List of usage examples for java.lang Long equals
public boolean equals(Object obj)
From source
/** * Create or edit an allocated delivery unit (for a resource plan). * /*from w w w . jav a 2 s. c om*/ * @param id * the porfolio entry id * @param allocatedOrgUnitId * the allocated delivery unit id, set to 0 for create case */ @With(CheckPortfolioEntryExists.class) @Dynamic(IMafConstants.PORTFOLIO_ENTRY_EDIT_DYNAMIC_PERMISSION) public Result manageAllocatedOrgUnit(Long id, Long allocatedOrgUnitId) { // get the portfolioEntry PortfolioEntry portfolioEntry = PortfolioEntryDao.getPEById(id); // initiate the form with the template Form<PortfolioEntryResourcePlanAllocatedOrgUnitFormData> allocatedOrgUnitForm = allocatedOrgUnitFormTemplate; // edit case: inject values if (!allocatedOrgUnitId.equals(Long.valueOf(0))) { PortfolioEntryResourcePlanAllocatedOrgUnit allocatedOrgUnit = PortfolioEntryResourcePlanDAO .getPEResourcePlanAllocatedOrgUnitById(allocatedOrgUnitId); // security: the portfolioEntry must be related to the object if (!allocatedOrgUnit.portfolioEntryResourcePlan.lifeCycleInstancePlannings .get(0) { return forbidden(views.html.error.access_forbidden.render("")); } allocatedOrgUnitForm = allocatedOrgUnitFormTemplate .fill(new PortfolioEntryResourcePlanAllocatedOrgUnitFormData(allocatedOrgUnit)); // add the custom attributes values this.getCustomAttributeManagerService().fillWithValues(allocatedOrgUnitForm, PortfolioEntryResourcePlanAllocatedOrgUnit.class, allocatedOrgUnitId); } else { // add the custom attributes default values this.getCustomAttributeManagerService().fillWithValues(allocatedOrgUnitForm, PortfolioEntryResourcePlanAllocatedOrgUnit.class, null); } return ok(views.html.core.portfolioentryplanning.allocated_org_unit_manage.render(portfolioEntry, allocatedOrgUnitForm)); }
From source
/** * Create or edit an allocated competency (for a resource plan). * /*www .j av a 2s. c o m*/ * @param id * the porfolio entry id * @param allocatedCompetencyId * the allocated competency id, set to 0 for create case */ @With(CheckPortfolioEntryExists.class) @Dynamic(IMafConstants.PORTFOLIO_ENTRY_EDIT_DYNAMIC_PERMISSION) public Result manageAllocatedCompetency(Long id, Long allocatedCompetencyId) { // get the portfolioEntry PortfolioEntry portfolioEntry = PortfolioEntryDao.getPEById(id); // initiate the form with the template Form<PortfolioEntryResourcePlanAllocatedCompetencyFormData> allocatedCompetencyForm = allocatedCompetencyFormTemplate; // edit case: inject values if (!allocatedCompetencyId.equals(Long.valueOf(0))) { PortfolioEntryResourcePlanAllocatedCompetency allocatedCompetency = PortfolioEntryResourcePlanDAO .getPEResourcePlanAllocatedCompetencyById(allocatedCompetencyId); // security: the portfolioEntry must be related to the object if (!allocatedCompetency.portfolioEntryResourcePlan.lifeCycleInstancePlannings .get(0) { return forbidden(views.html.error.access_forbidden.render("")); } allocatedCompetencyForm = allocatedCompetencyFormTemplate .fill(new PortfolioEntryResourcePlanAllocatedCompetencyFormData(allocatedCompetency)); // add the custom attributes values this.getCustomAttributeManagerService().fillWithValues(allocatedCompetencyForm, PortfolioEntryResourcePlanAllocatedCompetency.class, allocatedCompetencyId); } else { // add the custom attributes default values this.getCustomAttributeManagerService().fillWithValues(allocatedCompetencyForm, PortfolioEntryResourcePlanAllocatedCompetency.class, null); } return ok(views.html.core.portfolioentryplanning.allocated_competency_manage.render(portfolioEntry, allocatedCompetencyForm)); }
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void ensembleChangeLoop(List<BookieSocketAddress> origEnsemble, Map<Integer, BookieSocketAddress> failedBookies) { int ensembleChangeId = numEnsembleChanges.incrementAndGet(); String logContext = String.format("[EnsembleChange(ledger:%d, change-id:%010d)]", ledgerId, ensembleChangeId);/*from w w w .j a va 2 s . com*/ // when the ensemble changes are too frequent, close handle if (ensembleChangeId > clientCtx.getConf().maxAllowedEnsembleChanges) {"{} reaches max allowed ensemble change number {}", logContext, clientCtx.getConf().maxAllowedEnsembleChanges); handleUnrecoverableErrorDuringAdd(WriteException); return; } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("{} Replacing {} in {}", logContext, failedBookies, origEnsemble); } AtomicInteger attempts = new AtomicInteger(0); new MetadataUpdateLoop(clientCtx.getLedgerManager(), getId(), this::getVersionedLedgerMetadata, (metadata) -> metadata.getState() == LedgerMetadata.State.OPEN && failedBookies.entrySet().stream().anyMatch(e -> LedgerMetadataUtils .getLastEnsembleValue(metadata).get(e.getKey()).equals(e.getValue())), (metadata) -> { attempts.incrementAndGet(); List<BookieSocketAddress> currentEnsemble = getCurrentEnsemble(); List<BookieSocketAddress> newEnsemble = EnsembleUtils.replaceBookiesInEnsemble( clientCtx.getBookieWatcher(), metadata, currentEnsemble, failedBookies, logContext); Long lastEnsembleKey = LedgerMetadataUtils.getLastEnsembleKey(metadata); LedgerMetadataBuilder builder = LedgerMetadataBuilder.from(metadata); long newEnsembleStartEntry = getLastAddConfirmed() + 1; checkState(lastEnsembleKey <= newEnsembleStartEntry, "New ensemble must either replace the last ensemble, or add a new one"); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("{}[attempt:{}] changing ensemble from: {} to: {} starting at entry: {}", logContext, attempts.get(), currentEnsemble, newEnsemble, newEnsembleStartEntry); } if (lastEnsembleKey.equals(newEnsembleStartEntry)) { return builder.replaceEnsembleEntry(newEnsembleStartEntry, newEnsemble).build(); } else { return builder.newEnsembleEntry(newEnsembleStartEntry, newEnsemble).build(); } }, this::setLedgerMetadata).run().whenCompleteAsync((metadata, ex) -> { if (ex != null) { LOG.warn("{}[attempt:{}] Exception changing ensemble", logContext, attempts.get(), ex); handleUnrecoverableErrorDuringAdd(BKException.getExceptionCode(ex, WriteException)); } else if (metadata.getValue().isClosed()) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug( "{}[attempt:{}] Metadata closed during attempt to replace bookie." + " Another client must have recovered the ledger.", logContext, attempts.get()); } handleUnrecoverableErrorDuringAdd(BKException.Code.LedgerClosedException); } else if (metadata.getValue().getState() == LedgerMetadata.State.IN_RECOVERY) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug( "{}[attempt:{}] Metadata marked as in-recovery during attempt to replace bookie." + " Another client must be recovering the ledger.", logContext, attempts.get()); } handleUnrecoverableErrorDuringAdd(BKException.Code.LedgerFencedException); } else { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("{}[attempt:{}] Success updating metadata.", logContext, attempts.get()); } List<BookieSocketAddress> newEnsemble = null; Set<Integer> replaced = null; synchronized (metadataLock) { if (!delayedWriteFailedBookies.isEmpty()) { Map<Integer, BookieSocketAddress> toReplace = new HashMap<>( delayedWriteFailedBookies); delayedWriteFailedBookies.clear(); ensembleChangeLoop(origEnsemble, toReplace); } else { newEnsemble = getCurrentEnsemble(); replaced = EnsembleUtils.diffEnsemble(origEnsemble, newEnsemble);"New Ensemble: {} for ledger: {}", newEnsemble, ledgerId); changingEnsemble = false; } } if (newEnsemble != null) { // unsetSuccess outside of lock unsetSuccessAndSendWriteRequest(newEnsemble, replaced); } } }, clientCtx.getMainWorkerPool().chooseThread(ledgerId)); }
From source
/** * {@inheritDoc}/*from w ww . j a v a2s . co m*/ */ @Override public List<IdentifiantLibelleDto> getListeModelesDevisByCriteres(CritereModeleDevisDto criteres) { // Rcupration des modles de devis prsents dans l'ditique final List<ModeleDevisDto> listeModelesDevis = editiqueMappingService.getListeModelesDevis(); // Filtrage des modles de devis final List<IdentifiantLibelleDto> listeModeles = new ArrayList<IdentifiantLibelleDto>(); if (criteres != null && criteres.getListeIdsModeles() != null && criteres.getListeIdsModeles().size() > 0) { for (Long idModele : criteres.getListeIdsModeles()) { for (ModeleDevisDto modeleEditique : listeModelesDevis) { if (idModele.equals(modeleEditique.getIdentifiant())) { listeModeles.add((IdentifiantLibelleDto), IdentifiantLibelleDto.class)); break; } } } } else { if (listeModelesDevis != null && listeModelesDevis.size() > 0) { for (ModeleDevisDto modeleEditique : listeModelesDevis) { listeModeles.add((IdentifiantLibelleDto), IdentifiantLibelleDto.class)); } } } return listeModeles; }
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/** * Ensures that the committed offsets to Kafka are the offsets of "the next record to process" *//*w 2s. c o m*/ public void runCommitOffsetsToKafka() throws Exception { // 3 partitions with 50 records each (0-49, so the expected commit offset of each partition should be 50) final int parallelism = 3; final int recordsInEachPartition = 50; final String topicName = writeSequence("testCommitOffsetsToKafkaTopic", recordsInEachPartition, parallelism, 1); final StreamExecutionEnvironment env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.createRemoteEnvironment("localhost", flinkPort); env.getConfig().disableSysoutLogging(); env.getConfig().setRestartStrategy(RestartStrategies.noRestart()); env.setParallelism(parallelism); env.enableCheckpointing(200); DataStream<String> stream = env .addSource(kafkaServer.getConsumer(topicName, new SimpleStringSchema(), standardProps)); stream.addSink(new DiscardingSink<String>()); final AtomicReference<Throwable> errorRef = new AtomicReference<>(); final Thread runner = new Thread("runner") { @Override public void run() { try { env.execute(); } catch (Throwable t) { if (!(t.getCause() instanceof JobCancellationException)) { errorRef.set(t); } } } }; runner.start(); final Long l50 = 50L; // the final committed offset in Kafka should be 50 final long deadline = 30_000_000_000L + System.nanoTime(); KafkaTestEnvironment.KafkaOffsetHandler kafkaOffsetHandler = kafkaServer.createOffsetHandler(); do { Long o1 = kafkaOffsetHandler.getCommittedOffset(topicName, 0); Long o2 = kafkaOffsetHandler.getCommittedOffset(topicName, 1); Long o3 = kafkaOffsetHandler.getCommittedOffset(topicName, 2); if (l50.equals(o1) && l50.equals(o2) && l50.equals(o3)) { break; } Thread.sleep(100); } while (System.nanoTime() < deadline); // cancel the job JobManagerCommunicationUtils.cancelCurrentJob(flink.getLeaderGateway(timeout)); final Throwable t = errorRef.get(); if (t != null) { throw new RuntimeException("Job failed with an exception", t); } // final check to see if offsets are correctly in Kafka Long o1 = kafkaOffsetHandler.getCommittedOffset(topicName, 0); Long o2 = kafkaOffsetHandler.getCommittedOffset(topicName, 1); Long o3 = kafkaOffsetHandler.getCommittedOffset(topicName, 2); Assert.assertEquals(Long.valueOf(50L), o1); Assert.assertEquals(Long.valueOf(50L), o2); Assert.assertEquals(Long.valueOf(50L), o3); kafkaOffsetHandler.close(); deleteTestTopic(topicName); }
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/** * Rcupre le DTO permettant la gnration d'un bulletin d'adhsion partir d'un devis. * @param devis le devis/*w w w . j a v a2 s . com*/ * @param editionDocumentDto les infos pour l'dition * @param reference la rfrence de l'opportunit ou du devis. * @param idModeleDevis l'identifiant du modle de devis * @param eidAgence l'identifiant extrieur de l'agence responsable * @param infosPersonneSquare le cache des infos de personnes Square * @return le DTO contenant les infos ncessaires la gnration d'un bulletin d'adhsion */ public DocumentsBulletinsAdhesionDto getDocumentsBaDtoPourDevis(Devis devis, EditionDocumentDto editionDocumentDto, String reference, Long idModeleDevis, Long eidAgence, InfosPersonneSquareBean infosPersonneSquare) { logger.debug(messageSourceUtil.get(MessageKeyUtil.LOGGER_DEBUG_GENERATION_DOCUMENT_BA_DEVIS, new String[] { String.valueOf(devis.getId()) })); final DocumentsBulletinsAdhesionDto documentsBulletinsAdhesionDto = new DocumentsBulletinsAdhesionDto(); // Rcupration du prospect final ProspectBADto prospectBADto = mapperProspect(devis.getPersonnePrincipale(), devis.getEidRelationParrain(), infosPersonneSquare); if (idModeleDevis != null && !idModeleDevis.equals(editiqueMappingService.getConstanteIdModeleDevisFicheTransfert())) { prospectBADto.setNumeroAdherent(null); } documentsBulletinsAdhesionDto.setProspect(prospectBADto); // Rcupration de l'agence if (eidAgence != null) { documentsBulletinsAdhesionDto.setAgence(getAgenceBa(eidAgence)); } // Cration de la liste des bulletins d'adhsion documentsBulletinsAdhesionDto.setListeBulletinsAdhesion(creerListeBulletinsAdhesionPourDevis(devis, prospectBADto, editionDocumentDto, reference, idModeleDevis, infosPersonneSquare)); // Motif du devis documentsBulletinsAdhesionDto.setMotifDevis(devis.getMotif() != null ? (IdentifiantLibelleDto), IdentifiantLibelleDto.class) : null); // Modle de devis documentsBulletinsAdhesionDto.setIdModeleDevis(idModeleDevis); // On detecte si il s'agit d'une signature numrique ou pas documentsBulletinsAdhesionDto.setFromSignatureNumerique(editionDocumentDto.getFromSignatureNumerique()); // On complte le DTO (flag possedeProduitSante) completerDocumentsBulletinsAdhesion(documentsBulletinsAdhesionDto); // On complte les infos de rglement completerInfosReglement(documentsBulletinsAdhesionDto, devis, editionDocumentDto); return documentsBulletinsAdhesionDto; }
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@Override public PrimaryDataStoreInfo updateStoragePool(UpdateStoragePoolCmd cmd) throws IllegalArgumentException { // Input validation Long id = cmd.getId();// w w w . j a va2 s . c o m StoragePoolVO pool = _storagePoolDao.findById(id); if (pool == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to find storage pool with ID: " + id); } final List<String> storagePoolTags = cmd.getTags(); if (storagePoolTags != null) { if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { s_logger.debug("Updating Storage Pool Tags to :" + storagePoolTags); } _storagePoolTagsDao.persist(pool.getId(), storagePoolTags); } Long updatedCapacityBytes = null; Long capacityBytes = cmd.getCapacityBytes(); if (capacityBytes != null) { if (capacityBytes != pool.getCapacityBytes()) { updatedCapacityBytes = capacityBytes; } } Long updatedCapacityIops = null; Long capacityIops = cmd.getCapacityIops(); if (capacityIops != null) { if (!capacityIops.equals(pool.getCapacityIops())) { updatedCapacityIops = capacityIops; } } if (updatedCapacityBytes != null || updatedCapacityIops != null) { StoragePoolVO storagePool = _storagePoolDao.findById(id); DataStoreProvider dataStoreProvider = _dataStoreProviderMgr .getDataStoreProvider(storagePool.getStorageProviderName()); DataStoreLifeCycle dataStoreLifeCycle = dataStoreProvider.getDataStoreLifeCycle(); if (dataStoreLifeCycle instanceof PrimaryDataStoreLifeCycle) { Map<String, String> details = new HashMap<String, String>(); details.put(PrimaryDataStoreLifeCycle.CAPACITY_BYTES, updatedCapacityBytes != null ? String.valueOf(updatedCapacityBytes) : null); details.put(PrimaryDataStoreLifeCycle.CAPACITY_IOPS, updatedCapacityIops != null ? String.valueOf(updatedCapacityIops) : null); ((PrimaryDataStoreLifeCycle) dataStoreLifeCycle).updateStoragePool(storagePool, details); } } Boolean enabled = cmd.getEnabled(); if (enabled != null) { if (enabled) { enablePrimaryStoragePool(pool); } else { disablePrimaryStoragePool(pool); } } if (updatedCapacityBytes != null) { _storagePoolDao.updateCapacityBytes(id, capacityBytes); } if (updatedCapacityIops != null) { _storagePoolDao.updateCapacityIops(id, capacityIops); } return (PrimaryDataStoreInfo) _dataStoreMgr.getDataStore(pool.getId(), DataStoreRole.Primary); }
From source
public void create(Boolean isAutherized, Long catId, String email, String phone, String price, MultipartFile previews[], String name, String desc, Long booleanIds[], String booleanVals[], Long stringIds[], String stringVals[], Long numIds[], String snumVals[], Long dateIds[], Date dateVals[], Long selIds[], Long selVals[], Long multyIds[], String multyVals[], Date dateFrom, Date dateTo, Long localIds[]) throws IOException { Boolean newUser = false;/* ww w . j a v a2s.c o m*/ if (catId != null) { Category cat = catDao.find(catId); if (cat != null) { if (isAutherized || (!isAutherized && email != null && !email.equals(""))) { PhoneEditor phe = new PhoneEditor(); phone = phe.getPhone(phone); addError(phe.error); if ((phone == null || phone.equals("")) && (email == null || email.equals(""))) { addError( " email ? "); } User user = userService.getUserByMail(email); if (!isAutherized && user == null) { user = userService.registerStandardUser(email); newUser = true; List<String> userErrors = userService.getErrors(); if (!userErrors.isEmpty()) { for (String er : userErrors) { addError("user_service: " + er + "; "); } } } Ad ad = new Ad(); ad.setInsertDate(new Date()); ad.setShowCount((long) 0); ad.setStatus(Ad.NEW); ad.setDateFrom(dateFrom); ad.setDateTo(dateTo); ad.setEmail(email); ad.setPhone(phone); ad.setAuthor(user); ad.setCat(cat); Set<Locality> locals = new HashSet(); /*if (region != null) { if (region.isAllRussia()) { locals.addAll(locDao.getAll()); } else { locals.addAll(region.getLocalities()); } }*/ if (localIds != null && localIds.length > 0) { locals.addAll(locDao.getLocs(localIds)); } else { addError(" ? "); } ad.setLocalities(locals); ad.setName(name); ad.setDescription(desc); ad.setPrice(getNumFromString(price, true)); ad.setValues(new HashSet()); if (validate(ad) && getErrors().isEmpty()) {; List<Long> reqParamIds = catDao.getRequiredParamsIds(catId); List<Parametr> catParams = paramDao.getParamsFromCat(catId); int i = 0; ArrayList<String> paramValsErrs = new ArrayList(); // ? ?? ? ? ? ??, ?, ? ? //? ad ArrayList<ParametrValue> list4Save = new ArrayList(); // if (booleanIds != null) { if (booleanVals == null) { booleanVals = new String[booleanIds.length]; } while (i < booleanIds.length) { Parametr p = paramDao.find(booleanIds[i]); if (catParams.contains(p) && Parametr.BOOL == p.getParamType()) { Long val = ParametrValue.NO; String sval = ""; if (booleanVals[i] != null) { val = ParametrValue.YES; sval = ""; } ParametrValue pv = new ParametrValue(); pv.setAd(ad); pv.setParametr(p); pv.setSelectVal(val); pv.setStringVal(sval); if (validate(pv)) { list4Save.add(pv); } } i++; } } if (stringVals != null && stringVals.length > 0) { i = 0; while (i < stringIds.length) { Long paramId = stringIds[i]; Parametr p = paramDao.find(paramId); if (catParams.contains(p) && Parametr.TEXT == p.getParamType()) { String val = stringVals[i]; if (val != null && !val.equals("")) { if (reqParamIds.contains(paramId)) { reqParamIds.remove(paramId); } ParametrValue pv = new ParametrValue(); pv.setAd(ad); pv.setParametr(p); pv.setStringVal(val); if (validate(pv)) { list4Save.add(pv); } } } i++; } } if (snumVals != null && snumVals.length > 0) { i = 0; while (i < numIds.length) { Long paramId = numIds[i]; Parametr p = paramDao.find(paramId); if (catParams.contains(p) && Parametr.NUM == p.getParamType()) { String sval = snumVals[i]; if (sval != null && !sval.equals("")) { Double val = getNumFromString(sval, true); if (reqParamIds.contains(paramId)) { reqParamIds.remove(paramId); } ParametrValue pv = new ParametrValue(); pv.setAd(ad); pv.setParametr(p); pv.setNumVal(val); pv.setStringVal(StringAdapter.getString(val)); if (validate(pv)) { list4Save.add(pv); } } } i++; } if (!getErrors().isEmpty()) { for (String e : getErrors()) { paramValsErrs.add(e); } } } if (dateVals != null && dateVals.length > 0) { i = 0; while (i < dateIds.length) { Long paramId = dateIds[i]; Parametr p = paramDao.find(paramId); if (catParams.contains(p) && Parametr.DATE == p.getParamType()) { Date val = dateVals[i]; if (val != null) { if (reqParamIds.contains(paramId)) { reqParamIds.remove(paramId); } ParametrValue pv = new ParametrValue(); pv.setAd(ad); pv.setParametr(p); pv.setDateVal(val); pv.setStringVal(DateAdapter.formatByDate(val, DateAdapter.SMALL_FORMAT)); if (validate(pv)) { list4Save.add(pv); } } } i++; } } if (selVals != null && selVals.length > 0) { i = 0; while (i < selIds.length) { Long paramId = selIds[i]; Parametr p = paramDao.find(paramId); if (catParams.contains(p) && Parametr.SELECTING == p.getParamType()) { Long val = selVals[i]; if (val != null && !val.equals(0L)) { if (reqParamIds.contains(paramId)) { reqParamIds.remove(paramId); } ParametrValue pv = new ParametrValue(); pv.setAd(ad); pv.setParametr(p); pv.setSelectVal(val); pv.setStringVal(paramSelDao.find(val).getName()); if (validate(pv)) { list4Save.add(pv); } } } i++; } } //? ? //TO DO (??) if (multyVals != null && multyVals.length > 0) { for (String rawVal : multyVals) { String idValArr[] = rawVal.split("_"); if (idValArr.length == 2) { String strId = idValArr[0]; String strVal = idValArr[1]; Long paramId = Long.valueOf(strId); Long val = Long.valueOf(strVal); Parametr p = paramDao.find(paramId); if (catParams.contains(p) && Parametr.MULTISELECTING == p.getParamType()) { if (reqParamIds.contains(paramId) && val != null) { reqParamIds.remove(paramId); } ParametrValue pv = new ParametrValue(); pv.setAd(ad); pv.setParametr(p); pv.setSelectVal(val); pv.setStringVal(paramSelDao.find(val).getName()); if (validate(pv)) { list4Save.add(pv); } } } } } //? ? ? ? if (!reqParamIds.isEmpty() || !paramValsErrs.isEmpty()) { for (Long id : reqParamIds) { addError(" " + paramDao.find(id).getName() + "; "); } //? adDao.delete(ad); } else { for (ParametrValue pv : list4Save) {; } File file = new File("/usr/local/seller/preview/" + ad.getId() + "/"); if (file.exists()) { for (File f : file.listFiles()) { f.delete(); } file.delete(); } file.mkdirs(); if (previews != null && previews.length > 0) { i = 0; while (i < 10 && i < previews.length) { MultipartFile prev = previews[i]; if (prev != null && 0L < prev.getSize()) { if (prev.getSize() <= (long) 3 * 1024 * 1024) { File f = new File( "/usr/local/seller/preview/" + ad.getId() + "/supPreview"); if (f.exists()) { f.delete(); } prev.transferTo(f); //to do ? - ?? try { BufferedImage bi =; BigDecimal x = BigDecimal.valueOf(0); BigDecimal y = BigDecimal.valueOf(0); BigDecimal h = BigDecimal.valueOf(bi.getHeight()); BigDecimal w = BigDecimal.valueOf(bi.getWidth()); if (h.compareTo(w) > 0) { y = (h.subtract(w)).divide(BigDecimal.valueOf(2), RoundingMode.HALF_UP); h = w; } else if (h.compareTo(w) < 0) { x = (w.subtract(h)).divide(BigDecimal.valueOf(2), RoundingMode.HALF_UP); w = h; } bi = bi.getSubimage(x.intValue(), y.intValue(), w.intValue(), h.intValue()); f.delete(); f = new File("/usr/local/seller/preview/" + ad.getId() + "/" + i); ImageIO.write(bi, "png", f); } catch (Exception e) { addError( "? ? " + prev.getName() + /*"; s="+prev.getSize()+"; t="+prev.getContentType()+"; l="+previews.length+*/ "; " + StringAdapter.getStackTraceException(e)); } } else { addError(" " + prev.getName() + " , ? 3 ."); } } i++; } } if (newUser) { userService.notifyAboutRegistration(email); } } } /* else { addError("user:" + user.getId() + " " + user.getName()); }*/ } else { addError( "? ?? email"); } } else { addError("? ? " + catId + " ."); } } else { addError("? "); } }
From source
public List getMostDownloadedStudyIds(Long vdcId, Long vdcNetworkId, int numResults) { String dataverseClause = ""; if (vdcId != null) { dataverseClause = " and s.owner_id = " + vdcId + " "; }//from ww w .j av a 2 s . c om String linkedStudyClause = ""; String networkClause = ""; if (vdcNetworkId != null && !vdcNetworkId.equals(vdcNetworkService.findRootNetwork().getId())) { networkClause = " and v.vdcnetwork_id = " + vdcNetworkId + " "; VDCNetwork vdcNetwork = vdcNetworkService.findById(vdcNetworkId); List<Study> linkedStudys = (List) vdcNetwork.getLinkedStudies(); List<Long> studyIdList = new ArrayList<Long>(); for (Study study : linkedStudys) { studyIdList.add(study.getId()); } if (studyIdList != null && studyIdList.size() > 0) { String studyIds = generateTempTableString(studyIdList); linkedStudyClause = " or in (" + studyIds + ") "; } } String queryStr = "select " + "from Study s " + "left outer JOIN StudyFileActivity sfa on = sfa.study_id " + "where in ( select from Study s, VDC v, StudyVersion sv " + " where = sv.study_id " + " and s.owner_id = " + " and v.restricted = false " + " and sv.versionstate = '" + StudyVersion.VersionState.RELEASED + "'" + dataverseClause + networkClause + ")" + linkedStudyClause + " group by " + " order by " + "(CASE WHEN sum(downloadcount) is null THEN -1 ELSE sum(downloadcount) END) desc"; //System.out.print("Download count query " + queryStr); Query query = em.createNativeQuery(queryStr); List<Long> returnList = new ArrayList<Long>(); if (numResults == -1) { for (Object currentResult : query.getResultList()) { // convert results into Longs returnList.add(new Long(((Integer) currentResult).longValue())); } } else { int i = 0; for (Object currentResult : query.getResultList()) { i++; if (i > numResults) { break; } else { returnList.add(new Long(((Integer) currentResult).longValue())); } } } return returnList; }
From source
protected boolean isConsultaValida() { if (designing) { return true; }//from w ww . j av a 2 s . co m this.track("isConsultaValida"); boolean ok = !this.isRestauracion() && this.getPaginaActualizacion().getRecursoDataProvider().isFuncionSelectAutorizada(); if (ok) { long f1 = this.getPaginaActualizacion().getRecursoDataProvider().getFuncionSelect(); long f2 = this.getPaginaActualizacion().getFuncionConsultarRecurso(); this.trace("funcion-actual=" + f1 + ", funcion-anterior=" + f2); ok = f1 == f2; } if (ok) { long v1 = this.getPaginaActualizacion().getRecursoDataProvider().getVersionComandoSelect(); long v2 = this.getPaginaActualizacion().getContextoSesion() .getVersionComandoSelectPagina(this.getClavePagina()); this.trace("version-actual=" + v1 + ", version-anterior=" + v2); ok = v1 == v2; } if (ok && this.isReinicio()) { String c1 = StringUtils .trimToNull(this.getPaginaActualizacion().getRecursoDataProvider().getCriteriosBusqueda()); String c2 = StringUtils .trimToNull(this.getPaginaActualizacion().getContextoPeticion().getCriteriosBusqueda()); this.trace("criterio-actual=" + c1 + ", criterio-anterior=" + c2); ok = c1 == null ? c2 == null : c1.equals(c2); } // if (ok && this.isPaginaConsultaConMaestro()) { // Long i1 = this.getIdentificacionRecursoMaestro(); // Long i2 = this.getPaginaActualizacion().getContextoSesion().getIdentificacionRecursoMaestroPagina(this.getClavePagina()); // this.trace("maestro-actual=" + i1 + ", maestro-anterior=" + i2); // ok = i1 == null ? i2 == null : i1.equals(i2); // } if (ok) { // String c1 = this.getColumnaIdentificacionRecursoMaestro(); String c1 = this.getPaginaActualizacion().getRecursoDataProvider().getColumnaMaestro(); String c2 = this.getPaginaActualizacion().getContextoSesion() .getColumnaIdentificacionRecursoMaestroPagina(this.getClavePagina()); this.trace("maestro-actual=" + c1 + ", maestro-anterior=" + c2); ok = c1 == null ? c2 == null : c1.equals(c2); } if (ok) { // Long i1 = this.getIdentificacionRecursoMaestro(); Long i1 = this.getPaginaActualizacion().getRecursoDataProvider().getIdentificacionMaestro(); Long i2 = this.getPaginaActualizacion().getContextoSesion() .getIdentificacionRecursoMaestroPagina(this.getClavePagina()); this.trace("maestro-actual=" + i1 + ", maestro-anterior=" + i2); ok = i1 == null ? i2 == null : i1.equals(i2); } return ok; }