List of usage examples for java.nio.file Path resolve
default Path resolve(String other)
From source
public void execute() throws IOException { createTemporaryDirectory();//from www.j a v a 2 s . co m // Query setup openTree(); Geometry box = factory.toGeometry(queryEnvelope); List<Node> leafs = tree.query(box); // Query data tree for (Node leaf : leafs) { String leafName = Long.toHexString(leaf.getPath()); if (test.contains(leaf.getEnvelope())) { System.out.println("Leaf is completely contained: " + leafName); addCompletelyContainedLeaf(leaf); continue; } System.out.println("Loading data from leaf: " + leafName); addIntersectingLeaf(leaf); } System.out.println(String.format("Total number of nodes: %d", nNodes)); System.out.println(String.format("Total number of ways: %d", nWays)); System.out.println(String.format("Total number of simple relations: %d", nSimpleRelations)); System.out.println(String.format("Total number of complex relations: %d", nComplexRelations)); // Query relations List<IdBboxEntry> entriesSimple =; List<IdBboxEntry> entriesComplex =; for (IdBboxEntry entry : entriesSimple) { long id = entry.getId(); if (test.contains(entry.getEnvelope())) { System.out.println("Simple batch completely contained: " + id); addCompletelyContainedBatch(paths.getSimpleRelations(), id, filesSimpleRelations); } else if (test.intersects(entry.getEnvelope())) { System.out.println("Loading data from simple batch: " + id); tmpIndexSimple++; String tmpFilenames = filename(tmpIndexSimple); System.out.println("Writing to files: " + tmpFilenames); Path pathDir = paths.getSimpleRelations().resolve(Long.toString(entry.getId())); Path pathNodes = pathDir.resolve(relationNames.getNodes()); Path pathWays = pathDir.resolve(relationNames.getWays()); Path pathRelations = pathDir.resolve(relationNames.getRelations()); Path pathOutNodes = pathTmpSimpleNodes.resolve(tmpFilenames); Path pathOutWays = pathTmpSimpleWays.resolve(tmpFilenames); Path pathOutRelations = pathTmpSimpleRelations.resolve(tmpFilenames); runRelationsQuery(true, tmpFilenames, pathNodes, pathWays, pathRelations, pathOutNodes, pathOutWays, pathOutRelations); } } for (IdBboxEntry entry : entriesComplex) { long id = entry.getId(); if (test.contains(entry.getEnvelope())) { System.out.println("Complex batch completely contained: " + id); addCompletelyContainedBatch(paths.getComplexRelations(), id, filesComplexRelations); } else if (test.intersects(entry.getEnvelope())) { System.out.println("Loading data from complex batch: " + id); tmpIndexComplex++; String tmpFilenames = filename(tmpIndexComplex); System.out.println("Writing to files: " + tmpFilenames); Path pathDir = paths.getComplexRelations().resolve(Long.toString(entry.getId())); Path pathNodes = pathDir.resolve(relationNames.getNodes()); Path pathWays = pathDir.resolve(relationNames.getWays()); Path pathRelations = pathDir.resolve(relationNames.getRelations()); Path pathOutNodes = pathTmpComplexNodes.resolve(tmpFilenames); Path pathOutWays = pathTmpComplexWays.resolve(tmpFilenames); Path pathOutRelations = pathTmpComplexRelations.resolve(tmpFilenames); runRelationsQuery(false, tmpFilenames, pathNodes, pathWays, pathRelations, pathOutNodes, pathOutWays, pathOutRelations); } } // Merge intermediate files OsmStreamOutput output = createFinalOutput(pathOutput); List<OsmFileInput> mergeFiles = new ArrayList<>(); mergeFiles.addAll(filesNodes); mergeFiles.addAll(filesWays); mergeFiles.addAll(filesSimpleRelations); mergeFiles.addAll(filesComplexRelations); System.out.println(String.format("Merging %d files", mergeFiles.size())); List<OsmIteratorInput> mergeIteratorInputs = new ArrayList<>(); List<OsmIterator> mergeIterators = new ArrayList<>(); for (OsmFileInput input : mergeFiles) { OsmIteratorInput iteratorInput = input.createIterator(true, outputConfig.isWriteMetadata()); mergeIteratorInputs.add(iteratorInput); mergeIterators.add(iteratorInput.getIterator()); } SortedMerge merge = new SortedMerge(output.getOsmOutput(), mergeIterators);; for (OsmIteratorInput input : mergeIteratorInputs) { input.close(); } output.close(); // Delete intermediate files if (!keepTmp) { FileUtils.deleteDirectory(pathTmp.toFile()); } }
From source
protected void persist(Object entity, EntityDescriptor entityDescriptor, Path folder, String fileName) { Serializable naturalId = entityDescriptor.getNaturalId(entity); Path complete = folder.resolve(fileName); String id = idGenerator.getSha1Hash(repository.getPath(), complete); Object found = findById(id);/*ww w .j a v a 2 s. c om*/ if ((found != null || entity2Entry.containsKey(entity)) && !dirtyChecker.getDeletions().contains(entity)) { log.warn("Trying to persist entity {} [{}] twice", entity, complete); return; } entityDescriptor.writetId(entity, id); SessionEntry sessionEntry = new SessionEntry(entity, id, 0, naturalId == null ? null : new NaturalId(entityDescriptor.getEntityClass(), naturalId), complete, entityDescriptor); addToSession(sessionEntry); dirtyChecker.trackPersist(sessionEntry); EntityInsertion singleEntityInsertion = new EntityInsertion(repository, sessionEntry); actions.add(singleEntityInsertion); persistRelations(entityDescriptor.getNormalRelations(), entity, sessionEntry); persistRelations(entityDescriptor.getChildRelations(), entity, sessionEntry); }
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private void buildHtml(Locale locale) throws SAXException, IOException, TemplateException, ParserConfigurationException { Path localeOutputDir = outputDir.resolve(locale.getLanguage()); Files.createDirectories(localeOutputDir); HashMap<String, Object> model = new HashMap<>(); model.put("screenshots", createScreenshotsMV(localeOutputDir)); model.put("lastUpdate", new Date()); freemakerConfiguration.setLocale(locale); freemakerConfiguration.addAutoImport("manifest", "manifest.ftl"); for (String file : Arrays.asList("index", "support")) { try (BufferedWriter w = Files.newBufferedWriter(localeOutputDir.resolve(file + ".html"), Charset.forName("UTF-8"))) { freemakerConfiguration.getTemplate(file + ".ftl").process(model, w); }/*www . j a v a 2 s.c o m*/ } }
From source
/** * Save this statedump at the given location. * * @param parentPath/*from w w w . j av a 2 s . c o m*/ * The location where to save the statedump file, usually in or * close to its corresponding trace. It will be put under a Trace * Compass-specific sub-directory. * @param ssid * The state system ID of the state system we are saving. This * will be used for restoration. * @throws IOException * If there are problems creating or writing to the target * directory */ public void dumpState(Path parentPath, String ssid) throws IOException { /* Create directory if it does not exist */ Path sdPath = parentPath.resolve(STATEDUMP_DIRECTORY); if (!Files.exists(sdPath)) { Files.createDirectory(sdPath); } /* Create state dump file */ String fileName = ssid + FILE_SUFFIX; Path filePath = sdPath.resolve(fileName); if (Files.exists(filePath)) { Files.delete(filePath); } Files.createFile(filePath); JSONObject root = new JSONObject(); try (Writer bw = Files.newBufferedWriter(filePath, Charsets.UTF_8)) { /* Create the root object */ root.put(Serialization.FORMAT_VERSION_KEY, STATEDUMP_FORMAT_VERSION); root.put(Serialization.ID_KEY, ssid); root.put(Serialization.STATEDUMP_VERSION_KEY, getVersion()); /* Create the root state node */ JSONObject rootNode = new JSONObject(); rootNode.put(Serialization.CHILDREN_KEY, new JSONObject()); root.put(Serialization.STATE_KEY, rootNode); /* Insert all the paths, types, and values */ for (int i = 0; i < getAttributes().size(); i++) { String[] attribute = getAttributes().get(i); StateValue sv = getStates().get(i); Serialization.insertFrom(rootNode, attribute, 0, sv); } bw.write(root.toString(2)); } catch (JSONException e) { /* * This should never happen. Any JSON exception means that there's a * bug in this code. */ throw new IllegalStateException(e); } }
From source
private int fetchOnlineMarkdown(PitchParams pp, Path zipRoot) { String murl = com.gitpitch.controllers.routes.PitchController .markdown(pp.grs, pp.user, pp.repo, pp.branch, pp.pitchme).absoluteURL(isEncrypted(), hostname()); Path zipMdPath = diskService.ensure(zipRoot.resolve(ZIP_MD_DIR)); return, zipMdPath, murl, PITCHME_ONLINE_MD, grsManager.get(pp).getHeaders()); }
From source
/** * Loads datasets into platform. Uploads given datasets and their manifests to staging area and triggers ETL pull. * The call is asynchronous returning {@link com.gooddata.FutureResult} to let caller wait for results. * Uploaded files are deleted from staging area when finished. * * @param project project to which dataset belongs * @param datasets map dataset manifests * @return {@link com.gooddata.FutureResult} of the task, which can throw {@link com.gooddata.dataset.DatasetException} * in case the ETL pull task fails/* w w w .ja v a2 s . co m*/ * @throws com.gooddata.dataset.DatasetException if there is a problem to serialize manifest or upload dataset * @see <a href="">batch upload reference</a> */ public FutureResult<Void> loadDatasets(final Project project, final Collection<DatasetManifest> datasets) { notNull(project, "project"); validateUploadManifests(datasets); final List<String> datasetsNames = new ArrayList<>(datasets.size()); try { final Path dirPath = Paths.get("/", project.getId() + "_" + RandomStringUtils.randomAlphabetic(3), "/"); for (DatasetManifest datasetManifest : datasets) { datasetsNames.add(datasetManifest.getDataSet()); dataStoreService.upload(dirPath.resolve(datasetManifest.getFile()).toString(), datasetManifest.getSource()); } final String manifestJson = mapper.writeValueAsString(new DatasetManifests(datasets)); final ByteArrayInputStream inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(manifestJson.getBytes(UTF_8)); dataStoreService.upload(dirPath.resolve(MANIFEST_FILE_NAME).toString(), inputStream); return pullLoad(project, dirPath, datasetsNames); } catch (IOException e) { throw new DatasetException("Unable to serialize manifest", datasetsNames, e); } catch (DataStoreException | GoodDataRestException | RestClientException e) { throw new DatasetException("Unable to load", datasetsNames, e); } }
From source
/** * Create the directories where we will report on the update. * Put the paths for the directories and files into the settings object. *///from w ww . ja va 2 s . c o m private void putReportingPathsIntoSettings(ServletContext ctx, UpdateSettings settings) throws IOException { Path homeDir = ApplicationUtils.instance().getHomeDirectory().getPath(); Path dataDir = createDirectory(homeDir, "upgrade", "knowledgeBase"); settings.setDataDir(dataDir.toString()); StartupStatus.getBean(ctx).info(parent, "Updating knowledge base: reports are in '" + dataDir + "'"); Path changedDir = createDirectory(dataDir, "changedData"); settings.setAddedDataFile(changedDir.resolve(timestampedFileName("addedData", "n3")).toString()); settings.setRemovedDataFile(changedDir.resolve(timestampedFileName("removedData", "n3")).toString()); Path logDir = createDirectory(dataDir, "logs"); settings.setLogFile(logDir.resolve(timestampedFileName("knowledgeBaseUpdate", "log")).toString()); settings.setErrorLogFile( logDir.resolve(timestampedFileName("knowledgeBaseUpdate.error", "log")).toString()); Path qualifiedPropertyConfigFile = getFilePath(homeDir, "rdf", "display", "firsttime", "PropertyConfig.n3"); settings.setQualifiedPropertyConfigFile(qualifiedPropertyConfigFile.toString()); }
From source
private void createTemporaryDirectory() throws IOException { // Make sure a temporary directory is available if (pathTmp == null) { pathTmp = Files.createTempDirectory("extract"); }//from ww w.j a va2s . co m System.out.println("Temporary directory: " + pathTmp); Files.createDirectories(pathTmp); if (!Files.isDirectory(pathTmp)) { System.out.println("Unable to create temporary directory for intermediate files"); System.exit(1); } if (pathTmp.toFile().listFiles().length != 0) { System.out.println("Temporary directory for intermediate files is not empty"); System.exit(1); } System.out.println("Storing intermediate files here: " + pathTmp); // Create sub-directories for intermediate files Path pathTmpTree = pathTmp.resolve("tree"); Path pathTmpSimple = pathTmp.resolve("simple-relations"); Path pathTmpComplex = pathTmp.resolve("complex-relations"); pathTmpTreeNodes = pathTmpTree.resolve("nodes"); pathTmpTreeWays = pathTmpTree.resolve("ways"); pathTmpTreeSimpleRelations = pathTmpTree.resolve("relations.simple"); pathTmpTreeComplexRelations = pathTmpTree.resolve("relations.complex"); pathTmpTreeAdditionalNodes = pathTmpTree.resolve("nodes-extra"); pathTmpTreeAdditionalWays = pathTmpTree.resolve("ways-extra"); pathTmpSimpleNodes = pathTmpSimple.resolve("nodes"); pathTmpSimpleWays = pathTmpSimple.resolve("ways"); pathTmpSimpleRelations = pathTmpSimple.resolve("relations"); pathTmpComplexNodes = pathTmpComplex.resolve("nodes"); pathTmpComplexWays = pathTmpComplex.resolve("ways"); pathTmpComplexRelations = pathTmpComplex.resolve("relations"); Files.createDirectory(pathTmpTree); Files.createDirectory(pathTmpSimple); Files.createDirectory(pathTmpComplex); Files.createDirectory(pathTmpTreeNodes); Files.createDirectory(pathTmpTreeWays); Files.createDirectory(pathTmpTreeSimpleRelations); Files.createDirectory(pathTmpTreeComplexRelations); Files.createDirectory(pathTmpTreeAdditionalNodes); Files.createDirectory(pathTmpTreeAdditionalWays); Files.createDirectory(pathTmpSimpleNodes); Files.createDirectory(pathTmpSimpleWays); Files.createDirectory(pathTmpSimpleRelations); Files.createDirectory(pathTmpComplexNodes); Files.createDirectory(pathTmpComplexWays); Files.createDirectory(pathTmpComplexRelations); }
From source
private Callable<Integer> importPubMedSubTask(final List<String> ids, final EntrezHelper entrez, final File tmpDir, final Format format, final String extension) { return new Callable<Integer>() { private int efetchCount = 0; @Override/*from w w w . j av a2s . c o m*/ public Integer call() throws Exception { setStatus("Finding missing publications between PubMed and the local collection"); // filter out the publications that are already stored in the database, creating a new set // with the identifiers that are missing from the database. Using a set ensures that // duplicate identifiers are also removed from the original list final List<String> ids2 = from(ids).transform(new Function<String, String>() { @Override public String apply(final String id) { String result = id; for (int i = 0; i < filters.size() && result != null; i++) { final RecordFilter filter = filters.get(i); if (filter.canBeApplied(PUBMED)) { result = filters.get(i).filterById(id); } } return result; } }).filter(notNull()).toSet().asList(); if (ids2.size() > 0) { setStatus("Fetching publications from PubMed"); // update progress int pendingCount = pending.addAndGet(ids2.size()); setProgress(100.0d * fetched.get() / pendingCount); // fetch sequence files final Path tmpDir2 = createTempDirectory(tmpDir.toPath(), "fetch_pub_task_"); entrez.efetch(ids2, 0, MAX_RECORDS_FETCHED, tmpDir2.toFile(), format); // import publication files to the database for (final String id : ids2) { setStatus("Importing PubMed publications into local collection"); final Path source = tmpDir2.resolve(id + "." + extension); try { // insert publication in the database final PubmedArticle pmArticle = PUBMED_XMLB.typeFromFile(source.toFile()); final Reference reference = parseArticle(pmArticle); REFERENCE_DAO.insert(reference, true); efetchCount++;"New PubMed file stored: " + source.toString()); // update progress int fetchedCount = fetched.incrementAndGet(); setProgress(100.0d * fetchedCount / pending.get()); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.warn("Failed to import publication from file: " + source.getFileName(), e); } } } checkState(ids2.size() == efetchCount, "No all publications were imported"); return efetchCount; } }; }
From source
@Test public void testInjestIntoGeopkg() throws Exception { new CatalogCreator(cat).workspace("foo").database("bar") .featureType("stuff", "geom:Point:srid=4326,name:String,id:Integer", stuff()).layer().store() .featureType("widgets", "geom:Point:srid=4326,name:String,id:Integer", widgets()).layer(); exporter = new BundleExporter(cat, new ExportOpts(cat.getWorkspaceByName("foo"))); Path root =; assertPathExists(root, "workspace.xml"); assertPathExists(root, "namespace.xml"); assertPathExists(root, "bar/datastore.xml"); assertPathExists(root, "bar/stuff/featuretype.xml"); assertPathExists(root, "bar/stuff/layer.xml"); assertPathExists(root, "bar/widgets/featuretype.xml"); assertPathExists(root, "bar/widgets/layer.xml"); assertPathExists(root, "data/bar.gpkg"); // ensure the geopackage has the right data in it GeoPackage gpkg = new GeoPackage(root.resolve("data/bar.gpkg").toFile()); try {/* w w w . ja v a 2 s .co m*/ assertEquals(2, gpkg.features().size()); assertNotNull(gpkg.feature("stuff")); assertNotNull(gpkg.feature("widgets")); } finally { gpkg.close(); } // ensure the exported store config points to the geopackage DataStoreInfo store = new XStreamPersisterFactory().createXMLPersister() .load(new FileInputStream(root.resolve("bar/datastore.xml").toFile()), DataStoreInfo.class); assertEquals("geopkg", store.getConnectionParameters().get("dbtype")); assertEquals("file:%WORKSPACE%/data" + File.separator + "bar.gpkg", store.getConnectionParameters().get("database")); }