List of usage examples for Multimap isEmpty
boolean isEmpty();
From source
private List<FileInfo> collectArtifactsToPushBasedOnDescriptor(FileInfo jsonFile, BintrayUploadInfo uploadInfo, BasicStatusHolder status) {/* ww w . ja va 2s.c om*/ List<AqlSearchablePath> artifactPaths = Lists.newArrayList(); Multimap<String, String> propsToFilterBy = getMapFromUploadInfoMultiSet(uploadInfo.getFilterProps()); boolean descriptorHasPaths = CollectionUtils.notNullOrEmpty(uploadInfo.getArtifactPaths()); boolean descriptorHasRelPaths = CollectionUtils.notNullOrEmpty(uploadInfo.getArtifactRelativePaths()); if (!descriptorHasPaths && !descriptorHasRelPaths) { if (propsToFilterBy.isEmpty()) { status.status( "The descriptor doesn't contain file paths and no properties to filter by were " + "specified , pushing everything under " + jsonFile.getRepoPath().getParent(), log); } else { status.status( "The descriptor doesn't contain file paths, pushing everything under " + jsonFile.getRepoPath().getParent() + " , filtered by the properties specified.", log); } artifactPaths = AqlUtils .getSearchablePathForCurrentFolderAndSubfolders(jsonFile.getRepoPath().getParent()); } else { try { if (descriptorHasPaths) { artifactPaths = AqlSearchablePath.fullPathToSearchablePathList(uploadInfo.getArtifactPaths()); } if (descriptorHasRelPaths) { artifactPaths.addAll(AqlSearchablePath.relativePathToSearchablePathList( uploadInfo.getArtifactRelativePaths(), jsonFile.getRepoPath().getParent())); } } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { status.error("Paths in the descriptor must point to a file or use a valid wildcard that denotes " + "several files (i.e. /*.*)", SC_BAD_REQUEST, iae, log); return null; } } List<FileInfo> artifactsToPush = collectArtifactItemInfos(artifactPaths, propsToFilterBy); filterOutJsonFileFromArtifactsToPush(artifactsToPush, jsonFile.getRepoPath(), status); //aql search returned no artifacts for query if (CollectionUtils.isNullOrEmpty(artifactsToPush)) { status.error("No artifacts found to push to Bintray, aborting operation", SC_NOT_FOUND, log); } return artifactsToPush; }
From source
private void unbootstrap(final Runnable onFinish) { final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(DatabaseDescriptor.getNonSystemTables().size()); for (final String table : DatabaseDescriptor.getNonSystemTables()) { Multimap<Range, InetAddress> rangesMM = getChangedRangesForLeaving(table, FBUtilities.getLocalAddress()); if (logger_.isDebugEnabled()) logger_.debug("Ranges needing transfer are [" + StringUtils.join(rangesMM.keySet(), ",") + "]"); if (rangesMM.isEmpty()) { latch.countDown();//from w w w .ja v a 2 s .c om continue; } setMode("Leaving: streaming data to other nodes", true); final Set<Map.Entry<Range, InetAddress>> pending = Collections .synchronizedSet(new HashSet<Map.Entry<Range, InetAddress>>(rangesMM.entries())); for (final Map.Entry<Range, InetAddress> entry : rangesMM.entries()) { final Range range = entry.getKey(); final InetAddress newEndpoint = entry.getValue(); final Runnable callback = new Runnable() { public void run() { pending.remove(entry); if (pending.isEmpty()) latch.countDown(); } }; StageManager.getStage(StageManager.STREAM_STAGE).execute(new Runnable() { public void run() { // TODO each call to transferRanges re-flushes, this is potentially a lot of waste StreamOut.transferRanges(newEndpoint, table, Arrays.asList(range), callback); } }); } } // wait for the transfer runnables to signal the latch. logger_.debug("waiting for stream aks."); try { latch.await(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } logger_.debug("stream acks all received."); leaveRing();; }
From source
private <ValType> Map<KeyValueEndpoint, Multimap<Cell, ValType>> getServicesForCellsMultimap(String tableName, Multimap<Cell, ValType> cellMultimap, boolean isWrite) { Map<KeyValueEndpoint, Multimap<Cell, ValType>> result = Maps.newHashMap(); for (Map.Entry<Cell, ValType> e : cellMultimap.entries()) { Set<KeyValueEndpoint> services = getServicesHavingRow(e.getKey().getRowName(), isWrite); for (KeyValueEndpoint kvs : services) { if (!result.containsKey(kvs)) { result.put(kvs, HashMultimap.<Cell, ValType>create()); }/* ww w . ja v a 2 s. c om*/ assert !result.get(kvs).containsEntry(e.getKey(), e.getValue()); result.get(kvs).put(e.getKey(), e.getValue()); } } if (!cellMultimap.isEmpty()) { assert result.keySet().size() >= quorumParameters.getReplicationFactor(); } return result; }
From source
/** * <p>If {@link BuildConfiguration.Options#trimConfigurations()} is true, transforms a collection * of <Target, Configuration> pairs by trimming each target's * configuration to only the fragments the target and its transitive dependencies need. * * <p>Else returns configurations that unconditionally include all fragments. * * <p>Preserves the original input order. Uses original (untrimmed) configurations for targets * that can't be evaluated (e.g. due to loading phase errors). * * <p>This is suitable for feeding {@link ConfiguredTargetValue} keys: as general principle * {@link ConfiguredTarget}s should have exactly as much information in their configurations as * they need to evaluate and no more (e.g. there's no need for Android settings in a C++ * configured target)./*from w w w .j av a 2 s .com*/ */ // TODO(bazel-team): error out early for targets that fail - untrimmed configurations should // never make it through analysis (and especially not seed ConfiguredTargetValues) private List<TargetAndConfiguration> getDynamicConfigurations(Iterable<TargetAndConfiguration> inputs, EventHandler eventHandler) throws InterruptedException { Map<Label, Target> labelsToTargets = new LinkedHashMap<>(); // We'll get the configs from SkyframeExecutor#getConfigurations, which gets configurations // for deps including transitions. So to satisfy its API we repackage each target as a // Dependency with a NONE transition. Multimap<BuildConfiguration, Dependency> asDeps = ArrayListMultimap .<BuildConfiguration, Dependency>create(); for (TargetAndConfiguration targetAndConfig : inputs) { labelsToTargets.put(targetAndConfig.getLabel(), targetAndConfig.getTarget()); if (targetAndConfig.getConfiguration() != null) { asDeps.put(targetAndConfig.getConfiguration(), Dependency.withTransitionAndAspects(targetAndConfig.getLabel(), Attribute.ConfigurationTransition.NONE, // TODO(bazel-team): support top-level aspects ImmutableSet.<AspectDescriptor>of())); } } // Maps <target, originalConfig> pairs to <target, dynamicConfig> pairs for targets that // could be successfully Skyframe-evaluated. Map<TargetAndConfiguration, TargetAndConfiguration> successfullyEvaluatedTargets = new LinkedHashMap<>(); if (!asDeps.isEmpty()) { for (BuildConfiguration fromConfig : asDeps.keySet()) { Multimap<Dependency, BuildConfiguration> trimmedTargets = skyframeExecutor .getConfigurations(eventHandler, fromConfig.getOptions(), asDeps.get(fromConfig)); for (Map.Entry<Dependency, BuildConfiguration> trimmedTarget : trimmedTargets.entries()) { Target target = labelsToTargets.get(trimmedTarget.getKey().getLabel()); successfullyEvaluatedTargets.put(new TargetAndConfiguration(target, fromConfig), new TargetAndConfiguration(target, trimmedTarget.getValue())); } } } ImmutableList.Builder<TargetAndConfiguration> result = ImmutableList.<TargetAndConfiguration>builder(); for (TargetAndConfiguration originalInput : inputs) { if (successfullyEvaluatedTargets.containsKey(originalInput)) { // The configuration was successfully trimmed. result.add(successfullyEvaluatedTargets.get(originalInput)); } else { // Either the configuration couldn't be determined (e.g. loading phase error) or it's null. result.add(originalInput); } } return; }
From source
public static Object vote(Player ai, List<Object> options, SpellAbility sa, Multimap<Object, Player> votes) { if (!sa.hasParam("AILogic")) { return Aggregates.random(options); } else {//from w ww . j ava2 s . co m String logic = sa.getParam("AILogic"); switch (logic) { case "Torture": return "Torture"; case "GraceOrCondemnation": return ai.getCreaturesInPlay().size() > ai.getOpponent().getCreaturesInPlay().size() ? "Grace" : "Condemnation"; case "CarnageOrHomage": CardCollection cardsInPlay = CardLists .getNotType(sa.getHostCard().getGame().getCardsIn(ZoneType.Battlefield), "Land"); CardCollection humanlist = CardLists.filterControlledBy(cardsInPlay, ai.getOpponents()); CardCollection computerlist = CardLists.filterControlledBy(cardsInPlay, ai); return (ComputerUtilCard.evaluatePermanentList(computerlist) + 3) < ComputerUtilCard .evaluatePermanentList(humanlist) ? "Carnage" : "Homage"; case "Judgment": if (votes.isEmpty()) { CardCollection list = new CardCollection(); for (Object o : options) { if (o instanceof Card) { list.add((Card) o); } } return ComputerUtilCard.getBestAI(list); } else { return Iterables.getFirst(votes.keySet(), null); } case "Protection": if (votes.isEmpty()) { List<String> restrictedToColors = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Object o : options) { if (o instanceof String) { restrictedToColors.add((String) o); } } CardCollection lists = CardLists.filterControlledBy(ai.getGame().getCardsInGame(), ai.getOpponents()); return StringUtils .capitalize(ComputerUtilCard.getMostProminentColor(lists, restrictedToColors)); } else { return Iterables.getFirst(votes.keySet(), null); } default: return Iterables.getFirst(options, null); } } }
From source
@Override public final void verifyComparableOrderableContract() { Multimap<Type, OperatorType> missingOperators = HashMultimap.create(); for (Type type : typeManager.getTypes()) { if (type.isComparable()) { if (!functions.canResolveOperator(HASH_CODE, BIGINT, ImmutableList.of(type))) { missingOperators.put(type, HASH_CODE); }// ww w .j av a2 s .c o m if (!functions.canResolveOperator(EQUAL, BOOLEAN, ImmutableList.of(type, type))) { missingOperators.put(type, EQUAL); } if (!functions.canResolveOperator(NOT_EQUAL, BOOLEAN, ImmutableList.of(type, type))) { missingOperators.put(type, NOT_EQUAL); } } if (type.isOrderable()) { for (OperatorType operator : ImmutableList.of(LESS_THAN, LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL, GREATER_THAN, GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL)) { if (!functions.canResolveOperator(operator, BOOLEAN, ImmutableList.of(type, type))) { missingOperators.put(type, operator); } } if (!functions.canResolveOperator(BETWEEN, BOOLEAN, ImmutableList.of(type, type, type))) { missingOperators.put(type, BETWEEN); } } } // TODO: verify the parametric types too if (!missingOperators.isEmpty()) { List<String> messages = new ArrayList<>(); for (Type type : missingOperators.keySet()) { messages.add(format("%s missing for %s", missingOperators.get(type), type)); } throw new IllegalStateException(Joiner.on(", ").join(messages)); } }
From source
/** * Checks that if this is an environment-restricted build, all top-level targets support expected * top-level environments. Expected top-level environments can be declared explicitly through * {@code --target_environment} or implicitly through {@code --auto_cpu_environment_group}. For * the latter, top-level targets must be compatible with the build's target configuration CPU. * * <p>If any target doesn't support an explicitly expected environment declared through {@link * BuildConfiguration.Options#targetEnvironments}, the entire build fails with an error. * * <p>If any target doesn't support an implicitly expected environment declared through {@link * BuildConfiguration.Options#autoCpuEnvironmentGroup}, the target is skipped during execution * while remaining targets execute as normal. * * @param topLevelTargets the build's top-level targets * @param packageManager object for retrieving loaded targets * @param eventHandler the build's event handler * @return the set of bad top-level targets. * @throws ViewCreationFailedException if any target doesn't support an explicitly expected * environment declared through {@link BuildConfiguration.Options#targetEnvironments} *//*from ww w . j a v a m*/ public static Set<ConfiguredTarget> checkTargetEnvironmentRestrictions( Iterable<ConfiguredTarget> topLevelTargets, PackageManager packageManager, ExtendedEventHandler eventHandler) throws ViewCreationFailedException, InterruptedException { ImmutableSet.Builder<ConfiguredTarget> badTargets = ImmutableSet.builder(); // Maps targets that are missing *explicitly* required environments to the set of environments // they're missing. These targets trigger a ViewCreationFailedException, which halts the build. // Targets with missing *implicitly* required environments don't belong here, since the build // continues while skipping them. Multimap<ConfiguredTarget, Label> exceptionInducingTargets = ArrayListMultimap.create(); for (ConfiguredTarget topLevelTarget : topLevelTargets) { BuildConfiguration config = topLevelTarget.getConfiguration(); boolean failBuildIfTargetIsBad = true; if (config == null) { // TODO(bazel-team): support file targets (they should apply package-default constraints). continue; } else if (!config.enforceConstraints()) { continue; } List<Label> targetEnvironments = config.getTargetEnvironments(); if (targetEnvironments.isEmpty()) { try { targetEnvironments = autoConfigureTargetEnvironments(config, config.getAutoCpuEnvironmentGroup(), packageManager, eventHandler); failBuildIfTargetIsBad = false; } catch (NoSuchPackageException | NoSuchTargetException | ConstraintSemantics.EnvironmentLookupException e) { throw new ViewCreationFailedException("invalid target environment", e); } } if (targetEnvironments.isEmpty()) { continue; } // Parse and collect this configuration's environments. EnvironmentCollection.Builder builder = new EnvironmentCollection.Builder(); for (Label envLabel : targetEnvironments) { try { Target env = packageManager.getTarget(eventHandler, envLabel); builder.put(ConstraintSemantics.getEnvironmentGroup(env), envLabel); } catch (NoSuchPackageException | NoSuchTargetException | ConstraintSemantics.EnvironmentLookupException e) { throw new ViewCreationFailedException("invalid target environment", e); } } EnvironmentCollection expectedEnvironments =; // Now check the target against those environments. TransitiveInfoCollection asProvider; if (topLevelTarget instanceof OutputFileConfiguredTarget) { asProvider = ((OutputFileConfiguredTarget) topLevelTarget).getGeneratingRule(); } else { asProvider = topLevelTarget; } SupportedEnvironmentsProvider provider = Verify .verifyNotNull(asProvider.getProvider(SupportedEnvironmentsProvider.class)); Collection<Label> missingEnvironments = ConstraintSemantics .getUnsupportedEnvironments(provider.getRefinedEnvironments(), expectedEnvironments); if (!missingEnvironments.isEmpty()) { badTargets.add(topLevelTarget); if (failBuildIfTargetIsBad) { exceptionInducingTargets.putAll(topLevelTarget, missingEnvironments); } } } if (!exceptionInducingTargets.isEmpty()) { throw new ViewCreationFailedException(getBadTargetsUserMessage(exceptionInducingTargets)); } return ImmutableSet.copyOf(; }
From source
/** * Used to request ranges from endpoints in the ring (will block until all data is fetched and ready) * @param ranges ranges to fetch as map of the preferred address and range collection * @return latch to count down/*from www. j a va 2 s .c om*/ */ private CountDownLatch requestRanges(final Map<String, Multimap<InetAddress, Range>> ranges) { final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(ranges.keySet().size()); for (final String table : ranges.keySet()) { Multimap<InetAddress, Range> endpointWithRanges = ranges.get(table); if (endpointWithRanges.isEmpty()) { latch.countDown(); continue; } final Set<InetAddress> pending = new HashSet<InetAddress>(endpointWithRanges.keySet()); // Send messages to respective folks to stream data over to me for (final InetAddress source : endpointWithRanges.keySet()) { Collection<Range> toFetch = endpointWithRanges.get(source); final Runnable callback = new Runnable() { public void run() { pending.remove(source); if (pending.isEmpty()) latch.countDown(); } }; if (logger_.isDebugEnabled()) logger_.debug("Requesting from " + source + " ranges " + StringUtils.join(toFetch, ", ")); // sending actual request StreamIn.requestRanges(source, table, toFetch, callback, OperationType.BOOTSTRAP); } } return latch; }
From source
/** * Seed data to the endpoints that will be responsible for it at the future * * @param rangesToStreamByTable tables and data ranges with endpoints included for each * @return latch to count down//w w w .ja v a2 s . co m */ private CountDownLatch streamRanges(final Map<String, Multimap<Range, InetAddress>> rangesToStreamByTable) { final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(rangesToStreamByTable.keySet().size()); for (final String table : rangesToStreamByTable.keySet()) { Multimap<Range, InetAddress> rangesWithEndpoints = rangesToStreamByTable.get(table); if (rangesWithEndpoints.isEmpty()) { latch.countDown(); continue; } final Set<Map.Entry<Range, InetAddress>> pending = new HashSet<Map.Entry<Range, InetAddress>>( rangesWithEndpoints.entries()); for (final Map.Entry<Range, InetAddress> entry : rangesWithEndpoints.entries()) { final Range range = entry.getKey(); final InetAddress newEndpoint = entry.getValue(); final Runnable callback = new Runnable() { public void run() { synchronized (pending) { pending.remove(entry); if (pending.isEmpty()) latch.countDown(); } } }; StageManager.getStage(Stage.STREAM).execute(new Runnable() { public void run() { // TODO each call to transferRanges re-flushes, this is potentially a lot of waste StreamOut.transferRanges(newEndpoint, table, Arrays.asList(range), callback, OperationType.UNBOOTSTRAP); } }); } } return latch; }
From source
/** * Translate multiple string in an api trigger * * Get from database if exists (hash) from same document, * if not exist, get latest TF from DB with matching hash, * else from MT engine//from ww w. j a va 2s . c om */ @Transactional public List<String> translate(@NotNull Document document, @NotNull List<String> sourceStrings, @NotNull Locale fromLocale, @NotNull Locale toLocale, @NotNull BackendID backendID, @NotNull StringType stringType, Optional<String> category) throws BadRequestException, MTException { // fetch the text flows for later (as part of this new transaction) document = documentDAO.reload(document); document.getTextFlows(); if (sourceStrings == null || sourceStrings.isEmpty() || fromLocale == null || toLocale == null || backendID == null) { throw new BadRequestException(); } if (!authenticatedAccount.hasAuthenticatedAccount()) { throw new MTException("not authenticated account trying to trigger MT translation"); } // get translator backend for MT engine by requested backend id TranslatorBackend translatorBackend = getTranslatorBackend(backendID); BackendLocaleCode mappedFromLocaleCode = translatorBackend.getMappedLocale(fromLocale.getLocaleCode()); BackendLocaleCode mappedToLocaleCode = translatorBackend.getMappedLocale(toLocale.getLocaleCode()); List<String> results = new ArrayList<>(sourceStrings); Multimap<String, Integer> untranslatedIndexMap = ArrayListMultimap.create(); Map<Integer, TextFlow> indexTextFlowMap = Maps.newHashMap(); // search from database int matchCount = 0; for (int sourceStringIndex = 0; sourceStringIndex < sourceStrings.size(); sourceStringIndex++) { String string = sourceStrings.get(sourceStringIndex); String contentHash = HashUtil.generateHash(string); Optional<TextFlow> matchedHashTf = tryFindTextFlowByContentHashFromDB(document, fromLocale, toLocale, backendID, contentHash); if (matchedHashTf.isPresent()) { // we found a matching text flow in database // now check to see if it has translation from the same provider TextFlow matchedTf = matchedHashTf.get(); Optional<TextFlowTarget> matchedTarget = findTargetByLocaleAndProvider(toLocale, backendID, matchedTf); if (matchedTarget.isPresent()) { TextFlowTarget matchedEntity = matchedTarget.get(); matchCount++; if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Found match, Source {}:{}:{}\nTranslation {}:{}", fromLocale.getLocaleCode(), document.getUrl(), ShortString.shorten(string), toLocale.getLocaleCode(), ShortString.shorten(matchedEntity.getContent())); } results.set(sourceStringIndex, matchedEntity.getContent()); } else { untranslatedIndexMap.put(string, sourceStringIndex); indexTextFlowMap.put(sourceStringIndex, matchedTf); } } else { untranslatedIndexMap.put(string, sourceStringIndex); } }"found {} of match sources and translations in database", matchCount); // see if we got all translations from database records if (untranslatedIndexMap.isEmpty()) { return results; } // translate using requested MT engine List<String> sourcesToTranslate = new ArrayList<>(untranslatedIndexMap.keySet()); Date engineInvokeTime = new Date(); List<AugmentedTranslation> translations = translatorBackend.translate(sourcesToTranslate, mappedFromLocaleCode, mappedToLocaleCode, stringType, category);"triggered MT engine {} from {} to {}", backendID, fromLocale.getLocaleCode(), toLocale.getLocaleCode()); List<String> requestedTextFlows = Lists.newLinkedList(); long wordCount = 0; long charCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < sourcesToTranslate.size(); i++) { String source = sourcesToTranslate.get(i); AugmentedTranslation translation = translations.get(i); // same string may appear several times in a document therefore has several indexes Collection<Integer> indexes = untranslatedIndexMap.get(source); indexes.forEach(j -> results.set(j, translation.getPlainTranslation())); // see if we already have a matched text flow // (either in the same document or copied from other document) TextFlow tf = indexTextFlowMap.get(indexes.iterator().next()); try { if (tf == null) { tf = createTextFlow(document, source, fromLocale); } wordCount += tf.getWordCount(); charCount += tf.getCharCount(); requestedTextFlows.add(tf.getContentHash()); TextFlowTarget target = new TextFlowTarget(translation.getPlainTranslation(), translation.getRawTranslation(), tf, toLocale, backendID); createOrUpdateTextFlowTarget(target); } catch (Exception e) { List<Throwable> causalChain = getThrowableList(e); Optional<Throwable> duplicateKeyEx = .filter(t -> t instanceof SQLException && t.getMessage() != null && t.getMessage().contains("duplicate key value violates unique constraint")) .findAny(); if (duplicateKeyEx.isPresent()) { LOG.warn("concurrent requests for document {}", document.getUrl()); // we ignore the failed update // TODO prevent duplicates from reaching DB: ZNTAMT-51 } } } RequestedMTEvent(document, requestedTextFlows, backendID, engineInvokeTime, authenticatedAccount.getAuthenticatedAccount().get(), wordCount, charCount)); return results; }