Java tutorial
/* * Copyright: Almende B.V. (2014), Rotterdam, The Netherlands * License: The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 */ package com.almende.eve.algorithms; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import com.almende.eve.protocol.jsonrpc.annotation.Access; import com.almende.eve.protocol.jsonrpc.annotation.AccessType; import com.almende.eve.protocol.jsonrpc.annotation.Name; import com.almende.eve.protocol.jsonrpc.annotation.Namespace; import com.almende.eve.protocol.jsonrpc.annotation.Optional; import com.almende.eve.protocol.jsonrpc.annotation.Sender; import com.almende.eve.protocol.jsonrpc.formats.Caller; import com.almende.eve.protocol.jsonrpc.formats.Params; import com.almende.util.callback.AsyncCallback; import com.almende.util.callback.SyncCallback; import com.almende.util.uuid.UUID; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnore; /** * The Class Graph, contains storage, logic and communication for maintaining a * graph, potentially existing of tagged subgraphs, with edges that can carry a * Comparable Weight. * Among management tooling, the class also contains a Scale-Free-Network * generator algorithm and some graph search tools. <br> * API:<br> * <br> * graph.addEdge({"edge":{"node":-URI-,"tag":-tag-,"weight":-object-}}); //Add * single Edge <br> * graph.addEdges({"nodes":[-URI-],"tag":-tag-}); //Add double directional * tagged Edges<br> * graph.addNode2SFN({"node":-URI-,"tag":-tag-, * "nofEdges":-m-,"initialWalk":-l-}) //add a node to a tagged * scale-free-network overlay. <br> * <br> * graph.doRandomWalk({"tag":-tag-,"steps":-steps-}) //initiate random walk, * returns URI.<br> * graph.randomWalk({"tag":-tag-,"steps":-steps-,"origin":-URI-,"runId":-id-}) * //perform the randomwalk, report to origin<br> * graph.reportRandomWalk({""runId":-id-}) //Report resulting node (through the * @Sender)<br> */ @Namespace("graph") public class Graph { private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(Graph.class.getName()); private Caller caller = null; private double probSFN = Math.random(); private static final Map<String, AsyncCallback<URI>> callbacks = new HashMap<String, AsyncCallback<URI>>(); private Edge[] edges = new Edge[0]; transient private TreeSet<Edge> set = null; /** * Instantiates a new network rpc. * * @param caller * the caller */ public Graph(Caller caller) { this.caller = caller; } /** * Gets the edges. * * @return the edges */ public synchronized Edge[] getEdges() { return edges; } /** * Sets the edges. * * @param edges * the new edges */ public synchronized void setEdges(final Edge[] edges) { this.edges = edges; } /** * Adds a new edge. * * @param edge * the edge */ @Access(AccessType.PUBLIC) public void addEdge(final @Name("edge") Edge edge) { edges = Arrays.copyOf(edges, edges.length + 1); edges[edges.length - 1] = edge; if (set != null) { set.add(edge); } } /** * Get a treeSet view of the network, sorted and navigational. * * @return the tree set */ @JsonIgnore public synchronized TreeSet<Edge> getTreeSet() { if (set == null) { set = new TreeSet<Edge>(); set.addAll(Arrays.asList(edges)); } return set; } /** * Gets the top x of the TreeSet view. * * @param x * the x * @return the top x */ @JsonIgnore public synchronized Edge[] getTopX(final int x) { Edge[] tree = getTreeSet().toArray(new Edge[0]); List<Edge> res = new ArrayList<Edge>(x); for (int i = 0; i < x && i < tree.length; i++) { res.add(tree[i]); } return res.toArray(new Edge[0]); } /** * Gets the edges that match the given tag. * * @param tag * the tag * @return the by tag */ @JsonIgnore public synchronized Edge[] getByTag(final Object tag) { List<Edge> res = new ArrayList<Edge>(edges.length); for (Edge edge : edges) { if (edge.getTag() != null && edge.getTag().equals(tag)) { res.add(edge); } } return res.toArray(new Edge[0]); } /** * Gets the random edge. * * @param tag * the tag * @return the random edge */ @JsonIgnore @Access(AccessType.PUBLIC) public Edge getRandomEdge(final @Name("tag") String tag) { final Edge[] taggedEdges = getByTag(tag); if (taggedEdges.length > 0) { return taggedEdges[(int) Math.floor(Math.random() * taggedEdges.length)]; } else { return null; } } /** * Adds a list of double directional edges. * * @param nodes * the nodes * @param tag * the tag * @throws IOException * Signals that an I/O exception has occurred. */ @Access(AccessType.PUBLIC) public void addEdges(@Name("nodes") List<URI> nodes, @Name("tag") String tag) throws IOException { for (URI node : nodes) { addEdge(new Edge(node, tag, null)); final Params params = new Params(); params.add("edge", new Edge(caller.getSenderUrls().get(0), tag, null));, "graph.addEdge", params); } } // ScaleFreeNetwork /** * Adds this node to a tagged Scale-Free-Network overlay, starting from * remote. * * @param start * the start * @param tag * the tag * @param m * the number of new edges to attach * @param l * the length of the initial randomWalk. * @throws IOException * Signals that an I/O exception has occurred. */ @Access(AccessType.PUBLIC) public void addNode2SFN(final @Name("start") URI start, final @Name("tag") String tag, final @Name("nofEdges") int m, final @Optional @Name("initialWalk") Integer l) throws IOException { final Set<URI> others = new HashSet<URI>(m); Params params = new Params(); params.add("tag", tag); params.add("steps", 7); URI remote = caller.callSync(start, "graph.doRandomWalk", params, URI.class); others.add(remote); while (others.size() < m) { params = new Params(); params.add("tag", tag); remote = caller.callSync(remote, "graph.doRandomWalk", params, URI.class); others.add(remote); } params = new Params(); addEdges(new ArrayList<URI>(others), tag); } // Random walk /** * Initiate a random walk and report the resulting address. * * @param steps * the steps * @param tag * the tag * @return the uri * @throws IOException * Signals that an I/O exception has occurred. */ @Access(AccessType.PUBLIC) public URI doRandomWalk(@Name("tag") String tag, @Optional @Name("steps") Integer steps) throws IOException { if (steps == null) { steps = Math.random() > probSFN ? 2 : 1; } SyncCallback<URI> callback = new SyncCallback<URI>(); String runId = new UUID().toString(); callbacks.put(runId, callback); randomWalk(tag, steps, caller.getSenderUrls().get(0), runId); try { return callback.get(); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "Failed to obtain remote node from random walk", e); return null; } } /** * Random walk: take the next step, if steps==0, send message to origin. * * @param tag * the tag * @param steps * the steps * @param origin * the origin * @param runId * the run id * @throws IOException * Signals that an I/O exception has occurred. */ @Access(AccessType.PUBLIC) public void randomWalk(@Name("tag") String tag, @Name("steps") int steps, @Name("origin") URI origin, @Name("runId") String runId) throws IOException { URI next = getRandomEdge(tag).getAddress(); if (steps > 0) { Params params = new Params(); params.add("steps", steps - 1); params.add("origin", origin); params.add("runId", runId); params.add("tag", tag);, "graph.randomWalk", params); } else { Params params = new Params(); params.add("runId", runId);, "graph.reportRandomWalk", params); } } /** * Random Walk: reporting method. * * @param other * the other * @param runId * the run id */ @Access(AccessType.PUBLIC) public void reportRandomWalk(@Sender URI other, @Name("runId") String runId) { AsyncCallback<URI> callback = callbacks.remove(runId); callback.onSuccess(other); } }