Java tutorial
/* * #%~ * VDM Code Generator * %% * Copyright (C) 2008 - 2014 Overture * %% * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this program. If not, see * <>. * #~% */ package org.overture.codegen.vdm2java; import; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils; import org.overture.ast.types.PType; import org.overture.codegen.assistant.TypeAssistantCG; import org.overture.codegen.cgast.INode; import org.overture.codegen.cgast.SExpCG; import org.overture.codegen.cgast.SStateDesignatorCG; import org.overture.codegen.cgast.SStmCG; import org.overture.codegen.cgast.STypeCG; import org.overture.codegen.cgast.analysis.AnalysisException; import org.overture.codegen.cgast.declarations.AClassDeclCG; import org.overture.codegen.cgast.declarations.AFormalParamLocalParamCG; import org.overture.codegen.cgast.declarations.AInterfaceDeclCG; import org.overture.codegen.cgast.declarations.AMethodDeclCG; import org.overture.codegen.cgast.declarations.ANamedTypeDeclCG; import org.overture.codegen.cgast.declarations.ATypeDeclCG; import org.overture.codegen.cgast.declarations.AVarDeclCG; import org.overture.codegen.cgast.expressions.AAbsUnaryExpCG; import org.overture.codegen.cgast.expressions.AApplyExpCG; import org.overture.codegen.cgast.expressions.ABoolLiteralExpCG; import org.overture.codegen.cgast.expressions.ACastUnaryExpCG; import org.overture.codegen.cgast.expressions.AEnumMapExpCG; import org.overture.codegen.cgast.expressions.AEqualsBinaryExpCG; import org.overture.codegen.cgast.expressions.AFieldNumberExpCG; import org.overture.codegen.cgast.expressions.AHeadUnaryExpCG; import org.overture.codegen.cgast.expressions.AHistoryExpCG; import org.overture.codegen.cgast.expressions.AIsolationUnaryExpCG; import org.overture.codegen.cgast.expressions.AMapletExpCG; import org.overture.codegen.cgast.expressions.AMinusUnaryExpCG; import org.overture.codegen.cgast.expressions.ANewExpCG; import org.overture.codegen.cgast.expressions.ANotEqualsBinaryExpCG; import org.overture.codegen.cgast.expressions.ANotUnaryExpCG; import org.overture.codegen.cgast.expressions.APlusUnaryExpCG; import org.overture.codegen.cgast.expressions.AQuoteLiteralExpCG; import org.overture.codegen.cgast.expressions.ASeqToStringUnaryExpCG; import org.overture.codegen.cgast.expressions.AStringLiteralExpCG; import org.overture.codegen.cgast.expressions.AStringToSeqUnaryExpCG; import org.overture.codegen.cgast.expressions.AUndefinedExpCG; import org.overture.codegen.cgast.expressions.SBinaryExpCG; import org.overture.codegen.cgast.expressions.SLiteralExpCG; import org.overture.codegen.cgast.expressions.SNumericBinaryExpCG; import org.overture.codegen.cgast.expressions.SUnaryExpCG; import org.overture.codegen.cgast.expressions.SVarExpCG; import; import org.overture.codegen.cgast.statements.AAssignmentStmCG; import org.overture.codegen.cgast.statements.ABlockStmCG; import org.overture.codegen.cgast.statements.AForLoopStmCG; import org.overture.codegen.cgast.statements.AMapSeqStateDesignatorCG; import org.overture.codegen.cgast.statements.AStartStmCG; import org.overture.codegen.cgast.types.ABoolBasicTypeCG; import org.overture.codegen.cgast.types.ACharBasicTypeCG; import org.overture.codegen.cgast.types.AClassTypeCG; import org.overture.codegen.cgast.types.AInterfaceTypeCG; import org.overture.codegen.cgast.types.AMethodTypeCG; import org.overture.codegen.cgast.types.AObjectTypeCG; import org.overture.codegen.cgast.types.ARecordTypeCG; import org.overture.codegen.cgast.types.ATupleTypeCG; import org.overture.codegen.cgast.types.AUnionTypeCG; import org.overture.codegen.cgast.types.AUnknownTypeCG; import org.overture.codegen.cgast.types.AVoidTypeCG; import org.overture.codegen.cgast.types.SBasicTypeCG; import org.overture.codegen.cgast.types.SMapTypeCG; import org.overture.codegen.cgast.types.SSeqTypeCG; import org.overture.codegen.cgast.types.SSetTypeCG; import; import; import; import org.overture.codegen.logging.Logger; import org.overture.codegen.merging.MergeVisitor; import org.overture.codegen.merging.TemplateCallable; import org.overture.codegen.merging.TemplateStructure; import org.overture.codegen.trans.TempVarPrefixes; import org.overture.codegen.trans.funcvalues.FunctionValueAssistant; import org.overture.codegen.utils.GeneralUtils; import org.overture.typechecker.assistant.type.PTypeAssistantTC; public class JavaFormat { private static final String CLASS_EXTENSION = ".class"; public static final String UTILS_FILE = "Utils"; public static final String SEQ_UTIL_FILE = "SeqUtil"; public static final String SET_UTIL_FILE = "SetUtil"; public static final String MAP_UTIL_FILE = "MapUtil"; public static final String JAVA_PUBLIC = "public"; public static final String JAVA_PRIVATE = "private"; public static final String JAVA_INT = "int"; private List<AClassDeclCG> classes; private IRInfo info; private FunctionValueAssistant functionValueAssistant; private MergeVisitor mergeVisitor; private JavaValueSemantics valueSemantics; private JavaFormatAssistant javaFormatAssistant; public JavaFormat(TempVarPrefixes varPrefixes, TemplateStructure templateStructure, IRInfo info) { this.valueSemantics = new JavaValueSemantics(this); JavaClassCreatorBase recordCreator = new JavaRecordCreator(this); TemplateCallable[] templateCallables = TemplateCallableManager.constructTemplateCallables(this, IRAnalysis.class, varPrefixes, valueSemantics, recordCreator); this.mergeVisitor = new MergeVisitor(templateStructure, templateCallables); this.functionValueAssistant = null; = info; this.javaFormatAssistant = new JavaFormatAssistant(; } public JavaFormatAssistant getJavaFormatAssistant() { return javaFormatAssistant; } public String getJavaNumber() { return "Number"; } public IRInfo getIrInfo() { return info; } public void setFunctionValueAssistant(FunctionValueAssistant functionValueAssistant) { this.functionValueAssistant = functionValueAssistant; } public void clearFunctionValueAssistant() { this.functionValueAssistant = null; } public List<AClassDeclCG> getClasses() { return classes; } public void setJavaSettings(JavaSettings javaSettings) { valueSemantics.setJavaSettings(javaSettings); } public JavaSettings getJavaSettings() { return valueSemantics.getJavaSettings(); } public void init() { mergeVisitor.init(); } public void setClasses(List<AClassDeclCG> classes) { this.classes = classes != null ? classes : new LinkedList<AClassDeclCG>(); } public void clearClasses() { if (classes != null) { classes.clear(); } else { classes = new LinkedList<AClassDeclCG>(); } } public MergeVisitor getMergeVisitor() { return mergeVisitor; } public String format(AMethodTypeCG methodType) throws AnalysisException { final String OBJ = "Object"; if (functionValueAssistant == null) { return OBJ; } AInterfaceDeclCG methodTypeInterface = functionValueAssistant.findInterface(methodType); if (methodTypeInterface == null) { return OBJ; // Should not happen } AInterfaceTypeCG methodClass = new AInterfaceTypeCG(); methodClass.setName(methodTypeInterface.getName()); LinkedList<STypeCG> params = methodType.getParams(); for (STypeCG param : params) { methodClass.getTypes().add(param.clone()); } methodClass.getTypes().add(methodType.getResult().clone()); return methodClass != null ? format(methodClass) : OBJ; } public String format(INode node) throws AnalysisException { return format(node, false); } public String formatIgnoreContext(INode node) throws AnalysisException { return format(node, true); } private String format(INode node, boolean ignoreContext) throws AnalysisException { StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); node.apply(mergeVisitor, writer); return writer.toString() + getNumberDereference(node, ignoreContext); } private String findNumberDereferenceCall(STypeCG type) { if (type == null || type.parent() instanceof AHistoryExpCG) { return ""; } final String DOUBLE_VALUE = ".doubleValue()"; final String LONG_VALUE = ".longValue()"; if (info.getAssistantManager().getTypeAssistant().isInt(type)) { return LONG_VALUE; } else if (info.getAssistantManager().getTypeAssistant().isRealOrRat(type)) { return DOUBLE_VALUE; } else { PTypeAssistantTC typeAssistant = info.getTcFactory().createPTypeAssistant(); SourceNode sourceNode = type.getSourceNode(); if (sourceNode != null && !(sourceNode.getVdmNode() instanceof PType)) { PType vdmType = (PType) sourceNode.getVdmNode(); if (typeAssistant.isNumeric(vdmType)) { return DOUBLE_VALUE; } } return ""; } } public static boolean isMapSeq(SStateDesignatorCG stateDesignator) { return stateDesignator instanceof AMapSeqStateDesignatorCG; } public String formatMapSeqStateDesignator(AMapSeqStateDesignatorCG mapSeq) throws AnalysisException { INode parent = mapSeq.parent(); SStateDesignatorCG stateDesignator = mapSeq.getMapseq(); SExpCG domValue = mapSeq.getExp(); String stateDesignatorStr = format(stateDesignator); String domValStr = format(domValue); if (parent instanceof AAssignmentStmCG) { AAssignmentStmCG assignment = (AAssignmentStmCG) parent; SExpCG rngValue = assignment.getExp(); String rngValStr = format(rngValue); // e.g. counters.put("c1", 4); return stateDesignatorStr + ".put(" + domValStr + ", " + rngValStr + ")"; } else { STypeCG type = mapSeq.getType(); String typeStr = format(type); // e.g. ((Rec) m(true)).field := 2; return "( (" + typeStr + ")" + format(mapSeq.getMapseq()) + ".get(" + domValStr + "))"; } } private String getNumberDereference(INode node, boolean ignoreContext) { if (ignoreContext && node instanceof SExpCG) { SExpCG exp = (SExpCG) node; STypeCG type = exp.getType(); if (isNumberDereferenceCandidate(exp)) { return findNumberDereferenceCall(type); } } INode parent = node.parent(); if (parent instanceof SNumericBinaryExpCG || parent instanceof AAbsUnaryExpCG || parent instanceof AMinusUnaryExpCG || parent instanceof APlusUnaryExpCG) { SExpCG exp = (SExpCG) node; STypeCG type = exp.getType(); if (isNumberDereferenceCandidate(exp)) { return findNumberDereferenceCall(type); } } // No dereference is needed return ""; } private static boolean isNumberDereferenceCandidate(SExpCG node) { boolean fitsCategory = !(node instanceof SNumericBinaryExpCG) && !(node instanceof SLiteralExpCG) && !(node instanceof AIsolationUnaryExpCG) && !(node instanceof SUnaryExpCG); boolean isException = node instanceof AHeadUnaryExpCG || node instanceof AQuoteLiteralExpCG || node instanceof ACastUnaryExpCG; return fitsCategory || isException; } public String formatName(INode node) throws AnalysisException { if (node instanceof ANewExpCG) { ANewExpCG newExp = (ANewExpCG) node; return formatTypeName(node, newExp.getName()); } else if (node instanceof ARecordTypeCG) { ARecordTypeCG record = (ARecordTypeCG) node; ATypeNameCG typeName = record.getName(); return formatTypeName(node, typeName); } throw new AnalysisException("Unexpected node in formatName: " + node.getClass().getName()); } public String formatTypeName(INode node, ATypeNameCG typeName) { AClassDeclCG classDef = node.getAncestor(AClassDeclCG.class); String definingClass = typeName.getDefiningClass() != null && classDef != null && !classDef.getName().equals(typeName.getDefiningClass()) ? typeName.getDefiningClass() + "." : ""; String name = typeName.getName(); return definingClass + name; } public String format(SExpCG exp, boolean leftChild) throws AnalysisException { String formattedExp = format(exp); JavaPrecedence precedence = new JavaPrecedence(); INode parent = exp.parent(); if (!(parent instanceof SExpCG)) { return formattedExp; } boolean isolate = precedence.mustIsolate((SExpCG) parent, exp, leftChild); return isolate ? "(" + formattedExp + ")" : formattedExp; } public String formatUnary(SExpCG exp) throws AnalysisException { return format(exp, false); } public String formatNotUnary(SExpCG exp) throws AnalysisException { String formattedExp = format(exp, false); boolean doNotWrap = exp instanceof ABoolLiteralExpCG || formattedExp.startsWith("(") && formattedExp.endsWith(")"); return doNotWrap ? "!" + formattedExp : "!(" + formattedExp + ")"; } public String formatTemplateTypes(List<STypeCG> types) throws AnalysisException { if (types.isEmpty()) { return ""; } return "<" + formattedTypes(types, "") + ">"; } private String formattedTypes(List<STypeCG> types, String typePostFix) throws AnalysisException { STypeCG firstType = types.get(0); if (info.getAssistantManager().getTypeAssistant().isBasicType(firstType)) { firstType = info.getAssistantManager().getTypeAssistant().getWrapperType((SBasicTypeCG) firstType); } StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); writer.append(format(firstType) + typePostFix); for (int i = 1; i < types.size(); i++) { STypeCG currentType = types.get(i); if (info.getAssistantManager().getTypeAssistant().isBasicType(currentType)) { currentType = info.getAssistantManager().getTypeAssistant() .getWrapperType((SBasicTypeCG) currentType); } writer.append(", " + format(currentType) + typePostFix); } String result = writer.toString(); return result; } public String formatTypeArg(STypeCG type) throws AnalysisException { if (type == null) { return null; } else { List<STypeCG> types = new LinkedList<STypeCG>(); types.add(type); return formattedTypes(types, CLASS_EXTENSION); } } public String formatTypeArgs(ATupleTypeCG tupleType) throws AnalysisException { return formatTypeArgs(tupleType.getTypes()); } public String formatTypeArgs(List<STypeCG> types) throws AnalysisException { if (types.isEmpty()) { return ""; } return formattedTypes(types, CLASS_EXTENSION); } public String formatEqualsBinaryExp(AEqualsBinaryExpCG node) throws AnalysisException { STypeCG leftNodeType = node.getLeft().getType(); if (leftNodeType instanceof SSeqTypeCG || leftNodeType instanceof SSetTypeCG || leftNodeType instanceof SMapTypeCG) { return handleCollectionComparison(node); } else { return handleEquals(node); } } public String formatNotEqualsBinaryExp(ANotEqualsBinaryExpCG node) throws AnalysisException { ANotUnaryExpCG transformed = transNotEquals(node); return formatNotUnary(transformed.getExp()); } private ANotUnaryExpCG transNotEquals(ANotEqualsBinaryExpCG notEqual) { ANotUnaryExpCG notUnary = new ANotUnaryExpCG(); notUnary.setType(new ABoolBasicTypeCG()); AEqualsBinaryExpCG equal = new AEqualsBinaryExpCG(); equal.setType(new ABoolBasicTypeCG()); equal.setLeft(notEqual.getLeft().clone()); equal.setRight(notEqual.getRight().clone()); notUnary.setExp(equal); // Replace the "notEqual" expression with the transformed expression INode parent = notEqual.parent(); // It may be the case that the parent is null if we execute e.g. [1] <> [1] in isolation if (parent != null) { parent.replaceChild(notEqual, notUnary); notEqual.parent(null); } return notUnary; } private String handleEquals(AEqualsBinaryExpCG valueType) throws AnalysisException { return String.format("%s.equals(%s, %s)", UTILS_FILE, format(valueType.getLeft()), format(valueType.getRight())); } private String handleCollectionComparison(SBinaryExpCG node) throws AnalysisException { // In VDM the types of the equals are compatible when the AST passes the type check SExpCG leftNode = node.getLeft(); SExpCG rightNode = node.getRight(); final String EMPTY = ".isEmpty()"; if (isEmptyCollection(leftNode.getType())) { return format(node.getRight()) + EMPTY; } else if (isEmptyCollection(rightNode.getType())) { return format(node.getLeft()) + EMPTY; } return UTILS_FILE + ".equals(" + format(node.getLeft()) + ", " + format(node.getRight()) + ")"; } private boolean isEmptyCollection(STypeCG type) { if (type instanceof SSeqTypeCG) { SSeqTypeCG seq = (SSeqTypeCG) type; return seq.getEmpty(); } else if (type instanceof SSetTypeCG) { SSetTypeCG set = (SSetTypeCG) type; return set.getEmpty(); } else if (type instanceof SMapTypeCG) { SMapTypeCG map = (SMapTypeCG) type; return map.getEmpty(); } return false; } public String format(List<AFormalParamLocalParamCG> params) throws AnalysisException { StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); if (params.size() <= 0) { return ""; } final String finalPrefix = " final "; AFormalParamLocalParamCG firstParam = params.get(0); writer.append(finalPrefix); writer.append(format(firstParam)); for (int i = 1; i < params.size(); i++) { AFormalParamLocalParamCG param = params.get(i); writer.append(", "); writer.append(finalPrefix); writer.append(format(param)); } return writer.toString(); } public String formatSuperType(AClassDeclCG classDecl) { return classDecl.getSuperName() == null ? "" : "extends " + classDecl.getSuperName(); } public String formatInterfaces(AClassDeclCG classDecl) { LinkedList<AInterfaceDeclCG> interfaces = classDecl.getInterfaces(); if (interfaces == null || interfaces.isEmpty()) { return ""; } String implementsClause = "implements"; implementsClause += " " + interfaces.get(0).getName(); for (int i = 1; i < interfaces.size(); i++) { implementsClause += ", " + interfaces.get(i).getName(); } return implementsClause; } public String formatMaplets(AEnumMapExpCG mapEnum) throws AnalysisException { LinkedList<AMapletExpCG> members = mapEnum.getMembers(); return "new Maplet[]{" + formatArgs(members) + "}"; } public String formatArgs(List<? extends SExpCG> exps) throws AnalysisException { StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); if (exps.size() <= 0) { return ""; } SExpCG firstExp = exps.get(0); writer.append(format(firstExp)); for (int i = 1; i < exps.size(); i++) { SExpCG exp = exps.get(i); writer.append(", " + format(exp)); } return writer.toString(); } public boolean isNull(INode node) { return node == null; } public boolean isVoidType(STypeCG node) { return node instanceof AVoidTypeCG; } public String formatInitialExp(SExpCG exp) throws AnalysisException { // Examples: // private int a; (exp == null || exp instanceof AUndefinedExpCG) // private int a = 2; (otherwise) return exp == null || exp instanceof AUndefinedExpCG ? "" : " = " + format(exp); } public String formatOperationBody(SStmCG body) throws AnalysisException { String NEWLINE = "\n"; if (body == null) { return ";"; } StringWriter generatedBody = new StringWriter(); generatedBody.append("{" + NEWLINE + NEWLINE); generatedBody.append(handleOpBody(body)); generatedBody.append(NEWLINE + "}"); return generatedBody.toString(); } private String handleOpBody(SStmCG body) throws AnalysisException { AMethodDeclCG method = body.getAncestor(AMethodDeclCG.class); if (method == null) { Logger.getLog() .printErrorln("Could not find enclosing method when formatting operation body. Got: " + body); } else if (method.getAsync() != null && method.getAsync()) { return "new VDMThread(){ " + "\tpublic void run() {" + "\t " + format(body) + "\t} " + "}.start();"; } return format(body); } public String formatTemplateParam(INode potentialBasicType) throws AnalysisException { if (potentialBasicType == null) { return ""; } TypeAssistantCG typeAssistant = info.getAssistantManager().getTypeAssistant(); if (potentialBasicType instanceof STypeCG && typeAssistant.isNumericType((STypeCG) potentialBasicType)) { return "Number"; } else if (potentialBasicType instanceof ABoolBasicTypeCG) { return "Boolean"; } else if (potentialBasicType instanceof ACharBasicTypeCG) { return "Character"; } else { return format(potentialBasicType); } } public boolean isStringLiteral(SExpCG exp) { return exp instanceof AStringLiteralExpCG; } public boolean isSeqType(SExpCG exp) { return info.getAssistantManager().getTypeAssistant().isSeqType(exp); } public boolean isMapType(SExpCG exp) { return info.getAssistantManager().getTypeAssistant().isMapType(exp); } public boolean isStringType(STypeCG type) { return info.getAssistantManager().getTypeAssistant().isStringType(type); } public boolean isStringType(SExpCG exp) { return info.getAssistantManager().getTypeAssistant().isStringType(exp); } public boolean isCharType(STypeCG type) { return type instanceof ACharBasicTypeCG; } public String buildString(List<SExpCG> exps) throws AnalysisException { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("new String(new char[]{"); if (exps.size() > 0) { sb.append(format(exps.get(0))); for (int i = 1; i < exps.size(); i++) { sb.append(", " + format(exps.get(i))); } } sb.append("})"); return sb.toString(); } public String formatElementType(STypeCG type) throws AnalysisException { if (type instanceof SSetTypeCG) { SSetTypeCG setType = (SSetTypeCG) type; return format(setType.getSetOf()); } else if (type instanceof SSeqTypeCG) { SSeqTypeCG seqType = (SSeqTypeCG) type; return format(seqType.getSeqOf()); } throw new AnalysisException("Expected set or seq type when trying to format element type"); } public String nextVarName(String prefix) { return info.getTempVarNameGen().nextVarName(prefix); } public boolean isLoopVar(AVarDeclCG localVar) { return localVar.parent() instanceof AForLoopStmCG; } public boolean isLambda(AApplyExpCG applyExp) { SExpCG root = applyExp.getRoot(); if (root instanceof AApplyExpCG && root.getType() instanceof AMethodTypeCG) { return true; } if (!(root instanceof SVarExpCG)) { return false; } SVarExpCG varExp = (SVarExpCG) root; return varExp.getIsLambda() != null && varExp.getIsLambda(); } public String escapeStr(String str) { String escaped = ""; for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) { char currentChar = str.charAt(i); escaped += GeneralUtils.isEscapeSequence(currentChar) ? StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(currentChar + "") : currentChar + ""; } return escaped; } public static boolean castNotNeeded(STypeCG type) { return type instanceof AObjectTypeCG || type instanceof AUnknownTypeCG || type instanceof AUnionTypeCG; } public String escapeChar(char c) { return GeneralUtils.isEscapeSequence(c) ? StringEscapeUtils.escapeJavaScript(c + "") : c + ""; } public boolean isInnerClass(AClassDeclCG node) { return node.parent() != null && node.parent().getAncestor(AClassDeclCG.class) != null; } public static boolean isQuote(AClassDeclCG classCg) { return classCg != null && "quotes".equals(classCg.getPackage()); } public String formatStartStmExp(AStartStmCG node) throws AnalysisException { String str = format(node.getExp()); if (node.getExp().getType() instanceof AClassTypeCG) { return str; } else { return "((Thread)" + str + ")"; } } public static boolean isNamedTypeDecl(ATypeDeclCG node) { return node.getDecl() instanceof ANamedTypeDeclCG; } public static boolean isSeqConversion(AFieldNumberExpCG node) { INode parent = node.parent(); return parent instanceof ASeqToStringUnaryExpCG || parent instanceof AStringToSeqUnaryExpCG; } public static boolean isScoped(ABlockStmCG block) { return block != null && block.getScoped() != null && block.getScoped(); } }