Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2005 - 2014 TIBCO Software Inc. All rights reserved. * * * Unless you have purchased a commercial license agreement from Jaspersoft, * the following license terms apply: * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.export.modules.repository; import com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.JSException; import com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.JSExceptionWrapper; import com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.common.domain.ExecutionContext; import com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.metadata.common.domain.Folder; import com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.metadata.common.domain.InternalURI; import com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.metadata.common.domain.Resource; import com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.metadata.common.domain.ResourceReference; import com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.metadata.common.domain.client.FolderImpl; import com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.metadata.common.domain.util.DataContainerStreamUtil; import com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.metadata.common.service.RepositoryService; import com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.metadata.user.domain.ObjectPermission; import com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.metadata.user.domain.Role; import com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.metadata.user.domain.Tenant; import com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.metadata.user.domain.User; import com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.metadata.user.service.ObjectPermissionService; import com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.metadata.user.service.TenantService; import com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.export.modules.BaseImporterModule; import com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.export.modules.ImporterModuleContext; import com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.export.modules.common.TenantQualifiedName; import com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.export.modules.repository.beans.FolderBean; import com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.export.modules.repository.beans.PermissionRecipient; import com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.export.modules.repository.beans.RepositoryObjectPermissionBean; import com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.export.modules.repository.beans.ResourceBean; import com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.export.modules.repository.beans.ResourceReferenceBean; import com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.export.util.PathUtils; import com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.export.util.PathUtils.SplittedPath; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.dom4j.Element; import org.springframework.beans.factory.InitializingBean; import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * @author Lucian Chirita ( * @version $Id: 47331 2014-07-18 09:13:06Z kklein $ */ public class ResourceImporter extends BaseImporterModule implements ResourceImportHandler, InitializingBean { public final static String ATTRIBUTE_UPDATE_RESOURCES = "updateResources"; private final static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(ResourceImporter.class); private ResourceModuleConfiguration configuration; private TenantService tenantService; private String prependPathArg; private String updateArg; private String includeSettingsArg; private String skipThemesArgument; private List<String> rootSubTenantFolderUris; private Pattern orgPattern = Pattern.compile("((/" + TenantService.ORGANIZATIONS + "/[^/]+)*)"); private Pattern themesPattern = Pattern.compile(".*/themes/.*"); protected RepositoryService repository; protected String prependPath; private boolean update; protected Set importedURIs; private LinkedList folderQueue; private LinkedList resourceQueue; private Map roles; private Map users; public void afterPropertiesSet() { this.repository = configuration.getRepository(); } public void init(ImporterModuleContext moduleContext) { super.init(moduleContext); configuration.setApplicationContext( (ApplicationContext) moduleContext.getAttributes().getAttribute("appContext")); prependPath = getPrependPath(); update = getUpdateFlag(); //Retrieve all root subtenants List<Tenant> allRootSubTenantList = tenantService.getAllSubTenantList(executionContext, TenantService.ORGANIZATIONS); rootSubTenantFolderUris = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Tenant tenant : allRootSubTenantList) { rootSubTenantFolderUris.add(tenant.getTenantFolderUri()); } } protected String getPrependPath() { String path = getParameterValue(getPrependPathArg()); if (path != null) { path = PathUtils.normalizePath(path); if (path.length() == 0 || path.equals(Folder.SEPARATOR)) { path = null; } else if (!path.startsWith(Folder.SEPARATOR)) { path = Folder.SEPARATOR + path; } } return path; } protected boolean getUpdateFlag() { return hasParameter(getUpdateArg()); } protected boolean getIncludeSettingsFlag() { return hasParameter(getIncludeSettingsArg()); } protected boolean skipThemes() { return hasParameter(getSkipThemesArgument()); } protected boolean isUpdate() { return update; } public List<String> process() { initProcess(); createPrependFolder(); queueEntryFolders(); queueEntryResources(); while (!folderQueue.isEmpty() || !resourceQueue.isEmpty()) { if (folderQueue.isEmpty()) { String uri = (String) resourceQueue.removeFirst(); try { importResource(uri, false); } catch (ResourceBeanDataNotFoundException e) { final String msg; if (uri.equals(e.getMessage())) { msg = "Reference resource \"" + e.getMessage() + "\" not found."; } else { msg = "Reference resource \"" + e.getMessage() + "\" not found when importing resource \"" + uri + "\"."; } commandOut.warn(msg); fileBrokenResource(msg); } } else { String uri = (String) folderQueue.removeFirst(); importFolder(uri, true); } } return null; } private void fileBrokenResource(String message) { File file = new File("import-errors.log"); Writer out = null; try { out = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(file, true)); out.write(message); out.write('\n'); } catch (IOException e) { commandOut.error("Error writing to import.log", e); } finally { if (out != null) { try { out.close(); } catch (IOException e1) { } } } } protected void queueEntryFolders() { List entryFolders = new ArrayList(); for (Iterator it = indexElement.elementIterator(configuration.getFolderIndexElement()); it.hasNext();) { Element folderElement = (Element); entryFolders.add(folderElement.getText()); } if (!entryFolders.isEmpty()) { Collections.sort(entryFolders); for (Iterator it = entryFolders.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { String uri = (String); folderQueue.addLast(uri); } } } protected void queueEntryResources() { for (Iterator it = indexElement.elementIterator(configuration.getResourceIndexElement()); it.hasNext();) { Element resourceElement = (Element); String uri = resourceElement.getText(); resourceQueue.addLast(uri); } } protected void createPrependFolder() { if (prependPath != null) { LinkedList toCreateURIs = new LinkedList(); for (String path = prependPath; repository.getFolder(executionContext, path) == null; path = PathUtils.splitPath(path).parentPath) { toCreateURIs.addFirst(path); } while (!toCreateURIs.isEmpty()) { String path = (String) toCreateURIs.removeFirst(); Folder folder = createFolder(path); commandOut.debug("About to save folder " + path); try { repository.saveFolder(executionContext, folder); } catch (SpringSecurityException er) { this.updateSecuredResource(executionContext, folder); } } } } protected void initProcess() { importedURIs = new HashSet(); folderQueue = new LinkedList(); resourceQueue = new LinkedList(); roles = new HashMap(); users = new HashMap(); } protected void importFolder(String uri, boolean detailsRequired) { if (importedURIs.contains(uri) || skipResource(uri)) { return; } // All organization folder uris have pattern /organizations/org_1../organizations/org2/folder except of template folder // which has pattern /organizations/org_template, so we have to skip it. String tenantFolderUri = ""; int orgTeplateIndex = uri.indexOf("/" + TenantService.ORGANIZATIONS + "/" + TenantService.ORG_TEMPLATE); if (orgTeplateIndex >= 0) { tenantFolderUri = uri.substring(0, orgTeplateIndex); } else { Matcher m = orgPattern.matcher(uri); if (m.find()) { tenantFolderUri =; } } if (!(rootSubTenantFolderUris.contains(tenantFolderUri) || tenantFolderUri.equals(""))) { commandOut .info("Folder with the uri" + uri + " is attached to not existing organization. Not imported"); return; } FolderBean folderBean = getFolderDetails(uri, detailsRequired); String importUri = prependedPath(uri); Folder folder = repository.getFolder(executionContext, importUri); if (executionContext.getAttributes() == null) { executionContext.setAttributes(new ArrayList()); } if (!executionContext.getAttributes().contains(RepositoryService.IS_IMPORTING)) { executionContext.getAttributes().add(RepositoryService.IS_IMPORTING); } if (folder == null) { ensureParent(uri); if (folderBean == null) { folder = createFolder(importUri); } else { folder = createFolder(folderBean); } try { commandOut.debug("About to save folder " + importUri); repository.saveFolder(executionContext, folder); } catch (SpringSecurityException er) { this.updateSecuredResource(executionContext, folder); } if (folderBean != null) { setPermissions(folder, folderBean.getPermissions(), false); }"Created repository folder " + importUri); } else if (update && folderBean != null) { folder.setLabel(folderBean.getLabel()); folder.setDescription(folderBean.getDescription()); try { commandOut.debug("About to save folder " + importUri); repository.saveFolder(executionContext, folder); } catch (SpringSecurityException er) { this.updateSecuredResource(executionContext, folder); }"Updating folder " + importUri); if (folderBean.isExportedWithPermissions()) { configuration.getPermissionService().deleteObjectPermissionForObject(executionContext, folder); } setPermissions(folder, folderBean.getPermissions(), false); } else { if (folderBean != null) {"Folder " + importUri + " already exists, importing permissions only"); setPermissions(folder, folderBean.getPermissions(), true); } } importedURIs.add(uri); if (folderBean != null) { queueSubFolders(uri, folderBean); queueResources(uri, folderBean); } } private boolean skipResource(String uri) { return themesPattern.matcher(uri).matches() && skipThemes(); } protected void queueSubFolders(String uri, FolderBean folderBean) { String[] subFolders = folderBean.getSubFolders(); if (subFolders != null) { for (int i = 0; i < subFolders.length; i++) { String subfolderURI = appendPath(uri, subFolders[i]); folderQueue.addLast(subfolderURI); } } } protected void queueResources(String uri, FolderBean folderBean) { String[] resources = folderBean.getResources(); if (resources != null) { for (int i = 0; i < resources.length; i++) { String resourceUri = appendPath(uri, resources[i]); resourceQueue.addLast(resourceUri); } } } protected String prependedPath(String uri) { return PathUtils.concatPaths(prependPath, uri); } protected String appendPath(String uri, String name) { String subUri; if (uri.equals(Folder.SEPARATOR)) { subUri = Folder.SEPARATOR + name; } else { subUri = uri + Folder.SEPARATOR + name; } return subUri; } protected FolderBean getFolderDetails(String uri, boolean required) { FolderBean folderBean = null; String folderPath = PathUtils.concatPaths(configuration.getResourcesDirName(), uri); if (input.fileExists(folderPath, configuration.getFolderDetailsFileName())) { folderBean = (FolderBean) deserialize(folderPath, configuration.getFolderDetailsFileName(), configuration.getSerializer()); } else { if (required) { // Adding non localized message cause import-export tool does not support localization. StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder("Folder details for folder "); message.append(uri); message.append(" were not found in the import information.");; throw new JSException(message.toString()); } } return folderBean; } protected void ensureParent(String uri) { SplittedPath splitPath = PathUtils.splitPath(uri); if (splitPath != null && splitPath.parentPath != null) { importFolder(splitPath.parentPath, false); } } protected Folder createFolder(String uri) { Folder folder = new FolderImpl(); SplittedPath splPath = PathUtils.splitPath(uri); folder.setParentFolder(splPath.parentPath); folder.setName(; folder.setLabel(; return folder; } protected Folder createFolder(FolderBean folderBean) { Folder folder = new FolderImpl(); folderBean.copyTo(folder); folder.setCreationDate(folderBean.getCreationDate()); folder.setUpdateDate(folderBean.getUpdateDate()); folder.setParentFolder(prependedPath(folder.getParentFolder())); return folder; } protected String importResource(String uri, boolean ignoreMissing) { String importUri = prependedPath(uri); if (!importedURIs.contains(uri) && !skipResource(uri)) { if (ignoreMissing && !hasResourceBeanData(uri)) {"Resource " + uri + " data missing from the catalog, skipping from import"); } else { if (!hasResourceBeanData(uri)) { throw new ResourceBeanDataNotFoundException(uri); } boolean importingSettings = uri.equals(configuration.getUriOfSettingsList()); if (importingSettings) { update = getIncludeSettingsFlag(); } Resource resource = repository.getResource(executionContext, importUri); if (executionContext.getAttributes() == null) { executionContext.setAttributes(new ArrayList()); } if (!executionContext.getAttributes().contains(RepositoryService.IS_IMPORTING)) { executionContext.getAttributes().add(RepositoryService.IS_IMPORTING); } if (resource == null) { ensureParent(uri); ResourceBean bean = readResourceBean(uri); resource = createResource(bean); commandOut.debug("About to save resource " + importUri); try { repository.saveResource(executionContext, resource); } catch (SpringSecurityException er) { this.updateSecuredResource(executionContext, resource); } setPermissions(resource, bean.getPermissions(), false);"Imported resource " + importUri); } else if (update) { registerUpdateResource(importUri); ResourceBean bean = readResourceBean(uri); Resource updated = createResource(bean); if (resource.isSameType(updated)) { // We need to re-read the object to get the latest version // this is a fix to bug # 27803 // Resource resource2 = repository.getResource(executionContext, importUri); updated.setVersion(resource2.getVersion()); commandOut.debug("About to save resource " + importUri); try { repository.saveResource(executionContext, updated); } catch (SpringSecurityException er) { this.updateSecuredResource(executionContext, resource); } if (bean.isExportedWithPermissions()) { configuration.getPermissionService().deleteObjectPermissionForObject(executionContext, resource); } setPermissions(resource, bean.getPermissions(), false);"Updated resource " + importUri); } else { commandOut.warn("Resource " + importUri + " already exists in the repository and has a different type than in the catalog, not updating"); } } else { commandOut.warn("Resource " + importUri + " already exists, not importing"); } if (importingSettings) { update = getUpdateFlag(); } importedURIs.add(uri); } } return importUri; } protected void updateSecuredResource(ExecutionContext context, Resource resource) {"Access denied for " + resource.getURIString()); } protected void registerUpdateResource(String resourceUri) { Set updateResources = (Set) getContextAttributes().getAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_UPDATE_RESOURCES); if (updateResources == null) { updateResources = new HashSet(); getContextAttributes().setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_UPDATE_RESOURCES, updateResources); } updateResources.add(resourceUri); } protected Resource createResource(ResourceBean bean) { Class resourceItf = configuration.getCastorBeanMappings().getInterface(bean.getClass()); Resource resource = repository.newResource(executionContext, resourceItf); bean.copyTo(resource, this); resource.setParentFolder(prependedPath(resource.getParentFolder())); return resource; } protected boolean hasResourceBeanData(String uri) { String resourceFileName = getResourceFileName(uri); return input.fileExists(configuration.getResourcesDirName(), resourceFileName); } protected ResourceBean readResourceBean(String uri) { String resourceFileName = getResourceFileName(uri); ResourceBean bean = (ResourceBean) deserialize(configuration.getResourcesDirName(), resourceFileName, configuration.getSerializer()); return bean; } protected String getResourceFileName(String uri) { return uri + ".xml"; } @Override public String getSourceJsVersion() { return super.getSourceJsVersion(); } @Override public String getTargetJsVersion() { return super.getTargetJsVersion(); } public ResourceReference handleReference(ResourceReferenceBean beanReference) { ResourceReference reference; if (beanReference == null) { reference = null; } else if (beanReference.isLocal()) { ResourceBean localResBean = beanReference.getLocalResource(); Resource localRes = createResource(localResBean); reference = new ResourceReference(localRes); } else { String referenceURI = beanReference.getExternalURI(); if (referenceURI == null || referenceURI.equals("")) { return null; } importResource(referenceURI, false); reference = new ResourceReference(prependedPath(referenceURI)); } return reference; } public byte[] handleData(ResourceBean resourceBean, String dataFile, String providerId) { String filename = PathUtils.concatPaths(resourceBean.getFolder(), dataFile); InputStream dataInput = getFileInput(configuration.getResourcesDirName(), filename); boolean closeInput = true; try { ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); DataContainerStreamUtil.pipeData(dataInput, out); closeInput = false; dataInput.close(); return out.toByteArray(); } catch (IOException e) { log.error(e); throw new JSExceptionWrapper(e); } finally { if (closeInput) { try { dataInput.close(); } catch (IOException e) { log.error(e); } } } } public Resource handleResource(ResourceBean resource) { Resource res = createResource(resource); return res; } public String handleResource(String uri) { return handleResource(uri, false); } public String handleResource(String uri, boolean ignoreMissing) { return importResource(uri, ignoreMissing); } protected void setPermissions(InternalURI object, RepositoryObjectPermissionBean[] permissions, boolean checkExisting) { if (permissions != null) { for (int i = 0; i < permissions.length; i++) { RepositoryObjectPermissionBean permissionBean = permissions[i]; setPermission(object, permissionBean, checkExisting); } } } protected void setPermission(InternalURI object, RepositoryObjectPermissionBean permissionBean, boolean checkExisting) { ObjectPermissionService permissionsService = configuration.getPermissionService(); PermissionRecipient permissionRecipient = permissionBean.getRecipient(); Object recipient; String recipientType = permissionRecipient.getRecipientType(); if (recipientType.equals(configuration.getPermissionRecipientRole())) { recipient = getRole(permissionRecipient); if (recipient == null) { commandOut.warn( "Role " + permissionRecipient + " not found, skipping permission of " + object.getURI()); } } else if (recipientType.equals(configuration.getPermissionRecipientUser())) { recipient = getUser(permissionRecipient); if (recipient == null) { commandOut.warn( "User " + permissionRecipient + " not found, skipping permission of " + object.getURI()); } } else { recipient = null; commandOut.warn("Unknown object permission recipient type " + recipientType + ", skipping permission of " + object.getURI()); } if (recipient != null) { boolean existing; if (checkExisting) { List permissions = permissionsService.getObjectPermissionsForObjectAndRecipient(executionContext, object, recipient); existing = permissions != null && !permissions.isEmpty(); } else { existing = false; } if (existing) { if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Permission on " + object.getURI() + " for " + permissionRecipient + " already exists, skipping."); } } else { ObjectPermission permission = permissionsService.newObjectPermission(executionContext); permission.setURI(object.getURI()); permission.setPermissionMask(permissionBean.getPermissionMask()); permission.setPermissionRecipient(recipient); permissionsService.putObjectPermission(executionContext, permission); } } } protected Role getRole(TenantQualifiedName roleName) { Role role; if (roles.containsKey(roleName)) { role = (Role) roles.get(roleName); } else { role = loadRole(roleName); roles.put(roleName, role); } return role; } protected Role loadRole(TenantQualifiedName roleName) { return configuration.getAuthorityService().getRole(executionContext, roleName.getName()); } protected User getUser(TenantQualifiedName username) { User user; if (users.containsKey(username)) { user = (User) users.get(username); } else { user = loadUser(username); users.put(username, user); } return user; } protected User loadUser(TenantQualifiedName username) { return configuration.getAuthorityService().getUser(executionContext, username.getName()); } public ResourceModuleConfiguration getConfiguration() { return configuration; } public void setConfiguration(ResourceModuleConfiguration configuration) { this.configuration = configuration; } public TenantService getTenantService() { return tenantService; } public void setTenantService(TenantService tenantService) { this.tenantService = tenantService; } public String getPrependPathArg() { return prependPathArg; } public void setPrependPathArg(String prependPathArg) { this.prependPathArg = prependPathArg; } public String getUpdateArg() { return updateArg; } public void setUpdateArg(String updateArg) { this.updateArg = updateArg; } public String getIncludeSettingsArg() { return includeSettingsArg; } public void setIncludeSettingsArg(String includeSettingsArg) { this.includeSettingsArg = includeSettingsArg; } public String getSkipThemesArgument() { return skipThemesArgument; } public void setSkipThemesArgument(String skipThemesArgument) { this.skipThemesArgument = skipThemesArgument; } }