Source code

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 * Copyright (c) 2014 mgm technology partners GmbH
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package com.mgmtp.perfload.loadprofiles.util;

import static;

import java.text.Format;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import com.mgmtp.perfload.loadprofiles.generation.LoadCurveCalculator;
import com.mgmtp.perfload.loadprofiles.model.LoadCurve;
import com.mgmtp.perfload.loadprofiles.model.LoadCurveAssignment;
import com.mgmtp.perfload.loadprofiles.model.LoadEvent;

 * @author mvarendo
public class PlotFileCreator {
    private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PlotFileCreator.class);

     * Create a time-rate-histogram of events of the given operation. The histograms are usually
     * used for diagnostic purposes.
     * @param file
     *            The plot file
     * @param eventList
     *            List of events from which the histogram is derived after applying a filter on the
     *            operation
     * @param operationName
     *            Name of the operation, used as filter to use only events in the histogram, which
     *            have this operation assigned.
     * @param nBin
     *            Number of bins of the resulting histogram.
     * @param xLow
     *            time value of the left boundary of the lowest bin of the resulting histogram
     * @param xUp
     *            time value of the right boundary of the highest bin of the resulting histogram
     * @param timeUnitPlot
     *            The time unit of the resulting plot
    public static void createOperationHistogram(final File file, final Collection<LoadEvent> eventList,
            final String operationName, final int nBin, final double xLow, final double xUp,
            final String timeUnitPlot) throws IOException {
        double timeScalingFactor = LoadCurveCalculator.getTimeScalingFactor(LoadCurveCalculator.timeUnit_hour,

        double[] xhistoLow = new double[nBin];
        double[] xhistoUp = new double[nBin];
        int[] yhisto = new int[nBin];

        double delta = nBin / (xUp - xLow);
        for (int iBin = 0; iBin < nBin; iBin++) {
            xhistoLow[iBin] = iBin / delta + xLow;
            xhistoUp[iBin] = (iBin + 1) / delta + xLow;
        for (LoadEvent event : eventList) {
            if (event.getOperation().getName().equals(operationName)) {
                double time = timeScalingFactor * event.getTime();
                int xBin = (int) Math.floor((time - xLow) * delta);
                if (xBin >= 0 && xBin < nBin) {
                } else {
                    log.warn("Value " + time + " outside range [" + xLow + ", " + xUp + ")");

        // create plot data
        double[] x = new double[nBin * 2];
        double[] y = new double[nBin * 2];

        int plotBin = 0;
        for (int iBin = 0; iBin < nBin; iBin++) {
            x[plotBin] = xhistoLow[iBin];
            y[plotBin] = yhisto[iBin] / (xhistoUp[iBin] - xhistoLow[iBin]);
            x[plotBin] = xhistoUp[iBin];
            y[plotBin] = yhisto[iBin] / (xhistoUp[iBin] - xhistoLow[iBin]);
        createPlot(file, x, y, "time " + timeUnitPlot, "Histogram " + operationName);

     * Create a time-rate-histogram of events of the given client. The histograms are usually used
     * for diagnostic purposes.
     * @param file
     *            The plot file
     * @param eventList
     *            List of events from which the histogram is derived after applying a filter on the
     *            operation
     * @param clientId
     *            Id of the client, used as filter to use only events in the histogram, which have
     *            this clientId assigned.
     * @param nBin
     *            Number of bins of the resulting histogram.
     * @param xLow
     *            time value of the left boundary of the lowest bin of the resulting histogram
     * @param xUp
     *            time value of the right boundary of the highest bin of the resulting histogram
     * @param timeUnitPlot
     *            The time unit of the resulting plot
    public static void createClientHistogram(final File file, final Collection<LoadEvent> eventList,
            final int clientId, final int nBin, final double xLow, final double xUp, final String timeUnitPlot)
            throws IOException {
        double timeScalingFactor = LoadCurveCalculator.getTimeScalingFactor(LoadCurveCalculator.timeUnit_hour,

        double[] xhistoLow = new double[nBin];
        double[] xhistoUp = new double[nBin];
        int[] yhisto = new int[nBin];

        double delta = nBin / (xUp - xLow);
        for (int iBin = 0; iBin < nBin; iBin++) {
            xhistoLow[iBin] = iBin / delta + xLow;
            xhistoUp[iBin] = (iBin + 1) / delta + xLow;
        for (LoadEvent event : eventList) {
            if (event.getClientId() == clientId) {
                double time = timeScalingFactor * event.getTime();
                int xBin = (int) Math.floor((time - xLow) * delta);
                if (xBin >= 0 && xBin < nBin) {
                    yhisto[xBin] += event.getOperation().getRelativeClientLoad();
                } else {
                    log.warn("Value " + time + " outside range [" + xLow + ", " + xUp + ")");

        // create plot data
        double[] x = new double[nBin * 2];
        double[] y = new double[nBin * 2];

        int plotBin = 0;
        for (int iBin = 0; iBin < nBin; iBin++) {
            x[plotBin] = xhistoLow[iBin];
            y[plotBin] = yhisto[iBin] / (xhistoUp[iBin] - xhistoLow[iBin]);
            x[plotBin] = xhistoUp[iBin];
            y[plotBin] = yhisto[iBin] / (xhistoUp[iBin] - xhistoLow[iBin]);
        createPlot(file, x, y, "time " + timeUnitPlot, "Histogram Client " + clientId);

     * derive the id of an operation (position of the operation within the given array of operation
     * names.
     * @param operationName
     *            Name of operation, for which the id has to be derived.
     * @param operationNames
     *            Array of operation names
    private static int getOperationId(final String operationName, final String[] operationNames) {
        for (int i = 0; i < operationNames.length; i++) {
            if (operationName.equals(operationNames[i])) {
                return i;
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Operation " + operationName + " not in " + operationNames);

     * Create a plot of the start times of load events for all given load curve assignements. This
     * plot is normally used for diagnostic purposes.
     * @param file
     *            The plot file
     * @param eventList
     *            List of events to be plotted.
     * @param loadCurveAssignments
     *            load curve assignements, by which the load events are grouped
     * @param nClients
     *            Number of clients
     * @param timeUnitPlot
     *            time unit of the plot.
    public static void createPlot(final File file, final Collection<LoadEvent> eventList,
            final List<LoadCurveAssignment> loadCurveAssignments, final int nClients, final String timeUnitPlot)
            throws IOException {
        double timeScalingFactor = LoadCurveCalculator.getTimeScalingFactor(LoadCurveCalculator.timeUnit_hour,

        int nAssignements = loadCurveAssignments.size();
        int[][] operationsOfType = new int[nAssignements][nClients];
        String[] operationNames = new String[nAssignements];
        for (int iAssignement = 0; iAssignement < nAssignements; iAssignement++) {
            operationNames[iAssignement] = loadCurveAssignments.get(iAssignement).getOperationName();
        for (int iClient = 0; iClient < nClients; iClient++) {
            for (LoadEvent event : eventList) {
                if (event.getClientId() == iClient) {
                    int operationId = getOperationId(event.getOperation().getName(), operationNames);
        PrintWriter pw = null;
        try {
            pw = new PrintWriter(file, "UTF-8");

            Format format = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance();
            for (int iClient = 0; iClient < nClients; iClient++) {
                for (int iAssignement = 0; iAssignement < nAssignements; iAssignement++) {
                    pw.println("Eventtime " + timeUnitPlot + "; Client " + iClient + " "
                            + loadCurveAssignments.get(iAssignement).getLoadCurve().getName() + " "
                            + operationNames[iAssignement]);
          "Writing " + operationsOfType[iAssignement][iClient] + " operations of type "
                            + loadCurveAssignments.get(iAssignement).getOperationName() + " for client " + iClient);
                    for (LoadEvent event : eventList) {
                        if (event.getClientId() == iClient) {
                            if (event.getOperation().getName().equals(operationNames[iAssignement])) {
                                double x = timeScalingFactor * event.getTime();
                                double y = LoadCurveCalculator
                                        .r(loadCurveAssignments.get(iAssignement).getLoadCurve(), event.getTime());
                                pw.println(format.format(x) + "; " + format.format(y));
        } finally {

     * Plot the events created from a load curve. The start times of the events are used for the
     * x-axis, the value of the load curve at this time is used as the y-axis.
     * @param file
     *            The plot file
     * @param eventList
     *            List of events to be plotted.
     * @param loadCurve
     *            The load curve, from which the events are derived.
     * @param timeUnitPlot
     *            Time unit of the plot.
    public static void createPlot(final File file, final Collection<LoadEvent> eventList, final LoadCurve loadCurve,
            final String timeUnitPlot) throws IOException {
        double[] x = new double[eventList.size()];
        double[] y = new double[eventList.size()];

        double timeScalingFactor = LoadCurveCalculator.getTimeScalingFactor(LoadCurveCalculator.timeUnit_hour,

        int iEvent = 0;
        for (LoadEvent event : eventList) {
            x[iEvent] = timeScalingFactor * event.getTime();
            y[iEvent++] = LoadCurveCalculator.r(loadCurve, event.getTime());
        createPlot(file, x, y, "start time " + timeUnitPlot, loadCurve.getName());

     * Plot the events created from a load curve, filtered by the given client id. The start times
     * of the events are used for the x-axis, the value of the load curve at this time is used as
     * the y-axis.
     * @param file
     *            The plot file
     * @param eventList
     *            List of events to be plotted.
     * @param loadCurve
     *            The load curve, from which the events are derived.
     * @param clientId
     *            The id of the client used for filtering the load events.
     * @param timeUnitPlot
     *            Time unit of the plot.
    public static void createPlot(final File file, final Collection<LoadEvent> eventList, final LoadCurve loadCurve,
            final int clientId, final String timeUnitPlot) throws IOException {
        double[] x = new double[eventList.size()];
        double[] y = new double[eventList.size()];

        double timeScalingFactor = LoadCurveCalculator.getTimeScalingFactor(LoadCurveCalculator.timeUnit_hour,

        int iEvent = 0;
        for (LoadEvent event : eventList) {
            if (event.getClientId() == clientId) {
                x[iEvent] = timeScalingFactor * event.getTime();
                y[iEvent++] = LoadCurveCalculator.r(loadCurve, event.getTime());
        createPlot(file, x, y, "start time " + timeUnitPlot, loadCurve.getName() + " client " + clientId);

    public static void createLoadCurvePlot(final File file, final LoadCurve loadCurve) throws IOException {
        double[] x = loadCurve.getTimeValues();
        double[] y = loadCurve.getRateValues();
        createPlot(file, x, y, "time " + loadCurve.getTimeUnit(),
                loadCurve.getName() + " " + loadCurve.getRateUnit());

     * Create a plot in .csv-format of the given x and y values, starting with a headerline
     * containing the given xText and yText.
    private static void createPlot(final File file, final double[] x, final double[] y, final String xText,
            final String yText) throws IOException {

        PrintWriter pw = null;
        try {
            pw = new PrintWriter(file, "UTF-8");

            Format format = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance();
            pw.println(xText + "; " + yText);
            for (int iLine = 0; iLine < x.length; iLine++) {
                pw.println(format.format(x[iLine]) + "; " + format.format(y[iLine]));
        } finally {
