Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to David Pilato (the "Author") under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. Author licenses this * file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package fr.pilato.elasticsearch.crawler.fs.test.integration; import; import fr.pilato.elasticsearch.crawler.fs.FsCrawlerImpl; import fr.pilato.elasticsearch.crawler.fs.client.SearchRequest; import fr.pilato.elasticsearch.crawler.fs.client.SearchResponse; import fr.pilato.elasticsearch.crawler.fs.meta.doc.Attributes; import fr.pilato.elasticsearch.crawler.fs.meta.doc.Doc; import fr.pilato.elasticsearch.crawler.fs.meta.doc.File; import fr.pilato.elasticsearch.crawler.fs.meta.doc.Meta; import fr.pilato.elasticsearch.crawler.fs.meta.job.FsJobFileHandler; import fr.pilato.elasticsearch.crawler.fs.meta.settings.Elasticsearch; import fr.pilato.elasticsearch.crawler.fs.meta.settings.Fs; import fr.pilato.elasticsearch.crawler.fs.meta.settings.FsSettings; import fr.pilato.elasticsearch.crawler.fs.meta.settings.Percentage; import fr.pilato.elasticsearch.crawler.fs.meta.settings.Rest; import fr.pilato.elasticsearch.crawler.fs.meta.settings.Server; import fr.pilato.elasticsearch.crawler.fs.meta.settings.TimeValue; import fr.pilato.elasticsearch.crawler.fs.util.FsCrawlerUtil; import org.apache.http.entity.StringEntity; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Level; import org.elasticsearch.client.ResponseException; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Ignore; import org.junit.Test; import; import; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.nio.file.FileVisitResult; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.nio.file.SimpleFileVisitor; import java.nio.file.attribute.BasicFileAttributes; import; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import static fr.pilato.elasticsearch.crawler.fs.FsCrawlerImpl.LOOP_INFINITE; import static fr.pilato.elasticsearch.crawler.fs.client.ElasticsearchClient.extractFromPath; import static org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat; import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.containsString; import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.equalTo; import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.hasKey; import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.hasSize; import static; import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.isOneOf; import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.iterableWithSize; import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.lessThanOrEqualTo; import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.notNullValue; import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.nullValue; import static; import static org.junit.Assume.assumeNoException; import static org.junit.Assume.assumeThat; /** * Test all crawler settings */ public class FsCrawlerImplAllParametersIT extends AbstractITCase { private FsCrawlerImpl crawler = null; private Path currentTestResourceDir; private static final Path DEFAULT_RESOURCES = Paths.get(getUrl("samples", "common")); /** * We suppose that each test has its own set of files. Even if we duplicate them, that will make the code * more readable. * The temp folder which is used as a root is automatically cleaned after the test so we don't have to worry * about it. */ @Before public void copyTestResources() throws IOException, URISyntaxException { Path testResourceTarget = rootTmpDir.resolve("resources"); if (Files.notExists(testResourceTarget)) { Files.createDirectory(testResourceTarget); } String currentTestName = getCurrentTestName(); // We copy files from the src dir to the temp dir" --> Launching test [{}]", currentTestName); String url = getUrl("samples", currentTestName); Path from = Paths.get(url); currentTestResourceDir = testResourceTarget.resolve(currentTestName); if (Files.exists(from)) { staticLogger.debug(" --> Copying test resources from [{}]", from); } else { staticLogger.debug(" --> Copying test resources from [{}]", DEFAULT_RESOURCES); from = DEFAULT_RESOURCES; } FsCrawlerUtil.copyDirs(from, currentTestResourceDir); staticLogger.debug(" --> Test resources ready in [{}]", currentTestResourceDir); } @Before public void cleanExistingIndex() throws IOException {" -> Removing existing index [{}*]", getCrawlerName()); elasticsearchClient.deleteIndex(getCrawlerName() + "*"); } @After public void shutdownCrawler() throws InterruptedException, IOException { stopCrawler(); } private Fs.Builder startCrawlerDefinition() throws IOException { return startCrawlerDefinition(currentTestResourceDir.toString(), TimeValue.timeValueSeconds(5)); } private Fs.Builder startCrawlerDefinition(TimeValue updateRate) throws IOException { return startCrawlerDefinition(currentTestResourceDir.toString(), updateRate); } private Fs.Builder startCrawlerDefinition(String dir) throws IOException { return startCrawlerDefinition(dir, TimeValue.timeValueSeconds(5)); } private Fs.Builder startCrawlerDefinition(String dir, TimeValue updateRate) {" --> creating crawler for dir [{}]", dir); return Fs.builder().setUrl(dir).setUpdateRate(updateRate); } private Elasticsearch endCrawlerDefinition(String indexName) { return generateElasticsearchConfig(indexName, securityInstalled, 1, null); } private void startCrawler() throws Exception { startCrawler(getCrawlerName()); } private void startCrawler(final String jobName) throws Exception { startCrawler(jobName, startCrawlerDefinition().build(), endCrawlerDefinition(jobName), null); } private FsCrawlerImpl startCrawler(final String jobName, Fs fs, Elasticsearch elasticsearch, Server server) throws Exception { return startCrawler(jobName, fs, elasticsearch, server, null, TimeValue.timeValueSeconds(10)); } private FsCrawlerImpl startCrawler(final String jobName, Fs fs, Elasticsearch elasticsearch, Server server, Rest rest, TimeValue duration) throws Exception {" --> starting crawler [{}]", jobName); // TODO do this rarely() createIndex(jobName); crawler = new FsCrawlerImpl(metadataDir, FsSettings.builder(jobName).setElasticsearch(elasticsearch) .setFs(fs).setServer(server).setRest(rest).build(), LOOP_INFINITE, false, rest != null); crawler.start(); // We wait up to X seconds before considering a failing test assertThat("Job meta file should exists in ~/.fscrawler...", awaitBusy(() -> { try { new FsJobFileHandler(metadataDir).read(jobName); return true; } catch (IOException e) { return false; } }, duration.seconds(), TimeUnit.SECONDS), equalTo(true)); countTestHelper(jobName, null, null); // Make sure we refresh indexed docs before launching tests refresh(); return crawler; } private void stopCrawler() throws InterruptedException, IOException { if (crawler != null) {" --> Stopping crawler"); crawler.close(); crawler = null; } } /** * Check that we have the expected number of docs or at least one if expected is null * * @param indexName Index we will search in. * @param term Term you search for. MatchAll if null. * @param expected expected number of docs. Null if at least 1. * @return the search response if further tests are needed * @throws Exception in case of error */ public SearchResponse countTestHelper(final String indexName, String term, final Integer expected) throws Exception { return countTestHelper(indexName, term, expected, null); } @Test public void test_default_settings() throws Exception { startCrawler(); } @Test public void test_filesize() throws Exception { startCrawler(); SearchResponse searchResponse = countTestHelper(getCrawlerName(), null, 1); for (SearchResponse.Hit hit : searchResponse.getHits().getHits()) { Map<String, Object> file = (Map<String, Object>) hit.getSource().get(Doc.FIELD_NAMES.FILE); assertThat(file, notNullValue()); assertThat(file.get(File.FIELD_NAMES.FILESIZE), is(12230)); } } @Test public void test_filesize_limit() throws Exception { Fs fs = startCrawlerDefinition().setIndexedChars(new Percentage(7)).build(); startCrawler(getCrawlerName(), fs, endCrawlerDefinition(getCrawlerName()), null); SearchResponse searchResponse = countTestHelper(getCrawlerName(), null, 1, null); for (SearchResponse.Hit hit : searchResponse.getHits().getHits()) { Object content = hit.getSource().get(Doc.FIELD_NAMES.CONTENT); Object indexedChars = extractFromPath(hit.getSource(), Doc.FIELD_NAMES.FILE) .get(File.FIELD_NAMES.INDEXED_CHARS); assertThat(content, notNullValue()); assertThat(indexedChars, notNullValue()); // Our original text should be truncated assertThat(content, is("Novo de")); assertThat(indexedChars, is(7)); } } @Test public void test_filesize_limit_percentage() throws Exception { Fs fs = startCrawlerDefinition().setIndexedChars(Percentage.parse("0.1%")).build(); startCrawler(getCrawlerName(), fs, endCrawlerDefinition(getCrawlerName()), null); SearchResponse searchResponse = countTestHelper(getCrawlerName(), null, 1, null); for (SearchResponse.Hit hit : searchResponse.getHits().getHits()) { Object content = hit.getSource().get(Doc.FIELD_NAMES.CONTENT); Object indexedChars = extractFromPath(hit.getSource(), Doc.FIELD_NAMES.FILE) .get(File.FIELD_NAMES.INDEXED_CHARS); assertThat(content, notNullValue()); assertThat(indexedChars, notNullValue()); // Our original text should be truncated assertThat(content, is("Novo denique")); assertThat(indexedChars, is(12)); } } @Test public void test_filesize_nolimit() throws Exception { Fs fs = startCrawlerDefinition().setIndexedChars(new Percentage(-1)).build(); startCrawler(getCrawlerName(), fs, endCrawlerDefinition(getCrawlerName()), null); SearchResponse searchResponse = countTestHelper(getCrawlerName(), null, 1, null); for (SearchResponse.Hit hit : searchResponse.getHits().getHits()) { Object content = hit.getSource().get(Doc.FIELD_NAMES.CONTENT); Object indexedChars = extractFromPath(hit.getSource(), Doc.FIELD_NAMES.FILE) .get(File.FIELD_NAMES.INDEXED_CHARS); assertThat(content, notNullValue()); assertThat(indexedChars, nullValue()); // Our original text should not be truncated so we must have its end extracted assertThat((String) content, containsString("haecque non diu sunt perpetrata.")); } } @Test public void test_filesize_disabled() throws Exception { Fs fs = startCrawlerDefinition().setAddFilesize(false).build(); startCrawler(getCrawlerName(), fs, endCrawlerDefinition(getCrawlerName()), null); SearchResponse searchResponse = countTestHelper(getCrawlerName(), null, 1); for (SearchResponse.Hit hit : searchResponse.getHits().getHits()) { Map<String, Object> file = (Map<String, Object>) hit.getSource().get(Doc.FIELD_NAMES.FILE); assertThat(file, notNullValue()); assertThat(file.get(File.FIELD_NAMES.FILESIZE), nullValue()); } } @Test public void test_includes() throws Exception { Fs fs = startCrawlerDefinition().addInclude("*_include.txt").build(); startCrawler(getCrawlerName(), fs, endCrawlerDefinition(getCrawlerName()), null); countTestHelper(getCrawlerName(), null, 1); } @Test public void test_default_metadata() throws Exception { startCrawler(); SearchResponse searchResponse = countTestHelper(getCrawlerName(), null, 1, null); for (SearchResponse.Hit hit : searchResponse.getHits().getHits()) { assertThat(hit.getSource().get(Doc.FIELD_NAMES.ATTACHMENT), nullValue()); assertThat(extractFromPath(hit.getSource(), Doc.FIELD_NAMES.FILE).get(File.FIELD_NAMES.FILENAME), notNullValue()); assertThat(extractFromPath(hit.getSource(), Doc.FIELD_NAMES.FILE).get(File.FIELD_NAMES.CONTENT_TYPE), notNullValue()); assertThat(extractFromPath(hit.getSource(), Doc.FIELD_NAMES.FILE).get(File.FIELD_NAMES.URL), notNullValue()); assertThat(extractFromPath(hit.getSource(), Doc.FIELD_NAMES.FILE).get(File.FIELD_NAMES.FILESIZE), notNullValue()); assertThat(extractFromPath(hit.getSource(), Doc.FIELD_NAMES.FILE).get(File.FIELD_NAMES.INDEXING_DATE), notNullValue()); assertThat(extractFromPath(hit.getSource(), Doc.FIELD_NAMES.FILE).get(File.FIELD_NAMES.INDEXED_CHARS), nullValue()); assertThat(extractFromPath(hit.getSource(), Doc.FIELD_NAMES.FILE).get(File.FIELD_NAMES.LAST_MODIFIED), notNullValue()); assertThat(extractFromPath(hit.getSource(), Doc.FIELD_NAMES.META).get(Meta.FIELD_NAMES.TITLE), notNullValue()); } } @Test public void test_attributes() throws Exception { Fs fs = startCrawlerDefinition().setAttributesSupport(true).build(); startCrawler(getCrawlerName(), fs, endCrawlerDefinition(getCrawlerName()), null); SearchResponse searchResponse = countTestHelper(getCrawlerName(), null, 1, null); for (SearchResponse.Hit hit : searchResponse.getHits().getHits()) { assertThat( extractFromPath(hit.getSource(), Doc.FIELD_NAMES.ATTRIBUTES).get(Attributes.FIELD_NAMES.OWNER), notNullValue()); } } @Test public void test_remove_deleted_enabled() throws Exception { Fs fs = startCrawlerDefinition().setRemoveDeleted(true).build(); startCrawler(getCrawlerName(), fs, endCrawlerDefinition(getCrawlerName()), null); // We should have two docs first countTestHelper(getCrawlerName(), null, 2, currentTestResourceDir); // We remove a file" ---> Removing file deleted_roottxtfile.txt"); Files.delete(currentTestResourceDir.resolve("deleted_roottxtfile.txt")); // We expect to have two files countTestHelper(getCrawlerName(), null, 1, currentTestResourceDir); } @Test public void test_remove_deleted_disabled() throws Exception { Fs fs = startCrawlerDefinition().setRemoveDeleted(false).build(); startCrawler(getCrawlerName(), fs, endCrawlerDefinition(getCrawlerName()), null); // We should have two docs first countTestHelper(getCrawlerName(), null, 2, currentTestResourceDir); // We remove a file" ---> Removing file deleted_roottxtfile.txt"); Files.delete(currentTestResourceDir.resolve("deleted_roottxtfile.txt")); // We expect to have two files countTestHelper(getCrawlerName(), null, 2, currentTestResourceDir); } /** * Test case for * @throws Exception In case something is wrong */ @Test public void test_rename_file() throws Exception { startCrawler(); // We should have two docs first countTestHelper(getCrawlerName(), null, 1, currentTestResourceDir); // We rename the file" ---> Renaming file roottxtfile.txt to renamed_roottxtfile.txt"); // We create a copy of a file Files.move(currentTestResourceDir.resolve("roottxtfile.txt"), currentTestResourceDir.resolve("renamed_roottxtfile.txt")); // We expect to have one file only with a new name countTestHelper(getCrawlerName(), "file.filename:renamed_roottxtfile.txt", 1, currentTestResourceDir); } /** * Test case for issue #60: : new files are not added */ @Test public void test_add_new_file() throws Exception { startCrawler(); // We should have one doc first SearchResponse response = countTestHelper(getCrawlerName(), null, 1, currentTestResourceDir); checkDocVersions(response, 1L);" ---> Creating a new file new_roottxtfile.txt"); Files.write(currentTestResourceDir.resolve("new_roottxtfile.txt"), "This is a second file".getBytes()); // We expect to have two files response = countTestHelper(getCrawlerName(), null, 2, currentTestResourceDir); // It should be only version <= 2 for both docs checkDocVersions(response, 2L);" ---> Creating a new file new_new_roottxtfile.txt"); Files.write(currentTestResourceDir.resolve("new_new_roottxtfile.txt"), "This is a third file".getBytes()); // We expect to have three files response = countTestHelper(getCrawlerName(), null, 3, currentTestResourceDir); // It should be only version <= 2 for all docs checkDocVersions(response, 2L); } /** * Iterate other response hits and check that _version is at most a given version * @param response The search response object * @param maxVersion Maximum version number we can have */ private void checkDocVersions(SearchResponse response, long maxVersion) { // It should be only version <= maxVersion for all docs response.getHits().getHits().forEach(hit -> { // Read the document. This is needed since 5.0 as search does not return the _version field try { SearchResponse.Hit getHit = elasticsearchClient.get(hit.getIndex(), hit.getType(), hit.getId()); assertThat(getHit.getVersion(), lessThanOrEqualTo(maxVersion)); } catch (IOException e) { fail("We got an IOException: " + e.getMessage()); } }); } /** * Test case for issue #5: : Support JSon documents */ @Test public void test_json_support() throws Exception { Fs fs = startCrawlerDefinition().setJsonSupport(true).build(); startCrawler(getCrawlerName(), fs, endCrawlerDefinition(getCrawlerName()), null); assertThat("We should have 2 doc for tweet in text field...", awaitBusy(() -> { try { SearchResponse response =, null, "text:tweet"); return response.getHits().getTotal() == 2; } catch (IOException e) { logger.warn("Caught exception while running the test", e); return false; } }), equalTo(true)); } /** * Test case for issue #5: : Support JSon documents */ @Test public void test_json_disabled() throws Exception { Fs fs = startCrawlerDefinition().setJsonSupport(false).build(); startCrawler(getCrawlerName(), fs, endCrawlerDefinition(getCrawlerName()), null); assertThat("We should have 0 doc for tweet in text field...", awaitBusy(() -> { try { SearchResponse response =, null, "text:tweet"); return response.getHits().getTotal() == 0; } catch (IOException e) { logger.warn("Caught exception while running the test", e); return false; } }), equalTo(true)); assertThat("We should have 2 docs for tweet in _all...", awaitBusy(() -> { try { SearchResponse response =, null, "_all:tweet"); return response.getHits().getTotal() == 2; } catch (IOException e) { logger.warn("Caught exception while running the test", e); return false; } }), equalTo(true)); } /** * Test case for issue #7: : Use filename as ID */ @Test public void test_filename_as_id() throws Exception { Fs fs = startCrawlerDefinition().setFilenameAsId(true).build(); startCrawler(getCrawlerName(), fs, endCrawlerDefinition(getCrawlerName()), null); assertThat("Document should exists with [roottxtfile.txt] id...", awaitBusy(() -> { try { return elasticsearchClient.isExistingDocument(getCrawlerName(), FsCrawlerUtil.INDEX_TYPE_DOC, "roottxtfile.txt"); } catch (IOException e) { return false; } }), equalTo(true)); } /** * Test case for issue #237: Delete json documents */ @Test public void test_add_as_inner_object() throws Exception { Fs fs = startCrawlerDefinition().setJsonSupport(true).setAddAsInnerObject(true).build(); startCrawler(getCrawlerName(), fs, endCrawlerDefinition(getCrawlerName()), null); assertThat("We should have 2 doc for tweet in object.text field...", awaitBusy(() -> { try { SearchResponse response =, null, "object.text:tweet"); return response.getHits().getTotal() == 2; } catch (IOException e) { logger.warn("Caught exception while running the test", e); return false; } }), equalTo(true)); } @Test public void test_store_source() throws Exception { Fs fs = startCrawlerDefinition().setStoreSource(true).build(); startCrawler(getCrawlerName(), fs, endCrawlerDefinition(getCrawlerName()), null); SearchResponse searchResponse = countTestHelper(getCrawlerName(), null, 1, null); for (SearchResponse.Hit hit : searchResponse.getHits().getHits()) { // We check that the field is in _source assertThat(hit.getSource().get(Doc.FIELD_NAMES.ATTACHMENT), notNullValue()); } } @Test public void test_do_not_store_source() throws Exception { startCrawler(); SearchResponse searchResponse = countTestHelper(getCrawlerName(), null, 1, null, "_source", "*"); for (SearchResponse.Hit hit : searchResponse.getHits().getHits()) { // We check that the field has not been stored assertThat(hit.getFields(), nullValue()); // We check that the field is not part of _source assertThat(hit.getSource().get(Doc.FIELD_NAMES.ATTACHMENT), nullValue()); } } @Test public void test_defaults() throws Exception { startCrawler(); // We expect to have one file SearchResponse searchResponse = countTestHelper(getCrawlerName(), null, 1); // The default configuration should not add file attributes for (SearchResponse.Hit hit : searchResponse.getHits().getHits()) { assertThat(hit.getSource().get(Doc.FIELD_NAMES.ATTRIBUTES), nullValue()); } } @Test public void test_subdirs() throws Exception { startCrawler(); // We expect to have two files SearchResponse searchResponse = countTestHelper(getCrawlerName(), null, 2); // We check that the subdir document has his meta path data correctly set for (SearchResponse.Hit hit : searchResponse.getHits().getHits()) { Object virtual = extractFromPath(hit.getSource(), Doc.FIELD_NAMES.PATH) .get(fr.pilato.elasticsearch.crawler.fs.meta.doc.Path.FIELD_NAMES.VIRTUAL); assertThat(virtual, isOneOf("/subdir", "/")); } } @Test public void test_subdirs_deep_tree() throws Exception { startCrawler(); // We expect to have two files countTestHelper(getCrawlerName(), null, 7); // Run aggs SearchResponse response = elasticsearchClient.searchJson(getCrawlerName(), FsCrawlerUtil.INDEX_TYPE_DOC, "{\n" + " \"size\": 0, \n" + " \"aggs\": {\n" + " \"folders\": {\n" + " \"terms\": {\n" + " \"field\": \"path.virtual.tree\"\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + "}"); assertThat(response.getHits().getTotal(), is(7L)); // aggregations assertThat(response.getAggregations(), hasKey("folders")); List<Object> buckets = (List) extractFromPath(response.getAggregations(), "folders").get("buckets"); assertThat(buckets, iterableWithSize(7)); } @Test public void test_subdirs_with_patterns() throws Exception { Fs fs = startCrawlerDefinition().addInclude("*.txt").build(); startCrawler(getCrawlerName(), fs, endCrawlerDefinition(getCrawlerName()), null); // We expect to have seven files countTestHelper(getCrawlerName(), null, 7); } @Test public void test_ignore_dir() throws Exception { Fs fs = startCrawlerDefinition().addExclude(".ignore").build(); startCrawler(getCrawlerName(), fs, endCrawlerDefinition(getCrawlerName()), null); // We expect to have one file countTestHelper(getCrawlerName(), null, 1); } @Test public void test_multiple_crawlers() throws Exception { Fs fs1 = startCrawlerDefinition(currentTestResourceDir.resolve("crawler1").toString()).build(); Fs fs2 = startCrawlerDefinition(currentTestResourceDir.resolve("crawler2").toString()).build(); FsCrawlerImpl crawler1 = startCrawler(getCrawlerName() + "_1", fs1, endCrawlerDefinition(getCrawlerName() + "_1"), null); FsCrawlerImpl crawler2 = startCrawler(getCrawlerName() + "_2", fs2, endCrawlerDefinition(getCrawlerName() + "_2"), null); // We should have one doc in index 1... countTestHelper(getCrawlerName() + "_1", null, 1); // We should have one doc in index 2... countTestHelper(getCrawlerName() + "_2", null, 1); crawler1.close(); crawler2.close(); } @Test public void test_filename_analyzer() throws Exception { startCrawler(); // We should have one doc countTestHelper(getCrawlerName(), "file.filename:roottxtfile.txt", 1, null); } /** * Test for #83: */ @Test public void test_time_value() throws Exception { Fs fs = startCrawlerDefinition(TimeValue.timeValueHours(1)).build(); startCrawler(getCrawlerName(), fs, endCrawlerDefinition(getCrawlerName()), null); // We expect to have one file countTestHelper(getCrawlerName(), null, 1); } /** * You have to adapt this test to your own system (login / password and SSH connexion) * So this test is disabled by default */ @Test @Ignore public void test_ssh() throws Exception { String username = "USERNAME"; String password = "PASSWORD"; String hostname = "localhost"; Fs fs = startCrawlerDefinition().build(); Server server = Server.builder().setHostname(hostname).setUsername(username).setPassword(password) .setProtocol(FsCrawlerImpl.PROTOCOL.SSH).build(); startCrawler(getCrawlerName(), fs, endCrawlerDefinition(getCrawlerName()), server); countTestHelper(getCrawlerName(), null, 2); } /** * You have to adapt this test to your own system (login / pem file and SSH connexion) * So this test is disabled by default */ @Test @Ignore public void test_ssh_with_key() throws Exception { String username = "USERNAME"; String path_to_pem_file = "/path/to/private_key.pem"; String hostname = "localhost"; Fs fs = startCrawlerDefinition().build(); Server server = Server.builder().setHostname(hostname).setUsername(username).setPemPath(path_to_pem_file) .setProtocol(FsCrawlerImpl.PROTOCOL.SSH).build(); startCrawler(getCrawlerName(), fs, endCrawlerDefinition(getCrawlerName()), server); countTestHelper(getCrawlerName(), null, 1); } /** * Test for #105: */ @Test public void test_unparsable() throws Exception { startCrawler(); // We expect to have two files countTestHelper(getCrawlerName(), null, 2); } /** * Test for #103: */ @Test public void test_index_content() throws Exception { Fs fs = startCrawlerDefinition().setIndexContent(false).build(); startCrawler(getCrawlerName(), fs, endCrawlerDefinition(getCrawlerName()), null); // We expect to have one file countTestHelper(getCrawlerName(), null, 1); countTestHelper(getCrawlerName(), "content:file*", 0, null); countTestHelper(getCrawlerName(), "file.content_type:text*", 0, null); } @Test public void test_bulk_flush() throws Exception { Fs fs = startCrawlerDefinition().build(); startCrawler(getCrawlerName(), fs, generateElasticsearchConfig(getCrawlerName(), securityInstalled, 100, TimeValue.timeValueSeconds(2)), null); countTestHelper(getCrawlerName(), null, 1); } @Test public void test_checksum_md5() throws Exception { try { MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5"); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { assumeNoException(e); } Fs fs = startCrawlerDefinition().setChecksum("MD5").build(); startCrawler(getCrawlerName(), fs, endCrawlerDefinition(getCrawlerName()), null); SearchResponse searchResponse = countTestHelper(getCrawlerName(), null, 1, null); for (SearchResponse.Hit hit : searchResponse.getHits().getHits()) { Object checksum = extractFromPath(hit.getSource(), Doc.FIELD_NAMES.FILE).get(File.FIELD_NAMES.CHECKSUM); assertThat(checksum, is("caa71e1914ecbcf5ae4f46cf85de8648")); } } @Test public void test_checksum_sha1() throws Exception { try { MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-1"); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { assumeNoException(e); } Fs fs = startCrawlerDefinition().setChecksum("SHA-1").build(); startCrawler(getCrawlerName(), fs, endCrawlerDefinition(getCrawlerName()), null); SearchResponse searchResponse = countTestHelper(getCrawlerName(), null, 1, null); for (SearchResponse.Hit hit : searchResponse.getHits().getHits()) { Object checksum = extractFromPath(hit.getSource(), Doc.FIELD_NAMES.FILE).get(File.FIELD_NAMES.CHECKSUM); assertThat(checksum, is("81bf7dba781a1efbea6d9f2ad638ffe772ba4eab")); } } @Test public void test_checksum_non_existing_algorithm() throws Exception { Fs fs = startCrawlerDefinition().setChecksum("FSCRAWLER").build(); crawler = new FsCrawlerImpl(metadataDir, FsSettings.builder(getCrawlerName()) .setElasticsearch(endCrawlerDefinition(getCrawlerName())).setFs(fs).build()); crawler.start(); assertThat(crawler.isClosed(), is(true)); } /** * Test case for issue #204: : JSON files are indexed twice */ @Test public void test_json_support_and_other_files() throws Exception { Fs fs = startCrawlerDefinition().setJsonSupport(true).build(); startCrawler(getCrawlerName(), fs, endCrawlerDefinition(getCrawlerName()), null); assertThat("We should have 2 docs only...", awaitBusy(() -> { try { SearchResponse response =, FsCrawlerUtil.INDEX_TYPE_DOC, (String) null); return response.getHits().getTotal() == 2; } catch (IOException e) { logger.warn("Caught exception while running the test", e); return false; } }), equalTo(true)); } /** * Test case for issue #185: : Add xml_support setting */ @Test public void test_xml_enabled() throws Exception { Fs fs = startCrawlerDefinition().setXmlSupport(true).build(); startCrawler(getCrawlerName(), fs, endCrawlerDefinition(getCrawlerName()), null); SearchResponse response = countTestHelper(getCrawlerName(), null, 3); countTestHelper(getCrawlerName(), "title:maeve", 1); countTestHelper(getCrawlerName(), "price:[5 TO 6]", 2);"XML documents converted to:"); for (SearchResponse.Hit hit : response.getHits().getHits()) {"{}", hit.toString()); } } /** * Test case for issue #185: : Add xml_support setting */ @Test public void test_xml_and_json_enabled() throws Exception { Fs fs = startCrawlerDefinition().setXmlSupport(true).setJsonSupport(true).build();" --> starting crawler [{}]", getCrawlerName()); crawler = new FsCrawlerImpl(metadataDir, FsSettings.builder(getCrawlerName()) .setElasticsearch(endCrawlerDefinition(getCrawlerName())).setFs(fs).build()); crawler.start(); // We wait up to 10 seconds before considering a failing test assertThat("Job should not start", awaitBusy(() -> crawler.isClosed()), equalTo(true)); } /** * Test case for #227: : Add support for run only once */ @Test public void test_single_loop() throws Exception { Fs fs = startCrawlerDefinition().build();" --> starting crawler [{}]", getCrawlerName()); crawler = new FsCrawlerImpl( metadataDir, FsSettings.builder(getCrawlerName()) .setElasticsearch(endCrawlerDefinition(getCrawlerName())).setFs(fs).build(), 1, false, false); crawler.start(); countTestHelper(getCrawlerName(), null, 1); assertThat("Job should stop after one run", crawler.isClosed(), is(true)); assertThat(crawler.getRunNumber(), is(1)); } /** * Test case for #227: : Add support for run only once */ @Test public void test_two_loops() throws Exception { Fs fs = startCrawlerDefinition().build();" --> starting crawler [{}]", getCrawlerName()); crawler = new FsCrawlerImpl( metadataDir, FsSettings.builder(getCrawlerName()) .setElasticsearch(endCrawlerDefinition(getCrawlerName())).setFs(fs).build(), 2, false, false); crawler.start(); countTestHelper(getCrawlerName(), null, 1); assertThat("Job should stop after two runs", awaitBusy(() -> crawler.isClosed()), is(true)); assertThat(crawler.getRunNumber(), is(2)); } /** * Test case for #205: : Add support for update mapping */ @Test public void test_update_mapping() throws Exception { elasticsearchClient.createIndex(getCrawlerName(), false, "{\n" + " \"settings\": {\n" + " \"analysis\": {\n" + " \"analyzer\": {\n" + " \"fscrawler_path\": {\n" + " \"tokenizer\": \"fscrawler_path\"\n" + " }\n" + " },\n" + " \"tokenizer\": {\n" + " \"fscrawler_path\": {\n" + " \"type\": \"path_hierarchy\"\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + "}\n"); elasticsearchClient.putMapping(getCrawlerName(), FsCrawlerUtil.INDEX_TYPE_DOC, "{ \"" + FsCrawlerUtil.INDEX_TYPE_DOC + "\" : { \"_source\" : {\n" + " \"excludes\" : [\n" + " \"attachment\"\n" + " ]\n" + " }\n} }"); Fs fs = startCrawlerDefinition().build();" --> starting crawler [{}]", getCrawlerName()); crawler = new FsCrawlerImpl( metadataDir, FsSettings.builder(getCrawlerName()) .setElasticsearch(endCrawlerDefinition(getCrawlerName())).setFs(fs).build(), -1, true, false); crawler.start(); countTestHelper(getCrawlerName(), null, 1); } /** * Test case for #205: : Add support for update mapping */ @Test public void test_update_mapping_but_dont_launch() throws Exception { elasticsearchClient.createIndex(getCrawlerName(), false, "{\n" + " \"settings\": {\n" + " \"analysis\": {\n" + " \"analyzer\": {\n" + " \"fscrawler_path\": {\n" + " \"tokenizer\": \"fscrawler_path\"\n" + " }\n" + " },\n" + " \"tokenizer\": {\n" + " \"fscrawler_path\": {\n" + " \"type\": \"path_hierarchy\"\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + "}\n"); elasticsearchClient.putMapping(getCrawlerName(), FsCrawlerUtil.INDEX_TYPE_DOC, "{ \"" + FsCrawlerUtil.INDEX_TYPE_DOC + "\" : { \"_source\" : {\n" + " \"excludes\" : [\n" + " \"attachment\"\n" + " ]\n" + " }\n} }"); Fs fs = startCrawlerDefinition().build();" --> starting crawler [{}]", getCrawlerName()); crawler = new FsCrawlerImpl( metadataDir, FsSettings.builder(getCrawlerName()) .setElasticsearch(endCrawlerDefinition(getCrawlerName())).setFs(fs).build(), 0, true, false); crawler.start(); assertThat(crawler.isClosed(), is(true)); assertThat(crawler.getRunNumber(), is(0)); } /** * Test case for #205: : Add support for update mapping */ @Test(expected = ResponseException.class) public void test_fail_update_mapping() throws Exception { elasticsearchClient.createIndex(getCrawlerName()); elasticsearchClient.putMapping(getCrawlerName(), FsCrawlerUtil.INDEX_TYPE_DOC, "{ \"" + FsCrawlerUtil.INDEX_TYPE_DOC + "\" : {\n" + " \"properties\": {\n" + " \"content\": {\n" + " \"type\": \"date\"\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + "}" + " }"); Fs fs = startCrawlerDefinition().build();" --> starting crawler [{}]", getCrawlerName()); crawler = new FsCrawlerImpl( metadataDir, FsSettings.builder(getCrawlerName()) .setElasticsearch(endCrawlerDefinition(getCrawlerName())).setFs(fs).build(), -1, true, false); crawler.start(); } /** * Test case for #95: : Folder index is not getting delete on delete of folder */ @Test public void test_remove_folder_deleted_enabled() throws Exception { Fs fs = startCrawlerDefinition().setRemoveDeleted(true).build(); startCrawler(getCrawlerName(), fs, endCrawlerDefinition(getCrawlerName()), null); // We should have 7 docs first countTestHelper(getCrawlerName(), null, 7, currentTestResourceDir); logContentOfDir(currentTestResourceDir, Level.DEBUG); // We remove a directory" ---> Removing dir subdir1"); Files.walkFileTree(currentTestResourceDir.resolve("subdir1"), new SimpleFileVisitor<Path>() { @Override public FileVisitResult visitFile(Path file, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException { Files.delete(file); return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE; } @Override public FileVisitResult postVisitDirectory(Path dir, IOException exc) throws IOException { Files.delete(dir); return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE; } }); logContentOfDir(currentTestResourceDir, Level.DEBUG); // We expect to have 4 docs now countTestHelper(getCrawlerName(), null, 4, currentTestResourceDir); } /** * Test case for #155: : New option: do not index folders */ @Test public void test_ignore_folders() throws Exception { Fs fs = startCrawlerDefinition().setIndexFolders(false).build(); startCrawler(getCrawlerName(), fs, endCrawlerDefinition(getCrawlerName()), null); // We expect to have two files countTestHelper(getCrawlerName(), null, 2); // We expect having no folders SearchRequest.Builder sr = SearchRequest.builder(); SearchResponse response =, FsCrawlerUtil.INDEX_TYPE_FOLDER,; staticLogger.trace("result {}", response.toString()); assertThat(response.getHits().getTotal(), is(0L)); } /** * Test case for #183: : Optimize document and folder mappings * We want to make sure we can highlight documents even if we don't store fields */ @Test public void test_highlight_documents() throws Exception { startCrawler(); // We expect to have one file countTestHelper(getCrawlerName(), null, 1); // Let's test highlighting SearchResponse response = elasticsearchClient.searchJson(getCrawlerName(), FsCrawlerUtil.INDEX_TYPE_DOC, "{\n" + " \"query\": {\n" + " \"match\": {\n" + " \"content\": \"exemplo\"\n" + " }\n" + " },\n" + " \"highlight\": {\n" + " \"fields\": {\n" + " \"content\": {}\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + "}"); staticLogger.trace("result {}", response.toString()); assertThat(response.getHits().getTotal(), is(1L)); SearchResponse.Hit hit = response.getHits().getHits().get(0); assertThat(hit.getHighlight(), hasKey("content")); assertThat(hit.getHighlight().get("content"), hasSize(1)); assertThat(hit.getHighlight().get("content").get(0), containsString("<em>exemplo</em>")); } /** * Test case for #230: : Add support for compressed files * It's a long job, so we let it run up to 2 minutes */ @Test public void test_zip() throws Exception { startCrawler(getCrawlerName(), startCrawlerDefinition().build(), endCrawlerDefinition(getCrawlerName()), null, null, TimeValue.timeValueMinutes(2)); // We expect to have one file countTestHelper(getCrawlerName(), null, 1); } /** * Test case for #234: : Support ingest pipeline processing */ @Test public void test_ingest_pipeline() throws Exception { String crawlerName = getCrawlerName(); // We can only run this test against a 5.0 cluster or > assumeThat("We skip the test as we are not running it with a 5.0 cluster or >", elasticsearchClient.isIngestSupported(), is(true)); // Create an empty ingest pipeline String pipeline = "{\n" + " \"description\" : \"describe pipeline\",\n" + " \"processors\" : [\n" + " {\n" + " \"rename\": {\n" + " \"field\": \"content\",\n" + " \"target_field\": \"my_content_field\"\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + " ]\n" + "}"; StringEntity entity = new StringEntity(pipeline, StandardCharsets.UTF_8); elasticsearchClient.getClient().performRequest("PUT", "_ingest/pipeline/" + crawlerName, Collections.emptyMap(), entity); Elasticsearch elasticsearch = endCrawlerDefinition(crawlerName); elasticsearch.setPipeline(crawlerName); startCrawler(crawlerName, startCrawlerDefinition().build(), elasticsearch, null); // We expect to have one file countTestHelper(crawlerName, "my_content_field:perniciosoque", 1); } /** * Test case for #251: : Add a REST Layer */ @Test public void test_with_rest_only() throws Exception {" --> starting crawler [{}]", getCrawlerName()); // TODO do this rarely() createIndex(jobName); crawler = new FsCrawlerImpl(metadataDir, FsSettings.builder(getCrawlerName()).setElasticsearch(endCrawlerDefinition(getCrawlerName())) .setFs(startCrawlerDefinition().build()).setServer(null).setRest(rest).build(), 0, false, true); crawler.start(); // We expect to have one file // countTestHelper(getCrawlerName(), null, 1); } /** * Test case for #136: : Moving existing files does not index new files */ @Test public void test_moving_files() throws Exception { String filename = "oldfile.txt"; startCrawler(); // Let's first create some files" ---> Creating a file [{}]", filename); Path tmpDir = rootTmpDir.resolve("resources").resolve(getCurrentTestName() + "-tmp"); if (Files.notExists(tmpDir)) { Files.createDirectory(tmpDir); } Path file = Files.createFile(tmpDir.resolve(filename)); Files.write(file, "Hello world".getBytes(Charsets.UTF_8)); // We should have 1 doc first countTestHelper(getCrawlerName(), null, 1); logContentOfDir(currentTestResourceDir, Level.DEBUG); // We remove a directory" ---> Moving file [{}] to [{}]", file, currentTestResourceDir); Files.move(file, currentTestResourceDir.resolve(filename)); logContentOfDir(currentTestResourceDir, Level.DEBUG); // We expect to have 4 docs now countTestHelper(getCrawlerName(), null, 2); } }