Example usage for com.google.common.collect Multimap isEmpty

List of usage examples for com.google.common.collect Multimap isEmpty


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.common.collect Multimap isEmpty.


boolean isEmpty();

Source Link


Returns true if this multimap contains no key-value pairs.


From source file:org.javersion.json.web.VersionMetadata.java

public VersionMetadata(String _id, Set<Revision> _revs,
        Multimap<PropertyPath, VersionProperty<Object>> conflicts) {
    this._id = _id;
    this._revs = _revs.isEmpty() ? null : new ArrayList<>(_revs);
    this._conflicts = conflicts.isEmpty() ? null : conflicts.asMap();

From source file:matteroverdrive.items.android.RougeAndroidParts.java

public Multimap<String, AttributeModifier> getModifiers(AndroidPlayer player, ItemStack itemStack) {
    Multimap multimap = super.getModifiers(player, itemStack);
    if (multimap.isEmpty()) {
        multimap.put(SharedMonsterAttributes.maxHealth.getAttributeUnlocalizedName(), new AttributeModifier(
                        "attribute.name." + SharedMonsterAttributes.maxHealth.getAttributeUnlocalizedName()),
                1f, 0));/*from   w  w  w  .j  a  v a  2s.com*/
    return multimap;

From source file:org.apache.brooklyn.entity.group.zoneaware.BalancingNodePlacementStrategy.java

public List<Entity> entitiesToRemove(Multimap<Location, Entity> currentMembers, int numToRemove) {
    if (currentMembers.isEmpty()) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                "No members supplied, when requesting removal of " + numToRemove + " nodes");
    }/*from  w w w .j  a  v  a  2 s  .  c o m*/
    if (currentMembers.size() < numToRemove) {
        LOG.warn("Request to remove " + numToRemove + " when only " + currentMembers.size()
                + " members (continuing): " + currentMembers);
        numToRemove = currentMembers.size();
    Map<Location, Integer> numToRemovePerLoc = Maps.newLinkedHashMap();
    Map<Location, Integer> locSizes = toMutableLocationSizes(currentMembers, ImmutableList.<Location>of());
    for (int i = 0; i < numToRemove; i++) {
        // TODO Inefficient to loop this many times! But not called with big numbers.
        Location mostPopulatedLoc = null;
        int mostPopulatedLocSize = 0;
        for (Location loc : locSizes.keySet()) {
            int locSize = locSizes.get(loc);
            if (locSize > 0 && (mostPopulatedLoc == null || locSize > mostPopulatedLocSize)) {
                mostPopulatedLoc = loc;
                mostPopulatedLocSize = locSize;
        assert mostPopulatedLoc != null : "leastPopulatedLoc=null; currentMembers=" + currentMembers;
        numToRemovePerLoc.put(mostPopulatedLoc, ((numToRemovePerLoc.get(mostPopulatedLoc) == null) ? 0
                : numToRemovePerLoc.get(mostPopulatedLoc)) + 1);
        locSizes.put(mostPopulatedLoc, locSizes.get(mostPopulatedLoc) - 1);

    List<Entity> result = Lists.newArrayList();
    for (Map.Entry<Location, Integer> entry : numToRemovePerLoc.entrySet()) {
        result.addAll(pickNewest(currentMembers.get(entry.getKey()), entry.getValue()));
    return result;

From source file:fr.ujm.tse.lt2c.satin.rules.run.RunRHODF7a.java

protected int process(final TripleStore ts1, final TripleStore ts2, final Collection<Triple> outputTriples) {

    final long subClassOf = AbstractDictionary.subClassOf;

    int loops = 0;

    final Multimap<Long, Long> subpropertyMultiMap = ts2.getMultiMapForPredicate(subClassOf);
    if (subpropertyMultiMap != null && !subpropertyMultiMap.isEmpty()) {
        for (final Entry<Long, Long> entry : subpropertyMultiMap.entries()) {
            loops++;/*from ww w . jav  a2 s . co m*/
            final Triple result1 = new ImmutableTriple(entry.getKey(), subClassOf, entry.getKey());
            final Triple result2 = new ImmutableTriple(entry.getValue(), subClassOf, entry.getValue());

    return loops;


From source file:fr.ujm.tse.lt2c.satin.rules.run.RunRHODF6b.java

protected int process(final TripleStore ts1, final TripleStore ts2, final Collection<Triple> outputTriples) {

    final long subPropertyOf = AbstractDictionary.subPropertyOf;

    int loops = 0;

    final Multimap<Long, Long> subpropertyMultimap = ts2.getMultiMapForPredicate(subPropertyOf);
    if (subpropertyMultimap != null && !subpropertyMultimap.isEmpty()) {
        for (final Entry<Long, Long> entry : subpropertyMultimap.entries()) {
            loops++;//from w w  w  . j a  va 2s .  c o  m
            final Triple result1 = new ImmutableTriple(entry.getKey(), subPropertyOf, entry.getKey());
            final Triple result2 = new ImmutableTriple(entry.getValue(), subPropertyOf, entry.getValue());

    return loops;


From source file:com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.config.ConfigurationResolver.java

 * This method allows resolution of configurations outside of a skyfunction call.
 * <p>If {@link BuildConfiguration.Options#trimConfigurations()} is true, transforms a collection
 * of <Target, Configuration> pairs by trimming each target's configuration to only the fragments
 * the target and its transitive dependencies need.
 * <p>Else returns configurations that unconditionally include all fragments.
 * <p>Preserves the original input order (but merges duplicate nodes that might occur due to
 * top-level configuration transitions) . Uses original (untrimmed) configurations for targets
 * that can't be evaluated (e.g. due to loading phase errors).
 * <p>This is suitable for feeding {@link ConfiguredTargetValue} keys: as general principle {@link
 * ConfiguredTarget}s should have exactly as much information in their configurations as they need
 * to evaluate and no more (e.g. there's no need for Android settings in a C++ configured target).
 * @param inputs the original targets and configurations
 * @param asDeps the inputs repackaged as dependencies
 * @param eventHandler/*from   w  ww. j  a  v a 2  s. co m*/
 * @param skyframeExecutor
// TODO(bazel-team): error out early for targets that fail - untrimmed configurations should
// never make it through analysis (and especially not seed ConfiguredTargetValues)
public static LinkedHashSet<TargetAndConfiguration> getConfigurationsFromExecutor(
        Iterable<TargetAndConfiguration> inputs, Multimap<BuildConfiguration, Dependency> asDeps,
        ExtendedEventHandler eventHandler, SkyframeExecutor skyframeExecutor) throws InterruptedException {

    Map<Label, Target> labelsToTargets = new LinkedHashMap<>();
    for (TargetAndConfiguration targetAndConfig : inputs) {
        labelsToTargets.put(targetAndConfig.getLabel(), targetAndConfig.getTarget());

    // Maps <target, originalConfig> pairs to <target, finalConfig> pairs for targets that
    // could be successfully Skyframe-evaluated.
    Map<TargetAndConfiguration, TargetAndConfiguration> successfullyEvaluatedTargets = new LinkedHashMap<>();
    if (!asDeps.isEmpty()) {
        for (BuildConfiguration fromConfig : asDeps.keySet()) {
            Multimap<Dependency, BuildConfiguration> trimmedTargets = skyframeExecutor
                    .getConfigurations(eventHandler, fromConfig.getOptions(), asDeps.get(fromConfig));
            for (Map.Entry<Dependency, BuildConfiguration> trimmedTarget : trimmedTargets.entries()) {
                Target target = labelsToTargets.get(trimmedTarget.getKey().getLabel());
                successfullyEvaluatedTargets.put(new TargetAndConfiguration(target, fromConfig),
                        new TargetAndConfiguration(target, trimmedTarget.getValue()));

    LinkedHashSet<TargetAndConfiguration> result = new LinkedHashSet<>();
    for (TargetAndConfiguration originalInput : inputs) {
        if (successfullyEvaluatedTargets.containsKey(originalInput)) {
            // The configuration was successfully trimmed.
        } else {
            // Either the configuration couldn't be determined (e.g. loading phase error) or it's null.
    return result;

From source file:fr.ujm.tse.lt2c.satin.rules.run.RunPRP_RNG.java

protected int process(final TripleStore ts1, final TripleStore ts2, final Collection<Triple> outputTriples) {

    final long range = AbstractDictionary.range;
    final long type = AbstractDictionary.type;

    final int loops = 0;

    final Multimap<Long, Long> rangeMultiMap = ts1.getMultiMapForPredicate(range);
    if (rangeMultiMap != null && !rangeMultiMap.isEmpty()) {

        final HashMap<Long, Collection<Triple>> cachePredicates = new HashMap<>();

        for (final Long p : rangeMultiMap.keySet()) {

            Collection<Triple> matchingTriples;
            if (!cachePredicates.containsKey(p)) {
                matchingTriples = ts2.getbyPredicate(p);
                cachePredicates.put(p, matchingTriples);
            } else {
                matchingTriples = cachePredicates.get(p);
            }//  w  w  w  .  j a v  a2s  .  c  om

            for (final Triple triple : matchingTriples) {

                for (final Long c : rangeMultiMap.get(p)) {

                    if (triple.getObject() >= 0) {
                        final Triple result = new ImmutableTriple(triple.getObject(), type, c);

    return loops;


From source file:org.apache.sentry.core.common.utils.PolicyFile.java

private String getSection(String name, Multimap<String, String> mapping) {
    if (mapping.isEmpty()) {
        return "";
    }/*w w w. j  av a2  s.c  o  m*/
    Joiner kvJoiner = Joiner.on(" = ");
    Joiner itemJoiner = Joiner.on(" , ");
    List<String> lines = Lists.newArrayList();
    lines.add("[" + name + "]");
    for (String key : mapping.keySet()) {
        lines.add(kvJoiner.join(key, itemJoiner.join(mapping.get(key))));
    return Joiner.on(NL).join(lines);

From source file:fr.ujm.tse.lt2c.satin.rules.run.RunPRP_DOM.java

protected int process(final TripleStore ts1, final TripleStore ts2, final Collection<Triple> outputTriples) {

    final long domain = AbstractDictionary.domain;
    final long type = AbstractDictionary.type;

    final int loops = 0;

    final Multimap<Long, Long> domainMultiMap = ts1.getMultiMapForPredicate(domain);
    if (domainMultiMap != null && !domainMultiMap.isEmpty()) {

        final HashMap<Long, Collection<Triple>> cachePredicates = new HashMap<>();

        for (final Long p : domainMultiMap.keySet()) {

            Collection<Triple> matchingTriples;
            if (!cachePredicates.containsKey(p)) {
                matchingTriples = ts2.getbyPredicate(p);
                cachePredicates.put(p, matchingTriples);
            } else {
                matchingTriples = cachePredicates.get(p);
            }/*from   w  ww. j  av  a2 s .  c  om*/

            for (final Triple triple : matchingTriples) {

                for (final Long c : domainMultiMap.get(p)) {

                    if (triple.getSubject() >= 0) {
                        final Triple result = new ImmutableTriple(triple.getSubject(), type, c);

    return loops;


From source file:de.metas.ui.web.order.sales.purchasePlanning.process.WEBUI_SalesOrder_Apply_Availability_Row.java

public final ProcessPreconditionsResolution checkPreconditionsApplicable() {
    final Multimap<PurchaseRow, PurchaseRow> lineRows2availabilityRows = //
    if (lineRows2availabilityRows.isEmpty()) {
        return ProcessPreconditionsResolution.reject();
    }//from w w  w  . ja  v a2s . co m

    if (hasMultipleAvailabilityRowsPerLineRow(lineRows2availabilityRows)) {
        return ProcessPreconditionsResolution.reject();

    return ProcessPreconditionsResolution.accept();