List of usage examples for java.lang Math floor
public static double floor(double a)
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public int/*estimated change point*/ detectChange() throws Exception { int estimatedChangePoint = -1; int N = this.dynamicWindow.size(); this.cushion = Math.max(100, (int) Math.floor(Math.pow(N, gamma))); //mean conf. should not fall below 0.3 double preChangeMean, postChangeMean, wholeMean; wholeMean = calculateMean(0, N - 1); if ((N > (2 * this.cushion) && wholeMean <= 0.3) || this.dynamicWindow.size() > this.dim) return N - 1; double threshold = -Math.log(this.sensitivity); double w = 0; int kAtMaxW = -1; for (int k = this.cushion; k <= N - this.cushion; k++) { double skn = 0; int prevN = this.trackN[k]; preChangeMean = prevN == -1 ? calculateMean(0, k - 1) : this.cusumElementArr[prevN][k].getPreChangeMean(); postChangeMean = calculateMean(k, N - 1); if (postChangeMean <= (1 - this.secAlgMarSlack) * preChangeMean) {//signal from secondary if (prevN == -1) { //calculate from scratch /* estimate pre and post change parameters */ double alphaPreChange = calcBetaDistAlpha(0, k - 1, preChangeMean); double betaPreChange = calculateBetaDistBeta(alphaPreChange, 0, k - 1, preChangeMean); double alphaPostChange = calcBetaDistAlpha(k, N - 1, postChangeMean); double betaPostChange = calculateBetaDistBeta(alphaPostChange, k, N - 1, postChangeMean); BetaDistributionImpl preBetaDist = new BetaDistributionImpl(alphaPreChange, betaPreChange); BetaDistributionImpl postBetaDist = new BetaDistributionImpl(alphaPostChange, betaPostChange); for (int i = k; i < N; i++) { try { skn += Math.log(postBetaDist.density(this.dynamicWindow.get(i).doubleValue()) / preBetaDist.density(this.dynamicWindow.get(i).doubleValue())); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.out.println("continuing..."); skn = 0;// w ww . ja v a2s. c o m break; } } this.cusumElementArr[N - 1][k] = new CusumElement(preBetaDist, postBetaDist, preChangeMean, skn); } else {//warning and calculate recursively double alphaPostChange2 = calcBetaDistAlpha(k, N - 1, postChangeMean); double betaPostChange2 = calculateBetaDistBeta(alphaPostChange2, k, N - 1, postChangeMean); BetaDistributionImpl postBetaDist2 = new BetaDistributionImpl(alphaPostChange2, betaPostChange2); skn += this.cusumElementArr[prevN][k].getCusumScore(); for (int i = prevN + 1; i < N; i++) { try { skn += Math.log(postBetaDist2.density(this.dynamicWindow.get(i).doubleValue()) / this.cusumElementArr[prevN][k].getPreChangeDist() .density(this.dynamicWindow.get(i).doubleValue())); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.out.println("continuing..."); skn = 0; break; } } this.cusumElementArr[N - 1][k] = new CusumElement( this.cusumElementArr[prevN][k].getPreChangeDist(), postBetaDist2, preChangeMean, skn); } this.trackN[k] = N - 1; } if (skn > w) { w = skn; kAtMaxW = k; } } if (w >= threshold && kAtMaxW != -1) { System.out.println("\nChangePoint Found!"); estimatedChangePoint = kAtMaxW; System.out.println("Estimated change point is " + estimatedChangePoint + ", detected at point: " + N); } //force change point if confidence falls down terribly if (estimatedChangePoint == -1 && N >= 100 && wholeMean < 0.3) estimatedChangePoint = N - 1; return estimatedChangePoint; }
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public static int[] floor(double[] a) { int[] b = new int[a.length]; for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { b[i] = (int) Math.floor(a[i]); }//from ww w . j a v a 2 s.c o m return b; }
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@Override public void onViewCreated(View v, Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onViewCreated(v, savedInstanceState); mProgressBar = (ProgressBar) v.findViewById(; if (mImageUrls.size() > 0) mProgressBar.setVisibility(View.GONE); // Hack to remove the ProgressBar on orientation change mGridView = (GridView) v.findViewById(; mAdapter = new ImageAdapter(getActivity()); mGridView.setAdapter(mAdapter);//from w w w . ja va 2 s .co m // Calculate the total column width to set item heights by factor 1.5 mGridView.getViewTreeObserver().addOnGlobalLayoutListener(new ViewTreeObserver.OnGlobalLayoutListener() { @Override public void onGlobalLayout() { final int numColumns = (int) Math .floor(mGridView.getWidth() / (mImageThumbSize + mImageThumbSpacing)); if (numColumns > 0) { mGridView.setNumColumns(numColumns); } } }); mGridView.setOnItemClickListener(new OnItemClickListener() { @Override public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> arg0, View arg1, int arg2, long arg3) { // Create the download Service Intent downloadService = new Intent(getActivity(), DownloadImageService.class); downloadService.putExtra(DownloadImageService.CONTENT_ID, mTmdbId); downloadService.putExtra(DownloadImageService.IMAGE_URL, mImageUrls.get(arg2)); downloadService.putExtra(DownloadImageService.IMAGE_TYPE, DownloadImageService.IMAGE_TYPE_MOVIE_COVER); getActivity().startService(downloadService); // End the browser Activity getActivity().finish(); } }); mJson = getArguments().getString("json"); loadJson(getArguments().getString("baseUrl")); }
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public static int[] loadSiftFlowLabel(int imageSize, File file) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { int n = 256;// w w w . j av a 2 s . c om int[] result = new int[n * n]; try (BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file))) { for (int j = 0; j < 5; ++j) { br.readLine(); } String line; int lineCount = 0; while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { line = line.trim(); if (!line.equals("")) { result[lineCount] = new Integer(line); } ++lineCount; } } // transpose int index1, index2, tempVar; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { for (int j = i + 1; j < n; j++) { index1 = i * n + j; index2 = j * n + i; tempVar = result[index1]; result[index1] = result[index2]; result[index2] = tempVar; } } // resize int[] resizedResult = new int[imageSize * imageSize]; double ratio = 256 / (double) imageSize; for (int i = 0; i < imageSize; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < imageSize; j++) { int index = (int) (Math.floor(i * ratio) * 256 + Math.floor(j * ratio)); resizedResult[i * imageSize + j] = result[index]; } } return resizedResult; }
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public void detectDQDiscontinuities() { int imWidth = dcts.length; int imHeight = dcts[0].length; int[] p_h_avg = new int[maxCoeffs]; int[] p_h_fft = new int[maxCoeffs]; int[] p_final = new int[maxCoeffs]; double[][] pTampered = new double[maxCoeffs][]; double[][] pUntampered = new double[maxCoeffs][]; for (int coeffIndex = 0; coeffIndex < maxCoeffs; coeffIndex++) { int coe = coeff[coeffIndex]; int startY = coe % 8 - 1; if (startY == -1) { startY = 8;//from w ww .j av a 2s . c o m } int startX = (int) Math.floor((coe - 1) / 8); List<Integer> selectedCoeffs = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (int ii = startX; ii < imWidth; ii += 8) { for (int jj = startY; jj < imHeight; jj += 8) { selectedCoeffs.add(dcts[ii][jj]); } } int minCoeffValue = Collections.min(selectedCoeffs); int maxCoeffValue = Collections.max(selectedCoeffs); int s_0; Double[] coeffHist = new Double[0]; if (maxCoeffValue - minCoeffValue > 0) { //will be a power of 2 to allow for fft (zero padded) int trueHistRange = maxCoeffValue - minCoeffValue + 1; //int histLength = trueHistRange; int histLength = (int) Math.pow(2, Math.ceil(Math.log(trueHistRange) / Math.log(2))); coeffHist = new Double[histLength]; for (int ii = 0; ii < coeffHist.length; ii++) { coeffHist[ii] = 0.0; } for (Integer selectedCoeff : selectedCoeffs) { coeffHist[selectedCoeff - minCoeffValue] += 1; } List<Double> coeffHistList = Arrays.asList(coeffHist); s_0 = coeffHistList.indexOf(Collections.max(coeffHistList)); List<Double> h = new ArrayList<>(); DescriptiveStatistics vals; for (int coeffInd = 1; coeffInd < coeffHistList.size(); coeffInd++) { vals = new DescriptiveStatistics(); for (int leapInd = s_0; leapInd < coeffHistList.size(); leapInd += coeffInd) { vals.addValue(coeffHistList.get(leapInd)); } for (int leapInd = s_0 - coeffInd; leapInd >= 0; leapInd -= coeffInd) { vals.addValue(coeffHistList.get(leapInd)); } h.add(vals.getMean()); } p_h_avg[coeffIndex] = (h.indexOf(Collections.max(h))); FastFourierTransformer fastFourierTransformer = new FastFourierTransformer( DftNormalization.STANDARD); Complex[] fft = fastFourierTransformer.transform(ArrayUtils.toPrimitive(coeffHist), TransformType.FORWARD); double[] power = new double[fft.length]; for (int ii = 0; ii < power.length; ii++) { power[ii] = fft[ii].abs(); } //Find first local minimum, to bypass DC peak double DC = power[0]; int FreqValley = 1; while (FreqValley < power.length - 1 & power[FreqValley] >= power[FreqValley + 1]) { FreqValley++; } int maxFFTInd = 0; double maxFFTVal = 0; double minFFTVal = Double.MAX_VALUE; for (int ii = FreqValley; ii < power.length / 2; ii++) { if (power[ii] > maxFFTVal) { maxFFTInd = ii; maxFFTVal = power[ii]; } if (power[ii] < minFFTVal) { minFFTVal = power[ii]; } } if (maxFFTInd == 0 | maxFFTVal < (DC / 5) | minFFTVal / maxFFTVal > 0.9) { p_h_fft[coeffIndex] = 1; } else { p_h_fft[coeffIndex] = Math.round(coeffHist.length / maxFFTInd); } } else { p_h_avg[coeffIndex] = 1; p_h_fft[coeffIndex] = 1; s_0 = 0; } if (p_h_avg[coeffIndex] < p_h_fft[coeffIndex]) { p_final[coeffIndex] = p_h_avg[coeffIndex]; } else { p_final[coeffIndex] = p_h_fft[coeffIndex]; } pTampered[coeffIndex] = new double[selectedCoeffs.size()]; pUntampered[coeffIndex] = new double[selectedCoeffs.size()]; int[] adjustedCoeffs = new int[selectedCoeffs.size()]; int[] period_start = new int[selectedCoeffs.size()]; int[] period; int[] num = new int[selectedCoeffs.size()]; int[] denom = new int[selectedCoeffs.size()]; double[] P_u = new double[selectedCoeffs.size()]; double[] P_t = new double[selectedCoeffs.size()]; if (p_final[coeffIndex] != 1) { for (int ii = 0; ii < adjustedCoeffs.length; ii++) { adjustedCoeffs[ii] = selectedCoeffs.get(ii) - minCoeffValue; period_start[ii] = adjustedCoeffs[ii] - rem(adjustedCoeffs[ii] - s_0, p_final[coeffIndex]); } for (int kk = 0; kk < selectedCoeffs.size(); kk++) { if (period_start[kk] > s_0) { period = new int[p_final[coeffIndex]]; for (int ii = 0; ii < p_final[coeffIndex]; ii++) { period[ii] = period_start[kk] + ii; if (period[ii] >= coeffHist.length) { period[ii] = period[ii] - p_final[coeffIndex]; } } num[kk] = (int) coeffHist[adjustedCoeffs[kk]].doubleValue(); denom[kk] = 0; for (int ll = 0; ll < period.length; ll++) { denom[kk] = denom[kk] + (int) coeffHist[period[ll]].doubleValue(); } } else { period = new int[p_final[coeffIndex]]; for (int ii = 0; ii < p_final[coeffIndex]; ii++) { period[ii] = period_start[kk] - ii; if (period_start[kk] - p_final[coeffIndex] + 1 <= 0) { if (period[ii] <= 0) { period[ii] = period[ii] + p_final[coeffIndex]; } } } num[kk] = (int) coeffHist[adjustedCoeffs[kk]].doubleValue(); denom[kk] = 0; for (int ll = 0; ll < period.length; ll++) { denom[kk] = denom[kk] + (int) coeffHist[period[ll]].doubleValue(); } } P_u[kk] = ((double) num[kk] / denom[kk]); P_t[kk] = (1.0 / p_final[coeffIndex]); if (P_u[kk] + P_t[kk] != 0) { pTampered[coeffIndex][kk] = P_t[kk] / (P_u[kk] + P_t[kk]); pUntampered[coeffIndex][kk] = P_u[kk] / (P_u[kk] + P_t[kk]); } else { pTampered[coeffIndex][kk] = 0.5; pUntampered[coeffIndex][kk] = 0.5; } } } else { for (int kk = 0; kk < selectedCoeffs.size(); kk++) { pTampered[coeffIndex][kk] = 0.5; pUntampered[coeffIndex][kk] = 0.5; } } } double[] pTamperedOverall = new double[pTampered[0].length]; double pTamperedProd; double pUntamperedProd; for (int locationIndex = 0; locationIndex < pTampered[0].length; locationIndex++) { pTamperedProd = 1; pUntamperedProd = 1; for (int coeffIndex = 0; coeffIndex < pTampered.length; coeffIndex++) { pTamperedProd = pTamperedProd * pTampered[coeffIndex][locationIndex]; pUntamperedProd = pUntamperedProd * pUntampered[coeffIndex][locationIndex]; } if (pTamperedProd + pUntamperedProd != 0) { pTamperedOverall[locationIndex] = pTamperedProd / (pTamperedProd + pUntamperedProd); } else { pTamperedOverall[locationIndex] = 0; } } int blocksH = imWidth / 8; int blocksV = imHeight / 8; double[][] outputMap = new double[blocksV][blocksH]; for (int kk = 0; kk < pTamperedOverall.length; kk++) { outputMap[kk % blocksV][(int) Math.floor(kk / blocksV)] = pTamperedOverall[kk]; if (pTamperedOverall[kk] > maxProbValue) { maxProbValue = pTamperedOverall[kk]; } if (pTamperedOverall[kk] < minProbValue) { minProbValue = pTamperedOverall[kk]; } } probabilityMap = outputMap; BufferedImage outputIm = visualizeWithJet(outputMap); // output displaySurface = outputIm; }
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/** * //from w w w. ja v a2s . c om * @param data Containes the mean squared displacement and the Tracklength for each track. data[i][0] = MSD data[i][1] = Tracklength * @param temp Temperature of the suspension in kelvin * @param visk Viscosity of the suspension * @param framerate Framerate in hertz * @param maxdiameter The maximum diameter for the estimation */ public WalkerMethodEstimator(double[][] data, double temp, double visk, double framerate, int maxdiameter) { = data; this.temp = temp; this.visk = visk; this.frameduration = 1 / framerate; minTrackLength = Integer.MAX_VALUE; maxTrackLength = Integer.MIN_VALUE; //msdMin = Double.MAX_VALUE; msdMax = Double.MIN_VALUE; //double convFact = Math.pow(10, -10); for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { //10^-10 cm^2 -> cm^2 //[i][0] =[i][0]*convFact; //- 4*17.562862475*17.562862475*Math.pow(10, -7)*Math.pow(10, -7); if (data[i][0] > msdMax) { msdMax = data[i][0]; } if ([i][1] > maxTrackLength) { maxTrackLength = (int)[i][1]; } if ([i][1] < minTrackLength) { minTrackLength = (int)[i][1]; } //IJ.log("MSD " +[i][0]); } logMapK = new double[maxTrackLength + 1]; logMapGammaK = new double[maxTrackLength + 1]; java.util.Arrays.fill(logMapK, Double.NaN); java.util.Arrays.fill(logMapGammaK, Double.NaN); maxRadiusInNm = maxdiameter / 2.0; binNumber = (int) (maxRadiusInNm / binSizeInnm); histBinNumber = (int) Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(data.length)); deltaB = msdMax / histBinNumber; histogramMSD = new double[histBinNumber]; java.util.Arrays.fill(histogramMSD, 0); Nk = new int[maxTrackLength + 1]; java.util.Arrays.fill(Nk, 0); for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { int index = (int)[i][1]; Nk[index]++; int index2 = (int) Math.floor(data[i][0] / deltaB - 0.001); histogramMSD[index2]++; } }
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private static int getMaximumLength(LayoutLabelType labelType, int maximum) { if (labelType == LayoutLabelType.DIGITS) { int length = (int) Math.floor(Math.log(maximum) / Math.log(DIGIT_BASE)) + 1; return (length > 1) ? length : 2; }//from w w w. j av a 2 s . c o m return (int) Math.floor(Math.log(maximum) / Math.log(LETTER_BASE)) + 1; }
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/** * Applies the GradientFilter to the specified Image. * @param im The Image that will be replaced by its gradient. */// w ww .j a v a2 s . c om @Override public void apply(WritableImage im) { final int kernelSize = 3; int halfKernelSize = (kernelSize - 1) / 2; RealMatrix kernel1 = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(kernelSize, kernelSize); kernel1.setEntry(0, 0, 1); kernel1.setEntry(1, 0, 0); kernel1.setEntry(2, 0, -1); kernel1.setEntry(0, 1, 1); kernel1.setEntry(1, 1, 0); kernel1.setEntry(2, 1, -1); kernel1.setEntry(0, 2, 1); kernel1.setEntry(1, 2, 0); kernel1.setEntry(2, 2, -1); RealMatrix kernel2 = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(kernelSize, kernelSize); kernel2.setEntry(0, 0, -1); kernel2.setEntry(1, 0, -1); kernel2.setEntry(2, 0, -1); kernel2.setEntry(0, 1, 0); kernel2.setEntry(1, 1, 0); kernel2.setEntry(2, 1, 0); kernel2.setEntry(0, 2, 1); kernel2.setEntry(1, 2, 1); kernel2.setEntry(2, 2, 1); Image copy = ImageFactory.create(im); ImageCoordinate ic = ImageCoordinate.createCoordXYZCT(0, 0, 0, 0, 0); for (ImageCoordinate i : im) { double outputVal = 0; double output1 = 0; double output2 = 0; if (i.get(ImageCoordinate.X) == 0 || i.get(ImageCoordinate.Y) == 0 || i.get(ImageCoordinate.X) == copy.getDimensionSizes().get(ImageCoordinate.X) - 1 || i.get(ImageCoordinate.Y) == copy.getDimensionSizes().get(ImageCoordinate.Y) - 1) { outputVal = 0; } else { for (int p = -1 * halfKernelSize; p < halfKernelSize + 1; p++) { for (int q = -1 * halfKernelSize; q < halfKernelSize + 1; q++) { ic.set(ImageCoordinate.X, i.get(ImageCoordinate.X) + p); ic.set(ImageCoordinate.Y, i.get(ImageCoordinate.Y) + q); output1 += kernel1.getEntry(p + halfKernelSize, q + halfKernelSize) * copy.getValue(ic); output2 += kernel2.getEntry(p + halfKernelSize, q + halfKernelSize) * copy.getValue(ic); } } outputVal = FastMath.hypot(output1, output2); } im.setValue(i, (float) Math.floor(outputVal)); } ic.recycle(); }
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@Override public void onViewCreated(View v, Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onViewCreated(v, savedInstanceState); mProgressBar = (ProgressBar) v.findViewById(; if (mImageUrls.size() > 0) mProgressBar.setVisibility(View.GONE); // Hack to remove the ProgressBar on orientation change mGridView = (GridView) v.findViewById(; mAdapter = new ImageAdapter(getActivity()); mGridView.setAdapter(mAdapter);//w w w .j a va 2 s. c o m // Calculate the total column width to set item heights by factor 1.5 mGridView.getViewTreeObserver().addOnGlobalLayoutListener(new ViewTreeObserver.OnGlobalLayoutListener() { @Override public void onGlobalLayout() { final int numColumns = (int) Math .floor(mGridView.getWidth() / (mImageThumbSize + mImageThumbSpacing)); if (numColumns > 0) { mGridView.setNumColumns(numColumns); } } }); mGridView.setOnItemClickListener(new OnItemClickListener() { @Override public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> arg0, View arg1, int arg2, long arg3) { // Create the download Service Intent downloadService = new Intent(getActivity(), DownloadImageService.class); downloadService.putExtra(DownloadImageService.CONTENT_ID, mCollectionId); downloadService.putExtra(DownloadImageService.IMAGE_URL, mImageUrls.get(arg2)); downloadService.putExtra(DownloadImageService.IMAGE_TYPE, DownloadImageService.IMAGE_TYPE_MOVIE_COVER); getActivity().startService(downloadService); // End the browser Activity getActivity().finish(); } }); mJson = getArguments().getString("json"); loadJson(getArguments().getString("baseUrl")); }
From source
/** * Given an Excel date with either 1900 or 1904 date windowing, converts it to * a java.util.Date./* w ww.ja v a2 s. c o m*/ * * NOTE: If the default <code>TimeZone</code> in Java uses Daylight Saving * Time then the conversion back to an Excel date may not give the same value, * that is the comparison <CODE>excelDate == * getExcelDate(getJavaDate(excelDate,false))</CODE> is not always true. For * example if default timezone is <code>Europe/Copenhagen</code>, on * 2004-03-28 the minute after 01:59 CET is 03:00 CEST, if the excel date * represents a time between 02:00 and 03:00 then it is converted to past * 03:00 summer time * * @param date * The Excel date. * @param use1904windowing * true if date uses 1904 windowing, or false if using 1900 date * windowing. * @return Java representation of the date, or null if date is not a valid * Excel date * @see java.util.TimeZone */ public static Date getJavaDate(final double date, final boolean use1904windowing) { if (isValidExcelDate(date)) { int startYear = 1900; int dayAdjust = -1; // Excel thinks 2/29/1900 is a valid date, which it // isn't final int wholeDays = (int) Math.floor(date); if (use1904windowing) { startYear = 1904; dayAdjust = 1; // 1904 date windowing uses 1/2/1904 as the first day } else if (wholeDays < 61) { // Date is prior to 3/1/1900, so adjust because Excel thinks 2/29/1900 // exists // If Excel date == 2/29/1900, will become 3/1/1900 in Java // representation dayAdjust = 0; } final GregorianCalendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar(startYear, 0, wholeDays + dayAdjust); final int millisecondsInDay = (int) ((date - Math.floor(date)) * (double) DAY_MILLISECONDS + 0.5); calendar.set(GregorianCalendar.MILLISECOND, millisecondsInDay); return calendar.getTime(); } else { return null; } }