interfaces.isEmpty()) {
        return "";
    }/*from  w w  w .j a va  2s.c  o  m*/

    String implementsClause = "implements";

    implementsClause += " " + interfaces.get(0).getName();

    for (int i = 1; i < interfaces.size(); i++) {
        implementsClause += ", " + interfaces.get(i).getName();

    return implementsClause;

From source file:net.joaopeixoto.geode.server.functions.PatternFunctions.java

 * Replace here with your favorite algorithm
 *///from w w  w .  jav  a2s . c o  m
public DistanceResult distance(List<Metric> metrics) {
    Metric first = metrics.get(0);

    LinkedList<Metric> currentWindow = new LinkedList<>();
    LinkedList<Metric> matchedWindow = new LinkedList<>();
    double minDistance = THRESHOLD;
    int matchCount = 0;

    log.debug("Checking for patterns comparing with {}", metrics);

    List<Metric> localValues = new ArrayList<>(metricRegion.values());

     * Ensure the local values are ordered. {@link Region#values()} does not guarantee it.
    for (Metric metric : localValues) {

        // Ignore overlapping points or noise
        if (metric.getTimestamp() >= first.getTimestamp() || metric.getValue().compareTo(BigDecimal.TEN) < 1) {
            if (!currentWindow.isEmpty()) {

        if (currentWindow.size() > 13) {

         * We only compare windows the same size (for now)
        if (currentWindow.size() == 13) {

            TimeWarpInfo compare = DTW.compare(metricToSeries(currentWindow), metricToSeries(metrics),
            if (compare.getDistance() <= 1D) {
                matchedWindow = new LinkedList<>(currentWindow);

    if (matchCount > 0) {
        return new DistanceResult(matchedWindow, minDistance, matchCount);
    return null;