Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * ************************************************************************
 * Copyright (c) 2011: Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN), Italy
 * Consorzio COMETA (COMETA), Italy
 * See and and for details on
 * the copyright holders.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
 * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 * the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
 * the License.
 * @author <a href="">Riccardo Bruno</a>(COMETA)
 * **************************************************************************
package it.infn.ct;

// Import generic java libraries
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;

// Importing portlet libraries
import javax.portlet.*;

// Importing liferay libraries
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.WebKeys;
import com.liferay.portal.theme.ThemeDisplay;
import com.liferay.portal.model.User;

// Importing Apache libraries
import org.apache.commons.fileupload.*;
import org.apache.commons.fileupload.disk.DiskFileItemFactory;
import org.apache.commons.fileupload.portlet.PortletFileUpload;

// Importing GridEngine Job libraries 
import it.infn.ct.GridEngine.Job.*;
import it.infn.ct.GridEngine.JobCollection.JobCollection;
import it.infn.ct.GridEngine.JobCollection.JobCollectionSubmission;
import it.infn.ct.GridEngine.JobCollection.JobParametric;
import it.infn.ct.GridEngine.JobCollection.WorkflowN1;
import it.infn.ct.GridEngine.JobResubmission.GEJobDescription;
import java.util.ArrayList;

 * This is the class that overrides the GenericPortlet class methods You can
 * create your own application just customizing this code skeleton This code
 * provides mainly a full working example on: 1) How to manage user interaction
 * managing the Actions/View combination 2) How to manage portlet preferences
 * and help pane 3) How to print application information using the Log object 4)
 * How to execute a collection of job on a distributed infrastructure with
 * GridEngine
 * @author <a href="">Riccardo Bruno</a>(COMETA)
public class mi_parallel_portlet extends GenericPortlet {

    // Instantiate the logger object
    AppLogger _log = new AppLogger(mi_parallel_portlet.class);

    // This portlet uses Aciont/Views enumerations in order to 
    // manage the different portlet modes and the corresponding 
    // view to display
    // You may override the current values with your own business
    // logic best identifiers and manage them through: jsp pages and
    // this java code
    // The jsp parameter PortletStatus will be the responsible of
    // portlet mode switching. This parameter will be read by
    // the processAction method (actionRequest) who will select
    // then the proper view mode. The doView method will read this
    // value (renderResponSe) assigning the correct view mode.
    // At first boot the application will be in ACTIVATE status
    // that means the application still requires to be registered
    // into the GridEngine' UsersTrackingDB' GridOperations table
    // Once registered the defaul view mode will be the VIEW_INPUT
     * Actions enumeration contains the possible action status mode managed by
     * the application. Action modes are stored into the 'PortletStatus'
     * parameter inside the actionRequest object
    private enum Actions {

        ACTION_ACTIVATE // User (Admin) activated the portlet
        , ACTION_INPUT // User asked to submit a job
        , ACTION_SUBMIT // User asked to rerutn to the input form
        , ACTION_PILOT // The user did something in the edit pilot screen pane

     * Views enumeration contains the possible view mondes managed b the
     * application. View modes are stored into the parameter 'PortletStatus'
     * inside the renderResponse object
    private enum Views {

        VIEW_ACTIVATE // Show acrivation pane (called 1st time only)
        , VIEW_INPUT // View containing application input fields
        , VIEW_SUBMIT // View reporting the job submission
        , VIEW_PILOT // Shows the pilot script and makes it editable

     * Instanciate the AppPreferences object that stores the Application
     * preferences
     * @see AppPreferences
    AppPreferences appPreferences = new AppPreferences(_log);
    AppPreferences appInitPreferences = new AppPreferences(_log);

     * This class contains all the necessary data to submit a job inside a
     * distributed infrastructure. Each submission will instanciate this object
    class AppInput {
        // Applicatoin inputs

        //        String inputFileName;   // Filename for application input file
        //        String inputFileText;   // Text for application input file 
        String jobIdentifier; // User' given job identifier                
        // Each inputSandobox file must be declared below
        // This variable contains the content of an uploaded file
        //        String inputSandbox_inputFile;
        // Some user level information
        // must be stored as well
        String username;
        String timestamp;
        String collectionType;
        String taskNumber;
        String executable;
        ArrayList<String> executables;
        ArrayList<String> arguments;
        String userEmail;
        String finalJobExecutable;
        String finalJobArgument;

         * Standard constructor just initialize empty values
        public AppInput() {
            //            inputFileName = 
            //            inputFileText = 
            //            inputSandbox_inputFile = 
            jobIdentifier = username = timestamp = collectionType = taskNumber = userEmail = finalJobArgument = finalJobExecutable = executable = "";
            executables = new ArrayList<String>();
            arguments = new ArrayList<String>();
    } // AppInput
      // Liferay portal data
      // Classes below are used by this portlet code to get information
      // about the current user    

    public String portalName = "localhost"; // Name of the hosting portal   
    public String appServerPath; // This variable stores the absolute path of the Web applications
    // Other misc valuse
    // (!) Pay attention that altough the use of the LS variable
    //     the replaceAll("\n","") has to be used 
    public static final String LS = System.getProperty("line.separator");
    // Users must have separated inputSandbox files
    // these file will be generated into /tmp directory
    // and prefixed with the format <timestamp>_<user>_*
    // The timestamp format is:
    public static final String tsFormat = "yyyyMMddHHmmss";
    // This variable holds the GridEngine' GridOperation identifier
    // associated to this application
    int gridOperationId = -1;

    // Portlet Overriding Methods
     * The init method will be called when installing the portlet for the first
     * time or when restarting the portal server. This is the right time to get
     * default values from WEBINF/portlet.xml file Those values will be assigned
     * into the application preferences as default values If preference values
     * already exists for this application the default settings will be
     * overwritten
     * @see AppInfrastructureInfo
     * @see AppPreferences
     * @throws PortletException
    public void init() throws PortletException {
        // Load default values from WEBINF/portlet.xml     
        appInitPreferences.setGridOperationDesc("" + getInitParameter("gridOperationDesc"));
        appInitPreferences.setPortletVersion("" + getInitParameter("portletVersion"));
        appInitPreferences.setLogLevel("" + getInitParameter("logLevel"));
        appInitPreferences.setNumInfrastructures("" + getInitParameter("numInfrastructures"));
        appInitPreferences.setGridOperationId("" + getInitParameter("gridOperationId"));
        // Get the number of infrastructures to load
        int numInfra = appInitPreferences.getNumInfrastructures();"Number of infrastructures: '" + numInfra + "'");
        // Load infrastructure settings
        for (int i = 0; i < numInfra; i++) {
            int j = i + 1;
            appInitPreferences.setInfrastructure(i, "" + getInitParameter(j + "_enableInfrastructure"),
                    "" + getInitParameter(j + "_nameInfrastructure"),
                    "" + getInitParameter(j + "_acronymInfrastructure"), "" + getInitParameter(j + "_bdiiHost"),
                    "" + getInitParameter(j + "_wmsHosts"), "" + getInitParameter(j + "_pxServerHost"),
                    "" + getInitParameter(j + "_pxServerPort"), "" + getInitParameter(j + "_pxServerSecure"),
                    "" + getInitParameter(j + "_pxRobotId"), "" + getInitParameter(j + "_pxRobotVO"),
                    "" + getInitParameter(j + "_pxRobotRole"), "" + getInitParameter(j + "_pxRobotRenewalFlag"),
                    "" + getInitParameter(j + "_pxUserProxy"), "" + getInitParameter(j + "_softwareTags"));
        } // Load infrastructure settings
        appInitPreferences.setSciGwyUserTrackingDB_Hostname("" + getInitParameter("sciGwyUserTrackingDB_Hostname"));
        appInitPreferences.setSciGwyUserTrackingDB_Username("" + getInitParameter("sciGwyUserTrackingDB_Username"));
        appInitPreferences.setSciGwyUserTrackingDB_Password("" + getInitParameter("sciGwyUserTrackingDB_Password"));
        appInitPreferences.setSciGwyUserTrackingDB_Database("" + getInitParameter("sciGwyUserTrackingDB_Database"));
        appInitPreferences.setJobRequirements("" + getInitParameter("jobRequirements"));
        appInitPreferences.setPilotScript("" + getInitParameter("pilotScript"));

        // Assigns the log level      

        // Show loaded values into log;
    } // init

     * This method allows the portlet to process an action request; this method
     * is normally called upon each user interaction (i.e. A submit button
     * inside a jsp' <form statement) This method determines the current
     * application mode through the actionRequest value: 'PortletStatus' and
     * then determines the correct view mode to assign through the
     * ActionResponse 'PortletStatus' variable that will be read by the doView
     * This method will also takes care about the std JSR168/286: EDIT and HELP
     * portlet modes.
     * @param request ActionRequest object instance
     * @param response ActionResponse object instance
     * @throws PortletException
     * @throws IOException
    public void processAction(ActionRequest request, ActionResponse response) throws PortletException, IOException {"calling processAction ...");

        // Determine the username
        ThemeDisplay themeDisplay = (ThemeDisplay) request.getAttribute(WebKeys.THEME_DISPLAY);
        User user = themeDisplay.getUser();
        String username = user.getScreenName();
        String mail = user.getEmailAddress();
        // Determine the application pathname                   
        PortletSession portletSession = request.getPortletSession();
        PortletContext portletContext = portletSession.getPortletContext();
        appServerPath = portletContext.getRealPath("/");
        // Show info"appUserName   : '" + username + "'" + LS + "appServerPath : '" + appServerPath + "'");
        // Determine the current portlet mode and forward this state to the response
        // Accordingly to JSRs168/286 the standard portlet modes are:
        // VIEW, EDIT, HELP
        PortletMode mode = request.getPortletMode();

        // Switch among different portlet modes: VIEW, EDIT, HELP
        // any custom modes are not covered by this template

        // VIEW Mode
        // The actionStatus value will be taken from the calling jsp file
        // through the 'PortletStatus' parameter; the corresponding
        // VIEW mode will be stored registering the portlet status
        // as render parameter. See the call to setRenderParameter
        // If the actionStatus parameter is null or empty the default
        // action will be the ACTION_INPUT (input form)
        // This happens the first time the portlet is shown
        // The PortletStatus variable is managed by jsp and this java code
        if (mode.equals(PortletMode.VIEW)) {
            // The VIEW mode is the normal portlet mode where normal portlet
            // content will be shown to the user
  "Portlet mode: VIEW");

            String actionStatus = request.getParameter("PortletStatus");
            // Assigns the default ACTION mode
            if (null == actionStatus || actionStatus.equals("")) {
                actionStatus = "" + Actions.ACTION_INPUT;

            // Different actions will be performed accordingly to the
            // different possible statuses
            switch (Actions.valueOf(actionStatus)) {
            case ACTION_ACTIVATE:
      "Got action: 'ACTION_ACTIVATE'");
                // Called when activating the portlet for the first time
                // it will be used to save the gridOperationId value
                // into the application preferences 
                gridOperationId = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("gridOperationId"));
      "Received gridOperationId: '" + gridOperationId + "'");
                // If the application is registered go to the VIEW_INPUT
                // and the application will no longer go to the ACTIVATE pane                     
                if (gridOperationId > 0) {
                    response.setRenderParameter("PortletStatus", "" + Views.VIEW_INPUT);
            case ACTION_INPUT:
      "Got action: 'ACTION_INPUT'");

                // Assign the correct view
                response.setRenderParameter("PortletStatus", "" + Views.VIEW_INPUT);
            case ACTION_PILOT:
      "Got action: 'ACTION_PILOT'");
                // Stores the new pilot script
                String pilotScript = request.getParameter("pilotScript");
                pilotScript.replaceAll("\r", "");
                //                    storeString(appServerPath + "WEB-INF/job/" + appPreferences.getPilotScript(), pilotScript);
                // Assign the correct view
            case ACTION_SUBMIT:
      "Got action: 'ACTION_SUBMIT'");

                // Get current preference values
                getPreferences(request, null);

                // Create the appInput object
                AppInput appInput = new AppInput();

                // Stores the user submitting the job
                appInput.username = username;
                // Stores the user email address
                appInput.userEmail = mail;
                // Determine the submissionTimeStamp                    
                SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(tsFormat);
                String timestamp = dateFormat.format(Calendar.getInstance().getTime());
                appInput.timestamp = timestamp;

                // Process input fields and files to upload
                getInputForm(request, appInput);

                // Submit the job

                // Send the jobIdentifier and assign the correct view                    
                response.setRenderParameter("PortletStatus", "" + Views.VIEW_SUBMIT);
                response.setRenderParameter("jobIdentifier", "" + appInput.jobIdentifier);
      "Unhandled action: '" + actionStatus + "'");
                response.setRenderParameter("PortletStatus", "" + Views.VIEW_INPUT);
            } // switch actionStatus
        } // VIEW
          // HELP Mode
          // The HELP mode used to give portlet usage HELP to the user
          // This code will be called after the call to doHelp method                         
        else if (mode.equals(PortletMode.HELP)) {
  "Portlet mode: HELP");
        } //----------
          // EDIT Mode
          // The EDIT mode is used to view/setup portlet preferences
          // This code will be called after the user sends the actionURL 
          // generated by the doEdit method 
          // The code below just stores new preference values or
          // reacts to the preference settings changes
        else if (mode.equals(PortletMode.EDIT)) {
  "Portlet mode: EDIT");

            // Retrieve the current ifnrstructure in preference
            int numInfrastructures = appPreferences.getNumInfrastructures();
            int currInfra = appPreferences.getCurrPaneInfrastructure();

   + "Number of infrastructures: '" + numInfrastructures + "'" + LS
                    + "currentInfrastructure:     '" + currInfra + "'" + LS);

            // Take care of the preference action (Infrastructure preferences)
            // <,>,+,- buttons
            String pref_action = "" + request.getParameter("pref_action");
  "pref_action: '" + pref_action + "'");

            // Reacts to the current infrastructure change and
            // determine the next view mode (return to the input pane)                        
            if (pref_action.equalsIgnoreCase("next")) {
      "Got next infrastructure action; switching to: '"
                        + appPreferences.getCurrPaneInfrastructure() + "'");
            } else if (pref_action.equalsIgnoreCase("previous")) {
      "Got prev infrastructure action; switching to: '"
                        + appPreferences.getCurrPaneInfrastructure() + "'");
            } else if (pref_action.equalsIgnoreCase("add")) {
      "Got add infrastructure action; current infrastrucure is now: '"
                        + appPreferences.getCurrPaneInfrastructure() + "'");
            } else if (pref_action.equalsIgnoreCase("remove")) {
      "Got remove infrastructure action; current infrastrucure is now: '"
                        + appPreferences.getCurrPaneInfrastructure() + "' and infrastructures are now: '"
                        + appPreferences.getNumInfrastructures() + "'");
            } else if (pref_action.equalsIgnoreCase("done")) {
                // None of the above actions selected; return to the VIEW mode
                response.setRenderParameter("PortletStatus", "" + Views.VIEW_INPUT);
            } else if (pref_action.equalsIgnoreCase("viewPilot")) {
                // None of the above actions selected; return to the VIEW mode
                response.setRenderParameter("PortletStatus", "" + Views.VIEW_PILOT);
                //                response.setRenderParameter("pilotScript", updateString(appServerPath + "WEB-INF/job/" + appPreferences.getPilotScript()));
            } else {
                // No other special actions to do ...

            // Number of infrastructures and Currentinfrastructure values
            // may be changed by add/delete,<,> actions
            int newCurrInfra = appPreferences.getCurrPaneInfrastructure();
            int newNumInfrastructures = appPreferences.getNumInfrastructures();

            // Store infrastructure changes
            String infrastructuresInformations = "";

            // Preference settings (logLevel has been taken above)                                    
            String newpref_logLevel = "" + request.getParameter("pref_logLevel");
            String newpref_gridOperationId = "" + request.getParameter("pref_gridOperationId");
            String newpref_jobRequirements = "" + request.getParameter("pref_jobRequirements");
            String newpref_pilotScript = "" + request.getParameter("pref_pilotScript");
            String newpref_sciGwyUserTrackingDB_Hostname = ""
                    + request.getParameter("pref_sciGwyUserTrackingDB_Hostname");
            String newpref_sciGwyUserTrackingDB_Username = ""
                    + request.getParameter("pref_sciGwyUserTrackingDB_Username");
            String newpref_sciGwyUserTrackingDB_Password = ""
                    + request.getParameter("pref_sciGwyUserTrackingDB_Password");
            String newpref_sciGwyUserTrackingDB_Database = ""
                    + request.getParameter("pref_sciGwyUserTrackingDB_Database");

            // Store infrastructure changes only if the user did not select the delete button
            if (newNumInfrastructures >= numInfrastructures) {
                // Current infrastructure preference settings
                AppInfrastructureInfo newpref_appInfrastructureInfo = new AppInfrastructureInfo(
                        "" + request.getParameter("pref_enableInfrastructure"),
                        "" + request.getParameter("pref_nameInfrastructure"),
                        "" + request.getParameter("pref_acronymInfrastructure"),
                        "" + request.getParameter("pref_bdiiHost"), "" + request.getParameter("pref_wmsHosts"),
                        "" + request.getParameter("pref_pxServerHost"),
                        "" + request.getParameter("pref_pxServerPort"),
                        "" + request.getParameter("pref_pxServerSecure"),
                        "" + request.getParameter("pref_pxRobotId"), "" + request.getParameter("pref_pxRobotVO"),
                        "" + request.getParameter("pref_pxRobotRole"),
                        "" + request.getParameter("pref_pxRobotRenewalFlag"),
                        "" + request.getParameter("pref_pxUserProxy"),
                        "" + request.getParameter("pref_softwareTags"));
                // newNumInfrastructures == numInfrastructures
                // the user selected < or > buttons; changes goes to the old (currInfra) value
                // otherwise + has been selected; changes goes again on the old (currInfra) value
                // the - case has been filtered out by newNumInfrastructures >= numInfrastructures
                String pref_enableInfrastructure = appPreferences.getEnableInfrastructure(currInfra - 1);
                String pref_nameInfrastructure = appPreferences.getNameInfrastructure(currInfra - 1);
                String pref_acronymInfrastructure = appPreferences.getAcronymInfrastructure(currInfra - 1);
                String pref_bdiiHost = appPreferences.getBdiiHost(currInfra - 1);
                String pref_wmsHosts = appPreferences.getWmsHosts(currInfra - 1);
                String pref_pxServerHost = appPreferences.getPxServerHost(currInfra - 1);
                String pref_pxServerPort = appPreferences.getPxServerPort(currInfra - 1);
                String pref_pxServerSecure = appPreferences.getPxServerSecure(currInfra - 1);
                String pref_pxRobotId = appPreferences.getPxRobotId(currInfra - 1);
                String pref_pxRobotVO = appPreferences.getPxRobotVO(currInfra - 1);
                String pref_pxRobotRole = appPreferences.getPxRobotRole(currInfra - 1);
                String pref_pxRobotRenewalFlag = appPreferences.getPxRobotRenewalFlag(currInfra - 1);
                String pref_pxUserProxy = appPreferences.getPxUserProxy(currInfra - 1);
                String pref_softwareTags = appPreferences.getSoftwareTags(currInfra - 1);
                // New preference values
                String newpref_enableInfrastructure = newpref_appInfrastructureInfo.getEnableInfrastructure();
                String newpref_nameInfrastructure = newpref_appInfrastructureInfo.getNameInfrastructure();
                String newpref_acronymInfrastructure = newpref_appInfrastructureInfo.getAcronymInfrastructure();
                String newpref_bdiiHost = newpref_appInfrastructureInfo.getBdiiHost();
                String newpref_wmsHosts = newpref_appInfrastructureInfo.getWmsHosts();
                String newpref_pxServerHost = newpref_appInfrastructureInfo.getPxServerHost();
                String newpref_pxServerPort = newpref_appInfrastructureInfo.getPxServerPort();
                String newpref_pxServerSecure = newpref_appInfrastructureInfo.getPxServerSecure();
                String newpref_pxRobotId = newpref_appInfrastructureInfo.getPxRobotId();
                String newpref_pxRobotVO = newpref_appInfrastructureInfo.getPxRobotVO();
                String newpref_pxRobotRole = newpref_appInfrastructureInfo.getPxRobotRole();
                String newpref_pxRobotRenewalFlag = newpref_appInfrastructureInfo.getPxRobotRenewalFlag();
                String newpref_pxUserProxy = newpref_appInfrastructureInfo.getPxUserProxy();
                String newpref_softwareTags = newpref_appInfrastructureInfo.getSoftwareTags();
                // Prepare the Log string with differences
                infrastructuresInformations += LS + "Infrastructure #" + currInfra + LS
                        + "  enableInfrastructure  : '" + pref_enableInfrastructure + "' -> '"
                        + newpref_enableInfrastructure + "'" + LS + "  nameInfrastructures   : '"
                        + pref_nameInfrastructure + "' -> '" + newpref_nameInfrastructure + "'" + LS
                        + "  acronymInfrastructures: '" + pref_acronymInfrastructure + "' -> '"
                        + newpref_acronymInfrastructure + "'" + LS + "  bdiiHost              : '" + pref_bdiiHost
                        + "' -> '" + newpref_bdiiHost + "'" + LS + "  wmsHosts              : '" + pref_wmsHosts
                        + "' -> '" + newpref_wmsHosts + "'" + LS + "  pxServerHost          : '" + pref_pxServerHost
                        + "' -> '" + newpref_pxServerHost + "'" + LS + "  pxServerPort          : '"
                        + pref_pxServerPort + "' -> '" + newpref_pxServerPort + "'" + LS
                        + "  pxServerSecure        : '" + pref_pxServerSecure + "' -> '" + newpref_pxServerSecure
                        + "'" + LS + "  pxRobotId             : '" + pref_pxRobotId + "' -> '" + newpref_pxRobotId
                        + "'" + LS + "  pxRobotVO             : '" + pref_pxRobotVO + "' -> '" + newpref_pxRobotVO
                        + "'" + LS + "  pxRobotRole           : '" + pref_pxRobotRole + "' -> '"
                        + newpref_pxRobotRole + "'" + LS + "  pxRobotRenewalFlag    : '" + pref_pxRobotRenewalFlag
                        + "' -> '" + newpref_pxRobotRenewalFlag + "'" + LS + "  pxUserProxy           : '"
                        + pref_pxUserProxy + "' -> '" + newpref_pxUserProxy + "'" + LS
                        + "  softwareTags          : '" + pref_softwareTags + "' -> '" + newpref_softwareTags + "'"
                        + LS;
                // Assigns the new values
                appPreferences.setInfrastructure(currInfra - 1, newpref_enableInfrastructure,
                        newpref_nameInfrastructure, newpref_acronymInfrastructure, newpref_bdiiHost,
                        newpref_wmsHosts, newpref_pxServerHost, newpref_pxServerPort, newpref_pxServerSecure,
                        newpref_pxRobotId, newpref_pxRobotVO, newpref_pxRobotRole, newpref_pxRobotRenewalFlag,
                        newpref_pxUserProxy, newpref_softwareTags);
            } // newCurrInfra >= currInfra
              // Show preference value changes
   + "variable name          : 'Old Value' -> 'New value'" + LS
                    + "---------------------------------------------------" + LS
                    + "pref_logLevel                      : '" + appPreferences.getLogLevel() + "' -> '"
                    + newpref_logLevel + "'" + LS + "pref_gridOperationId               : '"
                    + appPreferences.getGridOperationId() + "' -> '" + newpref_gridOperationId + "'" + LS
                    + "pref_numInfrastructures            : '" + appPreferences.getNumInfrastructures() + "' -> '"
                    + numInfrastructures + "'" + LS + infrastructuresInformations + LS
                    + "pref_jobRequirements               : '" + appPreferences.getJobRequirements() + "' -> '"
                    + newpref_jobRequirements + "'" + LS + "pref_pilotScript                   : '"
                    + appPreferences.getPilotScript() + "' -> '" + newpref_pilotScript + "'" + LS
                    + "pref_sciGwyUserTrackingDB_Hostname : '" + appPreferences.getSciGwyUserTrackingDB_Hostname()
                    + "' -> '" + newpref_sciGwyUserTrackingDB_Hostname + "'" + LS
                    + "pref_sciGwyUserTrackingDB_Username : '" + appPreferences.getSciGwyUserTrackingDB_Username()
                    + "' -> '" + newpref_sciGwyUserTrackingDB_Username + "'" + LS
                    + "pref_sciGwyUserTrackingDB_Password : '" + appPreferences.getSciGwyUserTrackingDB_Password()
                    + "' -> '" + newpref_sciGwyUserTrackingDB_Password + "'" + LS
                    + "pref_sciGwyUserTrackingDB_Database : '" + appPreferences.getSciGwyUserTrackingDB_Database()
                    + "' -> '" + newpref_sciGwyUserTrackingDB_Database + "'" + LS);

            // Assign the new variable to the preference object

            // Store new preferences
        } // EDIT Mode
          // EDIT Mode
          // Any custom portlet mode should be placed here below
        else {
            // Unsupported portlet modes come here
            _log.warn("Custom portlet mode: '" + mode.toString() + "'");
        } // CUSTOM Mode                               
    } // processAction

     * This method is responsible to assign the correct Application view the
     * view mode is taken from the renderRequest instance by the PortletStatus
     * patameter or automatically assigned accordingly to the Application
     * status/default view mode
     * @param request RenderRequest instance normally sent by the processAction
     * @param response RenderResponse used to send values to the jsp page
     * @throws PortletException
     * @throws IOException
    protected void doView(RenderRequest request, RenderResponse response) throws PortletException, IOException {"calling doView ...");

        // Get current preference values
        getPreferences(null, request);
        gridOperationId = Integer.parseInt(appPreferences.getGridOperationId());"GridOperationId: '" + gridOperationId + "'");
        // currentView comes from the processAction; unless such method
        // is not called before (example: page shown with no user action)
        // In case the application is not yet register (gridOperationId<0)
        // the VIEW_INITIALIZE pane will be enforced otherwise the
        // VIEW_INPUT will be selected as default view
        String currentView = request.getParameter("PortletStatus");
        if (currentView == null) {
            currentView = "VIEW_INPUT";
        if (gridOperationId < 0) {
            currentView = "VIEW_ACTIVATE";

        // Different actions will be performed accordingly to the
        // different possible view modes
        switch (Views.valueOf(currentView)) {
        // The following code is responsible to call the proper jsp file
        // that will provide the correct portlet interface
        case VIEW_ACTIVATE: {
  "VIEW_ACTIVATE Selected ...");
             * Following statements requires a patch on the GridEngine not yet included and related
             * to the application auto registration feature (see code
             // Portlet uses the couple (portalName,GridOperationDesc)
             // to be identified by the GridEngine UserTrackingDB
             // VIEW_INITIALIZE checks if the Application is already
             // registered or not                
             try {                
             UsersTrackingDBInterface utDB              = new UsersTrackingDBInterface();                                    
             Company                  company           = PortalUtil.getCompany(request);
             portalName        = company.getName();
             String                   operationDesc     = appPreferences.getGridOperationDesc();                
             int                      utId              = utDB.registerOperation(portalName, operationDesc);                  
             PortletPreferences       portletPreferences= request.getPreferences();
             // Show values ...
   "Check configuration"
             +LS+"utId          : '"+utId+"'"
             +LS+"portalName    : '"+portalName+"'"                                                        
             +LS+"operationDesc : '"+appPreferences.getGridOperationDesc()+"'"                                                     
             ); // _log                  
             // Show the registration page
             request.setAttribute("gridOperationDesc", operationDesc);
             request.setAttribute(  "gridOperationId",          utId);
             request.setAttribute(           "portal",    portalName);
             request.setAttribute(   "appPreferences",appPreferences);
             PortletRequestDispatcher dispatcher=getPortletContext().getRequestDispatcher("/activate.jsp");
             dispatcher.include(request, response);
             catch (PortalException ex) {
             _log.error("Got exception: '"+ex.toString()+"'");
             catch (SystemException ex) {
             _log.error("Got exception: '"+ex.toString()+"'");
             * Application autoregistration feature
        case VIEW_INPUT: {
  "VIEW_INPUT Selected ...");
            PortletRequestDispatcher dispatcher = getPortletContext().getRequestDispatcher("/input.jsp");
            dispatcher.include(request, response);
        case VIEW_PILOT: {
  "VIEW_PILOT Selected ...");
            String pilotScript = request.getParameter("pilotScript");
            request.setAttribute("pilotScript", pilotScript);
            PortletRequestDispatcher dispatcher = getPortletContext().getRequestDispatcher("/viewPilot.jsp");
            dispatcher.include(request, response);
        case VIEW_SUBMIT: {
  "VIEW_SUBMIT Selected ...");
            String jobIdentifier = request.getParameter("jobIdentifier");
            request.setAttribute("jobIdentifier", jobIdentifier);
            PortletRequestDispatcher dispatcher = getPortletContext().getRequestDispatcher("/submit.jsp");
            dispatcher.include(request, response);
  "Unknown view mode: " + currentView.toString());
        } // switch            
    } // doView

     * This method is responsible to retrieve the current Application preference
     * settings and then show the edit.jsp page where the user can edit the
     * Application preferences This methods prepares an actionURL that will be
     * used by edit.jsp file into a <input ...> form As soon the user press the
     * action button the processAction will be called going in EDIT mode This
     * method is equivalent to the doView method
     * @param request Render request object instance
     * @param response Render response object isntance
     * @throws PortletException
     * @throws IOException
    public void doEdit(RenderRequest request, RenderResponse response) throws PortletException, IOException {
        response.setContentType("text/html");"Calling doEdit ...");

        // Get current preference values
        getPreferences(null, request);

        // Get the current infrastructure and the number of infrastructure
        int currInfra = appPreferences.getCurrPaneInfrastructure();
        int numInfrastructures = appPreferences.getNumInfrastructures();

        // ActionURL and the current preference value will be passed to the edit.jsp
        PortletURL pref_actionURL = response.createActionURL();
        request.setAttribute("pref_actionURL", pref_actionURL.toString());

        // Send preference values
        request.setAttribute("pref_logLevel", "" + appPreferences.getLogLevel());
        request.setAttribute("pref_numInfrastructures", "" + appPreferences.getNumInfrastructures());
        request.setAttribute("pref_currInfrastructure", "" + appPreferences.getCurrPaneInfrastructure());
        request.setAttribute("pref_gridOperationId", "" + appPreferences.getGridOperationId());
        request.setAttribute("pref_gridOperationDesc", "" + appPreferences.getGridOperationDesc());
        // Send Infrastructure specific data        
        if (0 <= currInfra && currInfra <= numInfrastructures) {
                    appPreferences.getEnableInfrastructure(currInfra - 1));
            request.setAttribute("pref_nameInfrastructure", appPreferences.getNameInfrastructure(currInfra - 1));
                    appPreferences.getAcronymInfrastructure(currInfra - 1));
            request.setAttribute("pref_bdiiHost", appPreferences.getBdiiHost(currInfra - 1));
            request.setAttribute("pref_wmsHosts", appPreferences.getWmsHosts(currInfra - 1));
            request.setAttribute("pref_pxServerHost", appPreferences.getPxServerHost(currInfra - 1));
            request.setAttribute("pref_pxServerPort", appPreferences.getPxServerPort(currInfra - 1));
            request.setAttribute("pref_pxServerSecure", appPreferences.getPxServerSecure(currInfra - 1));
            request.setAttribute("pref_pxRobotId", appPreferences.getPxRobotId(currInfra - 1));
            request.setAttribute("pref_pxRobotVO", appPreferences.getPxRobotVO(currInfra - 1));
            request.setAttribute("pref_pxRobotRole", appPreferences.getPxRobotRole(currInfra - 1));
            request.setAttribute("pref_pxRobotRenewalFlag", appPreferences.getPxRobotRenewalFlag(currInfra - 1));
            request.setAttribute("pref_pxUserProxy", appPreferences.getPxUserProxy(currInfra - 1));
            request.setAttribute("pref_softwareTags", appPreferences.getSoftwareTags(currInfra - 1));
        } // if paneInfrastructure > 0
        request.setAttribute("pref_jobRequirements", appPreferences.getJobRequirements());
        request.setAttribute("pref_pilotScript", appPreferences.getPilotScript());

        // The edit.jsp will be the responsible to show/edit the current preference values
        PortletRequestDispatcher dispatcher = getPortletContext().getRequestDispatcher("/edit.jsp");
        dispatcher.include(request, response);
    } // doEdit

     * This method just calls the jsp responsible to show the portlet
     * information This method is equivalent to the doView method
     * @param request Render request object instance
     * @param response Render response object isntance
     * @throws PortletException
     * @throws IOException
    public void doHelp(RenderRequest request, RenderResponse response) throws PortletException, IOException {"Calling doHelp ...");
        request.setAttribute("portletVersion", appPreferences.getPortletVersion());
        PortletRequestDispatcher dispatcher = getPortletContext().getRequestDispatcher("/help.jsp");
        dispatcher.include(request, response);
    } // doHelp

    // Portlet Standard Methods
     * This method is used to retrieve from the Application preferences the
     * GridEngine' GridOperations identifier associated to this application Such
     * index is automatically created when registering the application with the
     * couple (portalName,applicationDesc) The portal name is automatically
     * extracted from the Application The portal description is defined in the
     * default parameters (portlet.xml) This method can be called by
     * processAction or doViewe evakuating one of the corresponding
     * actionRequest or renderRequest object instances
     * @param actionRequest an ActionRequest instance or,
     * @param renderRequest a RenderRequest instance
     * @return The GridOperationId associated to this application or -1 if the
     * application is not yet registered
     * @see AppPreferences
     * private String getPrefGridOperationId(ActionRequest actionRequest ,
     * RenderRequest renderRequest) { PortletPreferences portletPreferences;
     * String prefOperationId=""; if(null != actionRequest) {
     * portletPreferences= actionRequest.getPreferences(); prefOperationId =
     * portletPreferences.getValue("pref_gridOperationId","-1"); } if(null !=
     * renderRequest) { portletPreferences= renderRequest.getPreferences();
     * prefOperationId =
     * portletPreferences.getValue("pref_gridOperationId","-1"); } return
     * prefOperationId; }
     * This method Uses the AppPreference object settings to store Application
     * preferences
     * @param request ActinRequest instance (called by the processAction)
     * @throws PortletException
     * @throws IOException
    void storePreferences(ActionRequest request) throws PortletException, IOException {"Calling storePreferences ...");
        // Stored preference content
        String storedPrefs = "Stored preferences:" + LS + "-------------------" + LS;
        // The code below stores all the portlet preference values
        PortletPreferences prefs = request.getPreferences();
        if (prefs != null) {
            String logLevel = appPreferences.getLogLevel();
            String gridOperationId = appPreferences.getGridOperationId();
            int numInfrastructures = appPreferences.getNumInfrastructures();
            int currPaneInfrastructure = appPreferences.getCurrPaneInfrastructure();
            String gridOperationDesc = appPreferences.getGridOperationDesc();
            prefs.setValue("pref_logLevel", "" + logLevel);
            prefs.setValue("pref_gridOperationId", "" + gridOperationId);
            prefs.setValue("pref_gridOperationDesc", "" + gridOperationDesc);
            prefs.setValue("pref_numInfrastructures", "" + numInfrastructures);
            prefs.setValue("pref_currInfrastructure", "" + currPaneInfrastructure);
            storedPrefs += "pref_logLevel           : '" + logLevel + "'" + LS + "pref_gridOperationId    : '"
                    + gridOperationId + "'" + LS + "pref_gridOperationDesc  : '" + gridOperationDesc + "'" + LS
                    + "pref_numInfrastructures : '" + numInfrastructures + "'" + LS + "pref_currInfrastructure : '"
                    + currPaneInfrastructure + "'" + LS;
            // For each preference infrastructure
            for (int i = 0; i < numInfrastructures; i++) {
                int j = i + 1;
                storedPrefs = LS + "Infrastructure #" + j + LS + "--------------------" + LS;
                String enableInfrastructure = appPreferences.getEnableInfrastructure(i);
                String nameInfrastructure = appPreferences.getNameInfrastructure(i);
                String acronymInfrastructure = appPreferences.getAcronymInfrastructure(i);
                String bdiiHost = appPreferences.getBdiiHost(i);
                String wmsHost = appPreferences.getWmsHosts(i);
                String pxServerHost = appPreferences.getPxServerHost(i);
                String pxServerPort = appPreferences.getPxServerPort(i);
                String pxServerSecure = appPreferences.getPxServerSecure(i);
                String pxRobotId = appPreferences.getPxRobotId(i);
                String pxRobotVO = appPreferences.getPxRobotVO(i);
                String pxRobotRole = appPreferences.getPxRobotRole(i);
                String pxRobotRenewalFlag = appPreferences.getPxRobotRenewalFlag(i);
                String pxUserProxy = appPreferences.getPxUserProxy(i);
                String softwareTags = appPreferences.getSoftwareTags(i);
                // Set preference values
                prefs.setValue("pref_" + j + "_enableInfrastructure", enableInfrastructure);
                prefs.setValue("pref_" + j + "_nameInfrastructure", nameInfrastructure);
                prefs.setValue("pref_" + j + "_acronymInfrastructure", acronymInfrastructure);
                prefs.setValue("pref_" + j + "_bdiiHost", bdiiHost);
                prefs.setValue("pref_" + j + "_wmsHosts", wmsHost);
                prefs.setValue("pref_" + j + "_pxServerHost", pxServerHost);
                prefs.setValue("pref_" + j + "_pxServerPort", pxServerPort);
                prefs.setValue("pref_" + j + "_pxServerSecure", pxServerSecure);
                prefs.setValue("pref_" + j + "_pxRobotId", pxRobotId);
                prefs.setValue("pref_" + j + "_pxRobotVO", pxRobotVO);
                prefs.setValue("pref_" + j + "_pxRobotRole", pxRobotRole);
                prefs.setValue("pref_" + j + "_pxRobotRenewalFlag", pxRobotRenewalFlag);
                prefs.setValue("pref_" + j + "_pxUserProxy", pxUserProxy);
                prefs.setValue("pref_" + j + "_softwareTags", softwareTags);
                // Dumps the infrastructure preferences
                storedPrefs += "  pref_" + j + "_enableInfrastructure : '" + enableInfrastructure + "'" + LS
                        + "  pref_" + j + "_nameInfrastructure   : '" + nameInfrastructure + "'" + LS + "  pref_"
                        + j + "_acronymInfrastructure: '" + acronymInfrastructure + "'" + LS + "  pref_" + j
                        + "_bdiiHost             : '" + bdiiHost + "'" + LS + "  pref_" + j
                        + "_wmsHosts             : '" + wmsHost + "'" + LS + "  pref_" + j
                        + "_pxServerHost         : '" + pxServerHost + "'" + LS + "  pref_" + j
                        + "_pxServerPort         : '" + pxServerPort + "'" + LS + "  pref_" + j
                        + "_pxServerSecure       : '" + pxServerSecure + "'" + LS + "  pref_" + j
                        + "_pxRobotId            : '" + pxRobotId + "'" + LS + "  pref_" + j
                        + "_pxRobotVO            : '" + pxRobotVO + "'" + LS + "  pref_" + j
                        + "_pxRobotRole          : '" + pxRobotRole + "'" + LS + "  pref_" + j
                        + "_pxRobotRenewalFlag   : '" + pxRobotRenewalFlag + "'" + LS + "  pref_" + j
                        + "_pxUserProxy          : '" + pxUserProxy + "'" + LS + "  pref_" + j
                        + "_softwareTags         : '" + softwareTags + "'" + LS;
            } // for each preference infrastructure                   
            String jobRequirements = appInitPreferences.getJobRequirements();
            String pilotScript = appInitPreferences.getPilotScript();
            prefs.setValue("pref_jobRequirements", jobRequirements);
            prefs.setValue("pref_pilotScript", pilotScript);
            String sciGwyUserTrackingDB_Hostname = appPreferences.getSciGwyUserTrackingDB_Hostname();
            String sciGwyUserTrackingDB_Username = appPreferences.getSciGwyUserTrackingDB_Username();
            String sciGwyUserTrackingDB_Password = appPreferences.getSciGwyUserTrackingDB_Password();
            String sciGwyUserTrackingDB_Database = appPreferences.getSciGwyUserTrackingDB_Database();
            prefs.setValue("pref_sciGwyUserTrackingDB_Hostname", sciGwyUserTrackingDB_Hostname);
            prefs.setValue("pref_sciGwyUserTrackingDB_Username", sciGwyUserTrackingDB_Username);
            prefs.setValue("pref_sciGwyUserTrackingDB_Password", sciGwyUserTrackingDB_Password);
            prefs.setValue("pref_sciGwyUserTrackingDB_Database", sciGwyUserTrackingDB_Database);

            storedPrefs += "pref_jobRequirements              : '" + jobRequirements + "'" + LS
                    + "pref_pilotScript                  : '" + pilotScript + "'" + LS
                    + "pref_sciGwyUserTrackingDB_Hostname: '" + sciGwyUserTrackingDB_Hostname + "'" + LS
                    + "pref_sciGwyUserTrackingDB_Username: '" + sciGwyUserTrackingDB_Username + "'" + LS
                    + "pref_sciGwyUserTrackingDB_Password: '" + sciGwyUserTrackingDB_Password + "'" + LS
                    + "pref_sciGwyUserTrackingDB_Database: '" + sciGwyUserTrackingDB_Database + "'" + LS;
            // Store preferences
        } // pref !=null

        // Show saved preferences"Stored preferences" + LS + "------------------" + storedPrefs + LS);

    } // storePreferences     

     * This method fills the appPreferences values retrieving them frorm the
     * portlet preference object. This method can be called by both
     * processAction or doView methods in case no preference values are yet
     * defined the default settings loaded by the init method will be used
     * @param actionRequest an ActionRequest instance or,
     * @param renderRequest a RenderRequest instance
    private void getPreferences(ActionRequest actionRequest, RenderRequest renderRequest) {"Calling: getPreferences ...");
        PortletPreferences prefs = null;

        if (null != actionRequest) {
            prefs = actionRequest.getPreferences();
        } else if (null != renderRequest) {
            prefs = renderRequest.getPreferences();
        } else {
            _log.warn("Both render request and action request are null");

        if (null != prefs) {
                    "" + prefs.getValue("pref_logLevel", appInitPreferences.getLogLevel()));
                    "" + prefs.getValue("pref_gridOperationId", appInitPreferences.getGridOperationId()));
                    "" + prefs.getValue("pref_gridOperationDesc", appInitPreferences.getGridOperationDesc()));
            appPreferences.updateValue("numInfrastructures", ""
                    + prefs.getValue("pref_numInfrastructures", "" + appInitPreferences.getNumInfrastructures()));

            // Now retrieves the infrastructures information
            int numInfras = appPreferences.getNumInfrastructures();
  "getpref: num infra=" + numInfras);

            // For each infrastructure ...
            // The preference name is indexed with the infrastructure number: 1,2,...
            String infrastructuresInfrormations = "";
            for (int i = 0; i < numInfras; i++) {
                int j = i + 1;
                int k = appInitPreferences.getNumInfrastructures();
                appPreferences.updateInfrastructureValue(i, "enableInfrastructure",
                        "" + prefs.getValue("pref_" + j + "_enableInfrastructure",
                                (i < k) ? appInitPreferences.getEnableInfrastructure(i) : ""));
                appPreferences.updateInfrastructureValue(i, "nameInfrastructure",
                        "" + prefs.getValue("pref_" + j + "_nameInfrastructure",
                                (i < k) ? appInitPreferences.getNameInfrastructure(i) : ""));
                appPreferences.updateInfrastructureValue(i, "acronymInfrastructure",
                        "" + prefs.getValue("pref_" + j + "_acronymInfrastructure",
                                (i < k) ? appInitPreferences.getAcronymInfrastructure(i) : ""));
                appPreferences.updateInfrastructureValue(i, "bdiiHost", "" + prefs
                        .getValue("pref_" + j + "_bdiiHost", (i < k) ? appInitPreferences.getBdiiHost(i) : ""));
                appPreferences.updateInfrastructureValue(i, "wmsHosts", "" + prefs
                        .getValue("pref_" + j + "_wmsHosts", (i < k) ? appInitPreferences.getWmsHosts(i) : ""));
                appPreferences.updateInfrastructureValue(i, "pxServerHost",
                        "" + prefs.getValue("pref_" + j + "_pxServerHost",
                                (i < k) ? appInitPreferences.getPxServerHost(i) : ""));
                appPreferences.updateInfrastructureValue(i, "pxServerPort",
                        "" + prefs.getValue("pref_" + j + "_pxServerPort",
                                (i < k) ? appInitPreferences.getPxServerPort(i) : ""));
                appPreferences.updateInfrastructureValue(i, "pxServerSecure",
                        "" + prefs.getValue("pref_" + j + "_pxServerSecure",
                                (i < k) ? appInitPreferences.getPxServerSecure(i) : ""));
                appPreferences.updateInfrastructureValue(i, "pxRobotId", "" + prefs
                        .getValue("pref_" + j + "_pxRobotId", (i < k) ? appInitPreferences.getPxRobotId(i) : ""));
                appPreferences.updateInfrastructureValue(i, "pxRobotVO", "" + prefs
                        .getValue("pref_" + j + "_pxRobotVO", (i < k) ? appInitPreferences.getPxRobotVO(i) : ""));
                appPreferences.updateInfrastructureValue(i, "pxRobotRole",
                        "" + prefs.getValue("pref_" + j + "_pxRobotRole",
                                (i < k) ? appInitPreferences.getPxRobotRole(i) : ""));
                appPreferences.updateInfrastructureValue(i, "pxRobotRenewalFlag",
                        "" + prefs.getValue("pref_" + j + "_pxRobotRenewalFlag",
                                (i < k) ? appInitPreferences.getPxRobotRenewalFlag(i) : ""));
                appPreferences.updateInfrastructureValue(i, "pxUserProxy",
                        "" + prefs.getValue("pref_" + j + "_pxUserProxy",
                                (i < k) ? appInitPreferences.getPxUserProxy(i) : ""));
                appPreferences.updateInfrastructureValue(i, "softwareTags",
                        "" + prefs.getValue("pref_" + j + "_softwareTags",
                                (i < k) ? appInitPreferences.getSoftwareTags(i) : ""));
      "dump: " + LS + appPreferences.dumpInfrastructure(i));
            } // for each Infrastructure                           

                    "" + prefs.getValue("pref_jobRequirements", appInitPreferences.getJobRequirements()));
                    "" + prefs.getValue("pref_pilotScript", appInitPreferences.getPilotScript()));
                    "" + prefs.getValue("pref_sciGwyUserTrackingDB_Hostname",
                    "" + prefs.getValue("pref_sciGwyUserTrackingDB_Username",
                    "" + prefs.getValue("pref_sciGwyUserTrackingDB_Password",
                    "" + prefs.getValue("pref_sciGwyUserTrackingDB_Database",
            // Assigns the log level      

            // Show preference values into log
        } // if
    } // getPreferences

     * This enumerated type contains all JSP input items to be managed by the
     * getInputForm method
     * @see getInputForm
    private enum inputControlsIds {

        JobIdentifier, // User defined Job identifier
        collection_type, task_number, parametric_executable, executables, argument, final_executable, final_argument

     * This method manages the user input fields managing two cases
     * distinguished by the type of the input <form ... statement The use of
     * upload file controls needs the use of "multipart/form-data" while the
     * else condition of the isMultipartContent check manages the standard input
     * case. The multipart content needs a manual processing of all <form items
     * All form' input items are identified by the 'name' input property inside
     * the jsp file
     * @param request ActionRequest instance (processAction)
     * @param appInput AppInput instance storing the jobSubmission data
    void getInputForm(ActionRequest request, AppInput appInput) {
        if (PortletFileUpload.isMultipartContent(request)) {
            try {
                FileItemFactory factory = new DiskFileItemFactory();
                PortletFileUpload upload = new PortletFileUpload(factory);
                List items = upload.parseRequest(request);
                File repositoryPath = new File("/tmp");
                DiskFileItemFactory diskFileItemFactory = new DiskFileItemFactory();
                Iterator iter = items.iterator();
                String logstring = "";
                int i = 0;
                int j = 0;
                while (iter.hasNext()) {
                    FileItem item = (FileItem);
                    String fieldName = item.getFieldName();
                    //                    String fileName = item.getName();
                    //                    String contentType = item.getContentType();
                    //                    boolean isInMemory = item.isInMemory();
                    //                    long sizeInBytes = item.getSize();
                    // Prepare a log string with field list
                    logstring += LS + "field name: '" + fieldName + "' - '" + item.getString() + "'";
                    switch (inputControlsIds.valueOf(fieldName)) {
                    case JobIdentifier:
                        appInput.jobIdentifier = item.getString();
                    case collection_type:
                        appInput.collectionType = item.getString();
                    case task_number:
                        appInput.taskNumber = item.getString();
                    case parametric_executable:
                        appInput.executable = item.getString();
                    case executables:
                    case argument:
                    case final_executable:
                        appInput.finalJobExecutable = item.getString();
                    case final_argument:
                        appInput.finalJobArgument = item.getString();
                        _log.warn("Unhandled input field: '" + fieldName + "' - '" + item.getString() + "'");
                    } // switch fieldName
                } // while iter.hasNext()   
       + "Reporting" + LS + "---------" + LS + logstring + LS);
            } // try
            catch (Exception e) {
      "Caught exception while processing files to upload: '" + e.toString() + "'");
        } // The input form do not use the "multipart/form-data" 
        else {
            // Retrieve from the input form the given application values
            appInput.jobIdentifier = (String) request.getParameter("JobIdentifier");
            appInput.collectionType = (String) request.getParameter("collection_type");
            appInput.taskNumber = (String) request.getParameter("task_number");

        } // ! isMultipartContent

        String tmp = "";
        for (int i = 0; i < appInput.executables.size(); i++) {
            if (!appInput.collectionType.equals("JOB_PARAMETRIC")) {
                tmp += LS + "executables[" + i + "]:" + appInput.executables.get(i) + "'";
            } else {
                tmp += LS + "executable:" + appInput.executable + "'";
            tmp += LS + "arguments[" + i + "]:" + appInput.arguments.get(i) + "'";
        // Show into the log the taken inputs + "Taken input parameters:" + LS + "-----------------------"
        //                + LS + "inputFileName: '" + appInput.inputFileName + "'"
        //                + LS + "inputFileText: '" + appInput.inputFileText + "'"
                + LS + "jobIdentifier: '" + appInput.jobIdentifier + "'" + LS + "collectionType: '"
                + appInput.collectionType + "'" + LS + "taskNumber: '" + appInput.taskNumber + "'" + LS + tmp + LS
                + "finalJobExecutable: '" + appInput.finalJobExecutable + "'" + LS + "finalJobArgument: '"
                + appInput.finalJobArgument + "'" + LS);

    } // getInputForm 

    enum CollectionType {


     * This method sends the job into the distributed infrastructure using the
     * GridEngine methods
     * @param appInput AppInput instance storing the jobSubmission data
    void submitJob(AppInput appInput) {

        ArrayList<GEJobDescription> descriptions = new ArrayList<GEJobDescription>();

        for (int i = 0; i < Integer.parseInt(appInput.taskNumber); i++) {
            GEJobDescription description = new GEJobDescription();
            switch (CollectionType.valueOf(appInput.collectionType)) {
            case JOB_COLLECTION:
            case WORKFLOW_N1:
                if (!appInput.executables.get(i).contains("/bin/")) {
                    String tmp = "/bin/";
                    tmp += appInput.executables.remove(i);
                    appInput.executables.add(i, tmp);
            case JOB_PARAMETRIC:
                if (!appInput.executable.contains("/bin/")) {
                    String tmp = "/bin/";
                    tmp += appInput.executable;
                    appInput.executable = tmp;
                description.setInputFiles(appServerPath + "WEB-INF/job/");



            description.setOutput("myOutput-" + i + ".txt");

            description.setError("myError-" + i + ".txt");


        // GridEngine' JobCollectionSubmission job submission object
        JobCollectionSubmission tmpJobCollectionSubmission = null;

        JobCollection collection = null;

        switch (CollectionType.valueOf(appInput.collectionType)) {
        case JOB_COLLECTION:
            collection = new JobCollection(appInput.username, appInput.jobIdentifier, "/tmp", descriptions);
        case WORKFLOW_N1:
            GEJobDescription finalJobDescription = new GEJobDescription();

            if (!appInput.finalJobExecutable.contains("/bin/")) {
                appInput.finalJobExecutable = "/bin/" + appInput.finalJobExecutable;


            String tmp = "";
            for (int i = 0; i < descriptions.size(); i++) {
                if (tmp.equals("")) {
                    tmp = descriptions.get(i).getOutput();
                } else {
                    tmp += "," + descriptions.get(i).getOutput();


            collection = new WorkflowN1(appInput.username, appInput.jobIdentifier, "/tmp", descriptions,
        case JOB_PARAMETRIC:
            collection = new JobParametric(appInput.username, appInput.jobIdentifier, "/tmp", descriptions,

        // Initialize the GridEngine Multi Infrastructure Job Submission object
        //  GridEngine uses two different kind of constructors. The constructor
        //  taking void type as argument is used for production environments, while
        //  the constructor taking SciGwyUserTrackingDB parameters is normally used
        //  for development purposes. In order to switch-on the production constructor
        //  just set to empty strings the following portlet init parameters:
        //      sciGwyUserTrackingDB_Hostname
        //      sciGwyUserTrackingDB_Username
        //      sciGwyUserTrackingDB_Password
        //      sciGwyUserTrackingDB_Database
        if (null != appPreferences.getSciGwyUserTrackingDB_Hostname()
                && !appPreferences.getSciGwyUserTrackingDB_Hostname().equals("")
                && null != appPreferences.getSciGwyUserTrackingDB_Username()
                && !appPreferences.getSciGwyUserTrackingDB_Username().equals("")
                && null != appPreferences.getSciGwyUserTrackingDB_Password()
                && !appPreferences.getSciGwyUserTrackingDB_Password().equals("")
                && null != appPreferences.getSciGwyUserTrackingDB_Database()
                && !appPreferences.getSciGwyUserTrackingDB_Database().equals("")) {
            String arg1 = "jdbc:mysql://" + appPreferences.getSciGwyUserTrackingDB_Hostname() + "/"
                    + appPreferences.getSciGwyUserTrackingDB_Database();
            String arg2 = appPreferences.getSciGwyUserTrackingDB_Username();
            String arg3 = appPreferences.getSciGwyUserTrackingDB_Password();
  "JobCollectionSubmission [DEVEL]\n" + LS + "    Arg1: '" + arg1 + "'" + LS + "    Arg2: '"
                    + arg2 + "'" + LS + "    Arg3: '" + arg3 + "'");
            tmpJobCollectionSubmission = new JobCollectionSubmission(arg1, arg2, arg3, collection);
        } else {
            tmpJobCollectionSubmission = new JobCollectionSubmission(collection);
  "JobCollectionSubmission [PROD]");

        // Assigns all enabled infrastructures
        InfrastructureInfo[] infrastructuresInfo = appPreferences.getEnabledInfrastructures();

        // Check the enabled infrastructures
        if (infrastructuresInfo.length > 0) {
            // Application Id
            int applicationId = Integer.parseInt(appPreferences.getGridOperationId());

            // Grid Engine' UserTraking needs the portal IP address
            String portalIPAddress = "";
            try {
                InetAddress addr = InetAddress.getLocalHost();
                byte[] ipAddr = addr.getAddress();
                portalIPAddress = "" + ipAddr[0] + ":" + ipAddr[1] + ":" + ipAddr[2] + ":" + ipAddr[3];
            } catch (Exception e) {
                _log.error("Unable to get the portal IP address");

            // Submit Collection
            tmpJobCollectionSubmission.submitJobCollection(infrastructuresInfo, portalIPAddress, applicationId);

            // Show log
            // View jobSubmission details in the log
   + "Job Collection Sent" + LS + "-------" + LS + "Portal address: '" + portalIPAddress + "'"
                    + LS); //        

        } // numInfra > 0
        else {
            _log.warn(LS + "There are no enough enabled infrastructures!" + LS + "It is impossible to send any job"
                    + LS + "Configure the application preferences in order to setup" + LS
                    + "or enable at least one infrastructure." + LS);
        } // numInfra == 0                    
    } // submitJob
} // mi_parallel_portlet