List of usage examples for java.lang Math floor
public static double floor(double a)
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/** * The compareTo method compares the receiving object with the specified object and returns a * negative integer, 0, or a positive integer depending on whether the receiving object is * less than, equal to, or greater than the specified object. * * @param c the event to compare this one to * * @return an integer indicating comparison result */// www . j a v a2s. c o m public int compareTo(Coordinate c) { String me = this.getLatitudeAsString() + this.getLongitudeAsString(); String you = c.getLatitudeAsString() + c.getLongitudeAsString(); Double meDbl = Double.valueOf(me); Double youDbl = Double.valueOf(you); if (meDbl == youDbl) { return 0; } else { Double tmp = Math.floor(meDbl - youDbl); return tmp.intValue(); } }
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/** * /* w ww . j av a 2 s .c om*/ * * @param * @return */ public void computeBlockSize() { Nc2 = 3 * LN + 3 * gyro + 3 * mag + 3 * WR; System.out.println("Nc2: " + Nc2); Bs = Nc2 * 2 + Nc1; System.out.println("Bs: " + Bs); N = (int) Math.floor((512 - 6 * sync) / (Bs + 2)); System.out.println("N: " + N); Bp = N * (Bs + 2) + 5 * sync; System.out.println("Block size: " + Bp); }
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public static Complex findIntegerRoot(Complex base, BigInteger power) { BigInteger rDenominator = ((Rational) base.getReal()).getDenominator(); BigInteger iDenominator = ((Rational) base.getImaginary()).getDenominator(); BigInteger lcm = rDenominator.gcd(iDenominator); lcm = rDenominator.divide(lcm);//from w w w .j av a 2s .c o m lcm = lcm.multiply(iDenominator); BigInteger lcmRoot = findIntegerRoot(lcm, power); if (lcm == null) return null; base = base.multiply(lcm); Complex numericValue = base.pow(1.0 / power.doubleValue()); double real = numericValue.getReal().doubleValue(); double imaginary = numericValue.getImaginary().doubleValue(); int ceilReal = (int) Math.ceil(real), floorReal = (int) Math.floor(real), ceilImaginary = (int) Math.ceil(imaginary), floorImaginary = (int) Math.floor(imaginary); Complex candidate; if ((candidate = new Complex(ceilReal, ceilImaginary)).pow(power).equals(base)) return candidate.divide(lcmRoot); if ((candidate = new Complex(floorReal, ceilImaginary)).pow(power).equals(base)) return candidate.divide(lcmRoot); if ((candidate = new Complex(ceilReal, floorImaginary)).pow(power).equals(base)) return candidate.divide(lcmRoot); if ((candidate = new Complex(floorReal, floorImaginary)).pow(power).equals(base)) return candidate.divide(lcmRoot); return null; }
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/** * Gets the random edge./*from w w w.jav a 2 s . c om*/ * * @param tag * the tag * @return the random edge */ @JsonIgnore @Access(AccessType.PUBLIC) public Edge getRandomEdge(final @Name("tag") String tag) { final Edge[] taggedEdges = getByTag(tag); if (taggedEdges.length > 0) { return taggedEdges[(int) Math.floor(Math.random() * taggedEdges.length)]; } else { return null; } }
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/** * Create a time-rate-histogram of events of the given client. The histograms are usually used * for diagnostic purposes.//from w w w. j a va 2 s .co m * * @param file * The plot file * @param eventList * List of events from which the histogram is derived after applying a filter on the * operation * @param clientId * Id of the client, used as filter to use only events in the histogram, which have * this clientId assigned. * @param nBin * Number of bins of the resulting histogram. * @param xLow * time value of the left boundary of the lowest bin of the resulting histogram * @param xUp * time value of the right boundary of the highest bin of the resulting histogram * @param timeUnitPlot * The time unit of the resulting plot */ public static void createClientHistogram(final File file, final Collection<LoadEvent> eventList, final int clientId, final int nBin, final double xLow, final double xUp, final String timeUnitPlot) throws IOException { double timeScalingFactor = LoadCurveCalculator.getTimeScalingFactor(LoadCurveCalculator.timeUnit_hour, timeUnitPlot); double[] xhistoLow = new double[nBin]; double[] xhistoUp = new double[nBin]; int[] yhisto = new int[nBin]; double delta = nBin / (xUp - xLow); for (int iBin = 0; iBin < nBin; iBin++) { xhistoLow[iBin] = iBin / delta + xLow; xhistoUp[iBin] = (iBin + 1) / delta + xLow; } for (LoadEvent event : eventList) { if (event.getClientId() == clientId) { double time = timeScalingFactor * event.getTime(); int xBin = (int) Math.floor((time - xLow) * delta); if (xBin >= 0 && xBin < nBin) { yhisto[xBin] += event.getOperation().getRelativeClientLoad(); } else { log.warn("Value " + time + " outside range [" + xLow + ", " + xUp + ")"); } } } // create plot data double[] x = new double[nBin * 2]; double[] y = new double[nBin * 2]; int plotBin = 0; for (int iBin = 0; iBin < nBin; iBin++) { x[plotBin] = xhistoLow[iBin]; y[plotBin] = yhisto[iBin] / (xhistoUp[iBin] - xhistoLow[iBin]); plotBin++; x[plotBin] = xhistoUp[iBin]; y[plotBin] = yhisto[iBin] / (xhistoUp[iBin] - xhistoLow[iBin]); plotBin++; } createPlot(file, x, y, "time " + timeUnitPlot, "Histogram Client " + clientId); }
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public int getMinYFloor() { return (int) Math.floor(this.minVector.getY()); }
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private void fillBins() { if (modified) { double min, max, width; int size; if (bounds != null) { min = bounds[0];/*from w w w . j ava 2 s .co m*/ max = bounds[1]; } else { double minmax[] = getMinMax(); min = minmax[0]; max = minmax[1]; } if (binWidth > 0) { size = (int) Math.ceil((max - min) / (double) binWidth); width = binWidth; } else { size = bincount; width = (max - min) / (double) bincount; } bins = new DoubleArrayList(); bins.setSize(size + 1); for (int i = 0; i < values.size(); i++) { double value = values.get(i); if (value >= min && value <= max) { int idx = (int) Math.floor((values.get(i) - min) / width); bins.set(idx, bins.get(idx) + weights.get(i)); } } modified = false; } }
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public String getURL() { XYLineChart chart = GCharts.newXYLineChart(lines); chart.setLegendPosition(LegendPosition.BOTTOM); chart.setSize(getWidth(), getHeight()); chart.setTitle(title, Color.BLACK, 14); // Defining axis info and styles AxisStyle axisStyle = AxisStyle.newAxisStyle(Color.BLACK, 12, AxisTextAlignment.CENTER); AxisLabels yAxis = AxisLabelsFactory.newNumericRangeAxisLabels(-25, 125, 25); yAxis.setAxisStyle(axisStyle);/* w w w . j a va2 s.c om*/ AxisLabels xAxis = AxisLabelsFactory.newNumericRangeAxisLabels(Math.floor(minX), Math.ceil(maxX), 1.0); xAxis.setAxisStyle(axisStyle); chart.addYAxisLabels(yAxis); chart.addXAxisLabels(xAxis); // chart.setGrid(100, 6.78, 5, 0); // Defining background and chart fills. chart.setBackgroundFill(Fills.newSolidFill(getBackgroundColor())); chart.setAreaFill(Fills.newSolidFill(getBackgroundColor())); String url = chart.toURLString(); return url; }
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private String parseTime(int time) { if (time < 0) { return "Never played"; }//from www .ja va 2s .c o m if (time < 10) { return "Just now"; } String[] strs = new String[] { "second", "minute", "hour", "day", "week", "month" }; int[] duration = new int[] { 1, 60, 3600, 86400, 604800, 2630880 }; double no = 0; int i; for (i = duration.length - 1; (i >= 0) && ((no = time / duration[i]) < 1); i--) { } int t = (int) Math.floor(no); return t + " " + strs[i] + ((t > 1) ? "s" : "") + " ago"; }
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@Ignore @Test/*ww w. jav a 2s .co m*/ public void testJsonutf8Apache() throws Exception { RestTemplate rest = new RestTemplate(new HttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory()); SimpleUser user1 = new SimpleUser(); user1.setFirstname("Tommy"); user1.setLastname("Deleteme"); user1.setId("112" + (int) (Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000))); HttpHeaders requestHeaders = new HttpHeaders(); requestHeaders.set("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=UTF-8"); // HttpEntity<?> requestEntity = new HttpEntity(requestHeaders); HttpEntity<?> requestEntity = new HttpEntity(user1, requestHeaders); ResponseEntity<SimpleUser> simpleUserResponseEntity = "http://" + endpoint + "/audited-users/auditedsave", HttpMethod.POST, requestEntity, SimpleUser.class); // ResponseEntity<SimpleUser> userResponseEntity = // rest.postForEntity("http://" + endpoint + "/audited-users/auditedsave",user1,SimpleUser.class);"got a response"); MatcherAssertionErrors.assertThat(simpleUserResponseEntity.getStatusCode(), Matchers.equalTo(HttpStatus.OK)); }