Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2005-2018 Dozer Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.github.dozermapper.core.util; import java.lang.reflect.Array; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import com.github.dozermapper.core.MappingException; import com.github.dozermapper.core.cache.Cache; import com.github.dozermapper.core.classmap.ClassMap; import com.github.dozermapper.core.classmap.Configuration; import com.github.dozermapper.core.classmap.CopyByReferenceContainer; import com.github.dozermapper.core.classmap.DozerClass; import com.github.dozermapper.core.config.BeanContainer; import com.github.dozermapper.core.converters.CustomConverterContainer; import com.github.dozermapper.core.fieldmap.DozerField; import com.github.dozermapper.core.fieldmap.FieldMap; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import static com.github.dozermapper.core.util.DozerConstants.BASE_CLASS; /** * Internal class that provides various mapping utilities used throughout the code base. Only intended for internal use. */ public final class MappingUtils { private MappingUtils() { } public static String getClassNameWithoutPackage(Class<?> clazz) { // TODO Replace with Apache implementation Package pckage = clazz.getPackage(); int pckageIndex = 0; if (pckage != null) { pckageIndex = pckage.getName().length() + 1; } return clazz.getName().substring(pckageIndex); } public static boolean isSupportedCollection(Class<?> aClass) { return CollectionUtils.isCollection(aClass) || CollectionUtils.isArray(aClass); } public static boolean isSupportedMap(Class<?> aClass) { return Map.class.isAssignableFrom(aClass); } public static void throwMappingException(Throwable e) throws MappingException { if (e instanceof MappingException) { // in this case we do not want to re-wrap an existing mapping exception throw (MappingException) e; } else if (e instanceof RuntimeException) { // feature request 1561837. Dont wrap any runtime exceptions in a MappingException throw (RuntimeException) e; } else { throw new MappingException(e); } } public static void throwMappingException(String msg) throws MappingException { throw new MappingException(msg); } public static void throwMappingException(String msg, Throwable cause) throws MappingException { throw new MappingException(msg, cause); } public static boolean isBlankOrNull(String value) { return value == null || value.trim().length() < 1; } public static Throwable getRootCause(Throwable ex) { Throwable rootCause = ex; while (rootCause.getCause() != null) { rootCause = rootCause.getCause(); } return rootCause; } public static String getMappedParentFieldKey(Object destObj, FieldMap destFieldMap) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(100); // TODO Use IdentityHashMap instead of String concatenation buf.append(System.identityHashCode(destObj)); buf.append(destFieldMap.getDestFieldName()); if (destFieldMap.getDestFieldKey() != null) { buf.append("[").append(destFieldMap.getDestFieldKey()).append("]"); } return buf.toString(); } public static Class<?> findCustomConverter(Cache converterByDestTypeCache, CustomConverterContainer customConverterContainer, Class<?> srcClass, Class<?> destClass) { if (customConverterContainer == null) { return null; } return customConverterContainer.getCustomConverter(srcClass, destClass, converterByDestTypeCache); } public static Class<?> determineCustomConverter(FieldMap fieldMap, Cache converterByDestTypeCache, CustomConverterContainer customConverterContainer, Class<?> srcClass, Class<?> destClass) { if (customConverterContainer == null) { return null; } // This method is messy. Just trying to isolate the junk into this one method instead of spread across the mapping // processor until a better solution can be put into place // For indexed mapping, need to use the actual class at index to determine the custom converter. if (fieldMap != null && fieldMap.isDestFieldIndexed()) { if (destClass.isArray()) { destClass = destClass.getComponentType(); } else if (destClass.isAssignableFrom(Collection.class) && fieldMap.getDestHintContainer() != null && !fieldMap.getDestHintContainer().hasMoreThanOneHint()) { // use hint when trying to find a custom converter destClass = fieldMap.getDestHintContainer().getHint(); } } return findCustomConverter(converterByDestTypeCache, customConverterContainer, srcClass, destClass); } public static void reverseFields(FieldMap source, FieldMap reversed) { DozerField destField = source.getSrcFieldCopy(); DozerField sourceField = source.getDestFieldCopy(); reversed.setDestField(destField); reversed.setSrcField(sourceField); reversed.setCustomConverter(source.getCustomConverter()); reversed.setCustomConverterId(source.getCustomConverterId()); reversed.setMapId(source.getMapId()); reversed.setRelationshipType(source.getRelationshipType()); reversed.setRemoveOrphans(source.isRemoveOrphans()); reversed.setSrcHintContainer(source.getDestHintContainer()); reversed.setDestHintContainer(source.getSrcHintContainer()); reversed.setSrcDeepIndexHintContainer(source.getDestDeepIndexHintContainer()); reversed.setDestDeepIndexHintContainer(source.getSrcDeepIndexHintContainer()); } public static void reverseFields(ClassMap source, ClassMap destination, BeanContainer beanContainer) { // reverse the fields destination.setSrcClass(new DozerClass(source.getDestClassName(), source.getDestClassToMap(), source.getDestClassBeanFactory(), source.getDestClassBeanFactoryId(), source.getDestClassMapGetMethod(), source.getDestClassMapSetMethod(), source.getDestClass().getCreateMethod(), source.isDestMapNull(), source.isDestMapEmptyString(), source.getDestClass().isAccessible(), source.getDestClass().isSkipConstructor(), beanContainer)); destination.setDestClass(new DozerClass(source.getSrcClassName(), source.getSrcClassToMap(), source.getSrcClassBeanFactory(), source.getSrcClassBeanFactoryId(), source.getSrcClassMapGetMethod(), source.getSrcClassMapSetMethod(), source.getSrcClass().getCreateMethod(), source.isSrcMapNull(), source.isSrcMapEmptyString(), source.getSrcClass().isAccessible(), source.getSrcClass().isSkipConstructor(), beanContainer)); destination.setType(source.getType()); destination.setWildcard(source.isWildcard()); destination.setWildcardCaseInsensitive(source.isWildcardCaseInsensitive()); destination.setTrimStrings(source.isTrimStrings()); destination.setDateFormat(source.getDateFormat()); destination.setRelationshipType(source.getRelationshipType()); destination.setStopOnErrors(source.isStopOnErrors()); destination.setAllowedExceptions(source.getAllowedExceptions()); destination.setSrcClassCreateMethod(source.getDestClassCreateMethod()); destination.setDestClassCreateMethod(source.getSrcClassCreateMethod()); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(source.getMapId())) { destination.setMapId(source.getMapId()); } } public static Object getIndexedValue(Object collection, int index) { Object result = null; if (collection instanceof Object[]) { Object[] x = (Object[]) collection; if (index < x.length) { return x[index]; } } else if (collection instanceof Collection) { Collection<?> x = (Collection<?>) collection; if (index < x.size()) { Iterator<?> iter = x.iterator(); for (int i = 0; i < index; i++) {; } result =; } } return result; } public static void applyGlobalCopyByReference(Configuration globalConfig, FieldMap fieldMap, ClassMap classMap) { CopyByReferenceContainer copyByReferenceContainer = globalConfig.getCopyByReferences(); String destFieldTypeName = null; Class<?> clazz = fieldMap.getDestFieldType(classMap.getDestClassToMap()); if (clazz != null) { destFieldTypeName = clazz.getName(); } if (copyByReferenceContainer.contains(destFieldTypeName) && !fieldMap.isCopyByReferenceOveridden()) { fieldMap.setCopyByReference(true); } } public static Class<?> loadClass(String name, BeanContainer beanContainer) { DozerClassLoader loader = beanContainer.getClassLoader(); return loader.loadClass(name); } public static Class<?> getRealClass(Class<?> clazz, BeanContainer beanContainer) { DozerProxyResolver proxyResolver = beanContainer.getProxyResolver(); return proxyResolver.getRealClass(clazz); } public static <T> T deProxy(T object, BeanContainer beanContainer) { DozerProxyResolver proxyResolver = beanContainer.getProxyResolver(); return proxyResolver.unenhanceObject(object); } public static boolean isProxy(Class<?> clazz, BeanContainer beanContainer) { DozerProxyResolver proxyResolver = beanContainer.getProxyResolver(); return proxyResolver.isProxy(clazz); } public static Object prepareIndexedCollection(Class<?> collectionType, Object existingCollection, Object collectionEntry, int index) { Object result = null; if (collectionType.isArray()) { result = prepareIndexedArray(collectionType, existingCollection, collectionEntry, index); } else if (Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(collectionType)) { result = prepareIndexedCollectionType(collectionType, existingCollection, collectionEntry, index); } else { throwMappingException( "Only types java.lang.Object[] and java.util.Collection are supported for indexed properties."); } return result; } public static boolean isDeepMapping(String mapping) { return mapping != null && mapping.contains(DozerConstants.DEEP_FIELD_DELIMITER); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static <T> T[] prepareIndexedArray(Class<T> collectionType, Object existingCollection, Object collectionEntry, int index) { T[] result; if (existingCollection == null) { result = (T[]) Array.newInstance(collectionType.getComponentType(), index + 1); } else { int originalLenth = ((Object[]) existingCollection).length; result = (T[]) Array.newInstance(collectionType.getComponentType(), Math.max(index + 1, originalLenth)); System.arraycopy(existingCollection, 0, result, 0, originalLenth); } result[index] = (T) collectionEntry; return result; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static Collection<?> prepareIndexedCollectionType(Class<?> collectionType, Object existingCollection, Object collectionEntry, int index) { Collection result = null; //Instantiation of the new Collection: can be interface or implementation class if (collectionType.isInterface()) { if (collectionType.equals(Set.class)) { result = new HashSet(); } else if (collectionType.equals(List.class)) { result = new ArrayList(); } else { throwMappingException( "Only interface types java.util.Set and java.util.List are supported for java.util.Collection type indexed properties."); } } else { //It is an implementation class of Collection try { result = (Collection) collectionType.newInstance(); } catch (InstantiationException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } //Fill in old values in new Collection if (existingCollection != null) { result.addAll((Collection) existingCollection); } //Add the new value: //For an ordered Collection if (result instanceof List) { while (result.size() < index + 1) { result.add(null); } ((List) result).set(index, collectionEntry); } else { //for an unordered Collection (index has no use here) result.add(collectionEntry); } return result; } /** * Used to test if {@code srcFieldClass} is enum. * * @param srcFieldClass the source field to be tested. * @return {@code true} if and only if current running JRE is 1.5 or above, and * {@code srcFieldClass} is enum; otherwise return {@code false}. */ public static boolean isEnumType(Class<?> srcFieldClass) { if (srcFieldClass.isAnonymousClass()) { //If srcFieldClass is anonymous class, replace srcFieldClass with its enclosing class. //This is used to ensure Dozer can get correct Enum type. srcFieldClass = srcFieldClass.getEnclosingClass(); } return srcFieldClass.isEnum(); } /** * Used to test if both {@code srcFieldClass} and {@code destFieldType} are enum. * * @param srcFieldClass the source field to be tested. * @param destFieldType the destination field to be tested. * @return {@code true} if and only if current running JRE is 1.5 or above, and both * {@code srcFieldClass} and {@code destFieldType} are enum; otherwise return {@code false}. */ public static boolean isEnumType(Class<?> srcFieldClass, Class<?> destFieldType) { return isEnumType(srcFieldClass) && isEnumType(destFieldType); } public static List<Class<?>> getSuperClassesAndInterfaces(Class<?> srcClass, BeanContainer beanContainer) { List<Class<?>> superClasses = new ArrayList<>(); Class<?> realClass = getRealClass(srcClass, beanContainer); // Add all super classes first Class<?> superClass = getRealClass(realClass, beanContainer).getSuperclass(); while (!isBaseClass(superClass)) { superClasses.add(superClass); superClass = superClass.getSuperclass(); } // Now add all interfaces of the passed in class and all it's super classes // Linked hash set so duplicated are not added but insertion order is kept LinkedHashSet<Class<?>> interfaces = new LinkedHashSet<>(); interfaces.addAll(getInterfaceHierarchy(realClass, beanContainer)); for (Class<?> clazz : superClasses) { interfaces.addAll(getInterfaceHierarchy(clazz, beanContainer)); } superClasses.addAll(interfaces); return superClasses; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static List<Class<?>> getInterfaceHierarchy(Class<?> srcClass, BeanContainer beanContainer) { final List<Class<?>> result = new LinkedList<>(); Class<?> realClass = getRealClass(srcClass, beanContainer); final LinkedList<Class> interfacesToProcess = new LinkedList<>(); Class[] interfaces = realClass.getInterfaces(); interfacesToProcess.addAll(Arrays.asList(interfaces)); while (!interfacesToProcess.isEmpty()) { Class<?> iface = interfacesToProcess.remove(); if (!result.contains(iface)) { result.add(iface); for (Class subiface : iface.getInterfaces()) { // if we haven't processed this interface yet then add it to be processed if (!result.contains(subiface)) { interfacesToProcess.add(subiface); } } } } return result; } private static boolean isBaseClass(Class<?> clazz) { return clazz == null || BASE_CLASS.equals(clazz.getName()); } }