Example usage for java.nio.file Path resolve

List of usage examples for java.nio.file Path resolve


In this page you can find the example usage for java.nio.file Path resolve.


default Path resolve(String other) 

Source Link


Converts a given path string to a Path and resolves it against this Path in exactly the manner specified by the #resolve(Path) resolve method.


From source file:com.facebook.buck.jvm.java.JarDirectoryStepTest.java

public void shouldNotifyEventBusWhenDuplicateClassesAreFound() throws IOException {
    Path jarDirectory = folder.newFolder("jarDir");

    Path first = createZip(jarDirectory.resolve("a.jar"), "com/example/Main.class",
    Path second = createZip(jarDirectory.resolve("b.jar"), "com/example/common/Helper.class");

    final Path outputPath = Paths.get("output.jar");
    JarDirectoryStep step = new JarDirectoryStep(new ProjectFilesystem(jarDirectory), outputPath,
            ImmutableSortedSet.of(first.getFileName(), second.getFileName()), "com.example.Main",
            /* manifest file */ null);
    ExecutionContext context = TestExecutionContext.newInstance();

    final BuckEventBusFactory.CapturingConsoleEventListener listener = new BuckEventBusFactory.CapturingConsoleEventListener();

    step.execute(context);//from   w ww.  j a v a 2  s . c o  m
    final String expectedMessage = String.format(
            "Duplicate found when adding 'com/example/common/Helper.class' to '%s' from '%s'",
            outputPath.toAbsolutePath(), second.toAbsolutePath());
    assertThat(listener.getLogMessages(), hasItem(expectedMessage));

From source file:com.gitpitch.services.OfflineService.java

private void fetchFixedDependencies(PitchParams pp, Path zipRoot) throws java.io.IOException {

    Path destPath = diskService.ensure(zipRoot.resolve(ZIP_ASSETS_DIR));

    if (env.isProd()) {

        Path jarPath = prodModeDependenciesJar();
        if (jarPath.toFile().exists()) {
            diskService.copyDirectoryFromJar(jarPath, FIXED_ASSETS, destPath);
        } else {//ww w . j  ava2 s  .  co m
            log.warn("fetchFixedDependencies: [ prod ] jar " + "not found={}", jarPath);

    } else {

        Path fixedAssetsPath = devModeFixedDependencies();
        if (fixedAssetsPath.toFile().exists()) {
            diskService.copyDirectory(fixedAssetsPath, destPath);
        } else {
            log.debug("fetchFixedDependencies: [ dev ] fixed assets " + "not found={}", fixedAssetsPath);

From source file:org.elasticsearch.xpack.core.ssl.SSLConfigurationReloaderTests.java

 * Tests the reloading of a keystore when there is an exception during reloading. An exception is caused by truncating the keystore
 * that is being monitored//from w  ww .j  a  va  2 s  .  c o  m
public void testReloadingKeyStoreException() throws Exception {
    Path tempDir = createTempDir();
    Path keystorePath = tempDir.resolve("testnode.jks");
    MockSecureSettings secureSettings = new MockSecureSettings();
    secureSettings.setString("xpack.ssl.keystore.secure_password", "testnode");
    Settings settings = Settings.builder().put("xpack.ssl.keystore.path", keystorePath)
            .setSecureSettings(secureSettings).put("path.home", createTempDir()).build();
    Environment env = randomBoolean() ? null : TestEnvironment.newEnvironment(settings);
    final SSLService sslService = new SSLService(settings, env);
    final SSLConfiguration config = sslService.sslConfiguration(Settings.EMPTY);
    new SSLConfigurationReloader(settings, env, sslService, resourceWatcherService) {
        void reloadSSLContext(SSLConfiguration configuration) {
            fail("reload should not be called! [keystore reload exception]");

    final SSLContext context = sslService.sslContextHolder(config).sslContext();

    // truncate the keystore
    try (OutputStream out = Files.newOutputStream(keystorePath, StandardOpenOption.TRUNCATE_EXISTING)) {

    // we intentionally don't wait here as we rely on concurrency to catch a failure
    assertThat(sslService.sslContextHolder(config).sslContext(), sameInstance(context));

From source file:com.gitpitch.services.OfflineService.java

private void fetchOnlineAssets(PitchParams pp, Path zipRoot) {

    List<String> assetUrls = null;

    Path mdOnlinePath = zipRoot.resolve(PITCHME_ONLINE_PATH);
    File mdOnlineFile = mdOnlinePath.toFile();

    if (mdOnlineFile.exists()) {

        MarkdownModel markdownModel = (MarkdownModel) markdownModelFactory.create(null);

        try (Stream<String> stream = Files.lines(mdOnlinePath)) {

            assetUrls = stream.map(md -> {
                return markdownModel.offlineAssets(md);

            log.debug("fetchOnlineAssets: assetUrls={}", assetUrls);

            Path zipMdAssetsPath = zipRoot.resolve(ZIP_MD_ASSETS_DIR);
            zipMdAssetsPath = diskService.ensure(zipMdAssetsPath);

            List<String> fetched = new ArrayList<String>();

            for (String assetUrl : assetUrls) {
                if (assetUrl != null && !fetched.contains(assetUrl)) {
                    diskService.download(pp, zipMdAssetsPath, assetUrl, FilenameUtils.getName(assetUrl),
                }// ww w .j  a va  2s.  c  o m

        } catch (Exception mex) {
            log.warn("fetchOnlineAssets: ex={}", mex);

    } else {
        log.warn("fetchOnlineAssets: mdOnline not found={}", mdOnlineFile);

From source file:org.elasticsearch.xpack.core.ssl.SSLConfigurationReloaderTests.java

 * Tests the reloading of a key config backed by pem files when there is an exception during reloading. An exception is caused by
 * truncating the key file that is being monitored
 *///from w  w  w .  j av  a 2s.  c o  m
public void testReloadingPEMKeyConfigException() throws Exception {
    Path tempDir = createTempDir();
    Path keyPath = tempDir.resolve("testnode.pem");
    Path certPath = tempDir.resolve("testnode.crt");
    Path clientCertPath = tempDir.resolve("testclient.crt");
    MockSecureSettings secureSettings = new MockSecureSettings();
    secureSettings.setString("xpack.ssl.secure_key_passphrase", "testnode");
    Settings settings = Settings.builder().put("xpack.ssl.key", keyPath).put("xpack.ssl.certificate", certPath)
            .putList("xpack.ssl.certificate_authorities", certPath.toString(), clientCertPath.toString())
            .put("path.home", createTempDir()).setSecureSettings(secureSettings).build();
    Environment env = randomBoolean() ? null : TestEnvironment.newEnvironment(settings);
    final SSLService sslService = new SSLService(settings, env);
    final SSLConfiguration config = sslService.sslConfiguration(Settings.EMPTY);
    new SSLConfigurationReloader(settings, env, sslService, resourceWatcherService) {
        void reloadSSLContext(SSLConfiguration configuration) {
            fail("reload should not be called! [pem key reload exception]");

    final SSLContext context = sslService.sslContextHolder(config).sslContext();

    // truncate the file
    try (OutputStream os = Files.newOutputStream(keyPath, StandardOpenOption.TRUNCATE_EXISTING)) {

    // we intentionally don't wait here as we rely on concurrency to catch a failure
    assertThat(sslService.sslContextHolder(config).sslContext(), sameInstance(context));

From source file:org.elasticsearch.xpack.core.ssl.SSLConfigurationReloaderTests.java

 * Tests the reloading of a truststore when there is an exception during reloading. An exception is caused by truncating the truststore
 * that is being monitored// w  ww.jav a 2 s.c om
public void testTrustStoreReloadException() throws Exception {
    Path tempDir = createTempDir();
    Path trustStorePath = tempDir.resolve("testnode.jks");
    MockSecureSettings secureSettings = new MockSecureSettings();
    secureSettings.setString("xpack.ssl.truststore.secure_password", "testnode");
    Settings settings = Settings.builder().put("xpack.ssl.truststore.path", trustStorePath)
            .put("path.home", createTempDir()).setSecureSettings(secureSettings).build();
    Environment env = randomBoolean() ? null : TestEnvironment.newEnvironment(settings);
    final SSLService sslService = new SSLService(settings, env);
    final SSLConfiguration config = sslService.sslConfiguration(Settings.EMPTY);
    new SSLConfigurationReloader(settings, env, sslService, resourceWatcherService) {
        void reloadSSLContext(SSLConfiguration configuration) {
            fail("reload should not be called! [truststore reload exception]");

    final SSLContext context = sslService.sslContextHolder(config).sslContext();

    // truncate the truststore
    try (OutputStream os = Files.newOutputStream(trustStorePath, StandardOpenOption.TRUNCATE_EXISTING)) {

    // we intentionally don't wait here as we rely on concurrency to catch a failure
    assertThat(sslService.sslContextHolder(config).sslContext(), sameInstance(context));

From source file:at.ac.tuwien.ims.latex2mobiformulaconv.converter.Converter.java

 * This will save the HTML markup + css file to a specified folder
 * @param tempFilepath the temp folder where
 * @return/*w w  w  .j a  v  a2 s .c  o m*/
private Path exportMarkup(Path tempFilepath) {
    Path resultPath;
    if (outputPath != null) {
        resultPath = outputPath;
    } else {
        resultPath = workingDirectory;

    Path markupDir = resultPath.resolve(title + "-markup");
    try {
        try {
        } catch (FileAlreadyExistsException e) {
            // do nothing

        Path tempDirPath = tempFilepath.getParent();
        File tempDir = tempDirPath.toFile();

        // Copy all files from temp folder to the markup output folder
        String[] files = tempDir.list(FileFileFilter.FILE);
        for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
            Files.copy(tempDirPath.resolve(files[i]), markupDir.resolve(files[i]),

        logger.info("Exported markup to folder: " + markupDir.toAbsolutePath().toString());
    } catch (IOException e) {
        logger.error("Error saving markup files: " + e.getMessage(), e);
        return null;
    return markupDir;

From source file:org.elasticsearch.xpack.core.ssl.SSLConfigurationReloaderTests.java

 * Tests the reloading of a trust config backed by pem files when there is an exception during reloading. An exception is caused by
 * truncating the certificate file that is being monitored
 */// w w  w .ja  v  a 2s  .c om
public void testPEMTrustReloadException() throws Exception {
    Path tempDir = createTempDir();
    Path clientCertPath = tempDir.resolve("testclient.crt");
    Settings settings = Settings.builder()
            .putList("xpack.ssl.certificate_authorities", clientCertPath.toString())
            .put("path.home", createTempDir()).build();
    Environment env = randomBoolean() ? null : TestEnvironment.newEnvironment(settings);
    final SSLService sslService = new SSLService(settings, env);
    final SSLConfiguration config = sslService.sslConfiguration(Settings.EMPTY);
    new SSLConfigurationReloader(settings, env, sslService, resourceWatcherService) {
        void reloadSSLContext(SSLConfiguration configuration) {
            fail("reload should not be called! [pem trust reload exception]");

    final SSLContext context = sslService.sslContextHolder(config).sslContext();

    // write bad file
    Path updatedCert = tempDir.resolve("updated.crt");
    try (OutputStream os = Files.newOutputStream(updatedCert)) {
    atomicMoveIfPossible(updatedCert, clientCertPath);

    // we intentionally don't wait here as we rely on concurrency to catch a failure
    assertThat(sslService.sslContextHolder(config).sslContext(), sameInstance(context));


From source file:at.tfr.securefs.process.ProcessFilesTest.java

private void generateFileHierarchy(Path root, int startIdx, int maxIdx, CrypterProvider cp, BigInteger secret)
        throws Exception {
    IntStream.range(startIdx, maxIdx).forEach((dirIdx) -> {
        try {/*w w  w.jav a  2  s .  c  om*/
            Path subDir = Files.createDirectories(root.resolve(SUBDIR_PFX + dirIdx));
            IntStream.range(startIdx, MAX_FILE_COUNT).forEach((fIdx) -> {
                try {
                    String name = FILE_PFX + dirIdx + "_" + fIdx + FILE_END;
                    Path filePath = subDir.resolve(name);
                    try (OutputStream os = cp.getEncrypter(filePath, secret)) {
                    try (InputStream is = cp.getDecrypter(filePath, secret)) {
                        byte[] content = name.getBytes();
                        IOUtils.readFully(is, content);
                        Assert.assertTrue("failed to correctly generate file hierarchy",
                                Arrays.equals(content, name.getBytes()));
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    throw new RuntimeException(e);
            if (startIdx < maxIdx) {
                generateFileHierarchy(subDir, startIdx + 1, maxIdx, cp, secret);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

From source file:com.facebook.buck.android.ResourcesFilter.java

private ImmutableList<Path> getRawResDirectories() {
    Path resDestinationBasePath = BuildTargetPaths.getScratchPath(getProjectFilesystem(), getBuildTarget(),

    return IntStream.range(0, resDirectories.size())
            .mapToObj(count -> resDestinationBasePath.resolve(String.valueOf(count)))