List of usage examples for Multimap keySet
Set<K> keySet();
From source
public static int getNumRows(DbConnection conn, Mailbox mbox, String tableName, String idColName, Multimap<Integer, Integer> idRevs) throws ServiceException { Set<Integer> mail_itemIds = new HashSet<Integer>(); Multimap<Integer, Integer> rev_itemIds = HashMultimap.create(); for (Integer itemId : idRevs.keySet()) { Collection<Integer> revs = idRevs.get(itemId); for (int rev : revs) { if (rev == 0) { mail_itemIds.add(itemId); } else { rev_itemIds.put(itemId, rev); }//from www .ja va 2 s .c o m } } PreparedStatement stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer(); boolean revisionTable = tableName.startsWith(DbMailItem.TABLE_REVISION); sql.append("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ").append(DbMailbox.qualifyTableName(mbox, tableName)) .append(" WHERE ").append(DbMailItem.IN_THIS_MAILBOX_AND); if (!revisionTable || mail_itemIds.size() > 0) { if (mail_itemIds.size() == 0) { sql.append(idColName).append(" in ('')"); } else { sql.append(DbUtil.whereIn(idColName, mail_itemIds.size())); } } if (revisionTable) { if (mail_itemIds.size() > 0 && rev_itemIds.size() > 0) { sql.append(" OR "); } if (rev_itemIds.size() > 0) { sql.append(DbUtil.whereIn(Db.getInstance().concat(idColName, "'-'", "version"), rev_itemIds.size())); } } stmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql.toString()); int pos = 1; pos = DbMailItem.setMailboxId(stmt, mbox, pos); for (int itemId : mail_itemIds) { stmt.setInt(pos++, itemId); } if (revisionTable) { for (Integer itemId : rev_itemIds.keySet()) { Collection<Integer> revs = rev_itemIds.get(itemId); for (int rev : revs) { stmt.setString(pos++, itemId + "-" + rev); } } } rs = stmt.executeQuery();; return rs.getInt(1); } catch (SQLException e) { throw ServiceException.FAILURE("getting number of rows for matching id's in " + tableName, e); } finally { DbPool.closeResults(rs); DbPool.quietCloseStatement(stmt); } }
From source
public static String csdlMultifieldMatch(Multimap<String, String> require1, Multimap<String, String> require2, Multimap<String, String> exclude) throws Exception { StringBuilder csdlBuilder = new StringBuilder(); String require1String; String require2String = null; String excludeString = null;//w ww. ja v a 2s . co m List<String> require1clauses = Lists.newArrayList(); for (String includeField : require1.keySet()) { StringBuilder clauseBuilder = new StringBuilder(); Collection<String> values = require1.get(includeField); String match_clause = null; if (values.size() > 1) match_clause = "contains_any"; else if (values.size() == 1) match_clause = "contains"; if (match_clause != null) { clauseBuilder.append(includeField + " " + match_clause + " \""); Joiner.on(",").skipNulls().appendTo(clauseBuilder, values); clauseBuilder.append("\""); require1clauses.add(clauseBuilder.toString()); } } require1String = "(\n" + Joiner.on("\nOR\n").skipNulls().join(require1clauses) + "\n)\n"; if (require2 != null && require2.keySet().size() > 0) { List<String> require2clauses = Lists.newArrayList(); for (String includeField : require2.keySet()) { StringBuilder clauseBuilder = new StringBuilder(); Collection<String> values = require2.get(includeField); String match_clause = null; if (values.size() > 1) match_clause = "contains_any"; else if (values.size() == 1) match_clause = "contains"; if (match_clause != null) { clauseBuilder.append(includeField + " " + match_clause + " \""); Joiner.on(",").skipNulls().appendTo(clauseBuilder, values); clauseBuilder.append("\""); require2clauses.add(clauseBuilder.toString()); } } require2String = "(\n" + Joiner.on("\nOR\n").skipNulls().join(require2clauses) + "\n)\n"; } if (exclude != null && exclude.keySet().size() > 0) { List<String> excludeclauses = Lists.newArrayList(); for (String includeField : exclude.keySet()) { StringBuilder clauseBuilder = new StringBuilder(); Collection<String> values = exclude.get(includeField); String match_clause = null; if (values.size() > 1) match_clause = "contains_any"; else if (values.size() == 1) match_clause = "contains"; if (match_clause != null) { clauseBuilder.append(includeField + " " + match_clause + " \""); Joiner.on(",").skipNulls().appendTo(clauseBuilder, values); clauseBuilder.append("\""); excludeclauses.add(clauseBuilder.toString()); } } excludeString = "(\n" + Joiner.on("\nOR\n").skipNulls().join(excludeclauses) + "\n)\n"; } Joiner.on("AND\n").skipNulls().appendTo(csdlBuilder, require1String, require2String); csdlBuilder.append("AND NOT\n" + excludeString); log.debug(csdlBuilder.toString()); return csdlBuilder.toString(); }
From source
private static Map<LocalDate, Map<CurveName, Curve>> parseCurves(Predicate<LocalDate> datePredicate, CharSource settingsResource, Collection<CharSource> curvesResources) { // load curve settings Map<CurveName, LoadedCurveSettings> settingsMap = parseCurveSettings(settingsResource); // load curves, ensuring curves only be seen once within a date Map<LocalDate, Map<CurveName, Curve>> resultMap = new TreeMap<>(); for (CharSource curvesResource : curvesResources) { Multimap<LocalDate, Curve> fileCurvesByDate = parseSingle(datePredicate, curvesResource, settingsMap); // Ensure curve names are unique, with a good error message for (LocalDate date : fileCurvesByDate.keySet()) { Collection<Curve> fileCurves = fileCurvesByDate.get(date); Map<CurveName, Curve> resultCurves = resultMap.computeIfAbsent(date, d -> new HashMap<>()); for (Curve fileCurve : fileCurves) { if (resultCurves.put(fileCurve.getName(), fileCurve) != null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Rates curve loader found multiple curves with the same name: " + fileCurve.getName()); }// w w w .ja v a 2 s.c o m } } } return resultMap; }
From source
public static void delete(DbConnection conn, Mailbox mbox, Multimap<Integer, Integer> idRevs) throws ServiceException { Set<Integer> mail_itemIds = new HashSet<Integer>(); Multimap<Integer, Integer> rev_itemIds = HashMultimap.create(); for (Integer itemId : idRevs.keySet()) { Collection<Integer> revs = idRevs.get(itemId); for (int rev : revs) { if (rev == 0) { mail_itemIds.add(itemId); } else { rev_itemIds.put(itemId, rev); }/* w w w. j a v a 2 s .c om*/ } } if (mail_itemIds.size() > 0) { PreparedStatement miDumpstmt = null; try { StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer(); sql.append("DELETE FROM ").append(DbMailItem.getMailItemTableName(mbox, true)).append(" WHERE ") .append(DbMailItem.IN_THIS_MAILBOX_AND).append(DbUtil.whereIn("id", mail_itemIds.size())); miDumpstmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql.toString()); int pos = 1; pos = DbMailItem.setMailboxId(miDumpstmt, mbox, pos); for (int itemId : mail_itemIds) { miDumpstmt.setInt(pos++, itemId); } miDumpstmt.execute(); } catch (SQLException e) { throw ServiceException.FAILURE( "deleting " + idRevs.size() + " item(s): " + DbMailItem.getIdListForLogging(idRevs.keys()) + " from " + DbMailItem.TABLE_MAIL_ITEM_DUMPSTER + " table", e); } finally { DbPool.quietCloseStatement(miDumpstmt); } } if (rev_itemIds.size() > 0) { PreparedStatement revDumpstmt = null; try { StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer(); sql.append("DELETE FROM ").append(DbMailItem.getRevisionTableName(mbox, true)).append(" WHERE ") .append(DbMailItem.IN_THIS_MAILBOX_AND).append(DbUtil .whereIn(Db.getInstance().concat("item_id", "'-'", "version"), rev_itemIds.size())); revDumpstmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql.toString()); int pos = 1; pos = DbMailItem.setMailboxId(revDumpstmt, mbox, pos); for (Integer itemId : rev_itemIds.keySet()) { Collection<Integer> revs = rev_itemIds.get(itemId); for (int rev : revs) { revDumpstmt.setString(pos++, itemId + "-" + rev); } } revDumpstmt.execute(); } catch (SQLException e) { throw ServiceException.FAILURE( "deleting " + idRevs.size() + " item(s): " + DbMailItem.getIdListForLogging(idRevs.keys()) + " from " + DbMailItem.TABLE_REVISION_DUMPSTER + " table", e); } finally { DbPool.quietCloseStatement(revDumpstmt); } } }
From source
public static void export(DbConnection conn, Mailbox mbox, String tableName, String idColName, Multimap<Integer, Integer> idRevs, String path) throws ServiceException { Set<Integer> mail_itemIds = new HashSet<Integer>(); Multimap<Integer, Integer> rev_itemIds = HashMultimap.create(); for (Integer itemId : idRevs.keySet()) { Collection<Integer> revs = idRevs.get(itemId); for (int rev : revs) { if (rev == 0) { mail_itemIds.add(itemId); } else { rev_itemIds.put(itemId, rev); }/*from w w w. jav a 2 s . c o m*/ } } PreparedStatement stmt = null; if (!(Db.getInstance() instanceof MySQL)) { throw ServiceException.INVALID_REQUEST("export is only supported for MySQL", null); }"Exporting %d items in table %s to %s.", idRevs.size(), tableName, path); try { StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer(); boolean revisionTable = tableName.startsWith(DbMailItem.TABLE_REVISION); sql.append("SELECT * FROM ").append(DbMailbox.qualifyTableName(mbox, tableName)).append(" WHERE ") .append(DbMailItem.IN_THIS_MAILBOX_AND); if (!revisionTable || mail_itemIds.size() > 0) { if (mail_itemIds.size() == 0) { sql.append(idColName).append(" in ('')"); } else { sql.append(DbUtil.whereIn(idColName, mail_itemIds.size())); } } if (revisionTable) { if (mail_itemIds.size() > 0 && rev_itemIds.size() > 0) { sql.append(" OR "); } if (rev_itemIds.size() > 0) { sql.append(DbUtil.whereIn(Db.getInstance().concat(idColName, "'-'", "version"), rev_itemIds.size())); } } sql.append(" INTO OUTFILE ?"); stmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql.toString()); int pos = 1; pos = DbMailItem.setMailboxId(stmt, mbox, pos); for (int itemId : mail_itemIds) { stmt.setInt(pos++, itemId); } if (revisionTable) { for (Integer itemId : rev_itemIds.keySet()) { Collection<Integer> revs = rev_itemIds.get(itemId); for (int rev : revs) { stmt.setString(pos++, itemId + "-" + rev); } } } stmt.setString(pos++, path); stmt.execute(); } catch (SQLException e) { throw ServiceException.FAILURE("exporting table " + tableName + " to " + path, e); } finally { DbPool.quietCloseStatement(stmt); } }
From source
/** Builds an RDD pipeline * @param inputs/*from www .ja v a 2 s . c o m*/ * @param enrichment_pipeline_config * @return a validation, if successful containing (all generated rdds, output rdds only) - normally only the second tuple is needed */ public static Validation<String, //(error) Tuple2<Map<String, Either<JavaRDD<Tuple2<Long, IBatchRecord>>, JavaRDD<Tuple2<IBatchRecord, Tuple2<Long, IBatchRecord>>>>>, //(list of all RDDs) Map<String, JavaRDD<Tuple2<Long, IBatchRecord>>> //(just outputs >> buildEnrichmentPipeline(final IAnalyticsContext context, final JavaSparkContext jsc, final Multimap<String, JavaPairRDD<Object, Tuple2<Long, IBatchRecord>>> inputs, final Collection<EnrichmentControlMetadataBean> enrichment_pipeline_config) { // Build the pipeline final Validation<String, LinkedHashMap<String, Tuple2<Set<String>, List<EnrichmentControlMetadataBean>>>> maybe_enrichment_pipeline = DependencyUtils .buildPipelineOfContainers(inputs.keySet(), enrichment_pipeline_config); return maybe_enrichment_pipeline.bind(enrichment_pipeline -> { // (2 types of RDD - before and after...) final HashMap<String, Either<JavaRDD<Tuple2<Long, IBatchRecord>>, JavaRDD<Tuple2<IBatchRecord, Tuple2<Long, IBatchRecord>>>>> mutable_rdds = new HashMap<>(); // Insert all the inputs: inputs.asMap().entrySet().stream().forEach(kv -> mutable_rdds.put(kv.getKey(), Either.left( kv.getValue().stream().reduce((acc1, acc2) -> acc1.union(acc2)).get().map(t2 -> t2._2())))); // First pass, find all the groupings: // (if _any_ immediately downstream element needs grouping then treat as all do and map the extra element away) final Map<String, Collection<String>> jobs_that_need_to_group = enrichment_pipeline.values().stream() .distinct().<Tuple2<String, Collection<String>>>flatMap(t2 -> { return t2._2().stream().findFirst().map(e -> Optionals.ofNullable(e.grouping_fields())) .<Stream<Tuple2<String, Collection<String>>>>map( groupings -> t2._1().stream().map(input -> Tuples._2T(input, groupings))) .orElseGet(Stream::empty); }).collect(Collectors.toMap(t2 -> t2._1(), t2 -> t2._2())); // Second pass, do we need $inputs: if (enrichment_pipeline.values().stream().distinct() .anyMatch(t2 -> t2._1().contains(EnrichmentControlMetadataBean.PREVIOUS_STEP_ALL_INPUTS))) { inputs.put(EnrichmentControlMetadataBean.PREVIOUS_STEP_ALL_INPUTS, inputs.values().stream() .reduce((acc1, acc2) -> acc1.union(acc2)).orElse(jsc.emptyRDD().flatMapToPair(__ -> null))); } // Third/forth pass, create another mutable state that tells us which enrichers are the furthest downstream final Set<String> mutable_enricher_set = new HashSet<>(enrichment_pipeline.values().stream().distinct() .<EnrichmentControlMetadataBean>flatMap(t2 -> // (discard inputs) .map(e ->; enrichment_pipeline.values().stream().distinct().forEach(t2 -> { final EnrichmentControlMetadataBean control = t2._2().stream().findFirst().get(); mutable_enricher_set.removeAll(control.dependencies()); }); // Fifth (!) pass actually does all the work: enrichment_pipeline.values().stream().distinct().filter(t2 -> t2._2().stream().findFirst().isPresent()) // (discard inputs) .forEach(t2 -> { final EnrichmentControlMetadataBean control = t2._2().stream().findFirst().get(); final boolean upstream_is_grouped = !Optionals.ofNullable(control.grouping_fields()) .isEmpty(); final Collection<String> downstream_grouping = jobs_that_need_to_group.get(; final boolean downstream_is_grouped = null != downstream_grouping; final boolean to_emit = mutable_enricher_set.contains(; // Get all the inputs: // 4 cases depending on whether upstream/downstream are grouped if (upstream_is_grouped) { // (ignore any inputs that haven't been grouped) final JavaRDD<Tuple2<IBatchRecord, Tuple2<Long, IBatchRecord>>> rdd_inputs = t2._1() .stream().map(dep -> mutable_rdds.get(dep)) .filter(rdd_choice -> rdd_choice.isRight()) .map(rdd_choice -> rdd_choice.right().value()) .reduce((acc1, acc2) -> acc1.union(acc2)).orElseGet(() -> jsc.emptyRDD()); if (!downstream_is_grouped) { mutable_rdds.put(, Either.left(EnrichmentPipelineService.javaGroupOf(rdd_inputs).mapPartitions( EnrichmentPipelineService.create(context, to_emit, t2._2()) .javaInMapPartitionsPostGroup()))); } else { mutable_rdds.put(, Either.right(EnrichmentPipelineService .javaGroupOf(rdd_inputs) .mapPartitions(EnrichmentPipelineService.create(context, to_emit, t2._2()) .javaInMapPartitionsPrePostGroup( new ArrayList<>(downstream_grouping))))); } } else { // (convert any grouped inputs to ungrouped) final JavaRDD<Tuple2<Long, IBatchRecord>> rdd_inputs = t2._1().stream() .map(dep -> mutable_rdds.get(dep)) .map(rdd_choice -> rdd_choice.<JavaRDD<Tuple2<Long, IBatchRecord>>>either( ungrouped -> ungrouped, grouped -> -> tt2._2()))) .reduce((acc1, acc2) -> acc1.union(acc2)).orElseGet(() -> jsc.emptyRDD()); if (!downstream_is_grouped) { mutable_rdds.put(, Either.left(rdd_inputs.mapPartitions(EnrichmentPipelineService .create(context, to_emit, t2._2()).javaInMapPartitions()))); } else { mutable_rdds.put(, Either.right(rdd_inputs.mapPartitions(EnrichmentPipelineService .create(context, to_emit, t2._2()).javaInMapPartitionsPreGroup( new ArrayList<>(downstream_grouping))))); } } }); return Validation.success(Tuples._2T(mutable_rdds, -> Tuples._2T(e_name, mutable_rdds.get(e_name))) .filter(name_rdd -> null != name_rdd._2()) .<Tuple2<String, JavaRDD<Tuple2<Long, IBatchRecord>>>>map( name__rdd_choice -> Tuples._2T( name__rdd_choice._1(), name__rdd_choice ._2().either( ungrouped -> ungrouped, grouped -> -> t2._2)))) .collect(Collectors .<Tuple2<String, JavaRDD<Tuple2<Long, IBatchRecord>>>, String, JavaRDD<Tuple2<Long, IBatchRecord>>>toMap( t2 -> t2._1(), t2 -> t2._2())))); }); }
From source
static Multimap<InetAddress, Range> getWorkMap(Multimap<Range, InetAddress> rangesWithSourceTarget, IFailureDetector failureDetector) { /*/*from w ww . j a va2 s . c o m*/ * Map whose key is the source node and the value is a map whose key is the * target and value is the list of ranges to be sent to it. */ Multimap<InetAddress, Range> sources = ArrayListMultimap.create(); // TODO look for contiguous ranges and map them to the same source for (Range range : rangesWithSourceTarget.keySet()) { for (InetAddress source : rangesWithSourceTarget.get(range)) { if (failureDetector.isAlive(source)) { sources.put(source, range); break; } } } return sources; }
From source
public static void findAndReportStructureIssues(@NotNull Project project) { Multimap<String, Module> modulesByPath = ArrayListMultimap.create(); ModuleManager moduleManager = ModuleManager.getInstance(project); for (Module module : moduleManager.getModules()) { File moduleFilePath = new File(toSystemDependentName(module.getModuleFilePath())); File moduleDirPath = moduleFilePath.getParentFile(); if (moduleDirPath != null) { modulesByPath.put(moduleDirPath.getPath(), module); }// w w w . ja v } Set<String> modulePaths = modulesByPath.keySet(); for (String modulePath : modulePaths) { Collection<Module> modules = modulesByPath.get(modulePath); int moduleCount = modules.size(); if (moduleCount > 1) { ProjectSyncMessages messages = ProjectSyncMessages.getInstance(project); StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder(); msg.append("The modules "); int i = 0; Set<String> moduleNames = Sets.newHashSet(); for (Module module : modules) { if (i++ != 0) { msg.append(", "); } String name = module.getName(); moduleNames.add(name); msg.append("'").append(name).append("'"); } msg.append(" point to same directory in the file system."); String[] lines = { msg.toString(), "Each module has to have a unique path." }; Message message = new Message(PROJECT_STRUCTURE_ISSUES, Message.Type.ERROR, lines); List<DataNode<ModuleData>> modulesToDisplayInDialog = Lists.newArrayList(); if (ProjectSubset.isSettingEnabled()) { ProjectSubset subset = ProjectSubset.getInstance(project); Collection<DataNode<ModuleData>> cachedModules = subset.getCachedModuleData(); if (cachedModules != null) { for (DataNode<ModuleData> moduleNode : cachedModules) { if (moduleNames.contains(moduleNode.getData().getExternalName())) { modulesToDisplayInDialog.add(moduleNode); } } } } if (modulesToDisplayInDialog.isEmpty()) { messages.add(message); } else { messages.add(message, new AddOrRemoveModulesHyperlink()); } } } }
From source
private static void handleVBODelete(final Renderer deleter, final Multimap<Object, Integer> idMap) { Object currentGLRef = null;/* w ww.j a va 2 s .co m*/ // Grab the current context, if any. if (deleter != null && ContextManager.getCurrentContext() != null) { currentGLRef = ContextManager.getCurrentContext().getGlContextRep(); } // For each affected context... for (final Object glref : idMap.keySet()) { // If we have a deleter and the context is current, immediately delete if (deleter != null && glref.equals(currentGLRef)) { deleter.deleteVBOs(idMap.get(glref)); } // Otherwise, add a delete request to that context's render task queue. else { GameTaskQueueManager.getManager(ContextManager.getContextForRef(glref)) .render(new RendererCallable<Void>() { public Void call() throws Exception { getRenderer().deleteVBOs(idMap.get(glref)); return null; } }); } } }
From source
private static void addManyMetrics(Multimap<Class, MetricEntity> metricMap) { for (Class c : metricMap.keySet()) { for (List<MetricEntity> dataBatchPartial : Iterables.partition(metricMap.get(c), METRIC_DATA_NUM_DB_OPERATIONS_PER_TRANSACTION)) { try (final TransactionResource db = Entities.transactionFor(c)) { int numOperations = 0; for (MetricEntity me : dataBatchPartial) { numOperations++;/*from ww w . j a v a 2s. c o m*/ if (numOperations % METRIC_DATA_NUM_DB_OPERATIONS_UNTIL_SESSION_FLUSH == 0) { Entities.flushSession(c); Entities.clearSession(c); } Entities.persist(me); } db.commit(); } } } }