Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2012-present Facebook, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may * not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain * a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package com.facebook.buck.core.util.graph; import com.facebook.buck.util.Escaper; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Map; import java.util.function.Function; import java.util.function.Predicate; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; public class Dot<T> { private static Pattern VALID_ID_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("[a-zA-Z\200-\377_0-9]+"); private final DirectedAcyclicGraph<T> graph; private final String graphName; private final Function<T, String> nodeToName; private final Function<T, String> nodeToTypeName; private final Function<T, ImmutableSortedMap<String, String>> nodeToAttributes; private final boolean bfsSorted; private final Predicate<T> shouldContainNode; private static final Map<String, String> typeColors; static { typeColors = new ImmutableMap.Builder<String, String>() { { put("android_aar", "springgreen2"); put("android_library", "springgreen3"); put("android_resource", "springgreen1"); put("android_prebuilt_aar", "olivedrab3"); put("java_library", "indianred1"); put("prebuilt_jar", "mediumpurple1"); } }.build(); } public static <T> Builder<T> builder(DirectedAcyclicGraph<T> graph, String graphName) { return new Builder<>(graph, graphName); } /** * Builder class for Dot output * * @param <T> */ public static class Builder<T> { private final DirectedAcyclicGraph<T> graph; private final String graphName; private Function<T, String> nodeToName; private Function<T, String> nodeToTypeName; private Function<T, ImmutableSortedMap<String, String>> nodeToAttributes; private boolean bfsSorted; private Predicate<T> shouldContainNode; private Builder(DirectedAcyclicGraph<T> graph, String graphName) { this.graph = graph; this.graphName = graphName; nodeToName = Object::toString; nodeToTypeName = Object::toString; bfsSorted = false; shouldContainNode = node -> true; nodeToAttributes = node -> ImmutableSortedMap.of(); } public Builder<T> setNodeToName(Function<T, String> func) { nodeToName = func; return this; } public Builder<T> setNodeToTypeName(Function<T, String> func) { nodeToTypeName = func; return this; } public Builder<T> setBfsSorted(boolean sorted) { bfsSorted = sorted; return this; } public Builder<T> setNodesToFilter(Predicate<T> pred) { shouldContainNode = pred; return this; } /** * Configures a function to be used to extract additional attributes to include when rendering * graph nodes. * * <p>In order ot prevent collisions, all attribute names are prefixed with {@code buck_}. They * are also escaped in order to be compatible with the <a * href="">Dot format</a>. */ public Builder<T> setNodeToAttributes(Function<T, ImmutableSortedMap<String, String>> func) { nodeToAttributes = func; return this; } public Dot<T> build() { return new Dot<>(this); } } private Dot(Builder<T> builder) { this.graph = builder.graph; this.graphName = builder.graphName; this.nodeToName = builder.nodeToName; this.nodeToTypeName = builder.nodeToTypeName; this.bfsSorted = builder.bfsSorted; this.shouldContainNode = builder.shouldContainNode; this.nodeToAttributes = builder.nodeToAttributes; } /** Writes out the graph in dot format to the given output */ public void writeOutput(Appendable output) throws IOException { // Sorting the edges to have deterministic output and be able to test this. ImmutableSet.Builder<String> builder = ImmutableSet.builder(); output.append("digraph ").append(graphName).append(" {"); output.append(System.lineSeparator()); if (bfsSorted) { for (T root : ImmutableSortedSet.copyOf(graph.getNodesWithNoIncomingEdges())) { new AbstractBreadthFirstTraversal<T>(root) { @Override public Iterable<T> visit(T node) { if (!shouldContainNode.test(node)) { return ImmutableSet.of(); } builder.add(printNode(node, nodeToName, nodeToTypeName, nodeToAttributes)); ImmutableSortedSet<T> nodes = ImmutableSortedSet .copyOf(Sets.filter(graph.getOutgoingNodesFor(node), shouldContainNode::test)); for (T sink : nodes) { builder.add(printEdge(node, sink, nodeToName)); } return nodes; } }.start(); } } else { ImmutableSortedSet.Builder<String> sortedSetBuilder = ImmutableSortedSet.naturalOrder(); new AbstractBottomUpTraversal<T, RuntimeException>(graph) { @Override public void visit(T node) { if (!shouldContainNode.test(node)) { return; } sortedSetBuilder.add(printNode(node, nodeToName, nodeToTypeName, nodeToAttributes)); for (T sink : Sets.filter(graph.getOutgoingNodesFor(node), shouldContainNode::test)) { sortedSetBuilder.add(printEdge(node, sink, nodeToName)); } } }.traverse(); builder.addAll(; } for (String line : { output.append(line); } output.append("}"); output.append(System.lineSeparator()); } private static String escape(String str) { // decide if node name should be escaped according to DOT specification // boolean needEscape = !VALID_ID_PATTERN.matcher(str).matches() || str.isEmpty() || Character.isDigit(str.charAt(0)); if (!needEscape) { return str; } return Escaper.Quoter.DOUBLE.quote(str); } private static String colorFromType(String type) { if (Dot.typeColors.containsKey(type)) { return Dot.typeColors.get(type); } int r = 192 + (type.hashCode() % 64); int g = 192 + (type.hashCode() / 64 % 64); int b = 192 + (type.hashCode() / 4096 % 64); return String.format("\"#%02X%02X%02X\"", r, g, b); } private static <T> String printNode(T node, Function<T, String> nodeToName, Function<T, String> nodeToTypeName, Function<T, ImmutableSortedMap<String, String>> nodeToAttributes) { String source = nodeToName.apply(node); String sourceType = nodeToTypeName.apply(node); String extraAttributes = ""; ImmutableSortedMap<String, String> nodeAttributes = nodeToAttributes.apply(node); if (!nodeAttributes.isEmpty()) { extraAttributes = "," + nodeAttributes.entrySet().stream() .map(entry -> escape("buck_" + entry.getKey()) + "=" + escape(entry.getValue())) .collect(Collectors.joining(",")); } return String.format(" %s [style=filled,color=%s%s];%n", escape(source), Dot.colorFromType(sourceType), extraAttributes); } private static <T> String printEdge(T sourceN, T sinkN, Function<T, String> nodeToName) { String sourceName = nodeToName.apply(sourceN); String sinkName = nodeToName.apply(sinkN); return String.format(" %s -> %s;%n", escape(sourceName), escape(sinkName)); } }