Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * This file is part of FareBot.
 * Learn more at:
 * Copyright (C) 2014-2016 Eric Butler <>
 * Thanks to:
 * An anonymous contributor for reverse engineering Clipper data and providing
 * most of the code here.
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>.

package com.codebutler.farebot.transit.clipper;


import com.codebutler.farebot.base.util.ByteUtils;
import com.codebutler.farebot.card.desfire.DesfireCard;
import com.codebutler.farebot.card.desfire.RecordDesfireFile;
import com.codebutler.farebot.card.desfire.StandardDesfireFile;
import com.codebutler.farebot.transit.Refill;
import com.codebutler.farebot.transit.TransitFactory;
import com.codebutler.farebot.transit.TransitIdentity;
import com.codebutler.farebot.transit.Trip;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;

public class ClipperTransitFactory implements TransitFactory<DesfireCard, ClipperTransitInfo> {

    private static final int RECORD_LENGTH = 32;
    private static final long EPOCH_OFFSET = 0x83aa7f18;

    public boolean check(@NonNull DesfireCard card) {
        return (card.getApplication(0x9011f2) != null);

    public TransitIdentity parseIdentity(@NonNull DesfireCard card) {
        try {
            byte[] data = ((StandardDesfireFile) card.getApplication(0x9011f2).getFile(0x08)).getData().bytes();
            return TransitIdentity.create("Clipper", String.valueOf(ByteUtils.byteArrayToLong(data, 1, 4)));
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Error parsing Clipper serial", ex);

    public ClipperTransitInfo parseInfo(@NonNull DesfireCard card) {
        byte[] data;

        try {
            data = ((StandardDesfireFile) card.getApplication(0x9011f2).getFile(0x08)).getData().bytes();
            long serialNumber = ByteUtils.byteArrayToLong(data, 1, 4);

            data = ((StandardDesfireFile) card.getApplication(0x9011f2).getFile(0x02)).getData().bytes();
            short balance = (short) (((0xFF & data[18]) << 8) | (0xFF & data[19]));

            List<ClipperRefill> refills = parseRefills(card);
            List<ClipperTrip> trips = computeBalances(balance, parseTrips(card), refills);

            return ClipperTransitInfo.create(Long.toString(serialNumber), ImmutableList.<Trip>copyOf(trips),
                    ImmutableList.<Refill>copyOf(refills), balance);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Error parsing Clipper data", ex);

    private static List<ClipperTrip> computeBalances(long balance, @NonNull List<ClipperTrip> trips,
            @NonNull List<ClipperRefill> refills) {
        List<ClipperTrip> tripsWithBalance = new ArrayList<>(Collections.nCopies(trips.size(), (ClipperTrip) null));
        int tripIdx = 0;
        int refillIdx = 0;
        while (tripIdx < trips.size()) {
            while (refillIdx < refills.size()
                    && refills.get(refillIdx).getTimestamp() > trips.get(tripIdx).getTimestamp()) {
                balance -= refills.get(refillIdx).getAmount();
            tripsWithBalance.set(tripIdx, trips.get(tripIdx).toBuilder().balance(balance).build());
            balance += trips.get(tripIdx).getFare();
        return tripsWithBalance;

    private static List<ClipperTrip> parseTrips(@NonNull DesfireCard card) {
        StandardDesfireFile file = (StandardDesfireFile) card.getApplication(0x9011f2).getFile(0x0e);
         *  This file reads very much like a record file but it professes to
         *  be only a regular file.  As such, we'll need to extract the records
         *  manually.
        byte[] data = file.getData().bytes();
        int pos = data.length - RECORD_LENGTH;
        List<ClipperTrip> result = new ArrayList<>();
        while (pos > 0) {
            byte[] slice = ByteUtils.byteArraySlice(data, pos, RECORD_LENGTH);
            final ClipperTrip trip = createTrip(slice);
            if (trip != null) {
                // Some transaction types are temporary -- remove previous trip with the same timestamp.
                ClipperTrip existingTrip = Iterables.tryFind(result, new Predicate<ClipperTrip>() {
                    public boolean apply(ClipperTrip otherTrip) {
                        return trip.getTimestamp() == otherTrip.getTimestamp();
                if (existingTrip != null) {
                    if (existingTrip.getExitTimestamp() != 0) {
                        // Old trip has exit timestamp, and is therefore better.
                        pos -= RECORD_LENGTH;
                    } else {
            pos -= RECORD_LENGTH;

        Collections.sort(result, new Trip.Comparator());

        return result;

    private static ClipperTrip createTrip(byte[] useData) {
        // Use a magic number to offset the timestamp
        final long timestamp = ByteUtils.byteArrayToLong(useData, 0xc, 4) - EPOCH_OFFSET;
        final long exitTimestamp = ByteUtils.byteArrayToLong(useData, 0x10, 4);
        final long fare = ByteUtils.byteArrayToLong(useData, 0x6, 2);
        final long agency = ByteUtils.byteArrayToLong(useData, 0x2, 2);
        final long from = ByteUtils.byteArrayToLong(useData, 0x14, 2);
        final long to = ByteUtils.byteArrayToLong(useData, 0x16, 2);
        final long route = ByteUtils.byteArrayToLong(useData, 0x1c, 2);

        if (agency == 0) {
            return null;

        return ClipperTrip.builder().timestamp(timestamp).exitTimestamp(exitTimestamp).fare(fare).agency(agency)
                .from(from).to(to).route(route).balance(0) // Filled in later

    private static List<ClipperRefill> parseRefills(@NonNull DesfireCard card) {
        RecordDesfireFile file = (RecordDesfireFile) card.getApplication(0x9011f2).getFile(0x04);

         *  This file reads very much like a record file but it professes to
         *  be only a regular file.  As such, we'll need to extract the records
         *  manually.
        byte[] data = file.getData().bytes();
        int pos = data.length - RECORD_LENGTH;
        List<ClipperRefill> result = new ArrayList<>();
        while (pos > 0) {
            byte[] slice = ByteUtils.byteArraySlice(data, pos, RECORD_LENGTH);
            ClipperRefill refill = createRefill(slice);
            if (refill != null) {
            pos -= RECORD_LENGTH;
        Collections.sort(result, new Comparator<ClipperRefill>() {
            public int compare(ClipperRefill r, ClipperRefill r1) {
                return Long.valueOf(r1.getTimestamp()).compareTo(r.getTimestamp());
        return result;

    private static ClipperRefill createRefill(byte[] useData) {
        final long timestamp = ByteUtils.byteArrayToLong(useData, 0x4, 4);
        final long agency = ByteUtils.byteArrayToLong(useData, 0x2, 2);
        final long machineid = ByteUtils.byteArrayToLong(useData, 0x8, 4);
        final long amount = ByteUtils.byteArrayToLong(useData, 0xe, 2);
        if (timestamp == 0) {
            return null;
        return ClipperRefill.create(timestamp - EPOCH_OFFSET, amount, agency, machineid);