List of usage examples for java.nio.file Path resolve
default Path resolve(String other)
From source
@Test public void testMetacardDefinitionJsonFile() throws Exception { getServiceManager().startFeature(true, "catalog-core-validator"); Path definitionsDir = Paths.get(System.getProperty("ddf.home"), "etc/definitions"); definitionsDir = Files.createDirectories(definitionsDir); definitionsDir.toFile().deleteOnExit(); Path tmpFile = definitionsDir.resolve("definitions.json"); tmpFile.toFile().deleteOnExit();/* w ww . j a va 2s . c om*/ Files.copy(getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("definitions.json"), tmpFile); expect("Service to be available: " + MetacardType.class.getName()).within(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS).until( () -> getServiceManager().getServiceReferences(MetacardType.class, "(name=new.metacard.type)"), not(empty())); String ddfMetacardXml = IOUtils.toString(getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("metacard1.xml"),; String modifiedMetacardXml = ddfMetacardXml.replaceFirst("ddf\\.metacard", "new.metacard.type") .replaceFirst("resource-uri", "new-attribute-required-2"); String id = ingest(modifiedMetacardXml, "text/xml"); configureShowInvalidMetacards("true"); try { String newMetacardXpath = String.format("/metacards/metacard[@id=\"%s\"]", id); executeOpenSearch("xml", "q=*").log().all().assertThat().body(hasXPath(newMetacardXpath)) .body(hasXPath(newMetacardXpath + "/type", is("new.metacard.type"))) .body(hasXPath("count(" + newMetacardXpath + "/string[@name=\"validation-errors\"]/value)", is("2"))) .body(hasXPath(newMetacardXpath + "/string[@name=\"validation-errors\"]/value[text()=\"point-of-contact is required\"]")) .body(hasXPath(newMetacardXpath + "/string[@name=\"validation-errors\"]/value[text()=\"new-attribute-required-1 is required\"]")) .body(hasXPath(newMetacardXpath + "/string[@name=\"new-attribute-required-2\"]/value", is("\" + uri + \""))); } finally { deleteMetacard(id); getServiceManager().stopFeature(true, "catalog-core-validator"); configureShowInvalidMetacards("false"); } }
From source
public void run(String[] args) throws ParseException, IOException { try {/* w w 2 s . c o m*/ CliInputs cliInputs = CliInputs.parse(args); if (cliInputs.helpRequested()) { System.out.print(cliInputs.helpMessage()); return; } MonarchOptions options = getOptionsFromInputsAndConfigFiles(cliInputs, fileSystem, parsers); Path outputDir = options.outputDir().orElseThrow(missingOptionException("output directory")); Path dataDir = options.dataDir().orElseThrow(missingOptionException("data directory")); Hierarchy hierarchy = options.hierarchy().orElseThrow(missingOptionException("hierarchy")); String target ="target")); Iterable<Change> changes = options.changes(); Set<String> mergeKeys = options.mergeKeys(); if (!changes.iterator().hasNext()) { System.out.println("No changes provided; formatting target."); } List<String> affectedSources = hierarchy.hierarchyOf(target).orElseThrow( () -> new IllegalArgumentException("Target source not found in hierarchy: " + .descendants(); Map<String, Map<String, Object>> currentData = readDataForHierarchy(dataDir, hierarchy); Map<String, Map<String, Object>> result = monarch.generateSources(hierarchy, changes, target, currentData, mergeKeys); for (Map.Entry<String, Map<String, Object>> sourceToData : result.entrySet()) { String source = sourceToData.getKey(); if (!affectedSources.contains(source)) { continue; } Path sourcePath = outputDir.resolve(source); ensureParentDirectories(sourcePath); SortedMap<String, Object> sorted = new TreeMap<>(sourceToData.getValue()); if (sorted.isEmpty()) { Files.write(sourcePath, new byte[] {}); } else { yaml.dump(sorted, Files.newBufferedWriter(sourcePath, UTF_8)); } } } catch (MonarchException | ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.out.print(CliInputs.parse(new String[0]).helpMessage()); } }
From source
/** * We suppose that each test has its own set of files. Even if we duplicate them, that will make the code * more readable.//www .j a v a 2 s. c o m * The temp folder which is used as a root is automatically cleaned after the test so we don't have to worry * about it. */ @Before public void copyTestResources() throws IOException, URISyntaxException { Path testResourceTarget = rootTmpDir.resolve("resources"); if (Files.notExists(testResourceTarget)) { Files.createDirectory(testResourceTarget); } String currentTestName = getCurrentTestName(); // We copy files from the src dir to the temp dir" --> Launching test [{}]", currentTestName); String url = getUrl("samples", currentTestName); Path from = Paths.get(url); currentTestResourceDir = testResourceTarget.resolve(currentTestName); if (Files.exists(from)) { staticLogger.debug(" --> Copying test resources from [{}]", from); } else { staticLogger.debug(" --> Copying test resources from [{}]", DEFAULT_RESOURCES); from = DEFAULT_RESOURCES; } FsCrawlerUtil.copyDirs(from, currentTestResourceDir); staticLogger.debug(" --> Test resources ready in [{}]", currentTestResourceDir); }
From source
public void addFile(Path bucket, String fileName, byte[] content, FileAttribute<?>... attrs) throws IOException { if (fileName.endsWith("/")) fileName.substring(0, fileName.length() - 1); Path file = Files.createFile(bucket.resolve(fileName.replaceAll("/", "%2F")), attrs); try (OutputStream outputStream = Files.newOutputStream(file)) { outputStream.write(content);//from w w w. ja v a 2 s .c o m } }
From source
@Override public final boolean transform(final TaskInfo taskInfo, final JsonNode subtask, final HashMap<String, String> results) { // Prepare for rewriting. if (!loadRewriteMap()) { results.put(TaskStatus.ERROR, "PropertyRewriter unable to load rewrite map"); return false; }// www.ja v a2s. c o m Path originalHarvestdir = Paths.get(ToolkitFileUtils.getTaskHarvestOutputPath(taskInfo)); // Use this transform name and the task ID to construct // the path names. String transformName = "PropertyRewriter_" + taskInfo.getTask().getId(); String transformOutputDir = ToolkitFileUtils.getTaskTransformTemporaryOutputPath(taskInfo, transformName); Path transformOutputDirPath = Paths.get(transformOutputDir); try { ToolkitFileUtils.requireEmptyDirectory(transformOutputDir); } catch (IOException ex) { results.put(TaskStatus.EXCEPTION, "Exception in PropertyRewriter while cleaning old " + "transform output directory"); logger.error("Exception in PropertyRewriter while cleaning old " + "transform output directory: ", ex); return false; } // Open the harvest directory ... try (DirectoryStream<Path> stream = Files.newDirectoryStream(originalHarvestdir)) { // ... and iterate over every file in the harvest directory. for (Path entry : stream) { // First, parse the file into a model and do rewriting. Model model = new LinkedHashModel(); RDFFormat format = Rio.getParserFormatForFileName(entry.toString()); RDFParser rdfParser = Rio.createParser(format); ConceptHandler conceptHandler = new ConceptHandler(metadataRewriteConf, model); rdfParser.setRDFHandler(conceptHandler); FileInputStream is = new FileInputStream(entry.toString()); logger.debug("Reading RDF:" + entry.toString()); rdfParser.parse(is, entry.toString()); // And now serialize the result. String resultFileName = transformOutputDirPath.resolve(entry.getFileName()).toString(); FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(resultFileName); // Write in the same format we read. Rio.write(model, out, format); out.close(); } } catch (DirectoryIteratorException | IOException | RDFParseException | RDFHandlerException | UnsupportedRDFormatException ex) { results.put(TaskStatus.EXCEPTION, "Exception in PropertyRewriter while Parsing RDF"); logger.error("Exception in PropertyRewriter while Parsing RDF:", ex); return false; } // Done rewriting, and was successful. Replace the old // harvest with the transformed files. if (!ToolkitFileUtils.renameTransformTemporaryOutputPath(taskInfo, transformName)) { results.put(TaskStatus.ERROR, "Error in PropertyRewriter when renaming output " + "directory"); logger.error("Error in PropertyRewriter when renaming output " + "directory"); return false; } return true; }
From source
public static void writeCoreProperties(Path coreDirectory, Properties properties, String testname) throws IOException {"Writing file to {}", coreDirectory); Files.createDirectories(coreDirectory); try (Writer writer = new OutputStreamWriter( Files.newOutputStream(coreDirectory.resolve(CORE_PROPERTIES_FILENAME)), Charset.forName("UTF-8"))) {, testname); }/*from w w w . jav a 2 s . c o m*/ }
From source
/** * {@inheritDoc}//from ww w.ja v a2s . c om */ @Override public void close() { if (!_closed) { try { // Create the output path final Path outputDirectory = _path.getParent(); final String nameWithoutExtension = .getNameWithoutExtension(_path.toString()); ensurePathExists(); // Merge the results final List<AugmentedResult> augmentedResults = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize( _resultsWithoutProfileData.size() + _resultsWithProfileData.size()); // Simply wrap the results without profile data augmentedResults.addAll(; // For results with profile data extract the data and pair it with the result for (final Map.Entry<Integer, Result> entry : _resultsWithProfileData.entrySet()) { final int index = entry.getKey(); final Result result = entry.getValue(); final Optional<Path> profileDataFile = getProfileFile(); if (profileDataFile.isPresent()) { String.format("Filtering profile for %s.%s in %s at %d", result.getTestClassName(), result.getTestMethodName(), profileDataFile.get(), index)); final Path extractedProfileDataFile = outputDirectory .resolve(nameWithoutExtension + "." + result.getTestMethodName() + ".hprof"); new HProfFilter(profileDataFile.get(), Optional.of(extractedProfileDataFile), Optional.of(index)).run(); augmentedResults.add(new AugmentedResult(result, extractedProfileDataFile)); } else { LOGGER.warn("Profile data file lost between accept and close"); augmentedResults.add(new AugmentedResult(result)); } } // Output the test performance results"Closing; file=%s", _path)); final FileOutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream(_path.toString(), _append); try { OBJECT_MAPPER.writeValue(outputStream, augmentedResults); outputStream.write("\n".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(outputStream); } } catch (final IOException e) { LOGGER.error("Could not write json performance file", e); } _closed = true; } }
From source
@VisibleForTesting ImmutableSet<Path> extractArchive(Path archiveFile, ProjectFilesystem filesystem, Path filesystemRelativePath, Optional<Path> stripPath, ExistingFileMode existingFileMode, PatternsMatcher entriesToExclude, boolean writeSymlinksAfterCreatingFiles) throws IOException { ImmutableSet.Builder<Path> paths = ImmutableSet.builder(); HashSet<Path> dirsToTidy = new HashSet<>(); TreeMap<Path, Long> dirCreationTimes = new TreeMap<>(); DirectoryCreator creator = new DirectoryCreator(filesystem); // On windows, we create hard links instead of symlinks. This is fine, but the // destination file may not exist yet, which is an error. So, just hold onto the paths until // all files are extracted, and /then/ try to do the links Map<Path, Path> windowsSymlinkMap = new HashMap<>(); try (TarArchiveInputStream archiveStream = getArchiveInputStream(archiveFile)) { TarArchiveEntry entry;//from w w w .ja v a 2 s . c o m while ((entry = archiveStream.getNextTarEntry()) != null) { String entryName = entry.getName(); if (entriesToExclude.matchesAny(entryName)) { continue; } Path destFile = Paths.get(entryName); Path destPath; if (stripPath.isPresent()) { if (!destFile.startsWith(stripPath.get())) { continue; } destPath = filesystemRelativePath.resolve(stripPath.get().relativize(destFile)).normalize(); } else { destPath = filesystemRelativePath.resolve(destFile).normalize(); } if (entry.isDirectory()) { dirsToTidy.add(destPath); mkdirs(creator, destPath); dirCreationTimes.put(destPath, entry.getModTime().getTime()); } else if (entry.isSymbolicLink()) { if (writeSymlinksAfterCreatingFiles) { recordSymbolicLinkForWindows(creator, destPath, entry, windowsSymlinkMap); } else { writeSymbolicLink(creator, destPath, entry); } paths.add(destPath); setAttributes(filesystem, destPath, entry); } else if (entry.isFile()) { writeFile(creator, archiveStream, destPath); paths.add(destPath); setAttributes(filesystem, destPath, entry); } } writeWindowsSymlinks(creator, windowsSymlinkMap); } catch (CompressorException e) { throw new IOException(String.format("Could not get decompressor for archive at %s", archiveFile), e); } setDirectoryModificationTimes(filesystem, dirCreationTimes); ImmutableSet<Path> filePaths =; if (existingFileMode == ExistingFileMode.OVERWRITE_AND_CLEAN_DIRECTORIES) { // Clean out directories of files that were not in the archive tidyDirectories(filesystem, dirsToTidy, filePaths); } return filePaths; }