List of usage examples for Sets filter
@GwtIncompatible("NavigableSet") @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @CheckReturnValue public static <E> NavigableSet<E> filter(NavigableSet<E> unfiltered, Predicate<? super E> predicate)
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private Set<Correlation> filterByOrganization(Correlation[] correlations, final String organizationNesId) { if (correlations == null) { return Collections.emptySet(); }/*from w w w . j a va 2s . c o m*/ Set<Correlation> correlationSet = Sets.newHashSet(correlations); return Sets.filter(correlationSet, new Predicate<Correlation>() { @Override public boolean apply(Correlation correlation) { return isIdMatch(organizationNesId, getScoperIdentifier(correlation)); } }); }
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public Set<Siadap> getOrCreateSiadapsNotListed() { final int year = configuration.getYear(); Set<Siadap> notListedSiadapsForGivenYear = notListedSiadaps.get(year); if (notListedSiadapsForGivenYear == null) { notListedSiadapsForGivenYear = new TreeSet<Siadap>( Siadap.COMPARATOR_BY_EVALUATED_PRESENTATION_NAME_FALLBACK_YEAR_THEN_OID); notListedSiadapsForGivenYear// ww w . ja v a 2s .co m .addAll(Sets.filter(SiadapRootModule.getInstance().getSiadapsSet(), new Predicate<Siadap>() { @Override public boolean apply(Siadap input) { if (input == null) { return false; } return input.getYear() == year; } })); notListedSiadapsForGivenYear.removeAll(getSiadaps()); notListedSiadaps.put(year, notListedSiadapsForGivenYear); return notListedSiadapsForGivenYear; } else { return notListedSiadapsForGivenYear; } }
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/** * Get templates associated with the given node. *//*from www. j av a 2 s . c om*/ public Collection<Template> getTemplatesForNode(final CFANode node) { if (cache.containsKey(node)) { return cache.get(node); } Builder<Template> out = ImmutableSet.builder(); out.addAll(extractTemplatesForNode(node)::iterator); out.addAll(extraTemplates); out.addAll(extractedFromAssertTemplates); out.addAll(generateTemplates(node)); Set<Template> outBuild =; if (varFiltering == VarFilteringStrategy.ONE_LIVE) { // Filter templates to make sure at least one is alive. outBuild = Sets.filter(outBuild, input -> shouldUseTemplate(input, node)); } // Sort. List<Template> sortedTemplates = Ordering .from(Comparator.<Template>comparingInt((template) -> template.getLinearExpression().size()) .thenComparingInt(t -> t.toString().trim().startsWith("-") ? 1 : 0) .thenComparing(Template::toString)) .immutableSortedCopy(outBuild); cache.putAll(node, sortedTemplates); return cache.get(node); }
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/** * Get the set of nodes//from w ww .j av a2 s. c om * * @param egKey - the egKey of the endpoint group to get nodes for * @return a collection of {@link NodeId} objects. */ public synchronized Set<NodeId> getNodesForGroup(final EgKey egKey) { return ImmutableSet.copyOf(Sets.filter(endpointsByGroupByNode.keySet(), new Predicate<NodeId>() { @Override public boolean apply(NodeId input) { Map<EgKey, Set<EpKey>> nodeEps = endpointsByGroupByNode.get(input); return (nodeEps != null && nodeEps.containsKey(egKey)); } })); }
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private void configureIdeaProject(final Project project) { if (isRoot(project)) { final GenerateIdeaProject task = project.getTasks().create("ideaProject", GenerateIdeaProject.class); task.setDescription("Generates IDEA project file (IPR)"); XmlFileContentMerger ipr = new XmlFileContentMerger(task.getXmlTransformer()); IdeaProject ideaProject = instantiator.newInstance(IdeaProject.class, project, ipr); task.setIdeaProject(ideaProject); ideaModel.setProject(ideaProject); ideaProject.setOutputFile(new File(project.getProjectDir(), project.getName() + ".ipr")); ConventionMapping conventionMapping = ((IConventionAware) ideaProject).getConventionMapping();"jdkName", new Callable<String>() { @Override/* w w w . j ava2 s.c om*/ public String call() throws Exception { return JavaVersion.current().toString(); } });"languageLevel", new Callable<IdeaLanguageLevel>() { @Override public IdeaLanguageLevel call() throws Exception { JavaVersion maxSourceCompatibility = getMaxJavaModuleCompatibilityVersionFor( SOURCE_COMPATIBILITY); return new IdeaLanguageLevel(maxSourceCompatibility); } });"targetBytecodeVersion", new Callable<JavaVersion>() { @Override public JavaVersion call() throws Exception { return getMaxJavaModuleCompatibilityVersionFor(TARGET_COMPATIBILITY); } }); ideaProject.setWildcards(Sets.newHashSet("!?*.class", "!?*.scala", "!?*.groovy", "!?*.java"));"modules", new Callable<List<IdeaModule>>() { @Override public List<IdeaModule> call() throws Exception { return Lists.newArrayList(Iterables.transform( Sets.filter(project.getRootProject().getAllprojects(), new Predicate<Project>() { @Override public boolean apply(Project p) { return p.getPlugins().hasPlugin(IdeaPlugin.class); } }), new Function<Project, IdeaModule>() { @Override public IdeaModule apply(Project p) { return ideaModelFor(p).getModule(); } })); } });"pathFactory", new Callable<PathFactory>() { @Override public PathFactory call() throws Exception { return new PathFactory().addPathVariable("PROJECT_DIR", task.getOutputFile().getParentFile()); } }); addWorker(task); } }
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private MemberEntity fillMember(MemberEntity entity, MemberDTO dto) { final Calendar date = Calendar.getInstance(); date.setTime(dto.getDate());//from w ww.j a v a2 s .co m entity.setDate(date); entity.setDisplayName(dto.getDisplayName()); entity.setEmail(dto.getEmail()); entity.setMemberCode(dto.getCode()); entity.setName(dto.getName()); entity.setBlocked(dto.isBlocked()); final Set<String> profiles = entity.getProfiles(); profiles.clear(); final Set<String> dtopf = dto.getProfiles(); if (dtopf != null) { profiles.addAll(Sets.filter(dtopf, notNull())); } final Map<String, String> properties = entity.getProperties(); properties.clear(); final Map<String, String> dtopr = dto.getProperties(); if (dtopr != null) { properties.putAll(Maps.filterKeys(Maps.filterValues(dtopr, notNull()), notNull())); } return entity; }
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private Set<Map.Entry<AdapterAndProperty, PreAndPostValues>> capturePostValuesAndDrain( final Map<AdapterAndProperty, PreAndPostValues> changedObjectProperties) { final Map<AdapterAndProperty, PreAndPostValues> processedObjectProperties1 = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(); while (!changedObjectProperties.isEmpty()) { final Set<AdapterAndProperty> keys = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(changedObjectProperties.keySet()); for (final AdapterAndProperty aap : keys) { final PreAndPostValues papv = changedObjectProperties.remove(aap); final ObjectAdapter adapter = aap.getAdapter(); if (adapter.isDestroyed()) { // don't touch the object!!! // JDO, for example, will complain otherwise... papv.setPost(IsisTransaction.Placeholder.DELETED); } else { papv.setPost(aap.getPropertyValue()); }//from w w w .ja v a 2s . co m // if we encounter the same objectProperty again, this will simply overwrite it processedObjectProperties1.put(aap, papv); } } return Collections.unmodifiableSet( Sets.filter(processedObjectProperties1.entrySet(), PreAndPostValues.Predicates.CHANGED)); }
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private CassandraEndpointProfile updateProfile(CassandraEndpointProfile profile) { LOG.debug("Updating endpoint profile with id {}", profile.getId()); ByteBuffer epKeyHash = profile.getEndpointKeyHash(); byte[] keyHash = getBytes(epKeyHash); CassandraEndpointProfile storedProfile = findByKeyHash(keyHash); if (storedProfile != null) { profile =; List<Statement> statementList = new ArrayList<>(); Set<String> oldEndpointGroupIds = getEndpointProfilesGroupIdSet(storedProfile); Set<String> newEndpointGroupIds = getEndpointProfilesGroupIdSet(profile); Set<String> removeEndpointGroupIds = Sets.filter(oldEndpointGroupIds, Predicates.not(; Set<String> addEndpointGroupIds = Sets.filter(newEndpointGroupIds, Predicates.not(; if (addEndpointGroupIds != null) { for (String id : addEndpointGroupIds) { statementList.add(cassandraEpByEndpointGroupIdDao .getSaveQuery(new CassandraEpByEndpointGroupId(id, epKeyHash))); }/*from ww w . j a va2 s . c o m*/ if (removeEndpointGroupIds != null) { for (String id : removeEndpointGroupIds) { statementList.add(delete().from(EP_BY_ENDPOINT_GROUP_ID_COLUMN_FAMILY_NAME) .where(eq(EP_BY_ENDPOINT_GROUP_ID_ENDPOINT_GROUP_ID_PROPERTY, id)) .and(eq(EP_BY_ENDPOINT_GROUP_ID_ENDPOINT_KEY_HASH_PROPERTY, epKeyHash))); } } executeBatch(statementList.toArray(new Statement[statementList.size()])); } else { LOG.error("[{}] Can't update endpoint profile with version {}. " + "Endpoint profile already changed!", profile.getId(), profile.getVersion()); throw new KaaOptimisticLockingFailureException( "Can't update endpoint profile with" + " version . Endpoint profile already changed!"); } String accessToken = profile.getAccessToken(); if (storedProfile.getAccessToken() != null && !storedProfile.getAccessToken().equals(accessToken)) { cassandraEpByAccessTokenDao.removeById(storedProfile.getAccessToken()); } if (accessToken != null) { statementList.add(cassandraEpByAccessTokenDao .getSaveQuery(new CassandraEpByAccessToken(accessToken, epKeyHash))); } executeBatch(statementList.toArray(new Statement[statementList.size()])); LOG.debug("[{}] Endpoint profile updated", profile.getId()); } else { LOG.error("[{}] Stored profile is null. Can't update endpoint profile.", profile.getId()); throw new DatabaseProcessingException("Stored profile is null. " + "Can't update endpoint profile."); } return profile; }
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public Bean parseBean(ClassDoc element, ParseOptions options, boolean asSuperClass) { checkNotNull(element, "element"); checkNotNull(options, "options"); ParseOptions.NullableHandling nullableHandling = options.getNullableHandling(); Bean superClass = null;//www .j a v a 2 s. co m if (element.superclassType() != null && !Objects.equal(element.superclassType().qualifiedTypeName(), "java.lang.Object")) { String superClassQualifiedName = element.superclassType().qualifiedTypeName(); if (!CACHE.containsKey(superClassQualifiedName)) { LOG.debug("Parsing superclass " + superClassQualifiedName); parseBean(element.superclassType().asClassDoc(), options, true); } superClass = checkNotNull(CACHE.get(superClassQualifiedName), "oops failed to parse superclass " + superClassQualifiedName + " of " +; } Bean bean = new Bean(superClass, element.containingPackage().toString(), element.isAbstract(), options, element.simpleTypeName(), getAnnotations(element), extractComment("Class " +, null, element)); LOG.debug("Parsing bean " + bean); // Process imports List<String> lines = ImmutableList.of(); try { if (element.position() != null && element.position().file() != null) { // This is actually helpful (oddly!) lines = ImmutableList.copyOf( Strings2.toStringAndClose(new FileInputStream(element.position().file())).split("\n")); } } catch (IOException ex) { if (asSuperClass) LOG.debug("Failed to parse imports et al from superclass " + bean); else { LOG.error("Failed to parse imports et al for " + bean, ex); Throwables.propagate(ex); } } bean.addImports(Sets.filter(ImmutableSet.copyOf(lines), new Predicate<String>() { @Override public boolean apply(String input) { return input.trim().startsWith("import "); } })); // TODO this is re-indenting inner classes (sometimes unpleasantly!) // Process inner classes for (ClassDoc clazz : element.innerClasses()) { if (!clazz.simpleTypeName().toLowerCase().endsWith("builder")) { List<String> content = Lists.newArrayList(); IndentedPrintWriter ipw = new IndentedPrintWriter(new NullOutputStream()); ipw.println("{"); for (int i = clazz.position().line(); ipw.currentIndent() > 0 && i < lines.size(); i++) { ipw.println(lines.get(i)); content.add(lines.get(i).trim()); } content.remove(content.size() - 1); LOG.debug("Processing inner class " + bean.getType() + "." +; bean.addInnerClass(new InnerClass("public static " + (clazz.isEnum() ? "enum" : "class"), clazz.simpleTypeName(), getAnnotations(clazz), extractComment(clazz), content)); } } // Extract these bits of information from the ClassDoc data Map<String, String> serializedNames = Maps.newHashMap(); Set<String> nullableFields = Sets.newHashSet(); Map<String, MethodDoc> accessors = Maps.newHashMap(); for (ConstructorDoc constructor : element.constructors()) { for (Parameter parameter : constructor.parameters()) { // options state field MUST be nullable if (nullableHandling.mustBeNullable( { LOG.debug(nullableHandling + " marking " + bean.getType() + "." + parameter + " as nullable"); nullableFields.add(; } // options state field MAY be nullable if (nullableHandling.maybeNullable( { for (AnnotationDesc anno : parameter.annotations()) { if (Objects.equal(anno.annotationType().typeName(), "Nullable")) { LOG.debug(nullableHandling + " marking " + bean.getType() + "." + parameter + " as nullable (constructor annotation)"); nullableFields.add(; } } } } } // Inject/Named for (ConstructorDoc constructor : element.constructors()) { for (AnnotationDesc anno : constructor.annotations()) { if (Objects.equal(anno.annotationType().typeName(), "Inject") || Objects.equal(anno.annotationType().typeName(), "ConstructorProperties")) { for (Parameter parameter : constructor.parameters()) { // try to pick-up the associations with fields String serializedName = getSerializedName(parameter.annotations()); if (serializedName != null) { serializedNames.put(, serializedName); } } } } } // ConstructorProperties for (ConstructorDoc constructor : element.constructors()) { Iterable<String> constructorProperties = null; for (AnnotationDesc anno : constructor.annotations()) { if (Objects.equal(anno.annotationType().typeName(), "ConstructorProperties")) { String stuff = anno.elementValues()[0].value().toString(); constructorProperties = Splitter.on(",").trimResults(CharMatcher.anyOf("\t\n {}\"")) .split(stuff); break; } } // Try to map to actual field names... if (constructorProperties != null) { Iterator<String> it = constructorProperties.iterator(); for (int i = 0; i < constructor.parameters().length && it.hasNext(); i++) { serializedNames.put(constructor.parameters()[i].name(),; } break; } } // Look for accessor and field annotations for (FieldDoc field : element.fields()) { if (!field.isStatic()) { String fieldName =; if (nullableHandling.maybeNullable(fieldName) && annotatatedAsNullable(field)) { LOG.debug(nullableHandling + " marking " + bean.getType() + "." + fieldName + " as nullable (field annotation)"); nullableFields.add(fieldName); } // Accessors first for (MethodDoc method : element.methods()) { if (Objects.equal(, getAccessorName(field)) || Objects.equal(, fieldName)) { accessors.put(fieldName, method); String serializedName = getSerializedName(method.annotations()); if (serializedName != null) { LOG.debug(bean.getType() + "." + fieldName + " serialized name is " + serializedName + " (getter annotation)"); serializedNames.put(fieldName, serializedName); } if (nullableHandling.maybeNullable(fieldName) && annotatatedAsNullable(method)) { LOG.debug(nullableHandling + " marking " + bean.getType() + "." + fieldName + " as nullable (getter annotation)"); nullableFields.add(fieldName); } } } // Fields String serializedName = getSerializedName(field.annotations()); if (serializedName != null) { LOG.debug(bean.getType() + "." + fieldName + " serialized name is " + serializedName + " (field annotation)"); serializedNames.put(fieldName, serializedName); } } } // Construct the fields for (FieldDoc field : element.fields()) { if (field.isStatic()) { LOG.debug("adding static field " + bean.getType() + "." +; bean.addClassField(new ClassField(, properTypeName(field, bean.rawImports()), getAnnotations(field), extractComment(null, ImmutableMultimap.<String, String>of(), field))); } else { LOG.debug("adding instance field " + bean.getType() + "." +; // Note we need to pick up any stray comments or annotations on accessors InstanceField instanceField = new InstanceField(, serializedNames.get(, getAccessorName(field), properTypeName(field, bean.rawImports()), nullableFields.contains(, getAnnotations(field), extractComment(null, ImmutableMultimap.<String, String>of(), field, accessors.get(; bean.addInstanceField(instanceField); } } CACHE.put(element.qualifiedTypeName(), bean); return bean; }
From source
/** * Get the list of recipient email addresses. * * <p>/*from w w w .j a v a 2s .c o m*/ * The default implementation returns email addresses of all followers. * Custom implementation may include more per business requirement. For * example, including customer email on sale order is confirmed. * </p> * * @param message * the message to send * @param entity * the related entity, can be null if there is no related record * @return set of email addresses */ protected Set<String> recipients(final MailMessage message, Model entity) { final Set<String> recipients = new LinkedHashSet<>(); final MailFollowerRepository followers = Beans.get(MailFollowerRepository.class); if (message.getRecipients() != null) { for (MailAddress address : message.getRecipients()) { recipients.add(address.getAddress()); } } for (MailFollower follower : followers.findAll(message)) { if (follower.getEmail() != null && follower.getArchived() != Boolean.TRUE) { recipients.add(follower.getEmail().getAddress()); } } return Sets.filter(recipients, Predicates.notNull()); }