Example usage for com.google.common.collect Sets filter

List of usage examples for com.google.common.collect Sets filter


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.common.collect Sets filter.


public static <E> NavigableSet<E> filter(NavigableSet<E> unfiltered, Predicate<? super E> predicate) 

Source Link


Returns the elements of a NavigableSet , unfiltered , that satisfy a predicate.


From source file:org.zanata.model.HProject.java

 * Immutable set of maintainers for this project.
 * To change maintainers, use other methods in this class.
 * @see {@link #addMaintainer(HPerson)}//from www .j a  va 2  s.  c om
 * @see {@link #removeMaintainer(HPerson)}
public ImmutableSet<HPerson> getMaintainers() {
    Set<HProjectMember> maintainerMembers = Sets.filter(members, HProjectMember.IS_MAINTAINER);
    Collection<HPerson> maintainers = Collections2.transform(maintainerMembers, HProjectMember.TO_PERSON);
    return ImmutableSet.<HPerson>copyOf(maintainers);

From source file:org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.activity.activitygroup.utils.Utils.java

 * Same as {@link EcoreUtil#filterDescendants(Collection)}
 * //  ww  w.j a v  a2s  .  c o m
 * @param all
 * @return
public static Set<EObject> filterDescendants(Set<EObject> all) {
    return Sets.filter(all, new DescendantsFilter(all));

From source file:com.google.devtools.build.skyframe.InMemoryMemoizingEvaluator.java

public void deleteDirty(long versionAgeLimit) {
    Preconditions.checkArgument(versionAgeLimit >= 0);
    final Version threshold = IntVersion.of(lastGraphVersion.getVal() - versionAgeLimit);
    valuesToDelete.addAll(Sets.filter(progressReceiver.getUnenqueuedDirtyKeys(), new Predicate<SkyKey>() {
        @Override/*from   w w w  . j  a v  a 2  s . c  o m*/
        public boolean apply(SkyKey skyKey) {
            NodeEntry entry = graph.get(null, Reason.OTHER, skyKey);
            Preconditions.checkNotNull(entry, skyKey);
            Preconditions.checkState(entry.isDirty(), skyKey);
            return entry.getVersion().atMost(threshold);

From source file:edu.udo.scaffoldhunter.model.util.Scaffolds.java

private static int[] fillMap(Map<Scaffold, List<Integer>> map, Scaffold scaffold, ConfigMapping mapping,
        final PropertyDefinition propertyDefinition, boolean cumulative) {
    int[] dist = new int[mapping.getIntervals().size()];
    { // determine Distribution for current Scaffold
        Predicate<Molecule> propertyNotNull = new Predicate<Molecule>() {
            @Override//from   w ww  .  jav  a2  s  .c o m
            public boolean apply(Molecule input) {
                return input.getNumPropertyValue(propertyDefinition) != null;
        Set<Molecule> current = Sets.filter(scaffold.getMolecules(), propertyNotNull);
        int i = mapping.getIntervals().size() - 1;
        for (Interval interval : Iterables.limit(Lists.reverse(mapping.getIntervals()),
                mapping.getIntervals().size() - 1)) {
            Set<Molecule> filtered = Sets.filter(current,
                    new LesserOrEqual(propertyDefinition, interval.getLowerBound()));
            dist[i--] = current.size() - filtered.size();
            current = filtered;
        dist[0] = current.size();
     * determine distributions for children recursively and add them in the
     * cumulative case
    for (Scaffold child : scaffold.getChildren()) {
        int[] childDistribution = fillMap(map, child, mapping, propertyDefinition, cumulative);
        if (cumulative) {
            for (int i = 0; i < dist.length; ++i)
                dist[i] += childDistribution[i];
    map.put(scaffold, Ints.asList(dist));
    return dist;

From source file:easycare.web.user.NewUserForm.java

private Set<Role> filterRoles(RoleService roleService, SessionSecurityService securityService) {
    if (isEmpty(userRoles)) {
        return newHashSet();
    }//from www  .j a  v  a  2 s  .  c om

    Set<Role> userViewableRoles = roleService.findUserViewableRoles(securityService.getCurrentUserDetails());
    return Sets.filter(userViewableRoles, new Predicate<Role>() {
        public boolean apply(Role role) {
            return userRoles.contains(role.getName().name());

From source file:com.facebook.buck.core.util.graph.Dot.java

/** Writes out the graph in dot format to the given output */
public void writeOutput(Appendable output) throws IOException {
    // Sorting the edges to have deterministic output and be able to test this.
    ImmutableSet.Builder<String> builder = ImmutableSet.builder();
    output.append("digraph ").append(graphName).append(" {");

    if (bfsSorted) {
        for (T root : ImmutableSortedSet.copyOf(graph.getNodesWithNoIncomingEdges())) {
            new AbstractBreadthFirstTraversal<T>(root) {

                @Override/*from  ww w.  j  a  v  a2s  .  co  m*/
                public Iterable<T> visit(T node) {
                    if (!shouldContainNode.test(node)) {
                        return ImmutableSet.of();
                    builder.add(printNode(node, nodeToName, nodeToTypeName, nodeToAttributes));
                    ImmutableSortedSet<T> nodes = ImmutableSortedSet
                            .copyOf(Sets.filter(graph.getOutgoingNodesFor(node), shouldContainNode::test));
                    for (T sink : nodes) {
                        builder.add(printEdge(node, sink, nodeToName));
                    return nodes;
    } else {
        ImmutableSortedSet.Builder<String> sortedSetBuilder = ImmutableSortedSet.naturalOrder();
        new AbstractBottomUpTraversal<T, RuntimeException>(graph) {

            public void visit(T node) {
                if (!shouldContainNode.test(node)) {
                sortedSetBuilder.add(printNode(node, nodeToName, nodeToTypeName, nodeToAttributes));
                for (T sink : Sets.filter(graph.getOutgoingNodesFor(node), shouldContainNode::test)) {
                    sortedSetBuilder.add(printEdge(node, sink, nodeToName));


    for (String line : builder.build()) {

From source file:org.loadui.testfx.service.finder.impl.NodeFinderImpl.java

private Set<Node> nodesImpl(List<Window> windows, Function<Node, Set<Node>> toResultNodesFunction) {
    Set<Node> resultNodes = transformToResultNodes(windows, toResultNodesFunction);
    assertNodesFound(resultNodes, ERROR_NO_NODES_FOUND);

    Set<Node> visibleNodes = Sets.filter(resultNodes, isNodeVisiblePredicate());
    assertNodesVisible(visibleNodes, ERROR_NO_VISIBLE_NODES_FOUND);
    return visibleNodes;

From source file:com.android.tools.idea.structure.gradle.ModuleDependenciesPanel.java

public ModuleDependenciesPanel(@NotNull Project project, @NotNull String modulePath) {
    super(new BorderLayout());

    myModulePath = modulePath;//  w  ww. j  av  a 2  s .  com
    myProject = project;
    myModel = new ModuleDependenciesTableModel();
    myGradleSettingsFile = GradleSettingsFile.get(myProject);

    Module module = GradleUtil.findModuleByGradlePath(myProject, modulePath);
    myGradleBuildFile = module != null ? GradleBuildFile.get(module) : null;
    if (myGradleBuildFile != null) {
        List<BuildFileStatement> dependencies = myGradleBuildFile.getDependencies();
        for (BuildFileStatement dependency : dependencies) {
            myModel.addItem(new ModuleDependenciesTableItem(dependency));
    } else {
        LOG.warn("Unable to find Gradle build file for module " + myModulePath);

    myEntryTable = new JBTable(myModel);
    TableRowSorter<ModuleDependenciesTableModel> sorter = new TableRowSorter<ModuleDependenciesTableModel>(
    myEntryTable.setIntercellSpacing(new Dimension(0, 0));

    myEntryTable.setDefaultRenderer(ModuleDependenciesTableItem.class, new TableItemRenderer());

    if (myGradleBuildFile == null) {
    final boolean isAndroid = myGradleBuildFile.hasAndroidPlugin();
    List<Dependency.Scope> scopes = Lists
            .newArrayList(Sets.filter(EnumSet.allOf(Dependency.Scope.class), new Predicate<Dependency.Scope>() {
                public boolean apply(Dependency.Scope input) {
                    return isAndroid ? input.isAndroidScope() : input.isJavaScope();
    ComboBoxModel boxModel = new CollectionComboBoxModel(scopes, null);
    JComboBox scopeEditor = new ComboBox(boxModel);
    myEntryTable.setDefaultEditor(Dependency.Scope.class, new DefaultCellEditor(scopeEditor));
            new ComboBoxTableRenderer<Dependency.Scope>(Dependency.Scope.values()) {
                protected String getTextFor(@NotNull final Dependency.Scope value) {
                    return value.getDisplayName();


    new SpeedSearchBase<JBTable>(myEntryTable) {
        public int getSelectedIndex() {
            return myEntryTable.getSelectedRow();

        protected int convertIndexToModel(int viewIndex) {
            return myEntryTable.convertRowIndexToModel(viewIndex);

        public Object[] getAllElements() {
            return myModel.getItems().toArray();

        public String getElementText(Object element) {
            return getCellAppearance((ModuleDependenciesTableItem) element).getText();

        public void selectElement(@NotNull Object element, @NotNull String selectedText) {
            final int count = myModel.getRowCount();
            for (int row = 0; row < count; row++) {
                if (element.equals(myModel.getItemAt(row))) {
                    final int viewRow = myEntryTable.convertRowIndexToView(row);
                    myEntryTable.getSelectionModel().setSelectionInterval(viewRow, viewRow);

    TableColumn column = myEntryTable.getTableHeader().getColumnModel()

    add(createTableWithButtons(), BorderLayout.CENTER);

    if (myEntryTable.getRowCount() > 0) {
        myEntryTable.getSelectionModel().setSelectionInterval(0, 0);

    DefaultActionGroup actionGroup = new DefaultActionGroup();
    PopupHandler.installPopupHandler(myEntryTable, actionGroup, ActionPlaces.UNKNOWN,

From source file:co.cask.cdap.common.lang.ProgramResources.java

 * Returns a Set of resources name that are visible through the cdap-api module as well as Hadoop classes.
 * This includes all classes+resources in cdap-api plus all classes+resources that cdap-api
 * depends on (for example, sl4j, guava, gson, etc).
 *///  w  w w.j  a v a2s .c om
private static Set<String> createBaseResources() throws IOException {
    // Everything should be traceable in the same ClassLoader of this class, which is the CDAP system ClassLoader
    ClassLoader classLoader = ProgramResources.class.getClassLoader();

    // Gather resources information for cdap-api classes
    Set<ClassPath.ClassInfo> apiResources = getResources(getClassPath(classLoader, Application.class),
            CDAP_API_PACKAGES, Sets.<ClassPath.ClassInfo>newHashSet());
    // Trace dependencies for cdap-api classes
    Set<String> result = findClassDependencies(classLoader,
            Iterables.transform(apiResources, CLASS_INFO_TO_CLASS_NAME), Sets.<String>newHashSet());

    // Gather resources for javax.ws.rs classes. They are not traceable from the api classes.
    getResources(getClassPath(classLoader, Path.class), JAVAX_WS_RS_PACKAGES, CLASS_INFO_TO_RESOURCE_NAME,

    // Gather Hadoop classes.
    getResources(ClassPath.from(classLoader, JAR_ONLY_URI), HADOOP_PACKAGES, CLASS_INFO_TO_RESOURCE_NAME,

    // Excludes HBase classes
    return ImmutableSet.copyOf(Sets.filter(result, new Predicate<String>() {
        public boolean apply(String input) {
            return !input.startsWith(HBASE_PACKAGE_PREFIX);

From source file:com.facebook.buck.graph.MutableDirectedGraph.java

public ImmutableSet<ImmutableSet<T>> findCycles() {
    Set<Set<T>> cycles = Sets.filter(tarjan(), new Predicate<Set<T>>() {
        @Override/*from ww  w . j  a v  a2 s  . c  o m*/
        public boolean apply(@Nullable Set<T> stronglyConnectedComponent) {
            return stronglyConnectedComponent.size() > 1;
    Iterable<ImmutableSet<T>> immutableCycles = Iterables.transform(cycles,
            new Function<Set<T>, ImmutableSet<T>>() {
                public ImmutableSet<T> apply(Set<T> cycle) {
                    return ImmutableSet.copyOf(cycle);

    // Tarjan's algorithm (as pseudo-coded on Wikipedia) does not appear to account for single-node
    // cycles. Therefore, we must check for them exclusively.
    ImmutableSet.Builder<ImmutableSet<T>> builder = ImmutableSet.builder();
    for (T node : nodes) {
        if (containsEdge(node, node)) {
    return builder.build();