Java tutorial
/* * (C) Copyright Factory4Solutions a.s. 2009 * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.fornax.cartridges.sculptor.smartclient.server; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.annotation.Annotation; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Stack; import java.util.logging.Handler; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.LogManager; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.persistence.Embeddable; import javax.persistence.Entity; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import org.antlr.runtime.tree.CommonTree; import org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileItem; import org.fornax.cartridges.sculptor.framework.accessapi.ConditionalCriteria; import org.fornax.cartridges.sculptor.framework.annotation.Name; import org.fornax.cartridges.sculptor.framework.domain.LeafProperty; import org.fornax.cartridges.sculptor.framework.domain.PagedResult; import org.fornax.cartridges.sculptor.framework.domain.PagingParameter; import org.fornax.cartridges.sculptor.framework.errorhandling.ApplicationException; import org.fornax.cartridges.sculptor.framework.errorhandling.ServiceContext; import org.fornax.cartridges.sculptor.framework.errorhandling.ServiceContextStore; import org.fornax.cartridges.sculptor.framework.errorhandling.ValidationException; import org.fornax.cartridges.sculptor.smartclient.client.Main; import org.fornax.cartridges.sculptor.smartclient.domain.FileUpload; import org.fornax.cartridges.sculptor.smartclient.domain.GuiDataSource; import org.fornax.cartridges.sculptor.smartclient.domain.ListSettings; import org.fornax.cartridges.sculptor.smartclient.framework.MethodDescription; import org.fornax.cartridges.sculptor.smartclient.framework.ServiceDescription; import org.fornax.cartridges.sculptor.smartclient.framework.Translatable; import org.fornax.cartridges.sculptor.smartclient.quartz.ServiceInvoker; import org.fornax.cartridges.sculptor.smartclient.server.jsparser.JavaScriptDataParser; import org.fornax.cartridges.sculptor.smartclient.server.util.Config; import org.fornax.cartridges.sculptor.smartclient.server.util.UnifiedFormatter; import org.fornax.cartridges.sculptor.smartclient.serviceapi.FileUploadService; import org.fornax.cartridges.sculptor.smartclient.serviceapi.GuiDataSourceService; import org.fornax.cartridges.sculptor.smartclient.serviceapi.ListSettingsService; import org.fornax.cartridges.sculptor.smartclient.serviceapi.ServiceRegistryService; import org.fornax.cartridges.sculptor.smartclient.serviceimpl.PropertySupportFacade; import org.hibernate.validator.InvalidValue; import org.joda.time.DateMidnight; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import org.quartz.Scheduler; import org.quartz.SchedulerException; import; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.web.HttpRequestHandler; /** * Primary server side request handler. Spring servlet. * * @author Ing. Pavel Tavoda */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public class ScServlet implements HttpRequestHandler, ServiceInvoker { private static final String GET_TRANSLATE = "getTranslate"; private static final int GET_TRANSLATE_LENGTH = GET_TRANSLATE.length(); private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(ScServlet.class.getName()); private static final int DEF_DEPTH = 3; private static final int LOOK_AHEAD = 30; private static final String LIST_SETTINGS_SERVICE = "listSettingsService"; // private static final SimpleDateFormat dateTimeFormat=new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); private static final SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); private static final String SET_PREFIX = "set"; private static final String GET_PREFIX = "get"; private static final String READ_ONLY = " (READ-ONLY)"; private ThreadLocal<String> sessionId = new ThreadLocal<String>(); private HashMap<String, String> ds2Ref = new HashMap<String, String>(); @Autowired private UploadServlet uploadServlet; @Autowired private FileUploadService fileUploadService; { try { LogManager.getLogManager().readConfiguration( ScServlet.class.getResourceAsStream("log-" + Config.getEnvironment() + ".properties")); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Can not initialize logging system"); e.printStackTrace(); } UnifiedFormatter formatter = new UnifiedFormatter(); // Set formatter String property = LogManager.getLogManager().getProperty("unifiedFormatter.loggers"); property = property == null ? "" : property; String[] loggers = property.split("[,:;]"); for (int i = 0; i < loggers.length; i++) { Logger rootLogger = Logger.getLogger(loggers[i]); Handler[] handlers = rootLogger.getHandlers(); System.out.println( "Installing unified formmater for " + rootLogger.getName() + " [" + handlers.length + "]"); for (int j = 0; j < handlers.length; j++) { handlers[j].setFormatter(formatter); } } } public ScServlet() throws ServletException { } public void handleRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { try { printRequest(request); sessionId.set(request.getSession().getId()); String dataSource = request.getParameter("_dataSource"); // List grid export if ("export".equals(request.getParameter("_operationType"))) { exportData(dataSource, response); return; } response.setContentType("text/plain;charset=UTF-8"); response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache"); response.setHeader("Expires", "-1"); if ("getMenu".equals(dataSource)) { response.getWriter().write(listServices()); } else if ("userInfo".equals(dataSource)) { ServiceContext ctx = ServiceContextStore.get(); PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); out.print(ctx.getUserId()); for (String role : ctx.getRoles()) { out.print(","); out.print(role); } out.flush(); } else if ("createDataSource".equals(dataSource)) { HashMap<String, String> classToServiceName = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (ServiceDescription serviceDesc : getServiceDescription()) { log.log(Level.INFO, "Service translation from {0} to {1}", new Object[] { serviceDesc.getExpectedClass().getName(), serviceDesc.getName() }); classToServiceName.put(serviceDesc.getExpectedClass().getName(), serviceDesc.getName()); } GuiDataSourceService dataSourceService = getGuiDataSourceService(); dataSourceService.setServiceMapping(ServiceContextStore.get(), classToServiceName); StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder(); output.append("dataSources###"); List<GuiDataSource> allDataSources = dataSourceService.findAll(ServiceContextStore.get()); for (GuiDataSource dataSourceDef : allDataSources) { ds2Ref.put(dataSourceDef.getBaseClass(), dataSourceDef.getTitleField()); dataSourceDef.setBaseClass(null); log.log(Level.INFO, "Entity def for {0}", dataSourceDef.getXxxID()); dataSourceDef.setDataURL(getServiceUrl(request)); output.append("$wnd.isc.RestDataSource.create(") .append(mapObjToOutput(dataSourceDef, 6, new Stack<Object>(), true, false)) .append(");\n"); } ListSettingsService listInstance = (ListSettingsService) findService(LIST_SETTINGS_SERVICE) .getInstance(); List<ListSettings> guiList = listInstance.findUserSettings(ServiceContextStore.get()); for (ListSettings listSettings : guiList) { output.append("\n###").append(listSettings.getListID()).append("###") .append(listSettings.getSettings()); } log.log(Level.INFO, "Create datasource {0}", output.toString()); response.getWriter().append(output); } else if (findService(dataSource) != null) { ServiceDescription serviceDesc = findService(dataSource); String operationType = request.getParameter("_operationType"); String methodName = request.getParameter("_operationId"); if (methodName != null && !methodName.endsWith("_fetch")) { log.log(Level.FINER, "Executing method '" + dataSource + "." + methodName + "'"); MethodDescription methodDescription = serviceDesc.getOtherMethods().get(methodName); if (methodDescription != null) { Object valObj = null; HashMap<String, Object> jsData = unifyRequest(request); Object[] params = prepareMethodParam(jsData, true, methodDescription.parameterNames, methodDescription.method.getParameterTypes()); // Resolve "ids" for iterations int iterate = -1; if (jsData.get("ids") != null) { Class<?>[] paramTypes = methodDescription.method.getParameterTypes(); for (int i = 0; i < paramTypes.length; i++) { if (Long.class.equals(paramTypes[i]) || paramTypes[i].equals(Long.TYPE) && methodDescription.parameterNames[i].equals("id") && params[i] == null) { iterate = i; break; } else if (Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(paramTypes[i]) && methodDescription.parameterNames[i].equals("ids") && params[i] == null) { List<Long> longList = new ArrayList<Long>(); String ids = (String) jsData.get("ids"); String[] idSplit = ids.split(","); for (int k = 0; k < idSplit.length; k++) { if (idSplit[i].length() > 0) { longList.add(Long.parseLong(idSplit[i])); } } params[i] = longList; break; } } } if (iterate != -1) { if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) { for (int j = 0; j < params.length; j++) { log.log(Level.FINER, " Parameter[{0}]={1}", new Object[] { j, params[j] }); } } String ids = (String) jsData.get("ids"); String[] idSplit = ids.split(","); ArrayList<Object> listResult = new ArrayList<Object>(); valObj = listResult; for (int i = 0; i < idSplit.length; i++) { if (idSplit[i].length() > 0) { params[iterate] = Long.parseLong(idSplit[i]); Object subValObj = methodDescription.method.invoke(serviceDesc.getInstance(), params); if (subValObj != null && subValObj instanceof Collection) { listResult.addAll((Collection) subValObj); } else if (subValObj != null) { listResult.add(subValObj); } } }"Return value: " + valObj); } else if (params != null) { if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) { for (int j = 0; j < params.length; j++) { log.log(Level.FINER, " Parameter[{0}]={1}", new Object[] { j, params[j] }); } } valObj = methodDescription.method.invoke(serviceDesc.getInstance(), params);"Return value: " + valObj); } Collection<Object> collResult; PagedResult<?> pagedResult = null; if (valObj == null) { collResult = new ArrayList<Object>(); for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i++) { if (params[i] != null && params[i].getClass().equals(serviceDesc.getExpectedClass())) { collResult.add(params[i]); break; } } } else if (valObj instanceof Collection) { collResult = (Collection) valObj; } else if (valObj instanceof PagedResult) { collResult = null; pagedResult = (PagedResult) valObj; } else { ArrayList<Object> serviceResultArray = new ArrayList<Object>(); serviceResultArray.add(valObj); collResult = serviceResultArray; } if (collResult != null) { sendResponse(response.getWriter(), 0, collResult.size(), collResult); } else if (pagedResult != null) { sendResponse(response.getWriter(), pagedResult); } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "No " + methodName + " operation available on " + dataSource); } } else if (operationType == null) { throw makeApplicationException("Unsupported operation", "ERR9001", "NULL"); } else if (operationType.equals("fetch") && request.getParameter("id") != null) { Long idVal = Long.parseLong(request.getParameter("id")); if (serviceDesc.getFindById() != null) { Object serviceResult = serviceDesc.getFindById().invoke(serviceDesc.getInstance(), ServiceContextStore.get(), idVal); ArrayList<Object> serviceResultArray = new ArrayList<Object>(); serviceResultArray.add(serviceResult); sendResponse(response.getWriter(), 0, 1, serviceResultArray); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No fetch operation available"); } } else if (operationType.equals("fetch")) { List<?> serviceResult; PagedResult<?> pagedServiceResult = null; String sRow = request.getParameter("_startRow"); int startRow = sRow == null ? 0 : Integer.parseInt(sRow); String eRow = request.getParameter("_endRow"); int endRow = eRow == null ? 0 : Integer.parseInt(eRow); ArrayList<String> queryParams = new ArrayList(); Enumeration pNames = request.getParameterNames(); while (pNames.hasMoreElements()) { String paramName = (String) pNames.nextElement(); if (!paramName.startsWith("_")) { queryParams.add(paramName); } else if ("_sortBy".equals(paramName)) { queryParams.add("sortBy"); } } if (queryParams.size() > 0) { Collection<MethodDescription> methods = serviceDesc.getOtherMethods().values(); MethodDescription matchedMethod = null; int matchLength = 1000; for (MethodDescription method : methods) { String[] methodParamNames = method.parameterNames; if (methodParamNames != null && methodParamNames.length >= queryParams.size() && (List.class.isAssignableFrom(method.method.getReturnType()) || PagedResult.class.isAssignableFrom(method.method.getReturnType()))) { boolean matchParam = false; for (String queryParam : queryParams) { matchParam = false; for (String methodParamName : methodParamNames) { if (queryParam.equals(methodParamName)) { matchParam = true; break; } } if (!matchParam) { break; } } if (matchParam && method.parameterNames.length < matchLength) { matchedMethod = method; matchLength = method.parameterNames.length; } } } Object[] params = null; if (matchedMethod != null) { HashMap<String, Object> jsData = unifyRequest(request); params = prepareMethodParam(jsData, true, matchedMethod.parameterNames, matchedMethod.method.getParameterTypes()); } else { List<ConditionalCriteria> conditions = new ArrayList(); for (MethodDescription method : methods) { if (method.getMethodName().equals("findByCondition")) { Class<?>[] parameterTypes = method.method.getParameterTypes(); if (List.class.isAssignableFrom(parameterTypes[0])) { params = new Object[] { conditions }; matchedMethod = method; break; } else if (parameterTypes.length == 3 && ServiceContext.class.isAssignableFrom(parameterTypes[0]) && List.class.isAssignableFrom(parameterTypes[1]) && PagingParameter.class.isAssignableFrom(parameterTypes[2])) { endRow = endRow < startRow + LOOK_AHEAD ? startRow + LOOK_AHEAD : endRow; PagingParameter pagingParam = PagingParameter.rowAccess(startRow, endRow, LOOK_AHEAD); params = new Object[] { ServiceContextStore.get(), conditions, pagingParam }; matchedMethod = method; break; } else if (parameterTypes.length == 2 && ServiceContext.class.isAssignableFrom(parameterTypes[0]) && List.class.isAssignableFrom(parameterTypes[1])) { params = new Object[] { ServiceContextStore.get(), conditions }; matchedMethod = method; break; } } } if (matchedMethod != null) { for (String queryParam : queryParams) { LeafProperty<?> queryProp = new LeafProperty(queryParam, ScServlet.class); String matchStyle = request.getParameter("_textMatchStyle"); String queryValue = request.getParameter(queryParam); if (queryParam.equals("sortBy")) { queryValue = normalizeAssoc(serviceDesc, request.getParameter("_sortBy")); if (queryValue.startsWith("+")) { LeafProperty<?> sortProp = new LeafProperty(queryValue.substring(1), ScServlet.class); conditions.add(ConditionalCriteria.orderAsc(sortProp)); } else if (queryValue.startsWith("-")) { LeafProperty<?> sortProp = new LeafProperty(queryValue.substring(1), ScServlet.class); conditions.add(ConditionalCriteria.orderDesc(sortProp)); } else { LeafProperty<?> sortProp = new LeafProperty(queryValue, ScServlet.class); conditions.add(ConditionalCriteria.orderAsc(sortProp)); } } else if (queryValue.indexOf('%') != -1) { conditions.add(ConditionalCriteria.ignoreCaseLike(queryProp, request.getParameter(queryParam) + "%")); } else { String[] queryParamSplit = queryParam.split("\\."); Class watchClass = serviceDesc.getExpectedClass(); Object otherEqVal = null; boolean isString = false; for (String queryParamPart : queryParamSplit) { try { Method method = watchClass.getMethod( makeGetMethodName(queryParamPart), (Class[]) null); watchClass = method.getReturnType(); if (Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(watchClass)) { // TODO look deeper into class of collection break; } else if (Enum.class.isAssignableFrom(watchClass)) { otherEqVal = Enum.valueOf(watchClass, queryValue); break; } else if (String.class.equals(watchClass)) { isString = true; break; } else if (Long.class.equals(watchClass)) { isString = true; otherEqVal = Long.parseLong(queryValue); break; } else if (Integer.class.equals(watchClass)) { isString = true; otherEqVal = Integer.parseInt(queryValue); break; } else if (Double.class.equals(watchClass)) { isString = true; otherEqVal = Double.parseDouble(queryValue); break; } else if (Date.class.equals(watchClass)) { otherEqVal = dateFormat.parse(queryValue); break; } else if (findServiceByClassName(watchClass.getName()) != null && "null".equals(queryValue)) { otherEqVal = "null"; break; } else if (findServiceByClassName(watchClass.getName()) != null && findServiceByClassName(watchClass.getName()) .getFindById() != null) { ServiceDescription srvc = findServiceByClassName( watchClass.getName()); otherEqVal = srvc.getFindById().invoke(srvc.getInstance(), ServiceContextStore.get(), Long.parseLong(queryValue)); } } catch (NoSuchMethodException nsme) { // Ignore error, isString will stay false break; } } boolean isLike = "substring".equals(matchStyle) || "startsWith".equals(matchStyle); if ("null".equals(otherEqVal)) { conditions.add(ConditionalCriteria.isNull(queryProp)); } else if (otherEqVal instanceof Date) { DateMidnight start = (new DateTime(otherEqVal)).toDateMidnight(); DateMidnight stop = start.plusDays(1); conditions.add(ConditionalCriteria.between(queryProp, start.toDate(), stop.toDate())); } else if (isString && otherEqVal != null && isLike) { conditions.add(, otherEqVal)); } else if (isString && "substring".equals(matchStyle)) { conditions.add(ConditionalCriteria.ignoreCaseLike(queryProp, "%" + request.getParameter(queryParam) + "%")); } else if (isString && "startsWith".equals(matchStyle)) { conditions.add(ConditionalCriteria.ignoreCaseLike(queryProp, request.getParameter(queryParam) + "%")); } else if (otherEqVal != null) { conditions.add(ConditionalCriteria.equal(queryProp, otherEqVal)); } else { conditions.add(ConditionalCriteria.equal(queryProp, queryValue)); } } } } } if (matchedMethod != null && params != null) { for (int j = 0; j < params.length; j++) { log.log(Level.FINER, " Parameter[{0}]={1}", new Object[] { j, params[j] }); } if (matchedMethod.method.getReturnType().equals(PagedResult.class)) { serviceResult = null; pagedServiceResult = (PagedResult) matchedMethod.method .invoke(serviceDesc.getInstance(), params); } else { serviceResult = (List<?>) matchedMethod.method.invoke(serviceDesc.getInstance(), params); } } else { throw makeApplicationException("You can''t filter with such condition.", "ERR9015", (Serializable[]) null); } } else if (queryParams.size() == 0 && serviceDesc.getFindAll() != null) { Class<?>[] paramTypes = serviceDesc.getFindAll().getParameterTypes(); if (paramTypes.length == 2 && paramTypes[0].equals(ServiceContext.class) && paramTypes[1].equals(PagingParameter.class) && serviceDesc.getFindAll().getReturnType().equals(PagedResult.class)) { endRow = endRow < startRow + LOOK_AHEAD ? startRow + LOOK_AHEAD : endRow; PagingParameter pagingParam = PagingParameter.rowAccess(startRow, endRow, LOOK_AHEAD); pagedServiceResult = (PagedResult<?>) serviceDesc.getFindAll() .invoke(serviceDesc.getInstance(), ServiceContextStore.get(), pagingParam); serviceResult = null; } else if (paramTypes.length == 1 && paramTypes[0].equals(ServiceContext.class)) { serviceResult = (List<? extends Object>) serviceDesc.getFindAll() .invoke(serviceDesc.getInstance(), ServiceContextStore.get()); } else { serviceResult = null; } } else { throw new ApplicationException("", "No fetch operation available"); } if (pagedServiceResult != null) { sendResponse(response.getWriter(), pagedServiceResult); } else { int resultSize = serviceResult == null ? 0 : serviceResult.size(); endRow = (endRow == 0 ? resultSize : endRow); sendResponse(response.getWriter(), startRow, endRow < resultSize ? endRow : resultSize, serviceResult); } } else if (operationType.equals("update") && request.getParameter("id") != null) { Object val = serviceDesc.getFindById().invoke(serviceDesc.getInstance(), ServiceContextStore.get(), Long.parseLong(request.getParameter("id"))); HashMap<String, Object> reqData = unifyRequest(request); mapRequestToObj(reqData, serviceDesc.getExpectedClass(), val); serviceDesc.getOtherMethods().get("save").method.invoke(serviceDesc.getInstance(), ServiceContextStore.get(), val); ArrayList<Object> list = new ArrayList<Object>(); list.add(val); sendResponse(response.getWriter(), 0, 1, list); } else if ((operationType.equals("add") || operationType.equals("update")) && request.getParameter("id") == null) { HashMap<String, Object> reqData = unifyRequest(request); Object val = makeNewInstance(serviceDesc.getExpectedClass(), reqData); if (val != null) { mapRequestToObj(reqData, serviceDesc.getExpectedClass(), val); serviceDesc.getOtherMethods().get("save").method.invoke(serviceDesc.getInstance(), ServiceContextStore.get(), val); ArrayList<Object> list = new ArrayList<Object>(); list.add(val); sendResponse(response.getWriter(), 0, 1, list); } else { throw makeApplicationException("Can't create new instance", "ERR9003", serviceDesc.getExpectedClass().getName()); } } else { throw makeApplicationException("Unsupported operation", "ERR9001", operationType); } } else { throw makeApplicationException("Wrong datasource name", "ERR9002", dataSource); } } catch (Throwable ex) { // Find most relevant exception in embedded exceptions ApplicationException appException = null; Throwable relevantException = ex; while (ex != null) { relevantException = ex; if (ex instanceof ApplicationException) { appException = (ApplicationException) ex; break; } if (ex instanceof ValidationException) { break; } ex = ex.getCause(); } // Prepare message String msg = null; if (appException != null) { msg = translate(appException.getMessage()); Serializable[] msgParams = appException.getMessageParameters(); if (msgParams != null) { Object[] params = new Object[msgParams.length]; for (int i = 0; i < msgParams.length; i++) { if (msgParams[i] instanceof Translatable) { params[i] = translate(((Translatable) msgParams[i]).getContent()); } else { params[i] = msgParams[i]; } } msg = MessageFormat.format(msg, params); } } else if (relevantException instanceof ValidationException) { StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); for (InvalidValue iv : ((ValidationException) relevantException).getInvalidValues()) { b.append("<b>").append(translate(iv.getPropertyName()) + ":</b> " + iv.getMessage()) .append("<br/>"); } msg = b.toString(); } else { msg = translate("ERR9000"); msg = MessageFormat.format(msg, new Object[] { relevantException.getClass().getName(), relevantException.getMessage() }); } // Print stack trace log.log(Level.WARNING, "Relevant exception", relevantException); if (msg != null) { log.log(Level.WARNING, "SENDING BACK ERROR '" + msg + "'"); response.getWriter() .write("{response:{ status:-1, data:\"" + msg.replaceAll("\\\\", "\\\\\\\\").replaceAll("\"", "\\\\\"") + "\", startRow:0, endRow:0, totalRows:0}}"); } response.flushBuffer(); // response.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND); throw new ServletException(msg); } response.flushBuffer(); } private static final String VAL_SUFFIX = "_VAL"; private String normalizeAssoc(ServiceDescription serviceDesc, String assocName) { String retVal = assocName; if (assocName.endsWith(VAL_SUFFIX)) { String prefix = ""; String realAssocName = assocName.substring(0, assocName.length() - VAL_SUFFIX.length()); if (assocName.startsWith("+") || assocName.startsWith("-")) { prefix = realAssocName.substring(0, 1); realAssocName = realAssocName.substring(1); } try { Method method = serviceDesc.getExpectedClass().getMethod(makeGetMethodName(realAssocName), (Class[]) null); Class watchClass = method.getReturnType(); String refField = ds2Ref.get(watchClass.getName()); retVal = prefix + realAssocName + "." + refField; } catch (NoSuchMethodException nsme) { // Ignore error, isString will stay false } } return retVal; } private String makeGetMethodName(String attributeName) { return GET_PREFIX + attributeName.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + attributeName.substring(1); } private void exportData(String dataSource, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { ServiceDescription serviceDesc = findService(dataSource); List<? extends Object> serviceResult = null; if (serviceDesc.getFindAll() != null) { Class<?>[] parameterTypes = serviceDesc.getFindAll().getParameterTypes(); Object[] realParameters = new Object[parameterTypes.length]; for (int i = 0; i < parameterTypes.length; i++) { if (parameterTypes[i].equals(ServiceContext.class)) { realParameters[i] = ServiceContextStore.get(); } else if (parameterTypes[i].equals(PagingParameter.class)) { realParameters[i] = PagingParameter.rowAccess(0, 1000); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("findAll parameter #" + i + " for '" + dataSource + "' has unknown type '" + parameterTypes[i].getName() + "'"); } } if (serviceDesc.getFindAll().getReturnType().equals(PagedResult.class)) { PagedResult pagedServiceResult = (PagedResult) serviceDesc.getFindAll() .invoke(serviceDesc.getInstance(), realParameters); serviceResult = pagedServiceResult.getValues(); } else { serviceResult = (List<? extends Object>) serviceDesc.getFindAll().invoke(serviceDesc.getInstance(), realParameters); } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No fetch (findAll) operation available"); } // application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet // application/ response.setContentType("application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet;charset=UTF-8"); response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "filename=" + dataSource + ".csv"); response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache"); response.setHeader("Expires", "-1"); boolean first = true; List<Method> methods = new ArrayList<Method>(); for (Object dataRow : serviceResult) { // prepare header if (first) { first = false; StringBuilder header = new StringBuilder(); // Resolve getId method Method idMethod; try { idMethod = dataRow.getClass().getMethod("getId", (Class<?>[]) null); } catch (Throwable th) { idMethod = null; } if (idMethod != null) { methods.add(idMethod); header.append("Id " + READ_ONLY + ","); } // Iterate through methods for (Class curClass = dataRow.getClass(); curClass != Object.class; curClass = curClass .getSuperclass()) { Method[] declaredMethods = curClass.getDeclaredMethods(); for (Method m : declaredMethods) { if (m.getName().startsWith(GET_PREFIX) && Modifier.isPublic(m.getModifiers()) && !Modifier.isStatic(m.getModifiers()) && m.getParameterTypes().length == 0 && !"getKey".equals(m.getName()) && !"getCreatedDate".equals(m.getName()) && !"getCreatedBy".equals(m.getName()) && !"getLastUpdated".equals(m.getName()) && !"getLastUpdatedBy".equals(m.getName()) && !"getVersion".equals(m.getName()) && !"getUuid".equals(m.getName()) && !"getId".equals(m.getName())) { Method setMethod; try { setMethod = curClass.getMethod( SET_PREFIX + m.getName().substring(GET_PREFIX.length()), new Class[] { m.getReturnType() }); } catch (Throwable ex) { setMethod = null; } String readOnly = ""; if (setMethod == null) { readOnly = READ_ONLY; } header.append(m.getName().substring(GET_PREFIX.length())).append(readOnly).append(","); methods.add(m); } } } response.getWriter().println(header.length() > 0 ? header.substring(0, header.length() - 1) : ""); } // Export data StringBuilder csvRow = new StringBuilder(); for (Method m : methods) { Object value = m.invoke(dataRow, (Object[]) null); if (value == null) { csvRow.append("null,"); } else if (value instanceof Map) { csvRow.append("HUH-MAPA"); csvRow.append(","); } else if (value instanceof Collection) { csvRow.append("HUH-COLLECTION"); csvRow.append(","); } else if (value instanceof List) { csvRow.append("HUH-LIST"); csvRow.append(","); } else if (value instanceof Object[]) { csvRow.append("HUH-ARRAY"); csvRow.append(","); } else if (value instanceof Date) { csvRow.append(dateFormat.format((Date) value)); csvRow.append(","); } else if (value instanceof Boolean) { csvRow.append(((Boolean) value) ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"); csvRow.append(","); } else if (value instanceof Number) { csvRow.append(value); csvRow.append(","); } else if (value instanceof CharSequence) { csvRow.append(Q).append(((CharSequence) value).toString().replaceAll(Q, Q + Q)).append(Q); csvRow.append(","); } else if (value instanceof Enum) { String enumName = ((Enum) value).name(); csvRow.append(Q + enumName + Q); csvRow.append(","); } else { csvRow.append("SOMETHING ELSE " + value.getClass()); csvRow.append(","); } } response.getWriter().println(csvRow.length() > 0 ? csvRow.substring(0, csvRow.length() - 1) : ""); } return; } /* ########################################################################### * # Map request back to object * ########################################################################### */ private void mapRequestToObj(HashMap<String, Object> data, Class expectedClass, Object obj) throws Exception { if (obj == null) { throw new ApplicationException("mapRequestToObj called on NULL obj", "ERR9001"); } try { Method versionMethod = expectedClass.getMethod("getVersion", (Class<?>[]) null); Long objVersion = (Long) versionMethod.invoke(obj, (Object[]) null); String clientVersion = (String) data.get("version"); if (objVersion != null && clientVersion != null) { try { long clientVersionLong = Long.parseLong(clientVersion); if (!objVersion.equals(clientVersionLong)) { throw makeApplicationException("Can't save object", "ERR9016", (Serializable[]) null); } } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { // Version from client isn't number - ignore } } } catch (NoSuchMethodException nme) { // No version control } Method[] methods = expectedClass.getMethods(); for (Method m : methods) { Class<?>[] paramTypes = m.getParameterTypes(); Class persistentClass = null; if (paramTypes.length == 1) { if (paramTypes[0].getAnnotation(Entity.class) != null) { persistentClass = paramTypes[0]; } else if (paramTypes[0].getAnnotation(Embeddable.class) != null) { persistentClass = paramTypes[0]; } } ServiceDescription srvParam = paramTypes.length == 1 ? findServiceByClassName(paramTypes[0].getName()) : null; if ((m.getName().startsWith(SET_PREFIX) && paramTypes.length == 1 && (paramTypes[0].isAssignableFrom(String.class) || paramTypes[0].equals(Integer.class) || paramTypes[0].equals(Integer.TYPE) || paramTypes[0].equals(Long.class) || paramTypes[0].equals(Long.TYPE) || paramTypes[0].equals(Float.class) || paramTypes[0].equals(Float.TYPE) || paramTypes[0].equals(Boolean.class) || paramTypes[0].equals(Boolean.TYPE) || paramTypes[0].equals(Double.class) || paramTypes[0].equals(Double.TYPE) || paramTypes[0].equals(Date.class) || Enum.class.isAssignableFrom(paramTypes[0]) || (srvParam != null && srvParam.getFindById() != null) || persistentClass != null)) || (m.getName().startsWith(GET_PREFIX) && paramTypes.length == 0 && (Set.class.isAssignableFrom(m.getReturnType()) || List.class.isAssignableFrom(m.getReturnType())))) { String fldName; if (m.getName().startsWith(GET_TRANSLATE)) { fldName = m.getName().substring(GET_TRANSLATE_LENGTH, GET_TRANSLATE_LENGTH + 1).toLowerCase() + m.getName().substring(GET_TRANSLATE_LENGTH + 1); } else { fldName = m.getName().substring(3, 4).toLowerCase() + m.getName().substring(4); } Object value = data.get(fldName); if (value == null) { fldName = m.getName().substring(3); value = data.get(fldName); } if (value != null) { Object typedVal; String val = null; if (value instanceof String) { val = (String) value; } log.log(Level.FINER, " value = " + value); if (m.getName().startsWith(GET_PREFIX) && paramTypes.length == 0 && (Set.class.isAssignableFrom(m.getReturnType()) || List.class.isAssignableFrom(m.getReturnType()))) { log.log(Level.FINER, "GET"); String attrName = m.getName().substring(3, 4).toLowerCase() + m.getName().substring(4); Type[] actualTypeArguments = null; Class iterClass = expectedClass; while (iterClass != null) { try { Field field = iterClass.getDeclaredField(attrName); ParameterizedType genericType = (ParameterizedType) field.getGenericType(); actualTypeArguments = genericType.getActualTypeArguments(); break; } catch (NoSuchFieldException nsfe) { // do nothing iterate again } iterClass = iterClass.getSuperclass(); iterClass = iterClass.equals(Object.class) ? null : iterClass; } if (actualTypeArguments != null && actualTypeArguments.length == 1 && actualTypeArguments[0] instanceof Class) { Class assocClass = (Class) actualTypeArguments[0]; ServiceDescription assocService = findServiceByClassName(assocClass.getName()); Collection dbValueSet = (Collection) m.invoke(obj, (Object[]) null); if (value == null || !(value instanceof HashMap)) { log.log(Level.FINE, "No data for db property {0}", attrName); } else if (assocService != null) { HashMap<String, Object> guiValueMap = (HashMap<String, Object>) value; ArrayList<Object> removeIt = new ArrayList<Object>(); Iterator dbIterator = dbValueSet.iterator(); while (dbIterator.hasNext()) { Object dbVal =; String dbValId = getIdFromObj(dbVal); if (dbValId != null) { boolean wasMatchingGuiVal = false; ArrayList<String> removeKeys = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String key : guiValueMap.keySet()) { Object object = guiValueMap.get(key); if (object instanceof HashMap) { Object guiValue = ((HashMap<String, Object>) object).get("id"); if (guiValue.equals(dbValId)) { removeKeys.add(key); wasMatchingGuiVal = true; mapRequestToObj((HashMap<String, Object>) guiValue, assocClass, dbVal); break; } } else if (object instanceof String) { // Association if (dbValId.equals(object)) { removeKeys.add(key); wasMatchingGuiVal = true; } } else { log.log(Level.WARNING, "Wrong object type from GUI under key {0}", key); } } // Remove processed elements // Direct remove is firing concurrent modification exception for (String removeKey : removeKeys) { guiValueMap.remove(removeKey); } if (!wasMatchingGuiVal) { // Is not in list comming from GUI - delete removeIt.add(dbVal); } } else { log.log(Level.WARNING, "No ID in object {0}", dbVal); } } dbValueSet.removeAll(removeIt); // Rest are new records for (String key : guiValueMap.keySet()) { Object object = guiValueMap.get(key); if (object instanceof HashMap) { Object subObj = makeNewInstance(assocClass, (HashMap<String, Object>) object); mapRequestToObj((HashMap<String, Object>) object, assocClass, subObj); dbValueSet.add(subObj); } else if (object instanceof String) { // Association try { Long id = new Long((String) object); Object assocObj = assocService.getFindById().invoke( assocService.getInstance(), ServiceContextStore.get(), id); if (assocObj != null) { dbValueSet.add(assocObj); } else { log.log(Level.WARNING, "Object with ID {0} not availabla via service {1}", new Object[] { id, assocService.getName() }); } } catch (Exception ex) { log.log(Level.WARNING, "No ID parsable from value {0} under key {1}", new Object[] { object, key }); } } else { log.log(Level.WARNING, "Wrong sub type {0}", attrName); } } } else if (assocClass != null) { HashMap<String, Object> guiValueMap = (HashMap<String, Object>) value; ArrayList<Object> removeIt = new ArrayList<Object>(); Iterator dbIterator = dbValueSet.iterator(); while (dbIterator.hasNext()) { Object dbVal =; String dbValId = getIdFromObj(dbVal); if (dbValId != null) { Object matchingGuiVal = null; for (String key : guiValueMap.keySet()) { Object object = guiValueMap.get(key); if (object instanceof HashMap) { HashMap<String, Object> guiVal = (HashMap<String, Object>) object; if (dbValId.equals(guiVal.get("id"))) { guiValueMap.remove(key); matchingGuiVal = guiVal; break; } } else { log.log(Level.WARNING, "Wrong object type from GUI under key {0}", key); } } if (matchingGuiVal != null) { // Coming from GUI - update mapRequestToObj((HashMap<String, Object>) matchingGuiVal, assocClass, dbVal); } else { // Not in GUI - delete removeIt.add(dbVal); } } else { log.log(Level.WARNING, "No ID in object {0}", dbVal); } } dbValueSet.removeAll(removeIt); // Rest are new records for (String key : guiValueMap.keySet()) { Object object = guiValueMap.get(key); if (object instanceof HashMap) { Object subObj = makeNewInstance(assocClass, (HashMap<String, Object>) object); mapRequestToObj((HashMap<String, Object>) object, assocClass, subObj); dbValueSet.add(subObj); } else { log.log(Level.WARNING, "Wrong sub type {0}", attrName); } } } } else { log.log(Level.WARNING, "No DB mapping or not of collection type: {0}", attrName); } typedVal = null; } else if (paramTypes[0].isAssignableFrom(String.class)) { typedVal = val; } else if (paramTypes[0].equals(Integer.class) || paramTypes[0].equals(Integer.TYPE)) { typedVal = Integer.parseInt(val); } else if (paramTypes[0].equals(Long.class) || paramTypes[0].equals(Long.TYPE)) { typedVal = Long.parseLong(val); } else if (paramTypes[0].equals(Double.class) || paramTypes[0].equals(Double.TYPE)) { typedVal = Double.parseDouble(val); } else if (paramTypes[0].equals(Float.class) || paramTypes[0].equals(Float.TYPE)) { typedVal = Float.parseFloat(val); } else if (paramTypes[0].equals(Boolean.class) || paramTypes[0].equals(Boolean.TYPE)) { typedVal = "true".equalsIgnoreCase(val) || "t".equalsIgnoreCase(val) || "y".equalsIgnoreCase(val); } else if (paramTypes[0].isAssignableFrom(Date.class)) { typedVal = dateFormat.parse(val); } else if (Enum.class.isAssignableFrom(paramTypes[0])) { try { Method fromValueMethod = paramTypes[0].getMethod("fromValue", String.class); typedVal = fromValueMethod.invoke(null, val); } catch (Exception ex) { typedVal = null; } try { if (typedVal == null) { Method valueOfMethod = paramTypes[0].getMethod("valueOf", String.class); typedVal = valueOfMethod.invoke(null, val); } } catch (Exception ex) { typedVal = null; } } else if (persistentClass != null && persistentClass.equals(FileUpload.class)) { FileItem fileItem = uploadServlet.getFileItem(sessionId.get(), fldName, val); if (fileItem != null) { typedVal = fileUploadService.uploadFile(ServiceContextStore.get(), fileItem.getName(), fileItem.getContentType(), fileItem.getInputStream()); } else { typedVal = null; } } else if (srvParam != null && srvParam.getFindById() != null) { if (value instanceof HashMap) { HashMap<String, Object> embeddedObj = (HashMap<String, Object>) value; typedVal = srvParam.getFindById().invoke(srvParam.getInstance(), ServiceContextStore.get(), new Long((String) embeddedObj.get("id"))); mapRequestToObj(embeddedObj, srvParam.getExpectedClass(), typedVal); } else { try { Long parsedId = new Long(val); typedVal = srvParam.getFindById().invoke(srvParam.getInstance(), ServiceContextStore.get(), parsedId); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { // wrong value typedVal = null; } } } else if (persistentClass != null) { String getMethodName = "g" + m.getName().substring(1); try { Method getMethod = obj.getClass().getMethod(getMethodName, (Class[]) null); typedVal = getMethod.invoke(obj, (Object[]) null); } catch (NoSuchMethodException nsme) { typedVal = null; } if (typedVal == null) { typedVal = makeNewInstance(persistentClass, (HashMap<String, Object>) value); } mapRequestToObj((HashMap<String, Object>) value, typedVal.getClass(), typedVal); } else { log.log(Level.WARNING, "Can't convert value for: {0}.{1} ({2})", new Object[] { expectedClass.getName(), m.getName(), (paramTypes.length == 1 ? paramTypes[0].getName() : paramTypes.toString()) }); typedVal = null; } if (typedVal != null) { m.invoke(obj, typedVal); } } } else if (m.getName().startsWith(SET_PREFIX)) { log.log(Level.WARNING, "Unusable setter method: {0}.{1} ({2})", new Object[] { expectedClass.getName(), m.getName(), (paramTypes.length == 1 ? paramTypes[0].getName() : paramTypes.toString()) }); } } } private HashMap<String, Object> unifyRequest(HttpServletRequest request) { HashMap<String, Object> hashData = new HashMap<String, Object>(); Enumeration parameterNames = request.getParameterNames(); while (parameterNames.hasMoreElements()) { String paramName = (String) parameterNames.nextElement(); if ("_oldValues".equals(paramName)) { continue; } String reqVal = request.getParameter(paramName); if ("_sortBy".equals(paramName)) { hashData.put("sortBy", reqVal); } else { hashData.put(paramName, parseJson(reqVal)); } } return hashData; } private Object parseJson(String value) { Object result = value; if (value.startsWith("{") || value.startsWith("[")) { try { CommonTree tree = JavaScriptDataParser.parseString(value); result = mapJsDataToHash(tree); } catch (Exception e) { log.log(Level.WARNING, "Can not parse value to object " + value); result = value; } } else if ("null".equals(value)) { result = null; } return result; } private HashMap<String, Object> mapJsDataToHash(CommonTree from) throws Exception { HashMap<String, Object> retVal = new HashMap<String, Object>(); if (from == null || from.getChildCount() == 0) { // Do nothing } else if (from.getType() == JavaScriptDataParser.OBJECT) { for (int i = 0; i < from.getChildCount(); i++) { Object tokenName = from.getChild(i); CommonTree token = (CommonTree) tokenName; if (token.getType() == JavaScriptDataParser.ELEMENT) { CommonTree nameToken = (CommonTree) token.getFirstChildWithType(JavaScriptDataParser.Name); // e.g. name:"vendelin" String name; if (nameToken == null) { // try to find token in case that the attribute is wrapped with double quote e.g. "name":"vendelin" nameToken = (CommonTree) token.getFirstChildWithType(JavaScriptDataParser.String); name = nameToken.getText(); name = name.substring(1, name.length() - 1); } else { name = nameToken.getText(); } CommonTree value = (CommonTree) token.getChild(1); retVal.put(name, mapElementValToObject(value)); } else { throw new Exception("Wrong AST type " + JavaScriptDataParser.tokenNames[token.getType()] + " I need ELEMENT"); } } } else { throw new Exception( "Wrong AST type " + JavaScriptDataParser.tokenNames[from.getType()] + " send to mapper"); } return retVal; } private Object mapElementValToObject(CommonTree value) throws Exception { Object retVal; if (value.getType() == JavaScriptDataParser.STRING) { String result = value.getChild(0).getText(); retVal = result.substring(1, result.length() - 1); } else if (value.getType() == JavaScriptDataParser.INTEGER || value.getType() == JavaScriptDataParser.DOUBLE || value.getType() == JavaScriptDataParser.BOOLEAN) { retVal = value.getChild(0).getText(); } else if (value.getType() == JavaScriptDataParser.DATE) { // in format 'new Date(132132123123)' String jsDateString = value.getChild(0).getText(); int leftBracket = jsDateString.indexOf("("); int rightBracket = jsDateString.indexOf(")"); if (leftBracket != -1 && rightBracket != -1 && leftBracket < rightBracket) { try { long time = Long.parseLong(jsDateString.substring(leftBracket + 1, rightBracket)); retVal = new Date(time); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { retVal = null; } } else { retVal = null; } } else if (value.getType() == JavaScriptDataParser.NULL) { retVal = null; } else if (value.getType() == JavaScriptDataParser.ARRAY) { ArrayList<Object> arrayVal = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < value.getChildCount(); i++) { Object arrayElem = value.getChild(i); arrayVal.add(mapElementValToObject((CommonTree) ((CommonTree) arrayElem).getChild(0))); } retVal = arrayVal; } else if (value.getType() == JavaScriptDataParser.OBJECT) { if (value.getChildCount() != 0) { retVal = mapJsDataToHash(value); } else { retVal = null; } } else { throw new Exception( "Wrong AST type " + JavaScriptDataParser.tokenNames[value.getType()] + " can't map"); } return retVal; } /* ########################################################################### * # Send response * ########################################################################### */ private void sendResponse(PrintWriter output, PagedResult<?> pResult) throws IllegalArgumentException { List<?> inputData = pResult.getValues() == null ? new ArrayList<Object>() : pResult.getValues(); int showEndRow = pResult.getEndRow() < 1 ? 0 : pResult.getEndRow(); int totalRows; if (pResult.isTotalCounted()) { totalRows = pResult.getTotalRows(); } else if (pResult.isAddionalResultCounted()) { totalRows = pResult.getEndRow() + pResult.getAdditionalResultRows(); } else { totalRows = pResult.getStartRow() + pResult.getValues().size() + 1; } log.log(Level.FINE, "Sending JSON response from {0} to {1} of size {2}", new Object[] { pResult.getStartRow(), showEndRow, inputData.size() }); output.write("{response: { status:0, startRow:" + pResult.getStartRow() + ", endRow:" + showEndRow + ", totalRows:" + totalRows + ", data:["); String delim = ""; for (Object obj : inputData) { output.write(delim); // Prepare string representation and write to out String objString = mapObjToOutput(obj, DEF_DEPTH, new Stack(), false, false); log.log(Level.FINER, " >>>>>>>>>>> {0}", objString); output.write(objString); delim = ", "; } output.write(" ] } }"); } private void sendResponse(PrintWriter output, int startRow, int endRow, Collection<? extends Object> inputData) throws IllegalArgumentException { inputData = inputData == null ? new ArrayList<Object>() : inputData; int showEndRow = endRow < 1 ? 0 : endRow - 1; log.log(Level.FINE, "Sending JSON response from {0} to {1} of size {2}", new Object[] { startRow, showEndRow, inputData.size() }); output.write("{response: { status:0, startRow:" + startRow + ", endRow:" + showEndRow + ", totalRows:" + inputData.size() + ", data:["); // If inputData is Set convert to array Object[] setData = null; if (inputData instanceof Set) { setData = inputData.toArray(); } else if (!(inputData instanceof List)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Datatype " + inputData.getClass().getName() + " is not supported (only implementations of java.util.Set and java.util.List)"); } for (int i = startRow; i < endRow; i++) { // Get object from collection Object obj; if (inputData instanceof Set) { obj = setData[i]; } else { obj = ((List<? extends Object>) inputData).get(i); } // Write out separator except first if (i != startRow) { output.write(", "); } // Prepare string representation and write out String objString = mapObjToOutput(obj, DEF_DEPTH, new Stack(), false, false); log.log(Level.FINER, " >>>>>>>>>>> {0}", objString); output.write(objString); } output.write(" ] } }"); } private static final String Q = "\""; private String mapObjToOutput(Object obj, int maxDepth, Stack<Object> serStack, boolean useGwtArray, boolean translateValue) { if (serStack.size() == 0) { log.log(Level.FINER, "Serializing START {0}", obj); } // Avoid recursion if (serStack.size() == maxDepth && !(obj instanceof Date || obj instanceof Number || obj instanceof Boolean || obj instanceof CharSequence || obj instanceof Enum)) { String objId = getIdFromObj(obj); return objId == null ? Q + Q : objId; } if (serStack.contains(obj)) { return getIdFromObj(obj); // return Q+"ref: "+obj.getClass().getName()+"@"+obj.hashCode()+Q; } serStack.push(obj); String startArray = useGwtArray ? "$wnd.Array.create([" : "["; String endArray = useGwtArray ? "])" : "]"; StringBuilder recordData = new StringBuilder(); if (obj == null) { recordData.append("null"); } else if (obj instanceof Map) { recordData.append("{"); Map objMap = (Map) obj; String delim = ""; for (Object objKey : objMap.keySet()) { recordData.append(delim).append(objKey).append(":") .append(mapObjToOutput(objMap.get(objKey), maxDepth, serStack, useGwtArray, false)); delim = " , "; } recordData.append("}"); } else if (obj instanceof Collection) { recordData.append(startArray); Collection objSet = (Collection) obj; String delim = ""; for (Object objVal : objSet) { recordData.append(delim).append(mapObjToOutput(objVal, maxDepth, serStack, useGwtArray, false)); delim = " , "; } recordData.append(endArray); } else if (obj instanceof List) { recordData.append(startArray); List objList = (List) obj; String delim = ""; for (Object objVal : objList) { recordData.append(delim).append(mapObjToOutput(objVal, maxDepth, serStack, useGwtArray, false)); delim = " , "; } recordData.append(endArray); } else if (obj instanceof Object[]) { recordData.append(startArray); Object[] objArr = (Object[]) obj; String delim = ""; for (Object objVal : objArr) { recordData.append(delim).append(mapObjToOutput(objVal, maxDepth, serStack, useGwtArray, false)); delim = " , "; } recordData.append(endArray); } else if (obj instanceof Date) { Date objDate = (Date) obj; // recordData.append(Q+dateTimeFormat.format(objDate)+Q); recordData.append("new Date(" + objDate.getTime() + ")"); } else if (obj instanceof Boolean) { recordData.append(obj); } else if (obj instanceof Number) { recordData.append(obj); } else if (obj instanceof CharSequence) { String strObj = obj.toString(); if (strObj.startsWith(Main.JAVASCRIPT_PREFIX) && useGwtArray) { recordData.append(" ").append(strObj.substring(Main.JAVASCRIPT_PREFIX.length())); } else if (strObj.startsWith("function") && useGwtArray) { recordData.append(" ").append(strObj); } else { strObj = translateValue ? translate(strObj) : strObj; String escapeString = strObj.replaceAll("\\\\", "\\\\\\\\").replaceAll("\"", "\\\\\"") .replaceAll("\\r", "\\\\r").replaceAll("\\n", "\\\\n"); recordData.append(Q + escapeString + Q); } } else if (obj instanceof Enum) { String val = ((Enum) obj).name(); if (useGwtArray) { try { Method getValMethod = obj.getClass().getMethod("getValue", (Class[]) null); val = (String) getValMethod.invoke(obj, (Object[]) null); } catch (Exception e) { // no method getValue } } recordData.append(Q + val + Q); } else { String className = obj.getClass().getName(); ServiceDescription serviceForClass = findServiceByClassName(className); log.log(Level.FINER, "Serializing class {0}", className); if (serStack.size() > 2 && serviceForClass != null) { recordData.append(getIdFromObj(obj)); } else { // Use reflection recordData.append("{"); String delim = ""; String jsonPostfix = null; Method[] methods = obj.getClass().getMethods(); for (Method m : methods) { boolean translateThisValue = false; String mName; if (m.getName().startsWith(GET_TRANSLATE)) { translateThisValue = true; mName = m.getName().substring(GET_TRANSLATE_LENGTH); } else if (m.getName().startsWith("is")) { mName = m.getName().substring(2); } else { mName = m.getName().substring(3); } if (mName.length() > 1 && Character.isLowerCase(mName.charAt(1))) { mName = mName.substring(0, 1).toLowerCase() + mName.substring(1); } if (m.getName().startsWith("getJsonPostfix") && m.getParameterTypes().length == 0 && String.class.equals(m.getReturnType())) { try { jsonPostfix = (String) m.invoke(obj, new Object[] {}); } catch (Throwable e) { log.log(Level.FINE, "Mapping error", e); } } else if (!m.getDeclaringClass().getName().startsWith("org.hibernate") && m.getDeclaringClass() != Object.class && m.getDeclaringClass() != Class.class && (m.getName().startsWith("get") || m.getName().startsWith("is")) && m.getParameterTypes().length == 0 && m.getReturnType() != null && !isHiddenField(m.getDeclaringClass().getName(), mName)) { log.log(Level.FINEST, "Reflection invoking name={0} declaringClass={1} on {2}[{3}]", new Object[] { m.getName(), m.getDeclaringClass(), obj, obj.getClass() }); try { Object result = m.invoke(obj, new Object[] {}); if (result != null) { mName = mName.startsWith("xxx") ? mName.substring(3) : mName; String resultClassName = AopUtils.getTargetClass(result).getName(); String idVal = getIdFromObj(result); String valStr; if (findServiceByClassName(resultClassName) != null && idVal != null) { recordData.append(delim).append(mName).append(":").append(idVal); String refField = ds2Ref.get(resultClassName); if (refField != null) { Object realVal = getValFromObj(refField, result); valStr = realVal == null ? Q + Q : Q + realVal + Q; } else { valStr = Q + "UNKNOWN" + Q; } mName = mName + "_VAL"; delim = ", "; } else { valStr = mapObjToOutput(result, maxDepth, serStack, useGwtArray, translateThisValue); } recordData.append(delim).append(mName).append(":").append(valStr); delim = ", "; } } catch (Throwable e) { log.log(Level.FINE, "Mapping error", e); } } } if (jsonPostfix != null) { recordData.append(delim).append(jsonPostfix).append("}"); } else { recordData.append("}"); } } } serStack.pop(); return recordData.toString(); } private String getIdFromObj(Object obj) { String retVal = null; Method getIdMethod = null; try { getIdMethod = obj.getClass().getMethod("getId", new Class<?>[] {}); } catch (Exception e) { // Ignore, use reflection } if (getIdMethod != null) { try { retVal = "" + getIdMethod.invoke(obj, new Object[] {}); } catch (Exception e) { log.log(Level.FINE, "Getting ID error", e); } } return retVal; } private Object getValFromObj(String propertyName, Object obj) { Object retVal = null; String methodName = GET_PREFIX + propertyName.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + propertyName.substring(1); Method getValMethod = null; try { getValMethod = obj.getClass().getMethod(methodName, new Class<?>[] {}); } catch (Exception e) { // Ignore, use reflection } if (getValMethod != null) { try { retVal = getValMethod.invoke(obj, new Object[] {}); } catch (Exception e) { log.log(Level.FINE, "Getting VAL error", e); } } return retVal; } private String translate(String name) { String key = getLanguage() + "." + name; String tran; try { tran = propertyService.getProperty(key); if (tran == null && name != null) { String propName = name; propName = propName.replaceAll("(\\p{Upper}+)", " $1"); if (propName.startsWith(" ")) { propName = propName.substring(1); } tran = propName.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + propName.substring(1); propertyService.getProperty(key, tran); } } catch (Exception e) { tran = key; log.log(Level.WARNING, "Can not transalate message " + name, e); } return tran; } public String listServices() { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder("("); boolean wasService = false; HashMap<String, List<ServiceDescription>> categories = new HashMap<String, List<ServiceDescription>>(); for (ServiceDescription serviceDesc : getServiceDescription()) { String category = serviceDesc.getCategory(); List<ServiceDescription> categoryList = categories.get(category); if (categoryList == null) { categoryList = new ArrayList<ServiceDescription>(); categories.put(category, categoryList); } categoryList.add(serviceDesc); } Set<String> categorySet = categories.keySet(); for (String category : categorySet) { List<ServiceDescription> serviceCategoryList = categories.get(category); String delim = (wasService ? "], " : "[") + "[ " + Q + translate(category) + Q + ", "; for (ServiceDescription serviceDesc : serviceCategoryList) { String beanName = serviceDesc.getName(); String[] accRoles = serviceDesc.getVisibleForRoles(); boolean accessDenied = true; if (accRoles != null && accRoles.length > 0) { for (String accRole : accRoles) { if (ServiceContextStore.get().isUserInRole(accRole)) { accessDenied = false; break; } } } else { accessDenied = false; } if (!accessDenied) { log.log(Level.INFO, "Service {0} accesible", beanName); // Bean name wasService = true; result.append(delim); result.append(Q).append(beanName).append(Q); delim = ", "; // Service description result.append(delim); if (serviceDesc.getOtherMethods().size() > 0) { result.append("(") .append(mapObjToOutput(filterMethods(serviceDesc.getOtherMethods().values(), ServiceContextStore.get()), 4, new Stack<Object>(), false, false)) .append(")"); } else { result.append("([])"); } // Bean translated name result.append(delim); result.append(Q).append(translate( beanName.endsWith("Service") ? beanName.substring(0, beanName.length() - 7) : beanName)) .append(Q); } else { log.log(Level.INFO, "Service {0} access denied", beanName); } } } result.append("] ] )"); log.log(Level.FINE, "Menu: {0}", result); return result.toString(); } private List<MethodDescription> filterMethods(Collection<MethodDescription> methods, ServiceContext serviceContext) { ArrayList<MethodDescription> result = new ArrayList<MethodDescription>(); for (MethodDescription m : methods) { boolean isOK = true; if (m.getIfRole() != null && m.getIfRole().length > 0) { isOK = false; for (String role : m.getIfRole()) { if (serviceContext.isUserInRole(role)) { isOK = true; break; } } } if (isOK) { result.add(m); } } return result; } long serviceTimestamp = 0; long serviceTimeout = 1000 * 60; // 60 sec private List<ServiceDescription> getServiceDescription() { return serviceRegistry.getServices(ServiceContextStore.get()); // caching is on service side } public ServiceDescription findService(String serviceName) { ServiceDescription service = null; for (ServiceDescription serviceDescription : getServiceDescription()) { if (serviceDescription.getName().equals(serviceName)) { service = serviceDescription; break; } } return service; } public ServiceDescription findServiceByClassName(String className) { ServiceDescription retVal = null; for (ServiceDescription serviceDesc : getServiceDescription()) { if (className.equals(serviceDesc.getExpectedClass().getName())) { retVal = serviceDesc; break; } } return retVal; } /* ########################################################################### * # Print request helper * ########################################################################### */ private void printRequest(HttpServletRequest request) throws IOException { Enumeration<String> paramList = request.getParameterNames(); StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder(); out.append("<<<<<<<<<<<< Request "); while (paramList.hasMoreElements()) { String param = paramList.nextElement(); out.append(" :: " + param + "=" + request.getParameter(param)); } BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(request.getInputStream())); char[] dataBuff = new char[1024]; int readBytes =; while (readBytes != -1) { out.append("\nData: " + new String(dataBuff, 0, readBytes)); readBytes =; } log.log(Level.INFO, "{0}", out); } private Object makeNewInstance(Class expectedClass, HashMap<String, Object> jsData) throws ApplicationException { Object val = null; try { Constructor[] constructors = expectedClass.getConstructors(); for (int k = 0; k < constructors.length; k++) { Constructor constructor = constructors[k]; Annotation[][] constrAnnot = constructor.getParameterAnnotations(); String[] paramNames = new String[constrAnnot.length]; int annotCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < constrAnnot.length; i++) { Annotation[] annotations = constrAnnot[i]; for (int j = 0; j < annotations.length; j++) { Annotation annotation = annotations[j]; if (annotation instanceof Name) { paramNames[i] = ((Name) annotation).value(); paramNames[i] = paramNames[i].startsWith("xxx") ? paramNames[i].substring(3) : paramNames[i]; annotCount++; break; } } } if (annotCount != constrAnnot.length) { continue; } Object[] params = prepareMethodParam(jsData, false, paramNames, constructor.getParameterTypes()); if (params != null) { val = constructor.newInstance(params); break; } } if (val == null) { throw new Exception("Can't create instance of class " + expectedClass.getName()); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new ApplicationException(ex.getMessage(), "ERR9001", ex); } return val; } public Object[] prepareMethodParam(HashMap<String, ? extends Object> jsData, boolean applyNull, String[] paramNames, Class[] parameterTypes) throws ApplicationException { boolean hasMapping = false; Object[] realParams = new Object[paramNames.length]; try { hasMapping = true; for (int i = 0; i < parameterTypes.length; i++) { Class<?> paramType = parameterTypes[i]; //Object paramObject=jsData.get(paramNames[i]) == null ? jsData : jsData.get(paramNames[i]); Object paramObject = jsData.get(paramNames[i]); if (paramType.equals(ServiceContext.class)) { realParams[i] = ServiceContextStore.get(); } else if (paramType.equals(PagingParameter.class)) { String sRow = (String) jsData.get("_startRow"); int startRow = sRow == null ? 0 : Integer.parseInt(sRow); String eRow = (String) jsData.get("_endRow"); int endRow = eRow == null ? 0 : Integer.parseInt(eRow); realParams[i] = PagingParameter.rowAccess(startRow, endRow, LOOK_AHEAD); } else if (paramType.equals(String.class)) { realParams[i] = (String) paramObject; } else if (paramType.equals(Integer.class) || paramType.equals(Integer.TYPE)) { realParams[i] = paramObject == null ? null : Integer.parseInt(((String) paramObject).replaceAll("\"", "")); } else if (paramType.equals(Long.class) || paramType.equals(Long.TYPE)) { realParams[i] = paramObject == null ? null : Long.parseLong(((String) paramObject).replaceAll("\"", "")); } else if (paramType.equals(Double.class) || paramType.equals(Double.TYPE)) { realParams[i] = paramObject == null ? null : Double.parseDouble(((String) paramObject).replaceAll("\"", "")); } else if (paramType.equals(Date.class)) { realParams[i] = paramObject == null ? null : dateFormat.parse((String) paramObject); } else if (paramType.equals(Boolean.class) || paramType.equals(Boolean.TYPE)) { realParams[i] = ("true".equals(paramObject)); } else if (paramObject instanceof HashMap || (paramObject == null && jsData instanceof HashMap)) { HashMap<String, Object> objData = (HashMap<String, Object>) (paramObject == null ? jsData : paramObject); ServiceDescription service = findServiceByClassName(paramType.getName()); if (objData.get("id") != null && service != null) { Long id = Long.parseLong((String) objData.get("id")); realParams[i] = service.getFindById().invoke(service.getInstance(), ServiceContextStore.get(), id); } else { realParams[i] = makeNewInstance(paramType, objData); } mapRequestToObj(objData, paramType, realParams[i]); } else if (findServiceByClassName(paramType.getName()) != null) { ServiceDescription service = findServiceByClassName(paramType.getName()); Long recId = Long.parseLong((String) paramObject); realParams[i] = service.getFindById().invoke(service.getInstance(), ServiceContextStore.get(), recId); } else if (Enum.class.isAssignableFrom(paramType)) { try { Method fromValueMethod = paramType.getMethod("fromValue", String.class); realParams[i] = fromValueMethod.invoke(null, paramObject); } catch (Exception ex) { } try { if (realParams[i] == null) { Method valueOfMethod = paramType.getMethod("valueOf", String.class); realParams[i] = valueOfMethod.invoke(null, paramObject); } } catch (Exception ex) { } if (realParams[i] == null) { hasMapping = false; break; } } else if (applyNull) { realParams[i] = null; } else { hasMapping = false; break; } } } catch (ApplicationException appEx) { throw appEx; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new ApplicationException(ex.getMessage(), "ERR9001", ex); } return hasMapping ? realParams : null; } private String[] hiddenFields = { "uuid", "key" }; private boolean isHiddenField(String owningClass, String fieldName) { String fullName = owningClass + "." + fieldName; for (String hiddenField : hiddenFields) { if (hiddenField.equals(fieldName) || hiddenField.equals(fullName)) { return true; } } return false; } private String getLanguage() { String lang = (String) ServiceContextStore.get().getProperty("lang"); if (lang == null) { lang = "en"; } return lang; } private ApplicationException makeApplicationException(String errorCode, String message, Serializable... parameters) { ApplicationException ex = new ApplicationException(errorCode, message); ex.setMessageParameters(parameters); return ex; } static String serviceUrl = null; private String getServiceUrl(HttpServletRequest request) { if (serviceUrl == null) { serviceUrl = request.getContextPath() + "/service"; } return serviceUrl; } /* ########################################################################### * # Methods for IoC * ########################################################################### */ ServiceRegistryService serviceRegistry = null; public ServiceRegistryService getServiceRegistry() { return serviceRegistry; } public void setServiceRegistry(ServiceRegistryService serviceRegistry) { this.serviceRegistry = serviceRegistry; } GuiDataSourceService guiDataSourceService = null; public GuiDataSourceService getGuiDataSourceService() { return guiDataSourceService; } public void setGuiDataSourceService(GuiDataSourceService guiDataSourceService) { this.guiDataSourceService = guiDataSourceService; } private PropertySupportFacade propertyService; public void setPropertySupport(PropertySupportFacade propertySupport) { this.propertyService = propertySupport; } public PropertySupportFacade getPropertySupport() { return propertyService; } @Autowired public void setScheduler(Scheduler scheduler) { try { scheduler.getContext().put("serviceInvoker", this); } catch (SchedulerException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public Object invokeService(String serviceName, String methodName, Object[] params) throws Exception { Object valObj = null; ServiceDescription serviceDesc = findService(serviceName); if (serviceDesc != null) { MethodDescription methodDescription = serviceDesc.getOtherMethods().get(methodName); if (methodDescription != null) { valObj = methodDescription.method.invoke(serviceDesc.getInstance(), params); } } return valObj; } public Object invokeService(String serviceName, String methodName, HashMap<String, String> params, boolean parseParams) throws Exception { Object valObj = null; ServiceDescription serviceDesc = findService(serviceName); if (serviceDesc != null) { MethodDescription methodDescription = serviceDesc.getOtherMethods().get(methodName); HashMap<String, ? super String> jsData; if (parseParams) { HashMap<String, Object> newJsData = new HashMap<String, Object>(); for (String key : params.keySet()) { newJsData.put(key, parseJson(params.get(key))); } jsData = newJsData; } else { jsData = params; } Object[] methodParam = prepareMethodParam(jsData, true, methodDescription.parameterNames, methodDescription.method.getParameterTypes()); valObj = methodDescription.method.invoke(serviceDesc.getInstance(), methodParam); } return valObj; } }