List of usage examples for Multimap keySet
Set<K> keySet();
From source
public static Map<String, double[]> combinedValuesMap(Map<String, double[]> flatMap) { String[] names = new String[flatMap.keySet().size()]; int[] counters = new int[flatMap.keySet().size()]; Multimap<String, Double> multimap = ArrayListMultimap.create(); //init/*from ww w . j a va2 s .c o m*/ int y = 0; for (String name : flatMap.keySet()) { names[y] = name; counters[y] = 0; y = y + 1; } //fill map while (true) { for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { multimap.put(names[i], flatMap.get(names[i])[counters[i]]); } for (int i = 0; i < counters.length; i++) { counters[i] = counters[i] + 1; if ((i < counters.length - 1) && (counters[i] == flatMap.get(names[i]).length)) { counters[i] = 0; } else { break; } } if (counters[counters.length - 1] == flatMap.get(names[counters.length - 1]).length) { break; } } //transform Map<String, double[]> map = new LinkedHashMap<>(); for (String key : multimap.keySet()) { double[] values = new double[multimap.get(key).size()]; int i = 0; for (Double value : multimap.get(key)) { values[i] = value; i = i + 1; } map.put(key, values); } return map; }
From source
private void writeModuleToStringsMultimap(Multimap<APKModule, String> map, Collection<String> dest) { for (APKModule dexStore : map.keySet()) { dest.add(MODULE_INDENTATION + dexStore.getName()); for (String item : map.get(dexStore)) { dest.add(ITEM_INDENTATION + item); }/*from w w w. j a v a 2 s . c om*/ } }
From source
@Override public void write(String file, Multimap syn) { BufferedWriter writer = null; Multimap<String, String> synons = (Multimap) syn; try {// www . j a v a 2s. c o m writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(file)); for (String s : synons.keySet()) { String _syns = ""; for (String _syn : synons.get(s)) { _syns += _syn + "|"; } writer.write("UMLS:" + s + ":T023:ANAT\t" + removeLastChar(_syns) + "\n"); System.out.println("UMLS:" + s + ":T023:ANAT\t" + removeLastChar(_syns)); } } catch (IOException e) { } finally { try { if (writer != null) { writer.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { } } }
From source
public String serializeRequest(HTTPClient.HTTPMethod method) { // give StringBuilder some initial capacity will save time if the // request is big StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(112); // BUILDING FIRST LINE builder.append(method.value());//from ww w.ja va 2 s .com builder.append(" "); String path = this.getURL().getPath(); builder.append(path == "" ? "/" : path); builder.append(" "); builder.append("HTTP/1.0\r\n"); // BUILDING HEADERS Multimap<String, String> headers = this.getHeaders(); for (String key : headers.keySet()) { Collection<String> values = headers.get(key); for (String value : values) { builder.append(key); builder.append(":"); builder.append(value); builder.append("\r\n"); } } builder.append("\r\n"); if (method == HTTPClient.HTTPMethod.POST) { builder.append(this.getRequestBody()); } return builder.toString(); }
From source
public static Mappings newMappings(ClassMatches matches, Mappings oldMappings, Deobfuscator sourceDeobfuscator, Deobfuscator destDeobfuscator) { // sort the unique matches by size of inner class chain Multimap<Integer, java.util.Map.Entry<ClassEntry, ClassEntry>> matchesByDestChainSize = HashMultimap .create();/*from ww w. j a v*/ for (java.util.Map.Entry<ClassEntry, ClassEntry> match : matches.getUniqueMatches().entrySet()) { int chainSize = destDeobfuscator.getJarIndex().getObfClassChain(match.getValue()).size(); matchesByDestChainSize.put(chainSize, match); } // build the mappings (in order of small-to-large inner chains) Mappings newMappings = new Mappings(); List<Integer> chainSizes = Lists.newArrayList(matchesByDestChainSize.keySet()); Collections.sort(chainSizes); for (int chainSize : chainSizes) { for (java.util.Map.Entry<ClassEntry, ClassEntry> match : matchesByDestChainSize.get(chainSize)) { // get class info ClassEntry obfSourceClassEntry = match.getKey(); ClassEntry obfDestClassEntry = match.getValue(); List<ClassEntry> destClassChain = destDeobfuscator.getJarIndex() .getObfClassChain(obfDestClassEntry); ClassMapping sourceMapping = sourceDeobfuscator.getMappings().getClassByObf(obfSourceClassEntry); if (sourceMapping == null) { // if this class was never deobfuscated, don't try to match it continue; } // find out where to make the dest class mapping if (destClassChain.size() == 1) { // not an inner class, add directly to mappings newMappings .addClassMapping(migrateClassMapping(obfDestClassEntry, sourceMapping, matches, false)); } else { // inner class, find the outer class mapping ClassMapping destMapping = null; for (int i = 0; i < destClassChain.size() - 1; i++) { ClassEntry destChainClassEntry = destClassChain.get(i); if (destMapping == null) { destMapping = newMappings.getClassByObf(destChainClassEntry); if (destMapping == null) { destMapping = new ClassMapping(destChainClassEntry.getName()); newMappings.addClassMapping(destMapping); } } else { destMapping = destMapping .getInnerClassByObfSimple(destChainClassEntry.getInnermostClassName()); if (destMapping == null) { destMapping = new ClassMapping(destChainClassEntry.getName()); destMapping.addInnerClassMapping(destMapping); } } } destMapping.addInnerClassMapping( migrateClassMapping(obfDestClassEntry, sourceMapping, matches, true)); } } } return newMappings; }
From source
public void configure(BuildExecutionContext context) { GradleInternal gradle = context.getGradle(); List<String> taskNames = gradle.getStartParameter().getTaskNames(); Multimap<String, Task> selectedTasks = doSelect(gradle, taskNames, taskNameResolver); TaskGraphExecuter executer = gradle.getTaskGraph(); for (String name : selectedTasks.keySet()) { executer.addTasks(selectedTasks.get(name)); }//w ww . jav a 2 s . c o m if (selectedTasks.keySet().size() == 1) {"Selected primary task {}", GUtil.toString(selectedTasks.keySet())); } else {"Selected primary tasks {}", GUtil.toString(selectedTasks.keySet())); } context.proceed(); }
From source
private Map<String, RoleToPermissionMapping> getRoleMapping() { if (roleMapping == null) { Map<String, RoleToPermissionMapping> map = new HashMap<String, RoleToPermissionMapping>(); Multimap<String, SbacPermission> resolvedRoles = permissionResolver.getRoleBindings(componentName); for (String sbacRoleName : resolvedRoles.keySet()) { RoleToPermissionMapping mapping = new RoleToPermissionMapping(sbacRoleName, resolvedRoles.get(sbacRoleName), true); map.put(sbacRoleName, mapping); }//from ww w .ja v a 2s . c o m roleMapping = map; } return roleMapping; }
From source
private int displayErrors(Set<String> suppress, Multimap<String, String> errors) { int exitCode = 0; for (String category : errors.keySet()) { boolean ignored = suppress.contains(category) || suppress.contains(SUPPRESS_EVERYTHING); String prefix = ignored ? WARNING_PREFIX : ERROR_PREFIX; for (String error : errors.get(category)) { output.println(prefix + error); }/* w w w . j ava 2s.c o m*/ if (!ignored) { exitCode = 1; output.printf("%sUse suppress=[\"%s\"] to make the errors above warnings%n", NOTE_PREFIX, category); } } return exitCode; }
From source
@Override protected void fillTable(Table table, Multimap<Object, Sample> grouped) { StandardDeviation deviation = new StandardDeviation(); for (Object key : grouped.keySet()) { double total = 0D; int sampleCount = grouped.get(key).size(); double[] values = new double[sampleCount]; double min = Double.MAX_VALUE; double max = Double.MIN_VALUE; long minTimestamp = Long.MAX_VALUE; long maxTimestamp = Long.MIN_VALUE; long totalBytes = 0; int errorCount = 0; int i = 0; for (Sample sample : grouped.get(key)) { total += sample.getValue();/*from ww w .java 2 s . c o m*/ values[i] = sample.getValue(); i++; if (min > sample.getValue()) { min = sample.getValue(); } if (max < sample.getValue()) { max = sample.getValue(); } if (!sample.isSuccess()) { errorCount++; } if (minTimestamp > sample.getTimestamp()) { minTimestamp = sample.getTimestamp(); } if (maxTimestamp < sample.getTimestamp()) { maxTimestamp = sample.getTimestamp(); } totalBytes += sample.getByteCount(); } table.put(key, LABEL, key.toString()); table.put(key, SAMPLES, String.valueOf(sampleCount)); table.put(key, AVERAGE, NUMBER_FORMAT.format(total / sampleCount)); table.put(key, MIN, NUMBER_FORMAT.format(min)); table.put(key, MAX, NUMBER_FORMAT.format(max)); table.put(key, STD_DEV, NUMBER_FORMAT.format(deviation.evaluate(values))); table.put(key, ERROR, NUMBER_FORMAT.format(100.0D * errorCount / sampleCount)); table.put(key, THROUGHPUT, NUMBER_FORMAT.format(sampleCount / total * 1000)); table.put(key, KB_PER_SEC, NUMBER_FORMAT.format(totalBytes / total * 1000)); table.put(key, AVERAGE_BYTES, NUMBER_FORMAT.format(totalBytes / sampleCount)); } }
From source
private List<Double> shortestToLongestDistances(Multimap<Double, Island> distanceMap) { List<Double> distances = Lists.newArrayList(distanceMap.keySet()); Collections.sort(distances);//from w ww . ja v a 2s .c om return distances; }