List of usage examples for Multimap isEmpty
boolean isEmpty();
From source
@Override public void setScore(int score) { if (this.score == score) { return;//from w w w . j a va2 s. c o m } this.score = score; final Multimap<Scoreboard, Objective> scoreboards = HashMultimap.create(); for (Objective objective : this.objectives) { for (Scoreboard scoreboard : ((LanternObjective) objective).scoreboards) { scoreboards.put(scoreboard, objective); } } if (!scoreboards.isEmpty()) { final Map<Objective, Message> messages = new HashMap<>(); for (Map.Entry<Scoreboard, Objective> entry : scoreboards.entries()) { ((LanternScoreboard) entry.getKey()) .sendToPlayers(() -> Collections.singletonList(messages.computeIfAbsent(entry.getValue(), obj -> new MessagePlayOutScoreboardScore.CreateOrUpdate(obj.getName(), this.legacyName, score)))); } } }
From source
@Override public void insertEdges(final Multimap<String, String> edges, final String type) throws IOException { if (edges.isEmpty()) { return;// w w w . j a va2 s. c om } final ArrayList<String> sourceVertices = new ArrayList<>(edges.keySet()); final List<List<String>> sourceVerticesPartitions = Lists.partition(sourceVertices, PARTITION_SIZE); for (final List<String> sourceVerticesPartition : sourceVerticesPartitions) { final Multimap<String, String> edgePartition = ArrayListMultimap.create(); for (final String sourceVertexURI : sourceVerticesPartition) { final Collection<String> targetVertexURIs = edges.get(sourceVertexURI); edgePartition.putAll(sourceVertexURI, targetVertexURIs); } insertEdgesPartition(edgePartition, type); } }
From source
@Override protected int process(final TripleStore ts1, final TripleStore ts2, final Collection<Triple> outputTriples) { final long domain = AbstractDictionary.domain; final long range = AbstractDictionary.range; final long type = AbstractDictionary.type; final long subClassOf = AbstractDictionary.subClassOf; int loops = 0; final Multimap<Long, Long> domainMultiMap = ts2.getMultiMapForPredicate(domain); final Multimap<Long, Long> rangeMultiMap = ts2.getMultiMapForPredicate(range); final Multimap<Long, Long> typeMultiMap = ts2.getMultiMapForPredicate(type); if (domainMultiMap != null && !domainMultiMap.isEmpty()) { for (final Long o : domainMultiMap.values()) { loops++;/* w ww . j av a 2 s.c om*/ final Triple result = new ImmutableTriple(o, subClassOf, o); outputTriples.add(result); } } if (rangeMultiMap != null && !rangeMultiMap.isEmpty()) { for (final Long o : rangeMultiMap.values()) { loops++; final Triple result = new ImmutableTriple(o, subClassOf, o); outputTriples.add(result); } } if (typeMultiMap != null && !typeMultiMap.isEmpty()) { for (final Long o : typeMultiMap.values()) { loops++; final Triple result = new ImmutableTriple(o, subClassOf, o); outputTriples.add(result); } } return loops; }
From source
@Timed("pending_task_processor_run") @Override/*from w w w . ja va2s .c o m*/ public void run() { metrics.recordTaskProcessorRun(); -> { Multimap<String, PreemptionVictim> slavesToActiveTasks = clusterState.getSlavesToActiveTasks(); if (slavesToActiveTasks.isEmpty()) { // No preemption victims to consider. return null; } // Group the offers by slave id so they can be paired with active tasks from the same slave. Map<String, HostOffer> slavesToOffers = Maps.uniqueIndex(offerManager.getOffers(), OFFER_TO_SLAVE_ID); Set<String> allSlaves = Sets .newHashSet(Iterables.concat(slavesToOffers.keySet(), slavesToActiveTasks.keySet())); // The algorithm below attempts to find a reservation for every task group by matching // it against all available slaves until a preemption slot is found. Groups are evaluated // in a round-robin fashion to ensure fairness (e.g.: G1, G2, G3, G1, G2). // A slave is removed from further matching once a reservation is made. Similarly, all // identical task group instances are removed from further iteration if none of the // available slaves could yield a preemption proposal. A consuming iterator is used for // task groups to ensure iteration order is preserved after a task group is removed. LoadingCache<IJobKey, AttributeAggregate> jobStates = attributeCache(store); List<TaskGroupKey> pendingGroups = fetchIdlePendingGroups(store); Iterator<TaskGroupKey> groups = Iterators.consumingIterator(pendingGroups.iterator()); TaskGroupKey lastGroup = null; Iterator<String> slaveIterator = allSlaves.iterator(); while (!pendingGroups.isEmpty()) { boolean matched = false; TaskGroupKey group =; ITaskConfig task = group.getTask(); metrics.recordPreemptionAttemptFor(task); // start over only if a different task group is being processed if (!group.equals(lastGroup)) { slaveIterator = allSlaves.iterator(); } while (slaveIterator.hasNext()) { String slaveId =; Optional<ImmutableSet<PreemptionVictim>> candidates = preemptionVictimFilter .filterPreemptionVictims(task, slavesToActiveTasks.get(slaveId), jobStates.getUnchecked(task.getJob()), Optional.fromNullable(slavesToOffers.get(slaveId)), store); metrics.recordSlotSearchResult(candidates, task); if (candidates.isPresent()) { // Slot found -> remove slave to avoid multiple task reservations. slaveIterator.remove(); slotCache.put(new PreemptionProposal(candidates.get(), slaveId), group); matched = true; break; } } if (!matched) { // No slot found for the group -> remove group and reset group iterator. pendingGroups.removeAll(ImmutableSet.of(group)); groups = Iterators.consumingIterator(pendingGroups.iterator()); metrics.recordUnmatchedTask(); } lastGroup = group; } return null; }); }
From source
protected static void sanityCheckRingConsistency(Set<InetSocketAddress> currentAddrs, String keyspace, boolean isSsl, boolean safetyDisabled, int socketTimeoutMillis, int socketQueryTimeoutMillis) { Multimap<Set<TokenRange>, InetSocketAddress> tokenRangesToHost = HashMultimap.create(); for (InetSocketAddress addr : currentAddrs) { Cassandra.Client client = null;/*from ww w . j a v a2 s .c om*/ try { client = CassandraClientFactory.getClientInternal(addr, isSsl, socketTimeoutMillis, socketQueryTimeoutMillis); try { client.describe_keyspace(keyspace); } catch (NotFoundException e) { "Tried to check ring consistency for node {} before keyspace was fully setup; aborting check for now.", addr, e); return; } tokenRangesToHost.put(ImmutableSet.copyOf(client.describe_ring(keyspace)), addr); } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("failed to get ring info from host: {}", addr, e); } finally { if (client != null) { client.getOutputProtocol().getTransport().close(); } } } if (tokenRangesToHost.isEmpty()) { log.error( "Failed to get ring info for entire Cassandra cluster ({}); ring could not be checked for consistency.", keyspace); return; } if (tokenRangesToHost.keySet().size() == 1) { return; } RuntimeException e = new IllegalStateException( "Hosts have differing ring descriptions. This can lead to inconsistent reads and lost data. "); log.error("QA-86204 " + e.getMessage() + tokenRangesToHost, e); if (tokenRangesToHost.size() > 2) { for (Entry<Set<TokenRange>, Collection<InetSocketAddress>> entry : tokenRangesToHost.asMap() .entrySet()) { if (entry.getValue().size() == 1) { log.error("Host: " + entry.getValue().iterator().next() + " disagrees with the other nodes about the ring state."); } } } if (tokenRangesToHost.keySet().size() == 2) { ImmutableList<Set<TokenRange>> sets = ImmutableList.copyOf(tokenRangesToHost.keySet()); Set<TokenRange> set1 = sets.get(0); Set<TokenRange> set2 = sets.get(1); log.error("Hosts are split. group1: " + tokenRangesToHost.get(set1) + " group2: " + tokenRangesToHost.get(set2)); } logErrorOrThrow(e.getMessage(), safetyDisabled); }
From source
@Override public void insertEdges(final Multimap<String, String> edges, final String edgeURI) throws IOException { if (edges.isEmpty()) { return;// www. j a v a 2 s . co m } for (String sourceVertexURI : edges.keySet()) { for (String destinationVertexURI : edges.get(sourceVertexURI)) { insertEdge(sourceVertexURI, destinationVertexURI, edgeURI); } } }
From source
@Override public void deleteEdges(final Multimap<String, String> vertexURIs, final String edgeURI) throws IOException { if (vertexURIs.isEmpty()) { return;//www . j av a2s .c o m } for (String sourceVertexURI : vertexURIs.keySet()) { for (String destinationVertexURI : vertexURIs.get(sourceVertexURI)) { deleteEdge(sourceVertexURI, destinationVertexURI, edgeURI); } } }
From source
/** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override// ww w .java 2 s.c om @Nonnull public Set<IdPAttributeValue<?>> getMatchingValues(@Nonnull final IdPAttribute attribute, @Nonnull final AttributeFilterContext filterContext) { ComponentSupport.ifNotInitializedThrowUninitializedComponentException(this); final Multimap<String, ? extends IdPAttribute> requestedAttributes = getRequestedAttributes(filterContext); if (null == requestedAttributes || requestedAttributes.isEmpty()) { if (matchIfMetadataSilent) { log.debug("{} The peer's metadata did not have appropriate requested attributes available" + ", returning all the input values", getLogPrefix()); return ImmutableSet.copyOf(attribute.getValues()); } else { log.debug("{} The peer's metadata did not have appropriate requested attributes available" + ", returning no values", getLogPrefix()); return Collections.emptySet(); } } final Collection<? extends IdPAttribute> requestedAttributeList = requestedAttributes .get(attribute.getId()); if (null == requestedAttributeList) { log.debug("{} Attribute {} not found in metadata", getLogPrefix(), attribute.getId()); return Collections.emptySet(); } final Set<IdPAttributeValue<?>> values = new HashSet<>(); for (final IdPAttribute requestedAttribute : requestedAttributeList) { if (null == requestedAttribute) {"{} Attribute {} found in metadata but with no values that" + " could be decoded, values not matched", getLogPrefix(), attribute.getId()); continue; } if (requestedAttribute instanceof IdPRequestedAttribute && !((IdPRequestedAttribute) requestedAttribute).getIsRequired() && onlyIfRequired) { log.debug("{} Attribute {} found in metadata, but was not required, values not matched", getLogPrefix(), attribute.getId()); continue; } values.addAll(filterValues(attribute, requestedAttribute.getValues())); } return values; }
From source
@Override public void insertEdgesWithVertex(final Multimap<String, String> edges, final String edgeType, final String targetVertexType) throws IOException { if (edges.isEmpty()) { return;/*www .ja va 2 s . co m*/ } final ArrayList<String> sourceVertices = new ArrayList<>(edges.keySet()); final List<List<String>> sourceVerticesPartitions = Lists.partition(sourceVertices, PARTITION_SIZE); for (final List<String> sourceVerticesPartition : sourceVerticesPartitions) { final Multimap<String, String> edgePartition = ArrayListMultimap.create(); for (final String sourceVertexURI : sourceVerticesPartition) { final Collection<String> targetVertexURIs = edges.get(sourceVertexURI); edgePartition.putAll(sourceVertexURI, targetVertexURIs); } insertEdgesWithVertexPartition(edgePartition, edgeType, targetVertexType); } }
From source
private void setParameterValues(Multimap<String, String> paramValues) { if (paramValues != null && !paramValues.isEmpty()) { for (String key : paramValues.keySet()) { if (nameToEditor.containsKey(key)) { nameToEditor.get(key).setValue(Lists.newArrayList(paramValues.get(key))); }/*from w ww . java 2 s . co m*/ } } }