Java tutorial
/* * Artifactory is a binaries repository manager. * Copyright (C) 2012 JFrog Ltd. * * Artifactory is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Artifactory is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with Artifactory. If not, see <>. */ package org.artifactory.bintray; import; import; import; import; import; import com.jfrog.bintray.client.api.BintrayCallException; import com.jfrog.bintray.client.api.MultipleBintrayCallException; import com.jfrog.bintray.client.api.details.PackageDetails; import com.jfrog.bintray.client.api.details.RepositoryDetails; import com.jfrog.bintray.client.api.details.VersionDetails; import com.jfrog.bintray.client.api.handle.Bintray; import com.jfrog.bintray.client.api.handle.PackageHandle; import com.jfrog.bintray.client.api.handle.RepositoryHandle; import com.jfrog.bintray.client.api.handle.SubjectHandle; import com.jfrog.bintray.client.api.handle.VersionHandle; import com.jfrog.bintray.client.impl.BintrayClient; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.http.HttpEntity; import org.apache.http.HttpHeaders; import org.apache.http.HttpStatus; import org.apache.http.auth.UsernamePasswordCredentials; import org.apache.http.client.methods.CloseableHttpResponse; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPut; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpRequestBase; import org.apache.http.client.utils.URIBuilder; import org.apache.http.entity.InputStreamEntity; import org.apache.http.impl.client.CloseableHttpClient; import org.artifactory.addon.AddonsManager; import org.artifactory.api.bintray.BintrayItemInfo; import org.artifactory.api.bintray.BintrayPackageInfo; import org.artifactory.api.bintray.BintrayParams; import org.artifactory.api.bintray.BintrayService; import org.artifactory.api.bintray.BintrayUploadInfo; import org.artifactory.api.bintray.BintrayUser; import org.artifactory.api.bintray.Repo; import org.artifactory.api.bintray.RepoPackage; import org.artifactory.api.bintray.exception.BintrayException; import org.artifactory.api.common.BasicStatusHolder; import org.artifactory.api.config.CentralConfigService; import org.artifactory.api.context.ContextHelper; import org.artifactory.api.jackson.JacksonReader; import org.artifactory.api.mail.MailService; import; import; import; import org.artifactory.aql.AqlService; import org.artifactory.aql.api.domain.sensitive.AqlApiItem; import org.artifactory.aql.api.internal.AqlBase; import org.artifactory.aql.model.AqlComparatorEnum; import org.artifactory.aql.result.AqlEagerResult; import org.artifactory.aql.result.rows.AqlItem; import org.artifactory.aql.util.AqlSearchablePath; import org.artifactory.aql.util.AqlUtils; import; import; import; import org.artifactory.common.ConstantValues; import org.artifactory.common.StatusEntry; import org.artifactory.descriptor.bintray.BintrayConfigDescriptor; import org.artifactory.descriptor.repo.LocalCacheRepoDescriptor; import org.artifactory.descriptor.repo.LocalRepoDescriptor; import org.artifactory.descriptor.repo.ProxyDescriptor; import org.artifactory.descriptor.repo.RemoteRepoDescriptor; import org.artifactory.fs.FileInfo; import org.artifactory.fs.ItemInfo; import; import; import org.artifactory.repo.InternalRepoPathFactory; import org.artifactory.repo.RepoPath; import org.artifactory.repo.service.InternalRepositoryService; import org.artifactory.resource.ResourceStreamHandle; import; import; import; import; import; import org.artifactory.util.CollectionUtils; import org.artifactory.util.EmailException; import org.artifactory.util.HttpClientConfigurator; import org.artifactory.util.HttpUtils; import org.artifactory.util.PathUtils; import org.codehaus.jackson.JsonFactory; import org.codehaus.jackson.JsonNode; import; import; import org.codehaus.jackson.type.TypeReference; import; import; import org.joda.time.format.ISODateTimeFormat; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import; import; import; import; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.PropertyResourceBundle; import java.util.ResourceBundle; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import; import static; import static org.apache.http.HttpStatus.SC_BAD_REQUEST; import static org.apache.http.HttpStatus.SC_NOT_FOUND; import static org.artifactory.aql.api.internal.AqlBase.and; import static; /** * @author Shay Yaakov */ @Service public class BintrayServiceImpl implements BintrayService { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BintrayServiceImpl.class); private static final String RANGE_LIMIT_TOTAL = "X-RangeLimit-Total"; @Autowired protected CentralConfigService centralConfig; @Autowired private UserGroupService userGroupService; @Autowired private AuthorizationService authorizationService; @Autowired private InternalRepositoryService repoService; @Autowired private BinaryStore binaryStore; @Autowired private InternalBuildService buildService; @Autowired private MailService mailService; @Autowired private AddonsManager addonsManager; @Autowired private VfsQueryService vfsQueryService; @Autowired private AqlService aqlService; /** * Bintray Rest API request Cache */ private Map<String, BintrayPackageInfo> bintrayPackageCache; public BintrayServiceImpl() { bintrayPackageCache = initCache(500, TimeUnit.HOURS.toSeconds(1), false); } @Override public BasicStatusHolder pushArtifact(ItemInfo itemInfo, BintrayParams bintrayParams, @Nullable Map<String, String> headersMap) throws IOException { BasicStatusHolder status = new BasicStatusHolder(); try (CloseableHttpClient client = createHTTPClient()) { if (itemInfo.isFolder()) { List<ItemInfo> children = repoService.getChildrenDeeply(itemInfo.getRepoPath()); for (ItemInfo child : children) { if (!child.isFolder()) { performPush(client, (FileInfo) itemInfo, bintrayParams, status, headersMap); } } } else { performPush(client, (FileInfo) itemInfo, bintrayParams, status, headersMap); } } return status; } @Override public BasicStatusHolder pushBuild(Build build, BintrayParams bintrayParams, @Nullable Map<String, String> headersMap) throws IOException { BasicStatusHolder status = new BasicStatusHolder(); String buildNameAndNumber = build.getName() + ":" + build.getNumber(); status.status("Starting pushing build '" + buildNameAndNumber + "' to Bintray.", log); List<FileInfo> artifactsToPush = collectBuildArtifactsToPush(build, null); try (CloseableHttpClient client = createHTTPClient()) { status.status("Found " + artifactsToPush.size() + " artifacts to push.", log); for (FileInfo fileInfo : artifactsToPush) { bintrayParams.setPath(fileInfo.getRelPath()); if (bintrayParams.isUseExistingProps()) { BintrayParams paramsFromProperties = createParamsFromProperties(fileInfo.getRepoPath()); bintrayParams.setRepo(paramsFromProperties.getRepo()); bintrayParams.setPackageId(paramsFromProperties.getPackageId()); bintrayParams.setVersion(paramsFromProperties.getVersion()); bintrayParams.setPath(paramsFromProperties.getPath()); } try { performPush(client, fileInfo, bintrayParams, status, headersMap); } catch (IOException e) { sendBuildPushNotification(status, buildNameAndNumber); throw e; } } } String message = String.format("Finished pushing build '%s' to Bintray with %s errors and %s warnings.", buildNameAndNumber, status.getErrors().size(), status.getWarnings().size()); status.status(message, log); if (bintrayParams.isNotify()) { sendBuildPushNotification(status, buildNameAndNumber); } return status; } private <V> Map<String, V> initCache(int initialCapacity, long expirationSeconds, boolean softValues) { CacheBuilder mapMaker = CacheBuilder.newBuilder().initialCapacity(initialCapacity); if (expirationSeconds >= 0) { mapMaker.expireAfterWrite(expirationSeconds, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } if (softValues) { mapMaker.softValues(); } //noinspection unchecked return; } @Override public void executeAsyncPushBuild(Build build, BintrayParams bintrayParams, @Nullable Map<String, String> headersMap) { try { pushBuild(build, bintrayParams, headersMap); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Push failed with exception: " + e.getMessage()); } } private void sendBuildPushNotification(BasicStatusHolder statusHolder, String buildNameAndNumber) throws IOException {"Sending logs for push build '{}' by mail.", buildNameAndNumber); InputStream stream = null; try { //Get message body from properties and substitute variables stream = getClass().getResourceAsStream("/org/artifactory/email/messages/"); ResourceBundle resourceBundle = new PropertyResourceBundle(stream); String body = resourceBundle.getString("body"); String logBlock = getLogBlock(statusHolder); UserInfo currentUser = getCurrentUser(); if (currentUser != null) { String userEmail = currentUser.getEmail(); if (StringUtils.isBlank(userEmail)) { log.warn( "Couldn't find valid email address. Skipping push build to bintray email notification"); } else { log.debug("Sending push build to Bintray notification to '{}'.", userEmail); String message = MessageFormat.format(body, logBlock); mailService.sendMail(new String[] { userEmail }, "Push Build to Bintray Report", message); } } } catch (EmailException e) { log.error("Error while notification of: '" + buildNameAndNumber + "' messages.", e); throw e; } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(stream); } } private UserInfo getCurrentUser() { // currentUser() is not enough since the user might have changed his details from the profile page so the // database has the real details while currentUser() is the authenticated user which was not updated. try { String username = userGroupService.currentUser().getUsername(); UserInfo userInfo = userGroupService.findUser(username); return userInfo; } catch (UsernameNotFoundException e) { return null; } } /** * Returns an HTML list block of messages extracted from the status holder * * @param statusHolder Status holder containing messages that should be included in the notification * @return HTML list block */ private String getLogBlock(BasicStatusHolder statusHolder) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); for (StatusEntry entry : statusHolder.getEntries()) { //Make one line per row String message = entry.getMessage(); Throwable throwable = entry.getException(); if (throwable != null) { String throwableMessage = throwable.getMessage(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(throwableMessage)) { message += ": " + throwableMessage; } } builder.append(message).append("<br>"); } builder.append("<p>"); return builder.toString(); } @Override public BintrayParams createParamsFromProperties(RepoPath repoPath) { BintrayParams bintrayParams = new BintrayParams(); Properties properties = repoService.getProperties(repoPath); if (properties != null) { bintrayParams.setRepo(properties.getFirst(BINTRAY_REPO)); bintrayParams.setPackageId(properties.getFirst(BINTRAY_PACKAGE)); bintrayParams.setVersion(properties.getFirst(BINTRAY_VERSION)); bintrayParams.setPath(properties.getFirst(BINTRAY_PATH)); } return bintrayParams; } /** * Sets file properties with the bintray details after push is successful */ private void createUpdatePropsForPushedArtifacts(List<FileInfo> pushedFiles, BintrayUploadInfo uploadInfo, BasicStatusHolder status) { boolean canAnnotateAll = true; log.debug("Setting properties on pushed artifacts"); BintrayParams bintrayParams = new BintrayParams(); String repo = uploadInfo.getPackageDetails().getRepo(); String pkg = uploadInfo.getPackageDetails().getName(); String ver = uploadInfo.getVersionDetails().getName(); String path = uploadInfo.getPackageDetails().getSubject() + "/" + repo + "/" + pkg + "/" + ver + "/"; bintrayParams.setRepo(repo); bintrayParams.setPackageId(pkg); bintrayParams.setVersion(ver); for (FileInfo info : pushedFiles) { bintrayParams.setPath(path + info.getRepoPath().getPath()); if (authorizationService.canAnnotate(info.getRepoPath())) { savePropertiesOnRepoPath(info.getRepoPath(), bintrayParams); } else { canAnnotateAll = false; } } if (!canAnnotateAll) { String message = "You do not have annotate permissions on some or all of the published files in " + "Artifactory. Bintray package and version properties will not be recorded for these files."; status.warn(message, log); } } @Override public void savePropertiesOnRepoPath(RepoPath repoPath, BintrayParams bintrayParams) { Properties properties = repoService.getProperties(repoPath); if (properties == null) { properties = PropertiesFactory.create(); } properties.replaceValues(BINTRAY_REPO, newArrayList(bintrayParams.getRepo())); properties.replaceValues(BINTRAY_PACKAGE, newArrayList(bintrayParams.getPackageId())); properties.replaceValues(BINTRAY_VERSION, newArrayList(bintrayParams.getVersion())); properties.replaceValues(BINTRAY_PATH, newArrayList(bintrayParams.getPath())); repoService.setProperties(repoPath, properties); } /** * Uses the {@link} to retrieve all build artifacts and filters out missing * entries (Artifacts that don't exist return a null FileInfo mapping). * Logs missing artifacts with level warn * * @param build Build to retrieve artifacts for. * @param status StatusHolder for logging. * @return List of FileInfo objects that represent this build's (found) artifacts */ private List<FileInfo> collectBuildArtifactsToPush(Build build, @Nullable BasicStatusHolder status) { status = status == null ? new BasicStatusHolder() : status;"Collecting Build artifacts to push for build {}:{}", build.getName(), build.getNumber()); Set<ArtifactoryBuildArtifact> infos = buildService.getBuildArtifactsFileInfos(build, false, StringUtils.EMPTY); BuildServiceUtils.verifyAllArtifactInfosExistInSet(build, true, status, infos, VerifierLogLevel.warn); return Lists.newArrayList(BuildServiceUtils.toFileInfoList(infos)); } private void performPush(CloseableHttpClient client, FileInfo fileInfo, BintrayParams bintrayParams, BasicStatusHolder status, @Nullable Map<String, String> headersMap) throws IOException { if (!bintrayParams.isValid()) { String message = String.format("Skipping push for '%s' since one of the Bintray properties is missing.", fileInfo.getRelPath()); status.warn(message, log); return; } if (!authorizationService.canAnnotate(fileInfo.getRepoPath())) { String message = "You do not have annotate permissions on the published files in Artifactory. " + "Bintray package and version properties will not be recorded."; status.warn(message, log); } String path = bintrayParams.getPath(); status.status("Pushing artifact " + path + " to Bintray.", log); String requestUrl = getBaseBintrayApiUrl() + PATH_CONTENT + "/" + bintrayParams.getRepo() + "/" + bintrayParams.getPackageId() + "/" + bintrayParams.getVersion() + "/" + path; CloseableHttpResponse response = null; try { InputStream elementInputStream = binaryStore.getBinary(fileInfo.getSha1()); HttpEntity requestEntity = new InputStreamEntity(elementInputStream, fileInfo.getSize()); HttpPut putMethod = createPutMethod(requestUrl, headersMap, requestEntity); response = client.execute(putMethod); int statusCode = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(); String message; if (statusCode != HttpStatus.SC_CREATED) { message = String.format("Push failed for '%s' with status: %s %s", path, statusCode, response.getStatusLine().getReasonPhrase()); status.error(message, statusCode, log); } else { message = String.format( "Successfully pushed '%s' to repo: '%s', package: '%s', version: '%s' in Bintray.", path, bintrayParams.getRepo(), bintrayParams.getPackageId(), bintrayParams.getVersion()); status.status(message, log); if (!bintrayParams.isUseExistingProps()) { savePropertiesOnRepoPath(fileInfo.getRepoPath(), bintrayParams); } } } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(response); } } @Override // TODO: [by dan] this is the newer version, based on the bintray-java-client and should replace pushBuild in a later version public BasicStatusHolder pushPromotedBuild(Build build, String gpgPassphrase, Boolean gpgSignOverride, BintrayUploadInfoOverride override) { BasicStatusHolder status = new BasicStatusHolder(); if (!validCredentialsExist(status)) { return status; }"Gathering information for build: " + build.getName() + " Number: " + build.getNumber()); BintrayUploadInfo uploadInfo = getUplaodInfoForBuild(build, override, status); if (status.hasErrors()) { return status; } //Get artifacts from build and filter out descriptor List<FileInfo> artifactsToPush = collectBuildArtifactsToPush(build, status); filterOutJsonFileFromArtifactsToPush(artifactsToPush, null, status); //No artifacts in build if (CollectionUtils.isNullOrEmpty(artifactsToPush)) { status.error("No artifacts found to push to Bintray, aborting operation", SC_NOT_FOUND, log); return status; } //Filter artifacts by properties (if exist) in descriptor filterBuildArtifactsByDescriptor(uploadInfo, artifactsToPush, status); if (status.hasErrors()) { return status; } status.merge(pushVersion(uploadInfo, artifactsToPush, gpgSignOverride, gpgPassphrase)); return status; } @Override // TODO: [by dan] this is the newer version, based on the bintray-java-client and should replace (or accommodate) pushArtifact in a later version public BasicStatusHolder pushVersionFilesAccordingToSpec(FileInfo jsonFile, Boolean gpgSignOverride, String gpgPassphrase) { BasicStatusHolder status = new BasicStatusHolder(); if (!validCredentialsExist(status)) { return status; } BintrayUploadInfo uploadInfo = validateUploadInfoFile(jsonFile, status); if (status.hasErrors()) { return status; } List<FileInfo> artifactsToPush = collectArtifactsToPushBasedOnDescriptor(jsonFile, uploadInfo, status); if (status.hasErrors()) { return status; } status.merge(pushVersion(uploadInfo, artifactsToPush, gpgSignOverride, gpgPassphrase)); return status; } /** * Pushes all given files as a version in Bintray, if the version \ package don't exist they are created * * @param uploadInfo Info about the package \ version to push * @param artifactsToPush All artifacts to be pushed under the version * @param gpgSignOverride Indicates if to override the version sign * @param gpgPassphrase The key that is used with the subject's Bintray-stored gpg key to sign the version * @return StatusHolder containing all push results. */ private BasicStatusHolder pushVersion(BintrayUploadInfo uploadInfo, List<FileInfo> artifactsToPush, Boolean gpgSignOverride, String gpgPassphrase) { BasicStatusHolder status = new BasicStatusHolder(); String subject = uploadInfo.getPackageDetails().getSubject(); VersionHandle bintrayVersionHandle; try (Bintray client = createBintrayClient(status)) { validatePushRequestParams(subject, artifactsToPush, status); RepositoryHandle bintrayRepoHandle = validateRepoAndCreateIfNeeded(uploadInfo, client, status); PackageHandle bintrayPackageHandle = createOrUpdatePackage(uploadInfo, bintrayRepoHandle, status); bintrayVersionHandle = createOrUpdateVersion(uploadInfo, bintrayPackageHandle, status); pushArtifactsToVersion(uploadInfo, artifactsToPush, status, bintrayVersionHandle); signVersion(bintrayVersionHandle, uploadInfo.getVersionDetails().isGpgSign(), gpgSignOverride, gpgPassphrase, artifactsToPush.size(), status); //Publish comes last so that gpg sign files will get published too publishFiles(uploadInfo, status, bintrayVersionHandle); } catch (Exception e) { if (!(e instanceof BintrayCallException) && !(e instanceof MultipleBintrayCallException)) { status.error("Operation failed: " + e.getMessage(), HttpStatus.SC_CONFLICT, e, log); } return status; } createUpdatePropsForPushedArtifacts(artifactsToPush, uploadInfo, status); String end; if (status.hasErrors()) { end = "with errors"; } else if (status.hasWarnings()) { end = "with warnings"; } else { end = "successfully"; } status.status(String.format("Push to bintray completed %s", end), log); return status; } private void publishFiles(BintrayUploadInfo uploadInfo, BasicStatusHolder status, VersionHandle bintrayVersionHandle) { if (uploadInfo.getPublish() != null && uploadInfo.getPublish()) {"Publishing files..."); try { bintrayVersionHandle.publish(); } catch (BintrayCallException bce) { status.error(bce.toString(), bce.getStatusCode(), log); } } } private boolean bintrayRepoExists(RepositoryHandle bintrayRepoHandle, BasicStatusHolder status) { try { if (!bintrayRepoHandle.exists()) { //Repo exists? return false; } } catch (BintrayCallException bce) { status.error(bce.toString(), bce.getStatusCode(), log); return false; } return true; } private void pushArtifactsToVersion(BintrayUploadInfo uploadInfo, List<FileInfo> artifactsToPush, BasicStatusHolder status, VersionHandle bintrayVersionHandle) throws MultipleBintrayCallException { List<RepoPath> artifactPaths = Lists.newArrayList(); Map<String, InputStream> streamMap = Maps.newHashMap(); try { for (FileInfo fileInfo : artifactsToPush) { artifactPaths.add(fileInfo.getRepoPath()); ResourceStreamHandle handle = repoService.getResourceStreamHandle(fileInfo.getRepoPath()); streamMap.put(fileInfo.getRelPath(), new AutoCloseInputStream(handle.getInputStream())); } status.status( "Starting to push the requested files to " + String.format("into %s/%s/%s/%s: ", uploadInfo.getPackageDetails().getSubject(), uploadInfo.getPackageDetails().getRepo(), uploadInfo.getPackageDetails().getName(), uploadInfo.getVersionDetails().getName()), log);"Pushing {} files...", streamMap.keySet().size()); log.debug("Pushing the following files into Bintray: {}", Arrays.toString(artifactPaths.toArray())); bintrayVersionHandle.upload(streamMap); } catch (MultipleBintrayCallException mbce) { for (BintrayCallException bce : mbce.getExceptions()) { status.error(bce.toString(), bce.getStatusCode(), log); } throw mbce; } finally { for (InputStream stream : streamMap.values()) { IOUtils.closeQuietly(stream); } } } private void validatePushRequestParams(String subject, List<FileInfo> artifactsToPush, BasicStatusHolder status) throws BintrayCallException { int fileUploadLimit = getFileUploadLimit(); if (fileUploadLimit != 0 && artifactsToPush.size() > fileUploadLimit) { //0 is unlimited status.error(String.format( "The amount of artifacts that are about to be pushed(%s) exceeds the maximum" + " amount set by the administrator(%s), aborting operation", artifactsToPush.size(), fileUploadLimit), SC_BAD_REQUEST, log); throw new BintrayCallException(SC_BAD_REQUEST, status.getLastError().getMessage(), ""); } //Subject must be specified in json if (StringUtils.isBlank(subject)) { status.error("Bintray subject must be defined in the spec or given as an override param - aborting", SC_BAD_REQUEST, log); throw new BintrayCallException(SC_BAD_REQUEST, status.getLastError().getMessage(), ""); } } private RepositoryHandle validateRepoAndCreateIfNeeded(BintrayUploadInfo uploadInfo, Bintray client, BasicStatusHolder status) throws Exception { String subjectName = uploadInfo.getPackageDetails().getSubject(); String bintrayRepo = uploadInfo.getPackageDetails().getRepo(); SubjectHandle subject = client.subject(subjectName); //No 'repo' clause --> return RepositoryHandle matching the 'repo' field in the 'package' clause if (!hasRepoClause(uploadInfo)) { RepositoryHandle bintrayRepoHandle = subject.repository(bintrayRepo); if (!bintrayRepoExists(bintrayRepoHandle, status)) { //Doesn't matter what the exception holds, only the status is returned by the calling method status.error("No such Repository " + bintrayRepo + " for subject " + subjectName, SC_NOT_FOUND, log); throw new BintrayCallException(SC_BAD_REQUEST, "no such repo ", bintrayRepo); } else { return bintrayRepoHandle; } //'repo' clause exists -> verify name consistency with 'repo' field in the 'package' clause if exists } else if (!repoNamesMatch(uploadInfo, bintrayRepo)) { status.error("Mismatch between the 'name' field in the 'repo' clause and the 'repo' field in the " + "'package' clause, aborting operation", SC_BAD_REQUEST, log); //Doesn't matter what the exception holds, only the status is returned by the calling method throw new BintrayCallException(SC_BAD_REQUEST, "mismatch between repo name fields", bintrayRepo); } //Create or update the repo return createOrUpdateRepo(uploadInfo.getRepositoryDetails(), subject, status); } private boolean hasRepoClause(BintrayUploadInfo uploadInfo) { return uploadInfo.getRepositoryDetails() != null && StringUtils.isNotBlank(uploadInfo.getRepositoryDetails().getName()); } private boolean repoNamesMatch(BintrayUploadInfo uploadInfo, String bintrayRepo) { return StringUtils.isBlank(bintrayRepo) || uploadInfo.getRepositoryDetails().getName().equalsIgnoreCase(bintrayRepo); } @Override public Bintray createBintrayClient(BasicStatusHolder status) throws IllegalArgumentException { UsernamePasswordCredentials credsToUse = getCurrentUserBintrayCreds(); CloseableHttpClient httpClient = createHTTPClient(credsToUse); Bintray client = BintrayClient.create(httpClient, PathUtils.trimTrailingSlashes(getBaseBintrayApiUrl()), ConstantValues.bintrayClientThreadPoolSize.getInt(), ConstantValues.bintrayClientSignRequestTimeout.getInt()); return client; } @Override public List<Repo> getReposToDeploy(@Nullable Map<String, String> headersMap) throws IOException, BintrayException { UsernamePasswordCredentials creds = getCurrentUserBintrayCreds(); String requestUrl = getBaseBintrayApiUrl() + PATH_REPOS + "/" + creds.getUserName(); InputStream responseStream = null; try { responseStream = executeGet(requestUrl, creds, headersMap); if (responseStream != null) { return JacksonReader.streamAsValueTypeReference(responseStream, new TypeReference<List<Repo>>() { }); } } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(responseStream); } return null; } @Override public List<String> getPackagesToDeploy(String repoKey, @Nullable Map<String, String> headersMap) throws IOException, BintrayException { UsernamePasswordCredentials creds = getCurrentUserBintrayCreds(); String requestUrl = getBaseBintrayApiUrl() + PATH_REPOS + "/" + repoKey + "/packages"; InputStream responseStream = null; try { responseStream = executeGet(requestUrl, creds, headersMap); if (responseStream != null) { return getPackagesList(responseStream); } } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(responseStream); } return null; } private List<String> getPackagesList(InputStream responseStream) throws IOException { List<String> packages = newArrayList(); JsonNode packagesTree = JacksonReader.streamAsTree(responseStream); Iterator<JsonNode> elements = packagesTree.getElements(); while (elements.hasNext()) { JsonNode packageElement =; String packageName = packageElement.get("name").asText(); boolean linked = packageElement.get("linked").asBoolean(); if (!linked) { packages.add(packageName); } } return packages; } @Override public List<String> getVersions(String repoKey, String packageId, @Nullable Map<String, String> headersMap) throws IOException, BintrayException { UsernamePasswordCredentials creds = getCurrentUserBintrayCreds(); String requestUrl = getBaseBintrayApiUrl() + PATH_PACKAGES + "/" + repoKey + "/" + packageId; InputStream responseStream = null; try { responseStream = executeGet(requestUrl, creds, headersMap); if (responseStream != null) { RepoPackage repoPackage = JacksonReader.streamAsClass(responseStream, RepoPackage.class); return repoPackage.getVersions(); } } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(responseStream); } return null; } @Override public String getVersionFilesUrl(BintrayParams bintrayParams) { return getBaseBintrayUrl() + bintrayParams.getRepo() + "/" + bintrayParams.getPackageId() + "/" + bintrayParams.getVersion() + "/view/files"; } @Override public BintrayUser getBintrayUser(String username, String apiKey, @Nullable Map<String, String> headersMap) throws IOException, BintrayException { String requestUrl = getBaseBintrayApiUrl() + PATH_USERS + "/" + username; InputStream responseStream = null; try { responseStream = executeGet(requestUrl, new UsernamePasswordCredentials(username, apiKey), headersMap); if (responseStream != null) { return JacksonReader.streamAsValueTypeReference(responseStream, new TypeReference<BintrayUser>() { }); } } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(responseStream); } return null; } @Override public BintrayUser getBintrayUser(String username, String apiKey) throws IOException, BintrayException { return getBintrayUser(username, apiKey, null); } private boolean validCredentialsExist(BasicStatusHolder status) { if (!isUserHasBintrayAuth()) { status.error("No Bintray Authentication defined for user", HttpStatus.SC_UNAUTHORIZED, log); return false; } return true; } @Override public boolean hasBintraySystemUser() { return StringUtils.isNotBlank(ConstantValues.bintraySystemUser.getString()) || getBintrayGlobalConfig().globalCredentialsExist(); } @Override public boolean isUserHasBintrayAuth() { UserInfo userInfo = getCurrentUser(); if (userInfo != null) { String bintrayAuth = userInfo.getBintrayAuth(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(bintrayAuth)) { String[] bintrayAuthTokens = StringUtils.split(bintrayAuth, ":"); if (bintrayAuthTokens.length == 2) { return true; } } } return false; } @Override public String getBintrayRegistrationUrl() { String licenseKeyHash = addonsManager.getLicenseKeyHash(); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(ConstantValues.bintrayUrl.getString()) .append("?source=artifactory"); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(licenseKeyHash)) { builder.append(":").append(licenseKeyHash); } return builder.toString(); } @Override public BintrayItemSearchResults<BintrayItemInfo> searchByName(String query, @Nullable Map<String, String> headersMap) throws IOException, BintrayException { String requestUrl = getBaseBintrayApiUrl() + "search/file/?subject=bintray&repo=jcenter&name=" + query; log.debug("requestUrl=\"" + requestUrl + "\""); try (CloseableHttpClient client = createHTTPClient(new UsernamePasswordCredentials("", ""))) { HttpGet getMethod = createGetMethod(requestUrl, headersMap); CloseableHttpResponse response = client.execute(getMethod); int statusCode = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(); if (statusCode != HttpStatus.SC_OK) { throw new BintrayException(response.getStatusLine().getReasonPhrase(), statusCode); } else { try { int rangeLimitTotal = Integer.parseInt(response.getFirstHeader(RANGE_LIMIT_TOTAL).getValue()); InputStream responseStream = response.getEntity().getContent(); List<BintrayItemInfo> listResult = JacksonReader.streamAsValueTypeReference(responseStream, new TypeReference<List<BintrayItemInfo>>() { }); List<BintrayItemInfo> distinctResults = .collect(Collectors.toList()); BintrayItemSearchResults<BintrayItemInfo> results = new BintrayItemSearchResults<>( distinctResults, rangeLimitTotal); fillLocalRepoPaths(distinctResults); fixDateFormat(distinctResults); return results; } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(response); } } } } private void fixDateFormat(List<BintrayItemInfo> listResult) { SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(Build.STARTED_FORMAT); for (BintrayItemInfo bintrayItemInfo : listResult) { String createdDateFromBintray = bintrayItemInfo.getCreated(); long createdDate = ISODateTimeFormat.dateTime().parseMillis(createdDateFromBintray); bintrayItemInfo.setCreated(simpleDateFormat.format(new Date(createdDate))); } } private void fillLocalRepoPaths(List<BintrayItemInfo> listResult) { for (BintrayItemInfo row : listResult) { RepoPath repo = getRepoPath(row); row.setCached(repo != null); row.setLocalRepoPath(repo); } } private RepoPath getRepoPath(BintrayItemInfo row) { RemoteRepoDescriptor jCenterRepo = getJCenterRepo(); VfsQueryResult result = vfsQueryService.createQuery() .addPathFilter(row.getPath().replace(row.getName(), "")).name(row.getName()).execute(100); RepoPath repoPath = null; for (VfsQueryRow vfsQueryRow : result.getAllRows()) { RepoPath tempRepoPath = vfsQueryRow.getItem().getRepoPath(); LocalRepoDescriptor localRepoDescriptor = repoService .localOrCachedRepoDescriptorByKey(tempRepoPath.getRepoKey()); // If The the descriptor is "jcenter-cached" then return it immediately if (localRepoDescriptor != null && tempRepoPath.getRepoKey() .equals(jCenterRepo.getKey() + LocalCacheRepoDescriptor.PATH_SUFFIX)) { return tempRepoPath; } // Keep the first repoPath we encounter if (repoPath == null && localRepoDescriptor != null) { repoPath = tempRepoPath; } } return repoPath; } @Override public RemoteRepoDescriptor getJCenterRepo() { String jcenterHost = ""; String url = ConstantValues.jCenterUrl.getString(); try { URI uri = new URIBuilder(url).build(); jcenterHost = uri.getHost(); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { log.warn("Unable to construct a valid URI from '{}': {}", url); } List<RemoteRepoDescriptor> remoteRepoDescriptors = repoService.getRemoteRepoDescriptors(); for (RemoteRepoDescriptor remoteRepoDescriptor : remoteRepoDescriptors) { if (remoteRepoDescriptor.getUrl().contains(jcenterHost)) { return remoteRepoDescriptor; } } return null; } @Override public BintrayPackageInfo getBintrayPackageInfo(String sha1, @Nullable Map<String, String> headersMap) { return getPackageInfoFromCache(sha1, headersMap); } private BintrayPackageInfo getPackageInfoFromCache(String sha1, @Nullable Map<String, String> headersMap) { BintrayPackageInfo bintrayPackageInfo = bintrayPackageCache.get(sha1); // Try to get info from bintray if cache is empty if (bintrayPackageInfo == null) { populatePackageCacheFromBintray(sha1, headersMap); } return bintrayPackageCache.get(sha1); } private BintrayItemInfo getBintrayItemInfoByChecksum(final String sha1, @Nullable Map<String, String> headersMap) { String itemInfoRequest = String.format("%ssearch/file/?sha1=%s&subject=bintray&repo=jcenter", getBaseBintrayApiUrl(), sha1); BintrayItemInfo result = null; CloseableHttpClient client = getUserOrSystemApiKeyHttpClient(); CloseableHttpResponse response = null; try { log.debug("Bintray item request:{}", itemInfoRequest); HttpGet getMethod = createGetMethod(itemInfoRequest, headersMap); response = client.execute(getMethod); int statusCode = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(); if (statusCode != HttpStatus.SC_OK) { if (statusCode == HttpStatus.SC_UNAUTHORIZED) { String userName = getCurrentUser().getUsername();"Bintray authentication failure: item {}, user {}", sha1, userName); } else {"Bintray request info failure for item {}", sha1); } } else { int rangeLimitTotal = Integer.parseInt(response.getFirstHeader(RANGE_LIMIT_TOTAL).getValue()); InputStream responseStream = response.getEntity().getContent(); List<BintrayItemInfo> listResult = JacksonReader.streamAsValueTypeReference(responseStream, new TypeReference<List<BintrayItemInfo>>() { }); BintrayItemSearchResults<BintrayItemInfo> results = new BintrayItemSearchResults<>(listResult, rangeLimitTotal); if (results.getResults().size() > 0) { result = results.getResults().get(0); } else { log.debug("No item found for request: {}", itemInfoRequest); } } } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("Failure during Bintray fetching package {}: {}", sha1, e.getMessage()); log.debug("Failure during Bintray fetching package {}: {}", sha1, e); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(response); IOUtils.closeQuietly(client); } return result; } private void populatePackageCacheFromBintray(final String sha1, final @Nullable Map<String, String> headersMap) { CloseableHttpClient client = null; CloseableHttpResponse response = null; try { BintrayPackageInfo result = null; // Try to get Bintray info for item by sha1 BintrayItemInfo bintrayItemInfo = getBintrayItemInfoByChecksum(sha1, headersMap); // If item found update cache if (bintrayItemInfo == null) { return; } // Item exists in Bintray therefore try to get package info from Bintray StringBuilder urlBuilder = new StringBuilder(getBaseBintrayApiUrl()).append("packages").append("/") .append(bintrayItemInfo.getOwner()).append("/").append(bintrayItemInfo.getRepo()).append("/") .append(bintrayItemInfo.getPackage()); final String url = urlBuilder.toString(); log.debug("Bintray package request:{}", url); HttpGet getMethod = createGetMethod(url, headersMap); client = getUserOrSystemApiKeyHttpClient(); response = client.execute(getMethod); int statusCode = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(); if (statusCode != HttpStatus.SC_OK) { if (statusCode == HttpStatus.SC_UNAUTHORIZED) { String userName = getCurrentUser().getUsername();"Bintray authentication failure: user {}", userName); } } else { InputStream responseStream = response.getEntity().getContent(); result = JacksonReader.streamAsValueTypeReference(responseStream, new TypeReference<BintrayPackageInfo>() { }); } if (result != null) { bintrayPackageCache.put(sha1, result); } } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("Failure during Bintray fetching package {}: {}", sha1, e.getMessage()); log.debug("Failure during Bintray fetching package {}: {}", sha1, e); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(response); IOUtils.closeQuietly(client); } } private InputStream executeGet(String requestUrl, UsernamePasswordCredentials creds, @Nullable Map<String, String> headersMap) throws IOException, BintrayException { HttpGet getMethod = createGetMethod(requestUrl, headersMap); CloseableHttpClient client = createHTTPClient(creds); CloseableHttpResponse response = client.execute(getMethod); if (response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() != HttpStatus.SC_OK) { throw new BintrayException(response.getStatusLine().getReasonPhrase(), response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode()); } else { return response.getEntity().getContent(); } } private String getBaseBintrayUrl() { return PathUtils.addTrailingSlash(ConstantValues.bintrayUrl.getString()); } private String getBaseBintrayApiUrl() { return PathUtils.addTrailingSlash(ConstantValues.bintrayApiUrl.getString()); } private HttpPut createPutMethod(String requestUrl, @Nullable Map<String, String> headersMap, HttpEntity requestEntity) { HttpPut putMethod = new HttpPut(HttpUtils.encodeQuery(requestUrl)); putMethod.setEntity(requestEntity); updateHeaders(headersMap, putMethod); return putMethod; } private HttpGet createGetMethod(String requestUrl, @Nullable Map<String, String> headersMap) { HttpGet getMethod = new HttpGet(HttpUtils.encodeQuery(requestUrl)); updateHeaders(headersMap, getMethod); return getMethod; } private void updateHeaders(Map<String, String> headersMap, HttpRequestBase method) { method.setHeader(HttpHeaders.USER_AGENT, HttpUtils.getArtifactoryUserAgent()); if (headersMap != null) { String headerVal = HttpUtils.adjustRefererValue(headersMap, headersMap.get("Referer".toUpperCase())); method.setHeader("Referer", headerVal); } } private UsernamePasswordCredentials getCurrentUserBintrayCreds() { UserInfo userInfo = getCurrentUser(); String bintrayAuth = userInfo == null ? "" : userInfo.getBintrayAuth(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(bintrayAuth)) { String[] bintrayAuthTokens = StringUtils.split(bintrayAuth, ":"); if (bintrayAuthTokens.length != 2) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Found invalid Bintray credentials."); } return new UsernamePasswordCredentials(bintrayAuthTokens[0], bintrayAuthTokens[1]); } throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Couldn't find Bintray credentials, please configure them from the user profile page."); } private UsernamePasswordCredentials getGlobalBintrayCreds() { if (hasBintraySystemUser()) { String userName = (StringUtils .isNotEmpty(centralConfig.getDescriptor().getBintrayConfig().getUserName())) ? getBintrayGlobalConfig().getUserName() : ConstantValues.bintraySystemUser.getString(); String apiKey = (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(centralConfig.getDescriptor().getBintrayConfig().getApiKey())) ? getBintrayGlobalConfig().getApiKey() : ConstantValues.bintraySystemUserApiKey.getString(); return new UsernamePasswordCredentials(userName, apiKey); } throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Couldn't find Global Bintray credentials, please configure them from the admin page."); } private CloseableHttpClient getUserOrSystemApiKeyHttpClient() { CloseableHttpClient client; if (isUserHasBintrayAuth()) { client = createHTTPClient(); } else if (hasBintraySystemUser()) { client = createHTTPClient(getGlobalBintrayCreds()); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("User doesn't have bintray credentials"); } return client; } private CloseableHttpClient createHTTPClient() { return createHTTPClient(getCurrentUserBintrayCreds()); } private CloseableHttpClient createHTTPClient(UsernamePasswordCredentials creds) { ProxyDescriptor proxy = ContextHelper.get().getCentralConfig().getDescriptor().getDefaultProxy(); return new HttpClientConfigurator().hostFromUrl(getBaseBintrayApiUrl()) .soTimeout(ConstantValues.bintrayClientRequestTimeout.getInt()) .connectionTimeout(ConstantValues.bintrayClientRequestTimeout.getInt()).noRetry().proxy(proxy) .authentication(creds).maxTotalConnections(30).defaultMaxConnectionsPerHost(30).getClient(); } private BintrayUploadInfo getUplaodInfoForBuild(Build build, BintrayUploadInfoOverride override, BasicStatusHolder status) { //Override given if (override != null) { if (override.isValid()) { return new BintrayUploadInfo(override); } else if (!override.isEmpty()) { status.error("Invalid override parameters given, aborting operation.", SC_BAD_REQUEST, log); return null; } } //No override - find descriptor and validate FileInfo descriptorFile = getDescriptorFromBuild(build, status); if (status.hasErrors()) { return null; } return validateUploadInfoFile(descriptorFile, status); } /** * Uses an aql query to get the json descriptor that's included in the build artifacts. */ private FileInfo getDescriptorFromBuild(Build build, BasicStatusHolder status) { AqlApiItem aql = AqlApiItem.create().filter(and("*bintray-info*.json"),"", AqlComparatorEnum.equals, build.getName()),"build.number", AqlComparatorEnum.equals, build.getNumber()))); AqlEagerResult<AqlItem> results = aqlService.executeQueryEager(aql); if (results.getSize() == 0) { status.error("Descriptor not found in build artifacts, aborting operation", SC_NOT_FOUND, log); return null; } int matchedFilesCounter = 0; RepoPath path = null; //Aql searches don't support regex - and other files might contain similar names - filter by regex now for (AqlItem result : results.getResults()) { path = InternalRepoPathFactory.create(result.getRepo(), result.getPath() + "/" + result.getName()); if (isBintrayJsonInfoFile(path.getPath())) { log.debug("Found descriptor for build {} : {} in path {}", build.getName(), build.getNumber(), path); matchedFilesCounter++; } } if (matchedFilesCounter > 1) { status.error("Found More than one Descriptor in build artifacts, aborting operation", SC_BAD_REQUEST, log); return null; } return repoService.getFileInfo(path); } private BintrayUploadInfo validateUploadInfoFile(FileInfo descriptorJson, BasicStatusHolder status) { if (!isBintrayJsonInfoFile(descriptorJson.getRepoPath().getName())) { status.error( "The path specified: " + descriptorJson.getRepoPath() + ", does not point to a descriptor. " + "The file name must contain 'bintray-info' and have a .json extension", SC_NOT_FOUND, log); return null; } BintrayUploadInfo uploadInfo = null; InputStream jsonContentStream = binaryStore.getBinary(descriptorJson.getSha1()); ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(new JsonFactory()); mapper.configure(DeserializationConfig.Feature.ACCEPT_SINGLE_VALUE_AS_ARRAY, true); try { uploadInfo = mapper.readValue(jsonContentStream, BintrayUploadInfo.class); } catch (IOException e) { log.debug("{}", e); status.error("Can't process the json file: " + e.getMessage(), SC_BAD_REQUEST, log); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(jsonContentStream); } return uploadInfo; } private void filterBuildArtifactsByDescriptor(BintrayUploadInfo uploadInfo, List<FileInfo> artifactsToPush, BasicStatusHolder status) { List<String> descriptorArtifactPaths = uploadInfo.getArtifactPaths(); //null - applyToFiles field doesn't exist if (descriptorArtifactPaths != null && !descriptorArtifactPaths.isEmpty()) { //size == 1 && get(0) == "" --> field looks like "applyToFiles": "" (jackson deserialization edge case) if (!(descriptorArtifactPaths.size() == 1 && StringUtils.isBlank(descriptorArtifactPaths.get(0)))) { status.error( "Json file contains paths to artifacts, this command pushes whole builds only, aborting " + "operation", SC_BAD_REQUEST, log); return; } } //applyToProps has values - prepare a file list and send it and the props list to the aql search to be filtered if (uploadInfo.getFilterProps() != null) { List<AqlSearchablePath> artifactPaths = Lists.newArrayList(); for (FileInfo file : artifactsToPush) { artifactPaths.add(new AqlSearchablePath(file.getRepoPath())); } artifactsToPush = collectArtifactItemInfos(artifactPaths, getMapFromUploadInfoMultiSet(uploadInfo.getFilterProps())); } //applyToProps filtered out all files if (CollectionUtils.isNullOrEmpty(artifactsToPush)) { status.error("The 'applyToProps' field in the json descriptor contains one or more properties that " + "caused all artifacts to be filtered out, aborting operation", SC_BAD_REQUEST, log); } } /** * Remove json file\s from file list that's being pushed to Bintray, handles cases where more than one file was * found. * In case no json file was specified (as in pushing a build) and more than one was found in the artifact * list the most recent file will be used * * @param artifactsToPush List of artifacts that are about to be pushed to Bintray * @param specifiedJsonPath Path to specific json file to use - if the user has specified one (can be null) * @param status status holder of entire operation * @return the most recent bintray upload info json file found */ private FileInfo filterOutJsonFileFromArtifactsToPush(List<FileInfo> artifactsToPush, RepoPath specifiedJsonPath, BasicStatusHolder status) { List<FileInfo> uploadInfoFiles = Lists.newArrayList(); List<String> uploadInfoFileNames = Lists.newArrayList(); //Find all matches for the descriptor json file for (FileInfo file : artifactsToPush) { if (isBintrayJsonInfoFile(file.getName())) { uploadInfoFiles.add(file); uploadInfoFileNames.add(file.getRepoPath().toString()); } } if (uploadInfoFiles.isEmpty()) { //no json - special case for build-oriented operation only (when using override) return null; } FileInfo mostRecentJson = uploadInfoFiles.get(0); //More than one json matched the pattern - but a specific upload info file was specified if (specifiedJsonPath != null) { if (uploadInfoFiles.size() > 1) { status.warn("Found more than one descriptor, using the one specified by user: " + specifiedJsonPath, log); log.debug("Found bintray-info.json files: {}", Arrays.toString(uploadInfoFileNames.toArray())); } mostRecentJson = repoService.getFileInfo(specifiedJsonPath); } //Else, find latest modified (newest) json else if (uploadInfoFiles.size() > 1) { status.warn("Found more than one descriptor, using the most recent one", log); for (int i = 1; i < uploadInfoFiles.size(); i++) { if (uploadInfoFiles.get(i).getLastModified() > mostRecentJson.getLastModified()) { mostRecentJson = uploadInfoFiles.get(i); } } log.debug("Most recent descriptor found: {}, with last modified value: {}", mostRecentJson.getRepoPath().toString(), mostRecentJson.getLastModified()); } artifactsToPush.removeAll(uploadInfoFiles); return mostRecentJson; } /** * Create or update an existing Bintray Repository with the specified info * * @param repositoryDetails BintrayUploadInfo representing the supplied json file * @param subjectHandle SubjectHandle retrieved by the Bintray Java Client * @param status status holder of entire operation * @return a RepositoryHandle pointing to the created/updated repository * @throws Exception on any error occurred */ private RepositoryHandle createOrUpdateRepo(RepositoryDetails repositoryDetails, SubjectHandle subjectHandle, BasicStatusHolder status) throws Exception { String repoName = repositoryDetails.getName(); RepositoryHandle bintrayRepoHandle = subjectHandle.repository(repoName); try { if (!bintrayRepoExists(bintrayRepoHandle, status)) { //Repo doesn't exist - create it using the RepoDetails status.status("Creating repo " + repoName + " for subject " + bintrayRepoHandle.owner().name(), log); bintrayRepoHandle = subjectHandle.createRepo(repositoryDetails); } else if (repositoryDetails.getUpdateExisting() != null && repositoryDetails.getUpdateExisting()) { //Repo exists - update only if indicated status.status("Updating repo " + repoName + " with values taken from descriptor", log); bintrayRepoHandle.update(repositoryDetails); } } catch (BintrayCallException bce) { status.error(bce.getMessage() + ":" + bce.getReason(), bce.getStatusCode(), log); throw bce; } catch (IOException ioe) { log.debug("{}", ioe); throw ioe; } //Repo exists and should not be updated return bintrayRepoHandle; } /** * Create or update an existing Bintray Package with the specified info * * @param info BintrayUploadInfo representing the supplied json file * @param repositoryHandle RepositoryHandle retrieved by the Bintray Java Client * @param status status holder of entire operation * @return a PackageHandle pointing to the created/updated package * @throws Exception on any error occurred */ private PackageHandle createOrUpdatePackage(BintrayUploadInfo info, RepositoryHandle repositoryHandle, BasicStatusHolder status) throws Exception { PackageDetails pkgDetails = info.getPackageDetails(); PackageHandle packageHandle; packageHandle = repositoryHandle.pkg(pkgDetails.getName()); try { if (!packageHandle.exists()) { status.status("Package " + pkgDetails.getName() + " doesn't exist, creating it", log); packageHandle = repositoryHandle.createPkg(pkgDetails); } else { packageHandle.update(pkgDetails); } log.debug("Package {} created", packageHandle.get().name()); } catch (BintrayCallException bce) { status.error(bce.toString(), bce.getStatusCode(), bce, log); throw bce; } catch (IOException ioe) { log.debug("{}", ioe); throw ioe; } return packageHandle; } /** * Create or update an existing Bintray Package with the specified info * * @param info BintrayUploadInfo representing the supplied json file * @param packageHandle PackageHandle retrieved by the Bintray Java Client or by {@link #createOrUpdatePackage} * @param status status holder of entire operation * @return a VersionHandle pointing to the created/updated version * @throws Exception on any error occurred */ private VersionHandle createOrUpdateVersion(BintrayUploadInfo info, PackageHandle packageHandle, BasicStatusHolder status) throws Exception { VersionDetails versionDetails = info.getVersionDetails(); VersionHandle versionHandle = packageHandle.version(versionDetails.getName()); try { if (!versionHandle.exists()) { status.status("Version " + versionDetails.getName() + " doesn't exist, creating it", log); versionHandle = packageHandle.createVersion(versionDetails); } else { versionHandle.update(versionDetails); } log.debug("Version {} created", versionHandle.get().name()); } catch (BintrayCallException bce) { status.error(bce.toString(), bce.getStatusCode(), bce, log); throw bce; } catch (IOException ioe) { log.debug("{}", ioe); throw ioe; } return versionHandle; } private Multimap<String, String> getMapFromUploadInfoMultiSet(Set<Map<String, Collection<String>>> elements) { Multimap<String, String> elementsMap = HashMultimap.create(); if (CollectionUtils.isNullOrEmpty(elements)) { return elementsMap; } for (Map<String, Collection<String>> element : elements) { String key = element.keySet().iterator().next(); Collection<String> values = element.get(key); elementsMap.putAll(key, values); } return elementsMap; } //Collects a list of artifacts to push using an aql query, based on the descriptor's content or location private List<FileInfo> collectArtifactsToPushBasedOnDescriptor(FileInfo jsonFile, BintrayUploadInfo uploadInfo, BasicStatusHolder status) { List<AqlSearchablePath> artifactPaths = Lists.newArrayList(); Multimap<String, String> propsToFilterBy = getMapFromUploadInfoMultiSet(uploadInfo.getFilterProps()); boolean descriptorHasPaths = CollectionUtils.notNullOrEmpty(uploadInfo.getArtifactPaths()); boolean descriptorHasRelPaths = CollectionUtils.notNullOrEmpty(uploadInfo.getArtifactRelativePaths()); if (!descriptorHasPaths && !descriptorHasRelPaths) { if (propsToFilterBy.isEmpty()) { status.status( "The descriptor doesn't contain file paths and no properties to filter by were " + "specified , pushing everything under " + jsonFile.getRepoPath().getParent(), log); } else { status.status( "The descriptor doesn't contain file paths, pushing everything under " + jsonFile.getRepoPath().getParent() + " , filtered by the properties specified.", log); } artifactPaths = AqlUtils .getSearchablePathForCurrentFolderAndSubfolders(jsonFile.getRepoPath().getParent()); } else { try { if (descriptorHasPaths) { artifactPaths = AqlSearchablePath.fullPathToSearchablePathList(uploadInfo.getArtifactPaths()); } if (descriptorHasRelPaths) { artifactPaths.addAll(AqlSearchablePath.relativePathToSearchablePathList( uploadInfo.getArtifactRelativePaths(), jsonFile.getRepoPath().getParent())); } } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { status.error("Paths in the descriptor must point to a file or use a valid wildcard that denotes " + "several files (i.e. /*.*)", SC_BAD_REQUEST, iae, log); return null; } } List<FileInfo> artifactsToPush = collectArtifactItemInfos(artifactPaths, propsToFilterBy); filterOutJsonFileFromArtifactsToPush(artifactsToPush, jsonFile.getRepoPath(), status); //aql search returned no artifacts for query if (CollectionUtils.isNullOrEmpty(artifactsToPush)) { status.error("No artifacts found to push to Bintray, aborting operation", SC_NOT_FOUND, log); } return artifactsToPush; } /** * Searches for all Files defined in the supplied params. * The relation between each path is OR, and between each parameter is AND * The relation between parameters and paths is AND * * @param aqlSearchablePaths Paths (repository paths) in the AqlSearchablePath form * @param propertiesFilterList List of property name and values to filter the file list by * @return A list of file infos that represents the results aql returned */ private List<FileInfo> collectArtifactItemInfos(List<AqlSearchablePath> aqlSearchablePaths, Multimap<String, String> propertiesFilterList) { //Searching without any path at all is performance-risky... if (CollectionUtils.isNullOrEmpty(aqlSearchablePaths)) { return null; } AqlApiItem.AndClause rootFilterClause = AqlApiItem.and(); AqlApiItem.AndClause propertiesAndClause = AqlApiItem.and(); //Resolve patterned path or patterned file names, as well as direct paths AqlBase.OrClause artifactsPathOrClause = AqlUtils.getSearchClauseForPaths(aqlSearchablePaths); //Filter results by property key and value for (String key : propertiesFilterList.keySet()) { for (String value : propertiesFilterList.get(key)) { log.debug("Adding property {}, with value {} to artifact search query", key, value); propertiesAndClause.append(, AqlComparatorEnum.equals, value)); } } rootFilterClause.append(artifactsPathOrClause); rootFilterClause.append(propertiesAndClause); rootFilterClause.append(AqlApiItem.type().equal("file")); AqlApiItem artifactQuery = AqlApiItem.create().filter(rootFilterClause); List<FileInfo> itemInfoList = Lists.newArrayList(); List<RepoPath> itemInfoPaths = Lists.newArrayList(); AqlEagerResult<AqlItem> results = aqlService.executeQueryEager(artifactQuery); for (AqlItem result : results.getResults()) { RepoPath path = InternalRepoPathFactory.create(result.getRepo(), result.getPath() + "/" + result.getName()); itemInfoList.add(repoService.getFileInfo(path)); itemInfoPaths.add(path); } log.debug("BintaryService Artifact search returned the following artifacts: {}", Arrays.toString(itemInfoPaths.toArray())); return itemInfoList; } private BintrayConfigDescriptor getBintrayGlobalConfig() { BintrayConfigDescriptor bintrayDescriptor = centralConfig.getDescriptor().getBintrayConfig(); return bintrayDescriptor != null ? bintrayDescriptor : new BintrayConfigDescriptor(); } //Match anything as long as it has bintray-info in the name (case insensitive) and .json extension private boolean isBintrayJsonInfoFile(String fileName) { return fileName.matches("(?i)[\\s\\S]*bintray-info[\\s\\S]*.json"); } //0 is unlimited private int getFileUploadLimit() { return getBintrayGlobalConfig().getFileUploadLimit(); } /** * Handles signing the version according to the descriptor, override flag and passphrase (if given) */ private void signVersion(VersionHandle versionHandle, boolean descriptorGpgSign, Boolean gpgSignOverride, String gpgPassphrase, int fileCount, BasicStatusHolder status) { String signed = " - the version will be signed"; String notSigned = " - the version will not be signed"; // TODO: [by dan] I know this is ugly, but there are so many edge cases :( try { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(gpgPassphrase)) { String passphraseSent = "A passphrase was sent as a parameter to the command"; if (gpgSignOverride != null) { if (gpgSignOverride) { status.status(passphraseSent + ", and the gpgSign override flag was set to true" + signed, log); versionHandle.sign(gpgPassphrase, fileCount); } else { status.warn(passphraseSent + ", but the gpgSign override flag was set to false" + notSigned, log); } } else { if (descriptorGpgSign) { status.status( passphraseSent + " without an override, and the gpgSign flag in the descriptor" + " was set to true" + signed, log); versionHandle.sign(gpgPassphrase, fileCount); } else { status.warn( passphraseSent + "without an override, and the gpgSign flag in the descriptor was" + " set to false" + notSigned, log); } } } else if (gpgSignOverride != null) { if (gpgSignOverride) { status.status("The gpgSign override flag is set to true and no passphrase was given, attempting" + " to sign the version without a passphrase", log); versionHandle.sign(fileCount); } else { status.status("The gpgSign override flag is set to false" + notSigned, log); } } else { //no override - default to descriptor if (descriptorGpgSign) { status.status("The gpgSign flag in the descriptor is set to true, attempting to sign the " + "version without a passphrase", log); versionHandle.sign(fileCount); } } } catch (BintrayCallException bce) { status.error("Error while signing the version: " + bce.toString(), bce.getStatusCode(), log); } } }