Example usage for java.lang Math exp

List of usage examples for java.lang Math exp


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang Math exp.


public static double exp(double a) 

Source Link


Returns Euler's number e raised to the power of a double value.


From source file:ch.unil.genescore.vegas.FarebrotherExperiment.java

 * ruben.cpp:// ww w  . jav  a2s . c om
 * Algorithm AS 204 Appl. Statist. (1984) Vol. 33, No.3
 * ruben evaluates the probability that a positive definite quadratic form in Normal variates is less than a given value
private void ruben() {

    ifault_ = -41; // I added this initialization --daniel

    //void ruben(double *lambda, int *mult, double *delta, int *n, double *c, double *mode, int *maxit, double *eps, double *dnsty, int *ifault, double *res) {
    // Initialized at 0 in the R code
    double dnsty = 0.0;

    int i, k, m, j;
    //double pnorm(double q, double mean, double sd, int lower_tail, int log_p);
    double ao, aoinv, z, bbeta, eps2, hold, hold2, sum, sum1, dans, lans, pans, prbty, prbtyAgain, tol;

    double[] gamma = new double[lambda_.length];
    double[] theta = new double[lambda_.length];
    double[] a = new double[maxit_];
    double[] b = new double[maxit_];

    if ((lambda_.length < 1) || (q_ <= 0) || (maxit_ < 1) || (eps_ <= 0.0)) {
        //res_ = -2.0;
        ifault_ = 2;

    tol = -200.0;

    // Preliminaries
    sum = lambda_[0];
    bbeta = sum;

    for (i = 1; i <= lambda_.length; i++) {
        hold = lambda_[i - 1];
        if ((hold <= 0.0) || (h_[i - 1] < 1) || (delta_[i - 1] < 0.0)) {
            res_ = -7.1;//new BigDecimal(-71.0);

            ifault_ = -i;
        if (bbeta > hold)
            bbeta = hold; // calcul du max des lambdas
        if (sum < hold)
            sum = hold; // calcul du min des lambdas

    if (mode_ > 0.0) {
        // if ((2.0/(1.0/bbeta+1.0/sum))>1.8*sum) bbeta = sum; // comme dans NAG : methode avec betaA
        bbeta = mode_ * bbeta;
    } else {
        bbeta = 2.0 / (1.0 / bbeta + 1.0 / sum); // methode avec betaB

    k = 0;
    sum = 1.0;
    sum1 = 0.0;
    for (i = 1; i <= lambda_.length; i++) {
        hold = bbeta / lambda_[i - 1];
        gamma[i - 1] = 1.0 - hold;
        sum = sum * Math.pow(hold, h_[i - 1]); //???? pas sur ..
        sum1 = sum1 + delta_[i - 1];
        k = k + h_[i - 1];
        theta[i - 1] = 1.0;

    ao = Math.exp(0.5 * (Math.log(sum) - sum1));
    if (ao <= 0.0) {
        res_ = 0.0;//new BigDecimal(0.0);

        dnsty = 0.0;
        ifault_ = 1; // returns after this (the rest of the function is in the else)
    } else { // evaluate probability and density of chi-squared on k degrees of freedom. The constant 0.22579135264473 is ln(sqrt(pi/2))
        z = q_ / bbeta;

        if ((k % 2) == 0) { // k est un entier donc on regarde si k est divisible par 2: k == (k/2)*k 
            i = 2;
            lans = -0.5 * z;
            dans = Math.exp(lans);
            pans = 1.0 - dans;
        } else {
            i = 1;
            lans = -0.5 * (z + Math.log(z)) - 0.22579135264473;
            dans = Math.exp(lans);
            //pans = pnorm(Math.sqrt(z),0.0,1.0,1,0) - pnorm(-Math.sqrt(z),0.0,1.0,1,0); 
            pans = normal_.cumulativeProbability(Math.sqrt(z)) - normal_.cumulativeProbability(-Math.sqrt(z));

        k = k - 2;
        for (j = i; j <= k; j = j + 2) {
            if (lans < tol) {
                lans = lans + Math.log(z / (double) j);
                dans = Math.exp(lans);
            } else {
                dans = dans * z / (double) j;
            pans = pans - dans;

        // evaluate successive terms of expansion

        prbty = pans;

        prbtyAgain = 1 - ao * pans;
        BigDecimal prbtyBig = new BigDecimal(prbtyAgain);
        dnsty = dans;
        eps2 = eps_ / ao;
        aoinv = 1.0 / ao;
        sum = aoinv - 1.0;

        for (m = 1; m <= maxit_; m++) {
            sum1 = 0.0;
            for (i = 1; i <= lambda_.length; i++) {
                hold = theta[i - 1];
                hold2 = hold * gamma[i - 1];
                theta[i - 1] = hold2;
                sum1 = sum1 + hold2 * h_[i - 1] + m * delta_[i - 1] * (hold - hold2);
            sum1 = 0.5 * sum1;
            b[m - 1] = sum1;
            for (i = m - 1; i >= 1; i--) {
                sum1 = sum1 + b[i - 1] * a[m - i - 1];
            sum1 = sum1 / (double) m;
            a[m - 1] = sum1;
            k = k + 2;
            if (lans < tol) {
                lans = lans + Math.log(z / (double) k);
                dans = Math.exp(lans);
            } else {
                dans = dans * z / (double) k;
            pans = pans - dans;
            sum = sum - sum1;
            dnsty = dnsty + dans * sum1;
            sum1 = pans * sum1;
            prbty = prbty + sum1;
            prbtyBig.subtract(new BigDecimal(sum1));
            prbtyAgain = prbtyAgain - ao * sum1;
            if (prbty < (-aoinv)) {
                res_ = -3.0;//new BigDecimal(-3.0);

                //res_ = -3.0;
                ifault_ = 3;
            if (Math.abs(pans * sum) < eps2) {
                if (Math.abs(sum1) < eps2) {
                    //if (Math.abs(sum) < eps2) {
                    ifault_ = 0; // this is overwritten below (ifault_=4) -- I now changed the code below
                    //m = maxit_+1; // and WHY would you do that?

        if (m > maxit_) // I ADDED THIS IF, OTHERWISE IT MAKES NO SENSE -daniel
            ifault_ = 4;
        // Check if I understood correctly
        assert ifault_ == 0 || ifault_ == 4;

        dnsty = ao * dnsty / (bbeta + bbeta);
        prbty = ao * prbty;
        //prbtyAgain=ao*prbtyAgain + (1-ao);
        //prbtyBig.multiply(new BigDecimal(ao));

        //prbtyBig.add(new BigDecimal(1.0));
        //prbtyBig.subtract(new BigDecimal(ao));
        // With my edits above, this now makes a bit mores sense
        if (prbty < 0.0 || prbty > 1.0) {
            ifault_ = ifault_ + 5; // why the ... would they write it like this? I.e., ifault_ = 9
        } else {
            if (dnsty < 0.0)
                ifault_ = ifault_ + 6;
        res_ = prbtyAgain;


From source file:common.Utilities.java

public static List<Map<Integer, Double>> getNormalizedMaps(List<UserData> userLines, boolean resource) {
    List<Map<Integer, Integer>> maps = (resource ? getResMaps(userLines) : getUserMaps(userLines));
    List<Map<Integer, Double>> relMaps = new ArrayList<Map<Integer, Double>>();
    for (Map<Integer, Integer> m : maps) {
        double denom = getMapDenom(m);
        Map<Integer, Double> relM = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, Double>();
        for (Map.Entry<Integer, Integer> entry : m.entrySet()) {
            relM.put(entry.getKey(), Math.exp((double) entry.getValue().intValue()) / denom);
        }//  www .  j  a  va  2 s  .co m
    return relMaps;

From source file:br.ufrgs.enq.jcosmo.test.VLEdiagramsGAMESS.java

public JPanel calcAcAcidOctanol() throws Exception {
    double T = 293.15;
    setLayout(new BorderLayout());

    COSMOSACDataBase db = COSMOSACDataBase.getInstance();
    COSMOSACCompound c1 = db.getComp("acetic-acid");
    COSMOSACCompound c2 = db.getComp("1-octanol");

    double[] cavityVolume = new double[2];
    cavityVolume[0] = c1.Vcosmo;//from  w  w  w .  j a va2 s.c om
    cavityVolume[1] = c2.Vcosmo;

    double[][] sigma = new double[2][];

    sigma[0] = c1.sigma;
    sigma[1] = c2.sigma;

    SigmaProfileGenerator c1Sigma = new SigmaProfileGenerator(SigmaProfileGenerator.FileType.GAMESS,
            c1.name.toLowerCase() + ".log");
    SigmaProfileGenerator c2Sigma = new SigmaProfileGenerator(SigmaProfileGenerator.FileType.GAMESS,
            c2.name.toLowerCase() + ".log");
    sigma[0] = c1Sigma.getSigmaProfile();
    sigma[1] = c2Sigma.getSigmaProfile();

    COSMOSAC cosmosac = new COSMOSAC();
    cosmosac.setParameters(cavityVolume, c1.charge, sigma);
    cosmosac.setSigmaHB(COSMOSAC.SIGMAHB * 1.2);


    double[] x1 = new double[n];
    double[] x2 = new double[n];
    double[] gamma1 = new double[n];
    double[] gamma2 = new double[n];
    double[] z = new double[2];
    double[] lnGamma = new double[2];
    z[0] = 0.00;
    int j = 0;
    while (z[0] < 1.0001) {
        z[1] = 1 - z[0];
        x1[j] = z[0];
        x2[j] = z[1];
        gamma1[j] = Math.exp(lnGamma[0]);
        gamma2[j] = Math.exp(lnGamma[1]);
        z[0] += 0.05;

    double[] Psat = new double[2];
    Psat[0] = 1600;
    Psat[1] = 10;
    double[] P = calcPx(x1, x2, gamma1, gamma2, Psat);
    double[] y1 = calcY(x1, gamma1, Psat, P);

    XYPlot plot1;
    XYSeriesCollection dataset = new XYSeriesCollection();
    XYSeries liq = new XYSeries("liquid");
    XYSeries vap = new XYSeries("vapor");
    XYSeries raoult = new XYSeries("Raoult's Law");
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        liq.add(x1[i], P[i]);
        vap.add(y1[i], P[i]);
    raoult.add(0, Psat[1]);
    raoult.add(1, Psat[0]);

    JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createXYLineChart(null, "Mole Fraction: x1, y1", "P/KPa", null,
            PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, true, true, false);
    plot1 = (XYPlot) chart.getPlot();
    plot1.getDomainAxis().setRange(new Range(0.0, 1.0));


    ChartPanel chartPanel = new ChartPanel(chart);
    JPanel jp1 = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());

    add(jp1, BorderLayout.CENTER);
    setSize(400, 500);

    return jp1;

From source file:hivemall.utils.math.StatsUtils.java

 * @param mu1 mean vector of the first normal distribution
 * @param sigma1 covariance matrix of the first normal distribution
 * @param mu2 mean vector of the second normal distribution
 * @param sigma2 covariance matrix of the second normal distribution
 * @return the Hellinger distance between two multivariate normal distributions
 * @link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hellinger_distance#Examples
 *///from  w  w  w .j  a  v a 2  s . c  om
public static double hellingerDistance(@Nonnull final RealVector mu1, @Nonnull final RealMatrix sigma1,
        @Nonnull final RealVector mu2, @Nonnull final RealMatrix sigma2) {
    RealVector muSub = mu1.subtract(mu2);
    RealMatrix sigmaMean = sigma1.add(sigma2).scalarMultiply(0.5d);
    LUDecomposition LUsigmaMean = new LUDecomposition(sigmaMean);
    double denominator = Math.sqrt(LUsigmaMean.getDeterminant());
    if (denominator == 0.d) {
        return 1.d; // avoid divide by zero
    RealMatrix sigmaMeanInv = LUsigmaMean.getSolver().getInverse(); // has inverse iff det != 0
    double sigma1Det = MatrixUtils.det(sigma1);
    double sigma2Det = MatrixUtils.det(sigma2);

    double numerator = Math.pow(sigma1Det, 0.25d) * Math.pow(sigma2Det, 0.25d)
            * Math.exp(-0.125d * sigmaMeanInv.preMultiply(muSub).dotProduct(muSub));
    return 1.d - numerator / denominator;

From source file:ArrayUtil.java

public static double sumexp(double[] d) {
    double r = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < d.length; i++)
        r += Math.exp(d[i]);
    return r;/*from   www.j  a  v  a 2  s.c om*/

From source file:com.opengamma.analytics.financial.model.finitedifference.MarkovChainApprox.java

private double getI2(final double t) {
    final double t2 = t * t;

    final double lt = _lambda * t;
    if (lt < 1e-7) {
        return _probState1;
    }/*from   ww w. j a  va 2  s  .  co  m*/

    final double a = _theta;
    final double a2 = a * a;
    final double b = _lambda;
    final double b2 = b * b;
    final double p = _probState1;

    final double temp1 = a2 * b2 + (2 * a * b * p - 4 * a2 * b + 2 * a * b) / t
            + (-4 * a * p + 2 * p + 6 * a2 - 4 * a) / t2;
    final double temp2 = (2 * a * b * p - 2 * b * p - 2 * a2 * b + 2 * a * b) / t
            + (4 * a * p - 2 * p - 6 * a2 + 4 * a) / t2;
    return (temp1 + temp2 * Math.exp(-b * t)) / b2;

    //    double a = _theta;
    //    double b = _theta * (_probState1 - _theta);
    //    double c = (_probState1 - _theta) * (1 - _theta);
    //    double d = _theta * (1 - _theta);
    //    return (b + d) * t / _lambda + a * t * t / 2 + (c - b - d) / _lambda / _lambda + Math.exp(-_lambda * t) * (-c * t * _lambda - c + b + d) / _lambda / _lambda;

From source file:com.opengamma.analytics.financial.interestrate.inflation.method.InflationMarketModelConvexityAdjustmentForCoupon.java

 * Computes the convexity adjustment for year on year inflation coupon with an interpolated index.
 * @param coupon The year on year coupon.
 * @param inflationConvexity The inflation provider.
 * @return The convexity adjustment.//from  www .j  a  v a 2 s .co  m
public double getYearOnYearConvexityAdjustment(final CouponInflationYearOnYearInterpolation coupon,
        final InflationConvexityAdjustmentProviderInterface inflationConvexity) {
    Validate.notNull(coupon, "Coupon");
    Validate.notNull(inflationConvexity, "Inflation");

    final double firstFixingTime = coupon.getWeightStart() * coupon.getReferenceStartTime()[0]
            + (1 - coupon.getWeightStart()) * coupon.getReferenceStartTime()[1];
    final double secondFixingTime = coupon.getWeightEnd() * coupon.getReferenceEndTime()[0]
            + (1 - coupon.getWeightEnd()) * coupon.getReferenceEndTime()[1];
    final double firstNaturalPaymentTime = coupon.getNaturalPaymentStartTime();
    final double secondNaturalPaymentTime = coupon.getNaturalPaymentEndTime();
    final double paymentTime = coupon.getPaymentTime();
    final double volatilityStart = inflationConvexity.getInflationConvexityAdjustmentParameters()
    final double volatilityEnd = inflationConvexity.getInflationConvexityAdjustmentParameters()
    final double correlationInflation = inflationConvexity.getInflationConvexityAdjustmentParameters()
            .getPriceIndexCorrelation().getZValue(firstFixingTime, secondFixingTime);
    final double correlationInflationRateStart = inflationConvexity.getInflationConvexityAdjustmentParameters()
    final double correlationInflationRateEnd = inflationConvexity.getInflationConvexityAdjustmentParameters()
    final double volBondForwardStart = getVolBondForward(firstNaturalPaymentTime, paymentTime,
    final double volBondForwardEnd = getVolBondForward(secondNaturalPaymentTime, paymentTime,
    final double adjustment = volatilityStart
            * (volatilityStart - volatilityEnd * correlationInflation
                    - volBondForwardStart * correlationInflationRateStart)
            * firstNaturalPaymentTime
            + volatilityEnd * volBondForwardEnd * correlationInflationRateEnd * secondNaturalPaymentTime;
    return Math.exp(adjustment);


From source file:etomica.models.co2.PNGCPM.java

 * This returns the pairwise-additive portion of the GCPM potential for a
 * pair of atoms (dispersion + fixed-charge electrostatics)
 *///from   w w w. ja va  2  s .com
public double getNonPolarizationEnergy(IMoleculeList molecules) {
    IAtomList atoms1 = molecules.getMolecule(0).getChildList();
    IAtomList atoms2 = molecules.getMolecule(1).getChildList();

    IVectorMutable C1r = atoms1.getAtom(0).getPosition();
    IVectorMutable C2r = atoms2.getAtom(0).getPosition();

    work.Ev1Mv2(C1r, C2r);
    shift.Ea1Tv1(-1, work);
    final boolean zeroShift = shift.squared() < 0.1;

    double r2 = work.squared();

    double sum = 0;
    if (zeroShift) {
        for (int i = 0; i < atoms1.getAtomCount(); i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < atoms2.getAtomCount(); j++) {
                GCPMAgent pairAgent = getPairAgent(atoms1.getAtom(i).getType(), atoms2.getAtom(j).getType());
                double epsilon = pairAgent.epsilon;
                double r = Double.NaN;
                if (epsilon > 0) {
                    double sigma = pairAgent.sigma;
                    double gamma = pairAgent.gamma;
                    r2 = atoms1.getAtom(i).getPosition().Mv1Squared(atoms2.getAtom(j).getPosition());
                    r = Math.sqrt(r2);
                    double rOverSigma = r / sigma;
                    double sigma2OverR2 = 1 / (rOverSigma * rOverSigma);
                    if (1 / sigma2OverR2 < coreFac)
                        return Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
                    double sixOverGamma = 6 / gamma;
                    sum += epsilon / (1 - sixOverGamma) * (sixOverGamma * Math.exp(gamma * (1 - rOverSigma))
                            - sigma2OverR2 * sigma2OverR2 * sigma2OverR2);

                double charge2 = pairAgent.charge2;
                if (charge2 != 0) {
                    double tau = pairAgent.tau;
                    if (Double.isNaN(r)) {
                        r2 = atoms1.getAtom(i).getPosition().Mv1Squared(atoms2.getAtom(j).getPosition());
                        r = Math.sqrt(r2);
                    sum += charge2 / r
                            * (1 - org.apache.commons.math3.special.Erf.erfc(Math.sqrt(r2) / (2 * tau)));
    } else {
        for (int i = 0; i < atoms1.getAtomCount(); i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < atoms2.getAtomCount(); j++) {
                GCPMAgent pairAgent = getPairAgent(atoms1.getAtom(i).getType(), atoms2.getAtom(j).getType());
                double epsilon = pairAgent.epsilon;
                double r = Double.NaN;
                if (epsilon > 0) {

                    double sigma = pairAgent.sigma;
                    IVector r1 = atoms1.getAtom(i).getPosition();
                    r2 = atoms2.getAtom(j).getPosition().Mv1Squared(shift);
                    r = Math.sqrt(r2);

                    double gamma = pairAgent.gamma;

                    double rOverSigma = r / sigma;
                    double sigma2OverR2 = 1 / (rOverSigma * rOverSigma);
                    if (1 / sigma2OverR2 < coreFac)
                        return Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
                    double sixOverGamma = 6 / gamma;

                    sum += epsilon / (1 - sixOverGamma) * (sixOverGamma * Math.exp(gamma * (1 - rOverSigma))
                            - sigma2OverR2 * sigma2OverR2 * sigma2OverR2);//exp-6 potential(Udisp)

                double charge2 = pairAgent.charge2;
                if (charge2 != 0) {
                    double tau = pairAgent.tau;
                    if (Double.isNaN(r)) {
                        IVector r1 = atoms1.getAtom(i).getPosition();
                        r2 = atoms2.getAtom(j).getPosition().Mv1Squared(shift);
                        r = Math.sqrt(r2);
                    sum += charge2 / r
                            * (1 - org.apache.commons.math3.special.Erf.erfc(Math.sqrt(r2) / (2 * tau)));

    return sum;

From source file:com.opengamma.analytics.financial.interestrate.payments.method.CapFloorCMSHullWhiteApproximationMethod.java

public CurrencyAmount presentValue(final CapFloorCMS cms,
        final HullWhiteOneFactorPiecewiseConstantDataBundle hwData) {
    Validate.notNull(cms);//from  w  ww  .  ja  v  a  2  s . co  m
    final double expiryTime = cms.getFixingTime();
    final SwapFixedCoupon<? extends Payment> swap = cms.getUnderlyingSwap();
    final double dfPayment = hwData.getCurve(swap.getFirstLeg().getDiscountCurve())
    final int nbFixed = cms.getUnderlyingSwap().getFixedLeg().getNumberOfPayments();
    final double[] alphaFixed = new double[nbFixed];
    final double[] dfFixed = new double[nbFixed];
    final double[] discountedCashFlowFixed = new double[nbFixed];
    for (int loopcf = 0; loopcf < nbFixed; loopcf++) {
        alphaFixed[loopcf] = MODEL.alpha(hwData.getHullWhiteParameter(), 0.0, expiryTime, expiryTime,
        dfFixed[loopcf] = hwData.getCurve(swap.getFixedLeg().getNthPayment(loopcf).getFundingCurveName())
        discountedCashFlowFixed[loopcf] = dfFixed[loopcf]
                * swap.getFixedLeg().getNthPayment(loopcf).getPaymentYearFraction()
                * swap.getFixedLeg().getNthPayment(loopcf).getNotional();
    final AnnuityPaymentFixed cfeIbor = swap.getSecondLeg().accept(CFEC, hwData);
    final double[] alphaIbor = new double[cfeIbor.getNumberOfPayments()];
    final double[] dfIbor = new double[cfeIbor.getNumberOfPayments()];
    final double[] discountedCashFlowIbor = new double[cfeIbor.getNumberOfPayments()];
    for (int loopcf = 0; loopcf < cfeIbor.getNumberOfPayments(); loopcf++) {
        alphaIbor[loopcf] = MODEL.alpha(hwData.getHullWhiteParameter(), 0.0, expiryTime, expiryTime,
        dfIbor[loopcf] = hwData.getCurve(cfeIbor.getDiscountCurve())
        discountedCashFlowIbor[loopcf] = dfIbor[loopcf] * cfeIbor.getNthPayment(loopcf).getAmount();
    final double alphaPayment = MODEL.alpha(hwData.getHullWhiteParameter(), 0.0, expiryTime, expiryTime,
    final double x0 = -alphaPayment;
    final double a0 = MODEL.swapRate(x0, discountedCashFlowFixed, alphaFixed, discountedCashFlowIbor, alphaIbor)
            - cms.getStrike();
    final double a1 = MODEL.swapRateDx1(x0, discountedCashFlowFixed, alphaFixed, discountedCashFlowIbor,
    final double a2 = MODEL.swapRateDx2(x0, discountedCashFlowFixed, alphaFixed, discountedCashFlowIbor,

    //    AnnuityPaymentFixed cfe = CFEC.visit(swap.withCoupon(cms.getStrike()), hwData);
    //    double[] alpha = new double[cfe.getNumberOfPayments()];
    //    double[] df = new double[cfe.getNumberOfPayments()];
    //    double[] discountedCashFlow = new double[cfe.getNumberOfPayments()];
    //    for (int loopcf = 0; loopcf < cfe.getNumberOfPayments(); loopcf++) {
    //      alpha[loopcf] = MODEL.alpha(hwData.getHullWhiteParameter(), 0.0, expiryTime, expiryTime, cfe.getNthPayment(loopcf).getPaymentTime());
    //      df[loopcf] = hwData.getCurve(cfe.getDiscountCurve()).getDiscountFactor(cfe.getNthPayment(loopcf).getPaymentTime());
    //      discountedCashFlow[loopcf] = df[loopcf] * cfe.getNthPayment(loopcf).getAmount();
    //    }
    //    double kappaTest = MODEL.kappa(discountedCashFlow, alpha);

    final double kappa = -a0 / a1 - alphaPayment; // approximation
    final double kappatilde = kappa + alphaPayment;
    final double omega = (cms.isCap() ? 1.0 : -1.0);
    final double s2pi = 1.0 / Math.sqrt(2.0 * Math.PI);
    double pv = omega * (a0 + a2 / 2) * NORMAL.getCDF(-omega * kappatilde)
            + s2pi * Math.exp(-kappatilde * kappatilde / 2) * (a1 + a2 * kappatilde);
    pv *= dfPayment * cms.getNotional() * cms.getPaymentYearFraction();
    return CurrencyAmount.of(cms.getCurrency(), pv);

From source file:com.opengamma.analytics.financial.interestrate.swaption.method.SwaptionBermudaFixedIborHullWhiteNumericalIntegrationMethod.java

 * Computes the present value of the Physical delivery swaption.
 * @param swaption The swaption.// w w  w .  ja  v  a 2 s .  co  m
 * @param hwData The Hull-White parameters and the curves.
 * @return The present value.
public CurrencyAmount presentValue(final SwaptionBermudaFixedIbor swaption,
        final HullWhiteOneFactorPiecewiseConstantDataBundle hwData) {
    int nbExpiry = swaption.getExpiryTime().length;
    Validate.isTrue(nbExpiry > 1, "At least two expiry dates required for this method");

    double tmpdb;
    YieldAndDiscountCurve discountingCurve = hwData

    double[] theta = new double[nbExpiry + 1]; // Extended expiry time (with 0).
    theta[0] = 0.0;
    System.arraycopy(swaption.getExpiryTime(), 0, theta, 1, nbExpiry);
    AnnuityPaymentFixed[] cashflow = new AnnuityPaymentFixed[nbExpiry];
    for (int loopexp = 0; loopexp < nbExpiry; loopexp++) {
        cashflow[loopexp] = CFEC.visit(swaption.getUnderlyingSwap()[loopexp], hwData);
    int[] n = new int[nbExpiry];
    double[][][] alpha = new double[nbExpiry][][];
    double[][][] alpha2 = new double[nbExpiry][][]; // alpha^2

    for (int loopexp = 0; loopexp < nbExpiry; loopexp++) {
        n[loopexp] = cashflow[loopexp].getNumberOfPayments();
        alpha[loopexp] = new double[loopexp + 1][];
        alpha2[loopexp] = new double[loopexp + 1][];
        for (int k = 0; k <= loopexp; k++) {
            alpha[loopexp][k] = new double[n[loopexp]];
            alpha2[loopexp][k] = new double[n[loopexp]];
            for (int l = 0; l < alpha[loopexp][k].length; l++) {
                alpha[loopexp][k][l] = MODEL.alpha(hwData.getHullWhiteParameter(), theta[k], theta[k + 1],
                        theta[k + 1], cashflow[loopexp].getNthPayment(l).getPaymentTime());
                alpha2[loopexp][k][l] = alpha[loopexp][k][l] * alpha[loopexp][k][l];

    int nbPoint2 = 2 * NB_POINT + 1;
    int[] startInt = new int[nbExpiry - 1];
    int[] endInt = new int[nbExpiry - 1];
    for (int i = 1; i < nbExpiry - 1; i++) {
        startInt[i] = 0;
        endInt[i] = nbPoint2 - 1;
    startInt[0] = NB_POINT;
    endInt[0] = NB_POINT;

    double[][] t = new double[nbExpiry][]; // payment time
    double[][] dfS = new double[nbExpiry][]; // discount factor
    double[] beta = new double[nbExpiry];
    double[][] h = new double[nbExpiry][];
    double[][] sa2 = new double[nbExpiry][];

    for (int loopexp = 0; loopexp < nbExpiry; loopexp++) {
        beta[loopexp] = MODEL.beta(hwData.getHullWhiteParameter(), theta[loopexp], theta[loopexp + 1]);
        t[loopexp] = new double[n[loopexp]];
        dfS[loopexp] = new double[n[loopexp]];
        h[loopexp] = new double[n[loopexp]];
        sa2[loopexp] = new double[n[loopexp]];
        for (int loopcf = 0; loopcf < n[loopexp]; loopcf++) {
            t[loopexp][loopcf] = cashflow[loopexp].getNthPayment(loopcf).getPaymentTime();
            dfS[loopexp][loopcf] = discountingCurve.getDiscountFactor(t[loopexp][loopcf]);
            h[loopexp][loopcf] = (1
                    - Math.exp(-hwData.getHullWhiteParameter().getMeanReversion() * t[loopexp][loopcf]))
                    / hwData.getHullWhiteParameter().getMeanReversion();
            tmpdb = 0.0;
            for (int k = 0; k <= loopexp; k++) {
                tmpdb += alpha2[loopexp][k][loopcf];
            sa2[loopexp][loopcf] = tmpdb;
    double[] discountedCashFlowN = new double[n[nbExpiry - 1]];
    for (int loopcf = 0; loopcf < n[nbExpiry - 1]; loopcf++) {
        discountedCashFlowN[loopcf] = dfS[nbExpiry - 1][loopcf]
                * cashflow[nbExpiry - 1].getNthPayment(loopcf).getAmount();
    double lambda = MODEL.lambda(discountedCashFlowN, sa2[nbExpiry - 1], h[nbExpiry - 1]);
    double[] betaSort = new double[nbExpiry];
    System.arraycopy(beta, 0, betaSort, 0, nbExpiry);
    double minbeta = betaSort[0];
    double maxbeta = betaSort[nbExpiry - 1];

    double b = Math.min(10 * minbeta, maxbeta);
    double epsilon = -2.0 / NB_POINT * NORMAL.getInverseCDF(1.0 / (200.0 * NB_POINT)) * b; // <-
    double[] bX = new double[nbPoint2];
    for (int looppt = 0; looppt < nbPoint2; looppt++) {
        bX[looppt] = -NB_POINT * epsilon + looppt * epsilon;
    double[] bX2 = new double[4 * NB_POINT + 1];
    for (int looppt = 0; looppt < 4 * NB_POINT + 1; looppt++) {
        bX2[looppt] = -2 * NB_POINT * epsilon + looppt * epsilon;
    double[] htheta = new double[nbExpiry];
    for (int loopexp = 0; loopexp < nbExpiry; loopexp++) {
        htheta[loopexp] = (1
                - Math.exp(-hwData.getHullWhiteParameter().getMeanReversion() * theta[loopexp + 1]))
                / hwData.getHullWhiteParameter().getMeanReversion();

    double[][] vZ = new double[nbExpiry - 1][nbPoint2];
    for (int i = nbExpiry - 2; i >= 0; i--) {
        for (int looppt = 0; looppt < nbPoint2; looppt++) {
            vZ[i][looppt] = Math.exp(bX[looppt] * htheta[i]);

    double[][] vW = new double[nbExpiry][]; // Swaption
    double[][] vT = new double[nbExpiry - 1][]; // Swap

    double omega = -Math.signum(cashflow[nbExpiry - 1].getNthPayment(0).getAmount());
    double[] kappaL = new double[nbPoint2];
    for (int looppt = 0; looppt < nbPoint2; looppt++) {
        kappaL[looppt] = (lambda - bX[looppt]) / beta[nbExpiry - 1];

    double[] sa2N1 = new double[n[nbExpiry - 1]];
    for (int i = 0; i < n[nbExpiry - 1]; i++) {
        tmpdb = 0;
        for (int k = 0; k <= nbExpiry - 2; k++) {
            tmpdb += alpha2[nbExpiry - 1][k][i];
        sa2N1[i] = tmpdb;

    vW[nbExpiry - 1] = new double[4 * NB_POINT + 1];
    for (int j = 0; j < n[nbExpiry - 1]; j++) {
        for (int looppt = 0; looppt < nbPoint2; looppt++) {
            vW[nbExpiry - 1][NB_POINT + looppt] += discountedCashFlowN[j]
                    * Math.exp(-sa2N1[j] / 2.0 - h[nbExpiry - 1][j] * bX[looppt])
                    * NORMAL.getCDF(omega * (kappaL[looppt] + alpha[nbExpiry - 1][nbExpiry - 1][j]));
    for (int looppt = 0; looppt < NB_POINT; looppt++) {
        vW[nbExpiry - 1][looppt] = vW[nbExpiry - 1][NB_POINT];
    for (int looppt = 0; looppt < NB_POINT; looppt++) {
        vW[nbExpiry - 1][3 * NB_POINT + 1 + looppt] = vW[nbExpiry - 1][3 * NB_POINT];

    double c1sqrt2pi = 1.0 / Math.sqrt(2 * Math.PI);
    double[][] pvcfT = new double[nbExpiry - 1][];
    double[] vL; // Left side of intersection
    double[] vR; // Right side of intersection
    double[][] labc;
    double[][] rabc;
    double[][] labcM = new double[3][4 * NB_POINT + 1];
    double[][] rabcM = new double[3][4 * NB_POINT + 1];

    double[] dabc = new double[3];
    int[] indSwap = new int[nbExpiry - 1]; // index of the intersection
    double xroot;
    double[][] xN = new double[nbExpiry - 1][nbPoint2];
    double ci;
    double coi;
    int is;
    double[] ncdf0 = new double[nbPoint2];
    double[] ncdf1 = new double[nbPoint2];
    double[] ncdf2 = new double[nbPoint2];
    double[] ncdf0X = new double[nbPoint2 + 1];
    double[] ncdf1X = new double[nbPoint2 + 1];
    double[] ncdf2X = new double[nbPoint2 + 1];
    double ncdf0x;
    double ncdf1x;
    double ncdf2x;
    double ncdfinit;

    // Main loop for the different expiry dates (except the last one)
    for (int i = nbExpiry - 2; i >= 0; i--) {
        vW[i] = new double[4 * NB_POINT + 1];
        vT[i] = new double[4 * NB_POINT + 1];
        // T: swap
        pvcfT[i] = new double[n[i]];
        for (int j = 0; j < n[i]; j++) {
            pvcfT[i][j] = cashflow[i].getNthPayment(j).getAmount() * dfS[i][j];
            for (int looppt = 0; looppt < 4 * NB_POINT + 1; looppt++) {
                vT[i][looppt] += pvcfT[i][j] * Math.exp(-sa2[i][j] / 2.0 - h[i][j] * bX2[looppt]);
        // Preparation
        for (int looppt = 0; looppt < nbPoint2; looppt++) {
            xN[i][looppt] = bX[looppt] / beta[i];
        ci = htheta[i] * beta[i];
        coi = Math.exp(ci * ci / 2);

        // Left/Right
        if (omega < 0) {
            vL = vW[i + 1];
            vR = vT[i];
        } else {
            vR = vW[i + 1];
            vL = vT[i];
        indSwap[i] = 0;
        while (vL[indSwap[i] + 1] >= vR[indSwap[i] + 1]) {
        // Parabola fit
        labc = parafit(epsilon / beta[i], vL);
        rabc = parafit(epsilon / beta[i], vR);
        for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
            dabc[k] = labc[k][indSwap[i]] - rabc[k][indSwap[i]];
            System.arraycopy(labc[k], 0, labcM[k], 0, indSwap[i] + 1);
            System.arraycopy(labc[k], indSwap[i], labcM[k], indSwap[i] + 1, labc[k].length - indSwap[i]);
            System.arraycopy(rabc[k], 0, rabcM[k], 0, indSwap[i] + 1);
            System.arraycopy(rabc[k], indSwap[i], rabcM[k], indSwap[i] + 1, rabc[k].length - indSwap[i]);

        for (int looppt = 0; looppt < 4 * NB_POINT + 1; looppt++) {
            labcM[1][looppt] = labcM[1][looppt] + labcM[0][looppt] * 2 * ci;
            labcM[2][looppt] = labcM[2][looppt] + labcM[1][looppt] * ci - labcM[0][looppt] * ci * ci;
            rabcM[1][looppt] = rabcM[1][looppt] + rabcM[0][looppt] * 2 * ci;
            rabcM[2][looppt] = rabcM[2][looppt] + rabcM[1][looppt] * ci - rabcM[0][looppt] * ci * ci;
        xroot = (-dabc[1] - Math.sqrt(dabc[1] * dabc[1] - 4 * dabc[0] * dabc[2])) / (2 * dabc[0]);

        ncdfinit = NORMAL.getCDF(xN[i][0]);

        for (int looppt = 0; looppt < nbPoint2; looppt++) {
            ncdf0[looppt] = NORMAL.getCDF(xN[i][looppt] - ci);
            ncdf1[looppt] = -c1sqrt2pi * Math.exp(-(xN[i][looppt] - ci) * (xN[i][looppt] - ci) / 2.0);
            ncdf2[looppt] = ncdf1[looppt] * (xN[i][looppt] - ci) + ncdf0[looppt];

        for (int j = startInt[i]; j <= endInt[i]; j++) {
            is = indSwap[i] - j + 1;
            // % all L
            if (j + 2 * NB_POINT <= indSwap[i]) {
                double[][] xabc = new double[3][2 * NB_POINT];
                for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
                    System.arraycopy(labcM[k], j, xabc[k], 0, 2 * NB_POINT);
                for (int looppt = 0; looppt < 2 * NB_POINT; looppt++) {
                    xabc[1][looppt] = xabc[1][looppt] + xabc[0][looppt] * 2 * xN[i][j];
                    xabc[2][looppt] = xabc[2][looppt] + xabc[1][looppt] * xN[i][j]
                            - xabc[0][looppt] * xN[i][j] * xN[i][j];
                vW[i][j + NB_POINT] = 0;
                vW[i][j + NB_POINT] = vW[i][j + NB_POINT] + coi * ni2ncdf(ncdf2, ncdf1, ncdf0, xabc);
            } else if (j < indSwap[i]) {
                double[][] xabc = new double[3][2 * NB_POINT + 1];
                tmpdb = xroot - xN[i][j] - ci;
                ncdf0x = NORMAL.getCDF(tmpdb);
                ncdf1x = -Math.exp(-(tmpdb * tmpdb) / 2) * c1sqrt2pi;
                ncdf2x = ncdf1x * tmpdb + ncdf0x;
                for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
                    //            System.arraycopy(rabcM[k], j, xabc[k], 0, 2 * _nbPoint + 1); // Swap
                    System.arraycopy(labcM[k], j, xabc[k], 0, 2 * NB_POINT + 1);
                    System.arraycopy(rabcM[k], indSwap[i] + 1, xabc[k], indSwap[i] + 1 - j,
                            j + 2 * NB_POINT - indSwap[i]);
                for (int looppt = 0; looppt < 2 * NB_POINT; looppt++) {
                    xabc[1][looppt] = xabc[1][looppt] + xabc[0][looppt] * 2 * xN[i][j];
                    xabc[2][looppt] = xabc[2][looppt] + xabc[1][looppt] * xN[i][j]
                            - xabc[0][looppt] * xN[i][j] * xN[i][j];
                System.arraycopy(ncdf0, 0, ncdf0X, 0, is);
                ncdf0X[is] = ncdf0x;
                System.arraycopy(ncdf0, is, ncdf0X, is + 1, ncdf0.length - is);
                System.arraycopy(ncdf1, 0, ncdf1X, 0, is);
                ncdf1X[is] = ncdf1x;
                System.arraycopy(ncdf1, is, ncdf1X, is + 1, ncdf1.length - is);
                System.arraycopy(ncdf2, 0, ncdf2X, 0, is);
                ncdf2X[is] = ncdf2x;
                System.arraycopy(ncdf2, is, ncdf2X, is + 1, ncdf2.length - is);
                vW[i][j + NB_POINT] = vL[j] * vZ[i][0] * ncdfinit;
                vW[i][j + NB_POINT] += coi * ni2ncdf(ncdf2X, ncdf1X, ncdf0X, xabc);
                vW[i][j + NB_POINT] += vR[j + 2 * NB_POINT] * vZ[i][vZ[i].length - 1] * ncdfinit;
            } else {
                double[][] xabc = new double[3][2 * NB_POINT];
                for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
                    System.arraycopy(rabcM[k], j + 1, xabc[k], 0, 2 * NB_POINT);
                    //            System.arraycopy(labcM[k], j + 1, xabc[k], 0, 2 * _nbPoint); // Swaption
                for (int looppt = 0; looppt < 2 * NB_POINT; looppt++) {
                    xabc[1][looppt] = xabc[1][looppt] + xabc[0][looppt] * 2 * xN[i][j];
                    xabc[2][looppt] = xabc[2][looppt] + xabc[1][looppt] * xN[i][j]
                            - xabc[0][looppt] * xN[i][j] * xN[i][j];
                vW[i][j + NB_POINT] = vR[j] * vZ[i][0] * ncdfinit;
                vW[i][j + NB_POINT] += coi * ni2ncdf(ncdf2, ncdf1, ncdf0, xabc);
                vW[i][j + NB_POINT] += vR[j + 2 * NB_POINT] * vZ[i][vZ[i].length - 1] * ncdfinit;
        for (int j = 0; j < NB_POINT; j++) { // Flat extrapolation
            vW[i][j] = vW[i][NB_POINT];
            vW[i][3 * NB_POINT + 1 + j] = vW[i][3 * NB_POINT];
    } // End main loop

    return CurrencyAmount.of(swaption.getUnderlyingSwap()[0].getFixedLeg().getCurrency(),
            vW[0][2 * NB_POINT] * (swaption.isLong() ? 1.0 : -1.0));