Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (C) 2014-2015 University of Dundee & Open Microscopy Environment.
 * All rights reserved.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.


import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.SortedSet;
import java.util.TreeSet;

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.hibernate.Hibernate;
import org.hibernate.Query;
import org.hibernate.Session;
import org.hibernate.proxy.HibernateProxy;
import org.hibernate.proxy.LazyInitializer;


import ome.model.IObject;
import ome.model.core.OriginalFile;
import ome.model.internal.Permissions;
import ome.model.meta.Experimenter;
import ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup;
import ome.system.EventContext;

 * An alternative implementation of model object graph traversal, relying on SELECTing in advance for making decisions,
 * instead of rolling back to savepoints to recover from failed attempts to act.
 * @author
 * @since 5.1.0
public class GraphTraversal {

    private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GraphTraversal.class);

    /* all bulk operations are batched; this size should be suitable for IN (:ids) for HQL */
    private static final int BATCH_SIZE = 256;

     * A tuple noting the state of a mapped object instance in the current graph traversal.
     * @author
     * @since 5.1.0
    private static final class DetailsWithCI extends Details {
        /* more useful than IObject for equals and hashCode */
        private final CI subjectAsCI;

         * Construct a note of an object and its details.
         * {@link #equals(Object)} and {@link #hashCode()} consider only the subject, not the action or orphan.
         * @param subject the object whose details these are
         * @param ownerId the ID of the object's owner
         * @param groupId the ID of the object's group
         * @param action the current plan for the object
         * @param orphan the current <q>orphan</q> state of the object
         * @param mayUpdate if the object may be updated
         * @param mayDelete if the object may be deleted
         * @param mayChmod if the object may have its permissions changed
         * @param isOwner if the user owns the object
         * @param isCheckPermissions if the user is expected to have the permissions required to process the object
        DetailsWithCI(IObject subject, Long ownerId, Long groupId, Action action, Orphan orphan, boolean mayUpdate,
                boolean mayDelete, boolean mayChmod, boolean isOwner, boolean isCheckPermissions) {
            super(subject, ownerId, groupId, action, orphan, mayUpdate, mayDelete, mayChmod, isOwner,
            this.subjectAsCI = new CI(subject);

        public boolean equals(Object object) {
            if (this == object) {
                return true;
            } else if (object instanceof DetailsWithCI) {
                final DetailsWithCI other = (DetailsWithCI) object;
                return this.subjectAsCI.equals(other.subjectAsCI);
            } else {
                return false;

        public int hashCode() {
            return Objects.hashCode(getClass(), subjectAsCI);

        public String toString() {
            final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
            sb.append(action == Action.EXCLUDE ? orphan : action);
            if (!isCheckPermissions) {
            return sb.toString();

    /* The tuples immediately below could be elaborately related by a variety of interfaces and builders
     * but their usage does not justify such effort. */

     * An immutable tuple of class name, instance ID.
     * Within this class, equality and hash code is determined wholly by these values.
     * @author
     * @since 5.1.0
    private static final class CI {
        final String className;
        final long id;

         * Construct an instance with the given field values.
         * @param className a class name
         * @param id an instance ID
        CI(String className, long id) {
            this.className = className;
   = id;

         * Construct an instance corresponding to the given object.
         * @param object a persisted object instance
        CI(IObject object) {
            if (object instanceof HibernateProxy) {
                this.className = Hibernate.getClass(object).getName();
            } else {
                this.className = object.getClass().getName();
   = object.getId();

         * Construct a new {@link IObject}
         * @return an unloaded {@link IObject} corresponding to this {@link CI}
         * @throws GraphException if the {@link IObject} could not be constructed
        IObject toIObject() throws GraphException {
            try {
                final Class<? extends IObject> actualClass = (Class<? extends IObject>) Class.forName(className);
                return actualClass.getConstructor(Long.class, boolean.class).newInstance(id, false);
            } catch (IllegalArgumentException | ReflectiveOperationException | SecurityException e) {
                throw new GraphException(
                        "no invocable constructor for: new " + className + "(Long.valueOf(" + id + "L), false)");

        public boolean equals(Object object) {
            if (this == object) {
                return true;
            } else if (object instanceof CI) {
                final CI other = (CI) object;
                return == && this.className.equals(other.className);
            } else {
                return false;

        public int hashCode() {
            return Objects.hashCode(getClass(), className, id);

        public String toString() {
            return className + "[" + id + "]";

     * An immutable tuple of class name, property name.
     * Within this class, equality and hash code is determined wholly by these values.
     * @author
     * @since 5.1.0
    private static final class CP {
        final String className;
        final String propertyName;

         * Construct an instance with the given field values.
         * @param className a class name
         * @param propertyName a property name
        CP(String className, String propertyName) {
            this.className = className;
            this.propertyName = propertyName;

         * Construct a {@link CPI} from this {@link CP} and the given instance ID.
         * @param id an instance ID
         * @return a {@link CPI} with the corresponding values
        CPI toCPI(long id) {
            return new CPI(className, propertyName, id);

        public boolean equals(Object object) {
            if (this == object) {
                return true;
            } else if (object instanceof CP) {
                final CP other = (CP) object;
                return this.className.equals(other.className) && this.propertyName.equals(other.propertyName);
            } else {
                return false;

        public int hashCode() {
            return Objects.hashCode(getClass(), className, propertyName);

        public String toString() {
            return (className + "." + propertyName).intern();

     * An immutable tuple of class name, property name, instance ID.
     * Within this class, equality and hash code is determined wholly by these values.
     * @author
     * @since 5.1.0
    private static final class CPI {
        final String className;
        final String propertyName;
        final long id;

        private CP asCP;

         * Construct an instance with the given field values.
         * @param className a class name
         * @param propertyName a property name
         * @param id an instance ID
        CPI(String className, String propertyName, long id) {
            this.className = className;
            this.propertyName = propertyName;
   = id;

         * Construct a {@link CP} from this {@link CPI}.
         * Repeated calls to this method may return the same {@link CP} instance.
         * @param id an instance ID
         * @return a {@link CPI} with the corresponding values
        CP toCP() {
            if (asCP == null) {
                asCP = new CP(className, propertyName);
            return asCP;

        public boolean equals(Object object) {
            if (this == object) {
                return true;
            } else if (object instanceof CPI) {
                final CPI other = (CPI) object;
                return == && this.className.equals(other.className)
                        && this.propertyName.equals(other.propertyName);
            } else {
                return false;

        public int hashCode() {
            return Objects.hashCode(getClass(), className, propertyName, id);

        public String toString() {
            return className + "[" + id + "]." + propertyName;

     * Track the progress of method calls to ensure that the sequencing makes sense.
     * @author
     * @since 5.1.3
    private enum Milestone {
        /** operation planned */
        /** model objects unlinked */
        /** model objects processed */

     * The state of the graph traversal. Various rules apply:
     * <ol>
     *   <li>An instance may be in no more than one of {@link #included}, {@link #deleted}, {@link #outside},
     *       {@link #findIfLast} and {@link #foundIfLast}.</li>
     *   <li>An instance may be inserted into {@link #included} or {@link #deleted}
     *       whereupon it is also inserted into {@link #toProcess}.</li>
     *   <li>An instance may be inserted into {@link #outside}
     *       whereupon it is also removed from {@link #toProcess}.</li>
     *   <li>An instance may not be removed from {@link #included} or {@link #deleted}
     *       except to be inserted into {@link #included} or {@link #deleted} or {@link #outside}.</li>
     *   <li>An instance may be in {@link #findIfLast} or {@link #foundIfLast} but not both.</li>
     *   <li>An instance may not be removed from {@link #findIfLast} or {@link #foundIfLast}
     *       except to move between them
     *       whereupon it is also inserted into {@link #toProcess}.</li>
     *   <li>An instance may be inserted into {@link #cached}
     *       whereupon it is also inserted into {@link #toProcess}.</li>
     *   <li>{@link #forwardLinksCached}, {@link #backwardLinksCached}, {@link #befores} and {@link #afters}
     *       contain entries for exactly the instances in {@link #cached}.</li>
     *   <li>An instance may be in {@link #included} or {@link #deleted} only if it is in {@link #cached}.</li>
     *   <li>An instance is inserted into {@link #queue} only once.</li>
     *   <li>{@link #queue} contains exactly the instances that are in {@link #included} or {@link #deleted}.</li>
     * </ol>
     * @author
     * @since 5.1.0
    private static class Planning {
        /* process state */
        final Set<CI> toProcess = new HashSet<CI>();
        final Set<CI> included = new HashSet<CI>();
        final Set<CI> deleted = new HashSet<CI>();
        final Set<CI> outside = new HashSet<CI>();
        /* orphan checks */
        final Set<CI> findIfLast = new HashSet<CI>();
        final Map<CI, Boolean> foundIfLast = new HashMap<CI, Boolean>();
        /* links */
        final Map<CI, CI> aliases = new HashMap<CI, CI>();
        final Set<CI> cached = new HashSet<CI>();
        final SetMultimap<CPI, CI> forwardLinksCached = HashMultimap.create();
        final SetMultimap<CPI, CI> backwardLinksCached = HashMultimap.create();
        final SetMultimap<CI, CI> befores = HashMultimap.create();
        final SetMultimap<CI, CI> afters = HashMultimap.create();
        final Map<CI, Set<CI>> blockedBy = new HashMap<CI, Set<CI>>();
        /* permissions, unused for system users */
        final Map<CI, ome.model.internal.Details> detailsNoted = new HashMap<CI, ome.model.internal.Details>();
        final Set<CI> mayUpdate = new HashSet<CI>();
        final Set<CI> mayDelete = new HashSet<CI>();
        final Set<CI> mayChmod = new HashSet<CI>();
        final Set<CI> owns = new HashSet<CI>();
        final Set<CI> overrides = new HashSet<CI>();

     * Executor that allows callers to actually perform the planned action.
     * @author
     * @since 5.1.3
    public interface PlanExecutor {
         * Perform the planned action.
         * @throws GraphException if the action fails
        void execute() throws GraphException;

     * Executes the planned operation.
     * @author
     * @since 5.1.0
    public interface Processor {

         * Null the given property of the indicated instances.
         * @param className full name of mapped Hibernate class
         * @param propertyName HQL-style property name of class
         * @param ids applicable instances of class, no more than {@link #BATCH_SIZE}
        void nullProperties(String className, String propertyName, Collection<Long> ids);

         * Delete the given instances.
         * @param className full name of mapped Hibernate class
         * @param ids applicable instances of class, no more than {@link #BATCH_SIZE}
         * @throws GraphException if not all the instances could be deleted
        void deleteInstances(String className, Collection<Long> ids) throws GraphException;

         * Process the given instances. They will have been sufficiently unlinked by the other methods.
         * @param className full name of mapped Hibernate class
         * @param ids applicable instances of class, no more than {@link #BATCH_SIZE}
         * @throws GraphException if not all the instances could be processed
        void processInstances(String className, Collection<Long> ids) throws GraphException;

         * @return the permissions required for processing instances with {@link #processInstances(String, Collection)}
        Set<Ability> getRequiredPermissions();

         * Assert that an object with the given details may be processed. Called only if the user is not an administrator.
         * @param className the name of the object's class
         * @param id the ID of the object
         * @param details the object's details
         * @throws GraphException if the object may not be processed
        void assertMayProcess(String className, long id, ome.model.internal.Details details) throws GraphException;

    private final Session session;
    private final EventContext eventContext;
    private final ACLVoter aclVoter;
    private final SystemTypes systemTypes;
    private final GraphPathBean model;
    private final SetMultimap<String, String> unnullable;
    private final Set<Milestone> progress = EnumSet.noneOf(Milestone.class);
    private final Planning planning;
    private final GraphPolicy policy;
    private final Processor processor;

     * Construct a new instance of a graph traversal manager.
     * @param session the Hibernate session
     * @param eventContext the current event context
     * @param aclVoter ACL voter for permissions checking
     * @param systemTypes for identifying the system types
     * @param graphPathBean the graph path bean
     * @param unnullable properties that, while nullable, may not be nulled by a graph traversal operation
     * @param policy how to determine which related objects to include in the operation
     * @param processor how to operate on the resulting target object graph
    public GraphTraversal(Session session, EventContext eventContext, ACLVoter aclVoter, SystemTypes systemTypes,
            GraphPathBean graphPathBean, SetMultimap<String, String> unnullable, GraphPolicy policy,
            Processor processor) {
        this.session = session;
        this.eventContext = eventContext;
        this.aclVoter = aclVoter;
        this.systemTypes = systemTypes;
        this.model = graphPathBean;
        this.unnullable = unnullable;
        this.planning = new Planning();
        this.policy = policy;
        this.processor = log.isDebugEnabled() ? debugWrap(processor) : processor;

     * Traverse model object graph to determine steps for the proposed operation.
     * @param session the Hibernate session to use for HQL queries
     * @param objects the model objects to process
     * @param include if the given model objects are to be included (instead of just deleted)
     * @param applyRules if the given model objects should have the policy rules applied to them
     * @return the model objects included in the operation, and the deleted objects
     * @throws GraphException if the model objects were not as expected
    public Entry<SetMultimap<String, Long>, SetMultimap<String, Long>> planOperation(Session session,
            SetMultimap<String, Long> objects, boolean include, boolean applyRules) throws GraphException {
        if (progress.contains(Milestone.PLANNED)) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("operation already planned");
        final Set<CI> targetSet = include ? planning.included : planning.deleted;
        /* note the object instances for processing */
        targetSet.addAll(objectsToCIs(session, objects));
        if (applyRules) {
            /* actually do the planning of the operation */
        } else {
            /* act as if the target objects have no links and no rules match them */
            for (final CI targetObject : targetSet) {
                planning.blockedBy.put(targetObject, new HashSet<CI>());
        /* report which objects are to be included in the operation or deleted so that it can proceed */
        final SetMultimap<String, Long> included = HashMultimap.create();
        for (final CI includedObject : planning.included) {
        final SetMultimap<String, Long> deleted = HashMultimap.create();
        for (final CI deletedObject : planning.deleted) {
        return Maps.immutableEntry(included, deleted);

     * Traverse model object graph to determine steps for the proposed operation.
     * @param session the Hibernate session to use for HQL queries
     * @param objectInstances the model objects to process, may be unloaded with ID only
     * @param include if the given model objects are to be included (instead of just deleted)
     * @param applyRules if the given model objects should have the policy rules applied to them
     * @return the model objects included in the operation, and the deleted objects, may be unloaded with ID only
     * @throws GraphException if the model objects were not as expected
    public Entry<Collection<IObject>, Collection<IObject>> planOperation(Session session,
            Collection<? extends IObject> objectInstances, boolean include, boolean applyRules)
            throws GraphException {
        if (progress.contains(Milestone.PLANNED)) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("operation already planned");
        final Set<CI> targetSet = include ? planning.included : planning.deleted;
        /* note the object instances for processing */
        final SetMultimap<String, Long> objectsToQuery = HashMultimap.create();
        for (final IObject instance : objectInstances) {
            if (instance.isLoaded() && instance.getDetails() != null) {
                final CI object = new CI(instance);
                noteDetails(object, instance.getDetails());
            } else {
                objectsToQuery.put(instance.getClass().getName(), instance.getId());
        targetSet.addAll(objectsToCIs(session, objectsToQuery));
        if (applyRules) {
            /* actually do the planning of the operation */
        } else {
            /* act as if the target objects have no links and no rules match them */
            for (final CI targetObject : targetSet) {
                planning.blockedBy.put(targetObject, new HashSet<CI>());
        /* report which objects are to be included in the operation or deleted so that it can proceed */
        final Collection<IObject> included = new ArrayList<IObject>(planning.included.size());
        for (final CI includedObject : planning.included) {
        final Collection<IObject> deleted = new ArrayList<IObject>(planning.deleted.size());
        for (final CI deletedObject : planning.deleted) {
        return Maps.immutableEntry(included, deleted);

     * Traverse model object graph to determine steps for the proposed operation.
     * Assumes that the internal {@code planning} field is set up and mutates it accordingly.
     * @param session the Hibernate session to use for HQL queries
     * @throws GraphException if the model objects were not as expected
    private void planOperation(Session session) throws GraphException {
        /* track state to guarantee progress in reprocessing objects whose orphan status is relevant */
        Set<CI> optimisticReprocess = null;
        /* set of not-last objects after latest review */
        Set<CI> isNotLast = null;
        while (true) {
            /* process any pending objects */
            while (!(planning.toProcess.isEmpty() && planning.findIfLast.isEmpty())) {
                /* first process any cached objects that do not await orphan status determination */
                final Set<CI> toProcess = new HashSet<CI>(planning.toProcess);
                if (!toProcess.isEmpty()) {
                    if (optimisticReprocess != null
                            && !Sets.difference(planning.toProcess, optimisticReprocess).isEmpty()) {
                        /* processing something beyond optimistic suggestion, so circumstances have changed */
                        optimisticReprocess = null;
                    for (final CI nextObject : toProcess) {
                        reviewObject(nextObject, false);
                /* if none of the above exist, then fill the cache */
                final Set<CI> toCache = new HashSet<CI>(planning.toProcess);
                if (!toCache.isEmpty()) {
                    optimisticReprocess = null;
                    cache(session, toCache);
                /* try processing the findIfLast in case of any changes */
                if (!planning.toProcess.isEmpty()) {
                    final Set<CI> previousToProcess = new HashSet<CI>(planning.toProcess);
                    final Set<CI> previousFindIfLast = new HashSet<CI>(planning.findIfLast);
                    for (final CI nextObject : previousToProcess) {
                        reviewObject(nextObject, false);
                    /* This condition is tricky. We do want to reprocess objects that are suggested for such, while
                     * avoiding an infinite loop that comes of such processing not resolving any orphan status. */
                    if (!Sets.symmetricDifference(previousFindIfLast, planning.findIfLast).isEmpty()
                            || (optimisticReprocess == null
                                    || !Sets.symmetricDifference(planning.toProcess, optimisticReprocess).isEmpty())
                                    && !Sets.symmetricDifference(previousToProcess, planning.toProcess).isEmpty()) {
                        optimisticReprocess = new HashSet<CI>(planning.toProcess);
                /* if no other processing or caching is needed, then deem outstanding objects orphans */
                optimisticReprocess = null;
                for (final CI orphan : planning.findIfLast) {
                    planning.foundIfLast.put(orphan, true);
                    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        log.debug("marked " + orphan + " as " + Orphan.IS_LAST);
            /* determine which objects are now not last */
            final Set<CI> latestIsNotLast = new HashSet<CI>();
            for (final Entry<CI, Boolean> objectAndIsLast : planning.foundIfLast.entrySet()) {
                if (!objectAndIsLast.getValue()) {
            if (latestIsNotLast.isEmpty()
                    || (isNotLast != null && Sets.difference(isNotLast, latestIsNotLast).isEmpty())) {
                /* no fewer not-last objects than before */
            /* before completing processing, verify not-last status of objects */
            isNotLast = latestIsNotLast;
            for (final CI object : isNotLast) {
                if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    log.debug("marked " + object + " as " + Orphan.RELEVANT + " to verify " + Orphan.IS_NOT_LAST
                            + " status");

     * Check that there are no policy violations matched by {@code p:error} policy rules.
     * @throws GraphException if the policy rules are violated
    public void assertNoPolicyViolations() throws GraphException {
        if (!progress.contains(Milestone.PLANNED)) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("operation not yet planned");
        /* review objects for error conditions */
        for (final CI object : planning.cached) {
            reviewObject(object, true);

     * Note the details of the given object.
     * @param object the class and ID of the object instance
     * @param objectDetails the details of the object instance
     * @throws GraphException if the object could not be converted to an unloaded instance
    private void noteDetails(CI object, ome.model.internal.Details objectDetails) throws GraphException {
        final IObject objectInstance = object.toIObject();

        if (planning.detailsNoted.put(object, objectDetails) != null) {

        if (!eventContext.isCurrentUserAdmin()) {
            /* allowLoad ensures that BasicEventContext.groupPermissionsMap is populated */
            aclVoter.allowLoad(session, objectInstance.getClass(), objectDetails,;

            if (aclVoter.allowUpdate(objectInstance, objectDetails)) {
            if (aclVoter.allowDelete(objectInstance, objectDetails)) {
            if (objectInstance instanceof ExperimenterGroup) {
                final ExperimenterGroup loadedGroup = (ExperimenterGroup) session.load(ExperimenterGroup.class,
                if (aclVoter.allowChmod(loadedGroup)) {
            final Experimenter objectOwner = objectDetails.getOwner();
            if (objectOwner != null && eventContext.getCurrentUserId().equals(objectOwner.getId())) {

        policy.noteDetails(session, objectInstance, object.className,;

     * For the given class name and IDs, construct the corresponding {@link CI} instances without loading the persisted objects,
     * and ensure that their {@link ome.model.internal.Details} are noted.
     * @param className a model object class name
     * @param ids IDs of instances of the class
     * @return the {@link CI} instances indexed by object ID
     * @throws GraphException if an object could not be converted to an unloaded instance
    private Map<Long, CI> findObjectDetails(String className, Collection<Long> ids) throws GraphException {
        final Map<Long, CI> objectsById = new HashMap<Long, CI>();
        final Set<Long> idsToQuery = new HashSet<Long>();

        for (final Long id : ids) {
            final CI object = new CI(className, id);
            final CI alias = planning.aliases.get(object);
            if (alias == null) {
            } else {
                objectsById.put(, alias);

        if (!idsToQuery.isEmpty()) {
            /* query persisted object instances without loading them */
            final String rootQuery = "FROM " + className + " WHERE id IN (:ids)";
            for (final List<Long> idsBatch : Iterables.partition(idsToQuery, BATCH_SIZE)) {
                final Iterator<Object> objectInstances = session.createQuery(rootQuery)
                        .setParameterList("ids", idsBatch).iterate();
                while (objectInstances.hasNext()) {
                    /*final*/ Object objectInstance =;
                    if (objectInstance instanceof HibernateProxy) {
                        /* TODO: this is an awkward hack pending Hibernate 4's type() function */
                        final LazyInitializer initializer = ((HibernateProxy) objectInstance)
                        final Long id = (Long) initializer.getIdentifier();
                        String realClassName = initializer.getEntityName();
                        boolean lookForSubclass = true;
                        while (lookForSubclass) {
                            lookForSubclass = false;
                            for (final String subclassName : model.getSubclassesOf(realClassName)) {
                                final String classQuery = "FROM " + subclassName + " WHERE id = :id";
                                final Iterator<Object> instance = session.createQuery(classQuery)
                                        .setParameter("id", id).iterate();
                                if (instance.hasNext()) {
                                    realClassName = subclassName;
                                    lookForSubclass = true;
                        objectInstance = new CI(realClassName, id).toIObject();
                    final CI object = new CI((IObject) objectInstance);
                    objectsById.put(, object);
                    planning.aliases.put(new CI(className,, object);

            /* construct query according to which details may be queried */
            final Set<String> linkProperties = new HashSet<String>();
            for (final String superclassName : model.getSuperclassesOfReflexive(className)) {
                final Set<Entry<String, String>> forwardLinks = model.getLinkedTo(superclassName);
                for (final Entry<String, String> forwardLink : forwardLinks) {
            final List<String> soughtProperties = ImmutableList.of("details.owner", "");
            final List<String> selectTerms = new ArrayList<String>(soughtProperties.size() + 1);
            for (final String soughtProperty : soughtProperties) {
                if (linkProperties.contains(soughtProperty)) {
                    selectTerms.add("root." + soughtProperty);
                } else {
                    selectTerms.add("NULLIF(0,0)"); /* a simple NULL doesn't work in Hibernate 3.5 */
                    "root.details.permissions"); /* to include among soughtProperties once GraphPathBean knows of it */
            final String detailsQuery = "SELECT " + Joiner.on(',').join(selectTerms) + " FROM " + className
                    + " AS root WHERE IN (:ids)";

            /* query and note details of objects */
            for (final List<Long> idsBatch : Iterables.partition(idsToQuery, BATCH_SIZE)) {
                final Query hibernateQuery = session.createQuery(detailsQuery).setParameterList("ids", idsBatch);
                for (final Object[] result : (List<Object[]>) hibernateQuery.list()) {
                    final ome.model.internal.Details details = ome.model.internal.Details.create();
                    final Long id = (Long) result[0];
                    details.setOwner((Experimenter) result[1]);
                    details.setGroup((ExperimenterGroup) result[2]);
                    details.setPermissions((Permissions) result[3]);
                    noteDetails(objectsById.get(id), details);

        return objectsById;

     * Convert the indicated objects to {@link CI}s with their actual class identified.
     * @param session a Hibernate session
     * @param objects the objects to query
     * @return {@link CI}s corresponding to the objects
     * @throws GraphException if any of the specified objects could not be queried
    private Collection<CI> objectsToCIs(Session session, SetMultimap<String, Long> objects) throws GraphException {
        final List<CI> returnValue = new ArrayList<CI>(objects.size());
        for (final Entry<String, Collection<Long>> oneQueryClass : objects.asMap().entrySet()) {
            final String className = oneQueryClass.getKey();
            final Collection<Long> ids = oneQueryClass.getValue();
            final Collection<CI> retrieved = findObjectDetails(className, ids).values();
            if (ids.size() != retrieved.size()) {
                throw new GraphException("cannot read all the specified objects of class " + className);
        return returnValue;

     * Given a class and a property of that class, determine to which class it links.
     * @param linkProperty a class and property name
     * @return the class linked to
    private String getLinkedClass(CP linkProperty) {
        for (final Entry<String, String> forwardLink : model.getLinkedTo(linkProperty.className)) {
            if (linkProperty.propertyName.equals(forwardLink.getValue())) {
                return forwardLink.getKey();
        return null;

     * Given a class and a property linking to that class, determine from which class it is linked.
     * @param linkProperty a class and property name
     * @return the linking class
    private String getLinkerClass(CP linkProperty) {
        for (final Entry<String, String> backwardLink : model.getLinkedBy(linkProperty.className)) {
            if (linkProperty.propertyName.equals(backwardLink.getValue())) {
                return backwardLink.getKey();
        return null;

     * Load a specific link property's object relationships into the various cache fields of {@link Planning}.
     * @param linkProperty the link property being processed
     * @param query the HQL to query the property's object relationships
     * @param ids the IDs of the related objects
     * @return which linker objects are related to which linked objects by the given property
     * @throws GraphException if the objects could not be converted to unloaded instances
    private List<Entry<CI, CI>> getLinksToCache(CP linkProperty, String query, Collection<Long> ids)
            throws GraphException {
        final String linkedClassName = getLinkedClass(linkProperty);
        final boolean propertyIsAccessible = model.isPropertyAccessible(linkProperty.className,
        final SetMultimap<Long, Long> linkerToLinked = HashMultimap.create();
        for (final List<Long> idsBatch : Iterables.partition(ids, BATCH_SIZE)) {
            for (final Object[] result : (List<Object[]>) session.createQuery(query)
                    .setParameterList("ids", idsBatch).list()) {
                linkerToLinked.put((Long) result[0], (Long) result[1]);
        final List<Entry<CI, CI>> linkerLinked = new ArrayList<Entry<CI, CI>>();
        final Map<Long, CI> linkersById = findObjectDetails(linkProperty.className, linkerToLinked.keySet());
        final Map<Long, CI> linkedsById = findObjectDetails(linkedClassName,
                new HashSet<Long>(linkerToLinked.values()));
        for (final Entry<Long, Long> linkerIdLinkedId : linkerToLinked.entries()) {
            final CI linker = linkersById.get(linkerIdLinkedId.getKey());
            final CI linked = linkedsById.get(linkerIdLinkedId.getValue());
            if (!planning.detailsNoted.containsKey(linker)) {
                log.warn("failed to query for " + linker);
            } else if (!planning.detailsNoted.containsKey(linked)) {
                log.warn("failed to query for " + linked);
            } else {
                linkerLinked.add(Maps.immutableEntry(linker, linked));
                if (propertyIsAccessible) {
                    planning.befores.put(linked, linker);
                    planning.afters.put(linker, linked);
                if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    log.debug(linkProperty.toCPI( + " links to " + linked);
        return linkerLinked;

     * Load object instances and their links into the various cache fields of {@link Planning}.
     * @param session a Hibernate session
     * @param toCache the objects to cache
     * @throws GraphException if the objects could not be converted to unloaded instances
    private void cache(Session session, Collection<CI> toCache) throws GraphException {
        /* note which links to query, organized for batch querying */
        final SetMultimap<CP, Long> forwardLinksWanted = HashMultimap.create();
        final SetMultimap<CP, Long> backwardLinksWanted = HashMultimap.create();
        for (final CI inclusionCandidate : toCache) {
            for (final String inclusionCandidateSuperclassName : model
                    .getSuperclassesOfReflexive(inclusionCandidate.className)) {
                for (final Entry<String, String> forwardLink : model
                        .getLinkedTo(inclusionCandidateSuperclassName)) {
                    final CP linkProperty = new CP(inclusionCandidateSuperclassName, forwardLink.getValue());
                for (final Entry<String, String> backwardLink : model
                        .getLinkedBy(inclusionCandidateSuperclassName)) {
                    final CP linkProperty = new CP(backwardLink.getKey(), backwardLink.getValue());
        /* query and cache forward links */
        for (final Entry<CP, Collection<Long>> forwardLink : forwardLinksWanted.asMap().entrySet()) {
            final CP linkProperty = forwardLink.getKey();
            final String query = "SELECT, FROM " + linkProperty.className + " AS linker "
                    + "JOIN linker." + linkProperty.propertyName + " AS linked WHERE IN (:ids)";
            for (final Entry<CI, CI> linkerLinked : getLinksToCache(linkProperty, query, forwardLink.getValue())) {
        /* query and cache backward links */
        for (final Entry<CP, Collection<Long>> backwardLink : backwardLinksWanted.asMap().entrySet()) {
            final CP linkProperty = backwardLink.getKey();
            final String query = "SELECT, FROM " + linkProperty.className + " AS linker "
                    + "JOIN linker." + linkProperty.propertyName + " AS linked WHERE IN (:ids)";
            for (final Entry<CI, CI> linkerLinked : getLinksToCache(linkProperty, query, backwardLink.getValue())) {
        /* note cached objects for further processing */

     * Invalidate {@link Orphan#IS_NOT_LAST} for objects linked to one no longer {@link Action#EXCLUDE}d.
     * @param object the object that is no longer {@link Action#EXCLUDE}d
    private void orphanCheckNoLongerExcluded(CI object) {
        for (final String superclassName : model.getSuperclassesOfReflexive(object.className)) {
            for (final Entry<String, String> forwardLink : model.getLinkedTo(superclassName)) {
                /* next forward link */
                final CPI linkSource = new CPI(superclassName, forwardLink.getValue(),;
                for (final CI linked : planning.forwardLinksCached.get(linkSource)) {
                    /* next object linked by this one */
                    if (Boolean.FALSE.equals(planning.foundIfLast.get(linked))) {
            for (final Entry<String, String> backwardLink : model.getLinkedBy(superclassName)) {
                /* next backward link */
                final CPI linkTarget = new CPI(backwardLink.getKey(), backwardLink.getValue(),;
                for (final CI linker : planning.backwardLinksCached.get(linkTarget)) {
                    /* next object this one links */
                    if (Boolean.FALSE.equals(planning.foundIfLast.get(linker))) {

     * Determine the appropriate value of {@link Action} for the given object.
     * @param object an object
     * @return the object's {@link Action} value
    private Action getAction(CI object) {
        if (planning.included.contains(object)) {
            return Action.INCLUDE;
        } else if (planning.deleted.contains(object)) {
            return Action.DELETE;
        } else if (planning.outside.contains(object)) {
            return Action.OUTSIDE;
        } else {
            return Action.EXCLUDE;

     * Determine the appropriate value of {@link Orphan} for the given object.
     * @param object an object
     * @return the object's {@link Orphan} value
    private Orphan getOrphan(CI object) {
        if (planning.findIfLast.contains(object)) {
            return Orphan.RELEVANT;
        final Boolean isLast = planning.foundIfLast.get(object);
        if (isLast == null) {
            return Orphan.IRRELEVANT;
        } else {
            return isLast ? Orphan.IS_LAST : Orphan.IS_NOT_LAST;

     * Return details of the given model object.
     * Repeated queries for the same model object return exactly the same details object as previously.
     * @param cache the cache of details by object
     * @param object an object
     * @return the details of the object
     * @throws GraphException if the object could not be constructed as an {@link IObject}
    private Details getDetails(Map<CI, Details> cache, CI object) throws GraphException {
        Details details = cache.get(object);

        if (details == null) {
            final ome.model.internal.Details objectDetails = planning.detailsNoted.get(object);
            final Experimenter owner = objectDetails.getOwner();
            final ExperimenterGroup group = objectDetails.getGroup();
            final Long ownerId = owner == null ? null : owner.getId();
            final Long groupId = group == null ? null : group.getId();

            final Action action = getAction(object);
            final Orphan orphan = action == Action.EXCLUDE ? getOrphan(object) : Orphan.IRRELEVANT;

            if (eventContext.isCurrentUserAdmin()) {
                details = new DetailsWithCI(object.toIObject(), ownerId, groupId, action, orphan, true, true, true,
                        true, true);
            } else {
                details = new DetailsWithCI(object.toIObject(), ownerId, groupId, action, orphan,
                        planning.mayUpdate.contains(object), planning.mayDelete.contains(object),
                        planning.mayChmod.contains(object), planning.owns.contains(object),

            cache.put(object, details);

        return details;

     * Process the object, adjusting the planning state accordingly.
     * @param object an object
     * @param isErrorRules if {@link GraphPolicy#review(Map, Details, Map, Set)} should apply final checks instead of normal rules
     * @throws GraphException on detecting the policy attempting an illegal change of {@link Action}
    private void reviewObject(CI object, boolean isErrorRules) throws GraphException {
        /* note the object's details */
        final Map<CI, Details> detailsCache = new HashMap<CI, Details>();
        final Details objectDetails = getDetails(detailsCache, object);
        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
            sb.append("reviewing ");
            if (isErrorRules) {
                sb.append(" for error conditions");
        /* review the object's links */
        final Map<String, Set<Details>> linkedFromDetails = new HashMap<String, Set<Details>>();
        final Map<String, Set<Details>> linkedToDetails = new HashMap<String, Set<Details>>();
        final Set<String> notNullable = new HashSet<String>();
        for (final String superclassName : model.getSuperclassesOfReflexive(object.className)) {
            for (final Entry<String, String> forwardLink : model.getLinkedTo(superclassName)) {
                /* next forward link */
                final CP linkProperty = new CP(superclassName, forwardLink.getValue());
                if (model.getPropertyKind(linkProperty.className,
                        linkProperty.propertyName) == PropertyKind.REQUIRED) {
                final Set<Details> linkedsDetails = new HashSet<Details>();
                linkedToDetails.put(linkProperty.toString(), linkedsDetails);
                final CPI linkSource = linkProperty.toCPI(;
                for (final CI linked : planning.forwardLinksCached.get(linkSource)) {
                    /* next object linked by this one */
                    linkedsDetails.add(getDetails(detailsCache, linked));
            for (final Entry<String, String> backwardLink : model.getLinkedBy(superclassName)) {
                /* next backward link */
                final CP linkProperty = new CP(backwardLink.getKey(), backwardLink.getValue());
                if (model.getPropertyKind(linkProperty.className,
                        linkProperty.propertyName) == PropertyKind.REQUIRED) {
                final Set<Details> linkersDetails = new HashSet<Details>();
                linkedFromDetails.put(linkProperty.toString(), linkersDetails);
                final CPI linkTarget = linkProperty.toCPI(;
                for (final CI linker : planning.backwardLinksCached.get(linkTarget)) {
                    /* next object this one links */
                    linkersDetails.add(getDetails(detailsCache, linker));
        final Set<Details> changes =, objectDetails, linkedToDetails, notNullable,
        /* object is now processed */
        if (changes == null) {
        /* act on collated policies */
        for (final Details change : changes) {
            final CI instance = new CI(change.subject);
            final Action previousAction = getAction(instance);
            if (previousAction != change.action) {
                /* undo previous action */
                switch (previousAction) {
                case EXCLUDE:
                    /* query orphan status only for EXCLUDEd objects */
                    /* re-check objects whose IS_NOT_LAST may have depended on this object being excluded */
                case DELETE:
                    throw new GraphException("policy cannot change action from " + previousAction);
                /* accept new action */
                switch (change.action) {
                case DELETE:
                case INCLUDE:
                case OUTSIDE:
                    throw new GraphException("policy cannot change action to " + change.action);
            } else if ((change.orphan == Orphan.IS_LAST || change.orphan == Orphan.IS_NOT_LAST)
                    && !planning.foundIfLast.containsKey(instance)) {
                /* relevant orphan status now determined so object must be processed */
                planning.foundIfLast.put(instance, change.orphan == Orphan.IS_LAST);
            } else if (change.action == Action.EXCLUDE && change.orphan == Orphan.RELEVANT
                    && planning.findIfLast.add(instance) && !planning.cached.contains(instance)) {
                /* orphan status is relevant; if just now noted as such then ensure the object is or will be cached */
            } else if (!(change.action == Action.OUTSIDE || instance.equals(object))) {
                /* probably just needs review */
            if (!(change.isCheckPermissions || eventContext.isCurrentUserAdmin())) {
                /* do not check the user's permissions on this object */
            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                log.debug("adjusted " + change);
        /* if object is now DELETE or INCLUDE then it must be in the queue */
        final Action chosenAction = getAction(object);
        if ((chosenAction == Action.DELETE || chosenAction == Action.INCLUDE)
                && !planning.blockedBy.containsKey(object)) {
            final Set<CI> queuedItems = planning.blockedBy.keySet();
                    new HashSet<CI>(Sets.intersection(planning.befores.get(object), queuedItems)));
            for (final CI afterItem : Sets.intersection(planning.afters.get(object), queuedItems)) {

     * Note a linked object to remove from a linker property's {@link Collection} value.
     * @param linkerToIdToLinked the map from linker property to linker ID to objects in {@link Collection}s
     * @param linker the linker object
     * @param linked the linked object
    private void addRemoval(Map<CP, SetMultimap<Long, Entry<String, Long>>> linkerToIdToLinked, CPI linker,
            CI linked) {
        if (model.isPropertyAccessible(linker.className, linker.propertyName)) {
            SetMultimap<Long, Entry<String, Long>> idMap = linkerToIdToLinked.get(linker.toCP());
            if (idMap == null) {
                idMap = HashMultimap.create();
                linkerToIdToLinked.put(linker.toCP(), idMap);
            idMap.put(, Maps.immutableEntry(linked.className,;

     * Create a processor proxy that logs method calls and arguments at debug level.
     * Object IDs may be rearranged to be in ascending order to aid readability.
     * @param processor the processor to wrap
     * @return the wrapped processor
    private static Processor debugWrap(final Processor processor) {
        return new Processor() {
            public void nullProperties(String className, String propertyName, Collection<Long> ids) {
                if (!(ids instanceof SortedSet)) {
                    ids = new TreeSet<Long>(ids);
                if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                            "processor: null " + className + "[" + Joiner.on(',').join(ids) + "]." + propertyName);
                processor.nullProperties(className, propertyName, ids);

            public void deleteInstances(String className, Collection<Long> ids) throws GraphException {
                if (!(ids instanceof SortedSet)) {
                    ids = new TreeSet<Long>(ids);
                if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    log.debug("processor: delete " + className + "[" + Joiner.on(',').join(ids) + "]");
                processor.deleteInstances(className, ids);

            public void processInstances(String className, Collection<Long> ids) throws GraphException {
                if (!(ids instanceof SortedSet)) {
                    ids = new TreeSet<Long>(ids);
                if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    log.debug("processor: process " + className + "[" + Joiner.on(',').join(ids) + "]");
                processor.processInstances(className, ids);

            public Set<Ability> getRequiredPermissions() {
                return processor.getRequiredPermissions();

            public void assertMayProcess(String className, long id, ome.model.internal.Details details)
                    throws GraphException {
                processor.assertMayProcess(className, id, details);

     * Determine if the given {@link IObject} class is a system type as judged by {@link SystemTypes#isSystemType(Class)}.
     * @param className a class name
     * @return if the class is a system type
     * @throws GraphException if {@code className} does not name an accessible class
    private boolean isSystemType(String className) throws GraphException {
        try {
            final Class<? extends IObject> actualClass = (Class<? extends IObject>) Class.forName(className);
            return systemTypes.isSystemType(actualClass);
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
            throw new GraphException("no model object class named " + className);

     * Assert that the processor may operate upon the given objects with {@link Processor#processInstances(String, Collection)}.
     * Never fails for system types.
     * @param className a class name
     * @param ids instance IDs
     * @throws GraphException if the user does not have the necessary permissions for all of the objects
    private void assertMayBeProcessed(String className, Collection<Long> ids) throws GraphException {
        final Set<CI> objects = idsToCIs(className, ids);
        if (!isSystemType(className)) {
            assertPermissions(objects, processor.getRequiredPermissions());
        if (!eventContext.isCurrentUserAdmin()) {
            for (final CI object : Sets.difference(objects, planning.overrides)) {
                try {
                    processor.assertMayProcess(object.className,, planning.detailsNoted.get(object));
                } catch (GraphException e) {
                    throw new GraphException("cannot process " + object + ": " + e.message);

     * Assert that the user may delete the given objects. Never fails for system types.
     * @param className a class name
     * @param ids instance IDs
     * @throws GraphException if the user may not delete all of the objects
    private void assertMayBeDeleted(String className, Collection<Long> ids) throws GraphException {
        if (!isSystemType(className)) {
            assertPermissions(idsToCIs(className, ids), Collections.singleton(Ability.DELETE));

     * Assert that the user may update the given objects. Never fails for system types.
     * @param className a class name
     * @param ids instance IDs
     * @throws GraphException if the user may not update all of the objects
    private void assertMayBeUpdated(String className, Collection<Long> ids) throws GraphException {
        if (!isSystemType(className)) {
            assertPermissions(idsToCIs(className, ids), Collections.singleton(Ability.UPDATE));

     * Assert that the user has the given abilities to operate upon the given objects.
     * @param objects some objects
     * @param abilities some abilities, may be {@code null}
     * @throws GraphException if the user does not have all the abilities to operate upon all of the objects
    private void assertPermissions(Set<CI> objects, Collection<GraphPolicy.Ability> abilities)
            throws GraphException {
        if (abilities == null || eventContext.isCurrentUserAdmin()) {
        objects = Sets.difference(objects, planning.overrides);
        if (abilities.contains(Ability.DELETE)) {
            final Set<CI> violations = Sets.difference(objects, planning.mayDelete);
            if (!violations.isEmpty()) {
                throw new GraphException("not permitted to delete " + Joiner.on(", ").join(violations));
        if (abilities.contains(Ability.UPDATE)) {
            final Set<CI> violations = Sets.difference(objects, planning.mayUpdate);
            if (!violations.isEmpty()) {
                throw new GraphException("not permitted to update " + Joiner.on(", ").join(violations));
        if (abilities.contains(Ability.CHMOD)) {
            final Set<CI> violations = Sets.difference(objects, planning.mayChmod);
            if (!violations.isEmpty()) {
                throw new GraphException(
                        "not permitted to change permissions on " + Joiner.on(", ").join(violations));
        if (abilities.contains(Ability.OWN)) {
            final Set<CI> violations = Sets.difference(objects, planning.owns);
            if (!violations.isEmpty()) {
                throw new GraphException("does not own " + Joiner.on(", ").join(violations));

     * Convert the given IDs to objects of the given class.
     * @param className a class name
     * @param ids instance IDs
     * @return objects of the given class and IDs
    private static Set<CI> idsToCIs(String className, Collection<Long> ids) {
        final Set<CI> objects = new HashSet<CI>();
        for (final Long id : ids) {
            objects.add(new CI(className, id));
        return objects;

     * Assert that {@link #unlinkTargets(boolean)} need not be called.
     * @throws GraphException if any model objects are to be {@link Action#DELETE}d
    public void assertNoUnlinking() throws GraphException {
        if (!progress.contains(Milestone.PLANNED)) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("operation not yet planned");
        if (!planning.deleted.isEmpty()) {
            throw new GraphException("cannot bypass unlinking step if any model objects are to be deleted");

     * Prepare to remove links between the targeted model objects and the remainder of the model object graph.
     * @param isUnlinkIncludeFromExclude if {@link Action#EXCLUDE} objects must be unlinked from {@link Action#INCLUDE} objects
     * and vice versa
     * @return the actual unlinker for the targeted model objects, to be used by the caller
     * @throws GraphException if the user does not have permission to unlink the targets
    public PlanExecutor unlinkTargets(boolean isUnlinkIncludeFromExclude) throws GraphException {
        if (!progress.contains(Milestone.PLANNED)) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("operation not yet planned");
        /* accumulate plan for unlinking included/deleted from others */
        final SetMultimap<CP, Long> toNullByCP = HashMultimap.create();
        final Map<CP, SetMultimap<Long, Entry<String, Long>>> linkerToIdToLinked = new HashMap<CP, SetMultimap<Long, Entry<String, Long>>>();
        for (final CI object : planning.included) {
            for (final String superclassName : model.getSuperclassesOfReflexive(object.className)) {
                for (final Entry<String, String> forwardLink : model.getLinkedTo(superclassName)) {
                    final CP linkProperty = new CP(superclassName, forwardLink.getValue());
                    final boolean isCollection = model.getPropertyKind(linkProperty.className,
                            linkProperty.propertyName) == PropertyKind.COLLECTION;
                    final CPI linkSource = linkProperty.toCPI(;
                    for (final CI linked : planning.forwardLinksCached.get(linkSource)) {
                        final Action linkedAction = getAction(linked);
                        if (linkedAction == Action.DELETE
                                || isUnlinkIncludeFromExclude && linkedAction == Action.EXCLUDE) {
                            /* INCLUDE is linked to EXCLUDE or DELETE, so unlink */
                            if (isCollection) {
                                addRemoval(linkerToIdToLinked, linkProperty.toCPI(, linked);
                            } else {
                if (isUnlinkIncludeFromExclude) {
                    for (final Entry<String, String> backwardLink : model.getLinkedBy(superclassName)) {
                        final CP linkProperty = new CP(backwardLink.getKey(), backwardLink.getValue());
                        final boolean isCollection = model.getPropertyKind(linkProperty.className,
                                linkProperty.propertyName) == PropertyKind.COLLECTION;
                        final CPI linkTarget = linkProperty.toCPI(;
                        for (final CI linker : planning.backwardLinksCached.get(linkTarget)) {
                            final Action linkerAction = getAction(linker);
                            if (linkerAction == Action.EXCLUDE) {
                                /* EXCLUDE is linked to INCLUDE, so unlink */
                                if (isCollection) {
                                    addRemoval(linkerToIdToLinked, linkProperty.toCPI(, object);
                                } else {
        for (final CI object : planning.deleted) {
            for (final String superclassName : model.getSuperclassesOfReflexive(object.className)) {
                for (final Entry<String, String> backwardLink : model.getLinkedBy(superclassName)) {
                    final CP linkProperty = new CP(backwardLink.getKey(), backwardLink.getValue());
                    final boolean isCollection = model.getPropertyKind(linkProperty.className,
                            linkProperty.propertyName) == PropertyKind.COLLECTION;
                    final CPI linkTarget = linkProperty.toCPI(;
                    for (final CI linker : planning.backwardLinksCached.get(linkTarget)) {
                        final Action linkerAction = getAction(linker);
                        if (linkerAction != Action.DELETE) {
                            /* EXCLUDE, INCLUDE or OUTSIDE is linked to DELETE, so unlink */
                            if (isCollection) {
                                addRemoval(linkerToIdToLinked, linkProperty.toCPI(, object);
                            } else {
        /* note unlink included/deleted by nulling properties */
        final Map<CP, Collection<Long>> eachToNullByCP = toNullByCP.asMap();
        for (final Entry<CP, Collection<Long>> nullCurr : eachToNullByCP.entrySet()) {
            final CP linker = nullCurr.getKey();
            if (unnullable.get(linker.className).contains(linker.propertyName)
                    || model.getPropertyKind(linker.className, linker.propertyName) == PropertyKind.REQUIRED) {
                throw new GraphException("cannot null " + linker);
            final Collection<Long> allIds = nullCurr.getValue();
            assertMayBeUpdated(linker.className, allIds);
        /* note unlink included/deleted by removing from collections */
        for (final Entry<CP, SetMultimap<Long, Entry<String, Long>>> removeCurr : linkerToIdToLinked.entrySet()) {
            final CP linker = removeCurr.getKey();
            final Collection<Long> allIds = removeCurr.getValue().keySet();
            assertMayBeUpdated(linker.className, allIds);
            throw new GraphException("cannot remove elements from collection " + linker);
        return new PlanExecutor() {
            public void execute() throws GraphException {
                if (progress.contains(Milestone.UNLINKED)) {
                    throw new IllegalStateException("model objects already unlinked");
                /* actually do the noted unlinking */
                for (final Entry<CP, Collection<Long>> nullCurr : eachToNullByCP.entrySet()) {
                    final CP linker = nullCurr.getKey();
                    final Collection<Long> allIds = nullCurr.getValue();
                    for (final List<Long> ids : Iterables.partition(allIds, BATCH_SIZE)) {
                        processor.nullProperties(linker.className, linker.propertyName, ids);

     * Prepare to process the targeted model objects.
     * @return the actual processor for the targeted model objects, to be used by the caller
     * @throws GraphException if the user does not have permission to process the targets or
     * if a cycle is detected in the model object graph
    public PlanExecutor processTargets() throws GraphException {
        if (!progress.contains(Milestone.PLANNED)) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("operation not yet planned");
        final List<Entry<Map<String, Collection<Long>>, Map<String, Collection<Long>>>> toJoinAndDelete = new ArrayList<Entry<Map<String, Collection<Long>>, Map<String, Collection<Long>>>>();
        /* process the targets forward across links */
        while (!planning.blockedBy.isEmpty()) {
            /* determine which objects can be processed in this step */
            final Collection<CI> nowUnblocked = new HashSet<CI>();
            final Iterator<Entry<CI, Set<CI>>> blocks = planning.blockedBy.entrySet().iterator();
            while (blocks.hasNext()) {
                final Entry<CI, Set<CI>> block =;
                final CI object = block.getKey();
                if (block.getValue().isEmpty()) {
            if (nowUnblocked.isEmpty()) {
                throw new GraphException(
                        "cycle detected among " + Joiner.on(", ").join(planning.blockedBy.keySet()));
            for (final Set<CI> blockers : planning.blockedBy.values()) {
            final SetMultimap<String, Long> toJoin = HashMultimap.create();
            final SetMultimap<String, Long> toDelete = HashMultimap.create();
            for (final CI object : nowUnblocked) {
                if (planning.included.contains(object)) {
                } else {
            /* note this group's includes and deletes */
            final Map<String, Collection<Long>> eachToJoin = toJoin.asMap();
            for (final Entry<String, Collection<Long>> oneClassToJoin : eachToJoin.entrySet()) {
                final String className = oneClassToJoin.getKey();
                final Collection<Long> allIds = oneClassToJoin.getValue();
                assertMayBeProcessed(className, allIds);
            final Map<String, Collection<Long>> eachToDelete = toDelete.asMap();
            for (final Entry<String, Collection<Long>> oneClassToDelete : eachToDelete.entrySet()) {
                final String className = oneClassToDelete.getKey();
                final Collection<Long> allIds = oneClassToDelete.getValue();
                assertMayBeDeleted(className, allIds);
            toJoinAndDelete.add(Maps.immutableEntry(eachToJoin, eachToDelete));
        return new PlanExecutor() {
            public void execute() throws GraphException {
                if (!progress.contains(Milestone.UNLINKED)) {
                    throw new IllegalStateException("model objects not yet unlinked");
                if (progress.contains(Milestone.PROCESSED)) {
                    throw new IllegalStateException("model objects already processed");
                /* actually do the noted processing */
                for (final Entry<Map<String, Collection<Long>>, Map<String, Collection<Long>>> next : toJoinAndDelete) {
                    final Map<String, Collection<Long>> toJoin = next.getKey();
                    final Map<String, Collection<Long>> toDelete = next.getValue();
                    /* perform this group's deletes */
                    if (!toDelete.isEmpty()) {
                        for (final Entry<String, Collection<Long>> oneClassToDelete : toDelete.entrySet()) {
                            final String className = oneClassToDelete.getKey();
                            final Collection<Long> allIds = oneClassToDelete.getValue();
                            final Collection<Collection<Long>> idGroups;
                            if (OriginalFile.class.getName().equals(className)) {
                                idGroups = ModelObjectSequencer.sortOriginalFileIds(session, allIds);
                            } else {
                                idGroups = Collections.singleton(allIds);
                            for (final Collection<Long> idGroup : idGroups) {
                                for (final List<Long> ids : Iterables.partition(idGroup, BATCH_SIZE)) {
                                    processor.deleteInstances(className, ids);
                    /* perform this group's includes */
                    if (!toJoin.isEmpty()) {
                        for (final Entry<String, Collection<Long>> oneClassToJoin : toJoin.entrySet()) {
                            final String className = oneClassToJoin.getKey();
                            final Collection<Long> allIds = oneClassToJoin.getValue();
                            for (final List<Long> ids : Iterables.partition(allIds, BATCH_SIZE)) {
                                processor.processInstances(className, ids);

     * Get the model objects that are linked to by the given object via the given property.
     * Provides a window into the model object cache accumulated in planning a graph operation.
     * @param propertyValueClass the full name of the model class that declares the given property
     * @param propertyName a property name, may be nested
     * @param id the ID of the model object doing the linking
     * @return the class and ID of the model objects that are linked to by the given object, never {@code null}
    public SetMultimap<String, Long> getLinkeds(String propertyValueClass, String propertyName, Long id) {
        if (!progress.contains(Milestone.PLANNED)) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("operation not yet planned");
        final SetMultimap<String, Long> linkeds = HashMultimap.create();
        for (final CI linked : planning.forwardLinksCached.get(new CPI(propertyValueClass, propertyName, id))) {
        return linkeds;

     * Get the model objects that link to the given object via the given property.
     * Provides a window into the model object cache accumulated in planning a graph operation.
     * @param propertyValueClass the full name of the model class that declares the given property
     * @param propertyName a property name, may be nested
     * @param id the ID of the model object being linked to
     * @return the class and ID of the model objects that link to the given object, never {@code null}
    public SetMultimap<String, Long> getLinkers(String propertyValueClass, String propertyName, Long id) {
        if (!progress.contains(Milestone.PLANNED)) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("operation not yet planned");
        final SetMultimap<String, Long> linkers = HashMultimap.create();
        for (final CI linker : planning.backwardLinksCached.get(new CPI(propertyValueClass, propertyName, id))) {
        return linkers;