Example usage for com.google.common.collect Multimap isEmpty

List of usage examples for com.google.common.collect Multimap isEmpty


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.common.collect Multimap isEmpty.


boolean isEmpty();

Source Link


Returns true if this multimap contains no key-value pairs.


From source file:com.torodb.torod.db.backends.meta.routines.DeleteDocuments.java

public static int execute(Configuration configuration, CollectionSchema colSchema,
        Multimap<DocStructure, Integer> didsByStructure, boolean justOne,
        @Nonnull DatabaseInterface databaseInterface) throws RetryTransactionException {
    Multimap<DocStructure, Integer> didsByStructureToDelete;
    if (didsByStructure.isEmpty()) {
        return 0;
    }//from w  w  w .  ja v  a2s .c  om

    if (justOne) {
        didsByStructureToDelete = MultimapBuilder.hashKeys(1).arrayListValues(1).build();

        Map.Entry<DocStructure, Integer> aEntry = didsByStructure.entries().iterator().next();

        didsByStructureToDelete.put(aEntry.getKey(), aEntry.getValue());
    } else {
        didsByStructureToDelete = didsByStructure;

    try {
        return execute(configuration, colSchema, didsByStructureToDelete, databaseInterface);
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
        throw new RuntimeException(ex);

From source file:com.google.devtools.build.lib.collect.ImmutableSortedKeyListMultimap.java

public static <K extends Comparable<K>, V> ImmutableSortedKeyListMultimap<K, V> copyOf(Multimap<K, V> data) {
    if (data.isEmpty()) {
        return EMPTY_MULTIMAP;
    }//from   w  w w .  j  ava  2  s.  com
    if (data instanceof ImmutableSortedKeyListMultimap) {
        return (ImmutableSortedKeyListMultimap<K, V>) data;
    Set<K> keySet = data.keySet();
    int size = keySet.size();
    K[] sortedKeys = (K[]) new Comparable<?>[size];
    int index = 0;
    for (K key : keySet) {
        sortedKeys[index++] = Preconditions.checkNotNull(key);
    List<V>[] values = (List<V>[]) new List<?>[size];
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        values[i] = ImmutableList.copyOf(data.get(sortedKeys[i]));
    return new ImmutableSortedKeyListMultimap<>(sortedKeys, values);

From source file:org.eclipse.elk.layered.intermediate.SplineSelfLoopPreProcessor.java

 * Creates a set of all connected components. If there are ports with no edge, they will form a
 * component of size 1. If there are edges connecting ports not in the list of ports, this will
 * result in unpredictable behavior./*  ww w.j  a  va 2 s .c  om*/
 * @param loopEdges The edges connecting the ports. They may not connect any ports not in the list 
 *            of ports!
 * @param node The node we are currently working on.         
 * @return A set of sets. Every single set represents a connected component.
private static List<ConnectedSelfLoopComponent> findAllConnectedComponents(final Set<LEdge> loopEdges,
        final LNode node) {

    final List<ConnectedSelfLoopComponent> components = Lists.newArrayList();
    final Multimap<LPort, LEdge> portToEdge = LinkedListMultimap.create();

    for (final LEdge edge : loopEdges) {
        portToEdge.put(edge.getSource(), edge);
        portToEdge.put(edge.getTarget(), edge);

    while (!portToEdge.isEmpty()) {
        components.add(findAConnectedComponent(portToEdge, node,
    return components;

From source file:org.eclipse.elk.alg.layered.intermediate.SplineSelfLoopPreProcessor.java

 * Creates a set of all connected components. If there are ports with no edge, they will form a
 * component of size 1. If there are edges connecting ports not in the list of ports, this will
 * result in unpredictable behavior.//from  w ww. j a  v a2  s  .  co  m
 * @param loopEdges The edges connecting the ports. They may not connect any ports not in the list 
 *            of ports!
 * @param node The node we are currently working on.         
 * @return A set of sets. Every single set represents a connected component.
private static List<ConnectedSelfLoopComponent> findAllConnectedComponents(final Set<LEdge> loopEdges,
        final LNode node) {

    final List<ConnectedSelfLoopComponent> components = Lists.newArrayList();
    final Multimap<LPort, LEdge> portToEdge = LinkedListMultimap.create();

    for (final LEdge edge : loopEdges) {
        portToEdge.put(edge.getSource(), edge);
        portToEdge.put(edge.getTarget(), edge);

    while (!portToEdge.isEmpty()) {
        components.add(findAConnectedComponent(portToEdge, node,
    return components;

From source file:de.cau.cs.kieler.klay.layered.intermediate.SplineSelfLoopPreProcessor.java

 * Creates a set of all connected components. If there are ports with no edge, they will form a
 * component of size 1. If there are edges connecting ports not in the list of ports, this will
 * result in unpredictable behavior./*from w w  w .j av a2  s. c  o  m*/
 * @param loopEdges The edges connecting the ports. They may not connect any ports not in the list 
 *            of ports!
 * @param node The node we are currently working on.         
 * @return A set of sets. Every single set represents a connected component.
private static List<ConnectedSelfLoopComponent> findAllConnectedComponents(final Set<LEdge> loopEdges,
        final LNode node) {

    final List<ConnectedSelfLoopComponent> components = Lists.newArrayList();
    final Multimap<LPort, LEdge> portToEdge = ArrayListMultimap.create();

    for (final LEdge edge : loopEdges) {
        portToEdge.put(edge.getSource(), edge);
        portToEdge.put(edge.getTarget(), edge);

    while (!portToEdge.isEmpty()) {
        components.add(findAConnectedComponent(portToEdge, node,
    return components;

From source file:com.torodb.torod.db.postgresql.query.processors.InProcessor.java

public static List<ProcessedQueryCriteria> process(InQueryCriteria criteria,
        QueryCriteriaVisitor<List<ProcessedQueryCriteria>, Void> visitor) {

    if (!Utils.isTypeKnownInStructure(criteria.getAttributeReference())) {
        return Collections.singletonList(new ProcessedQueryCriteria(null, criteria));
    } else {/*from   www  .  j a  v  a2s. co m*/

        Multimap<BasicType, Value<?>> byTypeValues = MultimapBuilder.enumKeys(BasicType.class).hashSetValues()

        for (Value<?> value : criteria.getValue()) {
            byTypeValues.put(value.getType(), value);

        List<ProcessedQueryCriteria> result;

        if (byTypeValues.isEmpty()) {
            result = Collections.emptyList();
        } else {
            result = Lists.newArrayList();

            ProcessedQueryCriteria typeQuery;

            typeQuery = getNumericQuery(criteria, byTypeValues);
            if (typeQuery != null) {

            typeQuery = getProcessedQuery(criteria, byTypeValues, BasicType.STRING);
            if (typeQuery != null) {

            typeQuery = getProcessedQuery(criteria, byTypeValues, BasicType.ARRAY);
            if (typeQuery != null) {

            typeQuery = getProcessedQuery(criteria, byTypeValues, BasicType.BOOLEAN);
            if (typeQuery != null) {

            typeQuery = getProcessedQuery(criteria, byTypeValues, BasicType.NULL);
            if (typeQuery != null) {

        return result;

From source file:org.ambraproject.wombat.config.site.url.Link.java

private static String appendQueryParameters(Multimap<String, ?> queryParameters, String path) {
    if (!queryParameters.isEmpty()) {
        UrlParamBuilder paramBuilder = UrlParamBuilder.params();
        for (Map.Entry<String, ?> paramEntry : queryParameters.entries()) {
            paramBuilder.add(paramEntry.getKey(), paramEntry.getValue().toString());
        }//www  .j av a  2  s.com
        path = path + "?" + paramBuilder.format();
    return path;

From source file:org.eclipse.xtext.scoping.impl.MultimapBasedScope.java

public static IScope createScope(IScope parent, Iterable<IEObjectDescription> descriptions,
        boolean ignoreCase) {
    Multimap<QualifiedName, IEObjectDescription> map = null;
    for (IEObjectDescription description : descriptions) {
        if (map == null)
            map = LinkedHashMultimap.create(5, 2);
        if (ignoreCase)
            map.put(description.getName().toLowerCase(), description);
        else/*from w w  w . j  a  v  a 2  s .  c  o m*/
            map.put(description.getName(), description);
    if (map == null || map.isEmpty()) {
        return parent;
    return new MultimapBasedScope(parent, map, ignoreCase);

From source file:com.torodb.torod.db.backends.query.processors.InProcessor.java

public static List<ProcessedQueryCriteria> process(InQueryCriteria criteria,
        QueryCriteriaVisitor<List<ProcessedQueryCriteria>, Void> visitor) {

    if (!Utils.isTypeKnownInStructure(criteria.getAttributeReference())) {
        return Collections.singletonList(new ProcessedQueryCriteria(null, criteria));
    } else {// w ww .j  a  va  2  s  .c o m

        Multimap<ScalarType, ScalarValue<?>> byTypeValues = MultimapBuilder.enumKeys(ScalarType.class)

        for (ScalarValue<?> value : criteria.getValue()) {
            byTypeValues.put(value.getType(), value);

        List<ProcessedQueryCriteria> result;

        if (byTypeValues.isEmpty()) {
            result = Collections.emptyList();
        } else {
            result = Lists.newArrayList();

            ProcessedQueryCriteria typeQuery;

            typeQuery = getNumericQuery(criteria, byTypeValues);
            if (typeQuery != null) {

            typeQuery = getProcessedQuery(criteria, byTypeValues, ScalarType.STRING);
            if (typeQuery != null) {

            typeQuery = getProcessedQuery(criteria, byTypeValues, ScalarType.ARRAY);
            if (typeQuery != null) {

            typeQuery = getProcessedQuery(criteria, byTypeValues, ScalarType.BOOLEAN);
            if (typeQuery != null) {

            typeQuery = getProcessedQuery(criteria, byTypeValues, ScalarType.NULL);
            if (typeQuery != null) {

        return result;

From source file:org.dslforge.xtext.common.scoping.BasicTextMultimapBasedScope.java

public static IScope createScope(IScope parent, Iterable<IEObjectDescription> descriptions, boolean ignoreCase,
        List<URI> uris) {
    availableResourceURs = uris;/*from  w  w  w  .  ja  v  a2 s  .  c  o  m*/
    Multimap<QualifiedName, IEObjectDescription> map = null;
    for (IEObjectDescription description : descriptions) {
        if (map == null)
            map = LinkedHashMultimap.create(5, 2);
        if (ignoreCase)
            map.put(description.getName().toLowerCase(), description);
            map.put(description.getName(), description);
    if (map == null || map.isEmpty()) {
        return parent;
    return new BasicTextMultimapBasedScope(parent, map, ignoreCase);