Java tutorial
// Copyright 2014 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import javax.annotation.Nullable; /** * A Skyframe function to look up and import a single Skylark extension. * * <p> Given a {@link Label} referencing a Skylark file, attempts to locate the file and load it. * The Label must be absolute, and must not reference the special {@code external} package. If * loading is successful, returns a {@link SkylarkImportLookupValue} that encapsulates * the loaded {@link Extension} and {@link SkylarkFileDependency} information. If loading is * unsuccessful, throws a {@link SkylarkImportLookupFunctionException} that encapsulates the * cause of the failure. */ public class SkylarkImportLookupFunction implements SkyFunction { private final RuleClassProvider ruleClassProvider; private final PackageFactory packageFactory; public SkylarkImportLookupFunction(RuleClassProvider ruleClassProvider, PackageFactory packageFactory) { this.ruleClassProvider = ruleClassProvider; this.packageFactory = packageFactory; } @Override public SkyValue compute(SkyKey skyKey, Environment env) throws SkyFunctionException, InterruptedException { SkylarkImportLookupKey key = (SkylarkImportLookupKey) skyKey.argument(); try { return computeInternal(key.importLabel, key.inWorkspace, env, null); } catch (InconsistentFilesystemException e) { throw new SkylarkImportLookupFunctionException(e, Transience.PERSISTENT); } catch (SkylarkImportFailedException e) { throw new SkylarkImportLookupFunctionException(e); } } SkyValue computeWithInlineCalls(SkyKey skyKey, Environment env, LinkedHashMap<Label, SkylarkImportLookupValue> visited) throws InconsistentFilesystemException, SkylarkImportFailedException, InterruptedException { return computeWithInlineCallsInternal(skyKey, env, visited); } private SkyValue computeWithInlineCallsInternal(SkyKey skyKey, Environment env, LinkedHashMap<Label, SkylarkImportLookupValue> visited) throws InconsistentFilesystemException, SkylarkImportFailedException, InterruptedException { SkylarkImportLookupKey key = (SkylarkImportLookupKey) skyKey.argument(); SkylarkImportLookupValue precomputedResult = visited.get(key.importLabel); if (precomputedResult != null) { return precomputedResult; } return computeInternal(key.importLabel, key.inWorkspace, env, Preconditions.checkNotNull(visited, key.importLabel)); } private SkyValue computeInternal(Label fileLabel, boolean inWorkspace, Environment env, @Nullable LinkedHashMap<Label, SkylarkImportLookupValue> alreadyVisited) throws InconsistentFilesystemException, SkylarkImportFailedException, InterruptedException { PathFragment filePath = fileLabel.toPathFragment(); // Load the AST corresponding to this file. ASTFileLookupValue astLookupValue; try { SkyKey astLookupKey = ASTFileLookupValue.key(fileLabel); astLookupValue = (ASTFileLookupValue) env.getValueOrThrow(astLookupKey, ErrorReadingSkylarkExtensionException.class, InconsistentFilesystemException.class); } catch (ErrorReadingSkylarkExtensionException e) { throw SkylarkImportFailedException.errorReadingFile(filePath, e.getMessage()); } if (astLookupValue == null) { return null; } if (!astLookupValue.lookupSuccessful()) { // Skylark import files have to exist. throw SkylarkImportFailedException.noFile(astLookupValue.getErrorMsg()); } BuildFileAST ast = astLookupValue.getAST(); if (ast.containsErrors()) { throw SkylarkImportFailedException.skylarkErrors(filePath); } // Process the load statements in the file. ImmutableList<SkylarkImport> imports = ast.getImports(); Map<String, Extension> extensionsForImports = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(imports.size()); ImmutableList.Builder<SkylarkFileDependency> fileDependencies = ImmutableList.builder(); ImmutableMap<String, Label> labelsForImports; // Find the labels corresponding to the load statements. labelsForImports = findLabelsForLoadStatements(imports, fileLabel, env); if (labelsForImports == null) { return null; } // Look up and load the imports. ImmutableCollection<Label> importLabels = labelsForImports.values(); List<SkyKey> importLookupKeys = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(importLabels.size()); for (Label importLabel : importLabels) { importLookupKeys.add(SkylarkImportLookupValue.key(importLabel, inWorkspace)); } Map<SkyKey, SkyValue> skylarkImportMap; boolean valuesMissing = false; if (alreadyVisited == null) { // Not inlining. skylarkImportMap = env.getValues(importLookupKeys); valuesMissing = env.valuesMissing(); } else { // Inlining calls to SkylarkImportLookupFunction. if (alreadyVisited.containsKey(fileLabel)) { ImmutableList<Label> cycle = CycleUtils.splitIntoPathAndChain(Predicates.equalTo(fileLabel), alreadyVisited.keySet()).second; throw new SkylarkImportFailedException("Skylark import cycle: " + cycle); } alreadyVisited.put(fileLabel, null); skylarkImportMap = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(imports.size()); for (SkyKey importLookupKey : importLookupKeys) { SkyValue skyValue = this.computeWithInlineCallsInternal(importLookupKey, env, alreadyVisited); if (skyValue == null) { Preconditions.checkState(env.valuesMissing(), "no skylark import value for %s", importLookupKey); // We continue making inline calls even if some requested values are missing, to maximize // the number of dependent (non-inlined) SkyFunctions that are requested, thus avoiding a // quadratic number of restarts. valuesMissing = true; } else { skylarkImportMap.put(importLookupKey, skyValue); } } // All imports traversed, this key can no longer be part of a cycle. Preconditions.checkState(alreadyVisited.remove(fileLabel) == null, fileLabel); } if (valuesMissing) { // This means some imports are unavailable. return null; } // Process the loaded imports. for (Entry<String, Label> importEntry : labelsForImports.entrySet()) { String importString = importEntry.getKey(); Label importLabel = importEntry.getValue(); SkyKey keyForLabel = SkylarkImportLookupValue.key(importLabel, inWorkspace); SkylarkImportLookupValue importLookupValue = (SkylarkImportLookupValue) skylarkImportMap .get(keyForLabel); extensionsForImports.put(importString, importLookupValue.getEnvironmentExtension()); fileDependencies.add(importLookupValue.getDependency()); } // Skylark UserDefinedFunction-s in that file will share this function definition Environment, // which will be frozen by the time it is returned by createExtension. Extension extension = createExtension(ast, fileLabel, extensionsForImports, env, inWorkspace); SkylarkImportLookupValue result = new SkylarkImportLookupValue(extension, new SkylarkFileDependency(fileLabel,; if (alreadyVisited != null) { alreadyVisited.put(fileLabel, result); } return result; } /** * Computes the set of Labels corresponding to a collection of PathFragments representing absolute * import paths. * * @return a map from the computed {@link Label}s to the corresponding {@link PathFragment}s; * {@code null} if any Skyframe dependencies are unavailable. * @throws SkylarkImportFailedException */ @Nullable static ImmutableMap<PathFragment, Label> labelsForAbsoluteImports(ImmutableSet<PathFragment> pathsToLookup, Environment env) throws SkylarkImportFailedException, InterruptedException { // Import PathFragments are absolute, so there is a 1-1 mapping from corresponding Labels. ImmutableMap.Builder<PathFragment, Label> outputMap = new ImmutableMap.Builder<>(); // The SkyKey here represents the directory containing an import PathFragment, hence there // can in general be multiple imports per lookup. Multimap<SkyKey, PathFragment> lookupMap = LinkedHashMultimap.create(); for (PathFragment importPath : pathsToLookup) { PathFragment relativeImportPath = importPath.toRelative(); PackageIdentifier pkgToLookUp = PackageIdentifier .createInMainRepo(relativeImportPath.getParentDirectory()); lookupMap.put(ContainingPackageLookupValue.key(pkgToLookUp), importPath); } // Attempt to find a package for every directory containing an import. Map<SkyKey, ValueOrException2<BuildFileNotFoundException, InconsistentFilesystemException>> lookupResults = env .getValuesOrThrow(lookupMap.keySet(), BuildFileNotFoundException.class, InconsistentFilesystemException.class); if (env.valuesMissing()) { return null; } try { // Process lookup results. for (Entry<SkyKey, ValueOrException2<BuildFileNotFoundException, InconsistentFilesystemException>> entry : lookupResults .entrySet()) { ContainingPackageLookupValue lookupValue = (ContainingPackageLookupValue) entry.getValue().get(); if (!lookupValue.hasContainingPackage()) { // Although multiple imports may be in the same package-less directory, we only // report an error for the first one. PackageIdentifier lookupKey = ((PackageIdentifier) entry.getKey().argument()); PathFragment importFile = lookupKey.getPackageFragment(); throw SkylarkImportFailedException.noBuildFile(importFile); } PackageIdentifier pkgIdForImport = lookupValue.getContainingPackageName(); PathFragment containingPkgPath = pkgIdForImport.getPackageFragment(); for (PathFragment importPath : lookupMap.get(entry.getKey())) { PathFragment relativeImportPath = importPath.toRelative(); String targetNameForImport = relativeImportPath.relativeTo(containingPkgPath).toString(); try { outputMap.put(importPath, Label.create(pkgIdForImport, targetNameForImport)); } catch (LabelSyntaxException e) { // While the Label is for the most part guaranteed to be well-formed by construction, an // error is still possible if the filename itself is malformed, e.g., contains control // characters. Since we expect this error to be very rare, for code simplicity, we allow // the error message to refer to a Label even though the filename was specified via a // simple path. throw new SkylarkImportFailedException(e); } } } } catch (BuildFileNotFoundException e) { // Thrown when there are IO errors looking for BUILD files. throw new SkylarkImportFailedException(e); } catch (InconsistentFilesystemException e) { throw new SkylarkImportFailedException(e); } return; } /** * Computes the set of {@link Label}s corresponding to a set of Skylark {@link LoadStatement}s. * * @param imports a collection of Skylark {@link LoadStatement}s * @param containingFileLabel the {@link Label} of the file containing the load statements * @return an {@link ImmutableMap} which maps a {@link String} used in the load statement to its * corresponding {@Label}. Returns {@code null} if any Skyframe dependencies are unavailable. * @throws SkylarkImportFailedException if no package can be found that contains the loaded file */ @Nullable static ImmutableMap<String, Label> findLabelsForLoadStatements(ImmutableCollection<SkylarkImport> imports, Label containingFileLabel, Environment env) throws SkylarkImportFailedException, InterruptedException { Preconditions.checkArgument(!containingFileLabel.getPackageIdentifier().getRepository().isDefault()); Map<String, Label> outputMap = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(imports.size()); // Filter relative vs. absolute paths. ImmutableSet.Builder<PathFragment> absoluteImportsToLookup = new ImmutableSet.Builder<>(); // We maintain a multimap from path fragments to their correspond import strings, to cover the // (unlikely) case where two distinct import strings generate the same path fragment. ImmutableMultimap.Builder<PathFragment, String> pathToImports = new ImmutableMultimap.Builder<>(); for (SkylarkImport imp : imports) { if (imp.hasAbsolutePath()) { absoluteImportsToLookup.add(imp.getAbsolutePath()); pathToImports.put(imp.getAbsolutePath(), imp.getImportString()); } else { outputMap.put(imp.getImportString(), imp.getLabel(containingFileLabel)); } } // Look up labels for absolute paths. ImmutableMap<PathFragment, Label> absoluteLabels = labelsForAbsoluteImports(, env); if (absoluteLabels == null) { return null; } for (Entry<PathFragment, Label> entry : absoluteLabels.entrySet()) { PathFragment currPath = entry.getKey(); Label currLabel = entry.getValue(); for (String importString : { outputMap.put(importString, currLabel); } } ImmutableMap<String, Label> immutableOutputMap = ImmutableMap.copyOf(outputMap); return immutableOutputMap; } /** * Creates the Extension to be imported. */ private Extension createExtension(BuildFileAST ast, Label extensionLabel, Map<String, Extension> importMap, Environment env, boolean inWorkspace) throws SkylarkImportFailedException, InterruptedException { StoredEventHandler eventHandler = new StoredEventHandler(); // TODO(bazel-team): this method overestimates the changes which can affect the // Skylark RuleClass. For example changes to comments or unused functions can modify the hash. // A more accurate - however much more complicated - way would be to calculate a hash based on // the transitive closure of the accessible AST nodes. PathFragment extensionFile = extensionLabel.toPathFragment(); try (Mutability mutability = Mutability.create("importing %s", extensionFile)) { extensionEnv = ruleClassProvider .createSkylarkRuleClassEnvironment(extensionLabel, mutability, eventHandler, ast.getContentHashCode(), importMap) .setupOverride("native", packageFactory.getNativeModule(inWorkspace)); ast.exec(extensionEnv, eventHandler); try { SkylarkRuleClassFunctions.exportRuleFunctionsAndAspects(extensionEnv, extensionLabel); } catch (EvalException e) { eventHandler.handle(Event.error(e.getLocation(), e.getMessage())); } Event.replayEventsOn(env.getListener(), eventHandler.getEvents()); if (eventHandler.hasErrors()) { throw SkylarkImportFailedException.errors(extensionFile); } return new Extension(extensionEnv); } } @Override public String extractTag(SkyKey skyKey) { return null; } static final class SkylarkImportFailedException extends Exception { private SkylarkImportFailedException(String errorMessage) { super(errorMessage); } private SkylarkImportFailedException(InconsistentFilesystemException e) { super(e.getMessage()); } private SkylarkImportFailedException(BuildFileNotFoundException e) { super(e.getMessage()); } private SkylarkImportFailedException(LabelSyntaxException e) { super(e.getMessage()); } static SkylarkImportFailedException errors(PathFragment file) { return new SkylarkImportFailedException(String.format("Extension file '%s' has errors", file)); } static SkylarkImportFailedException errorReadingFile(PathFragment file, String error) { return new SkylarkImportFailedException( String.format("Encountered error while reading extension file '%s': %s", file, error)); } static SkylarkImportFailedException noFile(String reason) { return new SkylarkImportFailedException(String.format("Extension file not found. %s", reason)); } static SkylarkImportFailedException noBuildFile(PathFragment file) { return new SkylarkImportFailedException( String.format("Every .bzl file must have a corresponding package, but '%s' " + "does not have one. Please create a BUILD file in the same or any parent directory." + " Note that this BUILD file does not need to do anything except exist.", file)); } static SkylarkImportFailedException skylarkErrors(PathFragment file) { return new SkylarkImportFailedException(String.format("Extension '%s' has errors", file)); } static final String NO_EXT_WORKSPACE_LOAD_MSG_TEMPLATE = "Extension file '%s' may not be loaded from a WORKSPACE file " + "since the extension file is located in an external repository."; static SkylarkImportFailedException noExternalLoadsFromWorkspace(Label fileLabel) { return new SkylarkImportFailedException(String.format(NO_EXT_WORKSPACE_LOAD_MSG_TEMPLATE, fileLabel)); } } private static final class SkylarkImportLookupFunctionException extends SkyFunctionException { private SkylarkImportLookupFunctionException(SkylarkImportFailedException cause) { super(cause, Transience.PERSISTENT); } private SkylarkImportLookupFunctionException(InconsistentFilesystemException e, Transience transience) { super(e, transience); } private SkylarkImportLookupFunctionException(BuildFileNotFoundException e, Transience transience) { super(e, transience); } } }