List of usage examples for Multimap keySet
Set<K> keySet();
From source
/** * Computes the set of Labels corresponding to a collection of PathFragments representing absolute * import paths./* ww w . j av a 2s.c o m*/ * * @return a map from the computed {@link Label}s to the corresponding {@link PathFragment}s; * {@code null} if any Skyframe dependencies are unavailable. * @throws SkylarkImportFailedException */ @Nullable static ImmutableMap<PathFragment, Label> labelsForAbsoluteImports(ImmutableSet<PathFragment> pathsToLookup, Environment env) throws SkylarkImportFailedException, InterruptedException { // Import PathFragments are absolute, so there is a 1-1 mapping from corresponding Labels. ImmutableMap.Builder<PathFragment, Label> outputMap = new ImmutableMap.Builder<>(); // The SkyKey here represents the directory containing an import PathFragment, hence there // can in general be multiple imports per lookup. Multimap<SkyKey, PathFragment> lookupMap = LinkedHashMultimap.create(); for (PathFragment importPath : pathsToLookup) { PathFragment relativeImportPath = importPath.toRelative(); PackageIdentifier pkgToLookUp = PackageIdentifier .createInMainRepo(relativeImportPath.getParentDirectory()); lookupMap.put(ContainingPackageLookupValue.key(pkgToLookUp), importPath); } // Attempt to find a package for every directory containing an import. Map<SkyKey, ValueOrException2<BuildFileNotFoundException, InconsistentFilesystemException>> lookupResults = env .getValuesOrThrow(lookupMap.keySet(), BuildFileNotFoundException.class, InconsistentFilesystemException.class); if (env.valuesMissing()) { return null; } try { // Process lookup results. for (Entry<SkyKey, ValueOrException2<BuildFileNotFoundException, InconsistentFilesystemException>> entry : lookupResults .entrySet()) { ContainingPackageLookupValue lookupValue = (ContainingPackageLookupValue) entry.getValue().get(); if (!lookupValue.hasContainingPackage()) { // Although multiple imports may be in the same package-less directory, we only // report an error for the first one. PackageIdentifier lookupKey = ((PackageIdentifier) entry.getKey().argument()); PathFragment importFile = lookupKey.getPackageFragment(); throw SkylarkImportFailedException.noBuildFile(importFile); } PackageIdentifier pkgIdForImport = lookupValue.getContainingPackageName(); PathFragment containingPkgPath = pkgIdForImport.getPackageFragment(); for (PathFragment importPath : lookupMap.get(entry.getKey())) { PathFragment relativeImportPath = importPath.toRelative(); String targetNameForImport = relativeImportPath.relativeTo(containingPkgPath).toString(); try { outputMap.put(importPath, Label.create(pkgIdForImport, targetNameForImport)); } catch (LabelSyntaxException e) { // While the Label is for the most part guaranteed to be well-formed by construction, an // error is still possible if the filename itself is malformed, e.g., contains control // characters. Since we expect this error to be very rare, for code simplicity, we allow // the error message to refer to a Label even though the filename was specified via a // simple path. throw new SkylarkImportFailedException(e); } } } } catch (BuildFileNotFoundException e) { // Thrown when there are IO errors looking for BUILD files. throw new SkylarkImportFailedException(e); } catch (InconsistentFilesystemException e) { throw new SkylarkImportFailedException(e); } return; }
From source
@RequestMapping(value = "/channels", method = RequestMethod.GET) public Map<String, Collection<String>> listChannels() { ImmutableMap.Builder<String, Collection<String>> builder = ImmutableMap.builder(); Multimap<String, String> channels = keyValueStoreService.getChannels(); channels.keySet().forEach(k -> { builder.put(k, channels.get(k)); });/*from w ww. ja va2 s.c om*/ return; }
From source
static void saveWorld(World world) { // only persist persistent worlds if (!(world instanceof WorldServer)) { return;//from w w w . j a v a 2s . co m } WorldServer worldServer = (WorldServer) world; File chunkDir = worldServer.getChunkSaveLocation(); File chunkLoaderData = new File(chunkDir, "forcedchunks.dat"); NBTTagCompound forcedChunkData = new NBTTagCompound(); NBTTagList ticketList = new NBTTagList(); forcedChunkData.setTag("TicketList", ticketList); Multimap<String, Ticket> ticketSet = tickets.get(worldServer); if (ticketSet == null) return; for (String modId : ticketSet.keySet()) { NBTTagCompound ticketHolder = new NBTTagCompound(); ticketList.appendTag(ticketHolder); ticketHolder.setString("Owner", modId); NBTTagList tickets = new NBTTagList(); ticketHolder.setTag("Tickets", tickets); for (Ticket tick : ticketSet.get(modId)) { NBTTagCompound ticket = new NBTTagCompound(); ticket.setByte("Type", (byte) tick.ticketType.ordinal()); ticket.setByte("ChunkListDepth", (byte) tick.maxDepth); if (tick.isPlayerTicket()) { ticket.setString("ModId", tick.modId); ticket.setString("Player", tick.player); } if (tick.modData != null) { ticket.setTag("ModData", tick.modData); } if (tick.ticketType == Type.ENTITY && tick.entity != null && tick.entity.writeToNBTOptional(new NBTTagCompound())) { ticket.setInteger("chunkX", MathHelper.floor_double(tick.entity.chunkCoordX)); ticket.setInteger("chunkZ", MathHelper.floor_double(tick.entity.chunkCoordZ)); ticket.setLong("PersistentIDMSB", tick.entity.getPersistentID().getMostSignificantBits()); ticket.setLong("PersistentIDLSB", tick.entity.getPersistentID().getLeastSignificantBits()); tickets.appendTag(ticket); } else if (tick.ticketType != Type.ENTITY) { tickets.appendTag(ticket); } } } try { CompressedStreamTools.write(forcedChunkData, chunkLoaderData); } catch (IOException e) { FMLLog.log(Level.WARN, e, "Unable to write forced chunk data to %s - chunkloading won't work", chunkLoaderData.getAbsolutePath()); return; } }
From source
public static RR2Lev constructEMMParGMM(final byte[] key, final Multimap<String, String> lookup, final int bigBlock, final int smallBlock, final int dataSize) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException, IOException { final Multimap<String, byte[]> dictionary = ArrayListMultimap.create(); random.setSeed(CryptoPrimitives.randomSeed(16)); for (int i = 0; i < dataSize; i++) { // initialize all buckets with random values free.add(i);/*ww w . j a v a 2 s . com*/ } List<String> listOfKeyword = new ArrayList<String>(lookup.keySet()); int threads = 0; if (Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() > listOfKeyword.size()) { threads = listOfKeyword.size(); } else { threads = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors(); } ExecutorService service = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(threads); ArrayList<String[]> inputs = new ArrayList<String[]>(threads); for (int i = 0; i < threads; i++) { String[] tmp; if (i == threads - 1) { tmp = new String[listOfKeyword.size() / threads + listOfKeyword.size() % threads]; for (int j = 0; j < listOfKeyword.size() / threads + listOfKeyword.size() % threads; j++) { tmp[j] = listOfKeyword.get((listOfKeyword.size() / threads) * i + j); } } else { tmp = new String[listOfKeyword.size() / threads]; for (int j = 0; j < listOfKeyword.size() / threads; j++) { tmp[j] = listOfKeyword.get((listOfKeyword.size() / threads) * i + j); } } inputs.add(i, tmp); } Printer.debugln("End of Partitionning \n"); List<Future<Multimap<String, byte[]>>> futures = new ArrayList<Future<Multimap<String, byte[]>>>(); for (final String[] input : inputs) { Callable<Multimap<String, byte[]>> callable = new Callable<Multimap<String, byte[]>>() { public Multimap<String, byte[]> call() throws Exception { Multimap<String, byte[]> output = setup(key, input, lookup, bigBlock, smallBlock, dataSize); return output; } }; futures.add(service.submit(callable)); } service.shutdown(); for (Future<Multimap<String, byte[]>> future : futures) { Set<String> keys = future.get().keySet(); for (String k : keys) { dictionary.putAll(k, future.get().get(k)); } } return new RR2Lev(dictionary, array); }
From source
@Override public Decision makeDecision(Multimap<String, Verdict> verdicts) { Decision worstResult = Decision.OK;// w w w . ja v a 2s . c om for (String feature : verdicts.keySet()) { for (Verdict verdict : verdicts.get(feature)) { Decision decision = verdict.getDecision(); if (decision.ordinal() > worstResult.ordinal()) { worstResult = decision; } } } return worstResult; }
From source
@Override public void analyze(DagInfo dagInfo) throws TezException { for (VertexInfo vertexInfo : dagInfo.getVertices()) { Multimap<Container, TaskAttemptInfo> containers = vertexInfo.getContainersMapping(); for (Container container : containers.keySet()) { List<String> record = Lists.newLinkedList(); record.add(vertexInfo.getVertexName()); record.add(vertexInfo.getTaskAttempts().size() + ""); record.add(container.getHost()); record.add(container.getId()); record.add(Integer.toString(containers.get(container).size())); csvResult.addRecord(record.toArray(new String[record.size()])); }/*from w ww . j a v a2 s .c om*/ } }
From source
private void storeClusters(Multimap<Long, String> clusters) { System.out.println("Found " + clusters.keySet().size() + " clusters"); for (final Entry<Long, Collection<String>> entry : clusters.asMap().entrySet()) { final StoryClusterDBO clusterDBO = new StoryClusterDBO(); clusterDBO.setCreatedAt(new DateTime()); clusterDBO.setStoryUris(Lists.newArrayList(entry.getValue())); _storyClusterDAO.insert(clusterDBO); }//from ww w . j a va 2s. co m }
From source
@Override protected Visit getVisitResult(Iterable<SkyKey> ttvKeys) throws InterruptedException { Multimap<SkyKey, SkyKey> deps = env.getUnfilteredDirectDepsOfSkyKeys(ttvKeys); return new Visit(/*keysToUseForResult=*/ deps.keySet(), /*keysToVisit=*/ deps.values().stream() .filter(SkyQueryEnvironment.IS_TTV).collect(ImmutableList.toImmutableList())); }
From source
public static RR2Lev constructEMMPar(final byte[] key, final Multimap<String, String> lookup, final int bigBlock, final int smallBlock, final int dataSize) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException, IOException { final Multimap<String, byte[]> dictionary = ArrayListMultimap.create(); random.setSeed(CryptoPrimitives.randomSeed(16)); for (int i = 0; i < dataSize; i++) { // initialize all buckets with random values free.add(i);//from www .ja va 2 s . c o m } List<String> listOfKeyword = new ArrayList<String>(lookup.keySet()); int threads = 0; if (Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() > listOfKeyword.size()) { threads = listOfKeyword.size(); } else { threads = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors(); } ExecutorService service = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(threads); ArrayList<String[]> inputs = new ArrayList<String[]>(threads); final Map<Integer, String> concurrentMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, String>(); for (int i = 0; i < listOfKeyword.size(); i++) { concurrentMap.put(i, listOfKeyword.get(i)); } for (int j = 0; j < threads; j++) { service.execute(new Runnable() { @SuppressWarnings("unused") @Override public void run() { while (concurrentMap.keySet().size() > 0) { // write code Set<Integer> possibleValues = concurrentMap.keySet(); Random rand = new Random(); int temp = rand.nextInt(possibleValues.size()); List<Integer> listOfPossibleKeywords = new ArrayList<Integer>(possibleValues); // set the input as randomly selected from the remaining // possible keys String[] input = { concurrentMap.get(listOfPossibleKeywords.get(temp)) }; // remove the key concurrentMap.remove(listOfPossibleKeywords.get(temp)); try { Multimap<String, byte[]> output = setup(key, input, lookup, bigBlock, smallBlock, dataSize); Set<String> keys = output.keySet(); for (String k : keys) { dictionary.putAll(k, output.get(k)); } } catch (InvalidKeyException | NoSuchAlgorithmException | NoSuchProviderException | NoSuchPaddingException | IOException | InvalidAlgorithmParameterException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } } }); } // Make sure executor stops service.shutdown(); // Blocks until all tasks have completed execution after a shutdown // request service.awaitTermination(Long.MAX_VALUE, TimeUnit.DAYS); return new RR2Lev(dictionary, array); }
From source
public static RH2Lev constructEMMParGMM(final byte[] key, final Multimap<String, String> lookup, final int bigBlock, final int smallBlock, final int dataSize) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException, IOException { final Multimap<String, byte[]> dictionary = ArrayListMultimap.create(); for (int i = 0; i < dataSize; i++) { // initialize all buckets with random values free.add(i);/*from w ww . ja v a 2s. c o m*/ } random.setSeed(CryptoPrimitives.randomSeed(16)); List<String> listOfKeyword = new ArrayList<String>(lookup.keySet()); int threads = 0; if (Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() > listOfKeyword.size()) { threads = listOfKeyword.size(); } else { threads = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors(); } ExecutorService service = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(threads); ArrayList<String[]> inputs = new ArrayList<String[]>(threads); for (int i = 0; i < threads; i++) { String[] tmp; if (i == threads - 1) { tmp = new String[listOfKeyword.size() / threads + listOfKeyword.size() % threads]; for (int j = 0; j < listOfKeyword.size() / threads + listOfKeyword.size() % threads; j++) { tmp[j] = listOfKeyword.get((listOfKeyword.size() / threads) * i + j); } } else { tmp = new String[listOfKeyword.size() / threads]; for (int j = 0; j < listOfKeyword.size() / threads; j++) { tmp[j] = listOfKeyword.get((listOfKeyword.size() / threads) * i + j); } } inputs.add(i, tmp); } Printer.debugln("End of Partitionning \n"); List<Future<Multimap<String, byte[]>>> futures = new ArrayList<Future<Multimap<String, byte[]>>>(); for (final String[] input : inputs) { Callable<Multimap<String, byte[]>> callable = new Callable<Multimap<String, byte[]>>() { public Multimap<String, byte[]> call() throws Exception { Multimap<String, byte[]> output = setup(key, input, lookup, bigBlock, smallBlock, dataSize); return output; } }; futures.add(service.submit(callable)); } service.shutdown(); for (Future<Multimap<String, byte[]>> future : futures) { Set<String> keys = future.get().keySet(); for (String k : keys) { dictionary.putAll(k, future.get().get(k)); } } return new RH2Lev(dictionary, array); }