Example usage for java.util LinkedList isEmpty

List of usage examples for java.util LinkedList isEmpty


In this page you can find the example usage for java.util LinkedList isEmpty.


boolean isEmpty();

Source Link


Returns true if this list contains no elements.


From source file:de.cubeisland.engine.core.util.McUUID.java

private static void getProfiles(List<Profile> profiles, LinkedList<String> players) {
    int amount = players.size();
    CubeEngine.getLog().debug("Query UUID for: " + StringUtils.implode(",", players));
    ArrayNode node = mapper.createArrayNode();
    while (!players.isEmpty()) {
        ObjectNode criteria = mapper.createObjectNode();
        criteria.put("name", players.poll());
        criteria.put("agent", AGENT);
        node.add(criteria);/*from   ww w.j  a  v  a2s.c  om*/
    int page = 1;
    try {
        CubeEngine.getLog().info("Query Mojang for {} UUIDs", amount);
        while (amount > 0) {
            int read = readProfilesFromInputStream(postQuery(node, page++).getInputStream(), profiles);
            if (read == 0) {
                CubeEngine.getLog().info("No Answer for {} players", amount);
            } else if (read != amount) {
                amount -= read;
    } catch (IOException e) {
        CubeEngine.getLog().error(e, "Could not retrieve UUID for given names!");

From source file:org.accelio.jxio.jxioConnection.impl.JxioResourceManager.java

public static MsgPool getMsgPool(int size, int in, int out) {
    MsgPool pool = null;/* w ww.j  a v  a  2s .co  m*/
    String key = getMsgPoolKey(size, in, out);

    synchronized (msgPools) {
        LinkedList<MsgPool> list = msgPools.get(key);

        if (list == null) {
            list = new LinkedList<MsgPool>();
            msgPools.put(key, list);
            pool = new MsgPool(size, in, out);
        } else if (list.isEmpty()) {
            pool = new MsgPool(size, in, out);
        } else {
            pool = list.poll();
    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
        LOG.debug("returning " + pool);
    return pool;

From source file:de.hasait.clap.impl.CLAPClassNode.java

private static <A extends Annotation> A findAnnotation(final Class<?> pClass, final Class<A> pAnnotationClass) {
    final LinkedList<Class<?>> queue = new LinkedList<Class<?>>();
    queue.add(pClass);//w  w  w .  ja  va 2  s  .  c  o m
    while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
        final Class<?> clazz = queue.removeFirst();
        if (clazz != null) {
            final A result = clazz.getAnnotation(pAnnotationClass);
            if (result != null) {
                return result;
            for (final Class<?> interfaze : clazz.getInterfaces()) {
    return null;

From source file:mx.unam.ecologia.gye.coalescence.model.UniParentalGene.java

public static final void traverse(UniParentalGene upgene, UniParentalGeneVisitor visitor) {
    LinkedList<UniParentalGene> queue = new LinkedList<UniParentalGene>();
    if (upgene.isAncestor()) {
        queue.add(upgene);/*  www  .  jav a  2 s  .c o  m*/
    } else {
        return; //nothing to be done!
    while (!(queue.isEmpty())) {
        UniParentalGene upg = (UniParentalGene) queue.removeFirst();
        //log.debug("traverse()::Visited " + upg.toNHXString());

        if (upg.m_LDescendant != null) {
        if (upg.m_RDescendant != null) {

From source file:Main.java

public static LinkedList<File> listLinkedFiles(String strPath) {
    LinkedList<File> list = new LinkedList<File>();
    File dir = new File(strPath);
    if (!dir.isDirectory()) {
        return null;
    }//from www  .j  a v  a 2s. c  o m
    File file[] = dir.listFiles();
    for (int i = 0; i < file.length; i++) {
        if (file[i].isDirectory())
    File tmp;
    while (!list.isEmpty()) {
        tmp = (File) list.removeFirst();
        if (tmp.isDirectory()) {
            file = tmp.listFiles();
            if (file == null)
            for (int i = 0; i < file.length; i++) {
                if (file[i].isDirectory())
        } else {
    return list;

From source file:org.xchain.namespaces.jsl.AbstractTemplateCommand.java

protected static ElementOutputState[] getElementOutputState() {
    LinkedList<ElementOutputState[]> stack = elementOutputStateStackTL.get();

    if (stack == null || stack.isEmpty()) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("getElementOutputState() called outside of execute method.");
    }//from   w w  w.j a v  a  2  s . c  om

    return stack.getFirst();

From source file:com.tamingtext.classifier.bayes.ExtractTrainingData.java

 * Extract training data from a lucene index. 
 * <p>//from  w  w  w.  j a  va 2  s  .c om
 * Iterates over documents in the lucene index, the values in the categoryFields are inspected and if found to 
 * contain any of the strings found in the category file, a training data item will be emitted, assigned to the
 * matching category and containing the terms found in the fields listed in textFields. Output is written to
 * the output directory with one file per category.
 * <p>
 * The category file contains one line per category, each line contains a number of whitespace delimited strings. 
 * The first string on each line is the category name, while subsequent strings will be used to identify documents
 * that belong in that category.
 * <p>
 * 'Technology Computers Macintosh' will cause documents that contain either 'Technology', 'Computers' or 'Machintosh'
 * in one of their categoryFields to be assigned to the 'Technology' category.
 * @param indexDir 
 *   directory of lucene index to extract from
 * @param maxDocs
 *   the maximum number of documents to process.
 * @param categoryFile
 *   file containing category strings to extract
 * @param categoryFields
 *   list of fields to match against category data
 * @param textFields
 *   list of fields containing terms to extract
 * @param outputDir
 *   directory to write output to
 * @throws IOException
public static void extractTraininingData(File indexDir, File categoryFile, Collection<String> categoryFields,
        Collection<String> textFields, File outputDir, boolean useTermVectors) throws IOException {

    log.info("Index dir: " + indexDir);
    log.info("Category file: " + categoryFile);
    log.info("Output dir: " + outputDir);
    log.info("Category fields: " + categoryFields.toString());
    log.info("Text fields: " + textFields.toString());
    log.info("Use Term Vectors?: " + useTermVectors);
    OpenObjectIntHashMap<String> categoryCounts = new OpenObjectIntHashMap<String>();
    Map<String, List<String>> categories = readCategoryFile(categoryFile);

    Directory dir = FSDirectory.open(indexDir);
    IndexReader reader = IndexReader.open(dir, true);
    int max = reader.maxDoc();

    StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();

    for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) {
        if (!reader.isDeleted(i)) {
            Document d = reader.document(i);
            String category = null;

            // determine whether any of the fields in this document contain a 
            // category in the category list
            fields: for (String field : categoryFields) {
                for (Field f : d.getFields(field)) {
                    if (f.isStored() && !f.isBinary()) {
                        String fieldValue = f.stringValue().toLowerCase();
                        for (String cat : categories.keySet()) {
                            List<String> cats = categories.get(cat);
                            for (String c : cats) {
                                if (fieldValue.contains(c)) {
                                    category = cat;
                                    break fields;

            if (category == null)

            // append the terms from each of the textFields to the training data for this document.
            for (String field : textFields) {
                if (useTermVectors) {
                    appendVectorTerms(buf, reader.getTermFreqVector(i, field));
                } else {
                    appendFieldText(buf, d.getField(field));
            getWriterForCategory(outputDir, category).printf("%s\t%s\n", category, buf.toString());
            categoryCounts.adjustOrPutValue(category, 1, 1);

    if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {
        StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
        b.append("\nCatagory document counts:\n");
        LinkedList<String> keyList = new LinkedList<String>();
        String key;
        while (!keyList.isEmpty()) {
            key = keyList.removeLast();

From source file:org.xchain.namespaces.jsl.AbstractTemplateCommand.java

 * Returns the command execute state array for the current thread.
 *///from w  w  w .ja v  a  2s  . com
protected static CommandExecutionState[] getCommandExecutionState() {
    LinkedList<CommandExecutionState[]> stack = commandExecutionStateStackTL.get();

    if (stack == null || stack.isEmpty()) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("getCommandExecutionState() called outside of execute method.");

    return stack.getFirst();

From source file:com.github.dozermapper.core.util.MappingUtils.java

public static List<Class<?>> getInterfaceHierarchy(Class<?> srcClass, BeanContainer beanContainer) {
    final List<Class<?>> result = new LinkedList<>();
    Class<?> realClass = getRealClass(srcClass, beanContainer);

    final LinkedList<Class> interfacesToProcess = new LinkedList<>();

    Class[] interfaces = realClass.getInterfaces();


    while (!interfacesToProcess.isEmpty()) {
        Class<?> iface = interfacesToProcess.remove();
        if (!result.contains(iface)) {
            result.add(iface);/*from ww w  . j  a  va  2  s.  co m*/
            for (Class subiface : iface.getInterfaces()) {
                // if we haven't processed this interface yet then add it to be processed
                if (!result.contains(subiface)) {

    return result;


From source file:org.dozer.util.MappingUtils.java

public static List<Class<?>> getInterfaceHierarchy(Class<?> srcClass) {
    final List<Class<?>> result = new LinkedList<Class<?>>();
    Class<?> realClass = getRealClass(srcClass);

    final LinkedList<Class> interfacesToProcess = new LinkedList<Class>();

    Class[] interfaces = realClass.getInterfaces();


    while (!interfacesToProcess.isEmpty()) {
        Class<?> iface = interfacesToProcess.remove();
        if (!result.contains(iface)) {
            result.add(iface);/*from  www . j a v  a 2 s .co m*/
            for (Class subiface : iface.getInterfaces()) {
                // if we haven't processed this interface yet then add it to be processed
                if (!result.contains(subiface)) {

    return result;
