Source code

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Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (C) 2009 - present by OpenGamma Inc. and the OpenGamma group of companies
 * Please see distribution for license.
package com.opengamma.engine.value;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import org.apache.commons.lang.ObjectUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;

import com.opengamma.util.ArgumentChecker;
import com.opengamma.util.PublicAPI;

 * An immutable set of constraints on the values required, or properties of the value produced.
 * <p>
 * This class is immutable and thread-safe.
 * @see ValuePropertyNames
public abstract class ValueProperties implements Serializable, Comparable<ValueProperties> {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

     * Builder pattern for constructing {@link ValueProperties} objects.
    public interface Builder {

         * Adds a property value to the builder.
         * <p>
         * If the property is already a wild-card, the builder is left unchanged.
         * @param propertyName the name of the property, not null
         * @param propertyValue the value to add, not null
         * @return {@code this} for chaining in the builder pattern, not null
        Builder with(String propertyName, String propertyValue);

         * Adds property values to the builder.
         * <p>
         * If the property is already a wild-card, the builder is left unchanged.
         * @param propertyName the name of the property, not null
         * @param propertyValues the values to add, not null and not containing nulls
         * @return {@code this} for chaining in the builder pattern, not null
        Builder with(String propertyName, String... propertyValues);

         * Adds property values to the builder.
         * <p>
         * If the property is already a wild-card, the builder is left unchanged.
         * @param propertyName the name of the property, not null
         * @param propertyValues the values to add, not null or empty, and not containing nulls
         * @return the builder instance
        Builder with(String propertyName, Collection<String> propertyValues);

         * Adds a wild-card property value.
         * <p>
         * If explicit values were previously set for the property, they are removed to leave the wild-card definition.
         * @param propertyName the name of the property, not null
         * @return {@code this} for chaining in the builder pattern, not null
        Builder withAny(String propertyName);

         * Declares a property as optional when used as a constraint.
         * <p>
         * By default constraints are required, and can only be satisfied if the other property set defines a matching value. If a constraint is optional the other set may define a matching value, or have
         * no definition for the property. If no explicit values for the property are set with one of the other calls, the property will have a wild-card value (i.e. as if {@link #withAny (String)} had
         * been called.
         * @param propertyName the name of the property, not null
         * @return {@code this} for chaining in the builder pattern, not null
        Builder withOptional(String propertyName);

         * Clears the optional flag of a property.
         * @param propertyName the name of the property, not null
         * @return {@code this} for chaining in the builder pattern, not null
        Builder notOptional(String propertyName);

         * Removes a property from the builder definition.
         * @param propertyName the name of the property, not null
         * @return {@code this} for chaining in the builder pattern, not null
        Builder withoutAny(String propertyName);

         * Completes the builder, creating a {@code ValueProperties} instance based on the current state of the builder.
         * @return the property set
        ValueProperties get();


    private static final class BuilderImpl implements Builder {
         * The required properties.
        private final Map<String, Set<String>> _properties;
         * The optional properties.
        private Set<String> _optional;

         * Creates an instance.
        private BuilderImpl() {
            _properties = new HashMap<String, Set<String>>();

         * Creates an instance.
         * @param properties the required properties, not null
         * @param optional the optional properties, not null
        private BuilderImpl(final Map<String, Set<String>> properties, final Set<String> optional) {
            _properties = new HashMap<String, Set<String>>(properties);
            _optional = (optional != null) ? new HashSet<String>(optional) : null;

        public Builder with(String propertyName, final String propertyValue) {
            ArgumentChecker.notNull(propertyName, "propertyName");
            ArgumentChecker.notNull(propertyValue, "propertyValue");
            propertyName = ValueRequirement.getInterned(propertyName);
            final Set<String> previous = _properties.put(propertyName, Collections.singleton(propertyValue));
            if (previous != null) {
                if (previous.isEmpty() || previous.contains(propertyValue)) {
                    _properties.put(propertyName, previous);
                } else {
                    final Set<String> replacement = new HashSet<String>(previous);
                    _properties.put(propertyName, Collections.unmodifiableSet(replacement));
            return this;

        public Builder with(final String propertyName, final String... propertyValues) {
            ArgumentChecker.notNull(propertyValues, "propertyValues");
            return with(propertyName, Arrays.asList(propertyValues));

        public Builder with(String propertyName, final Collection<String> propertyValues) {
            ArgumentChecker.notNull(propertyName, "propertyName");
            ArgumentChecker.notNull(propertyValues, "propertyValues");
            if (propertyValues.isEmpty()) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("propertyValues must contain at least one element");
            if (propertyValues.contains(null)) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("propertyValues cannot contain null");
            propertyName = ValueRequirement.getInterned(propertyName);
            final Set<String> previous = _properties.put(propertyName, getUnmodifiableSet(propertyValues));
            if (previous != null) {
                if (previous.isEmpty()) {
                    _properties.put(propertyName, previous);
                } else {
                    final Set<String> replacement = new HashSet<String>(previous);
                    _properties.put(propertyName, Collections.unmodifiableSet(replacement));
            return this;

        public Builder withAny(final String propertyName) {
            ArgumentChecker.notNull(propertyName, "propertyName");
            _properties.put(ValueRequirement.getInterned(propertyName), Collections.<String>emptySet());
            return this;

        public Builder withOptional(final String propertyName) {
            ArgumentChecker.notNull(propertyName, "propertyName");
            if (_optional == null) {
                _optional = new HashSet<String>();
            return this;

        public Builder notOptional(final String propertyName) {
            ArgumentChecker.notNull(propertyName, "propertyName");
            if (_optional != null) {
            return this;

        public Builder withoutAny(final String propertyName) {
            ArgumentChecker.notNull(propertyName, "propertyName");
            if (_optional != null) {
                if (_optional.isEmpty()) {
                    _optional = null;
            return this;

        public ValueProperties get() {
            if (_optional != null) {
                for (String optionalProperty : _optional) {
                    if (!_properties.containsKey(optionalProperty)) {
                        _properties.put(optionalProperty, Collections.<String>emptySet());
                return new ValuePropertiesImpl(getSmallMap(_properties), getUnmodifiableSet(_optional));
            } else {
                if (_properties.isEmpty()) {
                    return EMPTY;
                return new ValuePropertiesImpl(getSmallMap(_properties), Collections.<String>emptySet());

        private Set<String> getUnmodifiableSet(final Collection<String> values) {
            switch (values.size()) {
            case 0:
                return Collections.emptySet();
            case 1:
                return Collections.singleton(values.iterator().next());
                return Collections.unmodifiableSet(
                        (values instanceof Set) ? (Set<String>) values : new HashSet<String>(values));

        private static <K, V> Map<K, V> getSmallMap(Map<K, V> map) {
            switch (map.size()) {
            case 0:
                return Collections.emptyMap();
            case 1:
                for (Entry<K, V> entry : map.entrySet()) {
                    return Collections.singletonMap(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
                return new HashMap<K, V>(map);

     * A value properties implementation holding a set of properties.
    public static final class ValuePropertiesImpl extends ValueProperties {

        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
         * The properties.
        private final Map<String, Set<String>> _properties;
         * The optional properties.
        private final Set<String> _optional;
         * Hashcode of the property set.
        private volatile int _hashCode;
         * Indicates whether the hash-code is valid.
        private volatile boolean _hashCodeValid;

         * Creates an instance.
         * @param properties the required properties, not null
         * @param optional the optional properties, not null
        private ValuePropertiesImpl(final Map<String, Set<String>> properties, final Set<String> optional) {
            _properties = properties;
            _optional = optional;

        public Builder copy() {
            return new BuilderImpl(_properties, _optional);

        public Set<String> getProperties() {
            return _properties.keySet();

        public Set<String> getValues(final String propertyName) {
            return _properties.get(propertyName);

        public boolean isOptional(final String propertyName) {
            return _optional.contains(propertyName);

        public boolean isSatisfiedBy(final ValueProperties properties) {
            assert properties != null;
            nextProperty: // CSIGNORE [DVI-122]
            for (Map.Entry<String, Set<String>> property : _properties.entrySet()) {
                final Set<String> available = properties.getValues(property.getKey());
                if (available == null) {
                    if (!isOptional(property.getKey())) {
                        // Can't be satisfied - required property never defined
                        return false;
                if (!isOptional(property.getKey())) {
                    if (properties.isOptional(property.getKey())) {
                        // Can't be satisfied - required property might not be defined
                        return false;
                if (available.isEmpty() || property.getValue().isEmpty()) {
                    // Other properties can supply anything - satisfying this requirement
                    // or this requirement is for anything and so satisfied.
                for (String value : property.getValue()) {
                    if (available.contains(value)) {
                        // There is at least one value that can satisfy this requirement
                        continue nextProperty;
                // This requirement cannot be satisfied
                return false;
            // All requirements can be satisfied
            return true;

        public ValueProperties compose(final ValueProperties properties) {
            assert properties != null;
            if ((properties == EMPTY) || (properties == INFINITE)) {
                return this;
            for (Map.Entry<String, Set<String>> property : _properties.entrySet()) {
                final Set<String> available = properties.getValues(property.getKey());
                if (available == null) {
                    // This property unchanged in output
                if (available.isEmpty()) {
                    // This property different in output if optional here, and composed against a required
                    if (isOptional(property.getKey()) && !properties.isOptional(property.getKey())) {
                        return composeImpl(properties);
                if (property.getValue().isEmpty()) {
                    // Requires a subset in the output
                    return composeImpl(properties);
                if (property.getValue().size() != available.size()) {
                    // Requires an intersection in the output
                    return composeImpl(properties);
                for (String value : property.getValue()) {
                    if (!available.contains(value)) {
                        // Requires an intersection in the output
                        return composeImpl(properties);
            return this;

        private ValueProperties composeImpl(final ValueProperties properties) {
            final Map<String, Set<String>> composed = new HashMap<String, Set<String>>();
            Set<String> optional = null;
            int otherAvailable = 0;
            nextProperty: // CSIGNORE [DVI-122]
            for (Map.Entry<String, Set<String>> property : _properties.entrySet()) {
                final Set<String> available = properties.getValues(property.getKey());
                if (available == null) {
                    // Other is not defined, so use current value
                    composed.put(property.getKey(), property.getValue());
                    // Preserve optionality from this property set
                    if (isOptional(property.getKey())) {
                        if (optional == null) {
                            optional = new HashSet<String>();
                // Preserve least optionality from property sets
                if (properties.isOptional(property.getKey()) && isOptional(property.getKey())) {
                    if (optional == null) {
                        optional = new HashSet<String>();
                if (property.getValue().isEmpty()) {
                    // This is a wild-card so use other values
                    composed.put(property.getKey(), available);
                if (available.isEmpty()) {
                    // Other is wild-card so use current value
                    composed.put(property.getKey(), property.getValue());
                if (property.getValue().size() != available.size()) {
                    final Set<String> intersection = Sets.intersection(property.getValue(), available);
                    // An empty intersection means no resulting property
                    if (!intersection.isEmpty()) {
                        composed.put(property.getKey(), intersection);
                for (String value : property.getValue()) {
                    if (!available.contains(value)) {
                        final Set<String> intersection = Sets.intersection(property.getValue(), available);
                        // An empty intersection means no resulting property
                        if (!intersection.isEmpty()) {
                            composed.put(property.getKey(), intersection);
                        continue nextProperty;
                // Property is identical in both
                composed.put(property.getKey(), property.getValue());
            if ((composed.size() == otherAvailable) && (otherAvailable == _properties.size())) {
                // We've just built a map containing only the other property values, so possibly return that original
                if (properties instanceof ValuePropertiesImpl) {
                    if (otherAvailable == ((ValuePropertiesImpl) properties)._properties.size()) {
                        return properties;
            return new ValuePropertiesImpl(Collections.unmodifiableMap(composed),
                    (optional != null) ? Collections.unmodifiableSet(optional) : Collections.<String>emptySet());

        public ValueProperties intersect(final ValueProperties other) {
            // Our property values are present unless missing from the other set
            final Map<String, Set<String>> intersection = new HashMap<String, Set<String>>();
            Set<String> optional = null;
            boolean different = false;
            for (Map.Entry<String, Set<String>> property : _properties.entrySet()) {
                final Set<String> otherValues = other.getValues(property.getKey());
                if (otherValues == null) {
                    // Property not defined in the other set
                    different = true;
                final Set<String> commonValues;
                if (otherValues.isEmpty()) {
                    // Other set is wild-card, so take our values
                    commonValues = property.getValue();
                } else if (property.getValue().isEmpty()) {
                    // We are wile-card, so take other values
                    commonValues = otherValues;
                } else {
                    // Intersection of the property values
                    commonValues = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(property.getValue().size());
                    for (String value : property.getValue()) {
                        if (otherValues.contains(value)) {
                        } else {
                            different = true;
                    if (commonValues.isEmpty()) {
                        // No common values
                intersection.put(property.getKey(), commonValues);
                // Preserve least optionality
                if (isOptional(property.getKey())) {
                    if (other.isOptional(property.getKey())) {
                        if (optional == null) {
                            optional = new HashSet<String>();
                    } else {
                        different = true;
            if (intersection.isEmpty()) {
                return EMPTY;
            } else {
                if (different) {
                    return new ValuePropertiesImpl(Collections.unmodifiableMap(intersection),
                            (optional != null) ? Collections.unmodifiableSet(optional)
                                    : Collections.<String>emptySet());
                } else {
                    return this;

        public boolean isStrict() {
            for (Set<String> property : _properties.values()) {
                if (property.size() != 1) {
                    return false;
            return true;

        public boolean equals(final Object o) {
            if (o == this) {
                return true;
            if (!(o instanceof ValuePropertiesImpl)) {
                return false;
            final ValuePropertiesImpl other = (ValuePropertiesImpl) o;
            return _properties.equals(other._properties) && ObjectUtils.equals(_optional, other._optional);

        public int hashCode() {
            if (_hashCodeValid) {
                return _hashCode;
            } else {
                final int hashCode = _properties.hashCode() ^ _optional.hashCode();
                _hashCode = hashCode;
                _hashCodeValid = true;
                return hashCode;

        public boolean isEmpty() {
            return _properties.isEmpty();

        public static String toString(final Map<String, Set<String>> properties, final Set<String> optional,
                final boolean strict) {
            Pattern escapePattern = Pattern.compile("[=\\?\\[\\],\\\\]");
            final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            if (strict) {
            boolean first = true;
            for (Map.Entry<String, Set<String>> property : properties.entrySet()) {
                if (first) {
                    first = false;
                } else {
                sb.append(escape(escapePattern, property.getKey())).append("=");
                boolean isOptional = optional.contains(property.getKey());
                boolean grouped = strict || property.getValue().size() > 1 || isOptional;
                if (grouped) {
                boolean firstValue = true;
                for (String value : property.getValue()) {
                    if (firstValue) {
                        firstValue = false;
                    } else {
                    sb.append(escape(escapePattern, value));
                if (grouped) {
                if (isOptional) {
            if (strict) {
            return sb.toString();

        public String toSimpleString() {
            return toString(_properties, _optional, false);

        public String toString() {
            return toString(_properties, _optional, true);

    private static String escape(Pattern p, String s) {
        return p.matcher(s).replaceAll("\\\\$0");

     * Parses value property strings of the forms:
     * <ul>
     * <li>EMPTY
     * <li>INFINITE
     * <li>INFINITE-{name1,name2}
     * <li>{name1=[value1,value2],name2=[value3]}
     * </ul>
     * These are intentionally the same as the forms generated by {@link #toString()}. For maximum flexibility, and especially for user input, more abbreviated forms are also valid. In particular:
     * <ul>
     * <li>Curly braces may be omitted
     * <li>Square brackets around single values may be omitted
     * <li>'name1=[]' is same as 'name1'
     * <li>Spaces are trimmed
     * </ul>
     * Escape sequences may be used for the following special characters: ',', '=', '[', ']', '?', '\' and ' '. An escape sequence begins with '\'.
     * <p>
     * A null or empty input string is treated as the empty set of value properties.
     * @param s the string to parse
     * @return the value properties, not null
    public static ValueProperties parse(String s) {
        // REVIEW jonathan 2011-05-11 -- this is bordering on being complex enough to write a grammar and auto-generate the
        // lexer, but it works and ValueProperties is unlikely to change.
        // REVIEW andrew 2011-08-08 -- even as a big fan of crazy-mad home brew state machines I'd use an auto-generated lexer
        if (StringUtils.isBlank(s) || EMPTY.toString().equals(s)) {
            return EMPTY;
        s = s.trim();
        if (INFINITE.toString().equals(s)) {
            return INFINITE;
        boolean nearlyInfinite = false;
        Builder builder = null;
        ValueProperties nearlyInfiniteResult = null;
        if (s.startsWith("INFINITE-")) {
            nearlyInfinite = true;
            s = s.substring(9, s.length());
            nearlyInfiniteResult = INFINITE;
        } else {
            builder = builder();

        if (s.charAt(0) == '{' && s.charAt(s.length() - 1) == '}') {
            // Strip away any curly brace wrappers
            s = s.substring(1, s.length() - 1);

        int pos = 0;
        boolean isOptional = false;
        StringBuilder substring = new StringBuilder();
        String name = null;
        Set<String> values = new HashSet<String>();
        boolean bracketedValue = false;
        boolean inValue = false;
        while (pos <= s.length()) {
            char next = pos < s.length() ? s.charAt(pos) : 0;
            if (next == '\\') { // Begin escape sequence
                if (pos < s.length()) {
                    char escapedCharacter = s.charAt(pos);
                    if (escapedCharacter == '\\' || escapedCharacter == ',' || escapedCharacter == '='
                            || escapedCharacter == '[' || escapedCharacter == ']' || escapedCharacter == '?'
                            || escapedCharacter == ' ') {
                    } else {
                        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unrecognised escape sequence: \\" + escapedCharacter);
                } else {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected end of ValueProperties string: " + s);
            } else if (next == '=') { // Separator between name and values
                if (inValue) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected '=' at position " + pos);
                name = substring.toString();
                substring = new StringBuilder();
                inValue = true;
                if (pos + 1 < s.length() && s.charAt(pos + 1) == '[') {
                    bracketedValue = true;
            } else if (next == ']') { // End of values
                inValue = false;
                if (s.length() > pos + 1 && s.charAt(pos + 1) == '?') {
                    isOptional = true;
            } else if (next == ',' || next == 0) { // Separator between values in a group or between properties
                if (substring.length() > 0) {
                    if (name == null) {
                        name = substring.toString();
                    } else {
                    substring = new StringBuilder();
                if (!inValue || !bracketedValue) {
                    // End of a property
                    if (values.isEmpty()) {
                        if (nearlyInfinite) {
                            nearlyInfiniteResult = nearlyInfiniteResult.withoutAny(name);
                        } else {
                    } else {
                        if (nearlyInfinite) {
                            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                                    "Property values not supported in nearly infinite ValueProperties. Found: "
                                            + values);
                        builder.with(name, values);
                    if (isOptional) {
                    name = null;
                    values = new HashSet<String>();
                    isOptional = false;
                    inValue = false;
                    bracketedValue = false;
            } else if (next != ' ') {

        if (name != null || substring.length() > 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected end of ValueProperties string: " + s);

        return nearlyInfinite ? nearlyInfiniteResult : builder.get();

    private static final class NearlyInfinitePropertiesBuilder implements Builder {

        private final Set<String> _without;

        public NearlyInfinitePropertiesBuilder(final Set<String> without) {
            _without = without;

        public Builder with(String propertyName, String propertyValue) {
            if (_without.contains(propertyName)) {
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
                        "Can't add arbitrary property values to the nearly infinite set");
            return this;

        public Builder with(String propertyName, String... propertyValues) {
            if (_without.contains(propertyName)) {
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
                        "Can't add arbitrary property values to the nearly infinite set");
            return this;

        public Builder with(String propertyName, Collection<String> propertyValues) {
            if (_without.contains(propertyName)) {
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
                        "Can't add arbitrary property values to the nearly infinite set");
            return this;

        public Builder withAny(final String propertyName) {
            return this;

        public Builder withOptional(String propertyName) {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
                    "Can't add arbitrary property values to the nearly infinite set");

        public Builder notOptional(String propertyName) {
            // Nothing is ever optional, so this is okay
            return this;

        public Builder withoutAny(String propertyName) {
            return this;

        public ValueProperties get() {
            if (_without.isEmpty()) {
                return INFINITE;
            } else {
                return new NearlyInfinitePropertiesImpl(new HashSet<String>(_without));


     * A value properties implementation representing a nearly infinite property set.
    public static final class NearlyInfinitePropertiesImpl extends ValueProperties {

        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
         * The set of properties not included.
        private final Set<String> _without;

         * Gets the properties not included
         * @return the properties not included
        public Set<String> getWithout() {
            return _without;

         * Creates an instance.
         * @param without the set of properties not included, not null
        private NearlyInfinitePropertiesImpl(final Set<String> without) {
            _without = without;

        public ValueProperties compose(ValueProperties properties) {
            // Yields the same
            return this;

        public ValueProperties intersect(final ValueProperties properties) {
            // Yields the same unless we are intersecting against another "nearly infinite" set
            if (properties instanceof NearlyInfinitePropertiesImpl) {
                final NearlyInfinitePropertiesImpl other = (NearlyInfinitePropertiesImpl) properties;
                // Intersection is the UNION of the things we DON'T contain subtracted from the INFINITE set
                return new NearlyInfinitePropertiesImpl(
                        Collections.unmodifiableSet(Sets.union(_without, other._without)));
            } else {
                return this;

        public Builder copy() {
            return new NearlyInfinitePropertiesBuilder(new HashSet<String>(_without));

        public Set<String> getProperties() {
            return Collections.emptySet();

        public Set<String> getValues(String propertyName) {
            if (_without.contains(propertyName)) {
                return null;
            } else {
                return Collections.emptySet();

        public boolean isEmpty() {
            return false;

        public boolean isOptional(String propertyName) {
            return false;

        public boolean isSatisfiedBy(ValueProperties properties) {
            if (properties == INFINITE) {
                return true;
            if (!(properties instanceof NearlyInfinitePropertiesImpl)) {
                return false;
            final Set<String> otherWithouts = ((NearlyInfinitePropertiesImpl) properties)._without;
            for (String otherWithout : otherWithouts) {
                if (!_without.contains(otherWithout)) {
                    return false;
            return true;

        public boolean isStrict() {
            return false;

        public ValueProperties withoutAny(final String propertyName) {
            ArgumentChecker.notNull(propertyName, "propertyName");
            if (_without.contains(propertyName)) {
                return this;
            } else {
                final Set<String> without = new HashSet<String>(_without);
                return new NearlyInfinitePropertiesImpl(without);

        public String toString() {
            final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("INFINITE-{");
            boolean first = true;
            for (String without : _without) {
                if (first) {
                    first = false;
                } else {
            return sb.toString();

        public String toSimpleString() {
            return toString();

        public boolean equals(final Object o) {
            if (o == this) {
                return true;
            if (!(o instanceof NearlyInfinitePropertiesImpl)) {
                return false;
            final NearlyInfinitePropertiesImpl otherImpl = (NearlyInfinitePropertiesImpl) o;
            return _without.equals(otherImpl._without);

        public int hashCode() {
            return _without.hashCode();

        public int compareTo(final ValueProperties other) {
            if (other == this) {
                return 0;
            if (other == INFINITE) {
                return -1;
            if (other instanceof NearlyInfinitePropertiesImpl) {
                final NearlyInfinitePropertiesImpl otherImpl = (NearlyInfinitePropertiesImpl) other;
                return compareSet(_without, otherImpl._without);
            return 1;


     * The infinite property set.
    private static final ValueProperties INFINITE = new InfinitePropertiesImpl();

     * A value properties implementation representing an infinite property set.
    public static final class InfinitePropertiesImpl extends ValueProperties {

        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

         * Creates an instance.
        private InfinitePropertiesImpl() {

        public ValueProperties compose(final ValueProperties properties) {
            // Composition yields the infinite set
            return this;

        public ValueProperties intersect(final ValueProperties properties) {
            // Intersection yields the other set, but with no optional values
            if (properties instanceof ValuePropertiesImpl) {
                final ValuePropertiesImpl other = (ValuePropertiesImpl) properties;
                if (other._optional.isEmpty()) {
                    return properties;
                } else {
                    return new ValuePropertiesImpl(other._properties, Collections.<String>emptySet());
            } else {
                return properties;

        public Builder copy() {
            return new Builder() {

                public Builder with(String propertyName, String propertyValue) {
                    // By definition already has this property
                    return this;

                public Builder with(String propertyName, String... propertyValues) {
                    // By definition already has this property
                    return this;

                public Builder with(String propertyName, Collection<String> propertyValues) {
                    // By definition already has this property
                    return this;

                public Builder withAny(String propertyName) {
                    // By definition already has this property
                    return this;

                public Builder withOptional(String propertyName) {
                    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Can't have optionality within the infinite set");

                public Builder notOptional(String propertyName) {
                    // Nothing is ever optional, so this is okay
                    return this;

                public Builder withoutAny(String propertyName) {
                    final Set<String> properties = new HashSet<String>();
                    return new NearlyInfinitePropertiesBuilder(properties);

                public ValueProperties get() {
                    return INFINITE;

        public Set<String> getProperties() {
            return Collections.emptySet();

        public Set<String> getValues(String propertyName) {
            return Collections.emptySet();

        public boolean isOptional(String propertyName) {
            // Everything's required
            return false;

        public boolean isSatisfiedBy(ValueProperties properties) {
            // Only the infinite set can satisfy
            return (properties == this);

        public boolean isStrict() {
            // Not strict by definition
            return false;

        public boolean isEmpty() {
            // Not empty by definition
            return false;

        public String toString() {
            return "INFINITE";

        public String toSimpleString() {
            return toString();

        public ValueProperties withoutAny(final String propertyName) {
            ArgumentChecker.notNull(propertyName, "propertyName");
            return new NearlyInfinitePropertiesImpl(Collections.singleton(propertyName));

        public int compareTo(final ValueProperties other) {
            if (other == this) {
                return 0;
            return 1;

        private Object readResolve() {
            return INFINITE;


     * The empty set.
    private static final ValueProperties EMPTY = new EmptyPropertiesImpl();

     * A value properties implementation representing an empty property set.
    private static final class EmptyPropertiesImpl extends ValueProperties {

        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

        public ValueProperties compose(ValueProperties properties) {
            // The only thing satisfied by the empty set is the empty set, or a set with only optional properties
            return this;

        public ValueProperties intersect(final ValueProperties properties) {
            // Nothing to intersect with, so still empty
            return this;

        public Builder copy() {
            return new BuilderImpl();

        public Set<String> getProperties() {
            // No properties
            return null;

        public Set<String> getValues(String propertyName) {
            // No values for anything
            return null;

        public boolean isOptional(String propertyName) {
            // Alwyas false as no properties in the set
            return false;

        public boolean isEmpty() {
            // Always empty
            return true;

        public boolean isSatisfiedBy(ValueProperties properties) {
            // Satisfied by anything
            return true;

        public boolean isStrict() {
            // Empty is strict
            return true;

        public String toString() {
            return "EMPTY";

        public String toSimpleString() {
            return toString();

        private Object readResolve() {
            return EMPTY;


     * Returns the empty property set, typically indicating no value constraints.
     * @return the empty property set, not null
    public static ValueProperties none() {
        return EMPTY;

     * Returns a property set that simulates all possible properties.
     * <p>
     * This should be used with caution. Well written functions should build a property set explicitly stating the properties recognized.
     * @return the "infinite" property set, not null
    public static ValueProperties all() {
        return INFINITE;

     * Creates a builder for constructing value properties.
     * <p>
     * {@code ValueProperties} is immutable, but the builder is mutable allowing instances to be created efficiently.
     * @return the builder, not null
    public static Builder builder() {
        return new BuilderImpl();

     * Creates a builder for constructing value properties with the given property defined.
     * @param propertyName the name of the property to define, not null
     * @param propertyValue the property value, not null
     * @return the builder, not null
    public static Builder with(final String propertyName, final String propertyValue) {
        return builder().with(propertyName, propertyValue);

     * Creates a builder for constructing value properties with the given property defined.
     * @param propertyName the name of the property to define, not null
     * @param propertyValues the property values, not null and not containing null
     * @return the builder instance
    public static Builder with(final String propertyName, final String... propertyValues) {
        return builder().with(propertyName, propertyValues);

     * Creates a builder for constructing value properties with the given property defined.
     * @param propertyName the name of the property to define, not null
     * @param propertyValues the property values, not null and not containing null
     * @return the builder instance
    public static Builder with(final String propertyName, final Collection<String> propertyValues) {
        return builder().with(propertyName, propertyValues);

     * Creates a builder for constructing value properties with the given property defined as a wild-card.
     * @param propertyName the name of the property to define, not null
     * @return the builder instance
    public static Builder withAny(final String propertyName) {
        return builder().withAny(propertyName);

     * Creates a builder for constructing value properties with the given property defined as optional.
     * @param propertyName the name of the property to define, not null
     * @return the builder instance
    public static Builder withOptional(final String propertyName) {
        return builder().withOptional(propertyName);

     * Returns a builder pre-populated with the properties from this set.
     * @return the builder, not null
    public abstract Builder copy();

     * Gets an immutable set of the defined property names.
     * @return the property names, null if there are no properties, or the empty set for an infinite(ish) set
    public abstract Set<String> getProperties();

     * Gets an immutable set of values for a given property name.
     * <p>
     * If the name is not defined null is returned. If the name has a wild-card value, the empty set is returned.
     * @param propertyName the name required, not null
     * @return the set of values, empty if wild-card, null if not defined
    public abstract Set<String> getValues(String propertyName);

     * Checks if a property may be omitted.
     * @param propertyName the name required, not null
     * @return true if the property is optional, false if it is not defined or required
    public abstract boolean isOptional(String propertyName);

     * Checks if this set of properties can be satisfied by the other set.
     * <p>
     * An individual property is satisfied if one of the following is true:
     * <ul>
     * <li>it is a wild-card and the other property set has a definition for it
     * <li>the other property set has a wild-card definition for it
     * <li>the other property set provides at least one of the possible property values
     * </ul>
     * The property set is satisfied if each of the individual properties can be satisfied.
     * @param properties the other property set to check against, not null
     * @return true if this set of properties can be satisfied by the other set
    public abstract boolean isSatisfiedBy(ValueProperties properties);

     * Composes two value properties by taking a "left" intersection.
     * <p>
     * This produces a set of properties such that for any properties defined by the other, the intersection of the property values is taken. Any properties defined in this set but not in the other
     * remain untouched.
     * @param properties the other property set to compose against, not null
     * @return the new set of properties, or this object if the composition result is equal, not null
    public abstract ValueProperties compose(ValueProperties properties);

     * Produces the strict intersection of two property sets.
     * <p>
     * This produces a set of properties such that only properties defined in both this and the other are present in the output. For these, the intersection of common values is available for each
     * property. If there are no common property values, the property is ommited from the result.
     * @param properties the other property set to compose against, not null
     * @return the new set of properties, or this object if the intersection result is equal, not null
    public abstract ValueProperties intersect(ValueProperties properties);

     * Checks if the set of properties is strict.
     * <p>
     * A property set is strict if there is only one value for each property or the property set is empty.
     * @return true if the property set is strict
    public abstract boolean isStrict();

     * Checks if the set of properties is empty.
     * @return true if the property set is empty
    public abstract boolean isEmpty();

     * Equivalent to calling {@code copy().withoutAny(propertyName).get()}.
     * @param propertyName the property name to remove, not null
     * @return a value properties with the given property removed, not null
    public ValueProperties withoutAny(final String propertyName) {
        return copy().withoutAny(propertyName).get();

     * Returns a simple string representation of the {@link ValueProperties} instance. This simple representation omits unnecessary brackets for better readability. The output remains valid as the input
     * to {@link #parse(String)}.
     * @return a simple string representation
    public abstract String toSimpleString();

     * Compares two sets.
     * @param s1 the first set, may be null
     * @param s2 the second set, may be null
     * @return negative if the first is less, zero if equal, positive if greater
    protected static int compareSet(final Set<String> s1, final Set<String> s2) {
        if (s1 == null) {
            if (s2 == null) {
                return 0;
            } else {
                return -1;
        } else if (s2 == null) {
            return 1;
        if (s1.isEmpty()) {
            if (s2.isEmpty()) {
                return 0;
            } else {
                return 1;
        } else if (s2.isEmpty()) {
            return -1;
        if (s1.size() < s2.size()) {
            return -1;
        } else if (s1.size() > s2.size()) {
            return 1;
        List<String> sorted = new ArrayList<String>(Sets.symmetricDifference(s1, s2));
        for (String s : sorted) {
            if (s1.contains(s)) {
                return -1;
            } else {
                return 1;
        return 0;

    public int compareTo(final ValueProperties valueProperties) {
        if (valueProperties == this) {
            return 0;
        final Set<String> propThis = getProperties();
        final Set<String> propOther = valueProperties.getProperties();
        int c = compareSet(propThis, propOther);
        if (c != 0) {
            return c;
        final List<String> sorted = new ArrayList<String>(propThis);
        for (String property : sorted) {
            c = compareSet(getValues(property), valueProperties.getValues(property));
            if (c != 0) {
                return c;
        return 0;
