Example usage for com.google.common.collect Sets symmetricDifference

List of usage examples for com.google.common.collect Sets symmetricDifference


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.common.collect Sets symmetricDifference.


public static <E> SetView<E> symmetricDifference(final Set<? extends E> set1, final Set<? extends E> set2) 

Source Link


Returns an unmodifiable view of the symmetric difference of two sets.


From source file:org.apache.brooklyn.entity.nosql.cassandra.CassandraDatacenterImpl.java

public void update() {
    synchronized (mutex) {
        // Update our seeds, as necessary
        seedTracker.refreshSeeds();/*from  ww  w  .ja  va 2s .  c o  m*/

        // Choose the first available cluster member to set host and port (and compute one-up)
        Optional<Entity> upNode = Iterables.tryFind(getMembers(),
                EntityPredicates.attributeEqualTo(SERVICE_UP, Boolean.TRUE));

        if (upNode.isPresent()) {
            sensors().set(HOSTNAME, upNode.get().getAttribute(Attributes.HOSTNAME));
            sensors().set(THRIFT_PORT, upNode.get().getAttribute(CassandraNode.THRIFT_PORT));

            List<String> currentNodes = getAttribute(CASSANDRA_CLUSTER_NODES);
            Set<String> oldNodes = (currentNodes != null) ? ImmutableSet.copyOf(currentNodes)
                    : ImmutableSet.<String>of();
            Set<String> newNodes = MutableSet.<String>of();
            for (Entity member : getMembers()) {
                if (member instanceof CassandraNode && Boolean.TRUE.equals(member.getAttribute(SERVICE_UP))) {
                    String hostname = member.getAttribute(Attributes.HOSTNAME);
                    Integer thriftPort = member.getAttribute(CassandraNode.THRIFT_PORT);
                    if (hostname != null && thriftPort != null) {
                        newNodes.add(HostAndPort.fromParts(hostname, thriftPort).toString());
            if (Sets.symmetricDifference(oldNodes, newNodes).size() > 0) {
                sensors().set(CASSANDRA_CLUSTER_NODES, MutableList.copyOf(newNodes));
        } else {
            sensors().set(HOSTNAME, null);
            sensors().set(THRIFT_PORT, null);
            sensors().set(CASSANDRA_CLUSTER_NODES, Collections.<String>emptyList());

        ServiceNotUpLogic.updateNotUpIndicatorRequiringNonEmptyList(this, CASSANDRA_CLUSTER_NODES);

From source file:com.streamreduce.storm.bolts.AbstractMetricsBolt.java

 * Returns a map containing hashtag changes and their respective values.
 * * Map key: The hashtag added/removed/*from   w w w  .  j a  v  a 2  s.c o  m*/
 * * Map value: 1.0 for added hashtags and -1.0 for deleted hashtags
 * @param eventId the event's id
 * @param targetId the event's target id
 * @param metadata the event's metadata
 * @param hashtagsKey the metadata key containing the event's hashtags
 * @return the map
protected Map<String, Float> getHashtagChanges(EventId eventId, String targetId, Map<String, Object> metadata,
        String hashtagsKey) {
    Float eventValue = getEventValue(eventId);
    Map<String, Float> hashtagChanges = new TreeMap<>();
    Set<String> hashtags = metadata.get(hashtagsKey) != null ? (Set<String>) metadata.get(hashtagsKey)
            : Collections.EMPTY_SET;

    if (!Float.isNaN(eventValue)) {
        if (Math.abs(eventValue) == 1.0f) {
            // If the event value is 1.0 or -1.0 (CREATE/DELETE), just process as all added/deleted
            for (String hashtag : hashtags) {
                hashtagChanges.put(hashtag, eventValue);
        } else if (eventValue == 0.0f) {
            // If the event value is 0.0 (UPDATE), figure out the added/deleted hashtags and process as such
            Integer targetVersion = metadata.get("targetVersion") != null
                    ? (Integer) metadata.get("targetVersion")
                    : 0;
            Map<String, Object> previousEvent = MESSAGE_DB_MONGO_CLIENT.getEventForTargetAndVersion(targetId,
            Map<String, Object> previousMetadata = previousEvent != null
                    && previousEvent.get("metadata") != null
                            ? (Map<String, Object>) previousEvent.get("metadata")
                            : Collections.<String, Object>emptyMap();
            Set<String> previousHashtags = previousMetadata.get(hashtagsKey) != null
                    ? (Set<String>) previousMetadata.get(hashtagsKey)
                    : Collections.EMPTY_SET;
            Set<String> differences = Sets.symmetricDifference(hashtags, previousHashtags);

            for (String hashtag : differences) {
                if (hashtags.contains(hashtag)) {
                    // Added
                    hashtagChanges.put(hashtag, 1.0f);
                } else {
                    // Deleted
                    hashtagChanges.put(hashtag, -1.0f);

    return hashtagChanges;

From source file:com.cinchapi.concourse.server.ConcourseServer.java

 * Revert {@code key} in {@code record} to its state {@code timestamp} using
 * the provided atomic {@code operation}.
 * /*from   ww w.j av a  2  s  . c  om*/
 * @param key
 * @param record
 * @param timestamp
 * @param operation
 * @throws AtomicStateException
private static void revertAtomic(String key, long record, long timestamp, AtomicOperation operation)
        throws AtomicStateException {
    Set<TObject> past = operation.select(key, record, timestamp);
    Set<TObject> present = operation.select(key, record);
    Set<TObject> xor = Sets.symmetricDifference(past, present);
    for (TObject value : xor) {
        if (present.contains(value)) {
            operation.remove(key, value, record);
        } else {
            operation.add(key, value, record);

From source file:ome.services.graphs.GraphTraversal.java

 * Traverse model object graph to determine steps for the proposed operation.
 * Assumes that the internal {@code planning} field is set up and mutates it accordingly.
 * @param session the Hibernate session to use for HQL queries
 * @throws GraphException if the model objects were not as expected
 *//*from w ww  .ja  v a  2s  .  c  om*/
private void planOperation(Session session) throws GraphException {
    /* track state to guarantee progress in reprocessing objects whose orphan status is relevant */
    Set<CI> optimisticReprocess = null;
    /* set of not-last objects after latest review */
    Set<CI> isNotLast = null;
    while (true) {
        /* process any pending objects */
        while (!(planning.toProcess.isEmpty() && planning.findIfLast.isEmpty())) {
            /* first process any cached objects that do not await orphan status determination */
            final Set<CI> toProcess = new HashSet<CI>(planning.toProcess);
            if (!toProcess.isEmpty()) {
                if (optimisticReprocess != null
                        && !Sets.difference(planning.toProcess, optimisticReprocess).isEmpty()) {
                    /* processing something beyond optimistic suggestion, so circumstances have changed */
                    optimisticReprocess = null;
                for (final CI nextObject : toProcess) {
                    reviewObject(nextObject, false);
            /* if none of the above exist, then fill the cache */
            final Set<CI> toCache = new HashSet<CI>(planning.toProcess);
            if (!toCache.isEmpty()) {
                optimisticReprocess = null;
                cache(session, toCache);
            /* try processing the findIfLast in case of any changes */
            if (!planning.toProcess.isEmpty()) {
                final Set<CI> previousToProcess = new HashSet<CI>(planning.toProcess);
                final Set<CI> previousFindIfLast = new HashSet<CI>(planning.findIfLast);
                for (final CI nextObject : previousToProcess) {
                    reviewObject(nextObject, false);
                /* This condition is tricky. We do want to reprocess objects that are suggested for such, while
                 * avoiding an infinite loop that comes of such processing not resolving any orphan status. */
                if (!Sets.symmetricDifference(previousFindIfLast, planning.findIfLast).isEmpty()
                        || (optimisticReprocess == null
                                || !Sets.symmetricDifference(planning.toProcess, optimisticReprocess).isEmpty())
                                && !Sets.symmetricDifference(previousToProcess, planning.toProcess).isEmpty()) {
                    optimisticReprocess = new HashSet<CI>(planning.toProcess);
            /* if no other processing or caching is needed, then deem outstanding objects orphans */
            optimisticReprocess = null;
            for (final CI orphan : planning.findIfLast) {
                planning.foundIfLast.put(orphan, true);
                if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    log.debug("marked " + orphan + " as " + Orphan.IS_LAST);
        /* determine which objects are now not last */
        final Set<CI> latestIsNotLast = new HashSet<CI>();
        for (final Entry<CI, Boolean> objectAndIsLast : planning.foundIfLast.entrySet()) {
            if (!objectAndIsLast.getValue()) {
        if (latestIsNotLast.isEmpty()
                || (isNotLast != null && Sets.difference(isNotLast, latestIsNotLast).isEmpty())) {
            /* no fewer not-last objects than before */
        /* before completing processing, verify not-last status of objects */
        isNotLast = latestIsNotLast;
        for (final CI object : isNotLast) {
            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                log.debug("marked " + object + " as " + Orphan.RELEVANT + " to verify " + Orphan.IS_NOT_LAST
                        + " status");

From source file:com.opengamma.masterdb.batch.DbBatchWriter.java

public synchronized RiskRun startBatchInTransaction(ViewCycleMetadata cycleMetadata,
        Map<String, String> batchParameters, RunCreationMode runCreationMode, SnapshotMode snapshotMode) {
    s_logger.info("Starting batch ... {}", cycleMetadata);

    RiskRun run;//from  w  w w . ja  va2 s .c o m
    switch (runCreationMode) {
    case AUTO:
        run = findRiskRunInDb(cycleMetadata.getValuationTime(), cycleMetadata.getVersionCorrection(),
                cycleMetadata.getViewDefinitionId(), cycleMetadata.getMarketDataSnapshotId());

        if (run != null) {
            // also check parameter equality
            Map<String, String> existingProperties = run.getPropertiesMap();

            if (!existingProperties.equals(batchParameters)) {
                Set<Map.Entry<String, String>> symmetricDiff = Sets
                        .symmetricDifference(existingProperties.entrySet(), batchParameters.entrySet());
                throw new IllegalStateException(
                        "Run parameters stored in DB differ from new parameters with respect to: "
                                + symmetricDiff);

        if (run == null) {
            run = createRiskRunInTransaction(cycleMetadata.getViewDefinitionId(),
                    cycleMetadata.getMarketDataSnapshotId(), cycleMetadata.getVersionCorrection(),
                    cycleMetadata.getValuationTime(), batchParameters, snapshotMode);
        } else {

        run = findRiskRunInDb(cycleMetadata.getValuationTime(), cycleMetadata.getVersionCorrection(),
                cycleMetadata.getViewDefinitionId(), cycleMetadata.getMarketDataSnapshotId());
        if (run != null) {

        run = createRiskRunInTransaction(cycleMetadata.getViewDefinitionId(),
                cycleMetadata.getMarketDataSnapshotId(), cycleMetadata.getVersionCorrection(),
                cycleMetadata.getValuationTime(), batchParameters, snapshotMode);

    case CREATE_NEW:
        run = createRiskRunInTransaction(cycleMetadata.getViewDefinitionId(),
                cycleMetadata.getMarketDataSnapshotId(), cycleMetadata.getVersionCorrection(),
                cycleMetadata.getValuationTime(), batchParameters, snapshotMode);

        run = findRiskRunInDb(cycleMetadata.getValuationTime(), cycleMetadata.getVersionCorrection(),
                cycleMetadata.getViewDefinitionId(), cycleMetadata.getMarketDataSnapshotId());
        if (run == null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot find run in database for " + cycleMetadata);

        throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected run creation mode " + runCreationMode);

    populateCalculationConfigurations(run.getId(), cycleMetadata);

    Collection<ComputationTargetSpecification> computationTargets = newArrayList();
    for (final String configName : cycleMetadata.getAllCalculationConfigurationNames()) {
        for (com.opengamma.engine.ComputationTargetSpecification computationTarget : cycleMetadata
                .getComputationTargets(configName)) {

    _statusCacheByRunId.put(run.getId(), new ConcurrentHashMap<Pair<Long, Long>, StatusEntry>());
    _computeFailureCacheByRunId.put(run.getId(), new ConcurrentHashMap<ComputeFailureKey, ComputeFailure>());

    _riskRunsByIds.put(run.getId(), run);

    return run;

From source file:org.cinchapi.concourse.server.ConcourseServer.java

 * Start an {@link AtomicOperation} with {@code store} as the destination
 * and do the work to revert {@code key} in {@code record} to
 * {@code timestamp}.//w  w w . ja  v  a 2s.  c o m
 * @param key
 * @param record
 * @param timestamp
 * @param store
 * @return the AtomicOperation that must be committed
private AtomicOperation doRevert(String key, long record, long timestamp, Compoundable store) {
    AtomicOperation operation = store.startAtomicOperation();
    try {
        Set<TObject> past = operation.fetch(key, record, timestamp);
        Set<TObject> present = operation.fetch(key, record);
        Set<TObject> xor = Sets.symmetricDifference(past, present);
        for (TObject value : xor) {
            if (present.contains(value)) {
                operation.remove(key, value, record);
            } else {
                operation.add(key, value, record);
        return operation;
    } catch (AtomicStateException e) {
        return null;

From source file:com.cinchapi.concourse.server.ConcourseServer.java

@ThrowsThriftExceptions// w  w w. j a va  2s.c  o m
public Map<Diff, Set<TObject>> diffKeyRecordStartEnd(String key, long record, long start, long end,
        AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException {
    checkAccess(creds, transaction);
    AtomicSupport store = getStore(transaction, environment);
    AtomicOperation atomic = null;
    Set<TObject> startValues = null;
    Set<TObject> endValues = null;
    while (atomic == null || !atomic.commit()) {
        atomic = store.startAtomicOperation();
        try {
            startValues = store.select(key, record, start);
            endValues = store.select(key, record, end);
        } catch (AtomicStateException e) {
            atomic = null;
    Map<Diff, Set<TObject>> result = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(2);
    Set<TObject> xor = Sets.symmetricDifference(startValues, endValues);
    int expectedSize = xor.size() / 2;
    Set<TObject> added = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(expectedSize);
    Set<TObject> removed = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(expectedSize);
    for (TObject current : xor) {
        if (!startValues.contains(current))
        else {
    if (!added.isEmpty()) {
        result.put(Diff.ADDED, added);
    if (!removed.isEmpty()) {
        result.put(Diff.REMOVED, removed);
    return result;

From source file:com.opengamma.engine.value.ValueProperties.java

 * Compares two sets./*from  ww w.  j  ava  2  s  .com*/
 * @param s1 the first set, may be null
 * @param s2 the second set, may be null
 * @return negative if the first is less, zero if equal, positive if greater
protected static int compareSet(final Set<String> s1, final Set<String> s2) {
    if (s1 == null) {
        if (s2 == null) {
            return 0;
        } else {
            return -1;
    } else if (s2 == null) {
        return 1;
    if (s1.isEmpty()) {
        if (s2.isEmpty()) {
            return 0;
        } else {
            return 1;
    } else if (s2.isEmpty()) {
        return -1;
    if (s1.size() < s2.size()) {
        return -1;
    } else if (s1.size() > s2.size()) {
        return 1;
    List<String> sorted = new ArrayList<String>(Sets.symmetricDifference(s1, s2));
    for (String s : sorted) {
        if (s1.contains(s)) {
            return -1;
        } else {
            return 1;
    return 0;

From source file:com.cinchapi.concourse.server.ConcourseServer.java

@ThrowsThriftExceptions/*  w  ww . j a  v a 2  s  .  c  o m*/
public Map<TObject, Map<Diff, Set<Long>>> diffKeyStartEnd(String key, long start, long end, AccessToken creds,
        TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException {
    checkAccess(creds, transaction);
    AtomicSupport store = getStore(transaction, environment);
    AtomicOperation atomic = null;
    Map<TObject, Set<Long>> startData = null;
    Map<TObject, Set<Long>> endData = null;
    while (atomic == null || !atomic.commit()) {
        atomic = store.startAtomicOperation();
        try {
            startData = store.browse(key, start);
            endData = store.browse(key, end);
        } catch (AtomicStateException e) {
            atomic = null;
    Set<TObject> startValues = startData.keySet();
    Set<TObject> endValues = endData.keySet();
    Set<TObject> xor = Sets.symmetricDifference(startValues, endValues);
    Set<TObject> intersection = startValues.size() < endValues.size()
            ? Sets.intersection(startValues, endValues)
            : Sets.intersection(endValues, startValues);
    Map<TObject, Map<Diff, Set<Long>>> result = TMaps
            .newLinkedHashMapWithCapacity(xor.size() + intersection.size());
    for (TObject value : xor) {
        Map<Diff, Set<Long>> entry = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(1);
        if (!startValues.contains(value)) {
            entry.put(Diff.ADDED, endData.get(value));
        } else {
            entry.put(Diff.REMOVED, endData.get(value));
        result.put(value, entry);
    for (TObject value : intersection) {
        Set<Long> startRecords = startData.get(value);
        Set<Long> endRecords = endData.get(value);
        Set<Long> xorRecords = Sets.symmetricDifference(startRecords, endRecords);
        if (!xorRecords.isEmpty()) {
            Set<Long> added = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(xorRecords.size());
            Set<Long> removed = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(xorRecords.size());
            for (Long record : xorRecords) {
                if (!startRecords.contains(record)) {
                } else {
            Map<Diff, Set<Long>> entry = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(2);
            if (!added.isEmpty()) {
                entry.put(Diff.ADDED, added);
            if (!removed.isEmpty()) {
                entry.put(Diff.REMOVED, removed);
            result.put(value, entry);
    return result;

From source file:com.cinchapi.concourse.server.ConcourseServer.java

@ThrowsThriftExceptions/*from   ww  w .ja  v  a  2 s  .  c  om*/
public Map<String, Map<Diff, Set<TObject>>> diffRecordStartEnd(long record, long start, long end,
        AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException {
    checkAccess(creds, transaction);
    AtomicSupport store = getStore(transaction, environment);
    AtomicOperation atomic = null;
    Map<String, Set<TObject>> startData = null;
    Map<String, Set<TObject>> endData = null;
    while (atomic == null || !atomic.commit()) {
        atomic = store.startAtomicOperation();
        try {
            startData = store.select(record, start);
            endData = store.select(record, end);
        } catch (AtomicStateException e) {
            atomic = null;
    Set<String> startKeys = startData.keySet();
    Set<String> endKeys = endData.keySet();
    Set<String> xor = Sets.symmetricDifference(startKeys, endKeys);
    Set<String> intersection = Sets.intersection(startKeys, endKeys);
    Map<String, Map<Diff, Set<TObject>>> result = TMaps
            .newLinkedHashMapWithCapacity(xor.size() + intersection.size());
    for (String key : xor) {
        Map<Diff, Set<TObject>> entry = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(1);
        if (!startKeys.contains(key)) {
            entry.put(Diff.ADDED, endData.get(key));
        } else {
            entry.put(Diff.REMOVED, endData.get(key));
        result.put(key, entry);
    for (String key : intersection) {
        Set<TObject> startValues = startData.get(key);
        Set<TObject> endValues = endData.get(key);
        Set<TObject> xorValues = Sets.symmetricDifference(startValues, endValues);
        if (!xorValues.isEmpty()) {
            Set<TObject> added = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(xorValues.size());
            Set<TObject> removed = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(xorValues.size());
            for (TObject value : xorValues) {
                if (!startValues.contains(value)) {
                } else {
            Map<Diff, Set<TObject>> entry = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(2);
            if (!added.isEmpty()) {
                entry.put(Diff.ADDED, added);
            if (!removed.isEmpty()) {
                entry.put(Diff.REMOVED, removed);
            result.put(key, entry);
    return result;