Example usage for java.lang Long equals

List of usage examples for java.lang Long equals


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang Long equals.


public boolean equals(Object obj) 

Source Link


Compares this object to the specified object.


From source file:ome.services.ThumbnailCtx.java

 * Checks to see if a thumbnail is in the on disk cache or not.
 * //from ww  w .  j  a v  a 2 s.  c  o m
 * @param pixelsId The Pixels set the thumbnail is for.
 * @return Whether or not the thumbnail is in the on disk cache.
public boolean isThumbnailCached(long pixelsId) {
    Thumbnail metadata = pixelsIdMetadataMap.get(pixelsId);
    try {
        boolean dirtyMetadata = dirtyMetadata(pixelsId);
        boolean thumbnailExists = thumbnailService.getThumbnailExists(metadata);
        boolean isExtendedGraphCritical = isExtendedGraphCritical(Collections.singleton(pixelsId));
        Long metadataOwnerId = metadata.getDetails().getOwner().getId();
        Long sessionUserId = getCurrentUserId();
        boolean isMyMetadata = sessionUserId.equals(metadataOwnerId);
        if (!dirtyMetadata) {
            if (thumbnailExists) {
                return true;
            } else if (!thumbnailExists && isExtendedGraphCritical) {
                throw new ResourceError(String.format("Error retrieving Pixels id:%d. Thumbnail "
                        + "metadata exists but a thumbnail is not " + "available in the cache. User id:%d has "
                        + "insufficient permissions to create it.", pixelsId, userId));
        } else if (thumbnailExists && !isMyMetadata) {
                    "Thumbnail metadata is dirty for Pixels Id:%d and "
                            + "the metadata is owned User id:%d which is not us "
                            + "User id:%d. Ignoring this and returning the cached " + "thumbnail.",
                    pixelsId, metadataOwnerId, sessionUserId));
            return true;
        } else if (thumbnailExists && isExtendedGraphCritical) {
            log.warn(String.format("Thumbnail metadata is dirty for Pixels Id:%d and "
                    + "graph is critical for User id:%d. Ignoring this "
                    + "and returning the cached thumbnail.", pixelsId, userId));
            return true;
    } catch (IOException e) {
        String s = "Could not check if thumbnail is cached: ";
        log.error(s, e);
        throw new ResourceError(s + e.getMessage());
    return false;

From source file:com.granita.tasks.TaskListFragment.java

/** Returns the position of the task in the cursor. Returns -1 if the task is not in the cursor **/
private int getSelectedChildPostion(Uri taskUri, Cursor listCursor) {
    if (taskUri != null && listCursor != null && listCursor.moveToFirst()) {
        Long taskIdToSelect = Long.valueOf(taskUri.getLastPathSegment());
        do {/*from   w  w  w.  jav  a 2  s  .co m*/
            Long taskId = listCursor.getLong(listCursor.getColumnIndex(Tasks._ID));
            if (taskId.equals(taskIdToSelect)) {
                return listCursor.getPosition();
        } while (listCursor.moveToNext());
    return -1;

From source file:edu.ur.hibernate.ir.file.db.VersionedFileDAOTest.java

 * Test add a file to an irFile/*from   www.ja  v  a  2s  .  com*/
 * @throws LocationAlreadyExistsException 
public void versionedFileAddMultiFileDAOTest()
        throws IllegalFileSystemNameException, LocationAlreadyExistsException {
    TransactionStatus ts = tm.getTransaction(td);

    // create a repository to store files in.
    RepositoryBasedTestHelper repoHelper = new RepositoryBasedTestHelper(ctx);
    Repository repo = repoHelper.createRepository("localFileServer", "displayName", "file_database",
            "my_repository", properties.getProperty("a_repo_path"), "default_folder");

    // save the repository

    // Start the transaction 
    ts = tm.getTransaction(td);
    // create the first file to store in the temporary folder
    String tempDirectory = properties.getProperty("ir_hibernate_temp_directory");
    File directory = new File(tempDirectory);

    // helper to create the file
    FileUtil testUtil = new FileUtil();
    File f = testUtil.creatFile(directory, "testFile",
            "Hello  - irFile This is text in a file - VersionedFileDAO test");

    long fileSize1 = f.length();
    assert fileSize1 > 0 : "File size shold be greater than 0";

    long totalSize = fileSize1;

    // create the file in the file system.
    FileInfo fileInfo1 = repo.getFileDatabase().addFile(f, "newFile1");

    // add a second file
    File f2 = testUtil.creatFile(directory, "testFile2",
            "Hello2  - irFile This is text in second file - VersionedFileDAO test");

    // create the file in the file system.
    FileInfo fileInfo2 = repo.getFileDatabase().addFile(f2, "newFile2");

    long fileSize2 = f2.length();
    assert fileSize2 > 0 : "File 2 size shold be greater than 0";

    totalSize += fileSize2;

    assert totalSize == (fileSize1 + fileSize2) : "total size should equal " + fileSize1 + " + " + fileSize2
            + " but equals " + totalSize;

    UserEmail userEmail = new UserEmail("email");

    IrUser user = new IrUser("user", "password");
    user.addUserEmail(userEmail, true);

    // create the versioned file
    VersionedFile vif = new VersionedFile(user, fileInfo1, "new file test");

    // add the second version of the file
    vif.addNewVersion(fileInfo2, user);

    // Start the transaction
    ts = tm.getTransaction(td);
    VersionedFile otherVf = versionedIrFileDAO.getById(vif.getId(), false);

    Long irFileId1 = vif.getVersion(1).getIrFile().getId();
    Long irFileId2 = vif.getCurrentVersion().getIrFile().getId();

    assert irFileId1 != null : "File id should not be equal to null";
    assert irFileId1 > 0 : "File id should be greater than 0 ";

    assert irFileId2 != null : "File id should not be equal to null";
    assert irFileId2 > 0 : "File id should be greater than 0 ";

    assert !irFileId1.equals(irFileId2) : "file ids should be different but are not";
    assert vif.getLargestVersion() == 2 : "Current version should be 2 but is " + vif.getLargestVersion();

    // make sure file size is correct
    assert otherVf.getCurrentFileSizeBytes() == fileSize2 : " current version file size " + " should be "
            + fileSize2 + " but is " + otherVf.getCurrentFileSizeBytes();

    assert otherVf.getTotalSizeForAllFilesBytes() == totalSize : " Total size is " + totalSize
            + " and get total size = " + otherVf.getTotalSizeForAllFilesBytes();

    // Test rename
    // Start the transaction
    ts = tm.getTransaction(td);
    otherVf = versionedIrFileDAO.getById(vif.getId(), false);

     * Test versioned file and delete versioned file and user
    // Start the transaction
    ts = tm.getTransaction(td);
    VersionedFile other = versionedIrFileDAO.getById(vif.getId(), false);
    assert other != null : "Other should not be null";

    // make sure name changes where saved
    assert other.getNameWithExtension()
            .equals("fileName4.doc") : "Name with extension should be fileName4.doc but is: "
                    + other.getNameWithExtension();
    assert other.getName().equals("fileName4") : "Name should be fileName4 but is : " + other.getName();
    assert other.getCurrentVersion().getIrFile().getName()
            .equals("fileName4") : "Name with extension should be fileName4 but is: "
                    + other.getCurrentVersion().getIrFile().getName();
    assert other.getCurrentVersion().getIrFile().getFileInfo().getExtension()
            .equals("doc") : "extension should be .doc but is: "
                    + other.getCurrentVersion().getIrFile().getFileInfo().getExtension();

    fileDAO.makeTransient(fileDAO.getById(irFileId1, false));
    fileDAO.makeTransient(fileDAO.getById(irFileId2, false));
    userDAO.makeTransient(userDAO.getById(user.getId(), false));

From source file:com.flyhz.avengers.framework.application.AnalyzeApplication.java

private void analyze() {
    LOG.info("initanalyze first ......");
    HConnection hConnection = null;/*from  w  w  w .j  a  v  a  2  s . c  o m*/
    HBaseAdmin hbaseAdmin = null;
    // HTable hVersion = null;
    HTable hPage = null;
    try {
        hConnection = HConnectionManager.createConnection(hbaseConf);
        hbaseAdmin = new HBaseAdmin(hConnection);

        Configuration configuration = HBaseConfiguration.create(hbaseConf);

        configuration.setLong("hbase.rpc.timeout", 600000);
        // Scan
        configuration.setLong("hbase.client.scanner.caching", 1000);

        hPage = new HTable(hbaseConf, AVTable.av_page.name());

        Scan scan = new Scan();
        scan.addColumn(Bytes.toBytes(AVFamily.i.name()), Bytes.toBytes(AVColumn.bid.name()));
        ResultScanner rs = hPage.getScanner(scan);
        for (Result result : rs) {
            for (Cell cell : result.rawCells()) {
                String url = Bytes.toString(cell.getRowArray());
                String family = Bytes.toString(cell.getFamilyArray());
                String column = Bytes.toString(cell.getQualifierArray());
                Long value = Bytes.toLong(cell.getValueArray());
                LOG.info("rowkey -> {},family -> {},column -> {},value ->{}", url, family, column, value);
                if ("preference".equals(family) && "batchId".equals(column) && value.equals(this.batchId)) {
                if (urls.size() == 100) {
                    this.numTotalContainers = 100;
                    for (int i = 0; i < numTotalContainers; ++i) {
                        ContainerRequest containerAsk = setupContainerAskForRM();
                    while (!done && (numCompletedContainers.get() != numTotalContainers)) {
                        try {
                        } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
    } catch (IOException e) {
        LOG.error("analyze", e);
    } catch (Throwable e) {
        LOG.error("analyze", e);
    } finally {
        if (hPage != null) {
            try {
            } catch (IOException e) {
                LOG.error("", e);
        if (hbaseAdmin != null) {
            try {
            } catch (IOException e) {
                LOG.error("", e);
        if (hConnection != null) {
            try {
            } catch (IOException e) {
                LOG.error("", e);

From source file:jp.primecloud.auto.component.mysql.process.MySQLPuppetComponentProcess.java

protected Map<String, Object> createInstanceMap(Long componentNo, ComponentProcessContext context,
        boolean start, Long instanceNo, Map<String, Object> rootMap) {
    Map<String, Object> map = super.createInstanceMap(componentNo, context, start, instanceNo, rootMap);

    // Master??Slave????????
    Map<Long, Long> masterInstanceNoMap = (Map<Long, Long>) rootMap.get("masterInstanceNoMap");
    Long masterInstanceNo = masterInstanceNoMap.get(instanceNo);
    if (masterInstanceNo == null) {
        // Master???
        map.put("mysqlType", "MASTER");

        // Slave?Instances
        List<Instance> slaveInstances = new ArrayList<Instance>();
        for (Entry<Long, Long> entry : masterInstanceNoMap.entrySet()) {
            if (instanceNo.equals(entry.getValue())) {
                Instance instance = instanceDao.read(entry.getKey());
            }//from   w w  w. j av a 2s  .c  om
        map.put("slaveInstances", slaveInstances);
    } else {
        // Slave???
        map.put("mysqlType", "SLAVE");
        map.put("masterInstanceNo", masterInstanceNo);

        // Master?Instance
        ComponentInstance master = componentInstanceDao.read(componentNo, masterInstanceNo);
        if (master != null
                && ComponentInstanceStatus.fromStatus(master.getStatus()) == ComponentInstanceStatus.RUNNING) {
            Instance masterInstance = instanceDao.read(masterInstanceNo);
            map.put("masterInstance", masterInstance);

    return map;

From source file:core.dao.PagesDAOHibernate.java

@Transactional(readOnly = true)// w  w  w  . ja  v  a  2  s  .  c o m
public boolean checkRecursion(Long id, Long newIdPages) {
    if (id == null) {
        return false;
    if (newIdPages == null) {
        return true;
    //forming hql----------------------------------------------------
    StringBuilder baseHQL = new StringBuilder("SELECT pages.id FROM ");
    baseHQL.append(" WHERE id = :id");
    String hql = baseHQL.toString();
    baseHQL = null;

    Session sess = this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession();

    Object cur_id = newIdPages;
    while (cur_id != null) {
        if (id.equals(cur_id)) {
            return false;
        cur_id = sess.createQuery(hql).setParameter("id", cur_id).uniqueResult();
    return true;

From source file:org.alfresco.repo.domain.permissions.ADMAccessControlListDAO.java

private CounterSet fixOldDmAcls(Long nodeId, Long existingNodeAclId, Long inheritedAclId, boolean isRoot) {
    CounterSet result = new CounterSet();

    // If existingNodeAclId is not null and equal to inheritedAclId then we know we have hit a shared ACL we have bulk set 
    // - just carry on in this case - we do not need to get the acl

    Long newDefiningAcl = null;//from w ww  . j  a  v  a 2 s.  c  o  m

    if ((existingNodeAclId != null) && (existingNodeAclId.equals(inheritedAclId))) {
        // nothing to do except move into the children
    } else {
        AccessControlList existing = null;
        if (existingNodeAclId != null) {
            existing = aclDaoComponent.getAccessControlList(existingNodeAclId);

        if (existing != null) {
            if (existing.getProperties().getAclType() == ACLType.OLD) {
                SimpleAccessControlListProperties properties = new SimpleAccessControlListProperties(

                Long actuallyInherited = null;
                if (existing.getProperties().getInherits()) {
                    if (inheritedAclId != null) {
                        actuallyInherited = inheritedAclId;
                Acl newAcl = aclDaoComponent.createAccessControlList(properties, existing.getEntries(),
                newDefiningAcl = newAcl.getId();
                nodeDAO.setNodeAclId(nodeId, newDefiningAcl);
            } else if (existing.getProperties().getAclType() == ACLType.SHARED) {
                // nothing to do just cascade into the children - we most likely did a bulk set above.
                // TODO: Check shared ACL set is correct
            } else {
                // Already fixed up
                // TODO: Keep going to check
                // Check inheritance is correct
                return result;
        } else {
            // Set default ACL on roots with no settings
            if (isRoot) {

                AccessControlListProperties properties = aclDaoComponent.getDefaultProperties();
                Acl newAcl = aclDaoComponent.createAccessControlList(properties);
                newDefiningAcl = newAcl.getId();
                nodeDAO.setNodeAclId(nodeId, newDefiningAcl);
            } else {
                // Unset - simple inherit
                nodeDAO.setNodeAclId(nodeId, inheritedAclId);

    Long toInherit = null;
    List<NodeIdAndAclId> children = nodeDAO.getPrimaryChildrenAcls(nodeId);
    if (children.size() > 0) {
        // Only make inherited if required
        if (newDefiningAcl == null) {
            toInherit = inheritedAclId;
        } else {
            toInherit = aclDaoComponent.getInheritedAccessControlList(newDefiningAcl);


    if (children.size() > 0) {
        nodeDAO.setPrimaryChildrenSharedAclId(nodeId, null, toInherit);

    for (NodeIdAndAclId child : children) {
        CounterSet update = fixOldDmAcls(child.getId(), child.getAclId(), toInherit, false);

    return result;

From source file:csns.web.controller.SiteBlockControllerS.java

@RequestMapping(value = "/site/{qtr}/{cc}-{sn}/block/editItem", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String editItem(@PathVariable String qtr, @PathVariable String cc, @PathVariable int sn,
        @ModelAttribute Block block, @RequestParam Long newBlockId, @ModelAttribute Item item,
        @RequestParam(value = "uploadedFile", required = false) MultipartFile uploadedFile,
        BindingResult bindingResult, SessionStatus sessionStatus) {
    itemValidator.validate(item, uploadedFile, bindingResult);
    if (bindingResult.hasErrors())
        return "site/block/editItem";

    User user = SecurityUtils.getUser();
    Resource resource = item.getResource();
    if (resource.getType() == ResourceType.FILE && uploadedFile != null && !uploadedFile.isEmpty())
        resource.setFile(fileIO.save(uploadedFile, user, true));

    if (newBlockId.equals(block.getId()))
        block = blockDao.saveBlock(block);
    else {/* w  w  w. j  a  v a  2 s  .  com*/
        block = blockDao.saveBlock(block);
        Block newBlock = blockDao.getBlock(newBlockId);
        newBlock = blockDao.saveBlock(newBlock);

    logger.info(user.getUsername() + " edited item " + item.getId() + " in block " + block.getId());

    return "redirect:list";

From source file:io.plaidapp.designernews.ui.story.StoryActivity.java

private boolean isOP(Long userId) {
    return userId.equals(story.getUserId());

From source file:org.zilverline.service.CollectionManagerImpl.java

 * Gets a collection by id./* ww w.ja  v  a 2 s .  c  om*/
 * @param theId The id of the collection
 * @return Collection or null if not found
public DocumentCollection getCollection(final Long theId) {
    Iterator li = collections.iterator();
    while (li.hasNext()) {
        DocumentCollection c = (DocumentCollection) li.next();
        if (theId.equals(c.getId())) {
            return c;
    return null;