List of usage examples for Sets filter
@GwtIncompatible("NavigableSet") @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @CheckReturnValue public static <E> NavigableSet<E> filter(NavigableSet<E> unfiltered, Predicate<? super E> predicate)
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protected Set<BooleanFormula> predicatesOnlyOnLiveVariables(final Set<BooleanFormula> pFrom, final CFANode pLocation) { return Sets.filter(pFrom, new Predicate<BooleanFormula>() { @Override//from w ww. j a v a 2s .com public boolean apply(BooleanFormula pArg0) { Set<String> predOnVars = mgrv.extractVariableNames(pArg0); for (String instantiatedVarName : predOnVars) { final String varName = FormulaManagerView.parseName(instantiatedVarName).getFirst(); if (!cfa.getLiveVariables().get().isVariableLive(varName, pLocation)) { return false; } } return true; } }); }
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private Set<LicenseDependency> getDependenciesWithoutLicenses(final Set<LicenseDependency> dependencies) { return Sets.filter(dependencies, new Predicate<LicenseDependency>() { @Override//ww w. j a v a2s . com public boolean apply(LicenseDependency dependency) { return dependency.getLicenses().isEmpty(); } }); }
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/** Returns the Cartesian set of the possible cache configurations. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private Set<List<Object>> combinations() { Set<Boolean> asyncLoading = ImmutableSet.of(true, false); Set<Stats> statistics = filterTypes(options.stats(), cacheSpec.stats()); Set<ReferenceType> keys = filterTypes(options.keys(), cacheSpec.keys()); Set<ReferenceType> values = filterTypes(options.values(), cacheSpec.values()); Set<Compute> computations = filterTypes(options.compute(), cacheSpec.compute()); Set<Implementation> implementations = filterTypes(options.implementation(), cacheSpec.implementation()); if (isAsyncLoadingOnly) { values = values.contains(ReferenceType.STRONG) ? ImmutableSet.of(ReferenceType.STRONG) : ImmutableSet.of();/*from ww w . java2 s. com*/ computations = Sets.filter(computations, Compute.ASYNC::equals); } if (isAsyncLoadingOnly || computations.equals(ImmutableSet.of(Compute.ASYNC))) { implementations = implementations.contains(Implementation.Caffeine) ? ImmutableSet.of(Implementation.Caffeine) : ImmutableSet.of(); } if (computations.equals(ImmutableSet.of(Compute.SYNC))) { asyncLoading = ImmutableSet.of(false); } if (computations.isEmpty() || implementations.isEmpty() || keys.isEmpty() || values.isEmpty()) { return ImmutableSet.of(); } return Sets.cartesianProduct(ImmutableSet.copyOf(cacheSpec.initialCapacity()), ImmutableSet.copyOf(statistics), ImmutableSet.copyOf(cacheSpec.weigher()), ImmutableSet.copyOf(cacheSpec.maximumSize()), ImmutableSet.copyOf(cacheSpec.expireAfterAccess()), ImmutableSet.copyOf(cacheSpec.expireAfterWrite()), ImmutableSet.copyOf(cacheSpec.refreshAfterWrite()), ImmutableSet.copyOf(cacheSpec.advanceOnPopulation()), ImmutableSet.copyOf(keys), ImmutableSet.copyOf(values), ImmutableSet.copyOf(cacheSpec.executor()), ImmutableSet.copyOf(cacheSpec.removalListener()), ImmutableSet.copyOf(cacheSpec.population()), ImmutableSet.of(true, isLoadingOnly), ImmutableSet.copyOf(asyncLoading), ImmutableSet.copyOf(computations), ImmutableSet.copyOf(cacheSpec.loader()), ImmutableSet.copyOf(cacheSpec.writer()), ImmutableSet.copyOf(implementations)); }
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private Collection generateRefactoringActions(final ISelection selection, final IEditorPart editor) { Set<AbstractEObjectRefactoringAction> allActions = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(); allActions.add(new InitializeTreeFromEClass(editor, selection)); return Sets.filter(allActions, new Predicate<AbstractEObjectRefactoringAction>() { public boolean apply(AbstractEObjectRefactoringAction candidateAction) { return candidateAction.isSelectionValid(); }/*from w w w .j a va2 m*/ }); }
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/** * {@inheritDoc}/*w ww .j ava 2 s. co m*/ */ @Override public Set<FileType> getDerivedArrayDataTypes() { return Sets.filter(this.types, new Predicate<FileType>() { @Override public boolean apply(FileType ft) { return ft.isDerivedArrayData(); } }); }
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@Override public List<String> listParameters(ParameterFilter filter) { if (filter.applyNameFilter()) { final Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(filter.nameFilter()); Set<String> filteredSet = Sets.filter(listParameters(), new Predicate<String>() { @Override/*from w w w . j a v a2s . com*/ public boolean apply(String input) { return pattern.matcher(input).matches(); } }); Ordering<String> ordering = Ordering.natural(); if (filter.sortDirection() == SortDirection.DESC) { ordering = ordering.reverse(); } return ordering.sortedCopy(filteredSet); } else { return new ArrayList<String>(listParameters()); } }
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/** * Get all the pilots at a Scotland event (including non-Scotland pilots) * (but only up to and including the specified event) *///from w w w .ja va2 s . c o m public Set<Pilot> getEventResultsPilots(final Series series, final Event event) { if (isStrictCountryFilter()) { return getSeriesResultsPilots(series, event); } return Sets.filter(series.getPilots(), new Predicate<Pilot>() { @Override public boolean apply(@Nonnull Pilot pilot) { for (Race race : event.getRaces()) { if (race.getAttendees().containsKey(pilot)) { return true; } } for (Race race : pilot.getRaces().keySet()) { if (race.getEvent().compareTo(event) <= 0) { return SERIES_COUNTRIES.contains(pilot.getCountry()); } } for (Event event_ : pilot.getEvents()) { if (event_.compareTo(event) <= 0) { return SERIES_COUNTRIES.contains(pilot.getCountry()); } } return false; } }); }
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private PortalUserEntity fill(PortalUserEntity entity, PortalUserDTO dto) { entity.setName(dto.getUsername());/*from w w w .j a v a 2 s . c o m*/ entity.setDisplayName(dto.getDisplayName()); entity.setEmail(dto.getEmail()); entity.setActive(dto.isActive()); final Map<String, String> properties = entity.getProperties(); properties.clear(); final Map<String, String> dtop = dto.getProperties(); if (dtop != null) { properties.putAll(Maps.filterKeys(Maps.filterValues(dtop, notNull()), notNull())); } final Set<String> roles = entity.getRoles(); roles.clear(); final Set<String> dtor = dto.getRoles(); if (dtor != null) { roles.addAll(Sets.filter(dtor, notNull())); } return entity; }
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static Set<Segment> findSegments(NavigableMap<Integer, Set<Segment>> segments, final int bucket, final long timeMsec) { if (segments != null && bucket >= 0) { Map.Entry<Integer, Set<Segment>> e = segments.floorEntry(bucket); if (e != null) { return Sets.filter(e.getValue(), new Predicate<Segment>() { @Override// w ww .j a va 2 s. c o m public boolean apply(Segment segment) { return segment.getBuckets().contains(bucket) && segment.isEnabled(timeMsec); } }); } } return ImmutableSet.of(); }
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@Override protected LinkedListMultimap<Integer, Pilot> calculateRacePositionsWithOrder(Race race) { // Create a lap order list containing all pilots List<Pilot> lapOrder = new ArrayList<Pilot>(scores.getPilots().size()); lapOrder.addAll(scores.getLapOrder(race)); Set<Pilot> pilotsWithLaps = ImmutableSet.copyOf(lapOrder); SortedSet<Pilot> pilotsWithoutLaps = new TreeSet<Pilot>(new PilotRaceNumberComparator()); pilotsWithoutLaps.addAll(Sets.difference(scores.getPilots(), pilotsWithLaps)); lapOrder.addAll(pilotsWithoutLaps);/*ww w . jav a 2s . co m*/ // Add penalties to race points Map<Pilot, Integer> racePoints = scores.getRacePoints(race); Map<Pilot, Integer> racePenalties = scores.getRacePenalties(race); Map<Pilot, Integer> racePointsWithPenalties = new HashMap<Pilot, Integer>(scores.getPilots().size() * 2); for (Pilot pilot : scores.getPilots()) { racePointsWithPenalties.put(pilot, racePoints.get(pilot) + racePenalties.get(pilot)); } // Invert race points with ordered lists of pilots TreeMultimap<Integer, Pilot> invRacePoints = TreeMultimap.create(Ordering.natural(), Ordering.explicit(lapOrder)); Multimaps.invertFrom(Multimaps.forMap(racePointsWithPenalties), invRacePoints); // Calculate race positions LinkedListMultimap<Integer, Pilot> racePositions = LinkedListMultimap.create(); LinkedList<SortedSet<Pilot>> pilotPointsOrdering = new LinkedList<SortedSet<Pilot>>(); int position = 1; if (simulatedToEnd) { Set<Pilot> simulatedRacePoints = scores.getSimulatedRacePoints(race); for (Integer points : invRacePoints.keySet()) { SortedSet<Pilot> pilots = Sets.filter(invRacePoints.get(points), Predicates.not(; if (!pilots.isEmpty()) { pilotPointsOrdering.add(pilots); } } for (Integer points : invRacePoints.keySet()) { SortedSet<Pilot> pilots = Sets.filter(invRacePoints.get(points),; if (!pilots.isEmpty()) { pilotPointsOrdering.add(pilots); } } } else { for (Integer points : invRacePoints.keySet()) { pilotPointsOrdering.add(invRacePoints.get(points)); } } for (SortedSet<Pilot> pilots : pilotPointsOrdering) { switch (equalPositioning) { case ALWAYS: // Always put pilots with the same points in the same position racePositions.putAll(position, pilots); position += pilots.size(); break; case WITHOUT_LAPS: // Add everyone with laps (by removing pilots without laps from the set) in separate positions for (Pilot pilot : Sets.difference(pilots, pilotsWithoutLaps)) { racePositions.put(position, pilot); position++; } // Add everyone without laps (by removing pilots with laps from the set) in the same position Set<Pilot> pilots2 = Sets.difference(pilots, pilotsWithLaps); racePositions.putAll(position, pilots2); position += pilots2.size(); break; case NEVER: // Always put pilots with the same points in separate positions for (Pilot pilot : pilots) { racePositions.put(position, pilot); position++; } break; } } return racePositions; }