List of usage examples for Iterables isEmpty
public static boolean isEmpty(Iterable<?> iterable)
From source
@Override protected void compile(XtendBatchCompiler xtend2BatchCompiler, String classPath, List<String> sourceDirectories, String outputPath) throws MojoExecutionException { configureWorkspace(sourceDirectories, outputPath); this.resourceSetProvider.get().eAdapters().clear(); xtend2BatchCompiler.setResourceSetProvider(this.resourceSetProvider); MavenProjectAdapter.install(this.resourceSetProvider.get(), this.project); Iterable<String> filtered = Iterables.filter(sourceDirectories, FILE_EXISTS); if (Iterables.isEmpty(filtered)) { getLog().info("skip compiling sources because the configured directory '" //$NON-NLS-1$ + Iterables.toString(sourceDirectories) + "' does not exists."); //$NON-NLS-1$ return;/*from w w w. jav a2*/ } getLog().debug("Set temp directory: " + getTempDirectory()); //$NON-NLS-1$ xtend2BatchCompiler.setTempDirectory(getTempDirectory()); getLog().debug("Set DeleteTempDirectory: " + false); //$NON-NLS-1$ xtend2BatchCompiler.setDeleteTempDirectory(false); getLog().debug("Set classpath: " + classPath); //$NON-NLS-1$ xtend2BatchCompiler.setClassPath(classPath); getLog().debug("Set source path: " + Strings.concat(File.pathSeparator, Lists.newArrayList(filtered))); //$NON-NLS-1$ xtend2BatchCompiler.setSourcePath(Strings.concat(File.pathSeparator, Lists.newArrayList(filtered))); getLog().debug("Set output path: " + outputPath); //$NON-NLS-1$ xtend2BatchCompiler.setOutputPath(outputPath); getLog().debug("Set encoding: " + this.encoding); //$NON-NLS-1$ xtend2BatchCompiler.setFileEncoding(this.encoding); getLog().debug("Set writeTraceFiles: " + this.writeTraceFiles); //$NON-NLS-1$ xtend2BatchCompiler.setWriteTraceFiles(this.writeTraceFiles); if (!xtend2BatchCompiler.compile()) { throw new MojoExecutionException("Error compiling xtend sources in '" //$NON-NLS-1$ + Strings.concat(File.pathSeparator, Lists.newArrayList(filtered)) + "'."); //$NON-NLS-1$ } }
From source
/** * Removes entries in {@code valuesToInject} whose values are equal to the present values in the * graph./*from w ww .j av a2 s. co m*/ */ private void pruneInjectedValues(Map<SkyKey, SkyValue> valuesToInject) { for (Iterator<Entry<SkyKey, SkyValue>> it = valuesToInject.entrySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Entry<SkyKey, SkyValue> entry =; SkyKey key = entry.getKey(); SkyValue newValue = entry.getValue(); NodeEntry prevEntry = graph.get(null, Reason.OTHER, key); if (prevEntry != null && prevEntry.isDone()) { try { Iterable<SkyKey> directDeps = prevEntry.getDirectDeps(); Preconditions.checkState(Iterables.isEmpty(directDeps), "existing entry for %s has deps: %s", key, directDeps); if (newValue.equals(prevEntry.getValue()) && !valuesToDirty.contains(key) && !valuesToDelete.contains(key)) { it.remove(); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("InMemoryGraph does not throw: " + entry + ", " + prevEntry, e); } } } }
From source
private Iterable<? extends CommittedBundle<?>> commitBundles(Iterable<? extends UncommittedBundle<?>> bundles) { ImmutableList.Builder<CommittedBundle<?>> completed = ImmutableList.builder(); for (UncommittedBundle<?> inProgress : bundles) { AppliedPTransform<?, ?, ?> producing = graph.getProducer(inProgress.getPCollection()); TransformWatermarks watermarks = watermarkManager.getWatermarks(producing); CommittedBundle<?> committed = inProgress.commit(watermarks.getSynchronizedProcessingOutputTime()); // Empty bundles don't impact watermarks and shouldn't trigger downstream execution, so // filter them out if (!Iterables.isEmpty(committed.getElements())) { completed.add(committed);/*w w w . ja v a 2 s . c o m*/ } } return; }
From source
private List<Variable> computeVariableListFromListValue(IIssueCallback validator, final Pattern pattern, ValueReference listValue, String issueCode) { List<Variable> variables = Lists.newArrayList(); Iterable<VariableReference> variableReferenceList = transformVariableReferenceList(listValue); Iterable<StringValue> stringValueList = transformStringList(listValue); if (!Iterables.isEmpty(variableReferenceList) && !Iterables.isEmpty(stringValueList)) { validator.error("Must not mix string and variable values!", listValue, null, issueCode); }/*from ww w . jav a 2 s . c o m*/ for (StringValue key : stringValueList) { Optional<Variable> parameterByName = PatternLanguageHelper.getParameterByName(pattern, key.getValue()); if (parameterByName.isPresent()) { variables.add(parameterByName.get()); validator.warning("Deprecated: remove quotes to use variable reference instead!", key, null, issueCode); } else { validator.error(key.getValue() + " is not a pattern parameter!", key, null, issueCode); } } for (VariableReference key : variableReferenceList) { if (key.getVariable() != null) { variables.add(key.getVariable()); } } return variables; }
From source
/** * Returns a mutable List of the source Artifacts. *///from w ww .ja v a 2s. com public List<Artifact> validateSrcs() { List<Artifact> sourceFiles = new ArrayList<>(); // TODO(bazel-team): Need to get the transitive deps closure, not just the // sources of the rule. for (TransitiveInfoCollection src : ruleContext.getPrerequisitesIf("srcs", Mode.TARGET, FileProvider.class)) { // Make sure that none of the sources contain hyphens. if (Util.containsHyphen(src.getLabel().getPackageFragment())) { ruleContext.attributeError("srcs", src.getLabel() + ": paths to Python packages may not contain '-'"); } Iterable<Artifact> pySrcs = FileType.filter(src.getProvider(FileProvider.class).getFilesToBuild(), PyRuleClasses.PYTHON_SOURCE); Iterables.addAll(sourceFiles, pySrcs); if (Iterables.isEmpty(pySrcs)) { ruleContext.attributeWarning("srcs", "rule '" + src.getLabel() + "' does not produce any Python source files"); } } LanguageDependentFragment.Checker.depsSupportsLanguage(ruleContext, PyRuleClasses.LANGUAGE); return convertedFiles != null ? ImmutableList.copyOf(convertedFiles.values()) : sourceFiles; }
From source
/** * Prints the list of instance variables in a type. *//*from ww w . ja v a*/ protected void printInstanceVariables() { Iterable<VariableDeclarationFragment> fields = getInstanceFields(); if (Iterables.isEmpty(fields)) { newline(); return; } // Need direct access to fields possibly from inner classes that are // promoted to top level classes, so must make all visible fields public. println(" {"); println(" @public"); indent(); FieldDeclaration lastDeclaration = null; boolean needsAsterisk = false; for (VariableDeclarationFragment fragment : fields) { IVariableBinding varBinding = fragment.getVariableBinding(); FieldDeclaration declaration = (FieldDeclaration) fragment.getParent(); if (declaration != lastDeclaration) { if (lastDeclaration != null) { println(";"); } lastDeclaration = declaration; JavadocGenerator.printDocComment(getBuilder(), declaration.getJavadoc()); printIndent(); if (BindingUtil.isWeakReference(varBinding) && !BindingUtil.isVolatile(varBinding)) { // We must add this even without -use-arc because the header may be // included by a file compiled with ARC. print("__unsafe_unretained "); } String objcType = getDeclarationType(varBinding); needsAsterisk = objcType.endsWith("*"); if (needsAsterisk) { // Strip pointer from type, as it will be added when appending fragment. // This is necessary to create "Foo *one, *two;" declarations. objcType = objcType.substring(0, objcType.length() - 2); } print(objcType); print(' '); } else { print(", "); } if (needsAsterisk) { print('*'); } print(nameTable.getVariableShortName(varBinding)); } println(";"); unindent(); println("}"); }
From source
@Override public Map<KeyValueService, NavigableSet<byte[]>> getServicesForRowsRead(String tableName, Iterable<byte[]> rows) { Map<KeyValueService, NavigableSet<byte[]>> result = Maps.newHashMap(); for (byte[] row : rows) { Set<KeyValueService> services = getServicesHavingRow(row); for (KeyValueService kvs : services) { if (!result.containsKey(kvs)) { result.put(kvs, Sets.<byte[]>newTreeSet(UnsignedBytes.lexicographicalComparator())); }/*from w ww .ja v a 2 s . c om*/ assert !result.get(kvs).contains(row); result.get(kvs).add(row); } } if (!Iterables.isEmpty(rows)) { assert result.keySet().size() >= quorumParameters.getReplicationFactor(); } return result; }
From source
private void assertLibraryOrSources(ObjcProvider objcProvider, RuleContext ruleContext) throws RuleErrorException { if (Iterables.isEmpty(objcProvider.get(LIBRARY)) // Includes sources from this target. && Iterables.isEmpty(objcProvider.get(IMPORTED_LIBRARY))) { ruleContext.throwWithRuleError(REQUIRES_AT_LEAST_ONE_LIBRARY_OR_SOURCE_FILE); }// www . ja v a2s.c o m }
From source
private Map<Cell, Value> getRowsAllColumns(final String tableName, final Iterable<byte[]> rows, final long timestamp) { if (Iterables.isEmpty(rows)) { return ImmutableMap.of(); }//from w ww . java2s. co m return run(new Function<DSLContext, Map<Cell, Value>>() { @Override public Map<Cell, Value> apply(DSLContext ctx) { Select<? extends Record> query = getLatestTimestampQueryAllColumns(ctx, tableName, ImmutableList.copyOf(rows), timestamp); Result<? extends Record> records = fetchValues(ctx, tableName, query); Map<Cell, Value> results = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(records.size()); for (Record record : records) { results.put(Cell.create(record.getValue(A_ROW_NAME), record.getValue(A_COL_NAME)), Value.create(record.getValue(A_VALUE), record.getValue(A_TIMESTAMP))); } return results; } }); }
From source
private void setArtifactInfo(Map<String, Object> ymlManifest, ArtifactInfo artifactInfo, ApplicationInfo applicationInfo) { Map<String, Object> subMap = (Map<String, Object>) ymlManifest.get(RootManifestKeys.resources.getName()); if (subMap != null) artifactInfo.setResourceRequirements(toRequirements(subMap)); String value = toString(ymlManifest.get(RootManifestKeys.language.getName())); if (value != null) artifactInfo.setLanguage(languageFromString(value)); updateValue(ymlManifest, artifactInfo, ArtifactInfo._Fields.BIN, ArtifactKeys.bin); updateValue(ymlManifest, artifactInfo, ArtifactInfo._Fields.PURGEABLE, ArtifactKeys.purgeable, Boolean.class, Optional.of(false)); updateValue(ymlManifest, artifactInfo, ArtifactInfo._Fields.SYSTEM_LOGFILE_DISABLED, ArtifactKeys.disableSystemLogfile, Boolean.class, Optional.of(false)); Iterable<String> iterable = (Iterable<String>) ymlManifest.get(ArtifactKeys.config.getName()); if (iterable != null && !Iterables.isEmpty(iterable)) { artifactInfo.setConfig(Sets.newHashSet(iterable)); }/*from w w w . java2s . co m*/ setApplicationInfo(ymlManifest, applicationInfo, false); Map<String, Object> innerArtifactInfo = (Map<String, Object>) ymlManifest .get(RootManifestKeys.artifactInfo.getName()); if (innerArtifactInfo != null) setArtifactInfo(innerArtifactInfo, artifactInfo, applicationInfo); }