Java tutorial
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at */ package etomica.models.co2; import etomica.action.MoleculeActionTranslateTo; import etomica.api.IAtomList; import etomica.api.IAtomType; import etomica.api.IBoundary; import etomica.api.IBox; import etomica.api.IElement; import etomica.api.IMolecule; import etomica.api.IMoleculeList; import etomica.api.IPotentialMolecular; import etomica.api.IVector; import etomica.api.IVectorMutable; import etomica.atom.AtomTypeAgentManager; import etomica.atom.MoleculePair; import etomica.chem.elements.Carbon; import etomica.chem.elements.Oxygen; import etomica.config.IConformation; import etomica.models.water.PNWaterGCPM; import etomica.models.water.SpeciesWater4P; import etomica.models.water.SpeciesWater4PCOM; import etomica.potential.PotentialMolecular; import etomica.simulation.Simulation; import; import etomica.space3d.Space3D; import etomica.species.SpeciesSpheresHetero; import etomica.units.Electron; import etomica.units.Kelvin; /** * Generic GCPM potential class, capable of handling both CO2 and water. * The potential takes an AtomTypeAgentManager that is responsible for * returning parameters for each atom. Cross-parameters are computing using * mixing rules published in * * * * @author Andrew and Dave */ public class PNGCPM extends PotentialMolecular { public PNGCPM(ISpace space, AtomTypeAgentManager typeManager, int nAtomTypes) { this(space, typeManager, nAtomTypes, Integer.MAX_VALUE); } public PNGCPM(ISpace space, AtomTypeAgentManager typeManager, int nAtomTypes, int nBody) { super(nBody, space); this.typeManager = typeManager; this.nAtomTypes = nAtomTypes; pairAgents = new GCPMAgent[nAtomTypes][nAtomTypes]; pair = new MoleculePair(); coreFac = 0.57 * 0.57; oldMu = space.makeVector(); shift = space.makeVector(); rijVector = space.makeVector(); work = space.makeVector(); Eq = new IVectorMutable[0][0]; Ep = new IVectorMutable[0][0]; mu = new IVectorMutable[0][0]; component = Component.FULL; } public void setComponent(Component comp) { component = comp; } protected boolean oops = false; public double energy(IMoleculeList atoms) { double sum = 0; if (component != Component.INDUCTION) { for (int i = 0; i < atoms.getMoleculeCount() - 1; i++) { pair.atom0 = atoms.getMolecule(i); for (int j = i + 1; j < atoms.getMoleculeCount(); j++) { pair.atom1 = atoms.getMolecule(j); sum += getNonPolarizationEnergy(pair); if (Double.isInfinite(sum)) { return sum; } } } } if (component != Component.TWO_BODY) { sum += getPolarizationEnergy(atoms); } if (!oops && Double.isNaN(sum)) { oops = true; energy(atoms); throw new RuntimeException("oops NaN"); } return sum; } public static boolean debugme = false; public GCPMAgent getPairAgent(IAtomType type1, IAtomType type2) { int idx1 = type1.getIndex(); int idx2 = type2.getIndex(); if (pairAgents[idx1][idx2] != null) return pairAgents[idx1][idx2]; GCPMAgent agent1 = (GCPMAgent) typeManager.getAgent(type1); if (idx1 == idx2) { pairAgents[idx1][idx2] = agent1; return agent1; } GCPMAgent agent2 = (GCPMAgent) typeManager.getAgent(type2); double sigma = 0.5 * (agent1.sigma + agent2.sigma); double epsilon = 2 * agent1.epsilon * agent2.epsilon; if (epsilon > 0) epsilon /= (agent1.epsilon + agent2.epsilon); double gamma = 0.5 * (agent1.gamma + agent2.gamma); double tau = Math.sqrt(0.5 * (agent1.tau * agent1.tau + agent2.tau * agent2.tau)); pairAgents[idx1][idx2] = new GCPMAgent(sigma, epsilon, tau, gamma, agent1.charge, agent2.charge, 0, 0, 0); pairAgents[idx2][idx1] = pairAgents[idx1][idx2]; return pairAgents[idx1][idx2]; } /** * This returns the pairwise-additive portion of the GCPM potential for a * pair of atoms (dispersion + fixed-charge electrostatics) */ public double getNonPolarizationEnergy(IMoleculeList molecules) { IAtomList atoms1 = molecules.getMolecule(0).getChildList(); IAtomList atoms2 = molecules.getMolecule(1).getChildList(); IVectorMutable C1r = atoms1.getAtom(0).getPosition(); IVectorMutable C2r = atoms2.getAtom(0).getPosition(); work.Ev1Mv2(C1r, C2r); shift.Ea1Tv1(-1, work); boundary.nearestImage(work); shift.PE(work); final boolean zeroShift = shift.squared() < 0.1; double r2 = work.squared(); double sum = 0; if (zeroShift) { for (int i = 0; i < atoms1.getAtomCount(); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < atoms2.getAtomCount(); j++) { GCPMAgent pairAgent = getPairAgent(atoms1.getAtom(i).getType(), atoms2.getAtom(j).getType()); double epsilon = pairAgent.epsilon; double r = Double.NaN; if (epsilon > 0) { double sigma = pairAgent.sigma; double gamma = pairAgent.gamma; r2 = atoms1.getAtom(i).getPosition().Mv1Squared(atoms2.getAtom(j).getPosition()); r = Math.sqrt(r2); double rOverSigma = r / sigma; double sigma2OverR2 = 1 / (rOverSigma * rOverSigma); if (1 / sigma2OverR2 < coreFac) return Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; double sixOverGamma = 6 / gamma; sum += epsilon / (1 - sixOverGamma) * (sixOverGamma * Math.exp(gamma * (1 - rOverSigma)) - sigma2OverR2 * sigma2OverR2 * sigma2OverR2); } double charge2 = pairAgent.charge2; if (charge2 != 0) { double tau = pairAgent.tau; if (Double.isNaN(r)) { r2 = atoms1.getAtom(i).getPosition().Mv1Squared(atoms2.getAtom(j).getPosition()); r = Math.sqrt(r2); } sum += charge2 / r * (1 - org.apache.commons.math3.special.Erf.erfc(Math.sqrt(r2) / (2 * tau))); } } } } else { for (int i = 0; i < atoms1.getAtomCount(); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < atoms2.getAtomCount(); j++) { GCPMAgent pairAgent = getPairAgent(atoms1.getAtom(i).getType(), atoms2.getAtom(j).getType()); double epsilon = pairAgent.epsilon; double r = Double.NaN; if (epsilon > 0) { double sigma = pairAgent.sigma; IVector r1 = atoms1.getAtom(i).getPosition(); shift.PE(r1); r2 = atoms2.getAtom(j).getPosition().Mv1Squared(shift); shift.ME(r1); r = Math.sqrt(r2); double gamma = pairAgent.gamma; double rOverSigma = r / sigma; double sigma2OverR2 = 1 / (rOverSigma * rOverSigma); if (1 / sigma2OverR2 < coreFac) return Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; double sixOverGamma = 6 / gamma; sum += epsilon / (1 - sixOverGamma) * (sixOverGamma * Math.exp(gamma * (1 - rOverSigma)) - sigma2OverR2 * sigma2OverR2 * sigma2OverR2);//exp-6 potential(Udisp) } double charge2 = pairAgent.charge2; if (charge2 != 0) { double tau = pairAgent.tau; if (Double.isNaN(r)) { IVector r1 = atoms1.getAtom(i).getPosition(); shift.PE(r1); r2 = atoms2.getAtom(j).getPosition().Mv1Squared(shift); shift.ME(r1); r = Math.sqrt(r2); } sum += charge2 / r * (1 - org.apache.commons.math3.special.Erf.erfc(Math.sqrt(r2) / (2 * tau))); } } } } return sum; } /** * This returns the polarizable portion of the GCPM potential for any * number of atoms. */ public double getPolarizationEnergy(IMoleculeList molecules) { final int moleculeCount = molecules.getMoleculeCount(); if (Eq.length < moleculeCount + 1) { int oldSize = Eq.length; Eq = (IVectorMutable[][]) etomica.util.Arrays.resizeArray(Eq, moleculeCount); Ep = (IVectorMutable[][]) etomica.util.Arrays.resizeArray(Ep, moleculeCount); mu = (IVectorMutable[][]) etomica.util.Arrays.resizeArray(mu, moleculeCount); for (int i = oldSize; i < moleculeCount; i++) { Eq[i] = new IVectorMutable[0]; Ep[i] = new IVectorMutable[0]; mu[i] = new IVectorMutable[0]; } } for (int i = 0; i < moleculeCount; i++) { int nAtoms = molecules.getMolecule(i).getChildList().getAtomCount(); if (Eq[i].length < nAtoms) { Eq[i] = new IVectorMutable[nAtoms]; mu[i] = new IVectorMutable[nAtoms]; Ep[i] = new IVectorMutable[nAtoms]; for (int j = 0; j < nAtoms; j++) { Eq[i][j] = space.makeVector(); mu[i][j] = space.makeVector(); Ep[i][j] = space.makeVector(); } } else { for (int j = 0; j < nAtoms; j++) { Eq[i][j].E(0); mu[i][j].E(0); Ep[i][j].E(0); } } } double sqrtpi = Math.sqrt(Math.PI); for (int i = 0; i < molecules.getMoleculeCount(); i++) { IAtomList iLeafAtoms = molecules.getMolecule(i).getChildList(); for (int ii = 0; ii < iLeafAtoms.getAtomCount(); ii++) { GCPMAgent agenti = (GCPMAgent) typeManager.getAgent(iLeafAtoms.getAtom(ii).getType()); double alphaPerp = agenti.alphaPerp; double alphaPar = agenti.alphaPar; if (alphaPerp == 0 && alphaPar == 0) continue; IVectorMutable ri = iLeafAtoms.getAtom(ii).getPosition(); for (int j = 0; j < molecules.getMoleculeCount(); j++) { if (i == j) continue; IAtomList jLeafAtoms = molecules.getMolecule(j).getChildList(); IVectorMutable rj = jLeafAtoms.getAtom(0).getPosition(); work.Ev1Mv2(ri, rj); shift.Ea1Tv1(-1, work); boundary.nearestImage(work); shift.PE(work); for (int jj = 0; jj < jLeafAtoms.getAtomCount(); jj++) { GCPMAgent agentj = (GCPMAgent) typeManager.getAgent(jLeafAtoms.getAtom(jj).getType()); double qj = agentj.charge; if (qj == 0) continue; GCPMAgent agentij = getPairAgent(iLeafAtoms.getAtom(ii).getType(), jLeafAtoms.getAtom(jj).getType()); double tauij = agentij.tau; rj = jLeafAtoms.getAtom(jj).getPosition(); work.Ev1Mv2(ri, rj); work.PE(shift); double r2 = work.squared(); double r1 = Math.sqrt(r2); double fac = qj / (r1 * r2) * ((1 - org.apache.commons.math3.special.Erf.erfc(r1 / (2 * tauij))) - r1 / (sqrtpi * tauij) * Math.exp(-r2 / (4 * tauij * tauij))); Eq[i][ii].PEa1Tv1(fac, work); // if (i==0) { // System.out.println("after "+j+" "+jj); // System.out.println(Eq[i][ii]); // } } } } } int maxIter = 550; double mixIter = 0.9; for (int iter = 0; iter < maxIter; iter++) { double sumDeltaMu = 0; double sumMu = 0; for (int i = 0; i < molecules.getMoleculeCount(); i++) { IAtomList iLeafAtoms = molecules.getMolecule(i).getChildList(); for (int ii = 0; ii < iLeafAtoms.getAtomCount(); ii++) { GCPMAgent agenti = (GCPMAgent) typeManager.getAgent(iLeafAtoms.getAtom(ii).getType()); double alphaPerp = agenti.alphaPerp; double alphaPar = agenti.alphaPar; if (alphaPerp == 0 && alphaPar == 0) continue; Ep[i][ii].PE(Eq[i][ii]); oldMu.E(mu[i][ii]); IVector parAxis = null; double alpha = alphaPerp; if (alphaPerp != alphaPar) { parAxis = agenti.getParallelAxis(molecules.getMolecule(i)); double cosTheta = Math.abs([i][ii]) / Math.sqrt(Ep[i][ii].squared())); alpha = alphaPerp + cosTheta * (alphaPar - alphaPerp); } mu[i][ii].Ea1Tv1(alpha, Ep[i][ii]); mu[i][ii].TE(mixIter); mu[i][ii].PEa1Tv1(1 - mixIter, oldMu); sumDeltaMu += mu[i][ii].Mv1Squared(oldMu); sumMu += mu[i][ii].squared(); } } for (int i = 0; i < molecules.getMoleculeCount(); i++) { for (int ii = 0; ii < Ep[i].length; ii++) { Ep[i][ii].E(0); } } for (int i = 0; i < molecules.getMoleculeCount(); i++) { IAtomList iLeafAtoms = molecules.getMolecule(i).getChildList(); for (int ii = 0; ii < iLeafAtoms.getAtomCount(); ii++) { GCPMAgent agenti = (GCPMAgent) typeManager.getAgent(iLeafAtoms.getAtom(ii).getType()); if (agenti.alphaPerp == 0 && agenti.alphaPar == 0) continue; IVectorMutable ri = iLeafAtoms.getAtom(ii).getPosition(); for (int j = i + 1; j < molecules.getMoleculeCount(); j++) { IAtomList jLeafAtoms = molecules.getMolecule(j).getChildList(); IVectorMutable rj = jLeafAtoms.getAtom(0).getPosition(); work.Ev1Mv2(ri, rj); shift.Ea1Tv1(-1, work); boundary.nearestImage(work); shift.PE(work); for (int jj = 0; jj < jLeafAtoms.getAtomCount(); jj++) { GCPMAgent agentj = (GCPMAgent) typeManager.getAgent(jLeafAtoms.getAtom(jj).getType()); if (agentj.alphaPerp == 0 && agentj.alphaPar == 0) continue; GCPMAgent agentij = getPairAgent(iLeafAtoms.getAtom(ii).getType(), jLeafAtoms.getAtom(jj).getType()); double tauij = agentij.tau; rj = jLeafAtoms.getAtom(jj).getPosition(); work.Ev1Mv2(ri, rj); work.PE(shift); double r2 = work.squared(); double r1 = Math.sqrt(r2); if (r2 < coreFac * agentij.sigma) { return Double.NaN; } double erf = (1 - org.apache.commons.math3.special.Erf.erfc(r1 / (2 * tauij))); double exp = Math.exp(-r2 / (4 * tauij * tauij)); double prefac = (r1 / (tauij * sqrtpi)) * exp; double postfac = prefac * 0.666666666666666666666 * r2 / (4 * tauij * tauij); double fr = erf - prefac; double fpr = fr - postfac; Ep[i][ii].PEa1Tv1(-fr / (r1 * r2), mu[j][jj]); Ep[i][ii].PEa1Tv1(3 *[j][jj]) * fpr / (r2 * r2 * r1), work); Ep[j][jj].PEa1Tv1(-fr / (r1 * r2), mu[i][ii]); Ep[j][jj].PEa1Tv1(3 *[i][ii]) * fpr / (r2 * r2 * r1), work); } } } } if (debugme) { for (int i = 0; i < molecules.getMoleculeCount(); i++) { for (int ii = 0; ii < molecules.getMolecule(i).getChildList().getAtomCount(); ii++) { if (Ep[i][ii].isZero()) continue; System.out.println(iter + " " + i + " " + ii + " " + Ep[i][ii] + " " + mu[i][ii]); } } } if (sumDeltaMu < 1e-20) break; if (iter == maxIter - 1) { System.err.println("we were unable to converge"); System.err.println("sumDeltaMu " + sumDeltaMu); System.err.println("sumMu " + sumMu); throw new RuntimeException("bye"); } } double UpolAtkins = 0; for (int i = 0; i < molecules.getMoleculeCount(); i++) { for (int ii = 0; ii < molecules.getMolecule(i).getChildList().getAtomCount(); ii++) { UpolAtkins += Eq[i][ii].dot(mu[i][ii]); } } UpolAtkins *= -0.5; if (!debugme && Double.isNaN(UpolAtkins)) { debugme = true; getPolarizationEnergy(molecules); throw new RuntimeException("oops"); } //x here represents P (almost). //For x to be P, the A of the Ax=b actually needs an extra factor of //alphaPol. We'll add that bit in when we calculate UpolAtkins. return UpolAtkins; } public final double getRange() { return Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; } public void setBox(IBox box) { boundary = box.getBoundary(); } public P3GCPMAxilrodTeller makeAxilrodTeller() { return new P3GCPMAxilrodTeller(space); } protected final MoleculePair pair; protected IBoundary boundary; protected final double coreFac; protected IVectorMutable[][] Eq, Ep, mu; protected IVectorMutable oldMu; protected final IVectorMutable rijVector; protected final IVectorMutable work, shift; protected Component component; protected final AtomTypeAgentManager typeManager; protected final int nAtomTypes; protected final GCPMAgent[][] pairAgents; public enum Component { TWO_BODY, INDUCTION, FULL } public static class GCPMAgent { public final double sigma, epsilon, tau, gamma; public final double charge, charge2, alphaPar, alphaPerp; public final double E; public GCPMAgent(double sigma, double epsilon, double tau, double gamma, double charge, double alphaPar, double alphaPerp, double E) { this.sigma = sigma; this.epsilon = epsilon; this.tau = tau; this.gamma = gamma; this.charge = charge; this.charge2 = charge * charge; this.alphaPar = alphaPar; this.alphaPerp = alphaPerp; this.E = E; } public GCPMAgent(double sigma, double epsilon, double tau, double gamma, double charge1, double charge2, double alphaPar, double alphaPerp, double E) { this.sigma = sigma; this.epsilon = epsilon; this.tau = tau; this.gamma = gamma; this.charge2 = charge1 * charge2; this.charge = Math.sqrt(this.charge2); this.alphaPar = alphaPar; this.alphaPerp = alphaPerp; this.E = E; } public IVector getParallelAxis(IMolecule mol) { return null; } } public class P3GCPMAxilrodTeller implements IPotentialMolecular { protected final IVectorMutable rij, rik, rjk; protected final IVectorMutable bveci, bvecj, bveck; protected final double[] cosg; protected final IVectorMutable norm; protected final IVectorMutable xveci, xvecj, xveck; protected final IVectorMutable yveci, yvecj, yveck; protected final double[] xx, yy, zz; public P3GCPMAxilrodTeller(ISpace space) { rij = space.makeVector(); rik = space.makeVector(); rjk = space.makeVector(); cosg = new double[4]; norm = space.makeVector(); bveci = space.makeVector(); bvecj = space.makeVector(); bveck = space.makeVector(); xveci = space.makeVector(); xvecj = space.makeVector(); xveck = space.makeVector(); yveci = space.makeVector(); yvecj = space.makeVector(); yveck = space.makeVector(); xx = new double[3]; yy = new double[3]; zz = new double[3]; } public double getRange() { return Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; } public void setBox(IBox box) { } public int nBody() { return 3; } public double energy(IMoleculeList molecules) { IAtomList atomsi = molecules.getMolecule(0).getChildList(); IAtomList atomsj = molecules.getMolecule(1).getChildList(); IAtomList atomsk = molecules.getMolecule(2).getChildList(); double usum = 0; for (int ii = 0; ii < atomsi.getAtomCount(); ii++) { GCPMAgent agenti = (GCPMAgent) typeManager.getAgent(atomsi.getAtom(ii).getType()); if (agenti.alphaPerp == 0 && agenti.alphaPar == 0) continue; double ei = agenti.E; IVector ri = atomsi.getAtom(0).getPosition(); double iAlphaPerp = agenti.alphaPerp; double iAlphaAn = agenti.alphaPar - iAlphaPerp; if (iAlphaAn != 0) bveci.E(agenti.getParallelAxis(molecules.getMolecule(0))); for (int jj = 0; jj < atomsj.getAtomCount(); jj++) { GCPMAgent agentj = (GCPMAgent) typeManager.getAgent(atomsj.getAtom(jj).getType()); if (agentj.alphaPerp == 0 && agentj.alphaPar == 0) continue; double epij = ei * agentj.E; double esij = ei + agentj.E; double ej = agentj.E; IVector rj = atomsj.getAtom(0).getPosition(); double jAlphaPerp = agentj.alphaPerp; double jAlphaAn = agentj.alphaPar - jAlphaPerp; if (jAlphaAn != 0) bvecj.E(agentj.getParallelAxis(molecules.getMolecule(1))); rij.Ev1Mv2(rj, ri); double drij2 = rij.squared(); double drij = Math.sqrt(drij2); double drij3 = drij2 * drij; rij.TE(1 / drij); for (int kk = 0; kk < atomsk.getAtomCount(); kk++) { GCPMAgent agentk = (GCPMAgent) typeManager.getAgent(atomsk.getAtom(kk).getType()); if (agentk.alphaPerp == 0 && agentk.alphaPar == 0) continue; double epijk = epij * agentk.E; if (epijk == 0) continue; double esijk = esij + agentk.E; double ek = agentk.E; double esik = ei + ek; double esjk = ej + ek; double kAlphaPerp = agentk.alphaPerp; double kAlphaAn = agentk.alphaPar - kAlphaPerp; if (kAlphaAn != 0) bveck.E(agentk.getParallelAxis(molecules.getMolecule(2))); IVector rk = atomsk.getAtom(0).getPosition(); rik.Ev1Mv2(rk, ri); rjk.Ev1Mv2(rk, rj); double drik2 = rik.squared(); double drjk2 = rjk.squared(); double drik = Math.sqrt(drik2); double drjk = Math.sqrt(drjk2); double drik3 = drik2 * drik; double drjk3 = drjk2 * drjk; rik.TE(1 / drik); rjk.TE(1 / drjk); cosg[0] =; cosg[1] =; cosg[2] =; cosg[3] = cosg[0]; norm.E(rij); norm.XE(rik); norm.normalize(); xveci.Ev1Pv2(rij, rik); xveci.normalize(); yveci.E(norm); yveci.XE(xveci); xvecj.Ev1Mv2(rjk, rij); xvecj.normalize(); yvecj.E(norm); yvecj.XE(xvecj); xveck.Ev1Pv2(rjk, rik); xveck.TE(-1); yveck.E(norm); yveck.XE(xveck); double eadd = 1; for (int a = 0; a < 3; a++) { xx[a] = Math.sqrt((1 + cosg[a]) * (1 + cosg[a + 1])) + Math.sqrt((1 - cosg[a]) * (1 - cosg[a + 1])) * 0.5; eadd *= xx[a]; } double polix = iAlphaPerp; if (iAlphaAn != 0) polix += iAlphaAn * Math.abs(; double poljx = jAlphaPerp; if (jAlphaAn != 0) poljx += jAlphaAn * Math.abs(; double polkx = kAlphaPerp; if (jAlphaAn != 0) polkx += kAlphaAn * Math.abs(; double nufac = polkx * poljx * polix; eadd *= nufac; double u = eadd / (drij3 * drik3 * drjk3); // (z, z, z) matrix element // the polarizability is here the projection on the normal to the // intermolecular plane. double poliz = iAlphaPerp; if (iAlphaAn != 0) poliz += iAlphaAn * Math.abs(; double poljz = jAlphaPerp; if (jAlphaAn != 0) poljz += jAlphaAn * Math.abs(; double polkz = kAlphaPerp; if (kAlphaAn != 0) polkz += kAlphaAn * Math.abs(; nufac = polkz * poljz * poliz; u += nufac / (drij3 * drik3 * drjk3); // (y, y, y) matrix element // the polarizability is here the projection on the axis orthogonal both // to the bisector axis, and to the normal of the intermolecular plane. eadd = 1; for (int a = 0; a < 3; a++) { yy[a] = -Math.sqrt((1 - cosg[a]) * (1 - cosg[a + 1])) - Math.sqrt((1 + cosg[a]) * (1 + cosg[a + 1])) * 0.5; eadd *= yy[a]; } double poliy = iAlphaPerp; if (iAlphaAn != 0) poliy += iAlphaAn * Math.abs(; double poljy = jAlphaPerp; if (jAlphaAn != 0) poljy += jAlphaAn * Math.abs(; double polky = kAlphaPerp; if (kAlphaAn != 0) polky += kAlphaAn * Math.abs(; nufac = polkx * poljx * polix; u += eadd * nufac / (drij3 * drik3 * drjk3); // here come the mixed matrix elements. six in total. three double x's and // three double y's. // (x, x, y) double eprd = (Math.sqrt((1 + cosg[1]) * (1 - cosg[2])) - Math.sqrt((1 - cosg[1]) * (1 + cosg[2])) * 0.5) * (-Math.sqrt((1 + cosg[0]) * (1 - cosg[2])) + Math.sqrt((1 - cosg[0]) * (1 + cosg[2])) * 0.5); nufac = polix * poljx * polky; eadd = xx[0] * eprd * nufac; // (x, y, x) eprd = (Math.sqrt((1 + cosg[0]) * (1 - cosg[1])) - Math.sqrt((1 - cosg[0]) * (1 + cosg[1])) * 0.5) * (-Math.sqrt((1 + cosg[2]) * (1 - cosg[1])) + Math.sqrt((1 - cosg[2]) * (1 + cosg[1])) * 0.5); nufac = polix * poljy * polkx; eadd += xx[2] * eprd * nufac; // (y, x, x) eprd = (Math.sqrt((1 + cosg[2]) * (1 - cosg[0])) - Math.sqrt((1 - cosg[2]) * (1 + cosg[0])) * 0.5) * (-Math.sqrt((1 + cosg[1]) * (1 - cosg[0])) + Math.sqrt((1 - cosg[1]) * (1 + cosg[0])) * 0.5); nufac = poliy * poljx * polkx; eadd += xx[1] * eprd * nufac; u += eadd / (drij3 * drik3 * drjk3); // the double y's. // (y, y, x) eprd = (Math.sqrt((1.0 + cosg[2]) * (1 - cosg[0])) - Math.sqrt((1.0 - cosg[2]) * (1 + cosg[0])) * 0.5) * (-Math.sqrt((1.0 + cosg[2]) * (1 - cosg[1])) + Math.sqrt((1.0 - cosg[2]) * (1 + cosg[1])) * 0.5); nufac = poliy * poljy * polkx; eadd = yy[0] * eprd * nufac; // (y, x, y) eprd = (Math.sqrt((1.0 + cosg[1]) * (1 - cosg[2])) - Math.sqrt((1.0 - cosg[1]) * (1 + cosg[2])) * 0.5) * (-Math.sqrt((1.0 + cosg[1]) * (1 - cosg[0])) + Math.sqrt((1.0 - cosg[1]) * (1 + cosg[0])) * 0.5); nufac = poliy * poljx * polky; eadd += yy[2] * eprd * nufac; // (x, y, y) eprd = (Math.sqrt((1.0 + cosg[0]) * (1 - cosg[1])) - Math.sqrt((1.0 - cosg[0]) * (1 + cosg[1])) * 0.5) * (-Math.sqrt((1.0 + cosg[0]) * (1 - cosg[2])) + Math.sqrt((1.0 - cosg[0]) * (1 + cosg[2])) * 0.5); nufac = polix * poljy * polky; eadd = eadd + yy[1] * eprd * nufac; u += eadd / (drij3 * drik3 * drjk3); if (Double.isNaN(u)) { energy(molecules); throw new RuntimeException("oops " + u); } double nufac0 = 1.5 * epijk * esijk / (esij * esik * esjk); usum += u * nufac0; } } } return usum; } } public static void main2(String[] args) { double x = 0; double z = 4.; final ISpace space = Space3D.getInstance(); Simulation sim = new Simulation(space); SpeciesSpheresHetero speciesCO2 = new SpeciesSpheresHetero(space, new IElement[] { Carbon.INSTANCE, Oxygen.INSTANCE }); speciesCO2.setChildCount(new int[] { 1, 2 }); speciesCO2.setConformation(new IConformation() { public void initializePositions(IAtomList atomList) { atomList.getAtom(0).getPosition().E(0); atomList.getAtom(1).getPosition().setX(0, 1.161); atomList.getAtom(2).getPosition().setX(0, -1.161); } }); sim.addSpecies(speciesCO2); IBox box = new; sim.addBox(box); box.setNMolecules(speciesCO2, 2); box.getBoundary().setBoxSize(space.makeVector(new double[] { 100, 100, 100 })); IMolecule mol0 = box.getMoleculeList().getMolecule(0); IMolecule mol1 = box.getMoleculeList().getMolecule(1); mol0.getChildList().getAtom(0).getPosition().E(space.makeVector(new double[] { 0.000000, 0, 0.000000 })); mol0.getChildList().getAtom(1).getPosition().E(space.makeVector(new double[] { -1.161, 0, 0 })); mol0.getChildList().getAtom(2).getPosition().E(space.makeVector(new double[] { 1.161, 0, 0 })); mol1.getChildList().getAtom(0).getPosition().E(space.makeVector(new double[] { 0, 0, z })); mol1.getChildList().getAtom(1).getPosition().E(space.makeVector(new double[] { -1.161, 0, z })); mol1.getChildList().getAtom(2).getPosition().E(space.makeVector(new double[] { 1.161, 0, z })); // space.makeVector(new double[]{ 1.000000,-11.000000,-5.000000 }) // space.makeVector(new double[]{ 0.732908,-10.699688,-3.910782 }) // space.makeVector(new double[]{ 1.267092,-11.300312,-6.089218 }) // MoleculeActionTranslateTo translator = new MoleculeActionTranslateTo(space); // translator.setDestination(space.makeVector(new double[]{x,0,z})); // translator.actionPerformed(mol1); AtomTypeAgentManager typeManager = new AtomTypeAgentManager(null); double qC = Electron.UNIT.toSim(0.6642); typeManager.setAgent(speciesCO2.getAtomType(0), new GCPMAgent(3.193, Kelvin.UNIT.toSim(71.34), 0.61 / 1.0483, 15.5, qC, 4.05, 1.95, 0.0) { protected final IVectorMutable r = space.makeVector(); public IVector getParallelAxis(IMolecule mol) { IAtomList atoms = mol.getChildList(); r.Ev1Mv2(atoms.getAtom(2).getPosition(), atoms.getAtom(1).getPosition()); r.normalize(); return r; } }); double qO = -0.5 * qC; typeManager.setAgent(speciesCO2.getAtomType(1), new GCPMAgent(3.193 * 1.0483, Kelvin.UNIT.toSim(67.72), 0.61, 15.5, qO, 0, 0, 0)); PNGCPM p2 = new PNGCPM(space, typeManager, 2); p2.setBox(box); // p2.setComponent(PNGCPM.Component.INDUCTION); IMoleculeList molecules = box.getMoleculeList(); double u =; System.out.println(u); PNCO2GCPM p2c = new PNCO2GCPM(space); p2c.setBox(box); // p2c.setComponent(PNCO2GCPM.Component.INDUCTION); double uc =; System.out.println(uc); } public static void mainCO2(String[] args) { double x = 0; double z1 = 5.; double y2 = 2.; final ISpace space = Space3D.getInstance(); Simulation sim = new Simulation(space); SpeciesSpheresHetero speciesCO2 = new SpeciesSpheresHetero(space, new IElement[] { Carbon.INSTANCE, Oxygen.INSTANCE }); speciesCO2.setChildCount(new int[] { 1, 2 }); speciesCO2.setConformation(new IConformation() { public void initializePositions(IAtomList atomList) { atomList.getAtom(0).getPosition().E(0); atomList.getAtom(1).getPosition().setX(0, 1.161); atomList.getAtom(2).getPosition().setX(0, -1.161); } }); sim.addSpecies(speciesCO2); IBox box = new; sim.addBox(box); box.setNMolecules(speciesCO2, 3); box.getBoundary().setBoxSize(space.makeVector(new double[] { 100, 100, 100 })); IMolecule mol0 = box.getMoleculeList().getMolecule(0); IMolecule mol1 = box.getMoleculeList().getMolecule(1); IMolecule mol2 = box.getMoleculeList().getMolecule(2); mol0.getChildList().getAtom(0).getPosition().E(space.makeVector(new double[] { 0.000000, 0, 0.000000 })); mol0.getChildList().getAtom(1).getPosition().E(space.makeVector(new double[] { -1.161, 0, 0 })); mol0.getChildList().getAtom(2).getPosition().E(space.makeVector(new double[] { 1.161, 0, 0 })); mol1.getChildList().getAtom(0).getPosition().E(space.makeVector(new double[] { 0, 0, z1 })); mol1.getChildList().getAtom(1).getPosition().E(space.makeVector(new double[] { -1.161, 0, z1 })); mol1.getChildList().getAtom(2).getPosition().E(space.makeVector(new double[] { 1.161, 0, z1 })); mol2.getChildList().getAtom(0).getPosition().E(space.makeVector(new double[] { 0, y2, 0 })); mol2.getChildList().getAtom(1).getPosition().E(space.makeVector(new double[] { -1.161, y2, 0 })); mol2.getChildList().getAtom(2).getPosition().E(space.makeVector(new double[] { 1.161, y2, 0 })); AtomTypeAgentManager typeManager = new AtomTypeAgentManager(null); double qC = Electron.UNIT.toSim(0.6642); typeManager.setAgent(speciesCO2.getAtomType(0), new GCPMAgent(3.193, Kelvin.UNIT.toSim(71.34), 0.61 / 1.0483, 15.5, qC, 4.05, 1.95, 16.0 / 9.0 * Kelvin.UNIT.toSim(2.52e4)) { protected final IVectorMutable r = space.makeVector(); public IVector getParallelAxis(IMolecule mol) { IAtomList atoms = mol.getChildList(); r.Ev1Mv2(atoms.getAtom(2).getPosition(), atoms.getAtom(1).getPosition()); r.normalize(); return r; } }); double qO = -0.5 * qC; typeManager.setAgent(speciesCO2.getAtomType(1), new GCPMAgent(3.193 * 1.0483, Kelvin.UNIT.toSim(67.72), 0.61, 15.5, qO, 0, 0, 0)); PNGCPM p2 = new PNGCPM(space, typeManager, 2); p2.setBox(box); P3GCPMAxilrodTeller p3 = p2.makeAxilrodTeller(); IMoleculeList molecules = box.getMoleculeList(); double u =; System.out.println(u); PNCO2GCPM p2c = new PNCO2GCPM(space); p2c.setBox(box); PNCO2GCPM.P3GCPMAxilrodTeller p3c = p2c.makeAxilrodTeller(); double uc =; System.out.println(uc); } public static void main(String[] args) { double x = 0; double z1 = 5.; double y2 = 7.; final ISpace space = Space3D.getInstance(); Simulation sim = new Simulation(space); SpeciesWater4PCOM speciesWaterCOM = new SpeciesWater4PCOM(space); sim.addSpecies(speciesWaterCOM); IBox box = new; sim.addBox(box); box.setNMolecules(speciesWaterCOM, 3); box.getBoundary().setBoxSize(space.makeVector(new double[] { 100, 100, 100 })); IMolecule mol0 = box.getMoleculeList().getMolecule(0); IMolecule mol1 = box.getMoleculeList().getMolecule(1); IMolecule mol2 = box.getMoleculeList().getMolecule(2); MoleculeActionTranslateTo translator = new MoleculeActionTranslateTo(space); translator.setDestination(space.makeVector(new double[] { 0, 0, z1 })); translator.actionPerformed(mol1); translator.setDestination(space.makeVector(new double[] { 0, y2, 0 })); translator.actionPerformed(mol2); AtomTypeAgentManager typeManager = new AtomTypeAgentManager(null); typeManager.setAgent(speciesWaterCOM.getHydrogenType(), new GCPMAgent(1.0, 0, 0.455, 12.75, Electron.UNIT.toSim(0.6113), 0, 0, 0)); typeManager.setAgent(speciesWaterCOM.getOxygenType(), new GCPMAgent(3.69, Kelvin.UNIT.toSim(110), 0, 12.75, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)); typeManager.setAgent(speciesWaterCOM.getMType(), new GCPMAgent(1.0, 0, 0.610, 12.75, Electron.UNIT.toSim(-1.2226), 0, 0, 0)); typeManager.setAgent(speciesWaterCOM.getCOMType(), new GCPMAgent(1.0, 0, 0.610, 12.75, 0, 1.444, 1.444, 0)); PNGCPM p2 = new PNGCPM(space, typeManager, 4); p2.setBox(box); IMoleculeList molecules = box.getMoleculeList(); MoleculePair pair = new MoleculePair(molecules.getMolecule(0), molecules.getMolecule(1)); double u =; System.out.println(u); sim = new Simulation(space); SpeciesWater4P speciesWater = new SpeciesWater4P(space); sim.addSpecies(speciesWater); box = new; sim.addBox(box); box.setNMolecules(speciesWater, 3); box.getBoundary().setBoxSize(space.makeVector(new double[] { 100, 100, 100 })); mol0 = box.getMoleculeList().getMolecule(0); mol1 = box.getMoleculeList().getMolecule(1); mol2 = box.getMoleculeList().getMolecule(2); translator.setDestination(space.makeVector(new double[] { 0, 0, z1 })); translator.actionPerformed(mol1); translator.setDestination(space.makeVector(new double[] { 0, y2, 0 })); translator.actionPerformed(mol2); PNWaterGCPM p2c = new PNWaterGCPM(space); p2c.setBox(box); double uc =; System.out.println(uc); } }