List of usage examples for java.nio.file Path resolve
default Path resolve(String other)
From source
@Override public void copy(UrlTreeMetaData<InputStream> metadata, String dstDir, UrlTreeContext ctx) throws BadContentException { String srcPathName = metadata.getAbsolutePath(); Path srcPath = this.generateFileObj(srcPathName); Path dstPath = this.generateFileObj(dstDir); logger.debug("copy: " + srcPath.toAbsolutePath() + " to " + dstPath.toAbsolutePath()); try {//from www . ja v a 2 s . c o m Files.copy(srcPath, dstPath.resolve(srcPath.getFileName()), StandardCopyOption.COPY_ATTRIBUTES, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING); } catch (IOException e) { throw new GenericResourceException("cannot copy file", e); } }
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@Override public void move(UrlTreeMetaData<InputStream> metadata, String dstDir, UrlTreeContext ctx) throws BadContentException { String srcPathName = metadata.getAbsolutePath(); Path srcPath = this.generateFileObj(srcPathName); Path dstPath = this.generateFileObj(dstDir); logger.debug("move: " + srcPath.toAbsolutePath() + " to " + dstPath.toAbsolutePath()); try {/*from w ww . j ava2s .c om*/ Files.move(srcPath, dstPath.resolve(srcPath.getFileName()), StandardCopyOption.ATOMIC_MOVE, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING); } catch (IOException e) { throw new GenericResourceException("cannot copy file", e); } }
From source
/** * Loads dataset into platform. Uploads given dataset and manifest to staging area and triggers ETL pull. * The call is asynchronous returning {@link com.gooddata.FutureResult} to let caller wait for results. * Uploaded files are deleted from staging area when finished. * * @param project project to which dataset belongs * @param manifest dataset manifest/* ww w . j av a2 s . co m*/ * @param dataset dataset to upload * @return {@link com.gooddata.FutureResult} of the task, which can throw {@link com.gooddata.dataset.DatasetException} * in case the ETL pull task fails * @throws com.gooddata.dataset.DatasetException if there is a problem to serialize manifest or upload dataset */ public FutureResult<Void> loadDataset(final Project project, final DatasetManifest manifest, final InputStream dataset) { notNull(project, "project"); notNull(dataset, "dataset"); notNull(manifest, "manifest"); final Path dirPath = Paths.get("/", project.getId() + "_" + RandomStringUtils.randomAlphabetic(3), "/"); try { dataStoreService.upload(dirPath.resolve(manifest.getFile()).toString(), dataset); final String manifestJson = mapper.writeValueAsString(manifest); final ByteArrayInputStream inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(manifestJson.getBytes(UTF_8)); dataStoreService.upload(dirPath.resolve(MANIFEST_FILE_NAME).toString(), inputStream); return pullLoad(project, dirPath, manifest.getDataSet()); } catch (IOException e) { throw new DatasetException("Unable to serialize manifest", manifest.getDataSet(), e); } catch (DataStoreException | GoodDataRestException | RestClientException e) { throw new DatasetException("Unable to load", manifest.getDataSet(), e); } }
From source
/** * Returns a unique file name in the given folder. * If the given file name is not unique, a new is constructed * by adding a number to the file name/* w w w . j a va 2 s . c om*/ * @param folder the folder * @param name the file name * @return the new unique file */ private Path getUniqueFile(Path folder, String name) { Path file = folder.resolve(name); if (Files.exists(file)) { for (int x = 2; true; x++) { String fileName = FilenameUtils.removeExtension(name) + " " + x + "." + FilenameUtils.getExtension(name); file = folder.resolve(fileName); if (!Files.exists(file)) { break; } } } return file; }
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private int buildZip(PitchParams pp, Path zipRoot) { /*//from w ww. j av a 2 s . c o m * Remove PITCHME_ONLINE_MD from zip directory. */ Path onlinePath = zipRoot.resolve(PITCHME_ONLINE_PATH); diskService.delete(onlinePath); /* * CMD: zip -r PITCHME */ String[] cmd = { ZIP_CMD, ZIP_QUIET, ZIP_ALL, PITCHME_ZIP, ZIP_ROOT_DIR }; Path zipWd = diskService.ensure(pp, pp.pitchme); return shellService.exec(ZIP_CMD, pp, zipWd, cmd); }
From source
@Test public void testRunTwice() throws IOException { Path project = sonarlint.deployProject("java-sample"); int code =; assertThat(code).isEqualTo(0);//ww w . jav a 2s .c o m assertThat(sonarlint.getOut()).contains("11 issues"); assertThat(sonarlint.getOut()).contains("1 critical"); assertThat(sonarlint.getOut()).contains("5 major"); assertThat(sonarlint.getOut()).contains("5 minor"); assertThat(sonarlint.getOut()).contains("2 files analyzed"); FileUtils.deleteDirectory(project.resolve(".sonarlint").toFile()); code =; assertThat(code).isEqualTo(0); assertThat(sonarlint.getOut()).contains("11 issues"); assertThat(sonarlint.getOut()).contains("1 critical"); assertThat(sonarlint.getOut()).contains("5 major"); assertThat(sonarlint.getOut()).contains("5 minor"); assertThat(sonarlint.getOut()).contains("2 files analyzed"); }
From source
@Test public void testMapper() throws Exception { Step step1 = new SimpleStep.Builder().stepKind("endpoint") .connection(new Connection.Builder().configuredProperties(map()).build()) .configuredProperties(map("period", 5000)) .action(new Action.Builder().connectorId("timer").camelConnectorPrefix("periodic-timer-connector") .camelConnectorGAV("io.syndesis:timer-connector:" + CONNECTORS_VERSION).build()) .build();/*w ww . j a v a 2 s . com*/ Step step2 = new SimpleStep.Builder().stepKind("mapper").configuredProperties(map("atlasmapping", "{}")) .build(); Step step3 = new SimpleStep.Builder().stepKind("endpoint") .connection(new Connection.Builder().configuredProperties(Collections.emptyMap()).build()) .configuredProperties(map("httpUri", "http://localhost:8080/bye")) .action(new Action.Builder().connectorId("http").camelConnectorPrefix("http-post-connector") .camelConnectorGAV("io.syndesis:http-post-connector:" + CONNECTORS_VERSION).build()) .build(); GenerateProjectRequest request = new GenerateProjectRequest.Builder().integration(new Integration.Builder() .id("test-integration").name("Test Integration").steps(Arrays.asList(step1, step2, step3)).build()) .connectors(connectors).build(); ProjectGeneratorProperties generatorProperties = new ProjectGeneratorProperties(mavenProperties); generatorProperties.getTemplates().setOverridePath(this.basePath); generatorProperties.getTemplates().getAdditionalResources().addAll(this.additionalResources); Path runtimePath = generate(request, generatorProperties); runtimePath.toFile().deleteOnExit(); assertFileContents(generatorProperties, runtimePath.resolve("src/main/resources/syndesis.yml"), "test-mapper-syndesis.yml"); assertThat(new String(Files.readAllBytes(runtimePath.resolve("src/main/resources/mapping-step-2.json")))) .isEqualTo("{}"); }
From source
public void connect() throws InterruptedException, IOException { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) create output directory//from w w w.ja v a2s . c om */ //if the user clicked the checkbox to save the output, then the archive //downloaded from the server is saved in the directory specified by the //user. If the user does not want to save the output, then the archive //is downloaded to a temp folder. Path outPath; if (cyModel.getSaveFilePath() == null) { outPath = Files.createTempDirectory("Cev_archive"); } else { outPath = cyModel.getSaveFilePath(); } String fileExtension = ".tgz"; String archiveName = cyModel.getTitle(); Path archivePath = outPath.resolve(archiveName + fileExtension); //prevent overwriting the same file if the user forgot to change the //title if (Files.exists(archivePath)) { archivePath = outPath.resolve(archiveName + "_" + CyAppManager.getTimeStamp() + fileExtension); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2) Upload user files and settings, download response */ //make multipart entity with user data and settings HttpEntity postEntity = makeEntity(cyModel.getBaits(), cyModel.getSpeciesNames(), cyModel.getSpeciesPaths(), cyModel.getPCutoff(), cyModel.getNCutoff(), cyModel.getOrthGroupNames(), cyModel.getOrthGroupPaths()); //run the app on the server executeAppOnSever(CyModel.URL, postEntity, archivePath); /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- 4) Unpack files to temp dir */ //create a temp folder to store the network files Path unpackPath = Files.createTempDirectory("Cev_netw"); //unpack the network files Archiver archiver = ArchiverFactory.createArchiver(ArchiveFormat.TAR, CompressionType.GZIP); File archive = archivePath.toFile(); ArchiveStream stream =; ArchiveEntry entry; Path sifPath = null; Path noaPath = null; Path edaPath = null; Path logPath = null; File netwFile; while ((entry = stream.getNextEntry()) != null) { netwFile = entry.extract(unpackPath.toFile()); if (netwFile.toString().endsWith(".sif")) { sifPath = netwFile.toPath(); } if (netwFile.toString().endsWith(".node.attr")) { noaPath = netwFile.toPath(); } if (netwFile.toString().endsWith(".edge.attr")) { edaPath = netwFile.toPath(); } if (netwFile.toString().endsWith("_log")) { logPath = netwFile.toPath(); } } stream.close(); /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- 5) update corestatus with network paths */ //TODO: sanity checks cyModel.setSifPath(sifPath); cyModel.setNoaPath(noaPath); cyModel.setEdaPath(edaPath); cyModel.setLogPath(logPath); }
From source
/** * Tests the reloading of SSLContext when the trust store is modified. The same store is used as a TrustStore (for the * reloadable SSLContext used in the HTTPClient) and as a KeyStore for the MockWebServer *//*w ww . j a v a 2 s .c om*/ public void testReloadingTrustStore() throws Exception { Path tempDir = createTempDir(); Path trustStorePath = tempDir.resolve("testnode.jks"); Path updatedTruststorePath = tempDir.resolve("testnode_updated.jks"); Files.copy(getDataPath("/org/elasticsearch/xpack/security/transport/ssl/certs/simple/testnode.jks"), trustStorePath); Files.copy(getDataPath("/org/elasticsearch/xpack/security/transport/ssl/certs/simple/testnode_updated.jks"), updatedTruststorePath); MockSecureSettings secureSettings = new MockSecureSettings(); secureSettings.setString("xpack.ssl.truststore.secure_password", "testnode"); Settings settings = Settings.builder().put("xpack.ssl.truststore.path", trustStorePath) .put("path.home", createTempDir()).setSecureSettings(secureSettings).build(); Environment env = randomBoolean() ? null : TestEnvironment.newEnvironment(settings); // Create the MockWebServer once for both pre and post checks try (MockWebServer server = getSslServer(trustStorePath, "testnode")) { final Consumer<SSLContext> trustMaterialPreChecks = (context) -> { try (CloseableHttpClient client = HttpClients.custom().setSSLContext(context).build()) { privilegedConnect( () -> client.execute(new HttpGet("https://localhost:" + server.getPort())).close()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Error connecting to the mock server", e); } }; final Runnable modifier = () -> { try { atomicMoveIfPossible(updatedTruststorePath, trustStorePath); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("failed to modify file", e); } }; // Client's truststore doesn't contain the server's certificate anymore so SSLHandshake should fail final Consumer<SSLContext> trustMaterialPostChecks = (updatedContext) -> { try (CloseableHttpClient client = HttpClients.custom().setSSLContext(updatedContext).build()) { SSLHandshakeException sslException = expectThrows(SSLHandshakeException.class, () -> privilegedConnect(() -> client .execute(new HttpGet("https://localhost:" + server.getPort())).close())); assertThat(sslException.getCause().getMessage(), containsString("PKIX path building failed")); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Error closing CloseableHttpClient", e); } }; validateSSLConfigurationIsReloaded(settings, env, trustMaterialPreChecks, modifier, trustMaterialPostChecks); } }
From source
private void remoteCopy(Path source, Path target, CopyOption... options) throws IOException { Configuration configuration = getConfiguration(); Path tmp = target.getParent(); Path dest = null;/*from www. java2s . c om*/ do { dest = tmp.resolve(String.format("tmp%s/", System.currentTimeMillis())); } while (Files.exists(dest)); try { DistCpOptions distCpOptions = new DistCpOptions( Arrays.asList(((HadoopFileSystemPath) source).getPath()), ((HadoopFileSystemPath) dest).getPath()); List<CopyOption> optionList = Arrays.asList(options); distCpOptions.setOverwrite(optionList.contains(StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING)); try { DistCp distCp = new DistCp(configuration, distCpOptions); Job job = distCp.execute(); job.waitForCompletion(true); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IOException(e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); } move(dest.resolve(source.getFileName()), target, options); } finally { delete(dest, false); } }