List of usage examples for java.lang Long equals
public boolean equals(Object obj)
From source
@Transactional public void removeMapsGroupFromLocation(Long groupId, Long locationId) { Location location = this.getLocationById(locationId); Set<MapsGroup> mapsGroups = location.getMapsGroups(); MapsGroup mapsGroupRemove = null;//ww w . j a va 2s .c om for (MapsGroup mapsGroup : mapsGroups) { if (groupId.equals(mapsGroup.getGroupId())) { mapsGroupRemove = mapsGroup; break; } } if (mapsGroupRemove != null) { location.getMapsGroups().remove(mapsGroupRemove); this.saveLocation(location); } }
From source
private StoredComponent resolve(ComponentSelector selector) { final StoredComponent result; final List<StoredComponent> matches = selector .accept(new ComponentSelectorVisitor<List<StoredComponent>>() { public List<StoredComponent> visit(ComponentHandlesSelector handles) { final ComponentHandlesMatchJoiner joiner = new ComponentHandlesMatchJoiner(handles); for (ComponentHandle handle : handles.handles()) { handle.accept(new ComponentHandleVisitor<Void>() { public Void visit(final CRC32ComponentHandle h) { data.componentsByCrc32.keySearchForward(h.value(), new SearchVisitor<Long, StoredComponent>() { public boolean next(Long key, StoredComponent value) { if (key.equals(h.value())) { joiner.addMatch(h, value); return true; } else { return false; } } }, null); return null; }//w w w.ja va2 s. c o m public Void visit(final MavenCoordinatesHandle m) { final MavenKey k = new MavenKey(m.coordinates()); data.componentsByMavenId.keySearchForward(k, new SearchVisitor<MavenKey, StoredComponent>() { public boolean next(MavenKey key, StoredComponent value) { if (key.equals(k)) { joiner.addMatch(m, value); return true; } else { return false; } } }, null); return null; } public Void visit(final Md5ComponentHandle h) { final byte[] hash = h.hash(); data.componentsByMd5.keySearchForward(hash, new SearchVisitor<byte[], StoredComponent>() { public boolean next(byte[] key, StoredComponent value) { if (AppkeepServiceImpl.equals(hash, key)) { joiner.addMatch(h, value); return true; } else { return false; } } }, null); return null; } public Void visit(final BuildTimestampComponentHandle h) { data.componentsByWhenBuilt.keySearchForward(h.getWhenBuilt(), new SearchVisitor<Instant, StoredComponent>() { public boolean next(Instant key, StoredComponent value) { if (key.equals(h.getWhenBuilt())) { joiner.addMatch(h, value); return true; } else { return false; } } }, null); return null; } }); } return joiner.fullMatches(); } public List<StoredComponent> visit(DirectComponentSelector directSelector) { return Collections.singletonList( data.components.get(, null, LockMode.READ_COMMITTED)); } }); // HANDLE MULTIPLE MATCHES if (matches.size() == 0) { result = null; } else if (matches.size() == 1) { result = matches.get(0); } else { StoredComponent latest = null; for (StoredComponent next : matches) { if (latest == null || next.whenAdded().isAfter(latest.whenAdded())) { latest = next; } } result = latest; } return result; }
From source
private CorresponGroup checkDefaultCorresponGroup(String userId, String projectId, Long corresponGroupId) throws ServiceAbortException { List<CorresponGroupUser> corresponGroupUserList = findCorresponGroupUserList(userId, projectId); for (CorresponGroupUser corresponGroupUser : corresponGroupUserList) { if (corresponGroupId.equals(corresponGroupUser.getCorresponGroup().getId())) { return corresponGroupUser.getCorresponGroup(); }/*from w w w . ja v a 2 s . co m*/ } //? throw new ServiceAbortException( ApplicationMessageCode.CANNOT_PERFORM_BECAUSE_CORRESPON_GROUP_NOT_RELATED_WITH_USER); }
From source
public PrismContainerValue<C> getValue(Long id) { for (PrismContainerValue<C> pval : getValues()) { if ((id == null && pval.getId() == null) || id.equals(pval.getId())) { return pval; }/*from w ww . ja v a2 s . c om*/ } return null; }
From source
private boolean isOP(Long userId) { return userId.equals(story.user_id); }
From source
/** * Gets the job result count.//from w w w . j a v a2s. c om * * @param schedulerName the scheduler name * @param state the state * @return the job result count */ public synchronized long getJobResultCount(String schedulerName, State state) { Long schedPk = findSchedulerPkByName(schedulerName); long result = 0; for (List<JobResultDO> lr : jobResults.values()) { for (JobResultDO jr : lr) { if (state != null && jr.getState() != state) { continue; } if (schedulerName != null) { TriggerJobDO jb = getJobByPk(jr.getJobPk()); if (jb == null) { continue; } if (schedPk != null && schedPk.equals(jb.getScheduler()) == false) { continue; } } ++result; } } return result; }
From source
/** * Adds the {@link Account} with the specified <code>accountId</code> to the * list of followers for the {@link Account} specified in <code>id</code> * /*from www. jav a2s . co m*/ * @param id * @param accountId */ @Transactional public void addFollower(Long id, Long accountId) { if (id.equals(accountId)) { throw new BadRequestException("An account cannot follow itself"); } Account account = getAccount(id); if (accountDao.getFollower(account, accountId) != null) { throw new BadRequestException( String.format("Account %d is already following account %d", accountId, id)); } Account follower = getAccount(accountId); accountDao.addFollower(account, follower); logActivity(follower, ActivityType.FOLLOW, account); }
From source
/** * Method runImpl./*from w w w . j ava 2s . c o m*/ */ @Override protected void runImpl() { GameClient client = getClient(); Player activeChar = client.getActiveChar(); if (activeChar == null) { client.closeNow(false); return; } int MyObjectId = activeChar.getObjectId(); Long MyStoreId = activeChar.getStoredId(); for (Castle castle : ResidenceHolder.getInstance().getResidenceList(Castle.class)) { activeChar.sendPacket(new ExCastleState(castle)); } synchronized (_lock) { for (Player cha : GameObjectsStorage.getAllPlayersForIterate()) { if (MyStoreId.equals(cha.getStoredId())) { continue; } try { if (cha.getObjectId() == MyObjectId) { _log.warn("Double EnterWorld for char: " + activeChar.getName()); cha.kick(); } } catch (Exception e) { _log.error("", e); } } } GameStats.incrementPlayerEnterGame(); boolean first = activeChar.entering; if (first) { activeChar.setOnlineStatus(true); if (activeChar.getPlayerAccess().GodMode && !Config.SHOW_GM_LOGIN) { activeChar.setInvisibleType(InvisibleType.NORMAL); } activeChar.setNonAggroTime(Long.MAX_VALUE); activeChar.spawnMe(); if (activeChar.isInStoreMode()) { if (!TradeHelper.checksIfCanOpenStore(activeChar, activeChar.getPrivateStoreType())) { activeChar.setPrivateStoreType(Player.STORE_PRIVATE_NONE); activeChar.standUp(); activeChar.broadcastCharInfo(); } } activeChar.setRunning(); activeChar.standUp(); activeChar.startTimers(); } activeChar.sendPacket(new ExBR_PremiumState(activeChar, activeChar.hasBonus())); activeChar.getMacroses().sendUpdate(0x01, 0, true); activeChar.sendPacket(new SSQInfo(), new HennaInfo(activeChar)); activeChar.sendItemList(false); activeChar.sendPacket(new ShortCutInit(activeChar)); activeChar.sendPacket(new ShortCutInit(activeChar), new SkillList(activeChar), new SkillCoolTime(activeChar)); activeChar.sendPacket(new SkillCoolTime(activeChar)); //activeChar.sendPacket(new ExCastleState(_castle)); activeChar.sendPacket(new ExVitalityEffectInfo(activeChar)); for (Castle castle : ResidenceHolder.getInstance().getResidenceList(Castle.class)) { activeChar.sendPacket(new ExCastleState(castle)); } activeChar.sendPacket(SystemMsg.WELCOME_TO_THE_WORLD_OF_LINEAGE_II); Announcements.getInstance().showAnnouncements(activeChar); if (first) { activeChar.getListeners().onEnter(); } if (first && (activeChar.getCreateTime() > 0)) { Calendar create = Calendar.getInstance(); create.setTimeInMillis(activeChar.getCreateTime()); Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance(); int day = create.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH); if ((create.get(Calendar.MONTH) == Calendar.FEBRUARY) && (day == 29)) { day = 28; } int myBirthdayReceiveYear = activeChar.getVarInt(Player.MY_BIRTHDAY_RECEIVE_YEAR, 0); if ((create.get(Calendar.MONTH) == now.get(Calendar.MONTH)) && (create.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) == day)) { if (((myBirthdayReceiveYear == 0) && (create.get(Calendar.YEAR) != now.get(Calendar.YEAR))) || ((myBirthdayReceiveYear > 0) && (myBirthdayReceiveYear != now.get(Calendar.YEAR)))) { Mail mail = new Mail(); mail.setSenderId(1); mail.setSenderName(StringHolder.getInstance().getNotNull(activeChar, "birthday.npc")); mail.setReceiverId(activeChar.getObjectId()); mail.setReceiverName(activeChar.getName()); mail.setTopic(StringHolder.getInstance().getNotNull(activeChar, "birthday.title")); mail.setBody(StringHolder.getInstance().getNotNull(activeChar, "birthday.text")); ItemInstance item = ItemFunctions.createItem(21169); item.setLocation(ItemInstance.ItemLocation.MAIL); item.setCount(1L);; mail.addAttachment(item); mail.setUnread(true); mail.setType(Mail.SenderType.BIRTHDAY); mail.setExpireTime((720 * 3600) + (int) (System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000L));; activeChar.setVar(Player.MY_BIRTHDAY_RECEIVE_YEAR, String.valueOf(now.get(Calendar.YEAR)), -1); } } } if (activeChar.getClan() != null) { notifyClanMembers(activeChar); activeChar.sendPacket(activeChar.getClan().listAll()); activeChar.sendPacket(new PledgeShowInfoUpdate(activeChar.getClan()), new PledgeSkillList(activeChar.getClan())); } if (first && Config.ALLOW_WEDDING) { CoupleManager.getInstance().engage(activeChar); CoupleManager.getInstance().notifyPartner(activeChar); } if (first) { activeChar.getFriendList().notifyFriends(true); loadTutorial(activeChar); activeChar.restoreDisableSkills(); activeChar.mentoringLoginConditions(); } sendPacket(new L2FriendList(activeChar), new ExStorageMaxCount(activeChar), new QuestList(activeChar), new ExBasicActionList(activeChar), new EtcStatusUpdate(activeChar)); activeChar.checkHpMessages(activeChar.getMaxHp(), activeChar.getCurrentHp()); activeChar.checkDayNightMessages(); if (Config.PETITIONING_ALLOWED) { PetitionManager.getInstance().checkPetitionMessages(activeChar); } if (!first) { if (activeChar.isCastingNow()) { Creature castingTarget = activeChar.getCastingTarget(); Skill castingSkill = activeChar.getCastingSkill(); long animationEndTime = activeChar.getAnimationEndTime(); if ((castingSkill != null) && (castingTarget != null) && castingTarget.isCreature() && (activeChar.getAnimationEndTime() > 0)) { sendPacket(new MagicSkillUse(activeChar, castingTarget, castingSkill.getId(), castingSkill.getLevel(), (int) (animationEndTime - System.currentTimeMillis()), 0)); } } if (activeChar.isInBoat()) { activeChar.sendPacket(activeChar.getBoat().getOnPacket(activeChar, activeChar.getInBoatPosition())); } if (activeChar.isMoving || activeChar.isFollow) { sendPacket(activeChar.movePacket()); } if (activeChar.getMountNpcId() != 0) { sendPacket(new Ride(activeChar)); } if (activeChar.isFishing()) { activeChar.stopFishing(); } } activeChar.entering = false; activeChar.sendUserInfo(); if (activeChar.isSitting()) { activeChar.sendPacket(new ChangeWaitType(activeChar, ChangeWaitType.WT_SITTING)); } if (activeChar.getPrivateStoreType() != Player.STORE_PRIVATE_NONE) { if (activeChar.getPrivateStoreType() == Player.STORE_PRIVATE_BUY) { sendPacket(new PrivateStoreMsgBuy(activeChar)); } else if ((activeChar.getPrivateStoreType() == Player.STORE_PRIVATE_SELL) || (activeChar.getPrivateStoreType() == Player.STORE_PRIVATE_SELL_PACKAGE)) { sendPacket(new PrivateStoreMsgSell(activeChar)); } else if (activeChar.getPrivateStoreType() == Player.STORE_PRIVATE_MANUFACTURE) { sendPacket(new RecipeShopMsg(activeChar)); } } if (activeChar.isDead()) { sendPacket(new Die(activeChar)); } activeChar.unsetVar("offline"); activeChar.sendActionFailed(); if (first && activeChar.isGM() && Config.SAVE_GM_EFFECTS && activeChar.getPlayerAccess().CanUseGMCommand) { if (activeChar.getVarB("gm_silence")) { activeChar.setMessageRefusal(true); activeChar.sendPacket(SystemMsg.MESSAGE_REFUSAL_MODE); } if (activeChar.getVarB("gm_invul")) { activeChar.setIsInvul(true); activeChar.startAbnormalEffect(AbnormalEffect.S_INVINCIBLE); activeChar.sendMessage(activeChar.getName() + " is now immortal."); } try { int var_gmspeed = Integer.parseInt(activeChar.getVar("gm_gmspeed")); if ((var_gmspeed >= 1) && (var_gmspeed <= 4)) { activeChar.doCast(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(7029, var_gmspeed), activeChar, true); } } catch (Exception E) { } } PlayerMessageStack.getInstance().CheckMessages(activeChar); sendPacket(ClientSetTime.STATIC, new ExSetCompassZoneCode(activeChar)); Pair<Integer, OnAnswerListener> entry = activeChar.getAskListener(false); if ((entry != null) && (entry.getValue() instanceof ReviveAnswerListener)) { sendPacket(new ConfirmDlg( SystemMsg.C1_IS_MAKING_AN_ATTEMPT_TO_RESURRECT_YOU_IF_YOU_CHOOSE_THIS_PATH_S2_EXPERIENCE_WILL_BE_RETURNED_FOR_YOU, 0).addString("Other player").addString("some")); } if (activeChar.isCursedWeaponEquipped()) { CursedWeaponsManager.getInstance().showUsageTime(activeChar, activeChar.getCursedWeaponEquippedId()); } if (!first) { if (activeChar.isInObserverMode()) { if (activeChar.getObserverMode() == Player.OBSERVER_LEAVING) { activeChar.returnFromObserverMode(); } else if (activeChar.getOlympiadObserveGame() != null) { activeChar.leaveOlympiadObserverMode(true); } else { activeChar.leaveObserverMode(); } } else if (activeChar.isVisible()) { World.showObjectsToPlayer(activeChar); } for (Summon summon : activeChar.getSummonList()) { sendPacket(new PetInfo(summon)); } if (activeChar.isInParty()) { sendPacket(new PartySmallWindowAll(activeChar.getParty(), activeChar)); for (Player member : activeChar.getParty().getPartyMembers()) { if (member != activeChar) { sendPacket(new PartySpelled(member, true)); for (Summon memberPet : member.getSummonList()) { sendPacket(new PartySpelled(memberPet, true)); } sendPacket(RelationChanged.update(activeChar, member, activeChar)); } } if (activeChar.getParty().isInCommandChannel()) { sendPacket(ExMPCCOpen.STATIC); } } for (int shotId : activeChar.getAutoSoulShot()) { sendPacket(new ExAutoSoulShot(shotId, true)); } for (Effect e : activeChar.getEffectList().getAllFirstEffects()) { if (e.getSkill().isToggle()) { sendPacket(new MagicSkillLaunched(activeChar.getObjectId(), e.getSkill().getId(), e.getSkill().getLevel(), activeChar)); } } activeChar.broadcastCharInfo(); } else { activeChar.sendUserInfo(); } activeChar.updateEffectIcons(); activeChar.setCurrentHpMp(activeChar.getActiveSubClass().getlogOnHp(), activeChar.getActiveSubClass().getlogOnMp()); activeChar.setCurrentCp(activeChar.getActiveSubClass().getlogOnCp()); activeChar.updateStats(); if (Config.ALT_PCBANG_POINTS_ENABLED) { activeChar.sendPacket(new ExPCCafePointInfo(activeChar, 0, 1, 2, 12)); } if (!activeChar.getPremiumItemList().isEmpty()) { activeChar.sendPacket(Config.GOODS_INVENTORY_ENABLED ? ExGoodsInventoryChangedNotify.STATIC : ExNotifyPremiumItem.STATIC); } if (activeChar.getVarB("HeroPeriod") && Config.SERVICES_HERO_SELL_ENABLED) { activeChar.setHero(activeChar); } activeChar.sendVoteSystemInfo(); activeChar.sendPacket(new ExReceiveShowPostFriend(activeChar)); activeChar.sendPacket(new ExSubjobInfo(activeChar.getPlayer(), false)); activeChar.sendPacket(new ExVitalityEffectInfo(activeChar)); activeChar.sendPacket(new ExTutorialList()); activeChar.sendPacket(new ExWaitWaitingSubStituteInfo(true)); for (Effect effect : activeChar.getEffectList().getAllEffects()) { if (effect.isInUse()) { if (effect.getSkill().getId() == 10022) { activeChar.setIsIgnoringDeath(true); } } } if (Config.ALT_GAME_REMOVE_PREVIOUS_CERTIFICATES) { Skill[] allSkill = activeChar.getAllSkillsArray(); int totalCertificates = 0; for (Skill skl : allSkill) { if (skl.getId() >= 1573 && skl.getId() <= 1581) { totalCertificates += skl.getLevel(); activeChar.removeSkill(skl, true); } } if (totalCertificates > 0) { activeChar.getInventory().addItem(10280, totalCertificates);"EnterWorld: Player - " + activeChar.getName() + " - Has received " + totalCertificates + " by previous skill certificate deletion."); for (SubClass sc : activeChar.getSubClassList().values()) { sc.setCertification(0);; } } } activeChar.sendPacket(new ExAcquirableSkillListByClass(activeChar)); activeChar.setPartySearchStatus(true); activeChar.sendPacket(new ExWaitWaitingSubStituteInfo(true)); checkNewMail(activeChar); activeChar.sendPacket(new ExChangeMPCost(1, -3)); activeChar.sendPacket(new ExChangeMPCost(1, -5)); activeChar.sendPacket(new ExChangeMPCost(0, 20)); activeChar.sendPacket(new ExChangeMPCost(1, -10)); activeChar.sendPacket(new ExChangeMPCost(3, -20)); activeChar.sendPacket(new ExChangeMPCost(22, -20)); if (activeChar.getVar("startMovie") == null) { activeChar.setVar("startMovie", "1", -1); activeChar.sendPacket(new ExShowUsmVideo(ExShowUsmVideo.GD1_INTRO)); } if ((activeChar.getLevel() > 84) && !activeChar.isAwaking()) { AwakingManager.getInstance().SendReqToStartQuest(activeChar); } if (activeChar.isAwaking()) //If the characters returns to Main, or dual Subclass and Delete Skills prof are active, do check of Correct skills { if (Config.ALT_CHECK_SKILLS_AWAKENING) { AwakingManager.getInstance().checkAwakenPlayerSkills(activeChar); } } }
From source
/** * /*from w w w. jav a 2s. com*/ * @throws Exception */ @Test public void acceptInvitation() throws Exception { UserConnectionService userConnectionBo = (UserConnectionService) applicationContext .getBean(ComponentNames.USER_CONNECTION_SERVICE); assertNotNull(userConnectionBo); User owner = userService.login("sysuser1", "12345"); assertNotNull(owner); assertTrue(Patient.class.isInstance(owner)); User user = userService.login("sysuser1", "12345"); assertNotNull(user); assertTrue(Patient.class.isInstance(user)); try { userConnectionBo.acceptInvitation(user.getId(), null); fail(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { assertTrue(e.getMessage().equals("Owner id must not be null")); } try { userConnectionBo.acceptInvitation(null, owner.getId()); fail(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { assertTrue(e.getMessage().equals("User id must not be null")); } try { userConnectionBo.acceptInvitation(user.getId(), owner.getId()); fail(); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { assertTrue(e.getMessage().equals("Connection not exists")); } List<UserConnection> connections = userConnectionBo.findAll(); int oldSize = connections.size(); UserConnection userConnection = new UserConnection(); userConnection.setState(UserConnectionState.P); userConnection.setOwner(owner); userConnection.setUser(user); userConnection.setCreated(new Date()); Long userConnectionId =; assertTrue(!userConnectionId.equals(0L)); assertNotNull(userConnectionId); connections = userConnectionBo.findAll(); assertTrue(connections.size() == oldSize + 1); userConnectionBo.acceptInvitation(user.getId(), owner.getId()); UserConnection connection = userConnectionBo.findById(userConnectionId); assertTrue(connection.getState().equals(UserConnectionState.A)); try { userConnectionBo.acceptInvitation(user.getId(), owner.getId()); fail(); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { assertTrue(e.getMessage().equals("Connection wrong state, it isn't pending")); } }
From source
@Override public void doFilter(ServletRequest req, ServletResponse res, FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException { System.out.println("ResourceValidationFilter: start of pooFilter"); Boolean invalid = true;/*w w w . j ava 2 s. com*/ Boolean hasBearer = false; Boolean hasValidOAuthAccessToken = false; Boolean resourceRequest = false; Authorization authorizationFromToken = null; Subscription subscription = null; String resourceUri = null; String authorizationUri = null; Set<String> roles = null; // Get the URI for later tests HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) req; HttpServletResponse response = (HttpServletResponse) res; String uri = request.getRequestURI(); String service = request.getMethod(); // See if any authentication has happened Authentication authentication = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication(); if (authentication != null) { roles = AuthorityUtils.authorityListToSet(authentication.getAuthorities()); } else { System.out.printf("ResourceValidationFilter: doFilter - Access Not Authorized\n"); throw new AccessDeniedException(String.format("Access Not Authorized")); } System.out.printf("ResourceValidationFilter: role = %s, HttpRequest Method: %s, uri: %s\n", roles, service, uri); // Only process resource API request if ((uri.indexOf("/espi/1_1/resource/") != -1)) { resourceRequest = true; } // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // find the access token if present and validate we have a good one // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// String token = request.getHeader("authorization"); if (token != null) { if (token.contains("Bearer")) { // has Authorization header with Bearer type hasBearer = true; token = token.replace("Bearer ", ""); // ensure length is >12 characters (48 bits in hex at least) if (token.length() >= 12) { // lookup the authorization -- we must have one to // correspond to an access token try { authorizationFromToken = authorizationService.findByAccessToken(token); hasValidOAuthAccessToken = true; resourceUri = authorizationFromToken.getResourceURI(); authorizationUri = authorizationFromToken.getAuthorizationURI(); subscription = authorizationFromToken.getSubscription(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.printf("ResourceValidationFilter: doFilter - No Authorization Found - %s\n", e.toString()); throw new AccessDeniedException(String.format("No Authorization Found")); } } } } // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // If this is a resource request ensure it has a Bearer token // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if ((hasBearer == false) & !(resourceRequest == true)) { // no Bearer token and it passed the OAuth filter - so it must be // good2go not RESTAPI request // make sure the role is not an ANONYMOUS request for /manage ... if (!((roles.contains("ROLE_ANONYMOUS")) & (uri.indexOf("/management") != -1))) { invalid = false; } } // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // if this is RESTful request, process based on ROLE // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// else if (hasValidOAuthAccessToken == true) { // if it has a valid access token // then we know it is REST request // Dispatch on authentication type // first, escape out of this if it is the special // "manage?command=foo" form int i = uri.indexOf("/management"); if (i > 0) { if (roles.contains("ROLE_DC_ADMIN")) { invalid = false; } else { System.out.printf("ResourceValidationFilter: doFilter - not valid for this token %s\n", uri); throw new AccessDeniedException(String.format("Access Not Authorized")); } } else { // lets check the uri i = uri.indexOf("espi/1_1/resource/"); if (i > 0) { // lets shorten it by stripping off up to resource uri = uri.substring(uri.indexOf("/resource/")); } else { // cant be a resource System.out.printf("ResourceValidationFilter: doFilter - Uri not well formed %s\n", uri); throw new AccessDeniedException(String.format("Access Not Authorized")); } } // strip off uri up to /resource/ since that is how we go here resourceUri = resourceUri.substring(resourceUri.indexOf("/resource/")); authorizationUri = authorizationUri.substring(authorizationUri.indexOf("/resource/")); // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ROLE_USER // // GET /resource/LocalTimeParameters // GET /resource/LocalTimeParameters/{localTimeParametersId} // GET /resource/ReadingType // GET /resource/ReadingType/{readingTypeId} // GET /resource/Batch/Subscription/{subscriptionId} // GET // /resource/Batch/Subscription/{subscriptionId}/UsagePoint/{usagePointId} // GET /resource/Subscription/{subscriptionId}/UsagePoint // GET // /resource/Subscription/{subscriptionId}/UsagePoint/{usagePointId} // GET // /resource/Subscription/{subscriptionId}/UsagePoint/{usagePointId}/ElectricPowerQualitySummary // GET // /resource/Subscription/{subscriptionId}/UsagePoint/{usagePointId}/ElectricPowerQualitySummary/{electricPowerQualitySummaryId} // GET // /resource/Subscription/{subscriptionId}/UsagePoint/{usagePointId}/ElectricPowerUsageSumary // GET // /resource/Subscription/{subscriptionId}/UsagePoint/{usagePointId}/ElectricPowerUsageSumary/{electricPowerUsageSummaryId} // GET // /resource/Subscription/{subscriptionId}/UsagePoint/{usagePointId}/MeterReading // GET // /resource/Subscription/{subscriptionId}/UsagePoint/{usagePointId}/MeterReading/{meterReadingId} // GET // /resource/Subscription/{subscriptionId}/UsagePoint/{usagePointId}/MeterReading/{meterReadingId}/IntervalBlock // GET // /resource/Subscription/{subscriptionId}/UsagePoint/{usagePointId}/MeterReading/{meterReadingId}/IntervalBlock/{intervalBlockId} // // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (invalid && roles.contains("ROLE_USER")) { // break uri into tokens String[] tokens = uri.split("/"); // only GET for this ROLE permitted if (!service.equals("GET")) { System.out.printf( "ResourceValidationFilter: doFilter - ROLE_USER attempted a RESTful %s Request -- Only GET Request are allowed\n", service); throw new AccessDeniedException(String.format("Access Not Authorized")); } // look for the root forms of LocalTimeParameters and // ReadingType if (invalid && ((uri.contains("resource/LocalTimeParameters")) || (uri.contains("resource/ReadingType")))) { invalid = false; } // must be either /resource/Batch/Subscription/{subscriptionId} if (invalid && uri.contains("/resource/Batch/Subscription")) { if (uri.startsWith(resourceUri)) { invalid = false; } else { // not authorized for this resource System.out.printf("ResourceValidationFilter: doFilter - Access Not Authorized\n"); throw new AccessDeniedException(String.format("Access Not Authorized")); } } // or /resource/Batch/Subscription/{subscriptionId}/** if (invalid && uri.contains("/resource/Subscription")) { if (authorizationFromToken.getSubscription().getId() .compareTo(Long.parseLong(tokens[3], 10)) == 0) { invalid = false; } else { // not authorized for this resource System.out.printf("ResourceValidationFilter: doFilter - Access Not Authorized\n"); throw new AccessDeniedException(String.format("Access Not Authorized")); } } } else if (invalid && roles.contains("ROLE_DC_ADMIN")) { // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ROLE_DC_ADMIN // Access to all services and APIs // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // invalid = false; } else if (invalid && roles.contains("ROLE_TP_ADMIN")) { // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ROLE_TP_ADMIN // // GET /resource/Authorization // GET /resource/Authorization/{authorizationId} // PUT /resource/Authorization/{authorizationId} // DELETE /resource/Authorization/{authorizationId} // GET /resource/Batch/Bulk/{bulkId} // GET /resource/ReadServiceStatus // GETALL // s{bulkId} // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // the Bulk Authorizations if (invalid && uri.contains("/resource/Batch/Bulk")) { invalid = false; } // Authorizations GET/PUT/DELETE on individual, GET on // collection if (invalid && (uri.contains("/resource/Authorization"))) { // this is retrieving the authorization related to the token // the TP has access to AuthorizationIds he is tp for // which is authorization looked by access token, or, // any authorization that points to same // applicationInformationId if (service.equals("GET") || service.equals("PUT") || service.equals("DELETE")) { if (authorizationUri.equals(uri)) { invalid = false; } else { // get authorizationID if present String[] tokens = uri.split("/"); Long authorizationId = -1l; if (tokens.length > 3) { authorizationId = Long.parseLong(tokens[3], 10); } // check if its a collection if (authorizationId != -1l) { // it is specific ID, see if it authorization // for this third party Authorization requestedAuthorization = authorizationService .findById(authorizationId); if ((requestedAuthorization.getApplicationInformation().getId()) .equals(authorizationFromToken.getApplicationInformation().getId())) { invalid = false; } else { // not authorized for this resource System.out .printf("ResourceValidationFilter: doFilter - Access Not Authorized\n"); throw new AccessDeniedException(String.format("Access Not Authorized")); } } else { // this is collection request and controller // will limit to valid authorizations if (service.equals("GET")) { invalid = false; } else { // not authorized for this resource System.out .printf("ResourceValidationFilter: doFilter - Access Not Authorized\n"); throw new AccessDeniedException(String.format("Access Not Authorized")); } } } } } if (invalid && uri.contains("/resource/ReadServiceStatus")) { if (service.equals("GET")) { invalid = false; } else { // not authorized for this resource System.out.printf("ResourceValidationFilter: doFilter - Access Not Authorized\n"); throw new AccessDeniedException(String.format("Access Not Authorized")); } } // sftp // TODO: } else if (invalid && roles.contains("ROLE_UL_ADMIN")) { // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ROLE_UL_ADMIN // // GET // /resource/Batch/RetailCustomer/{retailCustomerId}/UsagePoint // POST // /resource/Batch/RetailCustomer/{retailCustomerId}/UsagePoint // GET /resource/Authorization/{authorizationId} // // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // he can get his own AuthorizationUri // check if it is this authorization request if (uri.contains("/resource/Authorization")) { if (authorizationUri.equals(uri)) { invalid = false; } else { // not authorized for this resource System.out.printf("ResourceValidationFilter: doFilter - Access Not Authorized\n"); throw new AccessDeniedException(String.format("Access Not Authorized")); } } if (invalid && uri.contains("/resource/Batch/RetailCustomer")) { invalid = false; } if (invalid && uri.contains("/resource/ReadServiceStatus")) { if (service.equals("GET")) { invalid = false; } else { // not authorized for this resource System.out.printf("ResourceValidationFilter: doFilter - Access Not Authorized\n"); throw new AccessDeniedException(String.format("Access Not Authorized")); } } } else if (invalid && roles.contains("ROLE_TP_REGISTRATION")) { // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ROLE_TP_REGISTRATION // // GET // /resource/ApplicationInformation/{applicationInformationId} // PUT // /resource/ApplicationInformation/{applicationInformationId} // DELETE // /resource/ApplicationInformation/{applicationInformationId} // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (service.equals("GET") || service.equals("PUT") || service.equals("DELETE")) { if (uri.contains("/resource/ApplicationInformation")) { String[] tokens = uri.split("/"); if (tokens.length > 3) { Long applicationInformationIdFromUri = Long.parseLong(tokens[3], 10); Long applicationInformationId = authorizationFromToken.getApplicationInformation() .getId(); // only gets access to his if (applicationInformationIdFromUri.equals(applicationInformationId)) { invalid = false; } } else { // not authorized for this resource System.out.printf("ResourceValidationFilter: doFilter - Access Not Authorized\n"); throw new AccessDeniedException(String.format("Access Not Authorized")); } } else { // not authorized for this resource System.out.printf("ResourceValidationFilter: doFilter - Access Not Authorized\n"); throw new AccessDeniedException(String.format("Access Not Authorized")); } } else { // not authorized for this resource System.out.printf("ResourceValidationFilter: doFilter - Access Not Authorized\n"); throw new AccessDeniedException(String.format("Access Not Authorized")); } } } System.out.printf("ResourceValidationFilter: normal exit doFilter: invalid=%s\n", invalid); if (invalid) { // not authorized for this resource System.out.printf("ResourceValidationFilter: doFilter - Access Not Authorized\n"); throw new AccessDeniedException(String.format("Access Not Authorized")); } // TODO -- Verify contents of query parameters are properly formatted chain.doFilter(req, res); }