Example usage for java.lang Long equals

List of usage examples for java.lang Long equals


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang Long equals.


public boolean equals(Object obj) 

Source Link


Compares this object to the specified object.


From source file:com.viettel.logistic.wms.service.StockGoodsSerialServiceImpl.java

public List<StockGoodsSerialStripDTO> getListStockGoodsSerialStrip(List<ConditionBean> lstCondition,
        int startRow, int maxRow, String sortType, String sortField) {
    List<StockGoodsSerialStripDTO> lstStockGoodsSerialStripDTO = new ArrayList<>();
    StockGoodsSerialStripDTO stockGoodsSerialStripDTOSearch = new StockGoodsSerialStripDTO();
    for (ConditionBean condition : lstCondition) {
        if (condition.getField().equalsIgnoreCase("fromSerial")
                && !StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty(condition.getValue())) {
        }//from   w ww  .ja v a 2 s .  co  m
        if (condition.getField().equalsIgnoreCase("toSerial")
                && !StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty(condition.getValue())) {
        if (condition.getField().equalsIgnoreCase("custId")
                && !StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty(condition.getValue())) {
        if (condition.getField().equalsIgnoreCase("goodsType")
                && !StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty(condition.getValue())) {
        if (condition.getField().equalsIgnoreCase("goodsId")
                && !StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty(condition.getValue())) {
        if (condition.getField().equalsIgnoreCase("ownerId")
                && !StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty(condition.getValue())) {
        if (condition.getField().equalsIgnoreCase("status")
                && !StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty(condition.getValue())) {
        if (condition.getField().equalsIgnoreCase("goodsState")
                && !StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty(condition.getValue())) {

    List<StockGoodsSerialStripDTO> lstFilterStockGoodsSerialStripDTO = new ArrayList<>();
    //        for (ConditionBean con : lstCondition) {
    //            if (con.getType().equalsIgnoreCase(ParamUtils.TYPE_DATE)) {
    //                con.setField(StringUtils.formatFunction("trunc", con.getField()));
    //            } else if (con.getType().equalsIgnoreCase(ParamUtils.NUMBER)) {
    //                con.setType(ParamUtils.TYPE_NUMBER);
    //            } else if (con.getType().equalsIgnoreCase(ParamUtils.NUMBER_DOUBLE)) {
    //                con.setType(ParamUtils.NUMBER_DOUBLE);
    //            } else {
    //                String value = "";
    //                if (con.getOperator().equalsIgnoreCase(ParamUtils.NAME_LIKE)) {
    //                    value = StringUtils.formatLike(con.getValue());
    //                    con.setField(StringUtils.formatFunction("lower", con.getField()));
    //                    con.setValue(value.toLowerCase());
    //                } else {
    //                    value = con.getValue();
    //                    con.setField(con.getField());
    //                    con.setValue(value);
    //                }
    //            }
    //            con.setOperator(StringUtils.convertTypeOperator(con.getOperator()));
    //        }
    String fromSerial = "";
    String toSerial = "";
    Long quantity = 0L;
    Long quantityTotal = 0L;
    //        ConditionBean removeCondition = new ConditionBean();
    //        //Lay gia tri from_serial, to_serial truyen vao
    //        for (ConditionBean condition : lstCondition) {
    //            if (condition.getField().equalsIgnoreCase("fromSerial") && !StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty(condition.getValue())) {
    //                toSerial = condition.getValue();
    //            }
    //            //
    //            if (condition.getField().equalsIgnoreCase("toSerial") && !StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty(condition.getValue())) {
    //                fromSerial = condition.getValue();
    //            }
    //            //
    //            if (condition.getField().equalsIgnoreCase("quantity") && !StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty(condition.getValue())) {
    //                quantity = Long.parseLong(condition.getValue());
    //                removeCondition = condition;
    //            }
    //        }
    //        lstCondition.remove(removeCondition);
    //Tim kiem serial
    //lstStockGoodsSerialStripDTO = stockGoodsSerialStripBusiness.searchByConditionBean(lstCondition, startRow, maxRow, sortType, sortField);
    //        lstStockGoodsSerialStripDTO = stockGoodsSerialStripBusiness.searchByConditionBean(lstCondition, startRow, maxRow, "", "goodsId, custId,ownerId,ownerType,goodsId,goodsState,status,fromSerial");
    lstStockGoodsSerialStripDTO = stockGoodsSerialStripBusiness2
    StockGoodsSerialStripDTO firstStockGoodsSerialStripDTO;
    StockGoodsSerialStripDTO lastStockGoodsSerialStripDTO;
    //Neu khong truyen tham so from serial,to serial,quantity thi lay tat ca
    if (quantity.equals(0L) && StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty(fromSerial) && StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty(toSerial)) {
        return lstStockGoodsSerialStripDTO;
    //Lay dai dai serial theo so luong
    int iIndex = 0;
    StockGoodsSerialStripDTO stockGoodsSerialStripDTO;
    if (lstStockGoodsSerialStripDTO != null && lstStockGoodsSerialStripDTO.size() > 0) {
        //Tim kiem theo so luong
        if (!quantity.equals(0L)) {
            // while (quantityTotal <= quantity && iIndex < lstStockGoodsSerialStripDTO.size()) {
            // stockGoodsSerialStripDTO = lstStockGoodsSerialStripDTO.get(iIndex);
            // quantityTotal = quantityTotal + Long.parseLong(stockGoodsSerialStripDTO.getQuantity());
            // iIndex++;
            // lstFilterStockGoodsSerialStripDTO.add(stockGoodsSerialStripDTO);
            //ThienNG1 edit by 10.06.2016 Begin
            while (quantityTotal < quantity && iIndex < lstStockGoodsSerialStripDTO.size()) {
                stockGoodsSerialStripDTO = lstStockGoodsSerialStripDTO.get(iIndex);
                quantityTotal = quantityTotal + Long.parseLong(stockGoodsSerialStripDTO.getQuantity());
            //ThienNG1 edit by 10.06.2016 End
        } else {//Khong theo so luong
            lstFilterStockGoodsSerialStripDTO = lstStockGoodsSerialStripDTO;
    //Xu ly dai serial dau tien va cuoi cung theo tham so, from serial va to_serial truyen vao         
    int iSize = lstFilterStockGoodsSerialStripDTO.size();
    Long firstQuantity;
    Long lastQuantity;
    int lengthSerial = 0;
    String firstToSerial = "";
    //ThienNG addBy 01.06.2015
    String lastToSerial = "";

    if (lstFilterStockGoodsSerialStripDTO != null && lstFilterStockGoodsSerialStripDTO.size() > 0) {
        //Xu ly dai serial dau tien            
        firstStockGoodsSerialStripDTO = lstFilterStockGoodsSerialStripDTO.get(0);
        lengthSerial = firstStockGoodsSerialStripDTO.getFromSerial().length();
        if (!StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty(fromSerial)
                && Long.parseLong(fromSerial) > Long.parseLong(firstStockGoodsSerialStripDTO.getFromSerial())) {
        if (!StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty(toSerial) && Double.parseDouble(toSerial) < Double
                .parseDouble(firstStockGoodsSerialStripDTO.getToSerial())) {
        //Cap nhat lai so luong
        firstQuantity = Long.parseLong(firstStockGoodsSerialStripDTO.getToSerial())
                - Long.parseLong(firstStockGoodsSerialStripDTO.getFromSerial()) + 1;
        //Chan du lieu tim theo so luong
        //ThienNG1 EditBy 18/06/2015 
        //them dieu kien khi khong tim kiem theo so luong (quantity = 0L)
        if (!quantity.equals(0L)) {
            if (firstQuantity > quantity) {
                firstQuantity = quantity;
                firstToSerial = Long.parseLong(firstStockGoodsSerialStripDTO.getFromSerial()) + quantity - 1
                        + "";
                firstStockGoodsSerialStripDTO.setToSerial(DataUtil.lPad(firstToSerial, "0", lengthSerial));
        //ThienNG1- Begin EditBy 18/06/2015
        //update so luong khi khong tim kiem theo so luong
        if (quantity.equals(0L)) {
            Long amount = Long.parseLong(firstStockGoodsSerialStripDTO.getToSerial())
                    - Long.parseLong(firstStockGoodsSerialStripDTO.getFromSerial()) + 1;
        lstFilterStockGoodsSerialStripDTO.set(0, firstStockGoodsSerialStripDTO);
        //Xu ly dai serial cuoi cung
        if (iSize > 1) {
            lastStockGoodsSerialStripDTO = lstFilterStockGoodsSerialStripDTO.get(iSize - 1);
            if (!StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty(toSerial) && Double.parseDouble(toSerial) < Double
                    .parseDouble(lastStockGoodsSerialStripDTO.getToSerial())) {
                //Cap nhat lai so luong               
                lastQuantity = Long.parseLong(lastStockGoodsSerialStripDTO.getToSerial())
                        - Long.parseLong(lastStockGoodsSerialStripDTO.getFromSerial()) + 1;
                lstFilterStockGoodsSerialStripDTO.set(iSize - 1, lastStockGoodsSerialStripDTO);
            //Chan du lieu tim tho so luong
            if (quantityTotal > quantity) {
                //ThienNG1 addBy 01.06.2015 - begin 
                Long amount = 0L;
                Long amountTotal = 0L;
                for (int i = 0; i < lstFilterStockGoodsSerialStripDTO.size() - 1; i++) {
                    amountTotal += Long.parseLong(lstFilterStockGoodsSerialStripDTO.get(i).getQuantity());
                amount = quantity - amountTotal;
                lastToSerial = Long.parseLong(lstFilterStockGoodsSerialStripDTO.get(iSize - 1).getFromSerial())
                        + amount - 1 + "";
                lastStockGoodsSerialStripDTO.setToSerial(DataUtil.lPad(lastToSerial, "0", lengthSerial));
    return lstFilterStockGoodsSerialStripDTO;

From source file:com.square.core.service.implementations.PersonnePhysiqueServiceImplementation.java

 * Rcupre l'email de la personne./*w  w w.j a  va  2 s  .  c  om*/
 * @param personne la personne dont on souhaite rcuprer l'email
 * @param idNatureEmail la nature de l'email recherch
 * @return l'email trouv
private Email getEmailPersonne(Personne personne, Long idNatureEmail) {
    Email emailRecherche = null;
    for (Email email : personne.getEmails()) {
        if (idNatureEmail.equals(email.getNature().getId()) && !email.isSupprime()) {
            emailRecherche = email;
    return emailRecherche;

From source file:com.square.tarificateur.noyau.service.implementations.TarificateurEditiqueServiceImpl.java

 * Cre la liste des bnficiaire  partir d'une ligne de devis principal.
 * @param ligneDevisPrincipale la ligne de devis principale
 * @param listeIdsLignesSelectionnees la liste des identifiants de lignes slectionnes
 * @param listeIdsLignesSelectionnees la liste des identifiants des bnficiaires slectionns.
 * @param prospect le prospect//from  w  w w. j  a  v  a  2 s .  c  o  m
 * @param infosPersonneSquare le cache des infos de personnes Square
 * @return la liste des bnficiaires
private List<BeneficiaireBADto> creerListeBeneficiaires(LigneDevis ligneDevisPrincipale,
        List<Long> listeIdsLignesSelectionnees, List<Long> listeIdsBenefsSelectionnes, Personne prospect,
        InfosPersonneSquareBean infosPersonneSquare) {
    // On stocke le lien familial de chaque bnficiaire avec le prospect dans une map
    final Map<Long, Long> mapLienFamilialBeneficiaires = new HashMap<Long, Long>();
    for (Beneficiaire beneficiaireParcouru : prospect.getListeBeneficiaires()) {

    final List<BeneficiaireBADto> listeBeneficiaires = new ArrayList<BeneficiaireBADto>();

    // Map des valeurs de rgle de stage par bnficiaire
    final Map<Long, List<RegleValeur>> mapValeursReglesStageBeneficiaires = new HashMap<Long, List<RegleValeur>>();
    final List<RegleValeur> listeValeursReglesStageProspect = new ArrayList<RegleValeur>();

    // Rcupration de constantes
    final Integer idRegleStage = regleMappingService.getIdRegleStage();
    final Integer idValeurRegleStageSmatis = regleMappingService.getIdValeurRegleStageSmatis();
    final Long idLienConjoint = tarificateurSquareMappingService.getIdLienFamilialConjoint();

    // Test si le produit de la ligne principale a un code de tarification "adherent"
    final Integer idProduit = ligneDevisPrincipale.getEidProduit();
    final ProduitCriteresDto criteres = new ProduitCriteresDto();
    final List<ProduitDto> listeProduits = produitService.getListeProduits(criteres);
    if (listeProduits == null || listeProduits.size() != 1) {
        throw new BusinessException(messageSourceUtil.get(MessageKeyUtil.PRODUIT_LIGNE_DEVIS_INTROUVABLE));
    final ProduitDto produitDto = listeProduits.get(0);
    if (produitDto.getModeTarification() != null
            && tarificateurMappingService.getConstanteIdModeTarificationAdherent()
                    .equals(produitDto.getModeTarification().getIdentifiant())) {
        if (listeIdsBenefsSelectionnes != null && listeIdsBenefsSelectionnes.size() > 0) {
            for (Long idBeneficiaire : listeIdsBenefsSelectionnes) {
                final Beneficiaire beneficiaireProspect = beneficiaireDao
                if (beneficiaireProspect == null) {
                    throw new BusinessException(
                // Cration du bnficiaireBA
                final BeneficiaireBADto beneficiaireDevisDto = mapperBeneficiaire(
                        beneficiaireProspect.getPersonneCible(), infosPersonneSquare);
                // Test si c'est le conjoint
                if (beneficiaireProspect.getLienFamilial() != null
                        && beneficiaireProspect.getLienFamilial().getId() != null
                        && beneficiaireProspect.getLienFamilial().getId().equals(idLienConjoint)) {
                // Ajout du bnficiaire  la liste des bnficiaires du devis
    } else {
        // Ajout des bnficiaires du prospect  partir des lignes lies de la ligne principale
        final List<Long> listeIdsBeneficiairesDejaPresents = new ArrayList<Long>();
        // Parcours des lignes lies
        for (LigneDevisLiee ligneLiee : ligneDevisPrincipale.getListeLignesDevisLiees()) {
            final LigneDevis ligneDevisLiee = ligneLiee.getLigneDevisLiee();
            // On ne prend en compte que les bnficiaires des lignes slectionnes
            if (listeIdsLignesSelectionnees.contains(ligneDevisLiee.getId())) {
                // Si c'est une ligne sur un bnficiaire : on l'ajoute  la liste s'il n'est pas dj prsent
                final Personne beneficiaire = ligneDevisLiee.getBeneficiaire();
                if (beneficiaire != null) {
                    if (!listeIdsBeneficiairesDejaPresents.contains(beneficiaire.getId())) {
                        // Ajout de l'id du bnficiaire  la liste des bnficiaires dj prsents
                        // Cration du bnficiaireBA
                        final BeneficiaireBADto beneficiaireDevisDto = mapperBeneficiaire(beneficiaire,
                        final Long idLienFamilial = mapLienFamilialBeneficiaires.get(beneficiaire.getId());
                        // Dtection du conjoint
                        if (idLienFamilial != null && idLienFamilial.equals(idLienConjoint)) {
                        // Ajout du bnficiaire  la liste des bnficiaires du devis
                    // Rcupration de la valeur de la rgle "Stage"
                    List<RegleValeur> listeValeurReglesStageBeneficiaire = mapValeursReglesStageBeneficiaires
                    if (listeValeurReglesStageBeneficiaire == null) {
                        listeValeurReglesStageBeneficiaire = new ArrayList<RegleValeur>();
                    final RegleValeur regleValeur = getValeurRegleStageByLigneDevis(ligneDevisLiee,
                    if (regleValeur != null) {
                } else {
                    // Sinon c'est un prospect
                    // Rcupration de la valeur de la rgle "Stage"
                    final RegleValeur regleValeurStage = getValeurRegleStageByLigneDevis(ligneDevisLiee,
                    if (regleValeurStage != null) {
        // Ajout des dlais de stage des bnficiaires
        for (BeneficiaireBADto beneficiaireBADto : listeBeneficiaires) {
            final List<RegleValeur> listeValeursReglesStageBeneficiaire = mapValeursReglesStageBeneficiaires

    // On ordonne les bnficiaires par date de naissance croissante
    // test si les date de naissance sont non nulles
    for (BeneficiaireBADto beneficiaireBADto : listeBeneficiaires) {
        if (beneficiaireBADto.getDateDeNaissance() == null) {
            throw new BusinessException(
    // Cration d'un Comparator
    final Comparator<BeneficiaireBADto> comparator = new Comparator<BeneficiaireBADto>() {
        public int compare(BeneficiaireBADto o1, BeneficiaireBADto o2) {
            return ((BeneficiaireBADto) o1).getDateDeNaissance()
                    .compareTo(((BeneficiaireBADto) o2).getDateDeNaissance());
    Collections.sort(listeBeneficiaires, comparator);

            new String[] { String.valueOf(listeBeneficiaires.size()) }));

    // Ajout du prospect en tant que bnficiaire (en dbut de liste)
    final BeneficiaireBADto prospectBeneficiaireBA = mapperBeneficiaire(prospect, infosPersonneSquare);
    // Ajout de la valeur de rgle Stage de la ligne principale
    final RegleValeur regleValeurStage = getValeurRegleStageByLigneDevis(ligneDevisPrincipale, idRegleStage);
    if (regleValeurStage != null) {
    // Ajout du dlai de stage au prospect
            getDelaiStageByReglesValeurs(listeValeursReglesStageProspect, idValeurRegleStageSmatis));
    listeBeneficiaires.add(0, prospectBeneficiaireBA);

    return listeBeneficiaires;

From source file:com.square.core.service.implementations.PersonnePhysiqueServiceImplementation.java

 * Rcupre l'adresse d'une personne.//from  w  ww.j a  v  a  2 s  .c o m
 * @param personne la personne
 * @param idNatureAdresse la nature de l'adresse recherche
 * @return l'adresse trouve
private Adresse getAdressePersonne(Personne personne, Long idNatureAdresse) {
    Adresse adresseRecherchee = null;
    for (Adresse adresse : personne.getAdresses()) {
        if (idNatureAdresse.equals(adresse.getNature().getId()) && !adresse.isSupprime()
                && adresse.getDateFin() == null) {
            adresseRecherchee = adresse;
    return adresseRecherchee;

From source file:org.fornax.cartridges.sculptor.smartclient.server.ScServlet.java

private void mapRequestToObj(HashMap<String, Object> data, Class expectedClass, Object obj) throws Exception {
    if (obj == null) {
        throw new ApplicationException("mapRequestToObj called on NULL obj", "ERR9001");
    }/*from   w  w  w .  j  a v  a2  s . com*/

    try {
        Method versionMethod = expectedClass.getMethod("getVersion", (Class<?>[]) null);
        Long objVersion = (Long) versionMethod.invoke(obj, (Object[]) null);
        String clientVersion = (String) data.get("version");
        if (objVersion != null && clientVersion != null) {
            try {
                long clientVersionLong = Long.parseLong(clientVersion);
                if (!objVersion.equals(clientVersionLong)) {
                    throw makeApplicationException("Can't save object", "ERR9016", (Serializable[]) null);
            } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
                // Version from client isn't number - ignore
    } catch (NoSuchMethodException nme) {
        // No version control

    Method[] methods = expectedClass.getMethods();
    for (Method m : methods) {
        Class<?>[] paramTypes = m.getParameterTypes();

        Class persistentClass = null;
        if (paramTypes.length == 1) {
            if (paramTypes[0].getAnnotation(Entity.class) != null) {
                persistentClass = paramTypes[0];
            } else if (paramTypes[0].getAnnotation(Embeddable.class) != null) {
                persistentClass = paramTypes[0];
        ServiceDescription srvParam = paramTypes.length == 1 ? findServiceByClassName(paramTypes[0].getName())
                : null;
        if ((m.getName().startsWith(SET_PREFIX) && paramTypes.length == 1
                && (paramTypes[0].isAssignableFrom(String.class) || paramTypes[0].equals(Integer.class)
                        || paramTypes[0].equals(Integer.TYPE) || paramTypes[0].equals(Long.class)
                        || paramTypes[0].equals(Long.TYPE) || paramTypes[0].equals(Float.class)
                        || paramTypes[0].equals(Float.TYPE) || paramTypes[0].equals(Boolean.class)
                        || paramTypes[0].equals(Boolean.TYPE) || paramTypes[0].equals(Double.class)
                        || paramTypes[0].equals(Double.TYPE) || paramTypes[0].equals(Date.class)
                        || Enum.class.isAssignableFrom(paramTypes[0])
                        || (srvParam != null && srvParam.getFindById() != null) || persistentClass != null))
                || (m.getName().startsWith(GET_PREFIX) && paramTypes.length == 0
                        && (Set.class.isAssignableFrom(m.getReturnType())
                                || List.class.isAssignableFrom(m.getReturnType())))) {
            String fldName;
            if (m.getName().startsWith(GET_TRANSLATE)) {
                fldName = m.getName().substring(GET_TRANSLATE_LENGTH, GET_TRANSLATE_LENGTH + 1).toLowerCase()
                        + m.getName().substring(GET_TRANSLATE_LENGTH + 1);
            } else {
                fldName = m.getName().substring(3, 4).toLowerCase() + m.getName().substring(4);
            Object value = data.get(fldName);
            if (value == null) {
                fldName = m.getName().substring(3);
                value = data.get(fldName);
            if (value != null) {
                Object typedVal;
                String val = null;
                if (value instanceof String) {
                    val = (String) value;
                log.log(Level.FINER, "        value = " + value);
                if (m.getName().startsWith(GET_PREFIX) && paramTypes.length == 0
                        && (Set.class.isAssignableFrom(m.getReturnType())
                                || List.class.isAssignableFrom(m.getReturnType()))) {
                    log.log(Level.FINER, "GET");

                    String attrName = m.getName().substring(3, 4).toLowerCase() + m.getName().substring(4);
                    Type[] actualTypeArguments = null;
                    Class iterClass = expectedClass;
                    while (iterClass != null) {
                        try {
                            Field field = iterClass.getDeclaredField(attrName);
                            ParameterizedType genericType = (ParameterizedType) field.getGenericType();
                            actualTypeArguments = genericType.getActualTypeArguments();
                        } catch (NoSuchFieldException nsfe) {
                            // do nothing iterate again
                        iterClass = iterClass.getSuperclass();
                        iterClass = iterClass.equals(Object.class) ? null : iterClass;

                    if (actualTypeArguments != null && actualTypeArguments.length == 1
                            && actualTypeArguments[0] instanceof Class) {
                        Class assocClass = (Class) actualTypeArguments[0];
                        ServiceDescription assocService = findServiceByClassName(assocClass.getName());
                        Collection dbValueSet = (Collection) m.invoke(obj, (Object[]) null);
                        if (value == null || !(value instanceof HashMap)) {
                            log.log(Level.FINE, "No data for db property {0}", attrName);
                        } else if (assocService != null) {
                            HashMap<String, Object> guiValueMap = (HashMap<String, Object>) value;

                            ArrayList<Object> removeIt = new ArrayList<Object>();
                            Iterator dbIterator = dbValueSet.iterator();
                            while (dbIterator.hasNext()) {
                                Object dbVal = dbIterator.next();
                                String dbValId = getIdFromObj(dbVal);

                                if (dbValId != null) {
                                    boolean wasMatchingGuiVal = false;
                                    ArrayList<String> removeKeys = new ArrayList<String>();
                                    for (String key : guiValueMap.keySet()) {
                                        Object object = guiValueMap.get(key);
                                        if (object instanceof HashMap) {
                                            Object guiValue = ((HashMap<String, Object>) object).get("id");
                                            if (guiValue.equals(dbValId)) {
                                                wasMatchingGuiVal = true;
                                                mapRequestToObj((HashMap<String, Object>) guiValue, assocClass,
                                        } else if (object instanceof String) {
                                            // Association
                                            if (dbValId.equals(object)) {
                                                wasMatchingGuiVal = true;
                                        } else {
                                            log.log(Level.WARNING, "Wrong object type from GUI under key {0}",
                                    // Remove processed elements
                                    // Direct remove is firing concurrent modification exception
                                    for (String removeKey : removeKeys) {

                                    if (!wasMatchingGuiVal) {
                                        // Is not in list comming from GUI - delete
                                } else {
                                    log.log(Level.WARNING, "No ID in object {0}", dbVal);

                            // Rest are new records
                            for (String key : guiValueMap.keySet()) {
                                Object object = guiValueMap.get(key);
                                if (object instanceof HashMap) {
                                    Object subObj = makeNewInstance(assocClass,
                                            (HashMap<String, Object>) object);
                                    mapRequestToObj((HashMap<String, Object>) object, assocClass, subObj);
                                } else if (object instanceof String) {
                                    // Association
                                    try {
                                        Long id = new Long((String) object);
                                        Object assocObj = assocService.getFindById().invoke(
                                                assocService.getInstance(), ServiceContextStore.get(), id);
                                        if (assocObj != null) {
                                        } else {
                                                    "Object with ID {0} not availabla via service {1}",
                                                    new Object[] { id, assocService.getName() });
                                    } catch (Exception ex) {
                                        log.log(Level.WARNING, "No ID parsable from value {0} under key {1}",
                                                new Object[] { object, key });
                                } else {
                                    log.log(Level.WARNING, "Wrong sub type {0}", attrName);
                        } else if (assocClass != null) {
                            HashMap<String, Object> guiValueMap = (HashMap<String, Object>) value;

                            ArrayList<Object> removeIt = new ArrayList<Object>();
                            Iterator dbIterator = dbValueSet.iterator();
                            while (dbIterator.hasNext()) {
                                Object dbVal = dbIterator.next();
                                String dbValId = getIdFromObj(dbVal);

                                if (dbValId != null) {
                                    Object matchingGuiVal = null;
                                    for (String key : guiValueMap.keySet()) {
                                        Object object = guiValueMap.get(key);
                                        if (object instanceof HashMap) {
                                            HashMap<String, Object> guiVal = (HashMap<String, Object>) object;
                                            if (dbValId.equals(guiVal.get("id"))) {
                                                matchingGuiVal = guiVal;
                                        } else {
                                            log.log(Level.WARNING, "Wrong object type from GUI under key {0}",
                                    if (matchingGuiVal != null) {
                                        // Coming from GUI - update
                                        mapRequestToObj((HashMap<String, Object>) matchingGuiVal, assocClass,
                                    } else {
                                        // Not in GUI - delete
                                } else {
                                    log.log(Level.WARNING, "No ID in object {0}", dbVal);

                            // Rest are new records
                            for (String key : guiValueMap.keySet()) {
                                Object object = guiValueMap.get(key);
                                if (object instanceof HashMap) {
                                    Object subObj = makeNewInstance(assocClass,
                                            (HashMap<String, Object>) object);
                                    mapRequestToObj((HashMap<String, Object>) object, assocClass, subObj);
                                } else {
                                    log.log(Level.WARNING, "Wrong sub type {0}", attrName);
                    } else {
                        log.log(Level.WARNING, "No DB mapping or not of collection type: {0}", attrName);
                    typedVal = null;
                } else if (paramTypes[0].isAssignableFrom(String.class)) {
                    typedVal = val;
                } else if (paramTypes[0].equals(Integer.class) || paramTypes[0].equals(Integer.TYPE)) {
                    typedVal = Integer.parseInt(val);
                } else if (paramTypes[0].equals(Long.class) || paramTypes[0].equals(Long.TYPE)) {
                    typedVal = Long.parseLong(val);
                } else if (paramTypes[0].equals(Double.class) || paramTypes[0].equals(Double.TYPE)) {
                    typedVal = Double.parseDouble(val);
                } else if (paramTypes[0].equals(Float.class) || paramTypes[0].equals(Float.TYPE)) {
                    typedVal = Float.parseFloat(val);
                } else if (paramTypes[0].equals(Boolean.class) || paramTypes[0].equals(Boolean.TYPE)) {
                    typedVal = "true".equalsIgnoreCase(val) || "t".equalsIgnoreCase(val)
                            || "y".equalsIgnoreCase(val);
                } else if (paramTypes[0].isAssignableFrom(Date.class)) {
                    typedVal = dateFormat.parse(val);
                } else if (Enum.class.isAssignableFrom(paramTypes[0])) {
                    try {
                        Method fromValueMethod = paramTypes[0].getMethod("fromValue", String.class);
                        typedVal = fromValueMethod.invoke(null, val);
                    } catch (Exception ex) {
                        typedVal = null;

                    try {
                        if (typedVal == null) {
                            Method valueOfMethod = paramTypes[0].getMethod("valueOf", String.class);
                            typedVal = valueOfMethod.invoke(null, val);
                    } catch (Exception ex) {
                        typedVal = null;
                } else if (persistentClass != null && persistentClass.equals(FileUpload.class)) {
                    FileItem fileItem = uploadServlet.getFileItem(sessionId.get(), fldName, val);
                    if (fileItem != null) {
                        typedVal = fileUploadService.uploadFile(ServiceContextStore.get(), fileItem.getName(),
                                fileItem.getContentType(), fileItem.getInputStream());
                    } else {
                        typedVal = null;
                } else if (srvParam != null && srvParam.getFindById() != null) {
                    if (value instanceof HashMap) {
                        HashMap<String, Object> embeddedObj = (HashMap<String, Object>) value;
                        typedVal = srvParam.getFindById().invoke(srvParam.getInstance(),
                                ServiceContextStore.get(), new Long((String) embeddedObj.get("id")));
                        mapRequestToObj(embeddedObj, srvParam.getExpectedClass(), typedVal);
                    } else {
                        try {
                            Long parsedId = new Long(val);
                            typedVal = srvParam.getFindById().invoke(srvParam.getInstance(),
                                    ServiceContextStore.get(), parsedId);
                        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
                            // wrong value
                            typedVal = null;
                } else if (persistentClass != null) {
                    String getMethodName = "g" + m.getName().substring(1);
                    try {
                        Method getMethod = obj.getClass().getMethod(getMethodName, (Class[]) null);
                        typedVal = getMethod.invoke(obj, (Object[]) null);
                    } catch (NoSuchMethodException nsme) {
                        typedVal = null;
                    if (typedVal == null) {
                        typedVal = makeNewInstance(persistentClass, (HashMap<String, Object>) value);
                    mapRequestToObj((HashMap<String, Object>) value, typedVal.getClass(), typedVal);
                } else {
                    log.log(Level.WARNING, "Can't convert value for: {0}.{1} ({2})", new Object[] {
                            expectedClass.getName(), m.getName(),
                            (paramTypes.length == 1 ? paramTypes[0].getName() : paramTypes.toString()) });
                    typedVal = null;
                if (typedVal != null) {
                    m.invoke(obj, typedVal);
        } else if (m.getName().startsWith(SET_PREFIX)) {
            log.log(Level.WARNING, "Unusable setter method: {0}.{1} ({2})",
                    new Object[] { expectedClass.getName(), m.getName(),
                            (paramTypes.length == 1 ? paramTypes[0].getName() : paramTypes.toString()) });

From source file:br.gov.jfrj.siga.vraptor.ExClassificacaoController.java

public void gravarVia(String acao, String codificacao, ExVia via, Long idDestino, Long idTemporalidadeArqCorr,
        Long idTemporalidadeArqInterm, Long idDestinacaoFinal) throws Exception {
    assertAcesso("DOC:Mdulo de Documentos;FE:Ferramentas;PC:Plano de Classificao");
    if (idDestino == null || idDestino <= 0) {
        throw new AplicacaoException("A destinao da via deve ser definida!");
    }//ww  w  . j  a  v  a2s. c  o  m
    try {

        Date dt = dao().consultarDataEHoraDoServidor();

        ExClassificacao exClassAntiga = buscarExClassificacao(codificacao);
        if (exClassAntiga == null) {
            throw new AplicacaoException("Erro ao obter a classificao");
        ExClassificacao exClassNovo = Ex.getInstance().getBL().getCopia(exClassAntiga);
        dao().gravarComHistorico(exClassNovo, exClassAntiga, dt, getIdentidadeCadastrante());

        ExVia exVia = null;
        ExVia exViaGravar = null;
        Date dtHist = null;
        Boolean removerViaAntiga = false;
        if (via.getId() == null) {
            // nova via

            exVia = new ExVia();
            exVia.setCodVia(String.valueOf(exClassAntiga.getExViaSet().size() + 1));
            exViaGravar = exVia;
            exVia = null;
            dtHist = null;
        } else {
            // alterar via existente
            exVia = dao().consultar(via.getId(), ExVia.class, false);
            ExVia exViaNova = new ExVia();
            try {
                PropertyUtils.copyProperties(exViaNova, exVia);
                // novo id
                exViaGravar = exViaNova;
                dtHist = dt;
                removerViaAntiga = true;

            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new AplicacaoException("Erro ao copiar as propriedades da via anterior.");

        ExTipoDestinacao destino = !idDestino.equals(-1L)
                ? dao().consultar(idDestino, ExTipoDestinacao.class, false)
                : null;

        ExTipoDestinacao destFinal = !idDestinacaoFinal.equals(-1L)
                ? dao().consultar(idDestinacaoFinal, ExTipoDestinacao.class, false)
                : null;

        ExTemporalidade tempCorrente = !idTemporalidadeArqCorr.equals(-1L)
                ? dao().consultar(idTemporalidadeArqCorr, ExTemporalidade.class, false)
                : null;

        ExTemporalidade tempInterm = !idTemporalidadeArqInterm.equals(-1L)
                ? dao().consultar(idTemporalidadeArqInterm, ExTemporalidade.class, false)
                : null;


        dao().gravarComHistorico(exViaGravar, exVia, dtHist, getIdentidadeCadastrante());


        if (removerViaAntiga) {

        Ex.getInstance().getBL().copiarReferencias(exClassNovo, exClassAntiga, dt, getIdentidadeCadastrante());
        result.forwardTo(this).edita(exClassNovo, codificacao, acao);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new AplicacaoException("No foi possvel gravar via no banco de dados." + e.getMessage());

From source file:com.square.core.service.implementations.PersonnePhysiqueServiceImplementation.java

 * Rcupre le tlphone d'une personne./*w  w w .ja  v  a2 s. c om*/
 * @param personne la personne
 * @param idNatureTelephone la nature du tlphone recherch
 * @return le tlphone trouv
private Telephone getTelephonePersonne(Personne personne, Long idNatureTelephone) {
    Telephone telephoneRecherche = null;
    for (Telephone telephone : personne.getTelephones()) {
        if (!telephone.isSupprime() && idNatureTelephone.equals(telephone.getNatureTelephone().getId())) {
            telephoneRecherche = telephone;
    return telephoneRecherche;

From source file:org.apache.cocoon.acting.AbstractValidatorAction.java

 * Validates nullability and default value for given parameter. If given
 * constraints are not null they are validated as well.
 *///from   w w  w .j  a va 2 s .c o  m
private ValidatorActionHelper validateLong(String name, Configuration constraints, Configuration conf,
        Map params, boolean is_string, Object param) {

    boolean nullable = getNullable(conf, constraints);
    Long value = null;
    Long dflt = getLongValue(getDefault(conf, constraints), true);

    if (getLogger().isDebugEnabled())
        getLogger().debug("Validating long parameter " + name + " (encoded in a string: " + is_string + ")");
    try {
        value = getLongValue(param, is_string);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // Unable to parse long
        return new ValidatorActionHelper(value, ValidatorActionResult.ERROR);
    if (value == null) {
        if (getLogger().isDebugEnabled())
            getLogger().debug("Long parameter " + name + " is null");
        if (!nullable) {
            return new ValidatorActionHelper(value, ValidatorActionResult.ISNULL);
        } else {
            return new ValidatorActionHelper(dflt);
    if (constraints != null) {
        Long eq = getAttributeAsLong(constraints, "equals-to", null);
        String eqp = constraints.getAttribute("equals-to-param", "");

        Long min = getAttributeAsLong(conf, "min", null);
        min = getAttributeAsLong(constraints, "min", min);

        Long max = getAttributeAsLong(conf, "max", null);
        max = getAttributeAsLong(constraints, "max", max);

        // Validate whether param is equal to constant
        if (eq != null) {
            if (getLogger().isDebugEnabled())
                getLogger().debug("Long parameter " + name + " should be equal to " + eq);

            if (!value.equals(eq)) {
                if (getLogger().isDebugEnabled())
                    getLogger().debug("and it is not");
                return new ValidatorActionHelper(value, ValidatorActionResult.NOMATCH);

        // Validate whether param is equal to another param
        // FIXME: take default value of param being compared with into
        // account?
        if (!"".equals(eqp)) {
            if (getLogger().isDebugEnabled())
                getLogger().debug("Long parameter " + name + " should be equal to " + params.get(eqp));
            // Request parameter is stored as string.
            // Need to convert it beforehand.
            try {
                Long _eqp = new Long(Long.parseLong((String) params.get(eqp)));
                if (!value.equals(_eqp)) {
                    if (getLogger().isDebugEnabled())
                        getLogger().debug("and it is not");
                    return new ValidatorActionHelper(value, ValidatorActionResult.NOMATCH);
            } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
                if (getLogger().isDebugEnabled())
                    getLogger().debug("Long parameter " + name + ": " + eqp + " is no long", nfe);
                return new ValidatorActionHelper(value, ValidatorActionResult.NOMATCH);

        // Validate wheter param is at least min
        if (min != null) {
            if (getLogger().isDebugEnabled())
                getLogger().debug("Long parameter " + name + " should be at least " + min);

            if (min.compareTo(value) > 0) {
                if (getLogger().isDebugEnabled())
                    getLogger().debug("and it is not");
                return new ValidatorActionHelper(value, ValidatorActionResult.TOOSMALL);

        // Validate wheter param is at most max
        if (max != null) {
            if (getLogger().isDebugEnabled())
                getLogger().debug("Long parameter " + name + " should be at most " + max);
            if (max.compareTo(value) < 0) {
                if (getLogger().isDebugEnabled())
                    getLogger().debug("and it is not");
                return new ValidatorActionHelper(value, ValidatorActionResult.TOOLARGE);
    return new ValidatorActionHelper(value);

From source file:jp.primecloud.auto.process.puppet.PuppetComponentProcess.java

protected Map<String, Object> createInstanceMap(Long componentNo, ComponentProcessContext context,
        boolean start, Long instanceNo, Map<String, Object> rootMap) {
    Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(rootMap);

    // Instance/*from   w w w  .  ja va2 s .c  o m*/
    Instance instance = instanceDao.read(instanceNo);
    map.put("instance", instance);

    // PuppetInstance
    PuppetInstance puppetInstance = puppetInstanceDao.read(instanceNo);
    map.put("puppetInstance", puppetInstance);

    // InstanceConfig
    List<InstanceConfig> instanceConfigs = instanceConfigDao.readByInstanceNo(instanceNo);
    Map<String, Object> configs = new HashMap<String, Object>();
    for (InstanceConfig instanceConfig : instanceConfigs) {
        if (componentNo.equals(instanceConfig.getComponentNo())) {
            configs.put(instanceConfig.getConfigName(), instanceConfig.getConfigValue());
    map.put("instanceConfigs", configs);

    // Platform
    Platform platform = platformDao.read(instance.getPlatformNo());
    map.put("platform", platform);
    if (PCCConstant.PLATFORM_TYPE_AWS.equals(platform.getPlatformType())) {
        // AwsInstance
        AwsInstance awsInstance = awsInstanceDao.read(instanceNo);
        map.put("awsInstance", awsInstance);

        // AwsVolume
        AwsVolume awsVolume = awsVolumeDao.readByComponentNoAndInstanceNo(componentNo, instanceNo);
        if (awsVolume != null) {
            map.put("awsVolume", awsVolume);
    } else if (PCCConstant.PLATFORM_TYPE_CLOUDSTACK.equals(platform.getPlatformType())) {
        // CloudStackInstance
        CloudstackInstance cloudstackInstance = cloudstackInstanceDao.read(instanceNo);
        map.put("cloudstackInstance", cloudstackInstance);

        // CloudStackVolume
        CloudstackVolume cloudstackVolume = cloudstackVolumeDao.readByComponentNoAndInstanceNo(componentNo,
        if (cloudstackVolume != null) {
            map.put("cloudstackVolume", cloudstackVolume);
    } else if (PCCConstant.PLATFORM_TYPE_VMWARE.equals(platform.getPlatformType())) {
        // VmwareInstance
        VmwareInstance vmwareInstance = vmwareInstanceDao.read(instanceNo);
        map.put("vmwareInstance", vmwareInstance);

        // VmwareDisk
        VmwareDisk vmwareDisk = vmwareDiskDao.readByComponentNoAndInstanceNo(componentNo, instanceNo);
        if (vmwareDisk != null) {
            map.put("vmwareDisk", vmwareDisk);
    } else if (PCCConstant.PLATFORM_TYPE_NIFTY.equals(platform.getPlatformType())) {
        // NiftyInstance
        NiftyInstance niftyInstance = niftyInstanceDao.read(instanceNo);
        map.put("niftyInstance", niftyInstance);
        // NiftyVolume
        NiftyVolume niftyVolume = niftyVolumeDao.readByComponentNoAndInstanceNo(componentNo, instanceNo);
        if (niftyVolume != null) {
            map.put("niftyVolume", niftyVolume);
    } else if (PCCConstant.PLATFORM_TYPE_VCLOUD.equals(platform.getPlatformType())) {
        // VcloudInstance
        VcloudInstance vcloudInstance = vcloudInstanceDao.read(instanceNo);
        map.put("vcloudInstance", vcloudInstance);

        // VcloudDisk
        VcloudDisk vcloudDisk = null;
        List<VcloudDisk> vcloudDisks = vcloudDiskDao.readByComponentNo(componentNo);
        for (VcloudDisk tmpVcloudDisk : vcloudDisks) {
            if (tmpVcloudDisk.getInstanceNo().equals(instanceNo)) {
                vcloudDisk = tmpVcloudDisk;
        if (vcloudDisk != null) {
            map.put("vcloudDisk", vcloudDisk);
    } else if (PCCConstant.PLATFORM_TYPE_AZURE.equals(platform.getPlatformType())) {
        // AzureInstance
        AzureInstance azureInstance = azureInstanceDao.read(instanceNo);
        map.put("azureInstance", azureInstance);

        // AzureDisk
        AzureDisk azureDisk = azureDiskDao.readByComponentNoAndInstanceNo(componentNo, instanceNo);
        if (azureDisk != null) {
            map.put("azureDisk", azureDisk);
    } else if (PCCConstant.PLATFORM_TYPE_OPENSTACK.equals(platform.getPlatformType())) {
        // OpenstackInstance
        OpenstackInstance openstackInstance = openstackInstanceDao.read(instanceNo);
        map.put("openstackInstance", openstackInstance);
        // OpenstackVolume
        OpenstackVolume openstackVolume = openstackVolumeDao.readByComponentNoAndInstanceNo(componentNo,
        if (openstackVolume != null) {
            map.put("openstackVolume", openstackVolume);

    // IP
    List<Instance> runningInstances = instanceDao.readInInstanceNos(context.getRunningInstanceNos());
    Map<String, String> accessIps = new HashMap<String, String>();
    for (Instance runningInstance : runningInstances) {
        // ?publicIp??
        String accessIp = runningInstance.getPublicIp();
        if (instance.getPlatformNo().equals(runningInstance.getPlatformNo())) {
            // ????
            if (PCCConstant.PLATFORM_TYPE_AWS.equals(platform.getPlatformType())) {
                PlatformAws platformAws = platformAwsDao.read(runningInstance.getPlatformNo());
                if (BooleanUtils.isFalse(platformAws.getVpc())) {
                    // VPC?????privateIp??
                    accessIp = runningInstance.getPrivateIp();
            } else if (PCCConstant.PLATFORM_TYPE_CLOUDSTACK.equals(platform.getPlatformType())) {
                // Cloudstack?publicIp??
                accessIp = runningInstance.getPublicIp();
            } else if (PCCConstant.PLATFORM_TYPE_VMWARE.equals(platform.getPlatformType())) {
                // VMware???privateIp??
                accessIp = runningInstance.getPrivateIp();
            } else if (PCCConstant.PLATFORM_TYPE_NIFTY.equals(platform.getPlatformType())) {
                // ???privateIp??
                accessIp = runningInstance.getPrivateIp();
            } else if (PCCConstant.PLATFORM_TYPE_VCLOUD.equals(platform.getPlatformType())) {
                // VCloud???privateIp??
                accessIp = runningInstance.getPrivateIp();
            } else if (PCCConstant.PLATFORM_TYPE_AZURE.equals(platform.getPlatformType())) {
                // Azure???privateIp??
                accessIp = runningInstance.getPrivateIp();
            } else if (PCCConstant.PLATFORM_TYPE_OPENSTACK.equals(platform.getPlatformType())) {
                // Openstack?publicIp??
                accessIp = runningInstance.getPublicIp();
        accessIps.put(runningInstance.getInstanceNo().toString(), accessIp);
    map.put("accessIps", accessIps);

    // ????????
    boolean unDetachVolume = BooleanUtils.toBoolean(Config.getProperty("unDetachVolume"));
    map.put("unDetachVolume", unDetachVolume);

    return map;

From source file:hu.netmind.beankeeper.modification.impl.ModificationTrackerImpl.java

 * This method registers "potential" change serials for a given id. The
 * change becomes final only when the transaction's commit ends.
 * @param meta The list of metainformation for objects that changed.
 * @param endSerial The serial on which these changes went into database.
 * @param txSerial The tx identifier for later tracking, whether the tx committed.
 *///from w  w w  .  ja  va  2 s  . co  m
private void changeCandidates(List<PersistenceMetaData> metas, Long endSerial, Long txSerial) {
    synchronized (operationTracker.getMutex()) {
        // Clear obsolate data
        while (((!entriesByDate.isEmpty()) && (System.currentTimeMillis()
                - ((ModificationEntry) entriesByDate.first()).entryDate.getTime() > MAX_ENTRY_AGE))
                || (entriesByDate.size() > MAX_ENTRY_ITEMS)) {
            // The first entry is obsolate, so clear it from the cache
            ModificationEntry entry = (ModificationEntry) entriesByDate.first();
            if (entry.potentialTxSerial != null)
            if (entry.lastChangeSerial != null)
                lastCacheRemovedSerial = entry.lastChangeSerial;
            modifyClassEntries(entry, false); // Remove
        // Add all data to internal structures
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
            logger.debug("changed following objects: " + metas + ", with endserial: " + endSerial + ", tx: "
                    + txSerial);
        ArrayList entries = new ArrayList();
        entriesByTxSerial.put(txSerial, entries);
        for (int i = 0; i < metas.size(); i++) {
            PersistenceMetaData meta = (PersistenceMetaData) metas.get(i);
            // Search or create entry
            ModificationEntry entry = (ModificationEntry) entriesById.get(meta.getPersistenceId());
            if (entry == null) {
                entry = new ModificationEntry();
                entry.id = meta.getPersistenceId();
                entry.objectClass = meta.getObjectClass();
                entry.entryDate = new Date();
                // Update data structure
                entriesById.put(entry.id, entry);
                modifyClassEntries(entry, true);
            entry.potentialChangeSerial = endSerial;
            if ((entry.potentialTxSerial != null) && (!txSerial.equals(entry.potentialTxSerial))) {
                // This entry was part of an old transaction, which was
                // unfinished (endCommit was not received). So delete from
                // it's list.
                List obsolateTxList = (List) entriesByTxSerial.get(entry.potentialTxSerial);
                if (obsolateTxList != null) {
                    if (obsolateTxList.isEmpty())
            entry.potentialTxSerial = txSerial;