Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Educational Online Test Delivery System 
 * Copyright (c) 2014 American Institutes for Research
 * Distributed under the AIR Open Source License, Version 1.0 
 * See accompanying file AIR-License-1_0.txt or at
package tds.dll.mssql;

import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.UUID;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;

import tds.dll.api.ICommonDLL;
import tds.dll.api.IProctorDLL;
import tds.dll.api.IRtsDLL;
import AIR.Common.DB.AbstractDLL;
import AIR.Common.DB.DataBaseTable;
import AIR.Common.DB.DbComparator;
import AIR.Common.DB.SQLConnection;
import AIR.Common.DB.SqlParametersMaps;
import AIR.Common.DB.results.DbResultRecord;
import AIR.Common.DB.results.MultiDataResultSet;
import AIR.Common.DB.results.SingleDataResultSet;
import AIR.Common.Helpers.CaseInsensitiveMap;
import AIR.Common.Helpers._Ref;
import AIR.Common.Sql.AbstractDateUtilDll;
import TDS.Shared.Exceptions.ReturnStatusException;

public class ProctorDLL extends AbstractDLL implements IProctorDLL {
    private static Logger _logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ProctorDLL.class);

    private ICommonDLL _commonDll = null;
    private AbstractDateUtilDll _dateUtil = null;
    private IRtsDLL _rtsDll = null;

    private void setCommonDll(ICommonDLL commonDll) {
        _commonDll = commonDll;

    private void setDateUtil(AbstractDateUtilDll dateUtil) {
        _dateUtil = dateUtil;

    private void setRtsDll(IRtsDLL rtsDll) {
        _rtsDll = rtsDll;

    public DataBaseTable TDS_GetMessages_SP(SQLConnection connection, String systemID, String client,
            String language, String contextList, Character delimiter) throws ReturnStatusException {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        return null;

     * @param connection
     * @param clientName
     * @param sessionType
     * @return
     * @throws ReturnStatusException
    public MultiDataResultSet IB_GetSegments_SP(SQLConnection connection, String clientName, Integer sessionType)
            throws ReturnStatusException {

        List<SingleDataResultSet> resultsets = new ArrayList<SingleDataResultSet>();
        DataBaseTable testsTable = getDataBaseTable("tests").addColumn("_key", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR, 250)
                .addColumn("ID", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR, 150);
        Map<String, String> unquotedParms = new HashMap<String, String>();
        unquotedParms.put("testsTblName", testsTable.getTableName());

        final String SQL_INSERT = "insert into ${testsTblName} (_key, ID) select testkey, S.TestID from ${ConfigDB}.Client_TestMode, ${ItemBankDB}.tblSetofAdminSubjects S"
                + " where clientname = ${clientname} and testkey = S._Key and (sessionType = -1 or sessionType = ${sessionType});";
        String finalQuery = fixDataBaseNames(SQL_INSERT);
        SqlParametersMaps parms1 = (new SqlParametersMaps()).put("clientname", clientName).put("sessionType",
        int insertedCnt = executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(finalQuery, unquotedParms), parms1, false)

        final String SQL_QUERY1 = "select _key as TestKey, parentTest as TestID, segmentID, segmentPosition, Label as SegmentLabel, IsPermeable, entryApproval, exitApproval,"
                + " itemReview from ${ConfigDB}.Client_SegmentProperties SEG, ${testsTblName} T where SEG.clientname = ${clientname} and SEG.parentTest = T.ID order by _key, segmentPosition;";
        finalQuery = fixDataBaseNames(SQL_QUERY1);
        SqlParametersMaps parms2 = (new SqlParametersMaps()).put("clientname", clientName);
        SingleDataResultSet rs1 = executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(finalQuery, unquotedParms), parms2,

        final String SQL_QUERY2 = "SELECT _key as TestKey, parentTest as TestID, segmentID, segmentPosition, Type as AccType, Value as AccValue, Code as AccCode, IsDefault,"
                + " AllowCombine, AllowChange, TType.IsSelectable, IsVisible, studentControl, cast( 1 as bit) as IsFunctional FROM ${ConfigDB}.Client_TestToolType TType, "
                + " ${ConfigDB}.Client_TestTool TT, ${testsTblName} TEST, ${ConfigDB}.Client_SegmentProperties SEG where SEG.clientname = ${clientname} and SEG.parentTest = TEST.ID"
                + " and TType.ContextType = ${SEGMENT} and TType.Context = segmentID and TType.ClientName = ${clientname} and TT.ContextType = ${SEGMENT} and TT.Context = segmentID "
                + " and TT.ClientName = ${clientname} and TT.Type = TType.Toolname order by _Key, segmentPosition, Type, Code;";
        finalQuery = fixDataBaseNames(SQL_QUERY2);
        SqlParametersMaps parms3 = (new SqlParametersMaps()).put("clientname", clientName).put("SEGMENT",
        SingleDataResultSet rs2 = executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(finalQuery, unquotedParms), parms3,

        return new MultiDataResultSet(resultsets);

     * @param connection
     * @param clientName
     * @param context
     * @return
     * @throws ReturnStatusException
    public MultiDataResultSet IB_GlobalAccommodations_SP(SQLConnection connection, String clientName,
            String context) throws ReturnStatusException {

        List<SingleDataResultSet> resultsSets = new ArrayList<SingleDataResultSet>();
        final String SQL_QUERY1 = "select TType.ContextType, TType.Context, Type as AccType, Value as AccValue, Code as AccCode, IsDefault, AllowCombine, AllowChange, "
                + " TType.IsSelectable, IsVisible, studentControl, cast( 1 as bit) as IsFunctional, DependsOnToolType from ${ConfigDB}.Client_TestToolType TType, ${ConfigDB}.Client_TestTool TT"
                + " where TType.ContextType = ${FAMILY} and TType.clientname = ${clientName} and TT.context = ${context} and TType.Context = TT.context and TT.clientname = ${clientName} "
                + " and TT.ContextType = ${FAMILY} and TT.Type = TType.ToolName";
        String query1 = fixDataBaseNames(SQL_QUERY1);
        SqlParametersMaps parameters1 = new SqlParametersMaps().put("clientName", clientName)
                .put("context", context).put("FAMILY", "FAMILY");
        SingleDataResultSet result1 = executeStatement(connection, query1, parameters1, false).getResultSets()

        final String SQL_QUERY2 = "select clientname, ContextType, Context, IfType, IfValue, ThenType, ThenValue, IsDefault "
                + " from ${ConfigDB}.Client_ToolDependencies where clientname = ${clientName} and ContextType = ${FAMILY}";
        String query2 = fixDataBaseNames(SQL_QUERY2);
        SqlParametersMaps parameters2 = new SqlParametersMaps().put("clientName", clientName).put("FAMILY",
        SingleDataResultSet result2 = executeStatement(connection, query2, parameters2, true).getResultSets()

        MultiDataResultSet results = new MultiDataResultSet(resultsSets);

        return results;

     * @param connection
     * @param clientName
     * @param application
     * @param userId
     * @param clientIp
     * @param proxyIp
     * @param userAgent
     * @throws ReturnStatusException
    public void _RecordSystemClient_SP(SQLConnection connection, String clientName, String application,
            String userId, String clientIP, String proxyIP, String userAgent) throws ReturnStatusException {

        final String SQL_INSERT = "insert into ${ArchiveDB}.SystemClient (clientname, [application], UserID, ClientIP, ProxyIP, UserAgent)"
                + " values (${clientname}, ${application}, ${UserID}, ${ClientIP}, ${ProxyIP}, ${UserAgent});";
        SqlParametersMaps parameters = (new SqlParametersMaps()).put("clientname", clientName)
                .put("application", application).put("UserID", userId).put("ClientIP", clientIP)
                .put("ProxyIP", proxyIP).put("UserAgent", userAgent);
        int insertedCnt = executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(SQL_INSERT), parameters, false)

     * This function returns 'bit' in the studio. so, in our java side, we need to
     * return 'boolean' but in this case its not possible to return 'boolean'
     * value because column 'IsOn' from TDSCONFIGS_Client_SystemFlags table is
     * Integer type and its not possible to convert 'int' to 'boolean' on our java
     * side. So, declared return type as 'int'.
     * @param connection
     * @param clientName
     * @return
     * @throws ReturnStatusException
    public int _SuppressScores_FN(SQLConnection connection, String clientName) throws ReturnStatusException {

        Integer allow = null;
        final String SQL_QUERY = "select IsOn as allow from ${ConfigDB}.Client_SystemFlags F, Externs E where E.ClientName= ${ClientName} and F.clientname = ${clientname}"
                + " and E.IsPracticeTest = F.IsPracticeTest and AuditOBject = ${suppressScores}; ";
        SqlParametersMaps parms = new SqlParametersMaps().put("clientname", clientName).put("suppressScores",
        SingleDataResultSet result = executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(SQL_QUERY), parms, false)
        DbResultRecord record = (result.getCount() > 0 ? result.getRecords().next() : null);
        if (record != null) {
            allow = record.<Integer>get("allow");
        if (allow == null || allow == 0) {
            return 0;
        } else
            return 1;

     * @param connection
     * @param clientName
     * @param testeeId
     * @return
     * @throws ReturnStatusException
    public SingleDataResultSet GetTesteeAttributes_SP(SQLConnection connection, String clientName, String testeeId,
            long proctorKey) throws ReturnStatusException {

        String attname = null;
        String attType = null;
        String RTSName = null;
        String err = null;
        _Ref<Long> testee = new _Ref<>();
        _Ref<String> attval = new _Ref<>();
        _Ref<Long> entityKey = new _Ref<>();
        _Ref<String> entityID = new _Ref<>();
        _Ref<String> entityName = new _Ref<>();
        SingleDataResultSet result = null;

        DataBaseTable attributesTable = getDataBaseTable("attributes")
                .addColumn("TDS_ID", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR, 50)
                .addColumn("type", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR, 100)
                .addColumn("atLogin", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR, 50)
                .addColumn("rtsName", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR, 100)
                .addColumn("label", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR, 50)
                .addColumn("value", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR, 200)
                .addColumn("sortOrder", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.INT)
                .addColumn("entityKey", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.BIGINT)
                .addColumn("entityID", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR, 100);
        Map<String, String> unquotedParms = new HashMap<String, String>();
        unquotedParms.put("attributesTblName", attributesTable.getTableName());

        final String SQL_INSERT1 = "insert into ${attributesTblName} (TDS_ID, type, rtsName, label, sortOrder, atLogin) "
                + " select TDS_ID, type, RTSName, label, sortOrder, atlogin  from ${ConfigDB}.Client_TesteeAttribute where clientname = ${clientname};";
        String finalQuery = fixDataBaseNames(SQL_INSERT1);
        SqlParametersMaps parms = new SqlParametersMaps().put("clientname", clientName);
        int insertedCnt = executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(finalQuery, unquotedParms), parms, false)
        System.err.println(insertedCnt); // for testing

        _rtsDll._GetRTSEntity_SP(connection, clientName, testeeId, "STUDENT", testee);
        if (testee.get() == null) {
            final String SQL_QUERY1 = "select * from ${attributesTblName};";
            result = executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(SQL_QUERY1, unquotedParms), null, false)
            return result;
        final String SQL_INSERT2 = "insert into ${attributesTblName} ( TDS_ID, type, value) values ('--RTS KEY--', 'ENTITYKEY', ltrim(str(${testee})));";
        SqlParametersMaps parms1 = new SqlParametersMaps().put("testee", testee);
        insertedCnt = executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(SQL_INSERT2, unquotedParms), parms1, false)
        System.err.println(insertedCnt); // for testing

        final String SQL_QUERY2 = "select top 1 TDS_ID from ${attributesTblName} where value is null";
        while (exists(executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(SQL_QUERY2, unquotedParms), null, false))) {
            final String SQL_QUERY3 = "select top 1 TDS_ID as attname, Type as attType, rtsName as RTSName from ${attributesTblName} where value is  null;";
            result = executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(SQL_QUERY3, unquotedParms), null, false)
            DbResultRecord record = (result.getCount() > 0 ? result.getRecords().next() : null);
            if (record != null) {
                attname = record.<String>get("attname");
                attType = record.<String>get("attType");
                RTSName = record.<String>get("RTSName");
            if (DbComparator.isEqual("attribute", attType)) {
                _rtsDll._GetRTSAttribute_SP(connection, clientName, testee.get(), RTSName, attval);

                final String SQL_UPDATE1 = "update ${attributesTblName} set value = case when ${attval} is null then ${NA} else ${attval} end where TDS_ID = ${attname};";
                SqlParametersMaps parms2 = new SqlParametersMaps().put("attval", attval.get()).put("NA", "NA")
                        .put("attname", attname);
                int updateCnt = executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(SQL_UPDATE1, unquotedParms), parms2,
                System.err.println(updateCnt); // for testing

            } else if (DbComparator.isEqual("relationship", attType)) {
                _rtsDll._GetRTSRelationship_SP(connection, clientName, testee.get(), RTSName, entityKey, entityID,

                final String SQL_UPDATE2 = "update ${attributesTblName} set value = case when ${entityKey} is null then ${NA} else ${entityName} end, entityKey = ${entityKey}, "
                        + " entityID = ${entityID} where TDS_ID = ${attname};";
                SqlParametersMaps parms3 = new SqlParametersMaps().put("entityKey", entityKey.get()).put("NA", "NA")
                        .put("entityName", entityName.get()).put("entityID", entityID).put("attname", attname);
                int updateCnt = executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(SQL_UPDATE2, unquotedParms), parms3,
                System.err.println(updateCnt); // for testing
            } else {
                err = String.format("Unknown attribute type: %s", attType);

                final String SQL_DELETE = "delete from ${attributesTblName} where TDS_ID = ${attname};";
                SqlParametersMaps parms4 = new SqlParametersMaps().put("attname", attname);
                int deletedCnt = executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(SQL_DELETE, unquotedParms), parms4,
                System.err.println(deletedCnt); // for testing
                _commonDll._LogDBError_SP(connection, "GetTesteeAttributes", err, null, null, null, null,
                        clientName, null);
        final String SQL_QUERY4 = "select * from ${attributesTblName} order by type, sortOrder;";
        result = executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(SQL_QUERY4, unquotedParms), null, false)

        return result;

     * @param connection
     * @param sessionKey
     * @param proctorKey
     * @param browserKey
     * @param opportunityKey
     * @param segment
     * @param segmentAccoms
     * @return
     * @throws ReturnStatusException
    public SingleDataResultSet P_ApproveAccommodations_SP(SQLConnection connection, UUID sessionKey,
            Long proctorKey, UUID browserKey, UUID opportunityKey, Integer segment, String segmentAccoms)
            throws ReturnStatusException {

        UUID oppsession = null;
        String teststatus = null;
        Integer numitems = null;
        String accessDenied = null;
        _Ref<String> error = new _Ref<>();
        String clientName = null;
        Date now = _dateUtil.getDateWRetStatus(connection);

        accessDenied = _commonDll.ValidateProctorSession_FN(connection, proctorKey, sessionKey, browserKey);
        if (accessDenied != null) {
            return _commonDll._ReturnError_SP(connection, clientName, "P_ApproveAccommodations", accessDenied, null,
                    opportunityKey, "ValidateProctorSession");
        final String SQL_QUERY1 = "SELECT _fk_Session as oppsession, status as teststatus, maxitems as numitems, clientname from TestOpportunity O where O._Key = ${opportunitykey} ;";
        SqlParametersMaps parms1 = new SqlParametersMaps().put("opportunitykey", opportunityKey);
        SingleDataResultSet result = executeStatement(connection, SQL_QUERY1, parms1, true).getResultSets().next();
        DbResultRecord record = result.getCount() > 0 ? result.getRecords().next() : null;
        if (record != null) {
            oppsession = record.<UUID>get("oppsession");
            teststatus = record.<String>get("teststatus");
            numitems = record.<Integer>get("numitems");
            clientName = record.<String>get("clientname");
        if (DbComparator.notEqual(accessDenied, null)) {
        if (teststatus == null) {
            error.set("The test opportunity does not exist");
        if (DbComparator.notEqual("pending", teststatus) && DbComparator.notEqual("suspended", teststatus)
                && DbComparator.notEqual("segmentEntry", teststatus)
                && DbComparator.notEqual("segmentExit", teststatus)) {
            error.set("The test opportunity is not pending approval");
        if (sessionKey != null && oppsession != null && DbComparator.notEqual(sessionKey, oppsession)) {
            error.set("The test opportunity is not enrolled in this session");
        if (error.get() != null) {
            _commonDll._LogDBError_SP(connection, "P_ApproveAccommodations", error.get(), proctorKey, null, null,
                    opportunityKey, null, sessionKey);
            _commonDll._LogDBLatency_SP(connection, "P_ApproveAccommodations", now, proctorKey, true, 0, null,
                    sessionKey, null, null);
            return _commonDll._ReturnError_SP(connection, clientName, "P_ApproveAccommodations", error.get(), null,
                    opportunityKey, null);
        try {
            _commonDll._UpdateOpportunityAccommodations_SP(connection, opportunityKey, segment, segmentAccoms,
                    numitems, true, false, error, 1);
            if (error.get() != null) {
                // we are having trouble with deadlocks on _Update so try one more time
                error.set(String.format("Accommodations update failed. Making second attempt. %s", error.get()));
                _commonDll._LogDBError_SP(connection, "P_ApproveAccommodations", error.get(), proctorKey, null,
                        null, opportunityKey, null, sessionKey);
                _commonDll._UpdateOpportunityAccommodations_SP(connection, opportunityKey, segment, segmentAccoms,
                        numitems, true, false, error, 1);
                if (error.get() != null) {
                    _commonDll._LogDBError_SP(connection, "P_ApproveAccommodations", error.get(), proctorKey, null,
                            null, opportunityKey, null, sessionKey);
                    _commonDll._LogDBLatency_SP(connection, "P_ApproveAccommodations", now, proctorKey, true, 0,
                            null, sessionKey, null, null);
                    return _commonDll._ReturnError_SP(connection, clientName, "P_ApproveAccommodations",
                            error.get(), null, opportunityKey, null);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            String msg = e.getMessage();
            _commonDll._LogDBError_SP(connection, "P_ApproveAccommodations", msg, proctorKey, null, null,
                    opportunityKey, null, sessionKey);
            _commonDll._LogDBLatency_SP(connection, "P_ApproveAccommodations", now, proctorKey, true, 0, null,
                    sessionKey, null, null);
            return _commonDll._ReturnError_SP(connection, clientName, "P_ApproveAccommodations",
                    "Accommodations update failed", null, opportunityKey, null);
        _commonDll._LogDBLatency_SP(connection, "P_ApproveAccommodations", now, proctorKey, true, 0, null,
                sessionKey, null, null);
        return null;

     * @param connection
     * @param sessionKey
     * @param proctorKey
     * @param browserKey
     * @param opportunityKey
     * @return
     * @throws ReturnStatusException
    public SingleDataResultSet P_ApproveOpportunity_SP(SQLConnection connection, UUID sessionKey, Long proctorKey,
            UUID browserKey, UUID opportunityKey) throws ReturnStatusException {

        UUID oppsession = null;
        String teststatus = null;
        Integer numitems = null;
        String accessDenied = null;
        _Ref<String> error = new _Ref<>();
        String clientName = null;
        Date now = _dateUtil.getDateWRetStatus(connection);

        accessDenied = _commonDll.ValidateProctorSession_FN(connection, proctorKey, sessionKey, browserKey);
        if (accessDenied != null) {
            return _commonDll._ReturnError_SP(connection, clientName, "P_ApproveOpportunity", accessDenied, null,
                    opportunityKey, "ValidateProctorSession");
        final String SQL_QUERY1 = "SELECT _fk_Session as oppsession, status as teststatus, maxitems as numitems, clientname from TestOpportunity  where _Key = ${opportunitykey} ;";
        SqlParametersMaps parms1 = new SqlParametersMaps().put("opportunitykey", opportunityKey);
        SingleDataResultSet result = executeStatement(connection, SQL_QUERY1, parms1, true).getResultSets().next();
        DbResultRecord record = result.getCount() > 0 ? result.getRecords().next() : null;
        if (record != null) {
            oppsession = record.<UUID>get("oppsession");
            teststatus = record.<String>get("teststatus");
            numitems = record.<Integer>get("numitems");
            clientName = record.<String>get("clientname");
        if (DbComparator.notEqual(accessDenied, null)) {
        if (teststatus == null) {
            error.set("The test opportunity does not exist");
        if (DbComparator.notEqual("pending", teststatus) && DbComparator.notEqual("suspended", teststatus)
                && DbComparator.notEqual("segmentEntry", teststatus)
                && DbComparator.notEqual("segmentExit", teststatus)) {
            error.set("The test opportunity is not pending approval");
        if (sessionKey != null && oppsession != null && DbComparator.notEqual(sessionKey, oppsession)) {
            error.set("The test opportunity is not enrolled in this session");
        if (error.get() != null) {
            _commonDll._LogDBError_SP(connection, "P_ApproveOpportunity", error.get(), proctorKey, null, null,
                    sessionKey, null, null);
            _commonDll._LogDBLatency_SP(connection, "P_ApproveOpportunity", now, proctorKey, true, 0, null,
                    sessionKey, null, null);
            return _commonDll._ReturnError_SP(connection, clientName, "P_ApproveOpportunity", error.get(), null,
                    opportunityKey, null);
        result = _commonDll.SetOpportunityStatus_SP(connection, opportunityKey, "approved", false,

        _commonDll._LogDBLatency_SP(connection, "P_ApproveOpportunity", now, proctorKey, true, 0, null, sessionKey,
                null, null);
        return result;

     * @param connection
     * @param clientName
     * @param browserKey
     * @param sessionName
     * @param proctorKey
     * @param procId
     * @param procName
     * @param dateBegin
     * @param dateEnd
     * @param sessionType
     * @return
     * @throws ReturnStatusException
    public SingleDataResultSet P_CreateSession_SP(SQLConnection connection, String clientName, UUID browserKey,
            String sessionName, Long proctorKey, String procId, String procName, Date dateBegin, Date dateEnd,
            Integer sessionType) throws ReturnStatusException {

        SingleDataResultSet result = null;
        UUID sessionKey = null;
        _Ref<String> sessionId = new _Ref<>();
        String environment = null;
        String prefix = null;
        String status = "closed";
        String errMsg = null;
        Date now = _dateUtil.getDateWRetStatus(connection);
        Integer audit = null;
        audit = _commonDll.AuditSessions_FN(connection, clientName);

        final String SQL_QUERY1 = "select environment from _externs where clientname = ${clientname};";
        SqlParametersMaps parms1 = (new SqlParametersMaps()).put("clientname", clientName);
        result = executeStatement(connection, SQL_QUERY1, parms1, false).getResultSets().next();
        DbResultRecord record = (result.getCount() > 0 ? result.getRecords().next() : null);
        if (record != null) {
            environment = record.<String>get("environment");
        if (environment == null) {
            errMsg = String.format("Unknown client: %s", clientName);
            return _commonDll._ReturnError_SP(connection, clientName, "P_CreateSession", errMsg);
        final String SQL_QUERY2 = "select top 1 _Key from session S where clientname = ${clientname} and _efk_Proctor = ${proctorKey} and ${now} between S.DateBegin and S.DateEnd and sessiontype = ${sessiontype}";
        SqlParametersMaps parms2 = (new SqlParametersMaps()).put("clientname", clientName)
                .put("proctorKey", proctorKey).put("now", now).put("sessiontype", sessionType);
        if (exists(executeStatement(connection, SQL_QUERY2, parms2, true))) {
            return _commonDll._ReturnError_SP(connection, clientName, "P_CreateSession",
                    "There already is an active session for this user.");
        prefix = _commonDll._CoreSessName_FN(connection, clientName, procName);
        sessionKey = UUID.randomUUID();
        if (dateBegin == null) {
            dateBegin = now;
        if (dateEnd == null) {
            dateEnd = adjustDateHours(dateBegin, 8);
        } else if (DbComparator.lessOrEqual(dateEnd, dateBegin)) {
            dateEnd = adjustDateHours(dateBegin, 8);
        if ((now.equals(dateBegin) || now.after(dateBegin)) && (now.equals(dateEnd) || now.before(dateEnd))) {
            status = "open";
        _commonDll._CreateClientSessionID_SP(connection, clientName, prefix, sessionId);
        if (sessionId.get() == null) {
            return _commonDll._ReturnError_SP(connection, clientName, "P_CreateSession",
                    "Failed to insert new session into database");
        try {
            final String SQL_INSERT = "insert into Session (_Key, [Name], _efk_Proctor, ProctorID, ProctorName, [status], DateBegin, DateEnd, SessionID, _fk_browser, clientname, environment, dateVisited, sessiontype) "
                    + " values (${sessionKey}, ${sessionName}, ${proctorKey}, ${procID}, ${procName}, ${status}, ${dateBegin}, ${dateEnd}, ${sessionID}, ${browserKey}, ${clientname}, ${environment}, ${now}, ${sessiontype});";
            SqlParametersMaps parms3 = new SqlParametersMaps();
            parms3.put("sessionKey", sessionKey);
            parms3.put("sessionName", sessionName);
            parms3.put("proctorKey", proctorKey);
            parms3.put("procID", procId);
            parms3.put("procName", procName);
            parms3.put("status", status);
            parms3.put("dateBegin", dateBegin);
            parms3.put("dateEnd", dateEnd);
            parms3.put("sessionID", sessionId.toString());
            parms3.put("browserKey", browserKey);
            parms3.put("clientname", clientName);
            parms3.put("environment", environment);
            parms3.put("now", now);
            parms3.put("sessiontype", sessionType);
            int insertedCnt = executeStatement(connection, SQL_INSERT, parms3, false).getUpdateCount();
            // // (insertedCnt); // for testing

        } catch (Exception e) {
            String err = e.getMessage();
            _commonDll._LogDBError_SP(connection, "P_CreateSession", err, null, null, null, null, clientName, null);
            _commonDll._LogDBLatency_SP(connection, "P_CreateSession", now, proctorKey, true, null, null, null,
                    clientName, null);
            return _commonDll._ReturnError_SP(connection, clientName, "P_CreateSession",
                    "Failed to insert new session into database");
        String localhostname = _commonDll.getLocalhostName();
        if (DbComparator.notEqual(audit, 0)) {
            final String SQL_INSERT1 = "insert into SessionAudit (_fk_session, DateAccessed, AccessType, hostname, browserKey) values (${sessionKey}, ${now}, ${status}, ${hostname}, ${browserKey});";
            SqlParametersMaps parms4 = new SqlParametersMaps().put("sessionKey", sessionKey).put("now", now)
                    .put("status", status).put("hostname", localhostname).put("browserKey", browserKey);
            int insertedCnt = executeStatement(connection, SQL_INSERT1, parms4, false).getUpdateCount();
            // // (insertedCnt); // for testing
        List<CaseInsensitiveMap<Object>> resultlist = new ArrayList<CaseInsensitiveMap<Object>>();
        CaseInsensitiveMap<Object> rcrd = new CaseInsensitiveMap<Object>();
        rcrd.put("sessionKey", sessionKey.toString());
        rcrd.put("sessionID", sessionId.get());
        rcrd.put("Name", sessionName);
        rcrd.put("sessionStatus", status);

        result = new SingleDataResultSet();
        result.addColumn("sessionKey", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.UNIQUEIDENTIFIER);
        result.addColumn("sessionID", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR);
        result.addColumn("Name", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR);
        result.addColumn("sessionStatus", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR);

        _commonDll._LogDBLatency_SP(connection, "P_CreateSession", now, proctorKey, true, null, null, sessionKey,
                clientName, null);
        return result;

     * @param connection
     * @param sessionKey
     * @param proctorKey
     * @param browserKey
     * @return
     * @throws ReturnStatusException
    public SingleDataResultSet P_GetActiveCount_SP(SQLConnection connection, UUID sessionKey, Long proctorKey,
            UUID browserKey) throws ReturnStatusException {

        Date today = _dateUtil.getDateWRetStatus(connection);
        List<Date> midnights = getMidnightsWRetStatus(connection);
        Date midnightAM = midnights.get(0);
        Date midnightPM = midnights.get(1);

        String accessDenied = null;
        String client = null;
        accessDenied = _commonDll.ValidateProctorSession_FN(connection, proctorKey, sessionKey, browserKey);
        client = getClientNameBySessionKey(connection, sessionKey);
        if (accessDenied != null) {
            _commonDll._LogDBError_SP(connection, "P_GetActiveCount", accessDenied, proctorKey, null, null,
            _commonDll._LogDBLatency_SP(connection, "P_GetActiveCount", today, proctorKey, true, null, sessionKey);
            return _commonDll._ReturnError_SP(connection, client, "P_GetActiveCount", accessDenied, null, null,
        String statusStr = _commonDll.GetStatusCodes_FN(connection, "opportunity", "inuse");

        final String SQL_QUERY = "select count(*) as active from TestOpportunity_ReadOnly O where _fk_session = ${sessionKey} and O.DateChanged > ${midnightAM} "
                + " and O.DateChanged < ${midnightPM} and O.status in (${statusStr});";
        SqlParametersMaps parms = new SqlParametersMaps().put("sessionKey", sessionKey)
                .put("midnightAM", midnightAM).put("midnightPM", midnightPM).put("statusStr", statusStr);
        SingleDataResultSet result = executeStatement(connection, SQL_QUERY, parms, true).getResultSets().next();
        DbResultRecord record = (result.getCount() > 0 ? result.getRecords().next() : null);
        if (record != null) {
            int active = record.<Integer>get("active");
        _commonDll._LogDBLatency_SP(connection, "P_GetActiveCount", today, proctorKey, true, null, null, sessionKey,
                null, null);
        return result;

     * @param connection
     * @param sessionKey
     * @param proctorKey
     * @param browserKey
     * @return
     * @throws ReturnStatusException
    // TODO, Need to address datediff() when migrating to MySql
    public SingleDataResultSet P_GetCurrentSessionTestees_SP(SQLConnection connection, UUID sessionKey,
            Long proctorKey, UUID browserKey) throws ReturnStatusException {
        Date now = _dateUtil.getDateWRetStatus(connection);
        List<Date> midnights = getMidnightsWRetStatus(connection);
        Date midnightAM = midnights.get(0);
        Date midnightPM = midnights.get(1);

        String accessDenied = null;
        String client = null;
        Integer suppressScores = null;
        client = getClientNameBySessionKey(connection, sessionKey);
        accessDenied = _commonDll.ValidateProctorSession_FN(connection, proctorKey, sessionKey, browserKey);

        if (accessDenied != null) {
            _commonDll._LogDBError_SP(connection, "P_GetCurrentSessionTestees", accessDenied, proctorKey, null,
                    null, sessionKey);
            _commonDll._LogDBLatency_SP(connection, "P_GetCurrentSessionTestees", now, proctorKey, true, null,
            return _commonDll._ReturnError_SP(connection, client, "P_GetCurrentSessionTestees", accessDenied, null,
                    null, "ValidateProctorSession");
        suppressScores = _SuppressScores_FN(connection, client);

        final String SQL_QUERY = "select tOpp._efk_AdminSubject, tOpp._fk_TestOpportunity as opportunityKey, tOpp._efk_Testee, tOpp._efk_TestID, tOpp.Opportunity,"
                + " tOpp.TesteeName, TesteeID, tOpp.Status, tOpp.DateCompleted, tOpp._fk_Session, tOpp.SessID as SessionID, '' as sessionName,  maxitems as ItemCount,"
                + " case when tOpp.status = ${paused} and datePaused is not null then datediff(minute, datePaused, ${now}) else null end as pauseMinutes,"
                + " numResponses as ResponseCount, (select count(*) from TestOppRequest REQ where REQ._fk_TestOpportunity = tOpp._fk_TestOpportunity and REQ._fk_Session = ${sessionKey}"
                + " and DateFulfilled is null and DateSubmitted > ${midnightAM} and DateSubmitted < ${midnightPM}) as RequestCount, (select top 1 value as score from TestOpportunityScores S, "
                + " ${ConfigDB}.Client_TestScoreFeatures F  where F.ClientName = ${clientname} and ReportToProctor = 1 and S._fk_TestOpportunity = tOpp._fk_TestOpportunity and S.IsOfficial = 1 "
                + " and S.MeasureOf = F.MeasureOf and S.MeasureLabel = F.MeasureLabel) as Score, AccommodationString as Accommodations, tOpp.customAccommodations, tOpp.mode "
                + " from TestOpportunity_ReadOnly tOpp where _fk_Session = ${sessionKey} and tOpp.DateChanged > ${midnightAM} and tOpp.DateChanged < ${midnightPM}  and tOpp.status not in ('pending', 'suspended', 'denied');";

        SqlParametersMaps parms = new SqlParametersMaps().put("paused", "paused").put("clientname", client)
                .put("now", now).put("sessionKey", sessionKey).put("midnightPM", midnightPM)
                .put("midnightAM", midnightAM);
        SingleDataResultSet result = executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(SQL_QUERY), parms, true)

        _commonDll._LogDBLatency_SP(connection, "P_GetCurrentSessionTestees", now, proctorKey, true, null, null,
                sessionKey, null, null);
        return result;

     * @param connection
     * @param clientName
     * @param externalId
     * @return
     * @throws ReturnStatusException
    public SingleDataResultSet P_GetRTSTestee_SP(SQLConnection connection, String clientName, String externalId,
            long proctorKey) throws ReturnStatusException {

        SingleDataResultSet result = GetTesteeAttributes_SP(connection, clientName, externalId, proctorKey);
        return result;

    public SingleDataResultSet P_GetCurrentSessions_SP(SQLConnection connection, String clientName, Long proctorKey)
            throws ReturnStatusException {
        return P_GetCurrentSessions_SP(connection, clientName, proctorKey, 0);

     * Need to address dateadd() when migrating to MySql
     * @param connection
     * @param clientName
     * @param proctorKey
     * @param sessionType
     * @return
     * @throws ReturnStatusException
    public SingleDataResultSet P_GetCurrentSessions_SP(SQLConnection connection, String clientName, Long proctorKey,
            int sessionType) throws ReturnStatusException {

        Date today = _dateUtil.getDateWRetStatus(connection);
        List<Date> midnights = getMidnightsWRetStatus(connection);
        Date midnightAM = midnights.get(0);
        Date midnightPM = midnights.get(1);

        SingleDataResultSet result = null;

        final String SQL_QUERY1 = "select top 1 _efk_Proctor from session S, TimeLimits T where T.clientname = ${clientname} and _efk_Proctor = ${proctorKey} and sessionType = ${sessionType}"
                + " and status <> ${closed} and dateend > ${today}  and S.clientname = T.clientname and TACheckinTime is not null and TACheckinTime > 0"
                + " and dateadd(minute, TACheckInTime, DateVisited) < ${today}";
        SqlParametersMaps parms = new SqlParametersMaps().put("closed", "closed").put("clientname", clientName)
                .put("today", today).put("sessionType", sessionType).put("proctorKey", proctorKey);

        while (exists(executeStatement(connection, SQL_QUERY1, parms, false))) {
            final String SQL_QUERY2 = "select top 1 _Key as _key, _fk_browser as browser from session S, TimeLimits T where T.clientname = ${clientname} and _efk_Proctor = ${proctorKey}"
                    + " and sessionType = ${sessionType} and status <> ${closed} and dateend > ${today} and S.clientname = T.clientname and TACheckinTime is not null and TACheckinTime > 0"
                    + " and dateadd(minute, TACheckInTime, DateVisited) < ${today} order by dateadd(minute, TACheckInTime, DateVisited);";
            SqlParametersMaps parms1 = parms;
            result = executeStatement(connection, SQL_QUERY2, parms1, false).getResultSets().next();
            DbResultRecord record = (result.getCount() > 0 ? result.getRecords().next() : null);
            if (record != null) {
                UUID key = record.<UUID>get("_key");
                UUID browser = record.<UUID>get("browser");
                if (key != null) {
                    _commonDll.P_PauseSession_SP(connection, key, proctorKey, browser, "administratively closed",
        final String SQL_QUERY3 = "select S._Key, S.SessionID, S.Name as sessionName, S.status, dateBegin, dateEnd, _fk_browser as browserKey, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "
                + " TestOpportunity_ReadOnly O where O._fk_Session = S._key AND O.DateChanged > ${midnightAM} and O.DateChanged < ${midnightPM} AND O.status IN (${pending}, ${suspended})) as NeedApproval"
                + " from session S where clientname = ${clientname} and _efk_Proctor = ${proctorKey} and sessiontype = ${sessiontype} and ${today} >= S.DateBegin and"
                + " S.DateEnd >= ${today} and status = ${open} order by;";
        SqlParametersMaps parms2 = new SqlParametersMaps().put("pending", "pending").put("suspended", "suspended")
                .put("clientname", clientName).put("midnightPM", midnightPM).put("midnightAM", midnightAM)
                .put("sessionType", sessionType).put("proctorKey", proctorKey).put("open", "open");
        result = executeStatement(connection, SQL_QUERY3, parms2, true).getResultSets().next();

        _commonDll._LogDBLatency_SP(connection, "P_GetCurrentSessions", today, proctorKey, true, null, null, null,
                clientName, null);
        return result;

     * @param connection
     * @param sessionKey
     * @param proctorKey
     * @param browserKey
     * @return
     * @throws ReturnStatusException
    public SingleDataResultSet P_GetSessionTests_SP(SQLConnection connection, UUID sessionKey, Long proctorKey,
            UUID browserKey) throws ReturnStatusException {

        Date today = _dateUtil.getDateWRetStatus(connection);
        String accessDenied = null;
        String client = null;

        accessDenied = _commonDll.ValidateProctorSession_FN(connection, proctorKey, sessionKey, browserKey);

        if (accessDenied != null) {
            client = getClientNameBySessionKey(connection, sessionKey);
            _commonDll._LogDBError_SP(connection, "P_GetSessionTests", accessDenied, proctorKey, null, null,
            _commonDll._LogDBLatency_SP(connection, "P_GetSessionTests", today, proctorKey, true, null, sessionKey);
            return _commonDll._ReturnError_SP(connection, client, "P_GetSessionTests", accessDenied, null, null,
        final String SQL_QUERY = "SELECT _efk_TestID AS TestID, _efk_AdminSubject as TestKey  FROM sessionTests WHERE _fk_Session = ${sessionKey}";
        SqlParametersMaps parms = new SqlParametersMaps().put("sessionKey", sessionKey);
        SingleDataResultSet result = executeStatement(connection, SQL_QUERY, parms, true).getResultSets().next();

        _commonDll._LogDBLatency_SP(connection, "P_GetSessionTests", today, proctorKey, true, null, null,
                sessionKey, null, null);
        return result;

     * @param connection
     * @param sessionKey
     * @param proctorKey
     * @param browserKey
     * @return
     * @throws ReturnStatusException
    public MultiDataResultSet P_GetTestsForApproval_SP(SQLConnection connection, UUID sessionKey, Long proctorKey,
            UUID browserKey) throws ReturnStatusException {

        List<SingleDataResultSet> resultsets = new ArrayList<SingleDataResultSet>();
        SingleDataResultSet result = null;
        Date today = _dateUtil.getDateWRetStatus(connection);
        String accessDenied = null;
        String client = null;

        accessDenied = _commonDll.ValidateProctorSession_FN(connection, proctorKey, sessionKey, browserKey);

        if (accessDenied != null) {
            client = getClientNameBySessionKey(connection, sessionKey);
            _commonDll._LogDBError_SP(connection, "P_GetTestsForApproval", accessDenied, proctorKey, null, null,
            _commonDll._LogDBLatency_SP(connection, "P_GetTestsForApproval", today, proctorKey, true, null,
            resultsets.add(_commonDll._ReturnError_SP(connection, client, "P_GetTestsForApproval", accessDenied,
                    null, null, "ValidateProctorSession"));
            return new MultiDataResultSet(resultsets);
        DataBaseTable oppsTable = getDataBaseTable("opps")
                .addColumn("opportunityKey", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.UNIQUEIDENTIFIER)
                .addColumn("_efk_testee", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.BIGINT)
                .addColumn("_efk_TestID", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR, 200)
                .addColumn("Opportunity", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.INT)
                .addColumn("_efk_AdminSubject", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR, 250)
                .addColumn("status", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR, 50)
                .addColumn("testeeID", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR, 100)
                .addColumn("testeeName", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR, 100)
                .addColumn("customAccommodations", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.BIT)
                .addColumn("waitingForSegment", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.INT)
                .addColumn("mode", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR, 50)
                .addColumn("LEP", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR, 100);
        Map<String, String> unquotedparms = new HashMap<String, String>();
        unquotedparms.put("oppsTableName", oppsTable.getTableName());

        DataBaseTable accsTable = getDataBaseTable("accs")
                .addColumn("oppKey", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.UNIQUEIDENTIFIER)
                .addColumn("AccType", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR, 100)
                .addColumn("AccCode", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR, 1000)
                .addColumn("AccValue", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR, 250)
                .addColumn("segment", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.INT)
                .addColumn("isSelectable", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.BIT);
        Map<String, String> unquotedparms1 = new HashMap<String, String>();
        unquotedparms1.put("accsTableName", accsTable.getTableName());

        // TODO udaya, discuss about 'with(readpast)'
        final String SQL_INSERT = "insert into ${oppsTableName} (opportunityKey, _efk_Testee, _efk_TestID, Opportunity, _efk_AdminSubject, status, testeeID, testeeName, customAccommodations, "
                + " waitingForSegment, mode) select  _fk_TestOpportunity, _efk_Testee, _efk_TestID, Opportunity, _efk_AdminSubject, status, testeeID, testeeName, customAccommodations,"
                + " waitingForSegment, mode from TestOpportunity_Readonly O where _fk_Session = ${sessionKey} and O.status in (${pending}, ${suspended}, ${segmentEntry}, ${segmentExit});";
        SqlParametersMaps parms1 = (new SqlParametersMaps()).put("sessionKey", sessionKey).put("pending", "pending")
                .put("suspended", "suspended").put("segmentEntry", "segmentEntry")
                .put("segmentExit", "segmentExit");
        int insertedCnt = executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(SQL_INSERT, unquotedparms), parms1, false)
        // // (insertedCnt); // for testing

        final String SQL_QUERY1 = "select top 1 opportunityKey from ${oppsTableName}";
        if (!exists(executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(SQL_QUERY1, unquotedparms), null, false))) {
            final String SQL_QUERY2 = "select * from ${oppsTableName}";
            result = executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(SQL_QUERY2, unquotedparms), null, false)

            final String SQL_QUERY3 = "select * from ${accsTableName}, ${oppsTableName}; ";
            Map<String, String> unquotedparms2 = new HashMap<String, String>();
            unquotedparms2.put("accsTableName", accsTable.getTableName());
            unquotedparms2.put("oppsTableName", oppsTable.getTableName());
            result = executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(SQL_QUERY3, unquotedparms2), null, false)
            _commonDll._LogDBLatency_SP(connection, "P_GetTestsForApproval", today, proctorKey, true, null, null,
                    sessionKey, null, null);
            return new MultiDataResultSet(resultsets);
        // TODO, Need to address the Create Index, when migrating to MY_SQL
        final String SQL_INDEX1 = "create index TMP_OPPS on ${oppsTableName} (opportunityKey);";
        executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(SQL_INDEX1, unquotedparms), null, false).getUpdateCount();

        final String SQL_UPDATE1 = "update ${oppsTableName} set LEP = A.attributeValue from TesteeAttribute A where A._fk_TestOpportunity = opportunityKey and A.TDS_ID = ${LEP}";
        SqlParametersMaps parms2 = (new SqlParametersMaps()).put("LEP", "LEP");
        int updateCnt = executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(SQL_UPDATE1, unquotedparms), parms2, false)
        // (updateCnt); // for testing

        // TODO udaya, discuss about 'with(readpast)'
        final String SQL_INSERT1 = "insert into ${accsTableName} (oppkey, AccType, AccCode, AccValue, segment, isSelectable) select opportunityKey, AccType, AccCode, AccValue, "
                + " segment, isSelectable from TesteeAccommodations A, ${oppsTableName} where opportunityKey = A._fk_TestOpportunity;";
        Map<String, String> unquotedparms3 = new HashMap<String, String>();
        unquotedparms3.put("accsTableName", accsTable.getTableName());
        unquotedparms3.put("oppsTableName", oppsTable.getTableName());
        insertedCnt = executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(SQL_INSERT1, unquotedparms3), null, false)
        // (insertedCnt); // for testing

        // TODO, Need to address the Create Index, when migrating to MY_SQL
        final String SQL_INDEX2 = "create index TMP_OPPS on ${accsTableName} (oppKey);";
        executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(SQL_INDEX2, unquotedparms1), null, false).getUpdateCount();

        final String SQL_QUERY4 = "select distinct * from ${oppsTableName} where exists (select top 1 oppKey from ${accsTableName} where oppkey = opportunityKey);";
        result = executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(SQL_QUERY4, unquotedparms3), null, false)

        final String SQL_QUERY5 = "select distinct * from ${accsTableName}, ${oppsTableName} where oppkey = opportunityKey and (segment = 0 or  isSelectable = 1);";
        result = executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(SQL_QUERY5, unquotedparms3), null, false)

        _commonDll._LogDBLatency_SP(connection, "P_GetTestsForApproval", today, proctorKey, true, null, null,
                sessionKey, null, null);

        return new MultiDataResultSet(resultsets);

     * @param connection
     * @param clientName
     * @return
     * @throws ReturnStatusException
    public SingleDataResultSet P_GetCurrentAlertMessages_SP(SQLConnection connection, String clientName)
            throws ReturnStatusException {

        SingleDataResultSet result = null;
        Date now = _dateUtil.getDateWRetStatus(connection);
        final String SQL_QUERY = "select _key, title, [message], dateCreated, createdUser, dateUpdated, updatedUser, dateStarted, dateEnded, dateCancelled, cancelledUser "
                + " from AlertMessages where clientname = ${clientname} and dateStarted <= ${now} and dateEnded > ${now} and dateCancelled is null order by dateStarted desc;";
        SqlParametersMaps parameters = new SqlParametersMaps().put("clientname", clientName).put("now", now);
        result = executeStatement(connection, SQL_QUERY, parameters, true).getResultSets().next();

        _commonDll._LogDBLatency_SP(connection, "P_GetCurrentAlertMessages", now, null, true, null, null, null,
                clientName, null);
        return result;

     * @param connection
     * @param clientName
     * @param proctorKey
     * @return
     * @throws ReturnStatusException
    public SingleDataResultSet P_GetUnAcknowledgedAlertMessages_SP(SQLConnection connection, String clientName,
            Long proctorKey) throws ReturnStatusException {

        Date today = _dateUtil.getDateWRetStatus(connection);

        final String SQL_QUERY = "select _key, title, [message], dateCreated, createdUser, dateUpdated, updatedUser, dateStarted, dateEnded, dateCancelled, cancelledUser "
                + " from AlertMessages AM  left outer join SetOfProctorAlertMessages S on AM._key = S._fk_AlertMessages and S._efk_Proctor= ${proctorKey} and "
                + " S.dateChanged < ${today} and S.dateChanged > ${today} where AM.dateStarted <= ${today} and AM.dateEnded > ${today} and AM.dateCancelled is null "
                + " and S._efk_Proctor is null and AM.clientname = ${clientname};";
        SqlParametersMaps parms = new SqlParametersMaps().put("proctorKey", proctorKey)
                .put("clientname", clientName).put("today", today);
        SingleDataResultSet result = executeStatement(connection, SQL_QUERY, parms, true).getResultSets().next();

        if (result.getCount() > 0) {
            final String SQL_INSERT = "insert into SetOfProctorAlertMessages (_efk_Proctor, _fk_AlertMessages, dateChanged) select ${proctorKey}, AM._key, ${today} from "
                    + " AlertMessages AM left outer join SetOfProctorAlertMessages S on AM._key = S._fk_AlertMessages and S._efk_Proctor = ${proctorKey} and S.dateChanged >= ${today} and S.dateChanged <= ${today} "
                    + " where AM.dateStarted <= ${today} and AM.dateEnded > ${today} and AM.dateCancelled is null and S._efk_Proctor is null and AM.clientname = ${clientname};";
            SqlParametersMaps parms1 = parms;
            int insertedCnt = executeStatement(connection, SQL_INSERT, parms1, true).getUpdateCount();
            // (insertedCnt); // for testing
        _commonDll._LogDBLatency_SP(connection, "P_GetUnAcknowledgedAlertMessages", today, proctorKey, true, null,
                null, null, clientName, null);
        return result;

     * @param connection
     * @param clientName
     * @param proctorKey
     * @param sessionID
     * @param browserKey
     * @return
     * @throws ReturnStatusException
    public SingleDataResultSet P_HandOffSession_SP(SQLConnection connection, String clientName, Long proctorKey,
            String sessionID, UUID browserKey) throws ReturnStatusException {

        Date starttime = _dateUtil.getDateWRetStatus(connection);
        _Ref<UUID> sessionKey = new _Ref<>();

        String localhostname = _commonDll.getLocalhostName();

        final String SQL_QUERY1 = "select _Key as sessionKey from session  where clientname = ${clientname} and _efk_Proctor = ${proctorkey} and sessionID = ${sessionID}"
                + " and status = ${open} and ${starttime} between dateBegin and dateEnd;";
        SqlParametersMaps parms = new SqlParametersMaps().put("proctorKey", proctorKey)
                .put("clientname", clientName).put("starttime", starttime).put("sessionID", sessionID)
                .put("open", "open");
        SingleDataResultSet result = executeStatement(connection, SQL_QUERY1, parms, false).getResultSets().next();
        DbResultRecord record = result.getCount() > 0 ? result.getRecords().next() : null;
        if (record != null) {
        if (sessionKey.get() == null) {
            String client = getClientNameBySessionKey(connection, sessionKey.get());
            return _commonDll._ReturnError_SP(connection, client, "P_HandOffSession", "The session does not exist");
        final String SQL_INSERT = "insert into SessionAudit (_fk_session, DateAccessed, AccessType, hostname, browserKey) values (${sessionKey}, ${starttime}, ${Handoff}, ${localhostname}, ${browserKey});";
        SqlParametersMaps parms1 = new SqlParametersMaps().put("sessionKey", sessionKey.get())
                .put("starttime", starttime).put("Handoff", "Handoff").put("localhostname", localhostname)
                .put("browserKey", browserKey);
        int insertedCnt = executeStatement(connection, SQL_INSERT, parms1, false).getUpdateCount();
        // (insertedCnt); // for testing

        final String SQL_UPDATE = "update session set _fk_Browser = ${browserkey}, dateChanged = ${starttime}, DateVisited = ${starttime}  where _Key = ${sessionKey};";
        SqlParametersMaps parms2 = new SqlParametersMaps().put("sessionKey", sessionKey.get())
                .put("starttime", starttime).put("browserKey", browserKey);
        int updateCnt = executeStatement(connection, SQL_UPDATE, parms2, false).getUpdateCount();
        // (updateCnt); // for testing

        List<CaseInsensitiveMap<Object>> resultlist = new ArrayList<CaseInsensitiveMap<Object>>();
        CaseInsensitiveMap<Object> rcrd = new CaseInsensitiveMap<Object>();
        rcrd.put("sessionKey", sessionKey.toString());
        result = new SingleDataResultSet();
        result.addColumn("sessionKey", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.UNIQUEIDENTIFIER);

        _commonDll._LogDBLatency_SP(connection, "P_HandOffSession", starttime, null, true, null, null, null,
                clientName, null);
        return result;

     * @param connection
     * @param sessionKey
     * @param proctorKey
     * @param browserKey
     * @param testKey
     * @param testId
     * @return
     * @throws ReturnStatusException
    public SingleDataResultSet P_InsertSessionTest_SP(SQLConnection connection, UUID sessionKey, Long proctorKey,
            UUID browserKey, String testKey, String testId) throws ReturnStatusException {

        Date today = _dateUtil.getDateWRetStatus(connection);
        String accessDenied = null;
        String client = null;
        SingleDataResultSet result = null;

        accessDenied = _commonDll.ValidateProctorSession_FN(connection, proctorKey, sessionKey, browserKey);

        if (accessDenied != null) {
            client = getClientNameBySessionKey(connection, sessionKey);
            _commonDll._LogDBError_SP(connection, "P_InsertSessionTest", accessDenied, proctorKey, null, null,
            _commonDll._LogDBLatency_SP(connection, "P_InsertSessionTest", today, proctorKey, true, null,
            return _commonDll._ReturnError_SP(connection, client, "P_InsertSessionTest", accessDenied, null, null,
        final String SQL_QUERY1 = "select top 1 _fk_Session from SessionTests where _fk_Session = ${sessionKey} and _efk_AdminSubject = ${testKey}";
        SqlParametersMaps parms1 = new SqlParametersMaps().put("sessionKey", sessionKey).put("testKey", testKey);
        if (exists(executeStatement(connection, SQL_QUERY1, parms1, false))) {
            return _commonDll._ReturnError_SP(connection, client, "P_InsertSessionTest", "SessionTestExists");
        final String SQL_INSERT = "INSERT INTO SessionTests (_efk_AdminSubject, _efk_TestID, _fk_Session) VALUES (${testKey}, ${testID}, ${sessionKey});";
        SqlParametersMaps parms2 = new SqlParametersMaps().put("sessionKey", sessionKey).put("testID", testId)
                .put("testKey", testKey);
        int insertedCnt = executeStatement(connection, SQL_INSERT, parms2, false).getUpdateCount();
        // (insertedCnt); // for testing

        result = _commonDll.ReturnStatusReason("success", null);

        _commonDll._LogDBLatency_SP(connection, "P_InsertSessionTest", today, null, true, null, null, sessionKey,
                null, null);
        return result;

    public SingleDataResultSet P_PauseAllSessions_SP(SQLConnection connection, String clientName, Long proctorKey,
            UUID browserKey, int sessionType) throws ReturnStatusException {
        return P_PauseAllSessions_SP(connection, clientName, proctorKey, browserKey, 0, 1, sessionType);

     * @param connection
     * @param clientName
     * @param proctorKey
     * @param browserKey
     * @param exemptCurrent
     * @param reportClosed
     * @param sessionType
     * @return
     * @throws ReturnStatusException
    public SingleDataResultSet P_PauseAllSessions_SP(SQLConnection connection, String clientName, Long proctorKey,
            UUID browserKey, int exemptCurrent, int reportClosed, int sessionType) throws ReturnStatusException {

        Date starttime = _dateUtil.getDateWRetStatus(connection);
        Integer audit = null;
        Integer oppaudit = null;
        Integer cnt = null;
        UUID oppKey = null;
        UUID sessionKey = null;

        String localhostname = _commonDll.getLocalhostName();
        audit = _commonDll.AuditSessions_FN(connection, clientName);
        oppaudit = _commonDll.AuditOpportunities_FN(connection, clientName);
        String statusStr = _commonDll.GetStatusCodes_FN(connection, "opportunity", "inuse");

        DataBaseTable sessionTable = getDataBaseTable("sessions").addColumn("sesskey",
        Map<String, String> unquotedParms = new HashMap<String, String>();
        unquotedParms.put("sessionTableName", sessionTable.getTableName());

        if (DbComparator.notEqual(exemptCurrent, 0)) {
            final String SQL_INSERT1 = "insert into ${sessionTableName} (sesskey) (select _key from Session where clientname = ${clientname} and _efk_Proctor = ${proctorKey}"
                    + " and _fk_Browser = ${browserKey} and status = ${open} and DateEnd < ${now} and sessiontype = ${sessiontype});";
            SqlParametersMaps parms = new SqlParametersMaps().put("proctorKey", proctorKey)
                    .put("clientname", clientName).put("now", starttime).put("browserKey", browserKey)
                    .put("open", "open").put("sessiontype", sessionType);
            int insertedCnt = executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(SQL_INSERT1, unquotedParms), parms,
            // (insertedCnt); // for testing
        } else {
            final String SQL_INSERT2 = "insert into ${sessionTableName} (sesskey) (select _key from Session where clientname = ${clientname} and _efk_Proctor = ${proctorKey}"
                    + " and _fk_Browser = ${browserKey} and status = ${open} and sessiontype = ${sessiontype});";
            SqlParametersMaps parms1 = new SqlParametersMaps().put("proctorKey", proctorKey)
                    .put("clientname", clientName).put("browserKey", browserKey).put("open", "open")
                    .put("sessiontype", sessionType);
            int insertedCnt = executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(SQL_INSERT2, unquotedParms), parms1,
            // (insertedCnt); // for testing
        final String SQL_QUERY1 = "select count(*) as cnt from ${sessionTableName};";
        SingleDataResultSet result = executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(SQL_QUERY1, unquotedParms), null,
        DbResultRecord record = result.getCount() > 0 ? result.getRecords().next() : null;
        if (record != null) {
            cnt = record.<Integer>get("cnt");
        if (DbComparator.lessThan(cnt, 1)) {
            if (reportClosed == 1) {
                List<CaseInsensitiveMap<Object>> resultlist = new ArrayList<CaseInsensitiveMap<Object>>();
                CaseInsensitiveMap<Object> rcrd = new CaseInsensitiveMap<Object>();
                rcrd.put("status", "closed");
                rcrd.put("number", cnt);
                rcrd.put("reason", null);

                SingleDataResultSet rs = new SingleDataResultSet();
                rs.addColumn("status", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR);
                rs.addColumn("number", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.INT);
                rs.addColumn("reason", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR);

                _commonDll._LogDBLatency_SP(connection, "P_PauseAllSessions", starttime, proctorKey, true, null,
                return rs;
        DataBaseTable oppsTable = getDataBaseTable("opps")
                .addColumn("oppkey", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.UNIQUEIDENTIFIER)
                .addColumn("_fk_Session", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.UNIQUEIDENTIFIER);
        Map<String, String> unquotedParms1 = new HashMap<String, String>();
        unquotedParms1.put("oppsTableName", oppsTable.getTableName());

        UUID sesskey = null;
        final String SQL_QUERY = "select sesskey from ${sessionTableName}";
        result = executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(SQL_QUERY, unquotedParms), null, false)
        record = result.getCount() > 0 ? result.getRecords().next() : null;
        if (record != null) {
            sesskey = record.<UUID>get("sesskey");
        final String SQL_INSERT3 = "insert into ${oppsTableName} (oppkey, _fk_Session) select _Key, _fk_session from TestOpportunity where status in (${statusStr}) and _fk_Session in (${sesskey});";
        SqlParametersMaps parms2 = new SqlParametersMaps().put("statusStr", statusStr).put("sesskey", sesskey);
        int insertedCnt = executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(SQL_INSERT3, unquotedParms1), parms2, true)
        // (insertedCnt); // for testing

        if (DbComparator.notEqual(oppaudit, 0)) {
            final String SQL_INSERT4 = "insert into OpportunityAudit(_fk_TestOpportunity, DateAccessed, AccessType, _fk_Session, Hostname) select oppkey, ${now}, "
                    + " ${paused by session}, _fk_Session, ${localhostname} from ${oppsTableName} ;";
            SqlParametersMaps parms3 = new SqlParametersMaps().put("paused by session", "paused by session")
                    .put("now", starttime).put("localhostname", localhostname);
            insertedCnt = executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(SQL_INSERT4, unquotedParms1), parms3, false)
            // (insertedCnt); // for testing
        final String SQL_QUERY3 = "select top 1 oppkey from ${oppsTableName}";
        while (exists(executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(SQL_QUERY3, unquotedParms1), null, false))) {
            final String SQL_QUERY4 = "select top 1 oppkey as oppkey, _fk_session as sessionKey from ${oppsTableName};";
            result = executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(SQL_QUERY4, unquotedParms1), null, false)
            record = result.getCount() > 0 ? result.getRecords().next() : null;
            if (record != null) {
                oppKey = record.<UUID>get("oppkey");
                sessionKey = record.<UUID>get("sessionKey");
            final String SQL_DELETE = "delete from ${oppsTableName} where oppkey = ${oppkey};";
            SqlParametersMaps parms4 = new SqlParametersMaps().put("oppkey", oppKey);
            int deletedCnt = executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(SQL_DELETE, unquotedParms1), parms4,
            // (deletedCnt); // for testing

            _commonDll.SetOpportunityStatus_SP(connection, oppKey, "paused", true, sessionKey.toString());
        if (DbComparator.notEqual(audit, 0)) {
            final String SQL_INSERT5 = "insert into SessionAudit (_fk_Session, DateAccessed, AccessType, hostname, browserKey)"
                    + " select sesskey, ${now}, ${closed}, ${host}, ${browserKey} from ${sessionTableName};";
            SqlParametersMaps parms5 = new SqlParametersMaps().put("closed", "closed").put("now", starttime)
                    .put("host", localhostname).put("browserKey", browserKey);
            insertedCnt = executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(SQL_INSERT5, unquotedParms), parms5, false)
            // (insertedCnt); // for testing
        final String SQL_UPDATE = "update session set status = ${closed}, DateChanged = ${now} from ${sessionTableName} where _Key = sesskey;";
        SqlParametersMaps parms6 = new SqlParametersMaps().put("closed", "closed").put("now", starttime);
        int updateCnt = executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(SQL_UPDATE, unquotedParms), parms6, false)
        // (updateCnt); // for testing

        if (reportClosed == 1) {
            List<CaseInsensitiveMap<Object>> resultlist = new ArrayList<CaseInsensitiveMap<Object>>();
            CaseInsensitiveMap<Object> rcrd = new CaseInsensitiveMap<Object>();
            rcrd.put("status", "closed");
            rcrd.put("number", cnt);
            rcrd.put("reason", null);

            result = new SingleDataResultSet();
            result.addColumn("status", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR);
            result.addColumn("number", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.INT);
            result.addColumn("reason", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR);
        _commonDll._LogDBLatency_SP(connection, "P_PauseAllSessions", starttime, proctorKey, true, null, null, null,
                clientName, null);
        return result;

    public SingleDataResultSet P_LogOutProctor_SP(SQLConnection connection, String clientName, Long proctorKey,
            UUID browserKey) throws ReturnStatusException {
        return P_LogOutProctor_SP(connection, clientName, proctorKey, browserKey, 0);

     * @param connection
     * @param clientName
     * @param proctorKey
     * @param browserKey
     * @param sessionType
     * @throws ReturnStatusException
    public SingleDataResultSet P_LogOutProctor_SP(SQLConnection connection, String clientName, Long proctorKey,
            UUID browserKey, int sessionType) throws ReturnStatusException {

        Date now = _dateUtil.getDateWRetStatus(connection);

        SingleDataResultSet result = null;

        result = P_PauseAllSessions_SP(connection, clientName, proctorKey, browserKey, sessionType);

        final String SQL_UPDATE = "update session set DateEnd = ${now}, status = ${closed} where clientname = ${clientname} and _efk_Proctor = ${proctorKey}"
                + " and (DateEnd > ${now} or status = ${open}) and _fk_Browser = ${browserKey};";
        SqlParametersMaps parms = new SqlParametersMaps().put("closed", "closed").put("now", now)
                .put("clientname", clientName).put("proctorKey", proctorKey).put("open", "open")
                .put("browserKey", browserKey);
        int updateCnt = executeStatement(connection, SQL_UPDATE, parms, false).getUpdateCount();

        _commonDll._LogDBLatency_SP(connection, "P_LogOutProctor", now, proctorKey, true, null, null, null,
                clientName, null);
        return result;

     * @param connection
     * @param sessionKey
     * @param proctorKey
     * @param browserKey
     * @param opportunityKey
     * @return
     * @throws ReturnStatusException
    public SingleDataResultSet P_PauseOpportunity_SP(SQLConnection connection, UUID sessionKey, Long proctorKey,
            UUID browserKey, UUID opportunityKey) throws ReturnStatusException {

        Date today = _dateUtil.getDateWRetStatus(connection);
        String accessDenied = null;
        String client = null;
        SingleDataResultSet result = null;

        accessDenied = _commonDll.ValidateProctorSession_FN(connection, proctorKey, sessionKey, browserKey);

        if (accessDenied != null) {
            client = getClientNameBySessionKey(connection, sessionKey);
            _commonDll._LogDBError_SP(connection, "P_PauseOpportunity", accessDenied, proctorKey, null, null,
            _commonDll._LogDBLatency_SP(connection, "P_PauseOpportunity", today, proctorKey, true, null,
            return _commonDll._ReturnError_SP(connection, client, "P_PauseOpportunity", accessDenied, null, null,
        result = _commonDll.SetOpportunityStatus_SP(connection, opportunityKey, "paused", false,

        _commonDll._LogDBLatency_SP(connection, "P_PauseOpportunity", today, null, true, null, null, sessionKey,
                null, null);
        return result;

    public SingleDataResultSet P_ResumeAllSessions_SP(SQLConnection connection, String clientName, Long proctorKey,
            UUID browserKey) throws ReturnStatusException {
        return P_ResumeAllSessions_SP(connection, clientName, proctorKey, browserKey, 0, 0);

     * @param connection
     * @param clientName
     * @param proctorKey
     * @param browserKey
     * @param suppressOutput
     * @param sessionType
     * @return
     * @throws ReturnStatusException
    public SingleDataResultSet P_ResumeAllSessions_SP(SQLConnection connection, String clientName, Long proctorKey,
            UUID browserKey, Integer suppressOutput, int sessionType) throws ReturnStatusException {

        Date starttime = _dateUtil.getDateWRetStatus(connection);
        Integer audit = null;

        String localhostname = _commonDll.getLocalhostName();
        audit = _commonDll.AuditSessions_FN(connection, clientName);
        SingleDataResultSet result = null;

        final String SQL_UPDATE = "update Session set status = ${open}, DateChanged = ${now}, DateVisited = ${now}, _fk_Browser = ${browserKey} where clientname = ${clientname} "
                + " and _efk_Proctor = ${proctorKey} and sessiontype = ${sessiontype} and ${now} between DateBegin and DateEnd and status = ${closed};";
        SqlParametersMaps parms = new SqlParametersMaps().put("closed", "closed").put("now", starttime)
                .put("clientname", clientName).put("proctorKey", proctorKey).put("open", "open")
                .put("browserKey", browserKey).put("sessiontype", sessionType);
        int updateCnt = executeStatement(connection, SQL_UPDATE, parms, false).getUpdateCount();

        if (DbComparator.notEqual(audit, 0)) {
            final String SQL_INSERT = "insert into SessionAudit (_fk_Session, DateAccessed, AccessType, hostname, browserKey) "
                    + " select _Key, ${now}, ${open}, ${localhostname}, ${browserKey} from Session where _fk_Browser = ${browserKey};";
            SqlParametersMaps parms1 = new SqlParametersMaps().put("now", starttime).put("open", "open")
                    .put("browserKey", browserKey).put("localhostname", localhostname);
            int insertedCnt = executeStatement(connection, SQL_INSERT, parms1, false).getUpdateCount();
            // (insertedCnt); // for testing
        if (suppressOutput == 0) {
            final String SQL_QUERY = "select ${open} as status, count(*) as number, cast (null as varchar) as reason from session where _fk_Browser = ${browserKey} ;";
            SqlParametersMaps parms3 = new SqlParametersMaps().put("open", "open").put("browserKey", browserKey);
            result = executeStatement(connection, SQL_QUERY, parms3, false).getResultSets().next();
        _commonDll._LogDBLatency_SP(connection, "P_ResumeAllSessions", starttime, proctorKey, true, null, null,
                null, clientName, null);
        return result;

    public SingleDataResultSet P_DenyApproval_SP(SQLConnection connection, UUID sessionKey, Long proctorKey,
            UUID browserKey, UUID opportunityKey) throws ReturnStatusException {
        return P_DenyApproval_SP(connection, sessionKey, proctorKey, browserKey, opportunityKey, null);

     * @param connection
     * @param sessionKey
     * @param proctorKey
     * @param browserKey
     * @param opportunityKey
     * @param reason
     * @return
     * @throws ReturnStatusException
    public SingleDataResultSet P_DenyApproval_SP(SQLConnection connection, UUID sessionKey, Long proctorKey,
            UUID browserKey, UUID opportunityKey, String reason) throws ReturnStatusException {

        UUID oppsession = null;
        String teststatus = null;
        String testKey = null;
        String accessDenied = null;
        _Ref<String> error = new _Ref<>();
        String clientName = null;
        Date now = _dateUtil.getDateWRetStatus(connection);

        accessDenied = _commonDll.ValidateProctorSession_FN(connection, proctorKey, sessionKey, browserKey);
        if (accessDenied != null) {
            return _commonDll._ReturnError_SP(connection, clientName, "P_DenyApproval", accessDenied, null,
                    opportunityKey, "ValidateProctorSession");
        final String SQL_QUERY1 = "SELECT _efk_AdminSubject as testkey, _fk_Session as oppsession, status as teststatus, clientname from TestOpportunity  where _Key = ${opportunitykey} ;";
        SqlParametersMaps parms1 = new SqlParametersMaps().put("opportunitykey", opportunityKey);
        SingleDataResultSet result = executeStatement(connection, SQL_QUERY1, parms1, true).getResultSets().next();
        DbResultRecord record = result.getCount() > 0 ? result.getRecords().next() : null;
        if (record != null) {
            testKey = record.<String>get("testkey");
            oppsession = record.<UUID>get("oppsession");
            teststatus = record.<String>get("teststatus");
            clientName = record.<String>get("clientname");
        if (DbComparator.notEqual(accessDenied, null)) {
        } else if (teststatus == null) {
            error.set("The test opportunity does not exist");
        } else if (DbComparator.isEqual("started", teststatus)) {
            error.set("The test opportunity is in progress");
        } else if (DbComparator.notEqual("pending", teststatus) && DbComparator.notEqual("suspended", teststatus)
                && DbComparator.notEqual("segmentEntry", teststatus)
                && DbComparator.notEqual("segmentExit", teststatus)) {
            error.set("The test opportunity is not pending approval");
        } else if (sessionKey != null && oppsession != null && DbComparator.notEqual(sessionKey, oppsession)) {
            error.set("The test opportunity is not enrolled in this session");
        if (error.get() != null) {
            _commonDll._LogDBError_SP(connection, "P_DenyApproval", error.get(), proctorKey, null, null, sessionKey,
                    null, null);
            _commonDll._LogDBLatency_SP(connection, "P_DenyApproval", now, proctorKey, true, null, null, sessionKey,
                    null, null);
            return _commonDll._ReturnError_SP(connection, clientName, "P_DenyApproval", error.get(), null,
                    opportunityKey, null);
        result = _commonDll.SetOpportunityStatus_SP(connection, opportunityKey, "denied", false,
        if (reason != null) {
            final String SQL_UPDATE = "update TestOpportunity set Comment = ${reason} where _Key = ${opportunityKey};";
            SqlParametersMaps parms2 = new SqlParametersMaps().put("reason", reason).put("opportunitykey",
            int updateCnt = executeStatement(connection, SQL_UPDATE, parms2, false).getUpdateCount();
        _commonDll._LogDBLatency_SP(connection, "P_DenyApproval", now, proctorKey, true, 0, null, sessionKey, null,
        return result;

     * @param connection
     * @param sessionKey
     * @param proctorKey
     * @param browserKey
     * @return
     * @throws ReturnStatusException
    public SingleDataResultSet P_GetApprovedTesteeRequests_SP(SQLConnection connection, UUID sessionKey,
            Long proctorKey, UUID browserKey) throws ReturnStatusException {

        Date today = _dateUtil.getDateWRetStatus(connection);
        List<Date> midnights = getMidnightsWRetStatus(connection);

        String accessDenied = null;
        String client = null;
        SingleDataResultSet result = null;

        accessDenied = _commonDll.ValidateProctorSession_FN(connection, proctorKey, sessionKey, browserKey);
        client = getClientNameBySessionKey(connection, sessionKey);

        if (accessDenied != null) {
            _commonDll._LogDBError_SP(connection, "P_GetApprovedTesteeRequests", accessDenied, proctorKey, null,
                    null, sessionKey);
            _commonDll._LogDBLatency_SP(connection, "P_GetApprovedTesteeRequests", today, proctorKey, true, null,
            return _commonDll._ReturnError_SP(connection, client, "P_GetApprovedTesteeRequests", accessDenied, null,
                    null, "ValidateProctorSession");
        final String SQL_QUERY = "select _Key, _fk_TestOpportunity, _fk_Session, RequestType, RequestValue, DateSubmitted, DateFulfilled, Denied, ItemPage, ItemPosition,"
                + " RequestDescription from TestOppRequest where _fk_Session = ${sessionKey} and DateSubmitted > ${midnightAM} and DateSubmitted < ${midnightPM} and DateFulfilled is not null"
                + " and DateDenied is null order by _fk_TestOpportunity, DateSubmitted;";
        SqlParametersMaps parms = new SqlParametersMaps().put("midnightAM", midnights.get(0))
                .put("midnightPM", midnights.get(1)).put("sessionKey", sessionKey);
        result = executeStatement(connection, SQL_QUERY, parms, true).getResultSets().next();

        _commonDll._LogDBLatency_SP(connection, "P_GetApprovedTesteeRequests", today, proctorKey, true, null, null,
                sessionKey, null, null);
        return result;

     * @param connection
     * @param sessionKey
     * @param proctorKey
     * @param browserKey
     * @param opportunityKey
     * @return
     * @throws ReturnStatusException
    public SingleDataResultSet P_GetCurrentTesteeRequests_SP(SQLConnection connection, UUID sessionKey,
            Long proctorKey, UUID browserKey, UUID opportunityKey) throws ReturnStatusException {

        Date today = _dateUtil.getDateWRetStatus(connection);
        List<Date> midnights = getMidnightsWRetStatus(connection);

        String accessDenied = null;
        String client = null;
        SingleDataResultSet result = null;

        accessDenied = _commonDll.ValidateProctorSession_FN(connection, proctorKey, sessionKey, browserKey);
        client = getClientNameBySessionKey(connection, sessionKey);

        if (accessDenied != null) {
            _commonDll._LogDBError_SP(connection, "P_GetCurrentTesteeRequests", accessDenied, proctorKey, null,
                    null, sessionKey);
            _commonDll._LogDBLatency_SP(connection, "P_GetCurrentTesteeRequests", today, proctorKey, true, null,
            return _commonDll._ReturnError_SP(connection, client, "P_GetCurrentTesteeRequests", accessDenied, null,
                    null, "ValidateProctorSession");
        final String SQL_QUERY = "select _Key, _fk_Session, RequestType, RequestValue, DateSubmitted, DateFulfilled, Denied, ItemPage, ItemPosition,"
                + " RequestDescription from TestOppRequest where _fk_TestOpportunity = ${opportunityKey} and _fk_Session = ${sessionKey} and DateSubmitted > ${midnightAM} and DateSubmitted < ${midnightPM}"
                + " and DateFulfilled is null order by DateSubmitted;";
        SqlParametersMaps parms = new SqlParametersMaps().put("midnightAM", midnights.get(0))
                .put("midnightPM", midnights.get(1)).put("sessionKey", sessionKey)
                .put("opportunityKey", opportunityKey);
        result = executeStatement(connection, SQL_QUERY, parms, true).getResultSets().next();

        _commonDll._LogDBLatency_SP(connection, "P_GetCurrentTesteeRequests", today, proctorKey, true, null, null,
                sessionKey, null, null);
        return result;

     * @param connection
     * @param bankkey
     * @param itemkey
     * @return
     * @throws ReturnStatusException
    public String ITEMBANK_StimulusFile_FN(SQLConnection connection, Long bankkey, Long stimKey)
            throws ReturnStatusException {
        String path = null;
        String makeStimuluskey = _commonDll.MakeStimulusKey_FN(connection, bankkey, stimKey);
        final String SQL_QUERY = "select C.Homepath + B.HomePath + B.stimuliPath + S.FilePath + S.FileName as path from ${ItemBankDB}.tblItembank B, ${ItemBankDB}.tblClient C, ${ItemBankDB}.tblstimulus S"
                + " where B._efk_Itembank = ${bankkey} and B._fk_Client = C._Key and S._Key = ${makeStimuluskey}";
        SqlParametersMaps parms = new SqlParametersMaps().put("bankkey", bankkey).put("makeStimuluskey",
        String finalQuery = fixDataBaseNames(SQL_QUERY);
        SingleDataResultSet result = executeStatement(connection, finalQuery, parms, false).getResultSets().next();
        DbResultRecord record = result.getCount() > 0 ? result.getRecords().next() : null;
        if (record != null) {
            path = record.<String>get("path");
        return path;

    private void updateTestOppRequest(SQLConnection connection, UUID requestKey) throws ReturnStatusException {
        Date today = _dateUtil.getDateWRetStatus(connection);
        final String SQL_UPDATE = "update TestOppRequest set DateFulfilled = ${today} where _key = ${requestKey};";
        SqlParametersMaps parms = new SqlParametersMaps().put("today", today).put("requestKey", requestKey);
        int updateCnt = executeStatement(connection, SQL_UPDATE, parms, false).getUpdateCount();

    public SingleDataResultSet P_GetTesteeRequestValues_SP(SQLConnection connection, UUID sessionKey,
            Long proctorKey, UUID browserKey, UUID requestKey) throws ReturnStatusException {
        return P_GetTesteeRequestValues_SP(connection, sessionKey, proctorKey, browserKey, requestKey, false);

     * @param connection
     * @param sessionKey
     * @param proctorKey
     * @param browserKey
     * @param requestKey
     * @param markFulfilled
     * @return
     * @throws ReturnStatusException
    public SingleDataResultSet P_GetTesteeRequestValues_SP(SQLConnection connection, UUID sessionKey,
            Long proctorKey, UUID browserKey, UUID requestKey, Boolean markFulfilled) throws ReturnStatusException {

        Long testee = null;
        String testeeName = null;
        String testeeID = null;
        String test = null;
        Integer opportunity = null;
        String rtype = null;
        String rval = null;
        Integer page = null;
        Integer pos = null;
        String lang = null;
        String rparas = null;
        String rdesc = null;
        UUID testoppkey = null;
        Long itemKey = null;
        Long bankKey = null;
        Long stimKey = null;

        Date today = _dateUtil.getDateWRetStatus(connection);
        String accessDenied = null;
        String client = null;
        SingleDataResultSet result = null;

        accessDenied = _commonDll.ValidateProctorSession_FN(connection, proctorKey, sessionKey, browserKey);
        if (accessDenied != null) {
            client = getClientNameBySessionKey(connection, sessionKey);
            _commonDll._LogDBError_SP(connection, "P_GetTesteeRequestValues", accessDenied, proctorKey, null, null,
            _commonDll._LogDBLatency_SP(connection, "P_GetTesteeRequestValues", today, proctorKey, true, null,
            return _commonDll._ReturnError_SP(connection, client, "P_GetTesteeRequestValues", accessDenied, null,
                    null, "ValidateProctorSession");
        final String SQL_QUERY1 = "select R._fk_TestOpportunity as testoppkey, O._efk_Testee as testee, O.TesteeName as testeeName, O.TesteeID as testeeID, O._efk_TestID as test,"
                + " O.Opportunity as opportunity, R.RequestType as rtype, R.RequestValue as rval, R.ItemPage as page, R.ItemPosition as pos, A.AccCode as lang,"
                + " R.RequestParameters as rparas, R.RequestDescription as rdesc from TestoppRequest R, TesteeAccommodations A, TestOpportunity_ReadOnly O where R._Key = ${requestKey}"
                + " and R._fk_TestOpportunity = O._fk_TestOpportunity and R._fk_TestOpportunity = A._fk_TestOpportunity and A.AccType = ${Language};";
        SqlParametersMaps parms = new SqlParametersMaps().put("Language", "Language").put("requestKey", requestKey);
        result = executeStatement(connection, SQL_QUERY1, parms, true).getResultSets().next();
        DbResultRecord record = (result.getCount() > 0 ? result.getRecords().next() : null);
        if (record != null) {
            testoppkey = record.<UUID>get("testoppkey");
            testee = record.<Long>get("testee");
            testeeName = record.<String>get("testeeName");
            testeeID = record.<String>get("testeeID");
            test = record.<String>get("test");
            opportunity = record.<Integer>get("opportunity");
            rtype = record.<String>get("rtype");
            rval = record.<String>get("rval");
            page = record.<Integer>get("page");
            pos = record.<Integer>get("pos");
            lang = record.<String>get("lang");
            rparas = record.<String>get("rparas");
            rdesc = record.<String>get("rdesc");
        if (testoppkey == null) {
            _commonDll._ReturnError_SP(connection, client, "P_GetTesteeRequestValues", "Request not found", null,
                    testoppkey, "P_GetTesteeRequest");
            _commonDll._LogDBLatency_SP(connection, "P_GetTesteeRequestValues", today, proctorKey, true, null, null,
                    sessionKey, null, null);
            return result;
        if (DbComparator.notEqual("PRINT", rtype) && DbComparator.notEqual("PRINTPASSAGE", rtype)
                && DbComparator.notEqual("PRINTSTIMULUS", rtype) && DbComparator.notEqual("PRINTITEM", rtype)) {

            // select @testoppkey as opportunityKey, @testee as _efk_Testee, @testeeID
            // as testeeID, @testeeName as TesteeName, @test as _efk_TestID,
            // @opportunity as Opportunity,
            // @rtype as RequestType, @rval as RequestValue, @page as ItemPage, @pos
            // as ItemPosition, @lang as AccCode, @lang as [Language],
            // @rparas as RequestParameters, @rdesc as RequestDescription;

            List<CaseInsensitiveMap<Object>> resultlist = new ArrayList<CaseInsensitiveMap<Object>>();
            CaseInsensitiveMap<Object> rcrd = new CaseInsensitiveMap<Object>();
            rcrd.put("opportunityKey", testoppkey);
            rcrd.put("_efk_Testee", testee);
            rcrd.put("testeeID", testeeID);
            rcrd.put("TesteeName", testeeName);
            rcrd.put("_efk_TestID", test);
            rcrd.put("Opportunity", opportunity);
            rcrd.put("RequestType", rtype);
            rcrd.put("RequestValue", rval);
            rcrd.put("ItemPage", page);
            rcrd.put("ItemPosition", pos);
            rcrd.put("AccCode", lang);
            rcrd.put("Language", lang);
            rcrd.put("RequestParameters", rparas);
            rcrd.put("RequestDescription", rdesc);

            result = new SingleDataResultSet();
            result.addColumn("opportunityKey", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.UNIQUEIDENTIFIER);
            result.addColumn("_efk_Testee", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.BIGINT);
            result.addColumn("testeeID", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR);
            result.addColumn("TesteeName", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR);
            result.addColumn("_efk_TestID", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR);
            result.addColumn("Opportunity", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.INT);
            result.addColumn("RequestType", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR);
            result.addColumn("RequestValue", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR);
            result.addColumn("ItemPage", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.INT);
            result.addColumn("ItemPosition", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.INT);
            result.addColumn("AccCode", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR);
            result.addColumn("Language", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR);
            result.addColumn("RequestParameters", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR);
            result.addColumn("RequestDescription", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR);

            if (markFulfilled == true)
                updateTestOppRequest(connection, requestKey);
            _commonDll._LogDBLatency_SP(connection, "P_GetTesteeRequestValues", today, proctorKey, true, null, null,
                    sessionKey, null, null);
            return result;
        // if (@rtype in ('PRINT', 'PRINTPASSAGE', 'PRINTSTIMULUS') and @rval is not
        // null) begin
        // select @testoppkey as opportunityKey, @testee as _efk_Testee, @testeeID
        // as testeeID, @testeeName as TesteeName, @test as _efk_TestID,
        // @opportunity as Opportunity,
        // @rtype as RequestType, @rval as StimulusFile, @lang as AccCode, @lang as
        // [Language],
        // @rparas as RequestParameters, @rdesc as RequestDescription;

        if ((DbComparator.isEqual("PRINT", rtype) || DbComparator.isEqual("PRINTPASSAGE", rtype)
                || DbComparator.isEqual("PRINTSTIMULUS", rtype)) && DbComparator.notEqual(rval, null)) {

            List<CaseInsensitiveMap<Object>> resultlist = new ArrayList<CaseInsensitiveMap<Object>>();
            CaseInsensitiveMap<Object> rcrd = new CaseInsensitiveMap<Object>();
            rcrd.put("opportunityKey", testoppkey);
            rcrd.put("_efk_Testee", testee);
            rcrd.put("testeeID", testeeID);
            rcrd.put("TesteeName", testeeName);
            rcrd.put("_efk_TestID", test);
            rcrd.put("Opportunity", opportunity);
            rcrd.put("RequestType", rtype);
            rcrd.put("StimulusFile", rval);
            rcrd.put("AccCode", lang);
            rcrd.put("Language", lang);
            rcrd.put("RequestParameters", rparas);
            rcrd.put("RequestDescription", rdesc);

            result = new SingleDataResultSet();
            result.addColumn("opportunityKey", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.UNIQUEIDENTIFIER);
            result.addColumn("_efk_Testee", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.BIGINT);
            result.addColumn("testeeID", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR);
            result.addColumn("TesteeName", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR);
            result.addColumn("_efk_TestID", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR);
            result.addColumn("Opportunity", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.INT);
            result.addColumn("RequestType", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR);
            result.addColumn("StimulusFile", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR);
            result.addColumn("AccCode", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR);
            result.addColumn("Language", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR);
            result.addColumn("RequestParameters", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR);
            result.addColumn("RequestDescription", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR);

            if (markFulfilled == true)
                updateTestOppRequest(connection, requestKey);
            _commonDll._LogDBLatency_SP(connection, "P_GetTesteeRequestValues", today, proctorKey, true, null, null,
                    sessionKey, null, null);
            return result;
        final String SQL_QUERY2 = "select _Efk_ITSITem as itemKey, _efk_ITSBank as bankKey from TesteeResponse where _fk_TestOpportunity = ${testoppkey} and Position = ${pos};";
        SqlParametersMaps parms1 = new SqlParametersMaps().put("testoppkey", testoppkey).put("pos", pos);
        result = executeStatement(connection, SQL_QUERY2, parms1, true).getResultSets().next();
        record = (result.getCount() > 0 ? result.getRecords().next() : null);
        if (record != null) {
            itemKey = record.<Long>get("itemKey");
            bankKey = record.<Long>get("bankKey");
        if (DbComparator.isEqual("PRINTITEM", rtype)) {
            if (rval == null) {
                rval = _commonDll.ITEMBANK_ItemFile_FN(connection, bankKey, itemKey);
            if (rval == null) {
                return _commonDll._ReturnError_SP(connection, client, "P_GetTesteeRequestValues",
                        "Request value not found", null, testoppkey, "P_GetTesteeRequest");
            final String SQL_QUERY3 = "select ${testoppkey} as opportunityKey, ${testee} as _efk_Testee, ${testeeID} as testeeID, ${testeeName} as TesteeName, ${test} as _efk_TestID,"
                    + " ${opportunity} as Opportunity, ${rtype} as RequestType, ${rval} as ItemFile, Response as ItemResponse, ${lang} as AccCode, ${lang} as [Language], "
                    + " ${rparas} as RequestParameters, ${rdesc} as RequestDescription from TesteeResponse where _fk_TestOpportunity = ${testoppkey} and Position = ${pos};";
            SqlParametersMaps parms2 = new SqlParametersMaps().put("testoppkey", testoppkey).put("pos", pos)
                    .put("testee", testee).put("testeeID", testeeID).put("testeeName", testeeName).put("test", test)
                    .put("opportunity", opportunity).put("rtype", rtype).put("rval", rval).put("lang", lang)
                    .put("rparas", rparas).put("rdesc", rdesc);
            result = executeStatement(connection, SQL_QUERY3, parms2, false).getResultSets().next();
            if (markFulfilled == true)
                updateTestOppRequest(connection, requestKey);
            _commonDll._LogDBLatency_SP(connection, "P_GetTesteeRequestValues", today, proctorKey, true, null, null,
                    sessionKey, null, null);
            return result;

        if (DbComparator.isEqual("PRINT", rtype) || DbComparator.isEqual("PRINTPASSAGE", rtype)
                || DbComparator.isEqual("PRINTSTIMULUS", rtype)) {

            String makeItemkey = _commonDll.MakeItemKey_FN(connection, bankKey, itemKey);
            final String SQL_QUERY4 = "select _efk_ITSKey as stimKey from ${ItemBankDB}.tblSetofItemStimuli T, ${ItemBankDB}.tblStimulus S where T._fk_Item = ${makeItemkey} and T._fk_Stimulus = S._Key;";
            String finalQuery = fixDataBaseNames(SQL_QUERY4);
            SqlParametersMaps parms3 = new SqlParametersMaps().put("makeItemkey", makeItemkey);
            result = executeStatement(connection, finalQuery, parms3, false).getResultSets().next();
            record = (result.getCount() > 0 ? result.getRecords().next() : null);
            if (record != null) {
                stimKey = record.<Long>get("stimKey");
            if (stimKey == null) {
                return _commonDll._ReturnError_SP(connection, client, "P_GetTesteeRequestValues",
                        "Item stimulus not found", null, testoppkey, "P_GetTesteeRequest");
            rval = ITEMBANK_StimulusFile_FN(connection, bankKey, stimKey);
            if (rval == null) {
                _commonDll._ReturnError_SP(connection, client, "P_GetTesteeRequestValues",
                        "Stimulus file not found", null, testoppkey, "P_GetTesteeRequest");
                _commonDll._LogDBLatency_SP(connection, "P_GetTesteeRequestValues", today, proctorKey, true, null,
                        null, sessionKey, null, null);
                return result;
            // select @testoppkey as opportunityKey, @testee as _efk_Testee, @testeeID
            // as testeeID, @testeeName as TesteeName, @test as _efk_TestID,
            // @opportunity as Opportunity,
            // @rtype as RequestType, @rval as StimulusFile, @lang as AccCode, @lang
            // as [Language],
            // @rparas as RequestParameters, @rdesc as RequestDescription;

            List<CaseInsensitiveMap<Object>> resultlist = new ArrayList<CaseInsensitiveMap<Object>>();
            CaseInsensitiveMap<Object> rcrd = new CaseInsensitiveMap<Object>();
            rcrd.put("opportunityKey", testoppkey);
            rcrd.put("_efk_Testee", testee);
            rcrd.put("testeeID", testeeID);
            rcrd.put("TesteeName", testeeName);
            rcrd.put("_efk_TestID", test);
            rcrd.put("Opportunity", opportunity);
            rcrd.put("RequestType", rtype);
            rcrd.put("StimulusFile", rval);
            rcrd.put("AccCode", lang);
            rcrd.put("Language", lang);
            rcrd.put("RequestParameters", rparas);
            rcrd.put("RequestDescription", rdesc);

            result = new SingleDataResultSet();
            result.addColumn("opportunityKey", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.UNIQUEIDENTIFIER);
            result.addColumn("_efk_Testee", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.BIGINT);
            result.addColumn("testeeID", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR);
            result.addColumn("TesteeName", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR);
            result.addColumn("_efk_TestID", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR);
            result.addColumn("Opportunity", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.INT);
            result.addColumn("RequestType", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR);
            result.addColumn("StimulusFile", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR);
            result.addColumn("AccCode", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR);
            result.addColumn("Language", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR);
            result.addColumn("RequestParameters", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR);
            result.addColumn("RequestDescription", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR);

            if (markFulfilled == true)
                updateTestOppRequest(connection, requestKey);
            _commonDll._LogDBLatency_SP(connection, "P_GetTesteeRequestValues", today, proctorKey, true, null, null,
                    sessionKey, null, null);
            return result;
        _commonDll._LogDBLatency_SP(connection, "P_GetTesteeRequestValues", today, proctorKey, true, null, null,
                sessionKey, null, null);
        return result;

    public SingleDataResultSet P_DenyTesteeRequest_SP(SQLConnection connection, UUID sessionKey, Long proctorKey,
            UUID browserKey, UUID requestKey) throws ReturnStatusException {
        return P_DenyTesteeRequest_SP(connection, sessionKey, proctorKey, browserKey, requestKey, null);

     * @param connection
     * @param sessionKey
     * @param proctorKey
     * @param browserKey
     * @param requestKey
     * @param reason
     * @throws ReturnStatusException
    public SingleDataResultSet P_DenyTesteeRequest_SP(SQLConnection connection, UUID sessionKey, Long proctorKey,
            UUID browserKey, UUID requestKey, String reason) throws ReturnStatusException {

        Date starttime = _dateUtil.getDateWRetStatus(connection);
        String accessDenied = null;
        String client = null;
        accessDenied = _commonDll.ValidateProctorSession_FN(connection, proctorKey, sessionKey, browserKey);
        if (accessDenied != null) {
            client = getClientNameBySessionKey(connection, sessionKey);
            _commonDll._LogDBError_SP(connection, "P_DenyTesteeRequest", accessDenied, proctorKey, null, null,
            _commonDll._LogDBLatency_SP(connection, "P_DenyTesteeRequest", starttime, proctorKey, true, null,
            return _commonDll._ReturnError_SP(connection, client, "P_DenyTesteeRequest", accessDenied, null, null,
        final String SQL_UPDATE = "update TestOppRequest set Denied = ${reason}, DateFulfilled = ${starttime}, DateDenied = ${starttime} where _Key = ${requestKey}";
        SqlParametersMaps parms = new SqlParametersMaps().put("reason", reason).put("starttime", starttime)
                .put("requestKey", requestKey);
        int updateCnt = executeStatement(connection, SQL_UPDATE, parms, false).getUpdateCount();
        // (updateCnt);
        _commonDll._LogDBLatency_SP(connection, "P_DenyTesteeRequest", starttime, proctorKey, true, null, null,
                sessionKey, null, null);

        return (new SingleDataResultSet());

     * @param connection
     * @param clientName
     * @return
     * @throws ReturnStatusException
    public SingleDataResultSet P_GetConfigs_SP(SQLConnection connection, String clientName)
            throws ReturnStatusException {

        Integer TAInterfaceTimeout = null;
        Integer refreshValue = null;
        Integer refreshValueMultiplier = null;
        Integer training = null;
        String institution = null;
        SingleDataResultSet result = null;

        final String SQL_QUERY1 = "select refreshValue, TAInterfaceTimeout, RefreshValueMultiplier as refreshValueMultiplier from TimeLimits "
                + " where _efk_TestID is null and clientname = ${clientname};";
        SqlParametersMaps parms = new SqlParametersMaps().put("clientname", clientName);
        result = executeStatement(connection, SQL_QUERY1, parms, true).getResultSets().next();
        DbResultRecord record = (result.getCount() > 0 ? result.getRecords().next() : null);
        if (record != null) {
            refreshValue = record.<Integer>get("refreshValue");
            TAInterfaceTimeout = record.<Integer>get("TAInterfaceTimeout");
            refreshValueMultiplier = record.<Integer>get("refreshValueMultiplier");
        final String SQL_QUERY2 = " select IsOn as training from ${ConfigDB}.Client_SystemFlags where ClientName = ${ClientName} and AuditOBject = ${ProctorTraining};";
        SqlParametersMaps parms1 = new SqlParametersMaps().put("clientname", clientName).put("ProctorTraining",
        String finalQuery = fixDataBaseNames(SQL_QUERY2);
        result = executeStatement(connection, finalQuery, parms1, true).getResultSets().next();
        record = (result.getCount() > 0 ? result.getRecords().next() : null);
        if (record != null) {
            training = record.<Integer>get("training");
        final String SQL_QUERY3 = "select Description as institution from ${ConfigDB}.Client_SystemFlags S where S.ClientName = ${clientname} and AuditObject = ${MatchTesteeProctorSchool} and IsOn = 1;";
        SqlParametersMaps parms3 = new SqlParametersMaps().put("clientname", clientName)
                .put("MatchTesteeProctorSchool", "MatchTesteeProctorSchool");
        finalQuery = fixDataBaseNames(SQL_QUERY3);
        result = executeStatement(connection, finalQuery, parms3, true).getResultSets().next();
        record = (result.getCount() > 0 ? result.getRecords().next() : null);
        if (record != null) {
            institution = record.<String>get("institution");
        // TODO Udaya, from the above sql stmt, we r getting institution value as
        // null. If we pass this institution value to below query with out casting,
        // i'm getting a assertion error when i run the test case as the institution
        // value is '0' instead of 'NULL'
        final String SQL_QUERY4 = "select cast(null as varchar) as AnonymousLogin, ClientName, Environment, ClientStylePath, TimeZoneOffset, ${refreshValue} as refreshValue, "
                + " ${TAInterfaceTimeout} as TAInterfaceTimeout, ${training} as ProctorTraining, cast(${institution} as varchar) as MatchTesteeProctorSchool, ${refreshValueMultiplier} as refreshValueMultiplier,"
                + " proctorCheckin as checkinURL from Externs where clientname = ${clientname};";
        SqlParametersMaps parms4 = new SqlParametersMaps().put("clientname", clientName)
                .put("refreshValue", refreshValue).put("TAInterfaceTimeout", TAInterfaceTimeout)
                .put("training", training).put("institution", institution)
                .put("refreshValueMultiplier", refreshValueMultiplier);
        result = executeStatement(connection, SQL_QUERY4, parms4, false).getResultSets().next();

        return result;

     * @param connection
     * @param systemID
     * @param client
     * @param language
     * @param contextList
     * @param delimiter
     * @return
     * @throws ReturnStatusException
    public SingleDataResultSet TDSCONFIGS_TDS_GetMessages_SP(SQLConnection connection, String systemID,
            String client, String language, String contextList, Character delimiter) throws ReturnStatusException {

        Integer keys = null;
        Integer numKeys = null;
        String default1 = null;
        Boolean inter = null;
        SingleDataResultSet result = null;

        DataBaseTable msgKeysTable = getDataBaseTable("msgKeys").addColumn("mkey", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.BIGINT);
        Map<String, String> unquotedParms1 = new HashMap<>();
        unquotedParms1.put("msgKeysTableName", msgKeysTable.getTableName());

        final String SQL_QUERY1 = "select defaultLanguage as default1, internationalize as inter from ${ConfigDB}.Client where name = ${client} ;";
        SqlParametersMaps parms1 = new SqlParametersMaps().put("client", client);
        String finalQuery = fixDataBaseNames(SQL_QUERY1);
        result = executeStatement(connection, finalQuery, parms1, false).getResultSets().next();
        DbResultRecord record = (result.getCount() > 0 ? result.getRecords().next() : null);
        if (record != null) {
            default1 = record.<String>get("default1");
            inter = record.<Boolean>get("inter");
        if (inter == false) {
            language = default1;
        // -- First get the key to all message objects used by this system
        final String SQL_INSERT1 = "insert into ${msgKeysTableName} (mkey)  select _fk_CoreMessageObject from ${ConfigDB}.TDS_CoreMessageUser U, ${ConfigDB}.TDS_CoreMessageObject O, "
                + " dbo._BuildTable(${contextlist}, ${delimiter}) T where U.systemID = ${systemID} and O._Key = U._fk_CoreMessageObject and O.Context = T.record;";
        SqlParametersMaps parms2 = new SqlParametersMaps().put("contextlist", contextList)
                .put("delimiter", delimiter.toString()).put("systemID", systemID);
        finalQuery = fixDataBaseNames(SQL_INSERT1);
        int insertedCnt = executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(finalQuery, unquotedParms1), parms2, false)
        // (insertedCnt); // for testing

        DataBaseTable msgsTable = getDataBaseTable("msgs").addColumn("msgkey", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.BIGINT)
                .addColumn("msgSource", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR, 100)
                .addColumn("MessageID", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.INT)
                .addColumn("ContextType", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR, 50)
                .addColumn("Context", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR, 100)
                .addColumn("AppKey", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR, 255)
                .addColumn("Language", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR, 30)
                .addColumn("Grade", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR, 25)
                .addColumn("Subject", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR, 50)
                .addColumn("ParaLabels", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR, 255)
                .addColumn("Message", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR, 8000);
        Map<String, String> unquotedParms2 = new HashMap<>();
        unquotedParms2.put("msgsTableName", msgsTable.getTableName());
        unquotedParms2.put("msgKeysTableName", msgKeysTable.getTableName());

        // -- prefer messages in the requested language from the given client
        final String SQL_INSERT2 = "insert into ${msgsTableName} (msgkey, msgSource, MessageID, ContextType, Context, Appkey, ParaLabels, Message, Grade, Subject, Language)"
                + " select K.mkey, ${client}, MessageID, ContextType, Context, AppKey, ParaLabels, T.Message, Grade, Subject, language from ${ConfigDB}.TDS_CoreMessageObject O, "
                + " ${ConfigDB}.Client_MessageTranslation T, ${msgKeysTableName} K  where T._fk_CoreMessageObject = mkey and O._key = mkey and T.Language = ${language} and T.client = ${client};";
        finalQuery = fixDataBaseNames(SQL_INSERT2);
        SqlParametersMaps parms3 = new SqlParametersMaps().put("client", client).put("language", language);
        insertedCnt = executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(finalQuery, unquotedParms2), parms3, false)
        // (insertedCnt); // for testing

        // TODO, Need to address the Create Index, when migrating to MY_SQL
        final String SQL_INDEX1 = "create index _IX_MSGS on ${msgsTableName} (msgkey);";
        Map<String, String> unquotedParms3 = new HashMap<>();
        unquotedParms3.put("msgsTableName", msgsTable.getTableName());
        executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(SQL_INDEX1, unquotedParms3), null, false).getUpdateCount();

        // -- prefer english messages for the given client
        if (DbComparator.notEqual("ENU", language)) {
            final String SQL_INSERT3 = "insert into ${msgsTableName} (msgkey, msgSource, MessageID, ContextType, Context, Appkey, ParaLabels, Message, Grade, Subject, Language)"
                    + " select K.mkey, ${client}, MessageID, ContextType, Context, AppKey, ParaLabels, T.Message, Grade, Subject, language from ${ConfigDB}.TDS_CoreMessageObject O,"
                    + " ${ConfigDB}.Client_MessageTranslation T, ${msgKeysTableName} K where T._fk_CoreMessageObject = mkey and O._key = mkey and T.Language = ${ENU} "
                    + " and T.client = ${client} and not exists (select * from ${msgsTableName} where mkey = msgkey);";
            finalQuery = fixDataBaseNames(SQL_INSERT3);
            SqlParametersMaps parms4 = new SqlParametersMaps().put("client", client).put("ENU", "ENU");
            insertedCnt = executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(finalQuery, unquotedParms2), parms4, false)
            // (insertedCnt); // for testing

        // -- If this is a practice test 'client' (e.g. Oregon_PT), then fill in
        // like above from the true client (Oregon)
        String clientSuffix = null;
        if (client.length() >= 3) {
            clientSuffix = client.substring(client.length() - 3);
        if (clientSuffix != null && "_PT".equalsIgnoreCase(clientSuffix)) {
            String opclient = client.substring(0, client.length() - 3);

            final String SQL_INSERT4 = "insert into ${msgsTableName} (msgkey, msgSource, MessageID, ContextType, Context, Appkey, ParaLabels, Message, Grade, Subject, Language)"
                    + " select K.mkey, ${opclient}, MessageID, ContextType, Context, AppKey, ParaLabels, T.Message, Grade, Subject, language from ${ConfigDB}.TDS_CoreMessageObject O,"
                    + " ${ConfigDB}.Client_MessageTranslation T, ${msgKeysTableName} K  where T._fk_CoreMessageObject = mkey and O._key = mkey and T.Language = ${language}"
                    + " and T.client = ${opclient} and not exists (select * from ${msgsTableName} where mkey = msgkey);";
            finalQuery = fixDataBaseNames(SQL_INSERT4);
            SqlParametersMaps parms5 = new SqlParametersMaps().put("opclient", opclient).put("language", language);
            insertedCnt = executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(finalQuery, unquotedParms2), parms5, false)
            // (insertedCnt); // for testing

            if (DbComparator.notEqual("ENU", language)) {
                final String SQL_INSERT5 = "insert into ${msgsTableName} (msgkey, msgSource, MessageID, ContextType, Context, Appkey, ParaLabels, Message, Grade, Subject, Language)"
                        + " select K.mkey, ${opclient}, MessageID, ContextType, Context, AppKey, ParaLabels, T.Message, Grade, Subject, language from ${ConfigDB}.TDS_CoreMessageObject O,"
                        + " ${ConfigDB}.Client_MessageTranslation T, ${msgKeysTableName} K  where T._fk_CoreMessageObject = mkey and O._key = mkey and T.Language = ${ENU}"
                        + " and T.client = ${opclient} and not exists (select * from ${msgsTableName} where mkey = msgkey);";
                finalQuery = fixDataBaseNames(SQL_INSERT5);
                SqlParametersMaps parms6 = new SqlParametersMaps().put("opclient", opclient).put("ENU", "ENU");
                insertedCnt = executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(finalQuery, unquotedParms2), parms6,
                // (insertedCnt); // for testing
        final String SQL_QUERY2 = "select count(distinct msgkey) as numkeys from ${msgsTableName} where grade = ${--ANY--} and subject = ${--ANY--};";
        SqlParametersMaps parms7 = new SqlParametersMaps().put("--ANY--", "--ANY--");
        Map<String, String> unquotedParms4 = unquotedParms3;
        result = executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(SQL_QUERY2, unquotedParms4), parms7, false)
        record = (result.getCount() > 0 ? result.getRecords().next() : null);
        if (record != null) {
            numKeys = record.<Integer>get("numkeys");
        if (DbComparator.greaterOrEqual(numKeys, keys)) {
            final String SQL_QUERY3 = "select * from ${msgsTableName};";
            Map<String, String> unquotedParms5 = unquotedParms3;
            result = executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(SQL_QUERY3, unquotedParms5), null, false)
            return result;
        // -- finally fill in remaining messages directly from 'AIR' messages
        // -- First, are there any translations standard for all AIR clients
        final String SQL_INSERT6 = "insert into ${msgsTableName} (msgkey, msgSource, MessageID, ContextType, Context, Appkey, ParaLabels, Message, Grade, Subject, Language)"
                + " select K.mkey, ${AIR}, MessageID, ContextType, Context, AppKey, ParaLabels, T.Message, Grade, Subject, language from ${ConfigDB}.TDS_CoreMessageObject O,"
                + " ${ConfigDB}.Client_MessageTranslation T, ${msgKeysTableName} K  where T._fk_CoreMessageObject = mkey and O._key = mkey and T.Language = ${language}"
                + " and T.client = ${AIR} and not exists (select * from ${msgsTableName} where mkey = msgkey);";
        finalQuery = fixDataBaseNames(SQL_INSERT6);
        SqlParametersMaps parms8 = new SqlParametersMaps().put("language", language).put("AIR", "AIR");
        insertedCnt = executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(finalQuery, unquotedParms2), parms8, false)
        // (insertedCnt); // for testing

        // -- last resort is the core messages table
        final String SQL_INSERT7 = "insert into ${msgsTableName} (msgkey, msgSource, MessageID, ContextType, Context, Appkey, ParaLabels, Message, Grade, Subject, Language) "
                + " select K.mkey, OwnerApp, MessageID, ContextType, Context, AppKey, ParaLabels, O.Message, ${--ANY--}, ${--ANY--}, ${ENU} from ${ConfigDB}.TDS_CoreMessageObject O,"
                + "  ${msgKeysTableName} K where O._key = mkey and not exists (select * from ${msgsTableName} where mkey = msgkey);";
        finalQuery = fixDataBaseNames(SQL_INSERT7);
        SqlParametersMaps parms9 = new SqlParametersMaps().put("--ANY--", "--ANY--").put("ENU", "ENU");
        insertedCnt = executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(finalQuery, unquotedParms2), parms9, false)
        // (insertedCnt); // for testing

        final String SQL_QUERY4 = "select * from ${msgsTableName} order by ContextType, Context;";
        Map<String, String> unquotedParms6 = unquotedParms3;
        result = executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(SQL_QUERY4, unquotedParms6), null, false)

        return result;

    public SingleDataResultSet AppMessagesByContext_SP(SQLConnection connection, String systemID, String client,
            String language, String contextList) throws ReturnStatusException {
        return AppMessagesByContext_SP(connection, systemID, client, language, contextList, ',');

     * @param connection
     * @param systemID
     * @param client
     * @param language
     * @param contextList
     * @param delimiter
     * @return
     * @throws ReturnStatusException
    public SingleDataResultSet AppMessagesByContext_SP(SQLConnection connection, String systemID, String client,
            String language, String contextList, Character delimiter) throws ReturnStatusException {

        Date starttime = _dateUtil.getDateWRetStatus(connection);
        SingleDataResultSet result = null;
        result = TDSCONFIGS_TDS_GetMessages_SP(connection, systemID, client, language, contextList, delimiter);

        _commonDll._LogDBLatency_SP(connection, "AppMessagesByContext", starttime, null, true, null, null, null,
                client, null);
        return result;

     * @param connection
     * @param client
     * @param application
     * @param contextType
     * @param context
     * @param appkey
     * @param language
     * @param grade
     * @param subject
     * @return
     * @throws ReturnStatusException
    // Ported by Elena
    public String TDSCONFIGS_TDS_GetMessagekey_FN(SQLConnection connection, String client, String application,
            String contextType, String context, String appkey, String language, String grade, String subject)
            throws ReturnStatusException {

        Long msgKey = null;
        final String SQL_QUERY1 = "select _fk_CoreMessageObject as msgKey from  ${ConfigDB}.TDS_CoreMessageUser, ${ConfigDB}.TDS_CoreMessageObject "
                + " where SystemID = ${application} and Context = ${context} and _fk_CoreMessageObject = _Key and contextType = ${contextType} and appkey = ${appkey}";
        SqlParametersMaps parms1 = (new SqlParametersMaps()).put("application", application).put("context", context)
                .put("contextType", contextType).put("appkey", appkey);

        SingleDataResultSet result = executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(SQL_QUERY1), parms1, false)
        DbResultRecord record = (result.getCount() > 0 ? result.getRecords().next() : null);
        if (record != null)
            msgKey = record.<Long>get("msgKey");

        if (msgKey == null)
            return null;

        if (client == null)
            client = "AIR";
        if (language == null)
            language = "ENU";
        if (grade == null)
            grade = "--ANY--";
        if (subject == null)
            subject = "--ANY--";

        String defaultL = null;
        Boolean inter = null;

        final String SQL_QUERY2 = "select defaultLanguage, internationalize from  ${ConfigDB}.Client where name = ${client}";
        SqlParametersMaps parms2 = (new SqlParametersMaps()).put("client", client);

        result = executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(SQL_QUERY2), parms2, false).getResultSets().next();
        record = (result.getCount() > 0 ? result.getRecords().next() : null);
        if (record != null) {
            defaultL = record.<String>get("defaultLanguage");
            inter = record.<Boolean>get("internationalize");

        if (DbComparator.isEqual(inter, false))
            language = defaultL;

        final String SQL_QUERY3 = "select _Key as altMsg from  ${ConfigDB}.client_messageTranslation "
                + " where _fk_CoreMessageObject = ${msgKey} and (language = ${language} or language = ${defaultL}) and (client = ${client} or client = 'AIR') "
                + "  and (Grade = ${grade} or Grade = '--ANY--') and (Subject = ${subject} or Subject = '--ANY--')";
        SqlParametersMaps parms3 = (new SqlParametersMaps()).put("msgKey", msgKey).put("language", language)
                .put("defaultL", defaultL).put("client", client);
        parms3.put("grade", grade).put("subject", subject);

        result = executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(SQL_QUERY3), parms3, false).getResultSets().next();
        // TODO: this is
        record = (result.getCount() > 0 ? result.getRecords().next() : null);
        UUID altMsg = null;
        if (record != null) {
            altMsg = record.<UUID>get("altMsg");

        if (altMsg != null)
            return altMsg.toString();
            return msgKey.toString();

    public String All_FormatMessage_SP(SQLConnection connection, String client, String language, String application,
            String contextType, String context, String appkey, _Ref<String> msg) throws ReturnStatusException {
        return All_FormatMessage_SP(connection, client, language, application, contextType, context, appkey, msg,
                null, ',', null, null);

     * @param connection
     * @param client
     * @param language
     * @param application
     * @param contextType
     * @param context
     * @param appkey
     * @param msg
     * @param argstring
     * @param delim
     * @param subject
     * @param grade
     * @return
     * @throws ReturnStatusException
    public String All_FormatMessage_SP(SQLConnection connection, String client, String language, String application,
            String contextType, String context, String appkey, _Ref<String> msg, String argstring, Character delim,
            String subject, String grade) throws ReturnStatusException {

        String msgKey = null;
        Integer msgID = null;
        Integer indx = null;
        String arg = null;

        DataBaseTable argsTable = getDataBaseTable("args").addColumn("indx", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.INT)
                .addColumn("arg", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR, 1000);
        Map<String, String> unquotedparms = new HashMap<String, String>();
        unquotedparms.put("argsTableName", argsTable.getTableName());

        if (argstring != null) {
            final String SQL_INSERT = "insert into ${argsTableName} (indx, arg) select idx, record from dbo._BuildTable (${argstring}, ${delim});";
            SqlParametersMaps parms = (new SqlParametersMaps()).put("argstring", argstring).put("delim",
            int insertedCnt = executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(SQL_INSERT, unquotedparms), parms,
            // (insertedCnt); // for testing
        msgKey = TDSCONFIGS_TDS_GetMessagekey_FN(connection, client, application, contextType, context, appkey,
                language, grade, subject);

        if (msgKey == null) {
            msg.set(String.format("%s[-----]", appkey));
            try {
                final String SQL_INSERT1 = "insert into _MissingMessages(application,contextType,context, appkey,message) "
                        + " select ${application}, ${contextType}, ${context}, ${appkey}, ${msg} where not exists (Select * from _MissingMessages where "
                        + " application = ${application} and contextType = ${contextType} and context = ${context} and appkey = ${appkey} and  message = ${msg});";

                SqlParametersMaps parms1 = (new SqlParametersMaps()).put("application", application)
                        .put("contextType", contextType).put("context", context).put("appkey", appkey)
                        .put("msg", msg);
                int insertedCnt = executeStatement(connection, SQL_INSERT1, parms1, false).getUpdateCount();
                // (insertedCnt); // for testing

            } catch (Exception e) {
            return msg.toString();
        if (StringUtils.isNumeric(msgKey)) {
            final String SQL_QUERY = "select message as msg, messageID as msgID from ${ConfigDB}.TDS_CoreMessageObject where _Key = ${msgkey};";
            SqlParametersMaps parms2 = (new SqlParametersMaps()).put("msgkey", msgKey);
            String finalQuery = fixDataBaseNames(SQL_QUERY);
            SingleDataResultSet result = executeStatement(connection, finalQuery, parms2, false).getResultSets()
            DbResultRecord record = (result.getCount() > 0 ? result.getRecords().next() : null);
            if (record != null) {
                msgID = record.<Integer>get("msgID");
        } else {
            final String SQL_QUERY1 = "select T.message as msg, messageID as msgID from ${ConfigDB}.TDS_CoreMessageObject O, ${ConfigDB}.Client_MessageTranslation T"
                    + " where T._Key = ${msgkey} and O._Key = T._fk_CoreMessageObject;";
            SqlParametersMaps parms3 = (new SqlParametersMaps()).put("msgkey", msgKey);
            String finalQuery = fixDataBaseNames(SQL_QUERY1);
            SingleDataResultSet result = executeStatement(connection, finalQuery, parms3, false).getResultSets()
            DbResultRecord record = (result.getCount() > 0 ? result.getRecords().next() : null);
            if (record != null) {
                msgID = record.<Integer>get("msgID");
        final String SQL_QUERY2 = "select top 1 indx from ${argsTableName}";
        while (exists(executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(SQL_QUERY2, unquotedparms), null, false))) {
            final String SQL_QUERY3 = "select top 1 indx as indx, arg as arg from ${argsTableName} order by indx;";
            SingleDataResultSet result = executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(SQL_QUERY3, unquotedparms),
                    null, false).getResultSets().next();
            DbResultRecord record = (result.getCount() > 0 ? result.getRecords().next() : null);
            if (record != null) {
                indx = record.<Integer>get("indx");
                arg = record.<String>get("arg");
            msg.set(StringUtils.replace(msg.get(), String.format("{%d}", indx - 1), arg));

            final String SQL_DELETE = "delete from ${argsTableName} where indx = ${indx};";
            SqlParametersMaps parms4 = (new SqlParametersMaps()).put("indx", indx);
            int deletedCnt = executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(SQL_DELETE, unquotedparms), parms4,
            // (deletedCnt); // for testing
        msg.set(String.format("%s [%d]", msg.get(), msgID));

        return msg.get();

     * @param connection
     * @param sessionKey
     * @param proctorKey
     * @param browserKey
     * @throws ReturnStatusException
    public SingleDataResultSet P_SetSessionDateVisited_SP(SQLConnection connection, UUID sessionKey,
            Long proctorKey, UUID browserKey) throws ReturnStatusException {

        Date today = _dateUtil.getDateWRetStatus(connection);
        String accessDenied = null;
        String client = null;
        accessDenied = _commonDll.ValidateProctorSession_FN(connection, proctorKey, sessionKey, browserKey);

        if (accessDenied != null) {
            client = getClientNameBySessionKey(connection, sessionKey);
            _commonDll._LogDBError_SP(connection, "P_SetSessionDateVisited", accessDenied, proctorKey, null, null,
            _commonDll._LogDBLatency_SP(connection, "P_SetSessionDateVisited", today, proctorKey, true, null,
            return _commonDll._ReturnError_SP(connection, client, "P_SetSessionDateVisited", accessDenied, null,
                    null, "ValidateProctorSession");
        final String SQL_UPDATE = "update Session set DateVisited = ${today} where _Key = ${sessionKey};";
        SqlParametersMaps parms = new SqlParametersMaps().put("sessionKey", sessionKey).put("today", today);
        int updateCnt = executeStatement(connection, SQL_UPDATE, parms, false).getUpdateCount();
        // (updateCnt);

        _commonDll._LogDBLatency_SP(connection, "P_SetSessionDateVisited", today, proctorKey, true, null, null,
                sessionKey, null, null);
        return null;

     * @param connection
     * @param sessionKey
     * @return
     * @throws ReturnStatusException
    protected String getClientNameBySessionKey(SQLConnection connection, UUID sessionKey)
            throws ReturnStatusException {

        String client = null;
        final String SQL_QUERY = "select clientname as client from Session where _key = ${sessionKey};";
        SqlParametersMaps parms = new SqlParametersMaps().put("sessionKey", sessionKey);
        SingleDataResultSet result = executeStatement(connection, SQL_QUERY, parms, false).getResultSets().next();
        DbResultRecord record = result.getCount() > 0 ? result.getRecords().next() : null;
        if (record != null) {
            client = record.<String>get("client");
        return client;

    protected String getExternsColumnByClientName(SQLConnection connection, String clientName, String columnName)
            throws ReturnStatusException {
        String columnValue = null;
        final String SQL_QUERY1 = "select ${columnName} from externs where clientname = ${clientname};";

        Map<String, String> unquotedNames = new HashMap<String, String>();
        unquotedNames.put("columnName", columnName);

        SqlParametersMaps parameters = (new SqlParametersMaps()).put("clientname", clientName);
        SingleDataResultSet result = executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(SQL_QUERY1, unquotedNames),
                parameters, false).getResultSets().next();
        DbResultRecord record = result.getCount() > 0 ? result.getRecords().next() : null;
        if (record != null) {
            columnValue = record.<String>get(columnName);
        return columnValue;

    private Integer daysDiff(String fromStr, String toStr) {
        try {
            Date to = new SimpleDateFormat(AbstractDateUtilDll.DB_DATETIME_FORMAT).parse(toStr);
            Date from = new SimpleDateFormat(AbstractDateUtilDll.DB_DATETIME_FORMAT).parse(fromStr);
            return daysDiff(from, to);
        } catch (Exception pe) {
        return null;

    protected Integer daysDiff(Date from, Date to) {
        if (from == null || to == null)
            return null;
        Calendar calTo = Calendar.getInstance();
        int dayOfYearTo = calTo.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR);
        int yearTo = calTo.get(Calendar.YEAR);

        Calendar calFrom = Calendar.getInstance();
        int dayOfYearFrom = calFrom.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR);
        int yearFrom = calFrom.get(Calendar.YEAR);

        if (yearTo == yearFrom)
            return (dayOfYearTo - dayOfYearFrom);
        // reminder: DB_DATETIME_FORMAT = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"
        DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat(AbstractDateUtilDll.DB_DATETIME_FORMAT);
        String fromStr = df.format(from);
        String toStr = String.format("%d-12-31 23:59:59", yearFrom);

        Integer diff = daysDiff(fromStr, toStr) + 1;
        for (int year = yearFrom + 1; year < yearTo; year++) {
            fromStr = String.format("%d-01-01 00:00:00", year);
            toStr = String.format("%d-12-31 23:59:59", year);
            Integer oneYearDiff = daysDiff(fromStr, toStr);
            if (oneYearDiff == null)
                return null;
                diff += (oneYearDiff + 1);

        fromStr = String.format("%d-01-01 00:00:00", yearTo);
        toStr = df.format(to);
        Integer lastDiff = daysDiff(fromStr, toStr);
        if (lastDiff == null)
            return null;
            diff += lastDiff;
        return diff;

    protected Long minutesDiff(Date from, Date to) {

        if (from == null || to == null)
            return null;
        return (to.getTime() - from.getTime()) / 1000 / 60;

    protected Date adjustDate(Date theDate, int increment, int incrementUnit) throws ReturnStatusException {
        if (theDate == null)
            return theDate;
        if (incrementUnit != Calendar.MINUTE && incrementUnit != Calendar.SECOND && incrementUnit != Calendar.HOUR
                && incrementUnit != Calendar.DATE) {
            throw new ReturnStatusException(
                    "Invalid date increment unit, must be CALENDAR.second, minute, hoir or date");
        Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
        c.add(incrementUnit, increment);
        return c.getTime();

    protected Date adjustDateMinutes(Date theDate, Integer increment) {
        if (theDate == null || increment == null)
            return null;

        Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
        c.add(Calendar.MINUTE, increment);
        return c.getTime();

    protected Date adjustDateHours(Date theDate, Integer increment) {
        if (theDate == null || increment == null)
            return null;

        Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
        c.add(Calendar.HOUR, increment);
        return c.getTime();

    protected List<Date> getMidnightsWRetStatus(SQLConnection connection) throws ReturnStatusException {

        List<Date> midnights = new ArrayList<Date>();
        int timezoneOffset = 0;
        Date midnightAM = null;
        Date midnightPM = null;
        try {
            _dateUtil.calculateMidnights(connection, timezoneOffset);
            midnightAM = _dateUtil.getMidnightAM();
            midnightPM = _dateUtil.getMidnightPM();
        } catch (SQLException se) {
            throw new ReturnStatusException(se);
        return midnights;
