List of usage examples for Multimap keySet
Set<K> keySet();
From source
/** * Add a series of system and jvm-level stats to the given registry. *//* w w w. j a v a 2 s .c o m*/ public static void register(MetricRegistry registry) { final MetricRegistry stats = registry.scope("jvm"); final MemoryMXBean mem = ManagementFactory.getMemoryMXBean(); // memory stats final MetricRegistry heapRegistry = stats.scope("heap"); registerMemoryStats(heapRegistry, new MemoryReporter() { @Override public MemoryUsage getUsage() { return mem.getHeapMemoryUsage(); } }); final MetricRegistry nonHeapRegistry = stats.scope("nonheap"); registerMemoryStats(nonHeapRegistry, new MemoryReporter() { @Override public MemoryUsage getUsage() { return mem.getNonHeapMemoryUsage(); } }); // threads final ThreadMXBean threads = ManagementFactory.getThreadMXBean(); final MetricRegistry threadRegistry = stats.scope("thread"); threadRegistry.register(new AbstractGauge<Integer>("daemon_count") { @Override public Integer read() { return threads.getDaemonThreadCount(); } }); threadRegistry.register(new AbstractGauge<Integer>("count") { @Override public Integer read() { return threads.getThreadCount(); } }); threadRegistry.register(new AbstractGauge<Integer>("peak_count") { @Override public Integer read() { return threads.getPeakThreadCount(); } }); // class loading bean final ClassLoadingMXBean classLoadingBean = ManagementFactory.getClassLoadingMXBean(); stats.register(new AbstractGauge<Integer>("classes_loaded") { @Override public Integer read() { return classLoadingBean.getLoadedClassCount(); } }); stats.register(new AbstractGauge<Long>("total_classes_loaded") { @Override public Long read() { return classLoadingBean.getTotalLoadedClassCount(); } }); stats.register(new AbstractGauge<Long>("classes_unloaded") { @Override public Long read() { return classLoadingBean.getUnloadedClassCount(); } }); // runtime final RuntimeMXBean runtime = ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean(); stats.register(new AbstractGauge<Long>("start_time") { @Override public Long read() { return runtime.getStartTime(); } }); stats.register(new AbstractGauge<Long>("uptime") { @Override public Long read() { return runtime.getUptime(); } }); //stats.register(new AbstractGauge<String>) // os final OperatingSystemMXBean os = ManagementFactory.getOperatingSystemMXBean(); stats.register(new AbstractGauge<Integer>("num_cpus") { @Override public Integer read() { return os.getAvailableProcessors(); } }); if (os instanceof { final sunOsMbean = ( os; // if this is indeed an operating system stats.register(new AbstractGauge<Long>("free_physical_memory") { @Override public Long read() { return sunOsMbean.getFreePhysicalMemorySize(); } }); stats.register(new AbstractGauge<Long>("free_swap") { @Override public Long read() { return sunOsMbean.getFreeSwapSpaceSize(); } }); stats.register(new AbstractGauge<Long>("process_cpu_time") { @Override public Long read() { return sunOsMbean.getProcessCpuTime(); } }); } if (os instanceof { // it's a unix system... I know this! final UnixOperatingSystemMXBean unix = (UnixOperatingSystemMXBean) os; stats.register(new AbstractGauge<Long>("fd_count") { @Override public Long read() { return unix.getOpenFileDescriptorCount(); } }); stats.register(new AbstractGauge<Long>("fd_limit") { @Override public Long read() { return unix.getMaxFileDescriptorCount(); } }); } // mem final List<MemoryPoolMXBean> memPool = ManagementFactory.getMemoryPoolMXBeans(); final MetricRegistry memRegistry = stats.scope("mem"); final MetricRegistry currentMem = memRegistry.scope("current"); final MetricRegistry postGCRegistry = memRegistry.scope("postGC"); for (final MemoryPoolMXBean pool : memPool) { String name = normalizeName(pool.getName()); registerMemoryStats(currentMem.scope(name), new MemoryReporter() { @Override public MemoryUsage getUsage() { return pool.getUsage(); } }); registerMemoryStats(postGCRegistry.scope(name), new MemoryReporter() { @Override public MemoryUsage getUsage() { return pool.getCollectionUsage(); } }); } currentMem.register(new AbstractGauge<Long>("used") { @Override public Long read() { long sum = 0; for (MemoryPoolMXBean pool : memPool) { MemoryUsage usage = pool.getUsage(); if (usage != null) { sum += usage.getUsed(); } } return sum; } }); AbstractGauge<Long> totalPostGCGauge = new AbstractGauge<Long>("used") { @Override public Long read() { long sum = 0; for (MemoryPoolMXBean pool : memPool) { MemoryUsage usage = pool.getCollectionUsage(); if (usage != null) { sum += usage.getUsed(); } } return sum; } }; postGCRegistry.register(totalPostGCGauge); // java 1.7 specific buffer pool gauges Multimap<String, AbstractGauge<Long>> java17gauges = buildJava17Gauges(); if (!java17gauges.isEmpty()) { MetricRegistry bufferRegistry = stats.scope("buffer"); for (String scope : java17gauges.keySet()) { MetricRegistry pool = bufferRegistry.scope(scope); for (AbstractGauge<Long> gauge : java17gauges.get(scope)) { pool.register(gauge); } } } // gc final List<GarbageCollectorMXBean> gcPool = ManagementFactory.getGarbageCollectorMXBeans(); MetricRegistry gcRegistry = stats.scope("gc"); for (final GarbageCollectorMXBean gc : gcPool) { String name = normalizeName(gc.getName()); MetricRegistry scoped = memRegistry.scope(name); scoped.register(new AbstractGauge<Long>("cycles") { @Override public Long read() { return gc.getCollectionCount(); } }); scoped.register(new AbstractGauge<Long>("msec") { @Override public Long read() { return gc.getCollectionTime(); } }); } gcRegistry.register(new AbstractGauge<Long>("cycles") { @Override public Long read() { long sum = 0; for (GarbageCollectorMXBean pool : gcPool) { long count = pool.getCollectionCount(); if (count > 0) { sum += count; } } return sum; } }); gcRegistry.register(new AbstractGauge<Long>("msec") { @Override public Long read() { long sum = 0; for (GarbageCollectorMXBean pool : gcPool) { long msec = pool.getCollectionTime(); if (msec > 0) { sum += msec; } } return sum; } }); }
From source
public static IEXRH2Lev setup(List<byte[]> keys, Multimap<String, String> lookup, Multimap<String, String> lookup2, int bigBlock, int smallBlock, int dataSize) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException, IOException { // Instantiation of the object that contains Global MM, Local MMs and // the dictionary RH2Lev[] localMultiMap = new RH2Lev[lookup.keySet().size()]; Multimap<String, Integer> dictionaryForMM = ArrayListMultimap.create(); Printer.debugln("Number of (w, id) pairs " + lookup.size()); Printer.debugln("Number of keywords " + lookup.keySet().size()); Printer.debugln("Maximum size of |DB(w)| " + TextExtractPar.maxTupleSize); BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("logs.txt", true)); writer.write("\n *********************Stats******* \n"); writer.write("\n Number of (w, id) pairs " + lookup2.size()); writer.write("\n Number of keywords " + lookup.keySet().size()); int counter = 0; ///////////////////// Computing Filtering Factor and exact needed data ///////////////////// size///////////////////////////// HashMap<Integer, Integer> histogram = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); Printer.debugln("Number of documents " + lookup2.keySet().size()); for (String keyword : lookup.keySet()) { if (histogram.get(lookup.get(keyword).size()) != null) { int tmp = histogram.get(lookup.get(keyword).size()); histogram.put(lookup.get(keyword).size(), tmp + 1); } else {// ww w . j a va 2 s . co m histogram.put(lookup.get(keyword).size(), 1); } if (dataSize < lookup.get(keyword).size()) { dataSize = lookup.get(keyword).size(); } } // Construction of the global multi-map Printer.debugln("\nBeginning of Global MM creation \n"); long startTime1 = System.nanoTime(); IEXRH2Lev disj2 = new IEXRH2Lev( RH2Lev.constructEMMParGMM(keys.get(0), lookup, bigBlock, smallBlock, dataSize), localMultiMap, dictionaryForMM); long endTime1 = System.nanoTime(); writer.write("\n Time of MM global setup time #(w, id)/#DB " + (endTime1 - startTime1) / lookup2.size()); writer.close(); numberPairs = numberPairs + lookup.size(); // Construction of the local multi-map Printer.debugln("Start of Local Multi-Map construction"); long startTime = System.nanoTime(); for (String keyword : lookup.keySet()) { // Stats for keeping track with the evaluation for (int j = 0; j < 100; j++) { if (counter == (int) ((j + 1) * lookup.keySet().size() / 100)) { BufferedWriter writer2 = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("temp-logs.txt", true)); writer2.write("\n Number of local multi-maps created" + j + " %"); writer2.close(); break; } } // Filter setting optional. For a setup without any filtering set // filterParameter to 0 if (((double) lookup.get(keyword).size() / TextExtractPar.maxTupleSize > filterParameter)) { // Stats Printer.debugln("Keyword in LMM " + keyword); BufferedWriter writer3 = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("words-logs.txt", true)); writer3.write("\n Keyword in LMM " + keyword); writer3.close(); for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) { if (counter == (int) ((j + 1) * lookup.keySet().size() / 10)) { Printer.statsln("Number of total keywords processed equals " + j + "0 % \n"); break; } } // First computing V_w. Determine Doc identifiers Set<String> VW = new TreeSet<String>(); for (String idDoc : lookup.get(keyword)) { VW.addAll(lookup2.get(idDoc)); } Multimap<String, String> secondaryLookup = ArrayListMultimap.create(); // here we are only interested in documents in the intersection // between "keyword" and "word" for (String word : VW) { // Filter setting optional. For a setup without any // filtering set filterParameter to 0 if (((double) lookup.get(word).size() / TextExtractPar.maxTupleSize > filterParameter)) { Collection<String> l1 = new ArrayList<String>(lookup.get(word)); Collection<String> l2 = new ArrayList<String>(lookup.get(keyword)); l1.retainAll(l2); secondaryLookup.putAll(word, l1); } } // End of VW construction RH2Lev.counter = 0; // dataSize = (int) filterParameter; EMM2Lev.eval = 4 + keyword; EMM2Lev.lmm = true; disj2.getLocalMultiMap()[counter] = RH2Lev.constructEMMParGMM( CryptoPrimitives.generateCmac(keys.get(0), keyword), secondaryLookup, bigBlock, smallBlock, dataSize); byte[] key3 = CryptoPrimitives.generateCmac(keys.get(1), 3 + keyword); numberPairs = numberPairs + secondaryLookup.size(); dictionaryForMM.put(new String(key3), counter); } counter++; } long endTime = System.nanoTime(); Printer.statsln("Time to construct LMM " + (endTime - startTime) / 1000000000); disj2.setDictionaryForMM(dictionaryForMM); return disj2; }
From source
public static List<AreaGroup> groupAreas(Map<Area, OSMLevel> areasLevels) { DisjointSet<Area> groups = new DisjointSet<Area>(); Multimap<OSMNode, Area> areasForNode = LinkedListMultimap.create(); for (Area area : areasLevels.keySet()) { for (Ring ring : area.outermostRings) { for (Ring inner : ring.holes) { for (OSMNode node : inner.nodes) { areasForNode.put(node, area); }//from ww w . j av a2 s . c o m } for (OSMNode node : ring.nodes) { areasForNode.put(node, area); } } } // areas that can be joined must share nodes and levels for (OSMNode osmNode : areasForNode.keySet()) { for (Area area1 : areasForNode.get(osmNode)) { OSMLevel level1 = areasLevels.get(area1); for (Area area2 : areasForNode.get(osmNode)) { OSMLevel level2 = areasLevels.get(area2); if ((level1 == null && level2 == null) || (level1 != null && level1.equals(level2))) { groups.union(area1, area2); } } } } List<AreaGroup> out = new ArrayList<AreaGroup>(); for (Set<Area> areaSet : groups.sets()) { try { out.add(new AreaGroup(areaSet)); } catch (AreaGroup.RingConstructionException e) { for (Area area : areaSet) { LOG.debug("Failed to create merged area for " + area + ". This area might not be at fault; it might be one of the other areas in this list."); out.add(new AreaGroup(Arrays.asList(area))); } } } return out; }
From source
public static void loadModelsLibrary() { while (!GamaBundleLoader.LOADED && !GamaBundleLoader.ERRORED) { try {// w w w . j a v a 2 s . c o m Thread.sleep(100); DEBUG.OUT("Waiting for GAML subsystem to load..."); } catch (final InterruptedException e) { } } if (GamaBundleLoader.ERRORED) { GAMA.getGui().tell("Error in loading GAML language subsystem. Please consult the logs"); return; } DEBUG.OUT("Synchronous link of models library..."); final Multimap<Bundle, String> pluginsWithModels = GamaBundleLoader.getPluginsWithModels(); for (final Bundle plugin : pluginsWithModels.keySet()) { for (final String entry : pluginsWithModels.get(plugin)) { linkModelsToWorkspace(plugin, entry, false); } } final Multimap<Bundle, String> pluginsWithTests = GamaBundleLoader.getPluginsWithTests(); for (final Bundle plugin : pluginsWithTests.keySet()) { for (final String entry : pluginsWithTests.get(plugin)) { linkModelsToWorkspace(plugin, entry, true); } } }
From source
/** * @param logger /*from ww w . ja v a2s . co m*/ * @param methods * @param typeOracle * @return * @throws UnableToCompleteException */ private static Map<String, ObservableBeanPropertyModel> modelProperties(TreeLogger logger, Set<ObservableBeanMethodModel> methods, TypeOracle typeOracle) throws UnableToCompleteException { final Multimap<String, ObservableBeanMethodModel> associatedMethods = LinkedListMultimap.create(); for (ObservableBeanMethodModel methodModel : methods) { final JBeanMethod action = methodModel.getAction(); if (action != JBeanMethod.SET && action != JBeanMethod.GET) continue; final String propertyName = action.inferName(methodModel.getMethod()); associatedMethods.put(propertyName, methodModel); } final Map<String, ObservableBeanPropertyModel> properties = Maps.newHashMap(); for (String propertyName : associatedMethods.keySet()) { if (properties.containsKey(propertyName)) die(logger, "Multiple getters/setters for property %s. Check spelling and for correct camel case.", propertyName); final ObservableBeanMethodModel[] propertyAccessors = Iterables .toArray(associatedMethods.get(propertyName), ObservableBeanMethodModel.class); final JType propertyType = determinePropertyType(propertyAccessors[0], typeOracle); properties.put(propertyName, ObservableBeanPropertyModel.create(propertyName, propertyType, propertyAccessors)); } return ImmutableMap.copyOf(properties); }
From source
@NotNull private static List<TableLabel> generateLabelsForGroup(final List<EditedStyleItem> source, final List<EditedStyleItem> sink) { // A TreeMap is used to ensure the keys are sorted in alphabetical order // ArrayLists are used for values to ensure that they stay in the same order they came in Multimap<String, EditedStyleItem> classes = Multimaps.newListMultimap( new TreeMap<String, Collection<EditedStyleItem>>(), new Supplier<List<EditedStyleItem>>() { @Override//from ww w . j av a 2 s . c om public List<EditedStyleItem> get() { return new ArrayList<EditedStyleItem>(); } }); for (EditedStyleItem item : source) { String group = item.getAttrGroup(); classes.put(group, item); } final List<TableLabel> labels = new ArrayList<TableLabel>(); int offset = 0; sink.clear(); for (String group : classes.keySet()) { final int size = classes.get(group).size(); sink.addAll(classes.get(group)); if (size != 0) { labels.add(new TableLabel(group, offset)); } offset += size; } return labels; }
From source
public static void generate(VariantGraphRanking ranking, GeneratorCallback callback) { callback.start();//from w w w . ja v a 2s .c o m final Set<Witness> allWitnesses = ranking.witnesses(); for (Iterator<Map.Entry<Integer, Collection<VariantGraph.Vertex>>> rowIt = ranking.getByRank().asMap() .entrySet().iterator(); rowIt.hasNext();) { final Map.Entry<Integer, Collection<VariantGraph.Vertex>> row =; final int rank = row.getKey(); final Collection<VariantGraph.Vertex> vertices = row.getValue(); if (vertices.size() == 1 && Iterables.getOnlyElement(vertices).tokens().isEmpty()) { // skip start and end vertex continue; } // spreading vertices with same rank according to their registered transpositions final Multimap<Integer, VariantGraph.Vertex> verticesByTranspositionRank = HashMultimap.create(); for (VariantGraph.Vertex v : vertices) { int transpositionRank = 0; for (VariantGraph.Transposition transposition : v.transpositions()) { for (VariantGraph.Vertex tv : transposition) { transpositionRank += (ranking.apply(tv).intValue() - rank); } } verticesByTranspositionRank.put(transpositionRank, v); } // render segments for (Iterator<Integer> transpositionRankIt = Ordering.natural() .immutableSortedCopy(verticesByTranspositionRank.keySet()).iterator(); transpositionRankIt .hasNext();) { final Multimap<Witness, Token> tokensByWitness = HashMultimap.create(); for (VariantGraph.Vertex v : verticesByTranspositionRank.get( { for (Token token : v.tokens()) { tokensByWitness.put(token.getWitness(), token); } } final SortedMap<Witness, Iterable<Token>> cellContents = Maps.newTreeMap(Witness.SIGIL_COMPARATOR); for (Witness witness : allWitnesses) { cellContents.put(witness, tokensByWitness.containsKey(witness) ? Iterables.unmodifiableIterable(tokensByWitness.get(witness)) : Collections.<Token>emptySet()); } callback.segment(cellContents); } } callback.end(); }
From source
@NotNull private static Set<CallableMemberDescriptor> collectSuperMethods(@NotNull ClassDescriptor classDescriptor) { Set<CallableMemberDescriptor> inheritedFunctions = new LinkedHashSet<CallableMemberDescriptor>(); for (JetType supertype : classDescriptor.getTypeConstructor().getSupertypes()) { for (DeclarationDescriptor descriptor : supertype.getMemberScope().getAllDescriptors()) { if (descriptor instanceof CallableMemberDescriptor) { inheritedFunctions.add((CallableMemberDescriptor) descriptor); }/*w ww.j a v a 2 s. com*/ } } // Only those actually inherited Set<CallableMemberDescriptor> filteredMembers = OverridingUtil.filterOutOverridden(inheritedFunctions); // Group members with "the same" signature Multimap<CallableMemberDescriptor, CallableMemberDescriptor> factoredMembers = LinkedHashMultimap.create(); for (CallableMemberDescriptor one : filteredMembers) { if (factoredMembers.values().contains(one)) continue; for (CallableMemberDescriptor another : filteredMembers) { // if (one == another) continue; factoredMembers.put(one, one); if (OverridingUtil.isOverridableBy(one, another).getResult() == OVERRIDABLE || OverridingUtil.isOverridableBy(another, one).getResult() == OVERRIDABLE) { factoredMembers.put(one, another); } } } return factoredMembers.keySet(); }
From source
/** * Compute the list of files under the working directory that match a * product's output globs.//w w w. j a v a 2 s . c om */ static ImmutableList<Path> matching(final Path workingDir, final Set<Path> exclusions, ImmutableGlobSet outputMatcher) throws IOException { // Get the prefix map so we only walk subtrees that are important. // E.g. for output globs // [foo/lib/bar/*.lib, foo/lib/**.o, foo/lib/**.so, foo/bin/*.a] // this should yield the map // "foo/lib" => [foo/lib/**.o, foo/lib/**.so] // "foo/lib/bar" => [foo/lib/bar/*.lib] // "foo/bin" => [foo/bin/*.a] // Note that the keys are sorted so that foo/lib always occurs before // foo/lib/bar so that the walker below does not do any unnecessary stating. final Map<String, List<Glob>> groupedByDir; { Multimap<String, Glob> byPrefix = outputMatcher.getGlobsGroupedByPrefix(); groupedByDir = new TreeMap<String, List<Glob>>(new Comparator<String>() { // Sort so that shorter paths occur first. That way we can start // walking the prefixes, and pick up the extra globs just in time when // we start walking those paths. public int compare(String a, String b) { long delta = ((long) a.length()) - b.length(); return delta < 0 ? -1 : delta != 0 ? 1 : a.compareTo(b); } }); Path root = workingDir.getRoot(); for (String prefix : byPrefix.keySet()) { prefix = FsUtil.denormalizePath(root, prefix); String pathPrefix = workingDir.resolve(prefix).toString(); groupedByDir.put(pathPrefix, ImmutableList.copyOf(byPrefix.get(prefix))); } } class Walker { final ImmutableList.Builder<Path> out = ImmutableList.builder(); final Set<String> walked = Sets.newHashSet(); void walk(Path p, GlobSet globs) throws IOException { // TODO: handle symbolic links String pStr = p.toString(); List<Glob> extras = groupedByDir.get(pStr); if (extras != null) { globs = new MutableGlobSet(globs).addAll(extras); walked.add(pStr); } BasicFileAttributes attrs = Attributes.readBasicFileAttributes(p); if (attrs.isRegularFile()) { Path relPath = workingDir.relativize(p); if (globs.matches(relPath) && !exclusions.contains(relPath)) { out.add(relPath); } } else { for (Path child : p.newDirectoryStream()) { walk(child, globs); } } } } Walker w = new Walker(); for (Map.Entry<String, List<Glob>> e : groupedByDir.entrySet()) { String prefix = e.getKey(); if (w.walked.contains(prefix)) { continue; } // already walked Path p = workingDir.resolve(prefix); if (!p.notExists()) { w.walk(p, ImmutableGlobSet.empty()); } } return; }
From source
/** * @param input_config - the input settings * @return//from w ww. j ava2 s. c om */ public static IAnalyticsAccessContext<DataFrame> getDataFrame(final Client client, final AnalyticThreadJobBean.AnalyticThreadJobInputBean job_input) { final SetOnce<Map<String, String>> _es_options = new SetOnce<>(); return new IAnalyticsAccessContext<DataFrame>() { @Override public String describe() { //(return the entire thing) return ErrorUtils.get("service_name={0} options={1}", this.getAccessService().right().value().getSimpleName(), _es_options.optional()); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.ikanow.aleph2.data_model.interfaces.data_analytics.IAnalyticsAccessContext#getAccessService() */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public Either<DataFrame, Class<DataFrame>> getAccessService() { return Either.right((Class<DataFrame>) (Class<?>) DataFrame.class); } @Override public Optional<Map<String, Object>> getAccessConfig() { // OK this is horrible but we're going to return a map of lambdas SparkContext -> SchemaRDD //TODO (XXX): going to start off with a simple version of this: final String index_resource = ElasticsearchContext.READ_PREFIX + ElasticsearchIndexUtils.getBaseIndexName( .with(DataBucketBean::full_name, job_input.resource_name_or_id()).done().get(), Optional.empty()) + "*"; //TODO (ALEPH-72): support multi-buckets / buckets with non-standard indexes ... also use the tmin/tmax // (needs MDB to pull out - because need to get the full bucket ugh) // Currently need to add types: //TODO (ALEPH-72): from elasticsearch-hadoop 2.2.0.m2 this will no longer be necessary (currently at 2.2.0.m1) final Multimap<String, String> index_type_mapping = ElasticsearchIndexUtils.getTypesForIndex(client, index_resource); final String type_resource = index_type_mapping.values().stream().collect(Collectors.toSet()) .stream().collect(Collectors.joining(",")); final String final_index = ElasticsearchHadoopUtils .getTimedIndexes(job_input, index_type_mapping, new Date()) .map(s -> Stream .concat(s, TimeSliceDirUtils .getUntimedDirectories(index_type_mapping.keySet().stream())) .collect(Collectors.joining(","))) .orElse(index_resource); //TODO (ALEPH-72): handle single/multiple types final Map<String, String> es_options = ImmutableMap.<String, String>of( "", "yes", "", "true", "", Aleph2EsInputFormat.ALEPH2_META_FIELD, "es.resource", final_index + "/" + type_resource); _es_options.set(es_options); final String table_name = Optional.ofNullable( .orElse(BucketUtils.getUniqueSignature(job_input.resource_name_or_id(), Optional.empty())); Function<SQLContext, DataFrame> f = sql_context -> { final DataFrame df = JavaEsSparkSQL.esDF(sql_context, es_options); df.registerTempTable(table_name); return df; }; return Optional.of(ImmutableMap.of(table_name, (Object) f)); } }; }