Java tutorial
/* * MIT License * * Copyright (c) 2016 David Russell * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ package; import com.gitpitch.factory.MarkdownModelFactory; import com.gitpitch.git.*; import com.gitpitch.models.MarkdownModel; import com.gitpitch.models.SlideshowModel; import com.gitpitch.executors.BackEndThreads; import com.gitpitch.utils.PitchParams; import com.gitpitch.utils.YAMLOptions; import com.gitpitch.utils.MarkdownRenderer; import; import play.Configuration; import play.Environment; import play.Logger; import javax.inject.*; import; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.FileSystems; import java.nio.file.FileSystem; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch; import; import; /* * archive offline service. */ @Singleton public class OfflineService { private final Logger.ALogger log = Logger.of(this.getClass()); private final GRSManager grsManager; private final DiskService diskService; private final ShellService shellService; private final MarkdownModelFactory markdownModelFactory; private final BackEndThreads backEndThreads; private final Configuration configuration; private final Environment env; @Inject public OfflineService(GRSManager grsManager, DiskService diskService, ShellService shellService, MarkdownModelFactory markdownModelFactory, BackEndThreads backEndThreads, Configuration configuration, Environment env) { this.grsManager = grsManager; this.diskService = diskService; this.shellService = shellService; this.markdownModelFactory = markdownModelFactory; this.backEndThreads = backEndThreads; this.configuration = configuration; this.env = env; } /* * Generate and fetch */ public CountDownLatch fetchZip(PitchParams pp, Optional<SlideshowModel> ssmo) { log.debug("fetchZip: pp={}, ssmo.isPresent={}", pp, ssmo.isPresent()); final String zipKey = MarkdownModel.genKey(pp); CountDownLatch freshLatch = new CountDownLatch(1); CountDownLatch activeLatch = zipLatchMap.putIfAbsent(zipKey, freshLatch); if (activeLatch != null) { /* * A non-null activeLatch implies a fetchZip() * operation is already in progress for the current * /{user}/{repo}?b={branch}. */ log.debug("fetchZip: pp={}, already in progress, " + "returning existing activeLatch={}", pp, activeLatch); return activeLatch; } else { CompletableFuture<Void> syncFuture = CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> { Path branchPath = diskService.ensure(pp); int zipStatus = generateZip(pp, ssmo); if (zipStatus != STATUS_OK) { log.warn("fetchZip: pp={}, fetch status={}", pp, zipStatus); } /* * Current operation completed, so remove latch associated * with operation from zipLatchMap to permit future * operations on this /{user}/{repo}?b={branch}. */ releaseCountDownLatch(zipLatchMap, zipKey); /* * Operation completed, valid result cached, no return required. */ return null; }, backEndThreads.POOL).handle((result, error) -> { if (error != null) { log.warn("fetchZip: pp={}, fetch error={}", pp, error); releaseCountDownLatch(zipLatchMap, zipKey); } return null; }); return freshLatch; } } /* * Call when fetchXXX operation has completed either * successfully or on error. Remove latch associated with * operation from xxxLatchMap to permit future operations * on /{user}/{repo}?b={branch} associated with latchKey. */ private void releaseCountDownLatch(ConcurrentHashMap<String, CountDownLatch> latchMap, String latchKey) { CountDownLatch completedLatch = latchMap.remove(latchKey); if (completedLatch != null) { completedLatch.countDown(); } } /* * Generate offline slideshow as self-contained zip archive. */ private int generateZip(PitchParams pp, Optional<SlideshowModel> ssmo) { log.debug("generateZip: pp={}, ssmo.isPresent={}", pp, ssmo.isPresent()); int status = STATUS_UNDEF; Path zipRoot = null; try { zipRoot = prepareZipRoot(pp); status = fetchOnlineMarkdown(pp, zipRoot); if (status == STATUS_OK) status = processMarkdown(pp, zipRoot, ssmo); if (status == STATUS_OK) status = fetchLandingHTML(pp, zipRoot); if (status == STATUS_OK) status = fetchSlideshowHTML(pp, zipRoot); if (status == STATUS_OK) fetchFixedDependencies(pp, zipRoot); if (status == STATUS_OK) fetchYAMLDependencies(pp, zipRoot); if (status == STATUS_OK) status = buildZip(pp, zipRoot); } catch (Exception zex) { log.warn("generateZip: pp={}, ex={}", zex); } finally { /* * Clean up artifacts if failed to generate zip. */ if (status != STATUS_OK && zipRoot != null) { diskService.delete(zipRoot.resolve(PITCHME_ZIP)); diskService.deepDelete(zipRoot.resolve(ZIP_ROOT_DIR).toFile()); } } return status; } /* * Prepare zip archive root directory on disk. */ private Path prepareZipRoot(PitchParams pp) { Path zipRoot = diskService.ensure(pp); if (pp.pitchme != null) { zipRoot = zipRoot.resolve(pp.pitchme); } zipRoot = zipRoot.resolve(ZIP_ROOT_DIR); return diskService.ensure(zipRoot); } /* * Fetch online into ZIP_MD_DIR. */ private int fetchOnlineMarkdown(PitchParams pp, Path zipRoot) { String murl = com.gitpitch.controllers.routes.PitchController .markdown(pp.grs, pp.user, pp.repo, pp.branch, pp.pitchme).absoluteURL(isEncrypted(), hostname()); Path zipMdPath = diskService.ensure(zipRoot.resolve(ZIP_MD_DIR)); return, zipMdPath, murl, PITCHME_ONLINE_MD, grsManager.get(pp).getHeaders()); } /* * Fetch Landing.html. */ private int fetchLandingHTML(PitchParams pp, Path zipRoot) { String lurl = com.gitpitch.controllers.routes.PitchController .landing(pp.user, pp.repo, pp.branch, pp.grs, pp.theme, pp.pitchme, pp.notes, ENABLED) .absoluteURL(isEncrypted(), hostname()); return, zipRoot, lurl, INDEX_HTML, grsManager.get(pp).getHeaders()); } /* * Fetch Slideshow.html. */ private int fetchSlideshowHTML(PitchParams pp, Path zipRoot) { String surl = com.gitpitch.controllers.routes.PitchController.slideshow(pp.grs, pp.user, pp.repo, pp.branch, pp.theme, pp.pitchme, pp.notes, ENABLED, ENABLED, null).absoluteURL(isEncrypted(), hostname()); return, zipRoot, surl, SLIDESHOW_HTML, grsManager.get(pp).getHeaders()); } /* * Fetch fixed JS and CSS dependencies for GitPitch slideshow. */ private void fetchFixedDependencies(PitchParams pp, Path zipRoot) throws { Path destPath = diskService.ensure(zipRoot.resolve(ZIP_ASSETS_DIR)); if (env.isProd()) { Path jarPath = prodModeDependenciesJar(); if (jarPath.toFile().exists()) { diskService.copyDirectoryFromJar(jarPath, FIXED_ASSETS, destPath); } else { log.warn("fetchFixedDependencies: [ prod ] jar " + "not found={}", jarPath); } } else { Path fixedAssetsPath = devModeFixedDependencies(); if (fixedAssetsPath.toFile().exists()) { diskService.copyDirectory(fixedAssetsPath, destPath); } else { log.debug("fetchFixedDependencies: [ dev ] fixed assets " + "not found={}", fixedAssetsPath); } } } /* * Convert online to offline */ private int processMarkdown(PitchParams pp, Path zipRoot, Optional<SlideshowModel> ssmo) { int status = STATUS_UNDEF; String consumed = null; Path mdOnlinePath = zipRoot.resolve(PITCHME_ONLINE_PATH); File mdOnlineFile = mdOnlinePath.toFile(); if (mdOnlineFile.exists()) { GRSService grsService = grsManager.getService(grsManager.get(pp)); MarkdownRenderer mrndr =, ssmo, grsService, diskService); MarkdownModel markdownModel = (MarkdownModel) markdownModelFactory.create(mrndr); try (Stream<String> stream = Files.lines(mdOnlinePath)) { consumed = -> { return markdownModel.offline(md); }).collect(Collectors.joining("\n")); Path mdOfflinePath = zipRoot.resolve(PITCHME_OFFLINE_PATH); Files.write(mdOfflinePath, consumed.getBytes()); fetchOnlineAssets(pp, zipRoot); status = STATUS_OK; } catch (Exception mex) { log.warn("processMarkdown: ex={}", mex); } } else { log.warn("processMarkdown: mdOnline not found={}", mdOnlineFile); } log.debug("processMarkdown: returning status={}", status); return status; } /* * Fetch online image assets into ZIP_MD_ASSETS_DIR. */ private void fetchOnlineAssets(PitchParams pp, Path zipRoot) { List<String> assetUrls = null; Path mdOnlinePath = zipRoot.resolve(PITCHME_ONLINE_PATH); File mdOnlineFile = mdOnlinePath.toFile(); if (mdOnlineFile.exists()) { MarkdownModel markdownModel = (MarkdownModel) markdownModelFactory.create(null); try (Stream<String> stream = Files.lines(mdOnlinePath)) { assetUrls = -> { return markdownModel.offlineAssets(md); }).collect(Collectors.toList()); log.debug("fetchOnlineAssets: assetUrls={}", assetUrls); Path zipMdAssetsPath = zipRoot.resolve(ZIP_MD_ASSETS_DIR); zipMdAssetsPath = diskService.ensure(zipMdAssetsPath); List<String> fetched = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String assetUrl : assetUrls) { if (assetUrl != null && !fetched.contains(assetUrl)) {, zipMdAssetsPath, assetUrl, FilenameUtils.getName(assetUrl), grsManager.get(pp).getHeaders()); fetched.add(assetUrl); } } } catch (Exception mex) { log.warn("fetchOnlineAssets: ex={}", mex); } } else { log.warn("fetchOnlineAssets: mdOnline not found={}", mdOnlineFile); } } /* * Fetch PITCHME.yaml dependencies into zip archive. */ private void fetchYAMLDependencies(PitchParams pp, Path zipRoot) { GRSService grsService = grsManager.getService(grsManager.get(pp)); YAMLOptions yOpts =, grsService, diskService); log.debug("fetchYAMLDependencies: yOpts={}", yOpts); try { if (yOpts != null && yOpts.hasLogo()) { String logoUrl = yOpts.fetchLogo(pp); String logoName = FilenameUtils.getName(logoUrl); Path zipAssetsPath = diskService.ensure(zipRoot.resolve(ZIP_ASSETS_DIR));, zipAssetsPath, logoUrl, logoName, grsManager.get(pp).getHeaders()); log.debug("fetchYAMLDependencies: downloaded logo={}", logoUrl); } } catch (Exception lex) { log.warn("fetchYAMLDependencies: logo ex={}", lex); } try { /* * If Math Slides not enabled within PITCHME.yaml, strip * Reveal.js math plugin file dependencies from zip. */ if (yOpts == null || !yOpts.mathEnabled(pp)) { Path destPath = zipRoot.resolve(ZIP_ASSETS_DIR); String revealVersion = configuration.getString("gitpitch.dependency.revealjs"); Path mathPluginPath = Paths.get(destPath.toString(), "reveal.js", revealVersion, "plugin/math"); log.debug("fetchYAMLDependencies: removing mathPlugin={}", mathPluginPath); diskService.deepDelete(mathPluginPath.toFile()); } } catch (Exception mex) { log.warn("fetchYAMLDependencies: math config assets ex={}", mex); } } /* * Build */ private int buildZip(PitchParams pp, Path zipRoot) { /* * Remove PITCHME_ONLINE_MD from zip directory. */ Path onlinePath = zipRoot.resolve(PITCHME_ONLINE_PATH); diskService.delete(onlinePath); /* * CMD: zip -r PITCHME */ String[] cmd = { ZIP_CMD, ZIP_QUIET, ZIP_ALL, PITCHME_ZIP, ZIP_ROOT_DIR }; Path zipWd = diskService.ensure(pp, pp.pitchme); return shellService.exec(ZIP_CMD, pp, zipWd, cmd); } public boolean isEncrypted() { return configuration.getBoolean("gitpitch.https"); } public String hostname() { return configuration.getString("gitpitch.hostname"); } public Path devModeFixedDependencies() { String fixedAssets = configuration.getString(""); return Paths.get(fixedAssets); } public Path prodModeDependenciesJar() { String jarAssets = configuration.getString(""); return Paths.get(jarAssets); } private static final String ZIP_ROOT_DIR = "PITCHME"; private static final String ZIP_MD_DIR = "assets/md"; private static final String ZIP_MD_ASSETS_DIR = "assets/md/assets"; private static final String ZIP_ASSETS_DIR = "assets"; private static final String PITCHME_ONLINE_MD = "PITCHME.mdo"; private static final String PITCHME_OFFLINE_MD = ""; private static final String PITCHME_ONLINE_PATH = ZIP_MD_DIR + "/" + PITCHME_ONLINE_MD; private static final String PITCHME_OFFLINE_PATH = ZIP_MD_DIR + "/" + PITCHME_OFFLINE_MD; private static final String PITCHME_ZIP = ""; private static final String PITCHME_CSS = "PITCHME.css"; private static final String INDEX_HTML = "index.html"; private static final String SLIDESHOW_HTML = "pitchme.html"; private static final String FIXED_ASSETS = "/public/libs"; private static final String FIXED_ASSETS_MATH = "/public/libs-math"; private static final String ZIP_CMD = "zip"; private static final String ZIP_QUIET = "-q"; private static final String ZIP_ALL = "-r"; private static final String ENABLED = "true"; private static final int STATUS_OK = 0; private static final int STATUS_UNDEF = 999; private final ConcurrentHashMap<String, CountDownLatch> zipLatchMap = new ConcurrentHashMap(); }