Example usage for java.lang Math floor

List of usage examples for java.lang Math floor


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang Math floor.


public static double floor(double a) 

Source Link


Returns the largest (closest to positive infinity) double value that is less than or equal to the argument and is equal to a mathematical integer.


From source file:Main.java

 * Returns a <code>double</code> representation of the <a
 * href="http://mathworld.wolfram.com/BinomialCoefficient.html"> Binomial
 * Coefficient</a>, "<code>n choose k</code>", the number of
 * <code>k</code>-element subsets that can be selected from an
 * <code>n</code>-element set.
 * <p>// w  w w. ja v a2 s.c om
 * <Strong>Preconditions</strong>:
 * <ul>
 * <li> <code>0 <= k <= n </code> (otherwise
 * <code>IllegalArgumentException</code> is thrown)</li>
 * <li> The result is small enough to fit into a <code>double</code>. The
 * largest value of <code>n</code> for which all coefficients are <
 * Double.MAX_VALUE is 1029. If the computed value exceeds Double.MAX_VALUE,
 * Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY is returned</li>
 * </ul></p>
 * @param n the size of the set
 * @param k the size of the subsets to be counted
 * @return <code>n choose k</code>
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if preconditions are not met.
public static double binomialCoefficientDouble(final int n, final int k) {
    return Math.floor(Math.exp(binomialCoefficientLog(n, k)) + 0.5);

From source file:Main.java

 * Normalize an angle in a 2&pi wide interval around a center value.
 * This method has three main uses://from   w w w.ja  v  a  2 s.c o  m
 * <ul>
 *   <li>normalize an angle between 0 and 2&pi;:<br/>
 *       <code>a = MathUtils.normalizeAngle(a, Math.PI);</code></li>
 *   <li>normalize an angle between -&pi; and +&pi;<br/>
 *       <code>a = MathUtils.normalizeAngle(a, 0.0);</code></li>
 *   <li>compute the angle between two defining angular positions:<br>
 *       <code>angle = MathUtils.normalizeAngle(end, start) - start;</code></li>
 * </ul>
 * Note that due to numerical accuracy and since &pi; cannot be represented
 * exactly, the result interval is <em>closed</em>, it cannot be half-closed
 * as would be more satisfactory in a purely mathematical view.
 * @param a angle to normalize
 * @param center center of the desired 2&pi; interval for the result
 * @return a-2k&pi; with integer k and center-&pi; &lt;= a-2k&pi; &lt;= center+&pi;
 * @since 1.2
public static double normalizeAngle(double a, double center) {
    return a - TWO_PI * Math.floor((a + Math.PI - center) / TWO_PI);

From source file:Main.java

 * Splits a collection in <tt>n</tt> new collections. The last collection may contain more elements than the others
 * if {@code set.size() % n != 0}./*  w w  w .j a va 2 s  .  com*/
 * @param set the input collection
 * @param n   the number of new collections
 * @param <T> the element type
 * @return a list containing the new collections
public static <T> List<T>[] split(Collection<T> set, int n) {
    if (set.size() >= n) {
        List<T>[] arrays = new List[n];
        int minSegmentSize = (int) Math.floor(set.size() / (double) n);

        int start = 0;
        int stop = minSegmentSize;

        Iterator<T> it = set.iterator();

        for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) {
            int segmentSize = stop - start;
            List<T> segment = new ArrayList<T>(segmentSize);
            for (int k = 0; k < segmentSize; k++) {
            arrays[i] = segment;
            start = stop;
            stop += segmentSize;

        int segmentSize = set.size() - start;
        List<T> segment = new ArrayList<T>(segmentSize);
        for (int k = 0; k < segmentSize; k++) {
        arrays[n - 1] = segment;

        return arrays;
    } else {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("n must not be smaller set size!");

From source file:Main.java

 * Returns the closest power-of-two number less than or equal to x.
 * /*from w  w  w  . j a va 2  s. c  o m*/
 * @param x
 * @return the closest power-of-two number less then or equal to x
public static int prevPow2(int x) {
    if (x < 1)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("x must be greater or equal 1");
    return (int) Math.pow(2, Math.floor(Math.log(x) / Math.log(2)));

From source file:Rnd.java

 * @param n//from  w  w w. j  a v  a2  s  . c om
 * @return n
public static int nextInt(int n) {
    return (int) Math.floor(rnd.nextDouble() * n);

From source file:com.martinkampjensen.thesis.barriers.neighborhood.AbstractNeighborhood.java

public static final int[][] calculateNeighbors(List<Model> models, Neighborhood neighborhood,
        double maxDistance, boolean allowDebugPrints) {
    final int nModels = models.size();
    final IntList[] lists = new ArrayIntList[nModels];
    final int[][] arrays = new int[nModels][];

    for (int i = 0; i < nModels; i++) {
        lists[i] = new ArrayIntList();
    }/*from  w  ww  . j av  a  2 s . c  om*/

    // For status.
    final long calculationsTotal = (long) nModels * (nModels - 1) / 2;
    final boolean performStatus = (calculationsTotal >= 2500000);
    final long calculationsTwentieth = Math.max(1, (long) Math.floor(calculationsTotal / 20d));
    long calculationsMilestone = calculationsTwentieth;
    long calculationsDone = 0;
    if (performStatus)
        System.err.print("Neighbors calculated: [0%");

    for (int i = 0; i < nModels; i++) {
        final IntList list = lists[i];
        final Model first = models.get(i);

        for (int j = i + 1; j < nModels; j++) {
            final Model second = models.get(j);

            if (neighborhood.isNeighbors(first, second, maxDistance)) {

        arrays[i] = list.toArray();
        lists[i] = null; // For garbage collection.

        // For status.
        if (performStatus) {
            calculationsDone += nModels - 1 - i;
            if (calculationsDone >= calculationsMilestone && i != nModels - 1) {
                System.err.print("..." + (int) (100 * calculationsDone / (double) calculationsTotal) + "%");
                if (calculationsDone == calculationsTotal)
                while (calculationsDone >= calculationsMilestone)
                    calculationsMilestone += calculationsTwentieth;
                calculationsMilestone = Math.min(calculationsMilestone, calculationsTotal);

    if (allowDebugPrints)
    return arrays;

From source file:Main.java

 * Works on arrys instead of collections
 * @param array/*from   w w  w  .  j a va  2s. c  o m*/
 * @param n
 * @param <T>
 * @return a list of arrays
public static <T> List<T[]> split(T[] array, int n) {
    Class theClass = array[0].getClass();
    if (array.length >= n) {
        List<T[]> out = new ArrayList<>();
        int minSegmentSize = (int) Math.floor(array.length / (double) n);

        int start = 0;
        int stop = minSegmentSize;

        for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) {
            int segmentSize = stop - start;
            T[] segment = (T[]) Array.newInstance(theClass, segmentSize);
            int j = 0;
            for (int k = start; k < stop; k++) {
                segment[j] = array[k];
            start = stop;
            stop += segmentSize;

        int segmentSize = array.length - start;
        stop = start + segmentSize;
        T[] segment = (T[]) Array.newInstance(theClass, segmentSize);
        int j = 0;
        for (int k = start; k < stop; k++) {
            segment[j] = array[k];

        return out;
    } else {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("n must not be smaller set size!");

From source file:edu.columbia.sel.grout.util.TileUtils.java

 * For a description see:/*from   www.jav a 2s .co  m*/
 * @see http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/index.php/Slippy_map_tilenames For a
 *      code-description see:
 * @see http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/index.php/Slippy_map_tilenames#
 *      compute_bounding_box_for_tile_number
 * @param aLat
 *            latitude to get the {@link OSMTileInfo} for.
 * @param aLon
 *            longitude to get the {@link OSMTileInfo} for.
 * @return The {@link OSMTileInfo} providing 'x' 'y' and 'z'(oom) for the
 *         coordinates passed.
public static OSMTileInfo getMapTileFromCoordinates(final double aLat, final double aLon, final int zoom) {
    final int y = (int) Math
            .floor((1 - Math.log(Math.tan(aLat * Math.PI / 180) + 1 / Math.cos(aLat * Math.PI / 180)) / Math.PI)
                    / 2 * (1 << zoom));
    final int x = (int) Math.floor((aLon + 180) / 360 * (1 << zoom));

    return new OSMTileInfo(x, y, zoom);

From source file:Main.java

/** This method returns the largest double value that is smaller than
 * <code> d = x * 10<sup>exp</sup></code> where x is rounded down to
 * the closest integer.//w  w w  .j  a  va 2s . c o m
 * @param d the double value to be rounded
 * @param exp the exponent of 10 to which d should be rounded
 * @return <code> Math.floor(x) * 10<sup>exp</sup></code>
public static double floor(double d, int exp) {
    double x = 1.0 * Math.pow(10.0, (double) exp);

    return Math.floor(d / x) * x;

From source file:Main.java

public static int getDominantColor(Bitmap source, boolean applyThreshold) {
    if (source == null)
        return Color.argb(255, 255, 255, 255);

    // Keep track of how many times a hue in a given bin appears in the image.
    // Hue values range [0 .. 360), so dividing by 10, we get 36 bins.
    int[] colorBins = new int[36];

    // The bin with the most colors. Initialize to -1 to prevent accidentally
    // thinking the first bin holds the dominant color.
    int maxBin = -1;

    // Keep track of sum hue/saturation/value per hue bin, which we'll use to
    // compute an average to for the dominant color.
    float[] sumHue = new float[36];
    float[] sumSat = new float[36];
    float[] sumVal = new float[36];
    float[] hsv = new float[3];

    int height = source.getHeight();
    int width = source.getWidth();
    int[] pixels = new int[width * height];
    source.getPixels(pixels, 0, width, 0, 0, width, height);
    for (int row = 0; row < height; row++) {
        for (int col = 0; col < width; col++) {
            int c = pixels[col + row * width];
            // Ignore pixels with a certain transparency.
            if (Color.alpha(c) < 128)

            Color.colorToHSV(c, hsv);

            // If a threshold is applied, ignore arbitrarily chosen values for "white" and "black".
            if (applyThreshold && (hsv[1] <= 0.35f || hsv[2] <= 0.35f))

            // We compute the dominant color by putting colors in bins based on their hue.
            int bin = (int) Math.floor(hsv[0] / 10.0f);

            // Update the sum hue/saturation/value for this bin.
            sumHue[bin] = sumHue[bin] + hsv[0];
            sumSat[bin] = sumSat[bin] + hsv[1];
            sumVal[bin] = sumVal[bin] + hsv[2];

            // Increment the number of colors in this bin.
            colorBins[bin]++;/*ww  w. j a  va  2s .  c om*/

            // Keep track of the bin that holds the most colors.
            if (maxBin < 0 || colorBins[bin] > colorBins[maxBin])
                maxBin = bin;

    // maxBin may never get updated if the image holds only transparent and/or black/white pixels.
    if (maxBin < 0)
        return Color.argb(255, 255, 255, 255);

    // Return a color with the average hue/saturation/value of the bin with the most colors.
    hsv[0] = sumHue[maxBin] / colorBins[maxBin];
    hsv[1] = sumSat[maxBin] / colorBins[maxBin];
    hsv[2] = sumVal[maxBin] / colorBins[maxBin];
    return Color.HSVToColor(hsv);