List of usage examples for Iterables isEmpty
public static boolean isEmpty(Iterable<?> iterable)
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/** * Schedules a build with the given projects. Does nothing if the {@link Platform platform} is not running, or the * iterable of projects is empty.// ww w . j a va 2 s .c o m * * @param toUpdate * an iterable of projects to build. */ public void scheduleBuildIfNecessary(final Iterable<IProject> toUpdate) { if (Platform.isRunning() && !Iterables.isEmpty(toUpdate)) { final Workspace workspace = (Workspace) ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace(); final IBuildConfiguration[] projectsToReBuild = from(asList(workspace.getBuildOrder())) .filter(config -> Iterables.contains(toUpdate, config.getProject())) .toArray(IBuildConfiguration.class); if (!Arrays2.isEmpty(projectsToReBuild)) { new RebuildWorkspaceProjectsJob(projectsToReBuild).schedule(); } } }
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/** * Checks all constraints of all config keys available to an entity. * <p>/*from w w w. j a v a2 s .c om*/ * If a constraint is a {@link BrooklynObjectPredicate} then * {@link BrooklynObjectPredicate#apply(Object, BrooklynObject)} will be used. */ public static void assertValid(Entity entity) { Iterable<ConfigKey<?>> violations = new EntityConfigConstraints(entity).getViolations(); if (!Iterables.isEmpty(violations)) { throw new ConstraintViolationException(errorMessage(entity, violations)); } }
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public GntpMessageResponse parse(String s) { Iterable<String> splitted = separatorSplitter.split(s); Preconditions.checkState(!Iterables.isEmpty(splitted), "Empty message received from Growl"); Iterator<String> iter = splitted.iterator(); String statusLine =; Preconditions.checkState(// w ww. j ava 2 s . co m statusLine.startsWith(GntpMessage.PROTOCOL_ID + "/" + GntpVersion.ONE_DOT_ZERO.toString()), "Unknown protocol version"); Iterable<String> statusLineIterable = statusLineSplitter.split(statusLine); String messageTypeText = Iterables.get(statusLineIterable, 1).substring(1); GntpMessageType messageType = GntpMessageType.valueOf(messageTypeText); Map<String, String> headers = Maps.newHashMap(); while (iter.hasNext()) { String[] splittedHeader =":", 2); headers.put(splittedHeader[0], splittedHeader[1].trim()); } switch (messageType) { case OK: return createOkMessage(headers); case CALLBACK: return createCallbackMessage(headers); case ERROR: return createErrorMessage(headers); default: throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown response message type: " + messageType); } }
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/** Returns the latest element in a {@link DateTime} iterable. */ public static DateTime latestOf(Iterable<DateTime> dates) { checkArgument(!Iterables.isEmpty(dates)); return Ordering.<DateTime>natural().max(dates); }
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public IOutlineNode[] filterAndSort(Iterable<IOutlineNode> nodes) { final Iterable<IFilter> enabledFilters = getEnabledFilters(); Iterable<IOutlineNode> filteredNodes = null; if (Iterables.isEmpty(enabledFilters)) { filteredNodes = nodes;//from w w w . ja v a 2 s .com } else { filteredNodes = Iterables.filter(nodes, new Predicate<IOutlineNode>() { @Override public boolean apply(final IOutlineNode node) { return Iterables.all(enabledFilters, new Predicate<IFilter>() { @Override public boolean apply(IFilter filter) { return filter.apply(node); } }); } }); } IOutlineNode[] nodesAsArray = Iterables.toArray(filteredNodes, IOutlineNode.class); if (comparator != null && isSortingEnabled()) Arrays.sort(nodesAsArray, comparator); return nodesAsArray; }
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public static boolean isEmpty(Object obj) { Preconditions.checkArgument(obj != null); if (obj instanceof Traversal) return !((Traversal) obj).hasNext(); else if (obj instanceof Collection) return ((Collection) obj).isEmpty(); else if (obj instanceof Iterable) return Iterables.isEmpty((Iterable) obj); else if (obj instanceof Iterator) return !((Iterator) obj).hasNext(); else if (obj.getClass().isArray()) return Array.getLength(obj) == 0; throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot determine size of: " + obj); }
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/** * Evaluates the {@link Targets} element for {@link MiningFunctionType#REGRESSION regression} models. *//*ww w . j a va 2 s .co m*/ static public Map<FieldName, ? extends Number> evaluateRegression(Map<FieldName, ? extends Number> predictions, ModelEvaluationContext context) { ModelEvaluator<?> modelEvaluator = context.getModelEvaluator(); Targets targets = modelEvaluator.getTargets(); if (targets == null || Iterables.isEmpty(targets)) { return predictions; } Map<FieldName, Number> result = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(); Collection<? extends Map.Entry<FieldName, ? extends Number>> entries = predictions.entrySet(); for (Map.Entry<FieldName, ? extends Number> entry : entries) { FieldName key = entry.getKey(); Number value = entry.getValue(); Target target = modelEvaluator.getTarget(key); if (target != null) { if (value == null) { value = getDefaultValue(target); } // End if if (value != null) { value = processValue(target, value); } } result.put(key, value); } return result; }
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@Override @SuppressFBWarnings(value = "DE_MIGHT_IGNORE", justification = "Any exceptions are to be ignored") public Boolean apply(final Iterable input) { if (null == input) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Input cannot be null"); }// w w w. j a v a2s .c o m try { return Iterables.isEmpty(input); } finally { CloseableUtil.close(input); } }
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private static boolean contains(Iterable<Link> list) { if (list == null) return false; return !Iterables.isEmpty(list); }
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@Override public void run() throws Exception { Iterable<DatastoreBackupInfo> backups = DatastoreBackupService.get().findAllByNamePrefix(snapshotName); if (Iterables.isEmpty(backups)) { System.err.println("No snapshot found with name: " + snapshotName); return;/*from w ww . j a va 2s . c o m*/ } for (DatastoreBackupInfo backup : backups) { System.out.println(backup.getInformation()); } }