Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2013 Cloudsoft Corporation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.jclouds.cleanup.doclet; import*; import*; import; import com.sun.javadoc.*; import*; import org.jclouds.cleanup.output.IndentedPrintWriter; import org.jclouds.logging.Logger; import org.jclouds.logging.jdk.JDKLogger; import org.jclouds.util.Strings2; import; import; import java.util.*; import static; /** * Interrogates the class structure using the doclet api and extracts the javadoc comments and annotations assigned to * classes, fields and methods as required. * * @author Adam Lowe * @see <a href= * "" * /> */ public class ClassDocParser { /** * Patterns applied to annotations to determine serialized names * (always try all of them in case we're moving from one serialisation style or format to another) */ private static final Map<String, String> SERIALIZED_NAME_GRABBERS = ImmutableMap.of("Named", "value", "SerializedName", "value", "JsonProperty", "value", "XmlElement", "name", "XmlAttribute", "name"); /** * Boolean accessors are a little tricksy */ public static final String[] BOOLEAN_ACCESOR_NAMES = { "is", "may", "can", "should", "cannot", "not" }; /** * Remove all of these (we generate replacements, as necessary, depending on requested output format) */ private static final List<String> ANNOTATIONS_TO_KILL = ImmutableList.of("SerializedName", "Named", "Inject", "Nullable"); // Quick-fix for verbose is to use JDK logging private static final Logger LOG = new JDKLogger.JDKLoggerFactory().getLogger("jclouds-cleaner"); private final Map<String, Bean> CACHE = Maps.newHashMap(); private Collection<String> getAnnotations(ProgramElementDoc element) { List<String> result = Lists.newArrayList(); for (AnnotationDesc atree : element.annotations()) { String tmp = "@" + atree.annotationType().simpleTypeName(); if (!ANNOTATIONS_TO_KILL.contains(atree.annotationType().simpleTypeName())) { if (atree.elementValues().length == 1 && Objects.equal(atree.elementValues()[0].element().name(), "value")) { tmp += "(" + atree.elementValues()[0].value() + ")"; } else if (atree.elementValues().length > 0) { tmp += "(" + Joiner.on(", ").join(atree.elementValues()) + ")"; } result.add(tmp); } } return result; } protected boolean annotatatedAsNullable(ProgramElementDoc element) { boolean shouldBeRequired = false; for (AnnotationDesc atree : element.annotations()) { if (Objects.equal("Nullable", atree.annotationType().simpleTypeName())) { return true; } if (ImmutableSet.of("XmlElement", "XmlAttribute", "XmlElementRef") .contains(atree.annotationType().simpleTypeName())) { // Note: default is that it isn't required (i.e. it IS nullable) shouldBeRequired = true; for (AnnotationDesc.ElementValuePair evp : atree.elementValues()) { if (Objects.equal("required", evp.element().name()) && Objects.equal(Boolean.TRUE, evp.value().value())) { return false; } } } } return shouldBeRequired; } private Collection<String> extractComment(ProgramElementDoc element) { return extractComment(null, null, element); } private Collection<String> extractComment(String defaultCommentText, Multimap<String, String> defaultTags, ProgramElementDoc... elements) { String commentText = null; for (ProgramElementDoc element : elements) { if (element != null && element.commentText() != null && !element.commentText().trim().isEmpty()) { commentText = element.commentText(); break; } } if (commentText == null) { commentText = defaultCommentText; } Multimap<String, String> tagsToOutput = LinkedListMultimap.create(); if (defaultTags != null) tagsToOutput.putAll(defaultTags); for (ProgramElementDoc element : elements) { if (element != null) { for (Tag tag : element.tags()) { tagsToOutput.put(, tag.text()); } } } if (commentText == null && tagsToOutput.isEmpty()) return ImmutableList.of(); List<String> result = Lists.newArrayList(); if (commentText != null) { for (String line : commentText.split("\n")) { result.add(line.trim()); } if (!tagsToOutput.isEmpty()) { result.add(""); } } for (Map.Entry<String, String> tag : tagsToOutput.entries()) { result.add(tag.getKey() + " " + tag.getValue()); } return result; } protected String properTypeName(FieldDoc field, Collection<String> imports) { return fixupTypeName(field.type(), field.containingPackage(), imports); } protected String fixupTypeName(Type type, PackageDoc currentPackage, Collection<String> imports) { String fieldType = removeUnnecessaryPackages(type, currentPackage, imports); if (type.asParameterizedType() != null && type.asParameterizedType().typeArguments().length > 0) { fieldType += "<"; for (Type paramType : type.asParameterizedType().typeArguments()) { fieldType += fixupTypeName(paramType, currentPackage, imports) + ", "; } fieldType = fieldType.substring(0, fieldType.length() - 2); fieldType += ">"; } return fieldType + type.dimension(); } protected String removeUnnecessaryPackages(Type type, PackageDoc currentPackage, Collection<String> imports) { String fieldType = type.simpleTypeName(); if (type.isPrimitive() || type.asClassDoc().containingPackage().name().equals("java.lang")) { } else if (type.asClassDoc().containingPackage().equals(currentPackage) || imports.contains("import " + type.qualifiedTypeName() + ";") || imports.contains("import " + type.asClassDoc().containingPackage().name() + "*" + ";")) { if (type.asClassDoc().containingClass() != null) { fieldType = type.asClassDoc().containingClass().simpleTypeName() + "." + fieldType; } } else { fieldType = type.asClassDoc().containingPackage() + "." + fieldType; } return fieldType; } public Bean parseBean(ClassDoc element, ParseOptions options, boolean asSuperClass) { checkNotNull(element, "element"); checkNotNull(options, "options"); ParseOptions.NullableHandling nullableHandling = options.getNullableHandling(); Bean superClass = null; if (element.superclassType() != null && !Objects.equal(element.superclassType().qualifiedTypeName(), "java.lang.Object")) { String superClassQualifiedName = element.superclassType().qualifiedTypeName(); if (!CACHE.containsKey(superClassQualifiedName)) { LOG.debug("Parsing superclass " + superClassQualifiedName); parseBean(element.superclassType().asClassDoc(), options, true); } superClass = checkNotNull(CACHE.get(superClassQualifiedName), "oops failed to parse superclass " + superClassQualifiedName + " of " +; } Bean bean = new Bean(superClass, element.containingPackage().toString(), element.isAbstract(), options, element.simpleTypeName(), getAnnotations(element), extractComment("Class " +, null, element)); LOG.debug("Parsing bean " + bean); // Process imports List<String> lines = ImmutableList.of(); try { if (element.position() != null && element.position().file() != null) { // This is actually helpful (oddly!) lines = ImmutableList.copyOf( Strings2.toStringAndClose(new FileInputStream(element.position().file())).split("\n")); } } catch (IOException ex) { if (asSuperClass) LOG.debug("Failed to parse imports et al from superclass " + bean); else { LOG.error("Failed to parse imports et al for " + bean, ex); Throwables.propagate(ex); } } bean.addImports(Sets.filter(ImmutableSet.copyOf(lines), new Predicate<String>() { @Override public boolean apply(String input) { return input.trim().startsWith("import "); } })); // TODO this is re-indenting inner classes (sometimes unpleasantly!) // Process inner classes for (ClassDoc clazz : element.innerClasses()) { if (!clazz.simpleTypeName().toLowerCase().endsWith("builder")) { List<String> content = Lists.newArrayList(); IndentedPrintWriter ipw = new IndentedPrintWriter(new NullOutputStream()); ipw.println("{"); for (int i = clazz.position().line(); ipw.currentIndent() > 0 && i < lines.size(); i++) { ipw.println(lines.get(i)); content.add(lines.get(i).trim()); } content.remove(content.size() - 1); LOG.debug("Processing inner class " + bean.getType() + "." +; bean.addInnerClass(new InnerClass("public static " + (clazz.isEnum() ? "enum" : "class"), clazz.simpleTypeName(), getAnnotations(clazz), extractComment(clazz), content)); } } // Extract these bits of information from the ClassDoc data Map<String, String> serializedNames = Maps.newHashMap(); Set<String> nullableFields = Sets.newHashSet(); Map<String, MethodDoc> accessors = Maps.newHashMap(); for (ConstructorDoc constructor : element.constructors()) { for (Parameter parameter : constructor.parameters()) { // options state field MUST be nullable if (nullableHandling.mustBeNullable( { LOG.debug(nullableHandling + " marking " + bean.getType() + "." + parameter + " as nullable"); nullableFields.add(; } // options state field MAY be nullable if (nullableHandling.maybeNullable( { for (AnnotationDesc anno : parameter.annotations()) { if (Objects.equal(anno.annotationType().typeName(), "Nullable")) { LOG.debug(nullableHandling + " marking " + bean.getType() + "." + parameter + " as nullable (constructor annotation)"); nullableFields.add(; } } } } } // Inject/Named for (ConstructorDoc constructor : element.constructors()) { for (AnnotationDesc anno : constructor.annotations()) { if (Objects.equal(anno.annotationType().typeName(), "Inject") || Objects.equal(anno.annotationType().typeName(), "ConstructorProperties")) { for (Parameter parameter : constructor.parameters()) { // try to pick-up the associations with fields String serializedName = getSerializedName(parameter.annotations()); if (serializedName != null) { serializedNames.put(, serializedName); } } } } } // ConstructorProperties for (ConstructorDoc constructor : element.constructors()) { Iterable<String> constructorProperties = null; for (AnnotationDesc anno : constructor.annotations()) { if (Objects.equal(anno.annotationType().typeName(), "ConstructorProperties")) { String stuff = anno.elementValues()[0].value().toString(); constructorProperties = Splitter.on(",").trimResults(CharMatcher.anyOf("\t\n {}\"")) .split(stuff); break; } } // Try to map to actual field names... if (constructorProperties != null) { Iterator<String> it = constructorProperties.iterator(); for (int i = 0; i < constructor.parameters().length && it.hasNext(); i++) { serializedNames.put(constructor.parameters()[i].name(),; } break; } } // Look for accessor and field annotations for (FieldDoc field : element.fields()) { if (!field.isStatic()) { String fieldName =; if (nullableHandling.maybeNullable(fieldName) && annotatatedAsNullable(field)) { LOG.debug(nullableHandling + " marking " + bean.getType() + "." + fieldName + " as nullable (field annotation)"); nullableFields.add(fieldName); } // Accessors first for (MethodDoc method : element.methods()) { if (Objects.equal(, getAccessorName(field)) || Objects.equal(, fieldName)) { accessors.put(fieldName, method); String serializedName = getSerializedName(method.annotations()); if (serializedName != null) { LOG.debug(bean.getType() + "." + fieldName + " serialized name is " + serializedName + " (getter annotation)"); serializedNames.put(fieldName, serializedName); } if (nullableHandling.maybeNullable(fieldName) && annotatatedAsNullable(method)) { LOG.debug(nullableHandling + " marking " + bean.getType() + "." + fieldName + " as nullable (getter annotation)"); nullableFields.add(fieldName); } } } // Fields String serializedName = getSerializedName(field.annotations()); if (serializedName != null) { LOG.debug(bean.getType() + "." + fieldName + " serialized name is " + serializedName + " (field annotation)"); serializedNames.put(fieldName, serializedName); } } } // Construct the fields for (FieldDoc field : element.fields()) { if (field.isStatic()) { LOG.debug("adding static field " + bean.getType() + "." +; bean.addClassField(new ClassField(, properTypeName(field, bean.rawImports()), getAnnotations(field), extractComment(null, ImmutableMultimap.<String, String>of(), field))); } else { LOG.debug("adding instance field " + bean.getType() + "." +; // Note we need to pick up any stray comments or annotations on accessors InstanceField instanceField = new InstanceField(, serializedNames.get(, getAccessorName(field), properTypeName(field, bean.rawImports()), nullableFields.contains(, getAnnotations(field), extractComment(null, ImmutableMultimap.<String, String>of(), field, accessors.get(; bean.addInstanceField(instanceField); } } CACHE.put(element.qualifiedTypeName(), bean); return bean; } public static String getAccessorName(FieldDoc field) { String name =; String fieldNameUC = name.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + name.substring(1); String getterName = null; if (Objects.equal(field.type().simpleTypeName().toLowerCase(), "boolean")) { for (String starter : BOOLEAN_ACCESOR_NAMES) { if (name.startsWith(starter)) { getterName = name; } } if (getterName == null) { getterName = "is" + fieldNameUC; } } else { getterName = "get" + fieldNameUC; } return getterName; } private String getSerializedName(AnnotationDesc... annotationDescs) { for (AnnotationDesc anno : annotationDescs) { if (SERIALIZED_NAME_GRABBERS.containsKey(anno.annotationType().simpleTypeName())) { for (AnnotationDesc.ElementValuePair pair : anno.elementValues()) { if (Objects.equal(SERIALIZED_NAME_GRABBERS.get(anno.annotationType().simpleTypeName()), pair.element().name())) { return (String) pair.value().value(); } } } } return null; } }